Having met the doomed eyes of the HR manager after yet another interview with applicants for an open vacancy, you acutely begin to feel the relevance of the saying “For one beaten, they give two unbeaten.” Experienced HR people characterize current candidates for the most part as “underprepared,” “too ambitious,” and “empty-eyed.” Finding a worthy contender in such a market takes a lot of work. And when you managed to develop a promising candidate good specialist, then it is doubly unpleasant if one fine day a statement “by at will».

To begin, invite the specialist who wishes to leave your company for a conversation. During the conversation, find out why the employee made the decision to dismissal whether he has already found a new place of work and what attracts him there. Try to maintain an even, interested and friendly style of conversation, then instead of formal answers, the employee will sincerely tell you what he is not happy with in his current job and likes in his new one. This way, you will get a detailed picture of the demotivators and motivators of this particular person and will be able to choose the most adequate and often less expensive than a salary increase, or even free, ways to motivate the employee.

The reasons why an employee decides to quit can be very diverse, but in general they can be divided into four groups.

The problem of dissatisfaction with the reward system

Discontent wages and by means of material incentives (bonus system, social package) is expressed in the phrases “I’m paid too little,” “I don’t have enough to live on,” “on the market, work similar to mine is paid higher.”


If your company provides employees with a good social package, then invite the employee to calculate together how much the organization spends per year on his training, food, transportation, gifts, corporate evenings, voluntary medical insurance (and further on points social package). Divide the resulting amount by 12 and add to the salary, perhaps the final amount will be more than the salary offered at the new place. And besides, often after such simple arithmetic, an employee suddenly begins to realize that in the new place he forgot to clarify some details (for example, whether he will be fed and transported home in the evening at the company’s expense), and more clearly realizes what he may lose.

If the first option does not suit you, then you can review the remuneration system (not to be confused with a salary increase). For example, redistribute the workload. If there are two strong and one weak specialists working in a department, maybe it makes sense to get rid of the weak one, and accordingly redistribute the workload and payroll (payroll fund) to the two remaining strong ones? Or another option: enter the variable part wages, which will directly depend on the employee exceeding the established standards. Perhaps you can offer this specialist some extra work in yours or in affiliated companies.

Pay attention to the employee bonus system. If his activities are highly effective and the results of his work bring tangible economic benefits to the company, then the employee can be offered a bonus based on the results of projects implemented with his participation or under his leadership.

If a specialist is so good that the workload of an 8-hour working day can easily be reduced to 4 hours, and his constant presence at the workplace is not required, then it makes sense to offer him a shortened working day or a reduced working week, so that in the remaining time he can find sources additional earnings.

For the same purpose, you can offer your employee such modern form work, such as remote work, when an employee works remotely from the office (at home or basking in the rays of the Mediterranean sun), and information exchange with him takes place over the network.

The problem of self-actualization (self-realization)

Your employee does not see prospects for his development; feels underappreciated; believes that its potential is not being fully exploited. The problem of self-actualization can largely cause the dismissal of highly qualified specialists. Unfortunately, the company does not always have the development potential to satisfy the need for self-realization of a specialist, but, it must be said, there are, as a rule, not many such specialists. Therefore, we will consider this issue more broadly, not only in terms of strictly professional self-realization.

So, if an employee can and wants to do more:

  • offer him a job in a new position or in a new project;
  • set more complex tasks for him, delegate some of his powers and expand his range of responsibilities;
  • if your company does not have the opportunity to promote an employee, find out whether affiliated companies may have a higher and more responsible position for an employee who has “grown out of the shirt of an ordinary specialist”;
  • demonstrate the value of his experience: seek his advice as an expert in his field;
  • If you have such an opportunity, change the employee's work schedule so that the person has time to free time to self-actualize in another place or in another field (for example, he could engage in consulting, etc.);
  • if an employee’s zone of self-actualization lies outside of work, give him the opportunity to disclose creative potential, for example, appoint him responsible for holding corporate events, leading a corporate blog, editor of an internal corporate website; offer to write a script, direct and host a corporate evening. A specialist’s poetic talent can result in writing poems to congratulate colleagues, and singing skills can result in writing a company anthem, which, performed by the author, can be placed on a corporate audio screensaver (a video that is heard by everyone who calls the company);
  • Here it is necessary to mention a special category of employees for whom the external manifestation of their status is important. Promise such an employee delivery to work by a personal driver and a separate office with a sign - and this will immediately increase your rating as an employer.

Interoperability problem(psychological discomfort)

The employee did not find a common language with colleagues, management, or subordinates. As a rule, such problems do not arise suddenly, they are deeply rooted, and they must be solved comprehensively and, of course, not at the moment of dismissal of the employee, but much earlier - when the employee is hired.

  • Properly carry out the procedure for adapting employees in the team, do not leave it to chance, track and describe the regulations that both new and old employees must follow, thanks to which new employee In a short time you will feel confident and comfortable in the workplace.
  • Enter fundamental principles interactions between employees that, if not exclude, then minimize interpersonal conflicts. For example: “Treat others the way you want to be treated,” “When crossing the threshold of the office, leave your likes and dislikes at the door,” “If you criticize, make suggestions.” These principles must be communicated to every new employee.
  • Regulate the “manager-subordinate” relationship in the “Management Code” document, which is built on the foundation of respect for the employee’s personality and must be strictly observed by all company managers.
  • In a difficult case, when a specialist is extremely important and irreplaceable, but at the same time shows antisocial tendencies in behavior, you can simply isolate him: provide him with a separate room (without colleagues) or the opportunity to work from home (remotely), etc.

The problem of dissatisfaction with working conditions

This is a group of the most numerous, but least significant reasons for dismissal for a specialist. The reasons for quitting in this case are very varied: “my computer is not powerful enough”; “the office is far from my home”; “every day I have to deal with the issue of lunch”; “I’m not satisfied with the work schedule,” etc. Positive point for the company to solve this problem is that the reasons are obvious, as well as their solution - a social package. Negative point: as a rule, resolving issues of dissatisfaction with working conditions is associated with significant costs on the part of employers. Agree, replacement of the office equipment fleet, upgrade personal computers, the introduction of evening transportation of employees to their homes and the organization of meals costs significant money and time. However, if you are willing to spend money on making sure your employees are comfortable in the workplace, your efforts will pay off in that you will be less likely to have to spend money on hiring new ones. Believe me, for a certain part of people, your care shown in the social package provided is of much greater value than the vagueness of prospects in a new place, even for more money.

Here important point is an individual approach to providing benefits paid for by the company: for some, a subscription to a fitness center or a trip to a sanatorium for a sick child will be valuable, for another, evening delivery home is important, and for a third, a car is their own, and a gas coupon is just that what exactly he needs. Only in this case will the formal phrase “social package” be perceived by employees as a warm expression of “taking care of me” and include high-order internal motivators, thanks to which the employee remains with the company for a long time.

Having learned about a specialist’s desire to leave the company, ask the question: “Is it worth keeping?” If your answer is a clear “yes,” don’t rush to offer a salary increase as the only argument. We are all different, and what motivates us is successful work different things: some are attracted by the stability of the company, others are satisfied that the office is “close by”, others like the team. Finding a dominant motivator (or group of motivators) means finding the key to the zealous heart of a rebellious employee.

Photo:pixabay. com

Olga BEKEROVA, director of personnel and organizational development of the network veterinary clinics and Eurovet pharmacies:

The situation described is not simple. On the one hand, if a valuable specialist is going to quit, and such people cannot be found on the labor market during the day, then, of course, management will try to find out what the person is not happy with at the moment.

Until now, only a few companies use a system of individual motivation; the rest live by the principle “ask for nothing, and it’s good.” In this case, demonstrating a desire to quit is a way to signal an underestimation of oneself as a specialist. It's possible that salary expectations this employee is slightly higher than the existing remuneration and, probably, they are justified, since there are often cases when the salaries of “old” employees are not increased (while new ones are being hired for a lot of money).

However, if the desire to quit is demonstrated more than once or twice, then management may eventually become tired of such opposition. And although it will be difficult to fill the vacancy, nevertheless, not a single company will make concessions endlessly.

Natalya PROKOFIEVA, general manager"Consulting group "IQ Personnel":

If an employer is interested in an employee, then, of course, he will try to keep him. For example, it will offer more favorable conditions, in particular in terms of wages. Of course, everything will depend primarily on what goal the specialist pursues when looking for a new job and why he leaves. Usually, a competent manager finds out all this and offers mutually beneficial conditions. Now employers are mainly trying to retain their employees, considering this strategy more profitable for business than searching for new personnel. However, they retain only those specialists in whom they are truly extremely interested.

Olga SHMYREVA, HR specialist recruiting company"Neva-Personal":

In this case, much depends on the reasons for the employee’s dismissal. The employer has the power to retain him when it comes to material wealth, moral and psychological attitude, motivation and interest in the content of the activity - you can always agree on mutually beneficial conditions. But there are situations that can be called family and personal circumstances of changing jobs. The specialist is forced to look for another place, even if he is satisfied with everything at the current one. The manager can only humanly understand the employee and part with him correctly.

Elena GRABEZHEVA, General Director of Expert Retailer LLC:

A question from the category of “how to climb a Christmas tree without getting pricked.” My personal opinion is that even a valuable employee cannot be spoiled. He needs to be appreciated and let him feel it. The desire to quit does not arise out of nowhere, and conflict resolution can be facilitated by a frank conversation, identifying the employee’s unmet needs and assessing the possibility of meeting them, explaining the employee’s expectations, and the employer explaining the criteria for evaluating work, and searching for compromise options. An adequate employee will definitely appreciate this attitude. If a person is overcome by “star fever” and words are useless, for me personally he loses his value. So why keep him?

It is very important to catch the moment when a valuable employee is just starting to think about changing jobs, then it is possible to influence his mood. I believe that if a person has decided to quit, he has found new job and came to the employer to announce this, educational work useless, the train, as they say, has left. We must always remember that we work with living people, they are not slaves. Managerial mistakes and inattention to staff can be very costly for the company. In any case, sincere recognition of each other’s merits and jointly achieved results helps not to spoil the relationship.

Svetlana VOLCHEK, General Director recruitment agency"Accord Personnel":

Employers have different views on the departure of valuable employees: some believe that no one is irreplaceable, but most understand that 20% of a company’s key employees bring 80% of its success. That's why leaders invent and use various ways retention of valuable employees. It often happens that such methods are effective when an employee has planned his departure. Of course, one of the most common methods is increasing wages, but this does not always work, because it has a short-term effect and causes a negative reaction from the team. Therefore, the employee is offered participation in a new project, expansion of the range of responsibilities, transfer to branches or divisions under other conditions, training, advanced training...

If a specialist is interested in new conditions, is interested in the company, he should agree and correctly assess his strengths in order to fulfill all the functions and obligations he has assumed in the future. Of course, it happens that employees begin to abuse their position - they threaten with dismissal, but an experienced HR manager will always be able to determine the truth of a person’s intentions, after which dismissal invariably follows. The main thing is to know when to stop.

According to HeadHunter, the number of vacancies in sales by the end of 2013 increased by 25% compared to 2012. So it's not hard to imagine a situation where a key sales employee decides to leave the company. However, do not try to keep him - sometimes it is better to let the employee go. How to understand the reasons for the departure of a valuable manager and prevent future loss of personnel?

If a resignation letter from a valuable or even key employee lands on your desk commercial service, don’t worry: this happens to every manager from time to time. As a rule, each company has its own corporate policy in such cases: in some places it is not customary to persuade employees to change their decision, be it an ordinary manager or a top executive, but in others they retain valuable specialists by preparing the so-called counteroffer. By the way, employers are making counteroffers more and more often (more about this in the article “Trends 2014”, “KD” “No.” 1 for 2014. - Ed.).

Before responding to a resignation letter, conduct an initial analysis of the situation and try to understand the reasons why the employee decided to leave the company.

We conduct an interview with an employee: the main thing is trust and honesty

At this stage, your main task will be to find out the true reasons for the specialist’s departure. There are two ways to get information. The first is inviting the employee to an open dialogue. You can have this conversation yourself commercial director, if a trusting relationship has developed between him and the employee. It is important not to put pressure on the employee; you should not reproach him, condemn his actions and accuse him of ingratitude. Listen carefully to your interlocutor, ask more open questions, which do not require monosyllabic answers. Try to find out why he made such a decision, whether it is final or the situation can be corrected, what exactly served as a catalyst and other points. However, not everyone trusts the boss, so the employee may be insincere or not make contact at all. Then it will be better if an HR manager or a colleague whom he trusts talks to him. Such conversations are very useful, because even if the employee cannot be dissuaded from leaving, management will be able to identify problems that need to be eliminated in order to avoid similar situations in the future.

The second way is to use the Secret Recruiter method. It cannot be classified as ethical, but it is used by some companies. So, a representative contacts the manager recruiting agency, asking whether he is considering job offers, promising assistance in finding vacancies and, at the same time, finding out the reasons for dismissal from his previous job. In addition to the ethical aspect, there is a risk that the employee will suspect something, so this method can only be used if the employee’s resume is publicly available.

Analyzing the received data

Exit interview data must be recorded. You don't have to use it for this special programs- a table in Word or Excel is enough.

The classifier table will help identify systemic reasons for dismissals: an ill-conceived motivation scheme, lack of career prospects, or problems of relationships within the team. For example, we maintain a card of dismissed employees in the 1C:Enterprise program (table). In this case, specific information is very important, so the classifier can be divided into two levels - general and specific.
If desired, the manager can leave free-form comments in the table. Let's take a closer look at the three most common reasons for dismissal and the algorithm for working with each of them.

Reason 1. Low wages

It's no secret that sales managers are primarily focused on good material rewards. If the employee who has submitted his resignation is dissatisfied with his salary, there is reason to wonder: is it worth retaining him by revising the level of compensation just for him? As practice shows, even a salary increase in such a situation can only keep an employee for a short time - he will still quit, just later, after a maximum of six months. However, some companies are going to review wages in order to find a replacement specialist during this period.

It is important to find out whether the manager told his colleagues about his decision. If so, it’s certainly not worth keeping him, otherwise a group of the most valuable employees will gain leverage over management.

Preventive measures. One of the main ways to retain a sales manager in a company is to control offers on the market. This includes an analysis of not only the average salary, but also the ratio of salary and percentage, the composition of the social package, and the degree of comfort of working conditions.

Such monitoring must be carried out at least once every six months and it is imperative to include comparable companies in the study, that is, competing companies that may be potentially interested in your employees. A sales manager is, first of all, a businessman who knows how to count well. And even if competing companies offer employees the same wage conditions, additional benefits, such as a company car or reimbursement for fuel and mobile communications, may be a significant factor.

We are conducting a similar competitive analysis at least twice a year, and we discuss the received data with the commercial director.
According to d data from a survey conducted by HeadHunter in 2013, 88% of companies hire employees who quit, and even more than once. Thus, 42% of employers hired the same employee twice, and 22% hired the same employee three or more times.

Reason 2. Lack of career growth

This is one of the most common reasons for dismissal. Numerous studies confirm that employee development is a key tool for leaders to help reduce turnover and increase team engagement and productivity. Generally, an employee can remain with a company without promotion. career ladder on average for three years. For sales managers, this period is usually even shorter - about two years.

Create a system of internal growth that would also provide increased material rewards. The following stages of development can be identified: junior manager, manager, senior manager, leading manager, supervisor. For each level, tasks and responsibilities should be described. For example, a senior manager's responsibilities might include training new employees, supervising a team, or managing a specific product category. It is clear that the system itself may be different depending on the scope of activity and the size of the company.

Preventive measures. Even when applying for a job, it is necessary to find out the motivation factors of the applicant. If he talks about the importance of a career, figure out what exactly he means. By career growth, some mean an increase in wages, others - getting the opportunity to lead a team, others - performing increasingly difficult tasks, and so on. It is important to find out whether the employee himself made efforts to own development(for example, I received a second higher education, attended trainings, read professional literature, took on additional features, has achieved significant improvements in his field of activity) or his motivation in the field of career growth is purely consumer.

In the first case, we are dealing with motivated specialists - add them to a separate list. Together with the HR service, interview these employees on the topic of their expectations from working in your company, draw up personal plans development. Identify long and short term goals and plans key managers, their opportunities and concerns. Many companies provide benefits to their most valuable employees and/or set wages above the market average.

Reason 3. Poor relationship with management

The employee will most likely indicate this reason only in a personal conversation with the HR manager or with a trusted colleague. Therefore, when you attend an exit interview, you are unlikely to hear such an explanation, especially if the department is experiencing high staff turnover.

Preventive measures. They come to the company, but leave the manager. Not all bosses have good management skills, know how to competently set tasks for employees and correctly respond to the results of their work.

Analyze how much time you spend communicating with your subordinates, how many times they contact you to clarify the task, how often you evaluate the work they have done and provide feedback on the results. Do you communicate with them as equals, discuss work issues like professionals, or does their opinion not matter to you? To diagnose the level of loyalty and engagement of employees, it is very useful to conduct regular anonymous surveys - again, together with the personnel service. This will allow the manager to see himself from the outside, analyze his shortcomings and correct them.

Gamification as a motivational trend

All great popularity The system of rewards and bonuses acquires the principle of gamification. Many large companies, for example, use the idea of ​​“bonus accounts”, which employees can top up by performing some action that is useful for the company (creating an innovative proposal, helping a colleague, showing outstanding performance, taking part in an important project). Accumulated bonuses can be exchanged for prizes or other intangible benefits.

Gamification involves employees in activities, activating the so-called competitive motive, striking a chord of competition. For example, our company has a motivational game “Increase your rating”. Managers retail network compete with each other according to certain rules. There are both individual and team rankings. Once a month, the best employees can choose a reward of their choice from the corporate “prize menu.” Those who manage to stay at the top of the rankings throughout the year are rewarded with a trip to world fashion capitals such as Milan or Vienna. The best team at the end of the year receives a fun New Year's party as a bonus.

Another option for implementing the gamification principle is a badge system. Specialists of our retail network who show the highest results at the end of the month receive personalized “golden” badges with the inscription “Best Employee of the Month”, which they wear at work.

The principle of gamification is best perceived by young people of generation Y; a certain percentage of conservatives who view him with distrust or even skepticism are, as a rule, older people.

Despite the fact that this technique appeared relatively recently, it has already received wide recognition and many managers consider it a powerful motivation tool.

But it is they who competitors try to lure in the first place, and often the employees themselves leave in search of a better life. HR experts believe that it is better to prevent the loss of talented and qualified personnel in advance than to persuade those who have already decided to quit.

Why are they leaving?

The overwhelming majority of employees make the decision to quit not spontaneously, but under the influence of various circumstances and reflections. Motives can affect both professional areas, and personal. Although finance plays an important role in retaining promising talent, salary does not always determine the desire to move to another company.

There is a fairly common misconception that if a smart employee’s salary is increased, he will stop looking “to the left” and will stay. Practice shows the fallacy and limitations of this view. In addition, not every company can afford to constantly increase remuneration amounts, especially in “overheated” segments of the labor market. Of course, if the amount of financial compensation is below market value, then it is necessary to increase the salary to the level of the main competitors.

An alternative option is also possible, which also provides for an increase, but only for a specific part of the work performed. At the same time, the salary remains at the same level or changes slightly. For example, a valuable and talented employee is entrusted with the management of an interesting project, for the successful completion of which a bonus or bonus is awarded. In this way, the issue of financial dissatisfaction is positively resolved and new professional challenges are offered.

If the decision to quit is made by a creative employee, then it is possible that he is simply bored with doing his usual job. In this situation, changing activities and changing the usual environment helps a lot. If a person is given more independence in resolving issues, this may increase his interest in the responsibilities he performs.

Another motive for moving to a new job is the desire for a higher status. This is not necessarily about vertical career growth. Perhaps the employee needs more recognition and attention from management, colleagues and subordinates. Good results can be obtained in a very inexpensive way - by giving such a specialist the status of an expert. It is important to take an interest in his opinion during meetings, assign him the obligation to give comments to the media on professional issues, and in certain cases, offer the role of mentor to young professionals. However, the effect of such measures can only be if the employee is initially loyal to the company.

Playing ahead

Many experts in the field of personnel management believe that it is easier to prevent the desire to move to a new job in advance than to persuade someone who has already made their decision. It is important here not to miss the first signs that an employee is starting to think about changing employers.

To prevent the drain of talented specialists, it is necessary to know what motivates each of them to work in this particular company. Factors can be very different and do not always coincide with the manager’s opinion or standards corporate culture, which is why individual work is so important.

The ability to independently control and direct the course of important events in one’s life is inherent in human nature. Even if an employee verbally declares a desire for constant change, he still has a need to manage it. Experienced managers know that predictability of the company's further development is important for building staff loyalty.

Employee involvement plays a key role in the formation of a motivation system. If a creative and enterprising person constantly proposes ideas that remain unheeded, then one day he will simply get tired of it. Without seeing future prospects for an informal approach, he will perform his duties mechanically. A decrease in the level of involvement directly negatively affects the level of loyalty.

During decision made Promoting a valuable employee can prevent him from being fired. However, not all companies have this opportunity, and in structures with a rigid hierarchy it is almost impossible to create new position"under a person." The solution to this situation is seen in horizontal growth. An employee interested in self-development can always be “tempted” by advanced training courses, interesting training or a master class. Some employers offer training at corporate universities or have partnership agreements with universities. However, it is necessary to understand that with professional growth, the market value of a specialist will increase. So, unless we are talking about weekend training, employee training implies an increase in his salary, even if only symbolically.

Working with reasons for dismissal

If an HR specialist is faced with the task of retaining a valuable employee, then first it is necessary to determine the motivation. A simple question“Why did you decide to leave our company?” is usually not enough. Such a conversation is always stressful, so usually a person tries to diplomatically avoid direct answers.

To understand the real reasons for an employee’s dissatisfaction with his current place of work, you can ask how he sees his future employer and how his current unfulfilled expectations are reflected. If a person focuses on career growth or greater independence, a parallel should be drawn with his current situation.

You can also go back to the first weeks of work in this company and ask to talk about expectations for that period. Based on this, analyze to what extent he managed to realize his plans.

When speaking with an employee, it is important to pay attention to the wording used. Large quantity particles “not” directly indicates that he is not satisfied. For example, when describing his future job, he says that he “won’t have to most of working time to write reports,” and this clearly indicates a dominant motive.

Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize in time that valuable employee decided to move to another company, and it is not always possible to make an adequate counteroffer. But in any case, this dismissal should be a serious signal to management about the need to revise its talent management policies. Even if you can’t persuade a person to stay, it is important to diagnose the reasons why he decided to leave, and, perhaps, prevent the beginning process of a mass outflow of staff.