The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

Thank you, frost, for bringing snow.

Take care of your nose in the deep frost!

Sun for summer, winter for frost!

Folk signs

Smoke in a column means frost.

If there was frost at night, snow will not fall during the day.

The cat goes into the stove, the cold goes out into the yard.

Crows and jackdaws sit on the tops of trees - to frost.

Winter questions

1. Where is it warmer in winter: in a spruce forest or a birch forest?

2. Why does the crossbill build a nest in winter?

3. How does a crow predict frost?

4. Which snow melts quickly - clean or dirty?

5. What does moose lose every winter?

6. Why does the bullfinch have such a snowy name?

7. Which animal has a refrigerator in a snowdrift?

V. Bianchi

Three springs

The winter is fierce, she would like to freeze everything to death - people, animals, birds, trees. And starve everyone to death. But the sun - the father of life - has already declared war on it and on March 21 launched a decisive spring offensive.

On this day, it stayed in the sky for exactly half a day, striking the enemy with its arrow-rays. For the next half day - at night - winter froze the earth, repairing its destroyed fortifications. Then the sun began to linger longer and longer in the sky, the day began to grow quickly, the night began to decrease, and the warmth began to increase. Every day now the sun rises higher in the sky, its rays fall straighter on the ground and hit the snow harder.

The first victory is spring in the field.

It began when the first thawed patches appeared in the fields, the first land became free. The rooks were delighted with her and immediately rushed to us. Then - starlings and skylarks.

The rooks are glad that they can pick the field with their noses, pull out awakened worms and beetle larvae from the warmed earth. Starlings catch revived insects, larks collect grains in the field.

Following the larks, male finches arrived from wintering grounds - and are also still feeding on the ground. And among the waders, beautiful crested lapwings were the first to arrive - they occupied the still wet arable lands, from which warm steam was already rising.

The second victory is the river spring.

The field spring has not yet ended, not all the fields have been freed from snow, but the sun has already launched a new attack - on the strongest, icy fortifications of winter.

In the fields it retreats, snow runs from them in streams, it escapes from the sun into ravines, under the strong ice of the river. Rivers do not sleep, accumulating strength in captivity. So they strained and stood up.

It was as if a cannon had gone off over the river - thick ice cracked. The river broke free and, with thunder and ringing, carried the ice floes to the sea, crumbling and breaking them. But they won’t be able to swim to the distant sea: on the way, the sun will shoot them with its hot golden arrows.

Water birds - ducks, geese, swans, seagulls, loons, river and marsh waders - can't wait for the rivers, lakes, and ponds to be cleared. After all, in the freed water they will have something to profit from: fish, various insects, crustaceans, snails, larvae and other aquatic small fry have awakened in it.

And the rivers, freed from ice, rise higher and higher. And it will happen soon: they will overflow their banks, pour into the meadows, flood the valleys and bushes. People will say: “Here comes the flood - the spring flood. The water will water the earth."

This is the second great victory of the sun, the second spring is a river spring.

There will no longer be a trace of snow left in the fields, the rivers will begin to return to their banks, and winter will still not want to give up, it will still rush into counterattacks and send its morning frosts. The last defeated troops of its snow will hide from the sun for a long time in the forest, along the shady slopes of the ravines.

The cuckoo will crow, the forest will be shrouded in greenish fog, swallows will fly, and with the last hard frost the bird cherry tree will bloom with white stars. All the songbirds will return to their homeland, and the marsh hen-crape will come running, hiding in the green, already grown sedge.

The forest will dress. And the nightingale will sing in the blooming, fragrant lilacs.

This will be the third decisive victory of the sun over winter. This is the third spring - forest spring. The last one: summer will come after it.

G. Skrebitsky

Drops rang through the drainpipes, streams ran, the roads deteriorated, the roads turned black, on the hills, in the sun, the ground appeared from under the snow. This means winter is over. The first month of spring has arrived - March.

And look at the sky - it is also not at all the same as it was in winter: not colorless, as if faded.

In spring, the sky turns bright blue, and fluffy clouds are scattered across it like white clumps of cotton wool. They are called cumulus: in the evening they cluster near the horizon, like huge snowy mountains, and glow with warm pink light in the rays of the setting sun. Streams, thawed patches, the first cumulus clouds - this is the very beginning of spring.

In the front gardens, sparrows chirp provocatively, spreading their wings and tails, jumping on each other, screaming, fighting. This is how the spring sun affects them. Pigeons coo along the eaves of houses and on the roofs. What happened to the crow? She sat down on a tree, got all disheveled, stretched her neck, screaming at the top of her lungs: “Karr, karr”... She’s the one singing. He also enjoys the spring and the sun.

It’s good to go outside the city on a nice, clear day, when the first stream is babbling so cheerfully, sparrows are chirping and the air smells of melting snow.


Songs, dances, games

In spring it is time for the birds to sing. And they sing until half the summer, until their chicks grow up.

Those who cannot sing shout.

Strong-voiced cranes croon at dawn so loudly that they can be heard several kilometers away. Swans, flying into the sky, trumpet from there, as if into large ringing trumpets. An eagle owl hoots terribly in the night, and large tawny owls laugh in an eerie, inhuman voice, and a small Scops Owl pronounces in a gentle voice: “I’m sleeping! I’m sleeping!..” The forest pigeon - vitiuten - coos loudly! “I’m sitting on an oak tree, little one! I’m sitting on an oak tree, little one!” and suddenly he claps his hands and flaps his wings loudly.

Even those birds whose voice is weak and unsinging, even those completely voiceless, manage to make loud sounds.

The stork sharply cracks the two halves of its long beak, like a rattle. A woodpecker beats a drum with its nose against a dry branch. A red bittern pokes its nose into the water and blows on it - it produces a loud roar. And the snipe, having flown into the heights, rushes from there upside down, and the wind plays with the feathers of its tail, and you can hear it as if a lamb is bleating in the heights.

Some birds are dancing.

All swollen up like a turkey, with its tail erect and its mustache fluffed out, the heavy bustard struts importantly around its female - and suddenly it begins to mince, mince its legs, dance, spin in place and jump: although clumsy, it’s still a dance. Long-legged cranes are dancing, gathered in a circle, throwing out funny little knees. Falcons dance in the air: they either soar under the clouds, then fall down, somersaulting over their heads.

And birds have common games.

Little sandpipers will gather near the water. All with fluffy colored feather collars. You won’t see two alike: black, yellow, red, brown, motley - each has its own color. And so they begin: threatening with their beaks, they step on each other like shields, cover themselves with collars, bend down to the ground, spin, jump, bounce, jump over each other. From a distance, you might think that big bright flowers came together to fight. But the formidable battle is not scary: they fight on purpose, it’s just a game. The beaks of turukhtans are rather soft: if you hit them, they will bend.

Another thing is black grouse. Their fights in forest clearings are real battles. They mutter loudly, cluck angrily, and their elastic wings flap. Nose to nose, head to the ground, red eyebrows filled with blood. And suddenly they both jump up at the same time, bump their chests in the air, beat each other with their wings and strong beaks - fluff flies, feathers, blood splashes. Often the defeated one flies off the battlefield severely crippled. Female birds do not participate in fights, games, or dances. They don't sing.

They have other concerns.

Zinka flew into the field.

After all, a titmouse can live wherever you want: if only there were bushes, she would feed herself.

In the field, in the bushes, lived gray partridges - such beautiful field hens with a chocolate shoe on their chest. A whole flock of them lived here, digging grains out from under the snow.

- Where can I sleep here? - Zinka asked them.

“Do as we do,” say the partridges. - Look here. They all took to their wings, scattered wildly, and crashed into the snow!

The snow was loose - it fell and covered them. And no one will see them from above, and they are warm there, on the ground, under the snow.

“Well, no,” thinks Zinka, “tits can’t do that. I’ll look for a better place to stay for the night.”

I found a wicker basket abandoned by someone in the bushes, climbed into it, and fell asleep there.

And it’s good that I did so.

The day was sunny. The snow above melted and became loose, and at night the frost hit.

In the morning Zinka woke up and looked, where are the partridges? They are nowhere to be seen. And where they dived into the snow in the evening, the crust shines - an ice crust.

Zinka realized what kind of trouble the partridges were in: now they are sitting, as if in a prison, under an icy roof, and cannot get out. Every single one of them will disappear under her! What to do here? But titmouses are a fighting people.

Zinka flew onto the crust - and let’s peck at it with his strong, sharp nose. And she continued and made a big hole. And she released the partridges from prison.

They praised her and thanked her!

They brought her grains and various seeds.

- Live with us, don’t fly away anywhere!

She lived. And the sun is brighter day by day, hotter day by day. The snow is melting and melting in the field. And there is so little of it left that partridges no longer spend the night in it: the chalk has become too small. The partridges moved into the bushes to sleep. Under Zinka's basket.

And finally, land appeared in the field on the hills. And how happy everyone was about her!

It didn’t work here either three days- out of nowhere, black rooks with white noses are already sitting on the thawed patches.

- Hello! Welcome!

The important ones walk around, their tight feathers shining, their noses picking at the ground: dragging worms and larvae out of it.

And soon the larks and starlings came after them and began to sing.

Zinka rings with joy and chokes:

- Zin-zin-na! Zin-zin-na! Spring is upon us! Spring is upon us! Spring is upon us!

So with this song I flew to the Old Sparrow. And he told her:

- Yes. This is the month of March. The rooks have arrived, which means spring has truly begun. Spring begins in the field. Now fly to the river.


Zinka flew to the river.

He flies over the field, flies over the meadow, hears: streams are singing everywhere. The streams are singing, the streams are flowing - everyone is going to the river.

I flew to the river, and the river was terrible: the ice on it had turned blue, water was coming out near the banks.

Zinka sees: every day, more streams run to the river.

The stream will make its way through the ravine unnoticed under the snow and from the shore - jump! - into the river. And soon many streams, streams and streams crowded into the river - they hid under the ice.

Then a thin black and white bird flew in, ran along the shore, swayed its long tail, and squealed:

- Pee-lick! Pee-lick!

-What are you squeaking? - asks Zinka. - Why are you waving your tail?

- Pee-lick! - answers the thin bird. - Don't you know my name? Icebreaker. Now I’ll swing my tail and when I crack it on the ice, the ice will burst and the river will flow.

- Well, yes! - Zinka didn’t believe it. - You're bragging.

- Oh, yes! - says the thin bird. - Pee-lick!

And let's swing our tail even more.

Then suddenly there’s a boom somewhere up the river, as if from a cannon! The icebreaker fluttered and, in fright, flapped its wings so much that in one minute it disappeared from sight.

And Zinka sees: the ice has cracked like glass. These are the streams - all that ran into the river - as they strained, pressed from below - the ice burst. It burst and disintegrated into ice floes, large and small.

The river has flown. She went and went, and no one could stop her. The ice floes swayed on it, floated, ran, circled each other, and those on the side were pushed onto the shore. Immediately, all sorts of water birds swooped in, as if they were waiting somewhere here, nearby, around the corner: ducks, seagulls, and long-legged sandpipers. And, lo and behold, Icebreaker is back, scurrying along the shore with her little legs, shaking her tail.

Everyone squeaks, screams, and has fun. Those who catch a fish dive into the water after them, those who poke their noses into the mud and look for something there, those who catch flies over the shore.

- Zin-zin-ho! Zin-zin-ho! Ice drift, ice drift! - Zinka sang.

And she flew to tell the Old Sparrow what she saw on the river.

And Old Sparrow said to her:

“You see: first spring comes to the field, and then to the river.”

Remember: the month in which our rivers are free of ice is called April. Now fly back into the forest: you will see what will happen there.

And Zinka quickly flew into the forest.


The forest was still full of snow. He hid under bushes and trees, and it was difficult for the sun to reach him there. The rye sown in the fall had long been green in the field, but the forest was still bare.

But it was fun there, not like in winter. Many different birds flew in, and they all fluttered between the trees, jumped on the ground and sang - they sang on the branches, on the tops of the trees and in the air.

The sun now rose very early, went to bed late and shone so diligently for everyone on earth and warmed so much that life became easy. The titmouse no longer had to worry about lodging for the night: he would find a free hollow - good, he wouldn’t find it - and so he would spend the night somewhere on a branch or in the thicket.

And then one evening it seemed to her as if the forest was in fog. A light greenish fog enveloped all the birches, aspens, and alders. And when the next day the sun rose over the forest, on every birch tree, on every branch, small green fingers appeared: the leaves began to bloom.

This is where the forest festival began.

The Nightingale whistled and clicked in the bushes.

Frogs purred and croaked in every puddle.

Trees and lilies of the valley were blooming. May beetles buzzed among the branches. Butterflies fluttered from flower to flower. The Cuckoo crowed loudly.

Zinka’s friend, the Red-Capped Woodpecker, doesn’t even bother that he can’t sing: he will find a drier twig and drum his nose on it so dashingly that the ringing drumbeat can be heard throughout the forest.

And wild pigeons rose high above the forest and performed dizzying tricks and loops in the air. Everyone had fun in their own way, depending on how they knew how.

Zinka was curious about everything. Zinka kept up everywhere and rejoiced along with everyone.

In the mornings at dawn, Zinka heard someone’s loud screams, as if someone was blowing trumpets somewhere beyond the forest.

She flew in that direction and now she sees: a swamp, moss and moss, and pine trees growing on it. And they walk like this in the swamp big birds, the likes of which Zinka has never seen before - as tall as rams, and their necks are long, long.

Suddenly they raised their trumpet necks and how they trumpeted and thundered:

- Trrru-rrru! Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

They completely stunned the titmouse.

Then one spread his wings and fluffy tail, bowed to the ground to his neighbors and suddenly began to dance: he began to mince, minced with his legs and walked in a circle, all in a circle; First he’ll throw out one leg, then the other, then he’ll bow, then he’ll jump, then he’ll squat – it’s hilarious! And others look at him, gathered around, flapping their wings at once.

There was no one for Zinka to ask in the forest what kind of giant birds these were, and she flew to the city to the Old Sparrow.

And Old Sparrow said to her:

- These are cranes: serious, respectable birds, and now, you see what they are doing. Because the cheerful month of May has come, and the forest is dressed, and all the flowers are blooming, and all the birds are singing. The sun has now warmed everyone and given bright joy to everyone.

KGBOU "Novoaltaisk comprehensive boarding school"

Abstract open class in extracurricular reading. V. Bianchi's story “Three Springs”

8th – 9th grade

Prepared by: Lyubov Fedorovna Kiushkina, higher education teacher qualification category

Novoaltaysk, 2017.

Target: create conditions for consolidating the content of the story.


To promote the consolidation of the skill of free navigation in the text and the ability to answer questions;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop verbal and logical thinking through the classification of signs of spring; critical thinking, through answers to thick and thin questions, drawing up a cluster;

Monitor the implementation of pronunciation skills;

Cultivate an interest in reading works about nature.

Equipment: presentation, individual texts, tables.

Vocabulary: fierce, harsh, icy, treacherous.

Lesson plan.

    Organizational moment.

    Speech exercises.

    Psycho-gymnastics. Goal: correction of the emotional sphere.

    Working on the content of the story; creating a cluster.

    Summary of the lesson.


Progress of the lesson.

    Organizational moment. During the lesson you will answer questions and create a cluster based on the content of the story. I want you to be attentive, active, and answer my questions competently.

    Speech exercises. Duty sound L

lyu - lo - le - la - lu;

lyu - lyu - fierce;

lo – alo – cold;

le - le - swans;

la – la – earth;

lu - lu - puddle.

Warming has arrived.

It became warm.

The earth has warmed up.

Spring began its attack on the strong, icy fortifications.

    Updating the knowledge of the previous lesson.

What is the name of the story we read?

What time of year is the story about?

Tell me, what kind of winter was it? (slide 2)

How do you understand the word “fierce”? (slide 3)

What did winter want? (slide 4)

Who declared war on winter? (slide 5)

What did the sun do during the day? (slide 6.7)

What did winter do at night? (slide 8, 9)

Read and tell me how you understand this sentence? (slide 10, 11)

How is the spring weather this year similar to the weather in the story? (slide 12)

Ira, ask Kostya what the first victory of spring is called?

Julia, ask Vadim what the second victory of spring is called?

Vitya, ask Kirill what the third victory of spring is called?

Guys, what were you doing? (Answered questions).

IV. Psycho-gymnastics.

V. Work on the content of the story; creating a cluster.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

What did you do in class? - What is the name of the story we finished reading? – Who is the author of the story? - What other stories by Vitaly Bianchi have you read? - Do you like the stories of Vitaly Bianchi? - Why?

VII. Reflection “Spring Meadow”.

Look what a spring, sunny meadow we have.

Well done, you all coped with all the tasks, you all good mood, everything is great.

it worked out, and from your sunshine, such a sun also lit up in my soul.

u.- Today, I invite you to visit, guess who? Be careful.

If the river is blue

D. - This time of year is spring

y.- So, we are going to visit spring. Or rather, she came to our region.

(children attach symbols to the board)

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi is a famous naturalist writer. He was one of those who stood at the origins of the Soviet. The appearance of the popular science genre in it is Bianchi’s great merit. "Forest Newspaper", the main characters of which are not only people, but also plants, animals, birds, is the writer's most famous work. It has been part of children's reading for more than fifty years.

How the work was carried out

Vitaly Bianchi wrote the stories "Forest Newspaper" for thirty years. The work was improved from edition to edition - the information about nature presented there was updated, the number of sections of this unique “newspaper” increased. In addition, the geography of the country's regions, the nature of which was described in the stories, expanded. Children will learn about nature in the hot climate zone of Russia, beyond the Arctic Circle and in the middle zone.

Updating the factual material became possible thanks to the enormous work done by the writer. He traveled a lot around the country, personally conducted research himself, and recorded the results of his observations. To write stories, V.V. Bianchi used information about the latest achievements relating to various aspects of human life and the surrounding nature. To do this, the writer constantly studied the works of the country's leading scientists. He was a highly erudite person, capable of presenting scientific information in a language accessible to children.

In 1923 in children's magazine"Sparrow" Bianchi's first articles began to appear. "Forest newspaper" summary which can be expressed in the words “news about forest life”, was very fond of children and their parents. In 1928, the book was published as an independent publication.

Features of the work

The form of presentation of material in Lesnaya Gazeta was innovative. A similar way of presenting scientific information is still used today by those involved in the field of education and

As you know, any newspaper is designed to convey events happening in the world. This is precisely what Vitaly Bianchi’s idea was based on. "Forest Newspaper" - stories reflecting everything that happens in the forest, field, on the river in different times year. The heroes of the work were animals, birds, insects, plants and, of course, humans.

Each issue of this "newspaper", like any other, always has the latest news. Announcements, essays by correspondents, editorial articles, letters from hunters and fishermen, and even urgent telegrams are published here. All incidents that happened in nature are also covered on the pages of the newspaper. The reader can easily navigate the material, as it is divided into sections, and the titles of the issues speak volumes.
There are twelve issues of the newspaper in total - according to the number of months in the year.

Bianchi's work "Forest Newspaper" is intended to foster love for one's homeland, to show the diversity of its nature, and to remind of the existence of relationships in it.
It is very difficult to convey a summary of the stories included in the issues. This is due to the fact that the stories are small in length; they contain only the most important information for revealing the topic.

And the ideas discussed on the pages of Lesnaya Gazeta are very diverse. For example, children will find out whether it is possible to grow lingonberries in their garden? What can happen if a hare is nursed by a cat? How do birds teach their chicks to fly? Why shouldn't a bear be disturbed in winter? And readers of this unusual publication receive a lot of very interesting and memorable information.

Summer months

In the newspaper issues dedicated to describing the life of nature in June, July and August, readers will learn how to determine when summer began and ended. This is the time of year that people, animals and plants enjoy. Bianchi repeatedly mentions the benefits of the summer months.

"Forest Newspaper", a summary of which is given in the article, informs about where animals obtain food for themselves and their offspring. What can become food for the inhabitants of reservoirs, forests, steppes and fields.

In addition, there is information that reveals the secrets of building “apartments” for all forest, water, steppe, and field inhabitants. It must be said that animals are of little interest in how their many neighbors build their homes. The most important thing is to know how relatives built shelters. After all, only in it can you truly feel safe.

"The newspaper" talks a lot about the most hardworking representatives wildlife. These, of course, include bees, bumblebees and other insects that help pollinate plants.

A person also does not stop working in the summer. He needs to try to grow and harvest a good harvest of grain, vegetables and fruits. The reader will also learn how this is done.

Winter months

The newspaper can tell its readers many amazing stories. But it is especially interesting to find out how animals endure the harsh winter. Vitaly Bianchi talks about this.

"Forest Newspaper", a brief summary of which is conveyed in the article, will introduce you to birds leading an unusual lifestyle. The writer says that for them “no laws are written.” It turns out that the crossbill, contrary to all laws, breeds its offspring in the midst of winter frosts. And the dipper is a bird that can not only fly, but dive and run along the bottom of a reservoir.

Despite the severe cold, life in winter is also full of stories and incidents. Bears, voles, hares and many other animals can exhibit unusual behavior. And each of the plants also has its own winter story.

Literary heritage

During his creative life, which lasted more than 25 years, the writer created about 300 stories, fairy tales, and tales for children. Several generations of real readers grew up on these works. And today on the shelves of libraries you can find collections and individual publications books created by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi.
"Lesnaya Gazeta" has not lost its relevance to this day. And it is one of the most popular works of the writer. During its existence, it was reprinted seven times and was released in millions of copies.