Statuses about mom - It’s very difficult without mom, And everything around fades. She has no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

Now you think that your mother doesn’t understand you at all and you don’t want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time you sat by the window on long evenings and waited for only one thing - for your mother to come home from work... of course, you don’t remember this...

The word “MOM” is precious! Mom should be treasured! With her affection and care
It’s easier for us to live in the world!

Even if you are busy with business, everything in the world can be put off. Five minutes, and call Mom, if you can still call. Loves us more than we ourselves, before birth, remembers us. Call, call mom!!! She is waiting... today and now...

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can’t do anything.

Mom’s heart knows no peace, Mom’s heart is like a torch burning, Mom’s heart will hide from grief, It will be hard for him - he will remain silent!

My mother is either a clairvoyant or a secret agent - otherwise how does she always know exactly what awaits me if I don’t do as she advised???

A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even their own blood more painful...

Love your mother more than anyone else in the world! She raised us, read fairy tales in the night light... she doesn’t mind her life for you.

We still forget about mothers. And they get bored in the evenings, calling us occasionally and always being interested in us.

Any bad day can be corrected with one good person...Mom.

The most precious thing in life is a mother’s smile... And the worst thing is her tears...

Mothers sigh in silence, in the silence of nights, in the anxious silence. For them, we are forever kids, and it’s impossible to argue with that.

I am afraid of only one thing in the world, that one day I will come home, say, “Mom, I’m home,” and in response I will only hear silence.

I love my mother like a tree loves the sun and water - she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights.

There are many beautiful words in the world. But still one thing is more beautiful - a simple one of two syllables - “mother” and there are no words more precious than it.

There may be several girlfriends in your life... there may be several husbands in your life... it may happen that there will be several fathers in your life... but there will always be only one mother.

Someone says that there are no angels on earth, but once you look into your mother’s eyes, doubts about this disappear!

How was it before? Mom, can I not spend the night at home today, but now more and more often: “Mom, can I spend the night with you today?”

Believe me, as long as you have Mom, you are happy. No wealth of the world, no people and luxury can replace it.

Mom is the dearest, closest and most priceless person in the world. She loves deeply, always caresses and takes pity, protects and saves you from all troubles. "Mother!" - we say when it hurts or is scary. Mom is also needed in moments of happiness.

Only mom has the kindest hands, the most gentle smile and the most loving heart.

Mom is the most expensive luxury in the world. So please, appreciate her.

Love your mother, because she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting for you. She will always greet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand!

Mom will never cheat, because her love for you is holy.

When we grow up over the years, When we become smarter, More and more often we are sad about our mother, We think about her more and more. Her love shines in our lives, She was given to us for happiness. There are not many friends in the world, But mother is still alone.

The parents' house is a little paradise: you sleep well there and smell of delicious food. This is the best corner in all the land... Mom is there!

Take care of your mom! When everyone turns their backs, she will be the only one who will truly believe in you!

Your mother is the most grateful person in the world. Only she loves you exactly the way you are. Just for being you. She forgives everything.

We take a grave sin upon our souls when we forget our parents. If they leave, we won’t bring them back and we’ll never justify ourselves! Hurry to give them warmth so that it warms their souls, because they don’t need anything from us, just so that we don’t forget about them!

Never be angry with MOM, don’t say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you.

It’s hard work to give birth to children, raise them, and wash diapers. Let the mother be a heroine for every child! Let Mary the mother of all women on the planet protect. And children will not get tired of repeating to mothers: You are the best mommy in the world!

Mom, forgive me, I'm stupid. You never gave me bad advice. And I ignored them... And now I’m crying!

With the phrase “go home, we need to talk,” my mother taught me to be brave and be able to prepare for a difficult future.

My mother taught me to take care of my future: “don’t act up, otherwise you’ll remain a monkey.”

I would so like to plunge into childhood. It was so simple, magical, wonderful. And now there are only nightmares... And you are not nearby, your mother is not nearby.

Best status:
Only a mother can ask how you are doing twenty times in order to hear the truth for the twentieth time... And console!

Talk to moms about love more often. They miss it so much. Tell your mom: I’m sorry, even if you haven’t done anything wrong. They don't need much... Just you!

Where is the person who will support you in difficult times? To pull me out of the hole when I feel bad, where are you? Oh, my mommy, I didn’t call you just now! Although, thank you, of course!

If you think about it this way, our mothers are huge cruisers. But the time comes, and we set off on our own journey on a small boat.

Mom is the only person you can always ask for advice and she will answer you, and she will be right! So take care of your MOMS! THEY are everything to us!

Your girl has grown up, mom, she has grown up. And he never reproaches you or reproaches you with your past or judges you for your mistakes.

It's very hard without mom
And everything around fades.
She has no relatives in the world.
She is your close friend.

Our life is priceless! Tell your moms: “Thank you”!

Mom taught me to OVERCOME THE IMPOSSIBLE: “Shut your mouth and eat soup.”

I realized that my mother could be proud of my upbringing when, having caught my heel on a step and flying half the stairs, I screamed: oh-oh-oh!

Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you!

Mommy, mommy, don’t cry, I know it hurts a lot. There are many failures in fate, life sometimes prophesies for us. I always wanted her not to change. Only the family is broken, even if I prayed for it!

Did you notice? If mom breaks the cup, then it’s fortunate, but if you break it, then your hands are out of your ass.

You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that she was right!

Mom, you are thousands of kilometers away from me and you think that you know better?.. Well, you have good eyesight!

No matter what anyone says, but your own MOTHER is the only person who truly loves you simply because you exist. Only mom will never betray and is ready to sacrifice everything for you... Only mom always needs you, only mom will always understand... Only mom!

A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

Mom, I went to my friend’s house to spend the night. Okay daughter, when you come, write to me in contact to say that you arrived well.

My mother is a writer, my father is a candidate of sciences, and I was born beautiful and ruined both of them...

Motherhood is the most difficult and rewarding job.

Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.
Before parting at the door
Say goodbye to them more gently.

Just know how to say “I’m sorry” and “I love you” to your mom. We say too many words, and sometimes that’s all they need.

“You shouldn’t go to the club, son, the music there is loud, you’ll go deaf.”
- Thank you mom, I had dinner.

Mom taught me extrasensory perception: “Put on a sweater - I know you’re cold.

No one can misunderstand a child as much as his mother...

Dear mother, I am writing to you,
I feel very lonely here on Earth.
You are probably in light clouds now,
And the smile trembles on your lips.
I'm just begging you to support me
Your image hovers, beckoning you along.
I know you see everything: how difficult it is for me,
And what a wound in the heart.

The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, I wish I could let it go quickly before my mother comes!

The world would be a better place if everyone acted like our mother was watching us.

– Mom, Tanya and I decided to get married!
-Where will you live?
– Mom, Tanya is emo, she doesn’t want to live at all!

And you try, when it’s bad, just spend time with your mother more often, just communicate. Personally, it helped me, and she was pleased. After all, mother is the most precious thing! And we pay so little attention to her!

It hurts when you can’t hug your mom or dad because they are no longer there.

5 years - mom knows everything, 15 years - well, mom doesn’t know everything, 20 years - yes, what does mom know! 30 years old - I should have listened to my mother...

Where there is no family values, there is no point in maintaining a relationship... It is like the slow death of the soul.

Mom taught me PERSISTENCE: “You won’t leave the table until you finish.”

Once you get to know people, you understand that only your mother is worth loving.

The most expensive necklace on a woman’s neck is the arms of a child hugging her!

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

Mommy is the kindest, dearest, for the sadness, for all the sadness, for all the pain, forgive me for God’s sake!

And I promised to be happy - I gave my word to my mother...

It became sad. I went to my mother's to sleep. Even in my sleep, she checked with her hand whether I was covered with a blanket... Here it is - love!

When I’m on VKontakte and my mother calls me to go to the store, I go and sit down at the computer again, and she says that I have to go to the store again. That’s when I get angry.

What? No, mom, I don’t have a sad face... Where am I in the rain? Don't know. Don't worry, I'll just be back when the player runs out...

I have the best mommy: *I LOVE YOU, MY OWN MOM)

Thank you mom for your kind words. For dedicating yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

Hello, mom, dad spilled coffee on a white towel. soak it or what? - Don't touch your father. Throw a towel in the machine, I’ll sort it out in the evening

While all ownership rights to physical object“I”... belong to the manufacturer JSC “Mama”...

Don't offend mothers, Don't be offended by mothers. Before parting at the door, say goodbye to them tenderly.

They ask their son in kindergarten: “What do your parents do?” – “Dad works, mom is beautiful!!!”)))

It’s very difficult without a mother, and everything around fades. She has no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

Every person says that their mother is the best in the world. Almost every girl becomes a mother. This means that women are the best creatures on earth.

“You shouldn’t go to the club, son, the music there is loud, you’ll go deaf.” - Thank you mom, I had dinner.

Mom taught me NOT to ENVY: “Yes, there are millions of children in the world who are not as lucky with their parents as you are.”

Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

And today my mother told me: “What a pity that I raised a monster and not a daughter”...

All mothers cry when their daughter gets married, but my mother says... let the one who takes it cry..)

Oh, mother, mother, dear,
I wish I could snuggle up to you now,
I often remember you
And tears fall from the eyes.

I miss you mom
Advice from the wise and warmth.
The wound will not heal from pain,
Suddenly she left for another world.

The soul grieves and the heart cries,
Your image is before my eyes.
How much does mom mean in life?
She is love, comfort, peace.

I feel behind my back
You, dear, every day,
You are a guardian angel, I know -
You protected me, my shadow.

Oh, mother, mother, dear,
I really want to hug you.
I whisper to myself, shedding a tear,
How hard it is to lose a mother.........

I miss you so much that it’s hard to tell
How I wish you were next to me.
But there is no way, there is no way back.

Mommy, dear, dear...
Where should I put my pain?...
The soul screams inside,
I will always miss you...

Mother! Eternal memory to you,
You left, we parted with you forever.
Mother! Again I shed tears in silence
I'll never see you again.
Mother! I want to cuddle up to you
And feel the warmth of hugs.
Mother! And in pain I scream again
Mother! My heart stubbornly insists.
Mother! I see your eyes in a dream
And I don’t want to greet the morning.
Mother! I'll whisper again in silence
Mother! I want to repeat it again.
Mother! Your peace is our eternal pain
Again I shed tears in silence.
Mother! You left, we parted with you,
Mother! Eternal memory to you...

MOM! How I miss you...
My one and only, dear, unique...
It's so hard sometimes
Without your warmth, without kindness and quiet strength...

I quietly enter my mother's room...
It's so empty...It's hard to accept!
Portrait on the table... “Hello, mom,” I’ll say.-
Do you know how often I dream
That we are together again.. With your smile

You wash away the bad weather from my heart,
I can’t solve a serious issue - quickly
I'm running to you. You know,
What is needed, what is best, how to find a way out,
Your wisdom always saves.
So I got lost, turned off the path -
You are near....And fear disappears!

I remember how you cried when you left,
After all, she loved this life greedily.
I have seen success and fame. Although
It happened - fate did not spare..."

How I want to snuggle into your shoulder again -
You missed the warmth so much!
I'm sorry!" - I shout to my mother in a whisper.
But the mother from the portrait was silent...

Mom never dies
Sometimes I try to imagine...
It's like he just lives far away...
As if you could write letters to her,
Tell me.. how I love the dawn..
Just waiting for an answer is, alas, pointless..
Where mom-letters no more...
Mom never dies
It just stops being around...
She accompanies you like an angel, and her love always lives...

I'm sitting on a stone... and sorting through
Daisies in weak trembling hands...
I come here and I know for sure...
What are you now... already in heaven...
I couldn't understand and calm down...
I didn't have time to say much...
No... I didn't come to bother you...
I... miss you... again...
Forgive me... as soon as a mother forgives...
For rare meetings... for harsh words...
Because... my daughter only promises...
But he forgets... barely closing the door...
Please... forgive me... for my indifference...
And there’s no point in blaming being busy...
There are no matters so important...
To take my mother's place in life...
Out of stupidity... out of youth... out of laziness...
We forget those... who are quietly waiting...
That we will come... and... on kneel...
Let's hug the mother... and let the world... wait...

You know, MOM, life has stopped,
Hasn't moved forward since you left
And maybe I would learn to live differently,
Yes, only the heart shrinks and burns from the inside.

Tell me, MOM, why did this happen?
After all, we didn’t expect you to leave at all.
And there is no joy... everything has changed so much,
Sometimes you can’t even sleep because of the pain.

Forgive me, MOM, that sometimes I got angry,
Oh, if I knew that you don’t live forever,
I would pray for you day and night,

I’ll light a candle for your repose, I remember your voice, mom!
And the blue eyes of the sky, you can no longer look into them...
You took care of your family, you gave us your love.
She greeted her grandchildren at the door, always invited guests to the table...
She took care of the home hearth...Oh! How much effort have you given...
You will no longer come out to see you off and wish you happiness on the road!
I can’t calm the sadness in my soul... I’ll light a candle for your peace.

MOMMY, how bad it is without you,
How I miss you sometimes
I look up to the heavens
But, LORD, your gaze does not send.
I ask HIM, just once,
Let me, MOM, see your living face,
But from heaven there is only a drop of rain,
Whispers quietly, MOTHER, she sees you.....

I miss you, mom...
The wounds on my heart are still fresh,
And the pain of loss has not gone away,
I miss you mom
I want you to be alive.

There's not a day that I don't remember
I can't come to you
The apartment there is empty,
And there is a portrait hanging on the wall.

I know you're not dead.
You are always somewhere nearby.
It hurts, my soul screams,
I don't see you. Where are you mom?!!

I call you as I did when I was a child,
But you can't hear me anymore
How I miss you
I feel very bad...
Mom, do you hear?!!

I wish I could bring my mother back for a moment,
To say everything that I didn’t have time to tell her,
Hug as tenderly as before - tenderly
And stroke shoulders, kiss hands...
And tell me how much I miss
And ask for forgiveness for everything...
Sit huddled together, not letting go of your hands
And talk, and tell her about everything...
After all, I know that at the door of the apartment
Mom will never be able to enter,
He won’t kiss, he won’t press him like before
He won’t ask how I’m doing now...
Mommy, dear, dear
All that's left is the memory of you,
And the pain that hits and time did not save...
I miss you very much mom,
I miss you so much that it’s hard to tell
How I wish you were next to me.
But there is no way, there is no way back.
Mommy, dear, dear...
Where should I put my pain...
The soul screams inside,
I will always miss you...

I look into the heavens without stopping, and I see there a look that is painfully familiar.
The soul hurts and believes, suffering, that the Garden of Eden will warm you there.
It is light and difficult at the same time to pray for peace in an image.
I want to believe that the soul is imperishable, but a tear bleeds from memory...

I walk without raising my eyes... I hide my tears in the ground from passers-by,
because a woman walked nearby looked so much like MOM...

My mom passed away on October 28, 2013... this is the most terrible day of my life...

Mommy, the kingdom of heaven to you, my dear... you are the most gentle, kind and sweet, simple and honest, my bright guardian angel! Oh, God, how I pray to you that she will be in Paradise!
Mom, my dear mother, my pain and joy are bright.
You are in heaven, my dear, I know you are praying for me...

I don’t want to see my mother’s tears, even if life is full of injustice and pain. I prayed so much for our family, but I couldn’t keep it.

There is no person in the world who would love you more than your mother. Don't upset her and don't say nasty things. Better make her happy, the way she always wanted to see you!

We have no one more dear than our parents. Crying over a guy isn't painful. It really hurts when your mother is sick and is on IVs in the hospital, and you look at all this and can’t do anything.

Best status:
Mom’s tears are such pain that you just want to howl.

Losing your parents is a pain that you will have to live with until the end of your days. To live and understand that you will never be able to hug them again...

When you say goodbye to your mother, hug and kiss her very, very much... and don’t be offended by her over trifles.

From a conversation with my son: “Son, don’t go to the club, the music plays so hard that you can easily become deaf.” - Mom, don’t worry, I already had dinner.

All mothers, like mothers, cry when their daughters get married, but mine rejoices, because now the one who takes it needs to lap.

Girls, don’t cry for guys... it hurts when your mother is very sick and is in the hospital, and you can’t help.. appreciate your parents.. they are the most precious thing we have...

Sometimes I really want to wake up because Dad is talking loudly on the phone... Or Mom will come into the room and ask what time I go to college... Think before you get married...

“You shouldn’t go to the club, son, the music there is loud, you’ll go deaf.” - Thank you mom, I had dinner.

Once you get to know people, you understand that only your mother is worth loving.

It’s cloudy, I’m listening to snotty songs, I’m in love... and I really want the sun, to listen to my mother, and not know what pain is...

Birthday... I removed the date of birth from Asi and Contact in advance... In the end, only my mother and friend congratulated her (she also had a birthday on that day)... And he didn’t even remember...

Motherhood is the most difficult and rewarding job.

Once upon a time our tears could be stopped by sweets and toys... now it’s more difficult... I want to be a five-year-old girl again, to whom my mother gave one candy before each time she left for work... Mom, I love you very much..

I realized that my mother could be proud of my upbringing when, having caught my heel on a step and flying half the stairs, I screamed: oh-oh-oh!

For now, all ownership rights to the physical object “I”... belong to the manufacturer JSC “Mama”...

Mom explained to me CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONS: “If you don’t stop crying right now, I’ll spank you.”

There are no difficult children, only difficult parents. It is better to say that there is simply a difficult humanity.

Parents are the most undervalued, but priceless thing that can happen in life...

The most expensive necklace on a woman’s neck is the arms of a child hugging her!

Mother is the only deity on earth who does not know atheists.

A mother's patience is like a tube of toothpaste - it never runs out completely.

It hurts when you can’t hug your mom or dad because they are no longer there.

The mother loves the child more than the father, because she knows that the child is hers, and the father only assumes that the child is his.

The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, I wish I could let it go quickly before my mother comes!

Mom, I went to my friend’s house to spend the night. Okay daughter, when you come write to me in contact that you got there well; D

Where there are no family values, there is no point in maintaining relationships... it is like the slow death of the soul.

Every person says that their mother is the best in the world. Almost every girl becomes a mother. This means that women are the best creatures on earth.

You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that she was right!

And if they asked me, no matter who I was afraid to tell everything in the world, I would proudly say this word “Mom”.

Why is it that you can’t sneeze in the house when your mother is sleeping, but when I go to bed I HAVE TO BREAK THE DISHES, YELL AT THE CAT, VACUUM CLEAN, huh?

my meaning in life is to hear: “Mom, you are the best!”

When I’m on VKontakte and my mother calls me to go to the store, I go and sit down at the computer again, and she says that I have to go to the store again. That’s when I get angry.

It became sad. I went to my mother's to sleep. Even in my sleep, she checked with her hand whether I was covered with a blanket... Here it is - love!

Sick of these “Who loves mom, press the heart!” If you love her, go help her wash the dishes, damn it!

No, mommy, no, I’m not crying... I know that it hurts you to see my tears... and I will never hurt you... never...

The world would be a better place if everyone acted like our mother was watching us.

Mommy, don’t cry, I know that it hurts a lot. There are a lot of failures in fate, life sometimes prophesies for us. I always wanted it so much that she would not change. Only a broken family, even if I prayed for her!

And today my mother told me: “What a pity that I raised a monster and not a daughter”...

Boyfriends come and go, girlfriends love and betray, but the only person you can tell about it is your mother.

Mom is the kind of person who will replace everyone. But no one will replace her.

A person who truly loves me.. who will support and calm me down... WHERE ARE YOU???... No, mommy, I didn’t call you, thank you...”

Mommy, forgive me, my dear, my unlucky daughter. That I was not restrained with you, that I did not accept your advice. And now I'm paying for it.

Sometimes we get angry at our parents, but imagine what would happen if they weren’t there? Or if they disappeared or something happened to them? We won't survive, we'll perish!

It’s very difficult without a mother, and everything around fades. She has no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

Mom is the ship on which I have been traveling since childhood and which will later send me on an independent voyage. Mommy I love you!

Our mother cries loudly that everyone in the apartment is playing pigs. Hush mommy, don't cry, others have the same problem!!!))

Oh, God, I don’t know what to say... After all, everything that’s in my heart cannot be expressed in words... I’ll just thank you endlessly... I’ll just wait... I WILL SOON BE A MOTHER!!

Thank you mom for your kind words. For dedicating yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

Mommy is the kindest, dearest, for the sadness, for all the sadness, for all the pain, forgive me for God’s sake!

Maybe we should turn off the lights and sit with candles? Like in childhood. Look, your tea is getting cold. Mom, do you know what I dream about at night? It’s never that scary in real life, believe me.

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness... (Victor Marie Hugo)

I want to plunge into childhood, where there is no envy and sadness, where it is always light, I want to go back to my childhood, to my mother.

And I promised to be happy - I gave my word to my mother...

Don't offend mothers, Don't be offended by mothers. Before parting at the door, say goodbye to them tenderly.

Every mother must remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.

I have the best mommy: *I LOVE YOU, MY OWN MOM)

No matter what anyone says, your own mother is the only person who truly loves you simply because you exist.

The first gift of Parents is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.

Mommy... I know that I often hurt you... I know that it is difficult for you to accept that I am already an adult... But I still love you!

Did you notice? If mom breaks the cup, then it’s fortunate, but if you break it, then your hands are out of your ass.

Never be angry with your mother, do not say words that could upset her or break her loving heart. You only have one, make her happy as she wanted it for you!!!

- Mom, what did you do in your youth? - Sunny, I fucked ero-signs for votes in contact

We rarely think about what to have loving mother– the real luxury. The pain of loss after someone dear to your heart passes away simply cannot be made up. At this moment, it is important to choose a status about a mother who is no longer alive.

Can't return anymore

  1. I'm sorry that your heart hurt earlier. Now my soul hurts forever.
  2. May we all be accompanied by the hugs of our beloved mother for as long as possible.
  3. It's good when mom is your best friend. But now that she's gone, I no longer have anyone to be friends with.
  4. They say that time heals. But not all cases respond to this medicine.
  5. I can't understand that you're leaving, I can't accept that you're no longer here.
  6. It hurts me because I can no longer feel the comfort that you knew how to create.
  7. Even if heaven does not exist, mothers still turn into angels.
  8. It's much easier to believe that we're just living at a distance.
  9. And, you know, when it’s bad, out of habit, I still dial your phone number.
  10. Look at me, mom, look at me one last time. Don't go, you see me crying!
  11. You are an angel, you are a treasure, you are strength. And you can’t just leave like that...

A grief you can't help

There are not so many statuses about a mother who is no longer alive, and this is good news. However, in difficult times, it is important to find lines that will help express everything that has accumulated in the soul.

  1. My love for you will be kept in my heart forever, and I believe that you will love in return.
  2. There is so much to tell you. How loudly the silence rings in my ears...
  3. At absolutely any age, it is very difficult without a mother.
  4. I would give everything in the world if only your heart would beat again and a smile would play on your lips.
  5. Take a break from all worldly worries, because you had so many of them. And if you still hear me, then remember that I love you.
  6. I am proud, because the bright name of my mother will long be in the memory of many of those whom you helped from the heart during your lifetime.
  7. I sincerely wish that my pain turns into grace for you in heaven!
  8. I miss you so much, and yet, out of habit, I wait for you to return.
  9. My only regret is that I made you cry in those sacred moments while you were with me.
  10. You put your whole life into making mine even better. Thank you very much, mom...
  11. You haven't been with me for a long time. But I love bringing flowers to the gravestone where my mother is in the photo. Smiles a little, and yet is a little sad.

Cross of loneliness

Beloved and loving parents do not die - they simply go to heaven. The status “mom is no more” will ease the suffering a little and allow one to express deep recognition of the mother.

  1. I will ask God... no, not to bring you back. You deserve heavenly paradise. Just let him talk about my love. Huge, boundless, tender...
  2. Although you left a long time ago, it seems to me that I hear your voice among the grasses and among the fields. He whispers to be a little closer to me.
  3. Mother's dear eyes... Look into them before they become just a memory.
  4. I seem to be an adult, but I recently realized that I am not at all ready to live in this world without my dear mother.
  5. Everything happens in this world. And I know the pain of loss will go away with me.
  6. There are events that you simply cannot believe, there are people you simply do not want to let go.
  7. Mom, I miss your hands, which could cope with any task. That they hugged you tightly in difficult times.
  8. I really want to smell my favorite smell. And kiss your hands again...
  9. I remember you as so radiant and sunny. Kind, cheerful and a little angry. The memories warm me, and that makes me smile.
  10. Thank you to the world for such a mother! What a pity that I can never get it back.
  11. Now I regret all those days that I forgot to call. Now I would give a lot for at least one such call.

Daughter's pain after the departure of her beloved mother

For a girl, a mother is not only protection and support, but also an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk and even gossip. The stronger the connection between relatives, the greater the pain of loss. Below are the most touching statuses about the death of a mother from her daughter.

  1. Next to you I always felt warm and good. But when you left, I will no longer find shelter for myself.
  2. I can’t see you, mom, but I know that you will look at me from above.
  3. I’m hurt and scared now, but your grandchildren will know that they had a wonderful grandmother!
  4. I realized that I was no longer a baby when my loved one closed his eyes. Forever, forever.
  5. If something good happens to me, I raise my eyes to the sky and mentally thank you. Thank you mom!
  6. What a pity, the flowers are no longer alive. What a pity, you won’t understand me anymore...
  7. You know, I'm used to living with loss. But sometimes it’s simply impossible not to cry from the memories.
  8. Almost all of us do not take care of our mother, even though they ask us to take care of her. But over the years, almost everyone realizes how sad the years that have passed have become.
  9. Say nice things and make moms happy today. We don't know what life will do with us in the next second.
  10. At first I couldn’t forgive fate for taking you away from me. But now I rejoice at least in the fact that you can come in my dreams.
  11. Why does God separate us from those who helped us through our greatest adversity?

We wish courage to everyone who is faced with a similar situation. Love your mothers and don't be shy to show it to them!