Although the work of a geologist involves romance and expeditions to different regions, his work also requires colossal endurance, as well as extensive knowledge of several dozen sciences.

Job responsibilities of a geologist

In order to intelligently explore a new mine with useful deposits, carry out diagnostics of a large plot of land that is about to be filled with some large object, check the territory of a future highway - all this requires special skills and a high level of qualifications. Similar problems and situations await a person who chooses the profession of a geologist.

The skills of a professional and savvy geologist will be a real boon for small businesses and large holding corporations that will be faced with the need to develop new lands and territories.
If we summarize all the explanatory meanings of the word “geologist,” we get the following definition: “a professional who explores land that has almost never been visited by people.”

Work as a geologist

According to most people, professional geologists are constantly on long and not always safe expeditions, collecting and studying analogues of various rocks, and also experiencing romantic feelings from their experiences. Unfortunately, for certain reasons, this is only one side of the coin. No one takes into account the fact that most modern geologists have either never been outside their modest office, or have never ventured further than the edges of their city in their entire careers. In addition, everyone forgets about the point that all samples received need to be processed and examined. Field conditions are intended primarily to study on site a small part of the obtained samples, allowing us to draw initial conclusions about the object being studied. A full-fledged laboratory of a geologist who works on the scene is absolutely not inferior to modern ones research institutes and educational centers. In some cases, the conditions for study are so excellent that even world-famous geologists do not need additional “office” equipment.

The actions that a geologist performs during an expedition are extremely important for the further success of the entire project. His findings will be used by other specialists in the future. These could be builders, engineers, surveyors and other employees. In practice, it is not uncommon for large-scale settlements with a population exceeding more than one thousand people to emerge from an ordinary geologist’s camp in just twenty years. In fact, thanks to the work of outstanding geologists, for the first time it was possible to study the regions of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East.

Professional geologists are extremely in demand in large mining companies and corporations that carry out various types of research activities to order. In addition, it is impossible to do without a geologist during construction work, laying highways, planned operations in mines and quarries. A large number of geologists made their careers and names by building railways in the mountains and other inaccessible areas.

Geologist salary. How much does a geologist earn?

The salary of a geologist very much depends on the place of work and the position held. In Russia, his salary can be from 6,000 to 135,500 rubles. And for example, in Yekaterinburg it has a range of 27,300 - 40,000. Young employees without experience, on average, earn 10,000 rubles per month. However, if a geologist’s schedule includes a rotational work schedule, then his salary ranges from 40,000 to 45,000 rubles. Approximately the same earnings await Moscow specialists. Abroad, a geologist's earnings are significantly higher and exceed $5,000, while in the United States you can earn about $45,000 for a single expedition. Today in Russia, unfortunately, the work of a geologist is valued much lower.

Requirements for a geologist

A geologist must be responsible, attentive, scrupulous, physically and psychologically resilient, possess logical thinking, good discipline, perseverance and good memory.

What a geologist should know

A geologist must have knowledge a large number exact sciences. These include, for example, engineering graphics, theoretical mechanics, physics, computer science and mathematics, special geological sciences, such as mineralogy. Also on the list necessary knowledge includes the humanities, even jurisprudence in terms of laws and other legal and regulatory acts that relate to its activities. Also, as at first glance, it is not surprising, this also includes knowledge of languages, for example English.

Where to study and how to become a geologist

IN educational institutions, where you can master the profession of a geologist, there is a full-time and part-time education system. In addition, practicing geologists can improve their skills here. There are special courses for this.

Anyone can become a geologist. To do this, you must have the above qualities and have the desire to master exact and natural disciplines.

The profession of a geologist, like an archaeologist, is still associated with long-distance romantic trips. In fact, this profession requires from its owner many strong-willed qualities and a high level of education. Desk geologists who are primarily engaged in analyzing information in stationary conditions are very rare. In most cases the work of geologists involves frequent and long business trips and takes place in the field. Work is often carried out on a rotational basis- geologists go on expeditions for several weeks, where they work intensively and practically seven days a week, but after each such trip they receive a fairly long period of rest. During expeditions work takes place in a limited team, requires the ability to be tolerant of other people, get along with them, be loyal to the lack of everyday amenities and various difficulties associated with camp life.

Geology (from Greek geo - earth and logos - study) - a complex of sciences about the composition, structure and history of the development of the earth. Therefore, a geologist is a specialist involved in identifying and assessing mineral deposits, as well as studying other features of the earth’s subsoil - when developing new territories for the construction of buildings, bridges, subway lines, etc. To implement your labor activity, a geologist works on expeditions, conducts analytical work, formalizes the results of his research in documents and draws up maps.

Main activities of a geologist

Employers posting a vacancy for a geologist most often mean performing the following job duties:

  • carrying out field work to collect factual material about the geology of the study area;
  • calculation of mineral reserves;
  • compiling graphic materials on the geological structure of the study area (schemes, maps, sections, plans, diagrams);
  • compilation of reference collections of samples rocks and minerals;
  • determination of the category of rocks according to their technological properties (drillability, strength, loosening ability);
  • surface movement prediction;
  • industrial development of deposits;
  • establishing the locations of mine workings and oil and gas drilling wells;
  • development of mining plans and operational exploration;
  • field and geophysical well surveys;
  • testing of mine workings;
  • implementation of geological control over mining, operational and exploration work, the state of oil and gas development;
  • accounting for losses, movement of explored and ready-for-extraction minerals;
  • generalization of geological material and results of field and geophysical studies.

Professional and personal qualities of a geologist

As mentioned above, to work as a geologist, you need to have extraordinary qualities and have a deep education in this industry. And in order to qualify for a geologist position with a high salary, the applicant must:

  • know the characteristics of soil types in different areas;
  • be able to determine the composition of soils and their physical characteristics;
  • have skills to work with special equipment and tools for conducting field research, laboratory instruments;
  • have a good knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, ecology;
  • be able to make plans, drawings, diagrams, maps.

To personal qualities Employers' requirements for applicants for geologist vacancies are also quite high:

  • excellent health;
  • developed logical and analytical thinking, mathematical abilities;
  • ability to engage in painstaking work for a long time (for work in the laboratory);
  • the ability to withstand prolonged physical and mental stress in different weather conditions and in different terrain (for work in the field);
  • independence and flexibility of thinking, efficiency (the ability to change plans and methods of solving problems in accordance with changing conditions, quick response and decision-making in various situations);
  • ability to work under irregular working hours.
  • high level of concentration;
  • observation, responsibility, perseverance, perseverance, accuracy, attentiveness;

Geologist career and salary

The salary level of a geologist depends not only on the position held, knowledge and work experience. Great influence for the amount of a geologist's salary there is a place of work. Geologists working in state sectoral research institutes earn the least, and maximum salaries among oil and gas workers construction companies. So, average salary geologist in Moscow is 30-50 thousand rubles per month. In the regions - 20-35 thousand rubles. The minimum salary offered for geologist vacancies is 15 thousand rubles, the maximum is 90 thousand rubles.

Career growth possible through management - manager working group, head of the site, head of the geological exploration department. However, this The opportunity for career growth is determined by the presence excellent knowledge, diploma higher education the employee, as well as a non-standard or innovative approach to solving assigned tasks.

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of a geologist (an experienced specialist or a newcomer without work experience) will help you. Competent resume will greatly improve your chances of getting hired.

Geologist resume template is available in two types

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  • For those who have no experience yet.

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To download a geologist resume sample, click on the link below.

text-autospace:none"> Sergey
City: Moscow
Gender: male

text-autospace:none">Age: 58 years old


text-autospace:none"> Requirements for future work

text-autospace:none"> Job title:Geologist, surveyor, geophysicist
Salary (minimum): 90,000 rub.

text-autospace:none"> Experience:

text-autospace:none">more than 5 years

Geotransengineering LLC: from May 2012 to present
Job title: Expert Technical department
Technical examination of field engineering survey data and reporting materials.

text-autospace:none"> Geoproektiziskaniya LLC: from December 2011 to April 2012
Job title: Chief specialist of the geology department
Organization and conduct of field work on the reconstruction of the railway contact network, approvals, work with subcontractors. Development of converter programs for “pumping” data from the EngGeo system database into the formats of other programs for constructing IG sections.

text-autospace:none"> LLC "Boguchanskaya Geophysical Expedition" (Krasnoyarsk region): from February 2011 to February 2011
Job title: Leading surveyor, temporary
Top supply of 3D CDP works.

text-autospace:none"> OJSC "Naftacom":from December 2009 to January 2011
Job title: Squad leader
Organization and conduct of field work to provide topographic support for gravimetric surveying of areas promising for hydrocarbon raw materials. Execution of verification geological survey routes to clarify the GK-200. Drawing up technical specifications and projects, adapting work methods to the conditions of sharply dissected mountainous terrain, drawing up and coordinating internal instructions of the enterprise. Defense of work projects in the Geology Department of the Government of the Republic. Tajikistan.

text-autospace:none"> JSC "Rudgeorazvedka": from February 2007 to November 2009

text-autospace:none"> Job title:Head of the camera group
Organization and implementation of work on the preparation of data for calculating reserves of gold and copper deposits, desk processing of data on general prospecting and exploration of deposits, preliminary calculation of reserves, participation in the preparation of materials for protection in the State Reserves Committee.

text-autospace:none"> LLC "Geoinfocenter": from February 2002 to January 2007

text-autospace:none"> Job title:Chief Engineer
Organization, management and performance of work on engineering-geological (study and forecast of hazardous processes), engineering-geodetic, engineering-hydrological surveys; development and creation of databases (for the design of construction of main pipelines; assessment of risk factors for the operation of existing pipelines).

text-autospace:none"> FGUNPP "Aerogeology": from October 1998 to January 2002
Job title: Ved. CC engineer
Development and creation of databases; development of an application interface for working with databases in geoinformation system environments (“ workplace geologist") (for the performance of work on geological data, interpretation of aero- and space materials; geo-ecological mapping).


text-autospace:none"> Moscow branch of the Institute "Atomenergoproekt": from May 1985 to September 1998

text-autospace:none"> Job title:Team Leader
Organization, management, implementation of engineering geophysical surveys using gravimetry and magnetometry methods; engineering-geological (route observations) and engineering-geodetic surveys (for projects of construction and reconstruction of nuclear power plants). Organization and implementation of surveys to assess seismic hazard.

text-autospace:none"> PGO "Aerogeology": from January 1978 to April 1985

text-autospace:none"> Job title:Squad leader
Organization and execution of work on geophysical research (electrical prospecting, magnetometry, gravimetry, radiometry), geological mapping, general search for minerals.

text-autospace:none"> Professional skills:

text-autospace:none"> Organization and conduct of geological surveys, geological prospecting, engineering and geological routes; geomorphological, seismotectonic observations.

text-autospace:none"> Organization and implementation of geodetic work - mapping out and linking the observation network, project sites, identification marks for aerial photography; routing (for projects of linear structures); shooting for compilation detailed plans; development of geodetic reference networks using satellite receivers.

text-autospace:none"> Organization and implementation of geophysical research using gravimetry, magnetometry, electrometry methods; interpretation of data.

text-autospace:none"> Organization and implementation of field engineering and hydrological surveys

text-autospace:none"> Specialized interpretation of aero- and space materials; processing of materials on a computer using specialized programs (Erdas Im.); photogrammetric processing using optical instruments and digital digital file system “PhotoMod”.

text-autospace:none"> Drawing up technical specifications and work programs; release of reporting materials on all the above-mentioned positions; incl. creation of electronic maps, profiles and geological sections based on geographic information technologies.

text-autospace:none"> Development of database structures for geological, geophysical and geodetic information.

text-autospace:none"> Application programming – processing of field materials; solving the inverse problem of gravimetry using the selection method; high-quality interpretation of logging data (GIS) of deep wells; automated construction engineering-geological sections; automated registration of electronic cards based on decryption; interface for working with databases in the AutoCAD Map environment (corporate non-commercial products); automated identification of ore intervals and estimated reserves calculation using the disk method.

text-autospace:none"> Education:

text-autospace:none"> Basics:higher
MGRI:(second higher), from 1980 to 1983
Specialty: mining engineer-geologist
Evening training

text-autospace:none"> Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov: (higher (specialist)), from 1972 to 1977
Specialty: geologist-geophysicist

Foreign languages:

text-autospace:none"> English: beginner

Additional information:

text-autospace:none"> Marital status: married
Children: yes
Personal car: yes
Possibility of business trips: yes
About myself:

text-autospace:none"> I have significant experience in organizing and conducting field work in uninhabited areas, in the mountains, in the Far North; both in favorable and autumn-winter periods; experience working with air transport, tracked and motor vehicles, snowmobiles; alloy work. Last field seasons – summer 2006 – spring 2007. and August – December 2007‚ Rep. Komi; 2008 – Novgorod region. 2009-2010 – Republic of Tajikistan, winter-spring 2011 – Krasnoyarsk region. Physically healthy.

text-autospace:none"> I have positive experience in increasing labor productivity and the quality of work performed by employees of office departments based on the introduction of geoinformatics.

text-autospace:none"> I guarantee a responsible attitude towards the assigned work.

text-autospace:none"> Easy to learn

text-autospace:none"> Software proficiency: MSOffice‚ AutoCAD Map‚ Ad.Photoshop; ErWin‚ PhotoMod‚ Trimble Geomatic Office‚ Trimble Business Center‚ Erdas Imagine‚ MapInfo‚ ArcView‚ Credo Dat‚ Micromine (certificate available). Worked with Oracle DBMS and MS SQL Server.

text-autospace:none"> Programming languages: Visual Basic (various translators), C++Builder, VC#2005, Visual Lisp.

text-autospace:none"> He took part in surveys on the pipeline systems Sakhalin-2, ESPO, Bovanenkovo-Torzhok (Yamal-Europe), BPS-2, Tikhoretsk-Tuapse.

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