Money stored on a bank card must be additionally protected, since along with the development of technology, the skill of fraudsters also increases. It is not so easy to withdraw funds from a client’s card account, but it is possible, and there are several options for malicious actions. What to do if fraudsters have stolen money from a Sberbank card, taken possession of confidential information, or stolen the card itself is the topic of the article.

How is money stolen from a card?

If a fraudster manages to steal the card, it will be easy for him to withdraw funds, especially if he received information about the PIN code. But even if the thief does not have this identifying information, he will find an opportunity to withdraw money.

But you can also withdraw money from a card account without having a card. There are several fraudulent transactions of this kind:

  1. Phishing. A computer crime that is based on the principles of social engineering (a method that exploits human weaknesses). Fraudsters, using spam technologies, steal confidential information from users. In this way, you can steal account numbers, passwords, codes, identifiers, and PIN codes. With such information, a fraudster can easily take advantage of the money. In this case, the thief does not withdraw funds, he pays with them in online stores.
  2. . A common type of fraud based on the use of various devices. For example, having a skimmer, a criminal can attach it to the receiving slot and obtain all the data on the card: number, PIN and CVV code, expiration date, security chip. With this information, the fraudster duplicates the card and uses it to withdraw money from the account.
  3. Shimming. This is a variation of the previous type of fraud. This scam does not use bulky skimmers, but a flexible circuit board. Otherwise, the theft of information from a card occurs in a similar way.

Responsibility for theft of money from a Sberbank card

If a client whose money was stolen from a Sberbank card thinks that a financial institution is obliged to be responsible for the actions of fraudsters, then he is mistaken. This is easy to explain: the client owns confidential information. Bank employees have access to a certain part of it, but they do not disclose it. Consequently, in this situation, the client himself is responsible for the malicious actions of the criminals, since he should have kept secret information more reliably.

Safety precautions when using an ATM

If a client uses an ATM to withdraw funds from Sberbank plastic cards, he should know the following rules:
  • Choose a reliable self-service machine. You should not withdraw money in small neighborhood stores where there is no proper security, on the streets, in crowded places.
  • Before inserting a card into a special compartment, you should make sure that there are no unfamiliar additional devices in it.
  • When activating the card using a PIN code, carefully ensure that strangers cannot see the entered numbers.
  • If there is something wrong with the ATM (program glitches, atypical operation), it is better not to use it. If it freezes during the operation, you must immediately dial the Contact Center number and notify about it.

Bank systems failure or theft

If an ATM malfunction occurs, you should report it immediately. But technical problems with a self-service device cannot be attributed to a fraudulent transaction. Situations when, when withdrawing funds from a card, money is debited from the account, but remains in the ATM, do not happen so rarely. This is easy to explain: any machine can fail. If this situation occurs, you should proceed as follows:
  • Dial the hotline number (every ATM has one) and voice the problem (money has been written off, but remains in the ATM);
  • If the client used a device from Sberbank, the money will be returned to him after collection. This will take a little time;
  • If the ATM is not original, the process of returning the money will be delayed. But in any case, the funds will be returned to the account;
  • If the client discovers a malfunction in the program or other people’s devices in the ATM, they should call the hotline.

Internet fraud. How to protect your card from money theft?

The client bears full responsibility for the theft of bank plastic. In this case, there is no one to blame: you need to follow the map. What to do if a client uses online payments and his money was stolen from his Sberbank card during the operation? Knowing exactly how confidential information is stolen, you can protect yourself from Internet fraud. To obtain secret information, scammers use:
  • Spam. Electronic advertising becomes dangerous if it is part of a phishing scam. By carrying out a phishing attack, a fraudster fraudulently obtains information from the client about card numbers, passwords, identifiers, PIN codes, etc., and uses it for malicious purposes.
  • Viruses. If there is no antivirus on the user's computer, a fraudster can easily obtain secret information.
  • Fake profiles. The client is asked to register for a loyalty program or receive a discount by filling out a form.
  • Redirects. The client clicks on the link and ends up on a fake Sberbank page, where he is asked to log in.

Is it possible to return money stolen from a Sberbank card?

Internet fraud is no different from ordinary fraud and is difficult to prove. After all, the client independently entered or “stole” confidential information, for the safety of which he is responsible.

It is not difficult to protect yourself if you adhere to the basic rules of surfing the Internet, be careful and use good anti-virus software. For example, if a client sees an attractive link from Sberbank on a third-party site or in an email message, you should not click on it. If you are interested in an offer, it is better to log in to your Personal Account and get the necessary information there.
The same applies to entering secret data. Bank employees always warn that they do not ask the client to provide them with PIN codes and other card information.

Theft of money from a card using the owner's phone number

The scammers have also reached telephones. The client did not receive a notification from the SMS bank about the completed transaction, and subsequently discovered that there was no money on the card. This is a type of fraud. It consists in the fact that the thief transfers money to the telephone number attached to the card, and from there to his own number. The fraudulent operation was made possible by counterfeiting or disabling the customer's SIM card.

How to prove that money was stolen

It is difficult with evidence, but these actions should not be left without attention. You need to do this:
  • Contact the branch with a statement of disagreement with the transaction;
  • Contact the police;
  • Check the details of the operation with your telecommunications operator.
It is difficult to achieve a positive response to your application, but it is worth a try. In any case, if problems arise with transactions, you should immediately write a statement.

Advantages of bank card insurance

Is there a real way to protect funds in a card account? Yes, it is official and developed by Sberbank itself. By insuring your card, you don’t have to worry about losing money.

Card insurance protects against the following cases:

  • Theft of card, PIN code and money withdrawal;
  • Use of the card by an unauthorized person;
  • Phishing and shimming;
  • Card damage;
  • Theft of money after withdrawing funds at a branch or through an ATM;
  • Technical failures or mechanical damage to the ATM, as a result of which money remained in the receiver or the card became unusable.

Card insurance is the only opportunity today not to be afraid of malicious actions and protect your money. The cost of the policy varies depending on the amount of coverage and can range from 700 to 3.5 thousand rubles. If a large amount of funds is constantly stored on the card, it is worth protecting them in this way.

How money is stolen from plastic cards (video)

The theft of money from plastic is not a myth, alas, but a reality. The video material presents all types of fraud.