And therefore, the graduate will be able to clearly answer the question: “Why do I choose to become a lawyer?” Working as a lawyer Some people, on the contrary, would prefer to work as a lawyer – a specialist who provides qualified legal assistance. He can work with both individuals and legal entities. It is the lawyer who represents the interests of a person or the whole organization in court. This profession is one of the most in demand. Working as a lawyer has undeniable prospects for career growth and the possibility of receiving a fairly high salary. Also, specialists in this profile are relatively independent. All this can also serve as arguments in the essay “Why do I want to become a lawyer?” Since the range of responsibilities in this profession is quite wide, the entire legal profession is conventionally divided into two large sectors - criminal and civil.


But, it should be emphasized once again that not every boy or girl (even if they really want it) is destined to become a professional in the field of law. You can often hear from representatives of the younger generation: “My future profession is a lawyer.” But then they take entrance exams to a university, receive the coveted diploma and turn out to be unsuitable for the profession or, at best, very “mediocre” specialists.

Why is this happening? Why do some “grow” into experienced detectives, while others turn out to be “would-be jurists” who don’t even know what the Basic Law of our country is called? It's all about the qualities possessed by a person who has decided to devote himself to jurisprudence. Professions such as judge, prosecutor or lawyer require compliance.

One more step

What advantages does this direction in jurisprudence have? Of course, the main one is prestige. After all, the person who was able to get this position must have remarkable erudition and great hard work. Another advantage that a graduate can emphasize is the opportunity to acquire a large number useful contacts.
They can always come in handy when solving various life issues. It is also worth emphasizing that the position of a judge is quite highly paid, and specialists in this field have immunity. Investigator Many different areas of jurisprudence have this path.
And this must be noted in the essay “Why did I choose the profession of a lawyer?” For those students who prefer practical activities Rather than theoretical research, working as an investigator is perfect in this area.

Why do I choose to become a lawyer? advantages of being a lawyer

Thirdly, working as a lawyer is not only honorable and prestigious, but also profitable. This job is a good stepping stone for advancement. career ladder up to the manager large company. To become a professional lawyer, you need to learn a lot: you need to master various legal terms, concepts, literally understand a huge number of codes, laws, you need to be to some extent a psychologist so that people do not panic and are able to competently protect their rights.


All this requires good memory, endurance, endurance and courage. That is why not all people can be lawyers, but only a few. I also belong to this category. My soul is drawn to this profession, and only with it do I really want to connect my life.

I want to become a great specialist in the field of jurisprudence. For this I chose to study in a socio-legal class.

Essay “why I choose to become a lawyer.” rationale for choice, interesting facts


To master all the intricacies of the profession, you need to perfectly know the criminal and procedural codes, be able to clearly use the code of laws and articles, you need to be a psychologist, understand human souls. All this requires perseverance, hard work, memory and endurance. I will do my best and I will succeed! The specialty of a lawyer is one of the most popular professions, because a lawyer is needed in almost any organization, in production, and I hope that in the future I will be able to find a good, interesting, highly paid job. I will try to benefit people. The author's spelling and punctuation have been preserved

Why do I want to become a lawyer? (essay on a free topic)

Knowledge of laws is always useful. In addition, you can emphasize in the conversation the fact that knowledge of the current law will never be superfluous. legislative framework. And in the case when a person has acquired poor quality product in the store, and when traffic police officers issue a fine, this knowledge will help restore justice and feel more protected. There is no area of ​​life that is not affected by jurisprudence.

Every area of ​​life is regulated by law: if you need a divorce, contact a lawyer; if you need to solve a problem with registration of a land plot, you can’t do it without a qualified lawyer. The work of a legal consultant The legal profession is a profession that involves employment in a variety of legal fields. Those who have received this specialty may prefer to work in government agencies over employment in an organization.

Essay on why I decided to become a lawyer?

The first category includes those workers who handle cases of theft, murder, and so on. In the field of civil advocacy, specialists in civil law, family law, and the arbitration code work. Perhaps it is work in one of these areas that will be attractive enough for a graduate to choose this profession and ask the question “why am I choosing to become a lawyer?” resolved.

Judges There are many legal specialties, and all of them in one way or another have a direct connection with the legal sphere. One of the most responsible is the profession of a judge. This position always implies status and prestige in society. A person whose age is less than 25 years cannot be a judge.

Like prosecutors, representatives of this profession must have universal knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, as well as life wisdom, be independent, self-possessed and objective.

Essay: “the legal profession is a profession that inspires!”

They have been living together for 25 years and love each other very much. Shaidullins Regina and Alina. The wife worries with all her heart about her husband’s problems and sometimes gives him good advice to make important decisions. Together they achieved a lot. Eric Almazovich and Gulfiya Rustamovna are raising two daughters.

Sr. Regina received higher education and also works in court. The second daughter Alina, a sophomore, studies in Kazan at the Law Institute. Thus, both daughters followed in their father's footsteps. The couple are very proud of them.

On summer weekends, Erik Almazovich likes to go out into nature with friends, hunt and fish with his family. These are his most passionate hobbies. In winter they go on ski trips. Friends and acquaintances are sure that my uncle was born a lawyer.

Essay on the topic “why did I choose the profession of lawyer?”

In the city essay competition dedicated to the 285th anniversary of the Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation 3 students from a specialized socio-economic class took part. All three became winners: Melnik Alexey - 1st place, Shalkina Yana - 2nd place, Davletshin Arthur - 3rd place. I suggest you familiarize yourself with creative works winners.

Essay Why did I decide to become a lawyer? Davletshin Arthur, student of class 10 A For a person who does not know which harbor he is heading to, not a single wind will be favorable. Seneca the Elder I really enjoy watching television programs that deal with law and order issues. One evening there was a program with the participation of the most interesting person Anatoly Kucherena.

I paid close attention to every word he said, every thought, because they were clear, concise, and understandable to all participants in the dialogue.

Essay on why I decided to become a lawyer

Attractive aspects of the position of a prosecutor In order to answer the question “Why do I choose the profession of a lawyer?”, a student must first examine the main characteristic features of this specialty. Every servant of the law knows that his specialty has a number of distinctive features. For example, a prosecutor is a person who has a higher legal education and represents the prosecution in any legal proceedings. In addition, the profession of a prosecutor involves working on the registration various documents, and sometimes going directly to the scene of investigations. The prosecutor also has to consider various civil complaints. If they have sufficient grounds, then he has the right to open a criminal case.
For some people, such work will be interesting precisely because of its specifics.

Essay on why I want to become a lawyer

In this case, his position will be called “legal adviser.” Among all the specialties that are united by one general concept“lawyer”, this position is one of the most important. A legal consultant is an expert in his field; he ensures strict compliance with current legislation by both the organization and other participants in legal relations. In an essay on the topic “My job is a lawyer,” it is necessary to emphasize that representatives of this specialty are both experts and defenders of the rights of the organization in the courts. In addition, the legal consultant is also involved in supporting the contracts that the company enters into. He must independently draw up the text of each agreement and then endorse it.

IN lately The legal profession is becoming increasingly popular among graduates. Having received a diploma in the field of law, a person can become a lawyer, judge, investigator, notary - all these professions require deep knowledge in the legal field. Why is this area so attractive to yesterday’s schoolchildren?

The importance of the profession

“Why do I choose to become a lawyer?” - this question is not only considered by high school students in their essays. More than once they ask themselves what exactly this area they were so interested. The lawyer is one of oldest species human activity. First professional lawyers can already be considered members of the College of Pontiffs in Ancient Rome. Currently, specialists in this field are among the most in demand. Each year, from 5 to 10 applicants are registered for one place in higher educational institutions.

Attractive aspects of being a prosecutor

In order to answer the question “Why do I choose the profession of a lawyer?”, the student must first examine the main characteristic features of this specialty. Every servant of the law knows that his specialty has a number of distinctive features. For example, a prosecutor is a person who has a higher legal education and represents the prosecution in any legal proceedings.

In addition, the profession of a prosecutor involves working on the preparation of various documents, and sometimes going directly to the scene of investigations. The prosecutor also has to consider various civil complaints. If they have sufficient grounds, then he has the right to open a criminal case. For some people, such work will be interesting precisely because of its specifics. And therefore, the graduate will be able to clearly answer the question: “Why do I choose to become a lawyer?”

Working as a lawyer

Some people, on the contrary, will prefer the work of a lawyer - a specialist who provides qualified legal assistance. He can work with both individuals and legal entities. It is the lawyer who represents the interests of a person or an entire organization in court. This profession is one of the most in demand. Working as a lawyer has undeniable prospects for career growth and the possibility of receiving a fairly high salary. Also, specialists in this profile are relatively independent. All this can also serve as arguments in the essay “Why do I want to become a lawyer?”

Since the range of responsibilities in this profession is quite wide, the entire legal profession is conditionally divided into two large sectors - criminal and civil. The first category includes those workers who handle cases of theft, murder, and so on. In the field of civil advocacy, specialists in civil law, family law, and the arbitration code work. Perhaps it is work in one of these areas that will be attractive enough for a graduate to choose this profession and ask the question “why am I choosing to become a lawyer?” resolved.


There are many legal specialties, and all of them in one way or another have a direct connection with the legal sphere. One of the most responsible is the profession of a judge. This position always implies status and prestige in society. A person whose age is less than 25 years cannot be a judge. Like prosecutors, representatives of this profession must have universal knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, as well as life wisdom, be independent, self-possessed and objective. What advantages does this direction in jurisprudence have? Of course, the main thing is prestige. After all, the person who was able to get this position must have remarkable erudition and great hard work.

Another advantage that a graduate can highlight is the opportunity to acquire a large number of useful contacts. They can always come in handy when solving various life issues. It is also worth emphasizing that the position of a judge is quite highly paid, and specialists in this field have immunity.


There are many different areas of jurisprudence that follow this path. And this must be noted in the essay “Why did I choose the profession of a lawyer?” For those students who prefer practical activities rather than theoretical research, working as an investigator is perfect in this area. After all, this position helps to understand what criminal law is and how it is necessary to correctly apply the norms of criminal law.

It is very interesting to work in this area. After the investigator has received the materials, it is he who decides whether to initiate a criminal case or not. As the investigation progresses, the investigator must interview the accused as well as witnesses. He collects evidence of a crime, and also takes direct part in the judicial review of a criminal case. It is these responsibilities that may be of particular interest to tomorrow’s specialists and be the basis for starting today to prepare for admission to a law school.

Other benefits of the professional sphere

“Why did I choose to become a lawyer?” It can be difficult to answer this question in your own words. After all, this specialty can attract interesting responsibilities, and it can be difficult to understand exactly why there is a desire to engage in one or another type of activity. However, sometimes applicants choose this path for the reason that it seems to them the most promising, and in the future it may allow them to achieve a high position in society. For example, a young specialist can start by working as an ordinary clerk in law office. By improving his knowledge and working hard, over time he may well move on to work in other structures - for example, in court or the prosecutor's office.

Often a young girl also needs to answer a tricky question for her relatives: “Why did I choose to become a lawyer?” You can answer it quite fully in your own words: to do this, you need to convey to your loved ones that this job is prestigious and has many career prospects. It may also be interesting in itself, due to the responsibilities that the chosen position entails.

Does a lawyer need language skills?

Sometimes high school students need to write an essay “Why did I choose to become a lawyer?” in English. This is not easy work. However, with its help you can improve your knowledge of a foreign language. The future lawyer must understand that his work will involve the most different areas life. And so English language is a necessity for representatives of this profession, especially if the graduate plans to engage in private practice in the future. If he intends to work in government agencies, foreign language unlikely to be useful in professional activity. Its study can only serve as a hobby or additional training for the mind.

Knowledge of laws is always useful

In addition, you can emphasize in the conversation the fact that it will never be superfluous to know the current legislative framework. And in the case when a person purchased a low-quality product in a store, and when traffic police officers issue a fine, this knowledge will help restore justice and feel more protected. There is no area of ​​life that is not affected by jurisprudence. Every area of ​​life is regulated by law: if you need a divorce, contact a lawyer; if you need to solve a problem with registration of a land plot, you can’t do it without a qualified lawyer.

Work of a legal consultant

The legal profession is a profession that involves employment in a wide variety of legal areas. Those who have received this specialty may prefer to work in government agencies over employment in an organization. In this case, his position will be called “legal adviser.” Among all the specialties that are united by one common concept “lawyer”, this position is one of the most important. A legal consultant is an expert in his field; he ensures strict compliance with current legislation by both the organization and other participants in legal relations. In an essay on the topic “My job is a lawyer,” it is necessary to emphasize that representatives of this specialty are both experts and defenders of the rights of the organization in the courts.

In addition, the legal consultant is also involved in supporting the contracts that the company enters into. He must independently draw up the text of each agreement and then endorse it. In the event that, after concluding an agreement, any disputes or disagreements arise between the two parties, it is the legal adviser who is the person who protects the interests of his organization. The criterion for its success in this case is the number of cases won, as well as the difference between the company’s profit and the losses it incurred during the litigation process. All of these responsibilities may be interesting for those who dream of working as a legal consultant in an organization. They can be mentioned in the essay “I am a lawyer. Why did I choose this profession?

Compliance of personal qualities with the requirements of the profession

The work of a lawyer contains the most noble motives, because it is with its help that legal protection is ensured, and legal problems are eliminated. To work in this field, you need to have a number of professional skills important qualities. A lawyer must be responsible, stress-resistant, and also be able to negotiate correctly. In the essay “Why I chose the profession of a lawyer,” you can indicate that the graduate has all these qualities that are professionally important in this field, and that is why work in this field is also suitable for her. Although there are downsides to being a lawyer, for many graduates the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Especially when the applicant himself has all the qualities needed in this profession.

Demand for the profession

In the essay “Why do I want to become a lawyer?” a student or graduate can also describe in detail another undeniable advantage of this specialty. After all, one of its main characteristics is that specialists in this field have the opportunity to help people in difficult situations. That is why the demand for qualified specialists in the labor market is always high.

After all, the risks in the field of law are always enormous, and if you choose a low-qualified or inexperienced lawyer, it can cost a company or a person a lot. The same lawyer who has academic degree and work experience, can easily get a well-paid position in private organization or to a government agency. One of the most profitable solutions for the most ambitious graduates, it is to obtain a legal education.

Having attended court proceedings, I have a rough idea of ​​what will be required of me from my future profession: main goal A lawyer's job is to comply with legal norms and be responsible for the fate of a person who may be unjustly convicted. As a consequence of this, a person’s entire life can be ruined by an unjust sentence.

To master all the intricacies of the profession, you need to perfectly know the criminal and procedural codes, be able to clearly use the code of laws and articles, you need to be a psychologist, understand human souls. All this requires persistence, hard work, memory and endurance.

The specialty “jurisprudence” combines several legal professions. These are a judge, a prosecutor, a lawyer, an investigator, a notary, and a legal adviser. A significant number of lawyers are involved in politics, research and teaching. Thus, the professional capabilities of a lawyer extend to specialized structures, i.e. judicial, law enforcement agencies, structures legal services, as well as general management and economic structures.

I want to be a lawyer. A lawyer, as you know, defends. He handles either criminal or civil cases in court, but usually has even more narrow specialization. For example, it deals with transport accidents, divorces or housing disputes. To become a lawyer, you need not only to graduate from a law school or institute, but also to have work experience (about two years), pass the bar exam and join one of the bar associations. A business lawyer, unlike a lawyer, rarely appears in court. His task is precisely to ensure that his client - a firm, a bank, a company - does not have to go to court. He helps to draw up agreements and peacefully resolve various conflicts. This job has a lot in common with what a lawyer does in a firm. Only a business lawyer has many clients and very often comes to their aid in critical situations. Business advocacy is the pinnacle that many lawyers would like to climb to. But not everyone succeeds in this.

It's not easy for a new lawyer. The main thing is hard work, desire, work on yourself.

I am ready to work for the future, and future difficulties and obstacles inspire me. I want to help people and constantly feel that many of them need me.

Not everything works out right away; it takes experience and practice. It is important for aspiring lawyers to listen to the advice of professionals and learn to be a defender of the law and justice.

I have made my choice in the profession and I want to realize myself in it.

A lawyer must be a man of honor and justice. I like my profession because I can help a person in need. Communication with different people and the desire to solve their life problem gives me pleasure. Everyone probably knows how much effort and work it takes to achieve what they want. But only those who do not give up at the first difficulties and failures achieve their goal. The main thing is to believe in your strength, knowledge and everything will work out in this difficult profession.

Essay on the topic “Why did I choose to become a lawyer?” updated: December 1, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

It is not enough to simply repeat to yourself “I want to become a lawyer” in order to conquer this peak. In reality, you will need to go through a long journey in order to master this difficult profession. But it will take even more effort to then get a well-paid position.

So let's talk about how to become a lawyer? Where is the best place to go? What subjects are needed to become a lawyer? And where then to look for work? After all, only by understanding these issues can you competently plan your future.

Stage No. 1: why I want to become a lawyer

Let's start, perhaps, with the philosophical side of the issue. In particular, why a person strives to become a lawyer. After all, some want to protect the rights of people, others want to fight crime, and others are based on an ambitious thirst for money. And only after deciding on your motives should you choose your future specialty. For example:

  • A lawyer is a shield that stands guard over the law. By choosing this profession, a person becomes a defender of the rights and freedoms of the people, which requires high morality and spirituality.
  • The prosecutor is a sword that punishes all troublemakers in the country. This specialty requires completely different qualities. In particular, the prosecutor must be unwavering, fair and a little ruthless.
  • A notary is a multifunctional specialist capable of working in many areas of jurisprudence. At the same time, you can be both an altruist and a careerist who wants to earn more.

Besides this, there are many more paths that a person with a legal education can take. For example, you can get a job as a consultant in a large company and prepare profitable contracts. Or go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an investigator, thereby choosing a career as a police officer.

Stage No. 2: planning for the future

After a person decides on his future profession, he needs to competently plan his path. After all, the essence of the problem is not how to become a lawyer, but how to get the most promising education. That is, if for a notary any university with a law department will do, then for an investigator it is necessary to find an educational institution with in-depth physical training or a military department.

In general, on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 300 universities that can teach the skill of jurisprudence. Therefore, there are no special problems with choosing educational institution applicants should not experience this. The only advice is that you should not be guided by the price of tuition, but by the reputation of the university, since this can become the decisive trump card when applying for a job.

Stage No. 3: preparation for admission. What subjects do you need to know to become a lawyer?

It is necessary to prepare for a future profession from school. After all, students are required to have excellent knowledge in the field of history and social science. At the same time, the second subject is key when entering a law school. For example, if there is a choice between two applicants with the same number of Unified State Exam points, then preference will be given to the one with more high marks in social studies.

Besides mandatory requirement is knowledge of the Russian language. After all, how can you become a lawyer if you don’t know the rules of spelling? Therefore, you should prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to give your best when passing this exam. One more important point is that upon admission to a military university you will need to pass physical fitness standards.

Stage No. 4: development of personal qualities

If a person is thinking about becoming a lawyer, then he needs to be prepared for the fact that he will have to work on his inner qualities. In particular, you should develop the following traits:

  • Responsibility, because it is the basis of all legal matters.
  • Precision and pedantry. Any mistake in the document can lead to irreparable consequences.
  • Strength of character, since most legal processes require decisive action and an unshakable will.
  • Punctuality and communication skills, because they are the key to successful communication with people, which is extremely necessary in this job.
  • Scrupulousness and observation. Since without these qualities it will be difficult to find a gap in the defense of opponents or threads of salvation that can change a seemingly lost cause.

Stage No. 5: Don’t waste your student years

If a person wants to become a sought-after lawyer, then he needs to use his student years wisely. After all, on the one hand, you can have fun having fun with friends, and on the other hand, pull yourself together and begin to build a solid foundation for successful career. However, there is no need to explain which option is more correct.

In addition, during training you need not only to conquer generally accepted subjects, but also to develop in other directions. For example, consider judicial practices already successful lawyers, study new norms and laws, and also learn to build their own defense strategies and play them together with like-minded people.

Perhaps someone will think that this approach is too complicated and is only suitable for avid “nerds”. But think about what you want to become after graduation: a second-rate specialist or a sought-after professional? At the same time, soberly assess how great the difference is in their wages. After such reflections, it becomes quite obvious that several years of “cramming” is not such a high price to pay for a stable and prosperous future.

Stage No. 6: looking for a place to practice

After the third year, law students can get a position. Similar vacancies exist in many organizations and often exist on a voluntary basis. Simply put, a person receives practically nothing for his efforts, but at the same time he works like crazy (there are, of course, exceptions). But in this case, what is much more important is that the student will be able to acquire useful skills for work and establish himself as an excellent specialist, which will give him hope for the future.

Stage No. 7: making new connections

Student years are best time to search for new acquaintances. At the same time, you should understand the fact that most of the people around you are future lawyers. Consequently, friendship with them will sooner or later help in moving up the career ladder. Moreover, by organizing a good team, lawyers can open their own business and then successfully develop in their chosen direction.

The end of the journey: how to find a promising job

How to become a lawyer in our time? Often the correct answer is: have education and work experience. So, if everything is clear with the first, then what about the second? Well, to tell the truth, the only way to solve this problem is to get a job in a small legal organization or having good connections. And only after working for 2-3 years at such a beginning, you can count on the fact that your resume will be reviewed by prestigious firms or law firms.

You can also go the other way, that is, get a job government agency. The only trouble is that in small towns there are not always vacancies for lawyers. Therefore, you will have to either agree to work in another region, or look for available alternatives.

Law is one of the most popular areas for education. Many school graduates give their preference to this faculty. We will tell you about the main advantages and features of the legal profession.

1. Wide range of tasks performed

The scope of legal education includes very different specialties. Among them are a lawyer, a tax inspector, a prosecutor, an investigator, a notary, a legal adviser, a judge, and this is not a complete list.

This diversity makes it possible to choose among the most diverse activities and tasks. This could be the development and creation of bills, participation in court hearings(in various capacities), providing legal services and consultations, drawing up documentation, monitoring compliance with the legality of certain actions, and much more.

Generally speaking, a lawyer’s work, as a rule, consists of two main parts: communication and interaction with people and thoughtful, painstaking work with documents. This profession requires good logical thinking. If you enjoy solving tricky intellectual puzzles and enjoy the prospect of constant interaction with people, then this is an option you should consider.

In addition, jurisprudence includes a huge number of branches of law: constitutional, criminal, civil, administrative, financial and many others. You can choose the specialization that interests you most.

2. Social significance of the profession

The work of a lawyer is directly related to social sphere and implies the protection of the rights and freedoms of people who are incompetent in the legal field. And this is a noble task. You will help bring justice to people who have suffered from unlawful actions and violations of their rights. If you choose to become an investigator, your job will be to bring criminals to justice, thereby helping to maintain security and law and order.

All this certainly deserves respect. Who among us as a child did not dream of becoming a brave hero and fighting injustice in order to make the world at least a little better? If you have matured, but somewhere in the depths of your soul you have retained echoes of this desire and still cannot pass by when you see innocent people suffering, then this profession can bring you great satisfaction.

You should also understand that the work of a lawyer is associated with a high degree of responsibility, because the fate of other people sometimes directly depends on your decisions.

3. Prestige and income

A lawyer is a very respected profession in society, because he is a person who guards the interests and rights of other people. The most prestigious legal profession is, of course, considered to be the specialty of a lawyer. True, we should remember that his work may have little in common with what we are used to seeing in films.

Earnings for lawyers vary greatly depending on their field of practice. It also depends on whether you work for a large company, government service, or private practice. However, overall it is a fairly lucrative profession.

However, it should be borne in mind that competition in this market is great and you will have to put a lot of effort and time into improving in your profession if you want to be a sought-after specialist.

4. Legal literacy

Knowledge of the laws of your country and legal knowledge are also an undoubted advantage of this activity. IN everyday life We all, one way or another, have to deal with the effects of legislation. Perhaps your rights as a consumer were violated, a service or compensation to which you are entitled by law was denied, or a traffic police officer exceeded his authority by drawing up a report - in all these and many other situations, knowledge of the law and the ability to use it to protect your rights and interests will be invaluable help and support for you.

5. Career prospects

Legal services are in high demand in a wide range of areas, which means you can choose from a wide range of organizations to work with. These could be banks large enterprises, prosecutor's office, notary offices, police, courts, educational institutions, Registry Offices.

Depending on the institution you choose, career advancement may look different: perhaps you will lead legal department large company or, on the contrary, start a private practice, providing legal advice, maybe you will become a judge? The choice is yours.

6. Wide circle of friends

Due to the nature of your activity, you will constantly interact with a variety of people, so sooner or later you will inevitably become a huge amount promising acquaintances and connections that will be useful to you more than once in solving a variety of problems and tasks.

However, it is important to understand that a lawyer often acts as a mediator between parties to a conflict. This means that you will be a kind of buffer in this clash, which may require you to be psychologically stable and ready to cope with regular stress.