Under doubt usually masking the actual objection of the client. Doubt is the usually unclear reason for not buying a product or service in a given time period. Doubt shows that the client is not against your product in principle, but he is not yet completely convinced of the need to make an urgent positive decision to purchase. A customer postponing a purchase usually expresses a desire to think about the offer, get the opportunity to discuss it with someone, or simply wait for “better times”. Behind each of the reasons there is a real reason that prevents the sale. Doubts difficult to process because they are unclear, shapeless and indefinite. Sales objection handling training gives methods to help distinguish doubt from objection. However, they can be overcome if the seller correctly identifies the objection behind them.

Objection handling training in sales: The process of overcoming customer doubts:

1. Relax and smile. When your client suggests postponing a decision, relax. Lean back and smile! Let your client know that you are comfortable and not surprised by his words. 2. Find the real reason.

3. Take the position of the client.

Acknowledge the client's experience. Your acceptance of his position is not agreement with his objection; but it is an open statement of understanding. Show empathy in order to show your recognition of the client's possible hesitation in making a decision. Remember that doubts are based more on emotions than on logical reasoning; a positive attitude helps to understand any reason based on facts.

4. Get certainty.

Use questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no” to help the client isolate the objection. Instead of giving a definite explanation for the real reason, the client may offer another objection. Then return to the first step and start the procedure again. But, if the client indicates a real reason for the refusal, ask additional probing questions.

5. Qualify.

The qualifying step is designed to detect further possible excuses and objections before they manifest themselves in the sales negotiation. Using the initial reason for doubt, ask the client, “If we can overcome this difficulty and it is no longer a problem, what else could cause you to stop using our product or service?”If you encounter another obstacle, go back to the first step and start the procedure again.

6. Answer the objection.

When you understand clearly the real reason for the client's doubts and the real nature of his objection, find a positive answer and offer trial sale completion. Doubts may arise as a result of insufficient mutual understanding, trust, confidence in the proposed product, or as a result of your mistake in determining primary motives for buying. Hesitation may also reflect a lack of attention to the personality of a particular customer during a presentation, as well as a salesperson's inability to recognize buying signals. On being worked out skills to overcome customer doubts in role playing games. Understand that the procedure for handling the cause of doubt is to determine valid objection rather than fight the doubt itself. Until you understand the real reason for customer refusal, You can not effectively deal with objection.


There are two differences between objection and doubt.

First, the objection is usually specific and logical, or directly related to the client's desire to delay taking action on your proposal.

Second, while doubt tends to interrupt the entire sales negotiation cycle, objections are a normal and natural part of almost every sale.

Sometimes it seems to you that the client just likes to disagree.

In fact, objections indicate a customer's interest in your product or service.
Most buyers who have no interest in the product do not show the reasons for their negative attitude towards the product, they just say “no”. Objections reveal the customer's thoughts and bring both the seller and the buyer closer to making a deal. Most of the objections you usually hear are not original. If you have experience in sales, then the chance of hearing an objection that has not yet been heard is very small. On sales objection handling training all main types of customer objections in role playing games. Most objections fall into six main categories even if they sound a little different.

Learn to manage these six basic types of objections, and you will rarely find yourself in a situation where you do not find what to answer:

Training work with objections in sales: types of objections:

  1. Product objection.
  2. Seller related objection.
  3. Company related objection.
  4. Indecisiveness in making a decision.
  5. Service related objection.
  6. price objection.
Write verbatim your responses to perceived objections, memorize them, and practice passing them on to your interlocutor, achieving a natural and relaxed sound. If the prepared answer does not work, rewrite it and try another option - and so on until you are sure that the wording you find is the most suitable for you. On sales objection handling training are drawn up response templates for key customer objections. Record reactions to your answers, refine and hone them. Soon you will be able to choose the best possible answers prepared by you for each specific situation.


Professional sales managers can handle objections by taking a series of sequential actions. Properly handled objections step by step lead to a deal. Developed objection overcoming strategy is the key to responding naturally when they occur. Knowing that you have a strategy gives you confidence. A confident attitude helps you overcome an objection instead of avoiding it. On sales objection handling training being worked out objection overcoming plan in a role play. Memorize and internalize this six-step plan. When you learn to use it automatically, you will be able to overcoming customer objections.

Sales Objection Handling Training: Plan to Overcome Customer Objections:

1. Listen carefully to the client.

By listening carefully, you will understand the real message of the client, whether it is expressed: “Give me more information”, or “Tell me again about the service agreement, I did not quite understand it”, or simply “Prove to me again that This correct solution". Never interrupt an objection. On sales objection handling training formed active listening skill. Remember that an objection is not necessarily a negative response. You can often "hear your ideas" in a sale.

2. Acknowledge the client's point of view.

State positions with which you can agree before responding to an objection. Take responsibility for any misunderstanding. If the objection expresses a bad experience with your company or your predecessor, trust the client. On sales objection handling training formed how to effectively use empathy in sales. Your honest and decisive response can convince the client and give you another chance to cooperate.

3. Confirm your understanding of the objection.

Using your own expressions, repeat what you think about what was said. Repeating an objection in a sympathetic manner shows that you have been listening to the client and are trying to understand them. Confirming your understanding of the objection gives you time to formulate your answer. In addition, it negates possible defenses and helps you avoid the temptation to argue.

4. Choose a special technique.

The technique you choose should suit you, the client, and the situation. There is no single technique that works in every situation and with all clients. There are so many options in the sales process that not every objection can be answered well. On sales objection handling training formed Ability to effectively use basic objection handling techniques. You have only a few seconds left to determine which technique you will use. Under no circumstances should you show the client that you are puzzled by the question.

5. Answer the objection.

If you want the sale to go through, the answer must satisfy the customer: that is, be complete, concise, and quick. Avoid lengthy explanations that only obscure the issue and can make you feel pressured. Give a precise specific answer; don't leave the question up in the air. Provide only as much information as is necessary to obtain the client's consent. Minimize the objection by not dwelling on it. Say no more than necessary to satisfy the client. Be completely frank and factual, and don't promise what you, your company, or your product can't deliver. Customers have their own needs and views. Make sure you respect the client's ego and let the client feel like they're winning. And finally, make sure that your answer satisfies the client. Gain agreement by assuming, "Have I fully answered your question, regarding...?" On sales objection handling training formed the skill of choosing the right answer to an objection.

6. Try to make a deal.

If a deal isn't done, keep negotiating. Opportunity complete the sale may occur on various stages negotiations. Identify those points and act on them. A successful response to an objection creates an opportunity to close the deal, especially at the end of the negotiation. Try complete the deal before continuing negotiations. Efficient trial completion will allow you to know the attitude of the client without exercising pressure on him. On sales objection handling training formed effective trial completion skill. You can use trial completion at any time to see if the client is ready to make a decision. Typically, a trial completion might start like this:

"If you bought...,"

"In your opinion…,"

"What do you think…,?"

If you receive positive buying signals At this point, try to complete the sale. On sales objection handling training formed the skill of identifying positive customer buying signals. If not, go back to the process and continue negotiating.


Try the following techniques for neutralizing objections and choose the one that suits you best:

1. Use the formula "feel, feel, understand."

A useful technique that helps overcome a customer objection that is not related to the value of your product or service is expressed by the formula " feel, feel, understand". Respond to this type of objection using the following wording:

"I can understand how you feel...,"

“I’ve already had clients who felt the same way until they realized…”

This approach achieves several goals. First, it shows that you understand the objection, and convinces the client that this type of objection is acceptable. Secondly, it demonstrates that the client behaves quite naturally, and his objection is quite legitimate. Thirdly, it brings a share of hope for success. Finally, at this stage, information is offered that can change the course of the client's thinking. On sales objection handling training formed the skill of effectively using techniques to neutralize objections.

2. Acknowledge the objection; then refute it.

In some cases, the objections raised are very significant and difficult to refute. But sometimes a customer can make a purchase despite strong objections. The client may be partially right, or what you say may be misunderstood by them. Recognize that your product has certain flaws. Then, show how its advantages can cover the disadvantages. By acknowledging the shortcomings of the product, you show your honesty and openness towards the client. After that you can really choose strengths your product or service, and neutralize the negative attitude of the client.

3. Ask the question "Why?" or other special questions.

Respond to the objection with the following remark: “This is interesting. Why did you say that? This question helps to separate justification from actual objection. An objection may be based on a relatively minor point that can be changed. Another value of the question "Why?" lies in the fact that some objections, when expressed in words, sound unconvincing. The client may conclude that the objection is not serious and dismiss it without your intervention.

4. Try the reproduction or paraphrase method.

Reproduction is the ideal method for neutralizing an objection based on lack of information, or on a reason that does not really exist. For example, a customer says, "It's expensive," and the seller replies, "Yes, it's expensive, but the product pays for itself."This method works because you take the customer's way of expressing it and then provide a set of benefits that motivate the purchase decision.

Your sales success depends on your ability to overcome objections because no sale is completed until the customer agrees with the seller that he:

  1. Really needs your product or service.
  2. Believes that your product is the solution to their problem.
  3. He believes that he should buy from you.
  4. Believes that your company is the only one that needs to be dealt with.
  5. Believes that the time to buy has come.
  6. Believes in fair conditions and prices.


One type of objection occurs so frequently that it warrants further study. How many times a week do you think a salesperson hears, “I think your price is high”? Like a professional Sales Manager, you should see the essence of it objections and be able to overcome it.

A price objection raised by a customer can have several different causes:
  1. The client does not perceive the real values product.
  2. Competing product has more advantage.
  3. The client just wants to dispute price. The desire to bargain is natural and part of our culture.
Price objection much harder to overcome than all the others, as there can be many different reasons behind it. On sales objection handling training formed skill to effectively overcome price objections. The final selling price of a product or service depends on the type available discount(cash payments, wholesale, or seasonal sale), seller advertising or PR costs, after-sales service, free trial period, money-back guarantees or obligations, sales support, services and inspections, shipping discounts, or a myriad of other variables that affect price. In addition, the client may not really object to the price, but simply hide real reason for rejection. The client who says "I can't afford it" or "Your price is too high" may actually be saying "You haven't convinced me that the value I get is more than the value I get." must pay." This is not a genuine price objection, not a completed commercial work. Your company has set the prices for goods and services at which they can be sold. Therefore, never be afraid to ask about the full cost of the products you offer. Don't get defensive and don't apologize. In order to sell, you must be absolutely sure that the price you offer is less than the benefit that the client receives. No matter what you sell, you won't always sell for the lowest price on the market. Be prepared to justify your price - to show it's fair. Key to neutralize price objections- statement of product characteristics. At the sales training, they work out basic strategies for overcoming price objections in role playing games. Understand for yourself and be prepared to demonstrate different competitive advantages product, people, or additional service. On sales objection handling training formed the ability to focus the customer on the benefits of a product or service.

Sales Objection Handling Training: Strategies for Overcoming Price Objections:

1. Postpone the price objection.

The price of your product or service should be announced at the end of the presentation, but not at the beginning. Mentioning the price is inappropriate until you know the needs of the client. Talking about price at the very beginning can kill the client's interest, because he is not yet familiar with the benefits. You can't avoid talking about price, but bring it up at a convenient time for you - after the client is willing to accept the price as payment for a real benefit.

2. Use the lowest common denominator.

This tactics include splitting prices and bringing it to a form that is easy for the client to understand and convenient for work. For example, a customer might say "$1,500 is too much for your product." The salesperson responds this way: “It seems until you realize that you will spend only a few dollars a week using our product, but at the same time you will achieve greater productivity and additional profit. Therefore, after being used for some time, this product will cost you nothing.” On sales objection handling training least common denominator technique. If the customer really thinks the price is too high, then the logical response is to divide the price by time period, or provide a cost per unit.

3. Emphasize exclusive features.

What can you do if the price of your product is higher than the price of competitors? Emphasize your exclusivity. What does your product have that competitors' products don't? There are no two identical products. You will be able to find the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal. Analyze the offer of your competitors in order to determine why the same product costs less. If the analysis shows that your offer is better, then it is your duty as a professional seller to emphasize those exclusive qualities that add value. On sales objection handling training the skill of effective use is formed techniques for emphasizing exclusive characteristics. In addition, show more interest in the customer than competitors who focus on price alone.

4. Make a comparison.

Be prepared to provide reasonable reasons for the price you are asking. One method that will allow you to do this is to compare the quality of your product with that of a competitor's product. For example, you can emphasize that both you and competitors offer products High Quality. This elevates your product to the same level as the competition. If you decide to make a comparison, be sure that you have enough evidence.

Neutralization of objections - while controlling the negotiation process - is one of the most important components professional sales. In fact, if you've never had to deal with objections, you're just an order taker - not a salesperson! Success in neutralizing objections largely depends on your attitude.
If you think the sale didn't go through as soon as you hear objections, it really does. If you perceive the objection as another opportunity to sell, you will definitely close the sale. Improving skills to overcome objections not only makes the sale profitable, but also adds interest and enjoyment to the selling process. The fact that you are confident in your ability deal with doubts and objections, can make the client completely abandon the desire to argue. On sales objection handling training being worked out objection handling skill. Your skill gives you the confidence that in the event of objections from the client, you are fully capable of handling the situation.


Getting into an argument with a customer while responding to an objection is one of the most stupid and powerful mistakes a salesperson makes. On sales objection handling training a solution to this problem in role-playing games is being worked out. Your goal is to eliminate the objection without objecting.
Remember, a sale is a lucrative offer that includes mutual cooperation and mutual benefits.
Selling is not a game in which you are the winner and the customer is the loser. You can win and prove "I'm right and you're wrong" and blow the deal. Never force a client to make a decision. People who are forced to agree tend to stick to their point of view. Customers usually decide to make a purchase and continue cooperation if decision was their initiative! On sales objection handling training formed the skill of responding to an objection without objecting.

Business, as everyone knows, is built on compromises. Any situation in which the interests of several parties are affected requires not only attention, but also a willingness to adapt the proposal, guided by the needs of other participants. Only then can success be achieved. But even an experienced master of working with objections cannot completely avoid the resistance of the client. It doesn’t matter if it’s about convincing the consumer to support the offer or agree to the proposed terms, or just make a purchase. Still, there is a high chance of encountering objections. There are some principles for dealing with objections. It is worth talking about them in more detail.

Principles of the work in question

There are five of them:

1. Nothing personal. The representative of the company must set himself up so as not to feel psychological discomfort in the process of responding to the voiced objections. Important point- distinction between the objection of the client and his personal attitude to the representative of the company. An employee should always remember that client statements (even very harsh ones) in most cases are not personally oriented to him, but are addressed to the person whose role he plays in this moment, - the seller of the goods.

Thus, the main principle by which objection handling is carried out is “nothing personal”.

2. Evaluation of the objection. It can be both a manifestation of real concern about the details of the proposal (term, price, terms of sale), and as nit-picking, masking the absence of a clear need.

Real objections are important reasons that encourage the client to refuse to cooperate. They are useful in that they signal the presence of anxiety in the interlocutor, make it possible to better manage the course of negotiations. Such objections are the result of a misunderstanding or a signal that the company's ideas do not match the client's expectations. In any case, they are easy enough to overcome.

3. Criterias of choice. In order to successfully promote a corporate idea, it is necessary to promptly clarify the criteria for the management of the interlocutor (what is most important for him and what he can give up). This is best done in the form of welcoming measures to minimize the number of objections.

4. Achieving openness. Here it is important to ensure that the client openly expressed his doubts. Some of them may turn out to be quite far-fetched. In this case the best way negotiation is the transition from the discussion of the difficulties mentioned by the interlocutor to another topic. For example, you can ask a clarifying or abstract question: “In addition to the responsible person and the implementation process, do you still have doubts?” It is in this way that it is possible to study all the doubts of the client, and then choose the key one to work with later. The easiest way to do this is through prioritization: “Of all the doubts that have been voiced, which one is the most important to you?”

5. Turning an objection into a question. It must be remembered that behind every objection lies the undiscovered need of the interlocutor for the idea submitted by the representative of the company. During the objection, the client, as a rule, requests additional information. The phrase “I am not satisfied with the delivery time” could well mean: “Is it possible to turn this around faster?”

The representative's task is to competently respond to the voiced doubts of the client, that is, to determine the real reasons for such objections, and then work directly with them.

Reasons for objections

This includes:

  1. Incorrect feeding technique. In the presentation a large number of controversial points. Incorrect definition of priorities and desires of the audience. For example, we are talking about business opportunities in front of a potential market segment, and not business partners.
  2. Having your own doubts. The manifestation of uncertainty in the speaker himself regarding the quality of the company, its products. In this regard, it is always recommended to personally use the advertised products. In this case, the speaker will know the features, consumer qualities of the product.
  3. The presence of uncertainty in their capabilities among the clients themselves. It is recommended to recall the diversity of the product, that is, it will suit everyone. It will not be superfluous to tell the success stories of several people, so to speak, from the people.
  4. Unfounded fears, stereotypes. The positive characteristics of network marketing should be told in colors.
  5. DThis item is not really suitable for the customer. Not everyone can achieve significant results in network business. The same is true for ordinary goods and services.
  6. Desire to discuss in more detail all the details. Many people suffer from the lack of communication that is common in our time, as a result of which they constantly strive to argue. This can also be attributed to the reason for attracting the attention of others to increase a sense of self-importance.
  7. Intrigues from competitors. The activities of professional agents, black PR people. In this case, it is possible to win only due to the high quality of products and the correct information policy.

Objections can be covered by various motives. It must be remembered that this is not always to speak of a final failure. If the client argues, it means that he is interested in the offer, but it is only necessary to get rid of his doubts, or, conversely, you can give additional confidence. That is why competent work with objections is very important. This skill can help attract new business partners, carry out additional sales in, at first glance, hopeless cases.

Consistency in the work under consideration

The following steps are involved in dealing with objections:

1. Using the active listening technique, carefully listen to the client. Here, the wrong actions will be:

  • interrupting the interlocutor;
  • continuation of phrases after him;
  • inattention.

2. Adoption. It is necessary to show respect for the client's position, but still disagree with it. It is required to say: “of course, the issue of price is important”, “this is a really important issue”. It would be incorrect to agree: “yes, it is very expensive.”

3. Clarification of needs the interlocutor or his objections to increase the validity of the arguments of the company representative. It is impossible to start arguing in a situation where the essence of the objection is not clear.

4. Argumentation. Bringing clear arguments testifying to the high level of quality of the goods, the benefits of its acquisition. Not allowed:

  • conducting a presentation without relying on client needs;
  • lack of emphasis on significant benefits from the purchase;
  • using standard arguments for each client;
  • use of unknown technology.

5. Monitoring the withdrawal of objections. Completion of the argument with a question in order to convince the client of the correct understanding of the information provided. It is required to help the interlocutor to make the right choice (in favor of the company). It is impossible to immediately shut up after voicing arguments in anticipation of an independent decision by the client.

These are the main stages that make up the work with objections. Now it is worth paying attention to how to behave with a client on the phone.

Dealing with objections over the phone

During the presentation of a product, company, etc., guests, as a rule, have questions and objections. It is with them that you should learn how to work competently. Let's start with where these objections come from, what they mean.

There is a special technique for dealing with objections over the phone. This is TTB (telephone combat technique). It has such a technique as "that's why." The representative of the company calls the client, greets, introduces himself. Then briefly describes the topic of the conversation and subsequently invites the interlocutor to a presentation or a personal meeting. As a rule, potential clients try to find out the details right away, since by nature all people are lazy, do not want to take action, which is why they want to know summary over the phone to cancel immediately.

Consider an example situation telephone conversation, which uses TTB:

What kind of business?

Advanced technology marketing company.

What if it's short?

In this case, there are two options for the development of the situation. Newbie answer:

Nikolai, you are a literate person! As you understand, business people do not talk about such things on the phone! That's exactly why I want to meet you at the cafe. So, when would it be more convenient for you to meet tomorrow at five or seven in the evening?

The second option is the answer to an already experienced interlocutor:

Nicholas, are you business man You know perfectly well that in our company it is not customary to discuss important issues over the phone. That is why I propose to meet in the evening in a cafe. When will be more convenient - at six or eight?

It is in this way that objections are dealt with by phone (the examples are conditional). Within the framework of the topic under consideration, there is also its own methodology, which we will discuss further.

Methods for dealing with objections

There are only ten of them:

1. List of clarifying questions. It is necessary to force the opponent to reason, to respond to emerging remarks and statements himself. This is valid for standard clauses:

  • Reluctance. Are you sure that you do not want to change your life for the better, open up new prospects for growth?
  • I don't have money for this. What exactly do you have no money for? That is, you feel sorry for worthless pieces of paper to improve your health and financial well-being? How much do you think such high-quality goods should cost? Expensive, but people still vote with their wallet for high quality.
  • I need to think about it. What do you need to think about? How long will it take you to do this? Let's figure this out together!
  • I don't have time for this. You don't have time for what? For yourself, for your loved ones? (It is necessary to demonstrate the value of time, the benefits of the presented program, the product) For example, a washing machine frees up a lot of time.
  • Don't borrow money to start? I would definitely like to start business with you as a partner. But I don't want to put you in a dependent position.

2. Translation into a humorous form. You should try to avoid the answer by means of a joke. You can also try to condemn the interlocutor for stupidity, gullibility. Well, who does it these days? Who trusts these charlatans?

3. Maintaining a pause. During this time, the interlocutor independently begins to look for a suitable answer to his own question. Perhaps he himself then realizes its meaninglessness.

4. Repetition of the objection. Only the objection itself needs to be repeated. This technique is based on the peculiarities of human psychology, when a person perceives his own words differently if they are spoken by another. The first can independently realize the insignificance of the expressed objections, doubts, questions.

5. Presence of personal opinion. In the case when the objection is based only on third-party experience, you should ask if you have your own opinion regarding the issue under consideration. And what do you yourself think about this? What are your own thoughts on this?

6. Praise of the interlocutor. What a worthy question! These are the people our company is looking for, this program is designed specifically for you. This professional question! I assure you that in our company you will find partners worthy of your level.

7. List of alternative questions. It is necessary to formulate a sentence with an imaginary choice. For example: would you like coffee or tea? Are we meeting at five or six tonight?

8. Imaginary refusal(high chair effect). Why do you need it? Some kind of financial independence, own house, money, car. They don’t play with toys here, it’s not interesting - it means it’s not interesting.

9. Delayed response. I can't answer right now, but later I'll check with management, then I'll be sure to let you know. I propose to exchange contacts. Better yet, come directly to the presentation, there will be one person who is more competent in this issue, than me.

10. Leads. The presentation already provides standard objections, questions. It is only necessary to provide ready-made answers that are beneficial to you, do not wait for the moment when these questions are asked.

Using the above methods, work with objections proceeds (the most common examples are given).

Sales stages

There are only five of them:

  1. Establishing contact with the client.
  2. Determining the needs of the interlocutor.
  3. Product presentation.
  4. Dealing with objections in sales.
  5. Completion of the deal.

This article discusses the fourth stage, namely, working with objections in sales. This is all that was mentioned earlier. First, it is necessary to determine the type of objections (real and false). Based on this, the appropriate negotiating technique is applied.

Real objections- refusal of the buyer on the basis of true, in his opinion, facts. False- lack of desire to purchase goods without a clear justification.

If in the first case the purchaser, having received additional facts, begins to discuss them, then in the second case the buyer is not interested in them, he raises a different objection, and so every time. It can be said that emotions will prevail over logic.

Real objections

Dealing with buyer objections, if they fall under the category of real ones, is as follows:

  1. Clarification of what was heard. We need to get as much information as possible.
  2. Prioritize objections.
  3. Transition to "prelude".
  4. logical answer.
  5. Clarifying question.

False objections

Work with objections of this category consists of the following:

  1. "Prelude".
  2. Clarifying questions.
  3. logical answer.

Bukhtiyarov's book about working with objections

It is a practical guide to the work in question. The purpose of the book is to help people involved in the MLM business quickly climb the stairs. career ladder. It can help beginners get off to a more productive start, and it can make it easier for managers to train their business partners. In addition, it frees the reader from any doubts that prevent him from becoming a successful and prosperous person.

Every person who is engaged in the MLM business has to face a number of objections (both beginner and professional).

The book provides answers to the following questions:

  • How to form a "body armor" for yourself and your beginners?
  • How to make it so that, when objecting, people still want to hear the answer, do not dismiss it?

These and many other questions are answered by A. V. Bukhtiyarov. Dealing with Objections is one of his most famous books.


In this article, work with client objections was considered (by phone, during a presentation, personal meeting), its principles and methods were described in detail. We hope the information provided will be useful.

The purpose of the training is to convey to salespeople (in our case, to a greater extent, beginners or inexperienced, as well as to those who wish to somewhat systematize existing knowledge) the basic knowledge of the algorithm for working with objections and to obtain in "laboratory" conditions (in the training group) the basic skills in this matter. This is not a ready-made training, but only a template on the basis of which you can prepare a lesson.


One of the important goals of any training is to establish contact between all participants. To begin with, everyone is invited to tell about themselves, according to a simple scheme:

Experience in sales

Why do I, as a buyer, object

Participants, answering the last question, voice the reasons that cause resistance in sales.

When asked why I, as a buyer, resist purchase offers, the group is invited to discuss what objections are. For example, everyone can try to formulate what resistance is in sales.

Maslow's pyramid of needs

Participants are briefly told about Maslow's pyramid of needs. The concept of the pyramid of needs suggests that needs have their own hierarchy. So, for example, having not received satisfaction of lower needs, the client is not interested in those that, according to the pyramid, are higher.

In accordance with Maslow's pyramid, the general needs of the client can be distinguished:




One way or another, the client declares these needs. For example, the objection "Expensive" belongs to the category "Savings". The client consciously or unconsciously thinks whether he will have enough money for food after the purchase (in Maslow's pyramid "physiology"). The argumentation of this doubt should concern, first of all, the category of "Economy".

Note that in this case we are not talking about specific problems and customer requests, but what can be attributed to the main needs or motives - savings, reliability, the desire to stand out, should bring joy, and so on.


The participants of the training are told the algorithm for bypassing the resistance of buyers. It includes the following steps:

Listen (active listening, listening and hearing what is being said)

Join (agree with the client's right to an opinion, agreement with the importance of experiences)

Clarify the essence (clarification of the essence of resistance)

Argumentation (propose a solution, voice two arguments in favor of the solution in the language of benefits)

Validation (check if arguments were accepted)

Closing (re-offer to close a deal)

Why the algorithm sometimes fails

The importance of joining

It often happens that we told the client everything, provided the most “delicious” arguments. But this is not enough. And often the reason for this outcome is the neglect of the steps of the algorithm. And one of the often forgotten steps is joining.

The essence of the stage is not to agree with the objection itself. The bottom line is that we must show that we hear the main request and we are not against the client's right to have an opinion. For example, a client says "I don't know this company and don't trust it." This is similar to the fact that the buyer is worried about the quality of the model, that is, we are talking about "safety / reliability." Our attachment should contain words burning about this client request:

I agree that you want to be sure of the quality of your purchase

It is also worth noting that we do not use negative language. For example, you can't say this:

I agree that you don't want your new purchase to fail.

Imaginary objection

If the buyer says “expensive”, “I don’t trust the quality”, “I don’t like appearance and so on, then we are talking about direct, real doubts. But if we hear something like “I’ll think about it,” “something doesn’t suit me,” and so on, then we are talking about imaginary doubts. That is, the true meaning of the words of the buyer does not lie on the surface. We only understand that something does not suit the client, but he did not voice the reason for dissatisfaction.

In this case, it is difficult to competently join the words of the buyer. And in this case, we must clarify what exactly the client has in mind. And after clarification, join the request.

Training exercises

Algorithm development

The difference between group learning and the theoretical study of methodology lies in the possibility of developing, albeit in "laboratory" conditions, useful skills. For example, during these exercises:

The group is divided into several teams, depending on the number of participants. The team writes down the objections that are encountered in practice on large paper for several minutes. It is important to note that customer resistance is different from claims. For example, the resistances “I’ll think about it”, “expensive”, “I don’t trust the brand” and so on are resistances, objections, they work with them.

After the teams are assigned to each objection, pick up the attachments depending on the needs of the client. They are working on the quality of connection - there should be no negative wording, it is necessary to work with needs.

During the third phase of the exercise, the teams match arguments to previously selected resistance/attachment combinations. The result of the exercise, in addition to developing the skills of applying the algorithm, is the selection of ready-made scripts for typical objections.


This is a classic exercise. The group is divided into threes. One of the three is a seller (working out the algorithm in practice), the second buyer, a third-party observer (his task is to give feedback on working out the case). A case is issued for the three, which describes the image of the buyer, the request and the objection.

A variant of the exercise - the case is worked out by two participants, the buyer and the seller, in front of the whole group. In this case, the whole group becomes extras. The order of performing both exercises can be alternated arbitrarily.

New exercise for corporate training sales.
Stage: Work with objections.
The number of participants is from 4, a multiple of 2.
Materials: paper, pens, xerox, commercial offers for the product.
Time 15-30 minutes.

For corporate sales training (by product).

Stage 1. The trainer asks the participants to remember what objections they face when selling goods and services. Asks to write at least 10 points.
This is given 3-5 minutes.
When the participants have finished writing the objection lists, the trainer makes a photocopy of all the lists. Stage 2. The trainer asks each participant to read out the most typical objections and explain (in his opinion) why such an objection arises. Thus, the participants get acquainted with all the objections.
This step takes 3-5 minutes.

Stage 3. The coach divides the team into pairs. One of the pair will be the sales manager and the other will be the objecting customer. The trainer cuts the written objections to the product (after the 1st stage) so that there is 1 objection on one strip of paper. All objections are shuffled so that the participants do not see them.
Instruction for participants in pairs: You start the discussion commercial offer(pre-distribute the CP to the sellers), after a certain amount of time after the start of the conversation, the coach will give the buyer one of the objections, which will be voiced during the negotiations. The salesperson will need to handle the objection using objection handling techniques.

The trainer gives a signal to start negotiations and every 30 seconds passes one of the objections to the buyers. After 4 objections, the buyer and seller switch roles and negotiations continue. The trainer communicates the new objections to the participant who has become the buyer.

This step takes 5-7 minutes.

Stage 4. Feedback. Participants in pairs give feedback on how the objection was handled, which techniques were convincing and which were not.
2-3 minutes for feedback.

As you know, any business (be it offline or online) needs sales. Of course, in most cases, an entrepreneur does not sell on his own, but tries to find a specialist for whom working with customer objections, building relationships with them and building loyalty to the company will be possible.

Many freelancers are afraid to take on assignments to call clients because they don’t like to “push” or justify themselves to a client. All the same, working with objections is not an easy task and you must be psychologically prepared for this. But as practice shows, one has to justify oneself only for defective goods or services.

From the very beginning, we instill in our students the skill of finding the right employers, this is when you can work with an employer whose business idea you basically like and are close to your heart, but, more importantly, the employer knows how to build right marketing around your product or service, and its quality is very high. If the business is built correctly, then work with customer objections will be reduced to zero.

But no matter how high-quality the product is, absolutely in any company the sales manager must be able to work out customer objections, because customers are different and everyone has their own experience, outlook on life and fears about purchases.

Therefore, today we will talk about working with customer objections. Let's get started.

Conversation script- this is a certain algorithm by which the sales manager operates. Usually the scripts are provided by the customer, but sometimes he may ask you to write a script or modify an existing one. All the same, working with objections is a creative matter and requires an individual approach to each client, but it would be nice to have ready-made scripts at hand and rely on them in your work.

So, script- This is an algorithm that is built on the principle of question and answer. When the manager asks a question, the client has several options for answering (the options are also written in the script), after the client answers, the manager answers him according to the given scenario. If the scripts are written correctly, then absolutely anyone can make sales by phone, even without experience.

Now let's look at some very common objections from customers that are found in absolutely any business.

  • Yours is expensive.
  • I don't have money now.
  • I do not trust…
  • I have heard bad reviews.
  • I haven't heard anything about it yet.
  • Need to consult with...
  • I saw a cheaper offer.
  • I already have a supplier.
  • I will think.

The last one is the crown. All clients love him very much.

Of course, I did not list all the objections, but the essence, I think, is clear. Let's now deal with how to deal with such objections. Today I offer you 6 working ways to work out objections of different levels.

Method 1. "Yes, but along with this ..."

Objection: "It's precious to me" Answer: Yes, but along with that we have a very high quality product.

Objection: "I've heard bad reviews" Answer : Yes, but along with this, we have much more positive feedback.

Objection: "Delivery too long" Answer: Yes, but along with this, we have a very large selection of goods and we have absolutely everything in stock.

Objection: "I don't have any money right now" Answer: Yes, but along with that, we could meet and discuss future cooperation.

This method works on the principle of "Yes, but ..". That is, the main task of the manager is to agree and speak out a very beneficial advantage of the product, which should overcome the objection of the client.

Objection: "Competitors are cheaper" Answer: Yes, but let's look at the details together..

Objection: "I don't have any money right now" Answer A: Yes, but we have the option to pay for goods in installments..

Method 2. "That's why .. "

Objection: "I need to think" Answer: That is why I invite you to meet with me so that we can discuss the details and you have something to think about..

Objection: “I already have a good supplier, I don’t need another” Answer: That is why I am calling you to tell you about our advantages.

Objection: "I don't want to pay up front" Answer: That is why our manager will deliver the goods to your home. If there are complaints about the quality, then you can resolve this issue with the manager on the spot.

Objection: "Your prices are very expensive" Answer: That is why I suggest that you take only trial version so that you understand that we do really high-quality things.

This way of handling an objection works because you are joining the client and at the same time, you are signaling a very strong advantage for your company.

Method 3. Ask the client a counter question.

Objection: "It is very expensive" Answer: What product are you comparing to? Answer: Why do you think so? Answer: What is more important to you, price or quality?

Objection: "I have no money" Answer: Do you think you could find the money before today to buy the stock? Answer: What do you have in mind? Answer: How soon do you plan to receive money?

Objection: “I saw cheaper prices in another company” Answer: And how did you understand that we have the same quality of services?

Objection: "I have a good relationship With.." Answer: And why does this prevent you from considering my proposal?

When we ask questions, we can get 2 results:

  1. If the client answered automatically, then now he will think about his answer and rephrase it, after which you can further choose the tactics of the conversation.
  2. You can go deeper into the client's response and understand the true reasons (distrust of the company, fear of losing money, uncertainty in your decisions.. there can be many reasons).

Ask how simple questions, so complex that will make the client think. For example,

Objection: "Your prices are too high" Answer: If it were really expensive for us, then we would not have a large customer base that is constantly growing. Why do you think they buy from us?

With this question, you will make a selling statement about the company, and then ask a question to which the client can not answer anything but good about your company.

Method 4. "Let's compare."

This method works especially well with the "Expensive" objection. When you hear such an objection, your task is to compare key indicators together with the client.

What volume of goods are you ordering? How often? How do you pay the supplier? Is there a loan or installment payment? How would you rate the quality of the product? Are all items in stock?... And so on.

When a client says that yours is expensive, he thinks that the goods / services and their quality are the same for everyone, but yours is just more expensive. Your task is to show on the example of this particular client (using the information that he will give) that there is no identical quality. Find what is best in your company and focus on it.

Method 5: Replace the assertion.

This method is also called "Substitution" or "Paraphrase". Here's how it works: start the substitution with the words "I understood you correctly that .." or "That is, you mean that .." and then change the objection itself to a statement that is beneficial to you.


Objection: "You don't have the item I want in stock" Answer: I understand you correctly that if we create a separate warehouse for you and the necessary goods, are you ready to buy from us?

Method 6 (very cool). Get the client to recall past experiences.

For this to work, try to find in your client the actions that he has already done, and he will have to do it again.

For example, a client believes that there is no need to change suppliers, he is satisfied with the current ones.

You can answer like this: Remember when you chose a supplier last time? You must have made your decision because favorable conditions. Maybe we should consider our conditions? They may well be even more profitable for you.."

Or here's another example for you. The client thinks that you are expensive.

You can answer something like this: "Have you come across the fact that you bought cheaper, but still later had to buy more expensive, but best quality? Did you feel sorry for the money you spent on a cheaper thing?"

Probably yes. Every person in life faces this. And even if the client does not answer you, then you can continue: ".. perhaps it is the same here. Let's figure it out together whether it is worth spending money on a cheaper option?"


So, we have found out that you can work out almost any objection of the client. If you have scripts at hand, it's very simple. But if no one gave you ready-made scripts, now you can make them yourself.

And in general, as they say, learning is light, not learning is darkness. Therefore, you can start your training with free lessons on remote work at this link or by clicking on the button below. Take action!