It is very important to attract your attention potential clients, in the language of PR people, target audience

If politicians and businessmen have long been friends with PR technologies and understand that a lot can be achieved with their help, lawyers were somehow wary of these technologies. Many people still believe that they can do without them. However, it should be noted that successful lawyers known to everyone became such without even realizing that they were their own good PR people. In times of crisis, when the number of potential clients decreases, law firms understand that it is still necessary to use methods of forming business reputation. After all, if a law firm has competent specialists, then why hide it?

In this article, we offer you an overview of fairly simple and low-cost (and sometimes even inexpensive) PR methods that law firms can use to promote themselves and attract new clients. Moreover, it can be used very successfully and efficiently. It's no secret that even expensive direct advertising does not always give the same return as PR.

Who do you need and how to reach these people?

The first thing you need to do is determine what kind of people you need to attract to the law firm or its employees. In professional terms, who is your target audience? The answer is obvious: those who can afford help professional lawyers in court. These are wealthy citizens and top officials of companies, successful individual entrepreneurs.

Now you need to figure out how to get their attention. There is no need to reinvent the wheel: you need to appear in those media (newspapers, magazines, radio and television channels) that the people you need read or watch. Again, in the language of PR professionals, become visible to your target audience and maintain a level of “Market Visibility” regardless of the level of income of your law firm and how long it has been on the market.

Choosing the media you need is not difficult. Look at what's on sale at newsstands, look through subscription catalogs at the post office, which list the names of all media outlets. Pay attention first of all to business publications (they are read by the top officials of enterprises), as well as to specialized publications, for example, magazines about real estate, taxation, cars (they are attractive to wealthy men) or to glossy specialized and simply glamorous publications (their audience is wealthy women). Write down their names, put them in your plan and think about how to get in touch with them, what to offer them to interest them, and how to organize the work. All this sounds impressive, but there is no need to get scared ahead of time. In reality everything is simpler.

How to interest the editors, quickly establish contact and start working

There is no need to be afraid to call the editor and offer own services in exchange for PR. Understand that, in a sense, newspapers and magazines, television channels and radio stations are themselves interested in connections with legal and advocacy firms. After all, the media always feel the need for professional legal comments on current events or legal problems. Offer your services to the editors: say that your company’s specialists will give short oral or extensive written comments on the materials prepared by journalists, and, if necessary, simply explain complex legal issues over the phone. Let your specialists sometimes do something for the editors “just like that,” free of charge. But then the journalists will also meet you halfway.

As a rule, editors are reluctant to accept and publish ready-made articles that were once written by lawyers or attorneys. This is explained by the fact that each publication or TV channel has its own ideas about the relevance of materials, its own thematic plans developed by editors. It is not surprising that the articles prepared by your lawyers do not correspond to these ideas and plans. Your specialists simply did not know about them and were not oriented. But this does not mean that articles by your company’s employees cannot appear on the pages of the publications you need. Just structure your conversation with editors differently. Ask if they have drawn up a thematic plan for the near future. If yes, ask if there are articles on legal topics, offer to write them by the deadline set by the editors. And then the material, the author of which will be a specialist from your company, will be published in the newspaper you need or in a magazine that is interesting to you.

Three golden rules in working with the media

Rule 1:

It is not necessary to require a fee for articles or comments from specialists in the media mass media. Moreover, in conditions financial crisis editorial offices and television and radio studios have reduced their royalty funds. Ask for “advertising services” rather than money for your work. Of course, we are not talking about placing advertising modules for your company - this is very expensive, and fees for comments do not correspond to such a price. Let the editors indicate not only the last and first name of the author, but also the name of your company (if the editors pay a fee, they usually do not name the company), and, if possible, telephone numbers, website or address email. Sometimes it is possible to agree on the placement of line advertising or even a small advertising module that contains the name of the company, brief description its activities and contacts.

Rule 2:

Support good relationship with journalists. If for some reason the specialist from your firm who undertook to prepare the material cannot do this, recommend another lawyer from among your colleagues. Otherwise, if you let the editor down, next time they may not offer your company to prepare material or a story. And he will even refuse you (as an unreliable colleague) if you yourself apply there with such a proposal.

Rule 3:

Take part in exhibitions, conferences, seminars that are organized by the media or, if not organized, then participate. It is advisable not to pay for this, but to agree on mutually beneficial participation. Let's say, work at a media stand, under his auspices, promoting both him and your services. To do this, try to present your company in the best possible way. best side, make proposals that would interest those who invite you. If you wish and have the funds, you can, of course, organize the conference yourself...

Personal PR: promote company lawyers who win high-profile cases

If your company’s specialists (lawyers, barristers) successfully participate in trials of stars, famous public figures or high-ranking officials, or win complex cases that essentially create legal precedents, do not hide it. Try to inform the media about this. Prepare and send press releases to publications needed for your PR. If it makes sense, notify journalists in advance about upcoming court hearings with the participation of a specific specialist from your company. If for some reason you did not do this, inform the media after the meeting. In short, create the image of a successful professional for one or more specific specialists in your company. Promote them personally, using their last name and ensuring that they are recognized by their last name. The company name will automatically appear after this. Remember: the louder and more significant the case that your lawyer or lawyer is handling, the more attention he will receive.

The career of the famous lawyer Pavel Astakhov is one of the classic examples of “screwing” a person into a “heated up” information field. The media showed great interest in him after he volunteered to defend the constitutional rights of the head of the Media Most holding, V.A. Gusinsky. This was followed by a number of high-profile trials and, as a result, fame.

A similar path was followed by lawyer Shota Gorgadze, who actively collaborates with the Nightingale Trills program on Silver Rain radio and journalist Vladimir Solovyov.

Participate in online forums, write blogs

On the World Wide Web, as you know, there are many sites on which legal forums operate: online site visitors leave questions, and lawyers answer them. Often among those who leave questions there are also lawyers, and sometimes visiting lawyers answer questions. In short, these are so-called online consultations, as well as the exchange of experience between lawyers. But what is important to us from a PR point of view? By communicating on the forum, lawyers often find clients and generally promote themselves and the firm they work for. Sometimes visitors themselves offer to work with the lawyers who answered them - to help in court. The most suitable for legal advice today are: social media, like “Professionals”, “My Circle” or “”.

Personal blogs created by lawyers help them open up, show their professionalism, and talk about the cases they won in court. You can understand how all this might look by looking at the blogs of some lawyers, for example Shota Gorgadze -, Dmitry Zhdanukhin -, Olga Semencha -, Nikolai Blokhin - /, Svetlana Klepach -

Lawyers should not ignore such Internet resources as Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Today these are very visited sites. Even long-time acquaintances or classmates of your firm’s lawyer, having found him in the resource, may offer to work for them, representing interests in court.

This is very good support for both the lawyer himself and the company for which he works. After all, books usually indicate not only the author’s last name, but also give short biography, a description of his activities. So the name of the company will also appear in the book. In any case, you can discuss this with the publisher in advance. Imagine what a great addition to business card a lawyer will be a book written by him on a specialized topic (arbitration, taxes, criminal law, collections...).

Please note: we are not talking about your company publishing a book at its own expense. Printing is quite an expensive proposition. In addition, before going to press, the book must be laid out, a high-quality design and a good title must be come up with. This can only be done by specialists whom you will have to hire. But that's not all. The most important thing is to distribute the book, that is, to make it appear on the shelves of stores, kiosks, and other retail outlets, and people could buy it. Believe me, it's not as easy as it might seem. In the publishing business, distribution of printed products is a serious matter. separate direction, which is carried out by specially trained people. Moreover, this direction is very expensive if you master it “from scratch”. Therefore, it is most advisable to publish a book in some publishing house that specializes, among others, in the publication of literature on legal topics. In this case, you get rid of all the costs listed above. The publishing house will do everything. All you need from your lawyer is a text. But he will also receive a fee for it.

Examples of successful cooperation with publishing houses are demonstrated by such companies as Vegas Lex (books were published by the Mann, Ivanov, Ferber publishing house), Gamolin Quinn Vyzhlov LLP (cooperating with the publishing group Et Cetera Publishing, which released the famous Mafia Manager series) and others.

It is necessary to prepare texts for books and submit them to the publishing house promptly, since professional literature quickly becomes outdated due to constant changes legislation. That is why the book is in demand by specialists only for a certain period of time. Of course, most often legal literature is intended for a narrow circle of readers. It's not scary. The narrower the readership, the higher the likelihood that the book will “hit the target.”

For coverage as wide as possible readership can only be counted on if a lawyer or a lawyer for your firm suddenly writes a book not according to professional topic, but artistic. His name is on the cover of a book written in a popular genre, published in thousands of copies and distributed thanks to well-functioning retail chains publishing houses throughout Russia, is remembered and catches the ear.

Books by famous lawyers Mikhail Barshchevsky ("The Ice Has Broken", "I Will Command the Parade", "The Same Author", etc.), Pavel Astakhov ("Producer", "Spy", "Mayor", etc.) can be found in any bookstore. They are bought and discussed even by people who have never been associated with jurisprudence.

Don't rely only on word of mouth

This term - “word of mouth” - refers to a very simple method of disseminating information about your company. Through those who are already your clients and are satisfied with working with you. They simply tell their friends about you, recommend your company to them, and this is how you get new clients. But this can only work for a certain time. And best of all, in a financially favorable period. During a crisis, you should not rely only on word of mouth as the only way to attract new customers. It is necessary to apply other PR technologies. In particular, those that we described above.

How to attract clients to lawyers and attorneys who are just starting their professional activities? How not to burn out and create a truly successful business? One of important points– this is the skillful promotion of your own company, the active attraction of clients. Let's look at the main legal marketing tools.

Own website

Now almost all companies and firms have websites. Moreover, a legal organization cannot do without it. To make the resource as informative and useful as possible for the client, first put yourself in his shoes. Think about what interests people who visit your site in the first place, and place this information on the main page.

A clear structure is also important - a person should not wander and waste time looking for what he needs. Design is another aspect to consider special attention. It is desirable that the visit to your website be aesthetically comfortable for a potential client. Place beautiful photos in good quality, make the text large enough for easy reading.

Think about the content. You can limit yourself to the essentials: information about services, employees, benefits, customer reviews. However, people will not stay on such a site for long. Therefore, it is worth taking care of posting interesting and at the same time selling articles devoted to various legal problems.

Well-written content and a well-designed website are a great way to attract clients to a law firm.

E-mail promotion

No, this is not spam, as you now think. This is communication with an already established client base through online correspondence. Let's say a potential client came to your website, became interested and subscribed to your email newsletter. By reading your letters, a person should gradually become convinced of your professionalism and receive truly valuable information, otherwise the newsletter will be sent to spam.

It's important to understand the scale here: there's no point in sending something to just five subscribers. But if the “hot” base has already reached at least one or two thousand, then you can (and even need) to try.

By the way, e-mail communication allows you not to lose contact with old clients. Receiving your letters, they continue to remember you, and at some point they will certainly ask for help.


The event can be of several types:

    Webinars are online conversations. It is necessary to choose a suitable platform, decide on the time and notify the participants.

    Seminars and round tables– these are meetings in reality, offline, and therefore they require more careful preparation. You need to find a suitable hall that can accommodate everyone, think about what the guests will do during the break, etc. The likelihood of clients contacting you after such an event becomes many times higher.

Lead generation

As you may have noticed, there are ways to attract clients in law firm a lot, and it is quite difficult to engage in all these types of activities without interrupting legal practice. Therefore, it would be more logical to turn to lead generation specialists. Professionals in their field look for potential clients who are ready to use your services and provide you with their contacts. And then you come into play, and it’s up to you whether the client decides to use the services of your company.

One of the most important advantages of lead generation is that, if desired, you can specify specific parameters of future clients: age, subject of appeal, solvency, etc.

Now you know how to attract clients to law firm. Only an integrated approach guarantees a stable result. The more promotion channels you use, the more effective the result will be.

The work of a specialist who assists organizations is focused on the full list of tasks within the legal framework that a company may face. Legal assistance legal entities will be effective at all stages of a company’s existence on the market - from the moment the company is opened to the moment the business is liquidated.

Legal services for legal entities in Moscow at the initial stage

  • Consulting on the selection of a business entity and taxation system;
  • A complete list of services for registering a business with the tax office;
  • Collection necessary documentation for business registration;
  • Representation of interests in the tax office in case of refusal to register a business;
  • Assistance in opening a bank account for a legal entity;
  • Drawing up the charter, maintaining minutes of meetings;
  • Assistance in obtaining necessary licenses and certificates;
  • Assistance with inspection organizations on the issue of obtaining permits for business activities.

It is important to know: why are legal services to legal entities a necessity at the initial stage? Bureaucratic delays can cause delays or refusals - tax office may not accept the application due to a minor error. This will cause downtime and financial losses for new businessmen.

Lawyer services for legal entities at the stage of entrepreneurial activity

  • Maintaining internal company documentation - personnel, labor, financial;
  • Checking the legal purity of contractual documentation, drawing up draft documents at the request of customers;
  • Mediation service, support of transactions and agreements with counterparties and partners;
  • Escort foreign economic activity, as well as foreign economic contracts;
  • Breaking contracts and agreements, recognition individual items of them are invalid;
  • Conducting work to collect accounts receivable, debts under loan and leasing agreements;
  • Representation of interests in tax, customs, migration services;
  • Supporting on-site inspections from government agencies, appealing the results of inspections;
  • Assistance in blocking a current account;
  • Assistance of a lawyer to legal entities in transactions with shares and shares of the company;
  • Legal services for legal entities in foreign financial management company, development of corporate management schemes, cost optimization;
  • Checking the legal purity of real estate, machinery, equipment;
  • Supporting various structural changes in the company.

It is important to know: the services of a lawyer for legal entities in Moscow are necessary for every transaction carried out - if transactions are carried out with finances, documents, property. This approach will allow you to protect yourself and avoid possible legal consequences. The specialist will check to what extent the future operation meets legal requirements and whether it poses risks for the company.

Legal assistance to legal entities in Moscow during legal proceedings

  • Carrying out comprehensive pre-trial work aimed at resolving the problem situation;
  • Drawing up a pre-trial claim, response to a claim;
  • Maintaining business correspondence or settlement negotiations;
  • Collecting the necessary documentation and drawing up a statement of claim to apply to a judicial authority;
  • Conducting disputes with government agencies regarding fines, overpayment of social contributions;
  • Maintaining labor disputes with employees of the organization;
  • Providing lawyer services for legal entities in corporate disputes, raider takeovers;
  • Representation of interests in disputes between co-founders and shareholders of the company;
  • Work in judicial authorities in disputes with counterparties regarding debts, non-fulfillment of terms of cooperation;
  • Bankruptcy of legal entities.

Important to know: at the initial stage you can always get a free legal advice for legal entities in all organizations that are represented in our rating. To do this, you will need to contact the company or call representatives by phone. This will help you decide whether to continue to cooperate with the company and use the help of lawyers. Assistance can be provided on any issues, including in the form of consultation with an individual entrepreneur lawyer.

Cost of legal services to legal entities in Moscow, average value

Prices for the provision of legal services to legal entities, the most common services

Preliminary consultation

For free

Consultations, different formats:

  • In person, at the company office;
  • In writing;
  • Remotely;
  • With a visit to the company or site.
  • From 1,500;
  • From 2,500;
  • From 1,500;
  • From 5,000.

Legal analysis of documentation, contracts and agreements

Preparation of a draft document, one copy

Support of transactions and agreements

Mediation service for companies

Support of foreign economic transactions and contracts

Support of on-site inspections from government agencies

Appealing the results of inspections from authorities

Turnkey business registration service

Drawing up a pre-trial claim

Collection of documents, drawing up and filing a statement of claim

Representation of company interests in arbitration court

Bankruptcy of a legal entity

Supporting structural changes

Liquidation of an organization

Providing legal services to legal entities, monthly subscription cost

Subscription services for individual entrepreneurs

Comprehensive service LLC

Subscriber assistance for OJSC and CJSC

Comprehensive services for non-profit enterprises

When starting a business in any field, it is important to find and formulate the benefits that the client will receive by contacting you (this will be the USP - a unique trade proposal). If you don't have one, you are no different from other companies. In this case, you will have to compete on price - dumping, losing profits.

Surprisingly, this simple and free promotion tool is not used by most businessmen. There is a chance to beat them at the start! To inspire you, we have selected 13 examples of USPs of Russian and foreign companies that were able to stand out from the crowd and succeed.

What about them? 5 best Western USPs

Avis car rental service

“We are No. 2. We work harder"

(“We’re number two. We try harder”).

A great example of how you can turn a disadvantage into an advantage. For many years, Avis operated in the shadow of its more successful competitor, Hertz, which positioned itself as No. 1 in the market.

FedEx delivery service

“When it absolutely has to be delivered tomorrow morning.”

(“When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight”).

This slogan is no longer used by the company, but it is still cited as a valid USP. FedEx guarantees customers that their shipment will be delivered safely and on time.

This phrase combines two advantages: the promise of cargo safety and high speed delivery (one night). Unfortunately, the company's management subsequently abandoned this slogan, replacing it with a less “strong” one that did not contain competitive advantages.


“Melts in your mouth, not in your hands”

(“The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand”).

Original: Flickr

An example of how a quirky USP can attract customers. Thinking about how important it is not to get dirty when eating chocolate, M&Ms created candies in a special thick shell.

Conclusion - if this or that characteristic is important to your customers, feel free to use it as a competitive advantage. No matter how stupid or insignificant it may seem.

DeBeers Corporation

"Diamonds are forever"

(“A diamond is forever”).

This slogan has been used since 1948 to this day, and Advertising Age magazine recognized it as the best slogan of the twentieth century. The idea is that diamonds, over which time has no power, are the ideal symbol of eternal love (it’s not for nothing that they are featured on many wedding rings).

Pizzeria chain Domino's Pizza

“You will receive fresh hot pizza in 30 minutes or for free”

(“You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less or it’s free”).

This is a rather long slogan, but it can serve as an example of a good USP, because... contains a guarantee. The conditions are described very clearly, clients understand what to expect from the company.

Unfortunately, Domino's stopped using this slogan because... drivers trying to meet the allotted delivery time violated the rules traffic and provoked accidents with tragic outcomes.

How are things going with USP in Russia?

We are in Directors Club, for example, we don’t just sell advertising. We guarantee receiving potential customers through the use of native advertising. This USP contains two killer arguments at once: a guarantee of the result and an explanation of how it will be achieved.

Taxi service

One Moscow company increased sales by 380% by hiring female drivers. Many ladies would prefer to get into a car driven by a woman; they would rather send their child to classes with her. In addition, women are less likely to smoke and break traffic rules, which turned out to be fundamental for many clients.

Cargo carrier

Declaring “We always have sober movers”(and living up to this slogan), the company sharply increased the flow of customers. Those who were previously afraid to entrust fragile or valuable things to the drunk “Uncle Vasya” happily dialed the number of the responsible workers. This was in the early 90s, since then many companies have adopted this “trick,” but the pioneers managed to make a profit from their idea.


One of the drinking establishments in St. Petersburg has increased the number of visitors from minimal costs. A screen was hung in the hall on which sports matches began to be broadcast, and For every goal scored by the Russian national team or Zenit, a free glass of vodka was poured for everyone present.

As a result, those who used to support their favorite team at home began to go to the bar and bring friends with them. The costs of purchasing vodka and the screen were recouped many times over.


The laundry management found a seamstress who needed orders for custom tailoring. When returning clean clothes to the client, the administrator pointed out the existing shortcomings (a zipper diverged, a button came off, etc.) and offered to fix them free of charge.

The majority, of course, agreed. After repairs, items were returned in a bag containing a business card from the seamstress and a catalog of clothes that could be ordered from her. The cooperation turned out to be beneficial for both parties: clients passed information about bonus laundry services to each other, and the seamstress provided herself with orders.

Construction company

One of the teams that started in a competitive market without a budget came up with an excellent USP. On advertising platforms posted an ad: “We’ll remove old wallpaper for free!”. 80% of clients who ordered this service subsequently invited builders to carry out renovations in their apartment. These people have already demonstrated their accuracy, precision and reliability - why waste time looking for someone else?

Examples of USPs from the B2B sphere

Printing house

Company from Nizhny Novgorod opened in my office museum of famous people's business cards. Businessmen played on public interest in the lives of the rich and famous. As soon as information about the exhibition was spread, the flow of orders increased 5 times!

The media became interested in the museum, began publishing reports about it, and the need for paid advertising disappeared.

Recruiting company

The management thought about how to stand out from numerous competitors. And offered a unique service - employee rental. Need a courier for a few months? No question! Designer for a couple of weeks? Let's pick it up!

As a result, requests began pouring in from businessmen who did not want to waste time searching for freelancers or hiring/subsequently dismissing a specialist needed for a short period of time.

There are studies that the cost of identical legal entities. services from different companies in Moscow may differ by 60 times. Do you want such advertising of yours? legal services so that people buy them from you at 60 times more expensive?

1. Types of clients in the legal business

To attract customers, maybe not 60, but 2-3 times better - you can sell not to “everyone,” but to each individual individually. Clients (and at different stages) will be convinced by different selling arguments.

For example, a company engaged in legal outsourcing. services, in addition to typing clients by business size, geography, industries..., there is a division of clients:

  • who do not have a full-time lawyer - for example, they are not large enough to hire a lawyer on staff (we cling to the value: regularly solve typical problems, saving money, time, nerves - including when choosing, and then when managing a specialist in a field that is not clear );
  • who have a full-time lawyer, but find themselves in emergency situations that he cannot cope with (we cling to the value: solving an acute problem - for almost any money).

And here it works well when used on a website, on social media. networks and presentations of colors and styles of government agencies and courts + emphasis on the presence of connections that allow issues to be resolved... faster, more effectively.

For those who deal with bankruptcy legal entities. persons, there is a division of clients:

  • those who go bankrupt (we cling to the value: protection, security - write off debts, avoiding criminal/subsidiary/administrative liability, while maintaining the opportunity to travel abroad, take out loans, buy real estate);
  • those who bankrupt the debtor (their key value is often not so much to collect the debt as to punish the debtor: to fight in blood, to spend more on processes than can be sued - but to take revenge on the offender).

And then the slogan is effectively implemented: “Were you scammed? Bankrupt the goat!

In general, the sale of bankruptcy services is impulsive - it is important to be in time before other creditors steal the assets, and even respectable guys in this hurry behave like children (especially if you scare them with cases of how someone filed documents a couple of days later than the deadline and lost everything). What cannot be said, for example, in ordinary property disputes - there, until they weigh everything 10 times, study the regalia and recommendations, they will not buy.

Although I knew a person whose “clients” section said “You will never know who I advised. And no one will know that I advised you.” And he did not live in poverty while working with clients who valued confidentiality above all else.

It is ideal, of course, to work out communication with each type of client, in each area of ​​activity... For one lawyer in Crimea, this gave a CTR of 9.16% on search and 0.12% on YAN, cf. click price 34 rubles, lead price 250 rubles. in the first 1.5 weeks of the advertising campaign.

And one female lawyer even assigned a psychologist to meet clients. He consulted himself + selected the right “keys” for each client in order to sell the very expensive services of a lawyer. Very quickly, a queue lined up to see a lawyer for months in advance. And everyone said: “This man inspires trust!”

It's irrational. But how can you rationally choose a lawyer if a non-lawyer cannot evaluate his professionalism? And the price of a mistake is financial, administrative, and even criminal risks.

And which niche is more profitable?

Each lawyer (with his particular set of competencies, connections, employees...), in each geography, at each moment in time will have something different that is profitable.

For example, in Moscow in 2016, specialization in inclusion in the register of creditors for the SU-155 developer worked very well. 700 transitions to the site at a price of 35 rubles, conversion to an application is 5%, to a sale - more than 50% with an average receipt of 30,000 rubles. (income of 500 thousand rubles with advertising costs of 25 thousand rubles).

And in Bryansk, a couple of years ago, the auto theme turned out to be the most profitable - 100 ads for this target audience with the USP “free analysis of documents and an hour-long legal consultation” = in 1 month 1,715 clicks, 115 LEADS worth up to 300 rubles.

  • Reducing the cost of services (standardization, automation, reducing requirements for personnel and reducing costs for them). But significant investments are needed to build production capacity and the corresponding management system, IT... to make money on economies of scale + you need to be a brilliant manager.
  • Thanks to a truly unique product - unique connections (I know guys who got rich by joining the government group discussing changes to Federal Law 214, which changed the development industry and left only hundreds of thousands of companies on the market), unique competencies, unique ways of providing services - but to create something Something truly unique is difficult even for a brilliant inventor and innovator.
  • Thanks to niching, acquiring the necessary competencies and restructuring marketing and sales for a narrow niche is usually not so expensive; The question is choosing a niche - here you need to be a brilliant marketer. I know an example when they created artificial competitors, each of whom said that they specialized in specific services for a specific target audience - each client trusted each brand more, the conversion was higher.

Indirect competitors

In addition to other lawyers, you are competing with “figure it out and do it yourself.” But here you can write: “if you want to do it yourself, study ..., ... and ... (X man-days), collect documents ..., ... and ..., submit them to ..., standing in line ...".

There was an example when a lawyer involved in approving extensions to houses increased the conversion rate of his website by 2 times by describing on the main page how to independently approve an extension.

Competitive wars

If you have problems with a specific competitor, I also recommend .

3.3. When the client came to us


In America and Turkey, it is a common practice for lawyers to receive clients at home - it increases trust and makes them feel at ease (in these countries, such a gesture demonstrates a guarantee of privacy and confidentiality).

Speak the same language

4. Product/business model change

Reverse collectors

The niche of bankruptcy is extremely profitable - in order not to pay yourself / in order to receive from the debtor, the niche of protection from debt collectors is also profitable. One of the most original and promising niches that I have come across is helping depositors get their money out of “shaky” banks.

Automation of routine tasks

The guys from Moscow Solver, apparently, initially reduced their costs by automating and outsourcing typical tasks in regions with cheap labor force. Now coming out to international market with a service that allows you to solve standard legal problems at several times cheaper than analogues.

Documents based on template

The French online service Wonder.Legal helps create documents using templates based on user responses. In six months, the service reached the international level, payback in each country is from 3-5 months, in Australia, every 3rd visit to the resource ends in a sale.

Online service for selecting lawyers

“Let’s Find a Lawyer” selects lawyers who are ready to meet at a time convenient for the client, in the desired region (including the USA, Thailand, Europe) and a suitable budget. 600 calls per month with a conversion to service order of 20-25% (120-150 per month).

Possibility to sue at someone else's expense

The Platforma service allows you to invest in paying the legal costs of third parties for 20%-40% of the amount they win. This way, people without funds can confront strong opponents in court, and lawyers and investors can earn super profits (up to 133% per annum) if successful. The platform takes 10% of the investment for selecting cases with a probability of winning from 75% + bonus in case of winning. In the USA, 30% of lawsuits are financed this way; in Russia, the niche is almost unoccupied.

Business medium

I know a person who does business by anticipating changes in legislation. When we first met, he was dealing with defrauded shareholders and legal property disputes. persons Then he went into buying apartments from bankruptcy auctions. Then, having learned about changes in the law on hostels, I went to create “correct” hostel networks. Each time he found more and more profitable niches(we discussed returns of 20%-30% per annum with almost zero risks thanks to the provision of investments with real estate). And every time he did this, without going into something fundamentally new, but relying on previous experience and established connections.

Goal setting. Why SMART goals are not achieved.

GOALS SETTING. WHY SMART GOALS ARE NOT ACHIEVED. There is a well-known goal-setting technology - how to set goals so that they are achieved (by yourself) - SMART (Specific - Specific, Measurable - Measurable, Achievable - Achievable, Relevant - Relevant, corresponding to our other goals, Time-Bound - limited in time). Example: An example of a “dream” that is unlikely to be realized Increase sales by increasing the […]

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