Repair work on the technical condition of a large anti-submarine ship Pacific Fleet "Marshal Shaposhnikov" Project 1155 (serial number 114) with the extension of the time between repairs and the implementation of certain modernization works carried out by OJSC Dalzavod Ship Repair Center (DSC) in Vladivostok are entering an active phase.

On the one hand, finally, almost a year after the conclusion of the government contract (April 1, 2015), the BOD "Marshal Shaposhnikov" Dock repairs have begun - on March 30, 2016, photos of the BOD placed in the dry dock of Dalzavod appeared on the Maritime Forum of the Air Base.

Thus, on July 31, 2015, an agreement was concluded with Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau JSC, part of Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation JSC. The subject of the contract is the supply of a set of two 3S-24 products worth 47 million rubles. According to known data, 3S-24 (aka KT-184) is a launcher for the 3K24 Uran ship-based missile system with X-35 (3M24) anti-ship missiles. The production time for the installations is set at 18 months. Previously, there were no plans to install Uranov on the Project 1155 BOD.

On May 28, 2015, an agreement was signed with Vladivostok OJSC Izumrud (part of OJSC Concern Morinformsystem-Agat) for the supply of the product MR-123-02/3. Universal fire control system for naval artillery MR-123-02/3 " Bagheera" is designed to control the firing of ship-based anti-aircraft artillery of 30-100 mm caliber and unguided rocket weapons of 122, 140 mm caliber against air targets, including anti-ship and anti-radar missiles, in self-defense of a ship from air attack weapons, against sea and coastal targets to provide fire support landing and destruction of coastal objects in the depths of defense in the conditions of the use of active and passive radar and optical-electronic interference. The full version of the MR-123-02/3 control system includes radar and optical-electronic channels. The price of the control system is 165.3 million rubles, the delivery time is until the end of 2016.

On December 23, 2015, an agreement was concluded with the St. Petersburg JSC PKB RIO for the supply of an automated communications complex R-779-28 and a global communications complex marine system GMDSS distress communications. The cost of the agreement is 422.786 million rubles, the contract period is 12 months.

In addition to previously concluded agreements with NPP Salyut JSC for the supply of general detection radars MR-710 and 5P-30N2 worth over 980 million rubles, on February 2, 2016, another agreement was signed for the supply of a 5P-30P radar information processing system . The price of the contract is 122 million rubles, the validity period is until the end of 2016.

In addition, in 2015, an agreement was signed with JSC Taganrog Research Institute of Communications for the supply of the TK-25-2 complex with a price of 280.6 million rubles. and execution period is 16 months. According to the Concern "Radio-Electronic Technologies", which includes TNIIS, the TK-25 shipborne electronic suppression complex is designed to provide radio-electronic protection of an object from air- and ship-based radio-controlled weapons by creating active interference with a spectrum width from 64 to 2000 MHz, as well as pulsed deception and simulated interference using copies of signals. The complex is capable of simultaneously analyzing up to 256 targets.

The Russian Navy has begun a large-scale modernization program for the main workhorses of its surface forces - large anti-submarine ships (BOD) of Project 1155 Udaloy. At least five BODs will receive launchers for Kalibr cruise missiles and equipment for guiding them to their target. They will be able to strike at coastal targets and enemy fleets from a long distance. Until now, these ships had neither anti-ship weapons nor long-range air defense systems - so the sailors received the nickname “doves of peace.” According to experts, Soviet-built frigates will turn into modern attack ships.

As the Navy High Command told Izvestia, work on large anti-submarine ships of Project 1155 has already begun. The installation of the Caliber complex on the Admiral Shaposhnikov BOD continues. Until 2022, five BODs from the Northern and Pacific fleets will undergo repairs and modernization. During the modernization, the possibility of equipping them with promising Onyx anti-ship missiles will also be considered.

Built back in the 1980s, Project 1155 frigates turned out to be technically advanced and unpretentious, which is why they still form the basis of ocean surface forces. But until recently, these ships were equipped only with 100-mm cannons and Metel torpedo missiles.

The first reports of plans to modernize Project 1155 appeared back in 2013. Then Izvestia wrote that the BOD could be equipped with new A-192 gun mounts, Caliber missiles and an air defense system based on the S-400. However, such rearmament requires serious and time-consuming rework, and the fleet needs ships of this class now. Therefore, the choice was made in favor of a “lightweight” modernization option.

After repairs and modernization, the ships will gain strike capabilities, become more versatile and will serve the fleet for at least another 10–15 years, says military historian Dmitry Boltenkov. According to him, Project 1155 BODs now, in fact, form the backbone of the surface forces and display the Russian flag around the world.

These ships have incorporated the latest achievements of the Soviet defense industry, have proven themselves well, and the sailors praise them, the expert explained. - Modernization is necessary. Now they are armed only with cannons and an outdated missile system that cannot cope with modern systems Air defense. The “calibers” will most likely be installed in the bow of the ship - instead of the front gun turret. Thus, it is possible to quickly obtain a ship that meets all the urgent needs of the fleet.

Project 1155 is considered the most advanced of the Soviet surface submarine hunters in the ocean zone. Gas turbine power point made it possible to avoid many problems that arise during the operation of boiler-turbine systems. Such ships received the powerful Polynom hydroacoustic system, anti-submarine missiles and the Kinzhal anti-aircraft missile system. However, the frigates lacked anti-ship weapons, since destroyers were expected to fight surface ships.

From 1980 to 1991, 13 BODs of Project 1155 were built (one of them was based on the improved Project 1155.1). They were given the names of Russian and Soviet admirals. To date, there are eight such ships left in service - four in the Pacific Fleet and the same number in the Northern Fleet. These frigates were actively used during anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia.

Once upon a time there were13 (planned 50). The first to be written off was the 10-year-old Admiral Zakharov (07/05/1994), which was seriously damagedin a fire two years earlier. It was followed by the lead "Udaloy" (08/16/1997, at the age of 16 years), then - "Admiral Spiridonov" (07/20/2001) and "Marshal Vasilevsky" (02/10/2007). By some miracle, the second ship of the project and the first one built at the plant survived. Zhdanova (SV) - "Vice Admiral Kulakov", which was under repair for almost 20 years (1991-2010). We managed to save all the other BODs, Projects 1155 and 11551 (for the Navy it was a matter of life and death - there would be practically no one to display the flag in distant waters without them).

12.06.2014 (photo Kai-8 from, click 4200 pixels)

"Admiral Kharlamov" the fleet received 12/30/1989 (traditionally “Christmas tree”),the naval flag was raised 25.02.1990 (ship's birthday). Younger than him in the series of pure 1155s is only “Admiral Panteleev” (in a broader sense, also “Admiral Chabanenko” pr. 11551). For the first 10 years, Kharlamov’s service was very active. "He wasbusiness card by ship, went not only to Sweden, Norway, but also to another continent, to Canada" (1993 - Halifax, Canada and Boston, USA; 1994 - Rotterdam, Netherlands).

"In 2000, when the Kursk died, in the area where it was lostalmost a whole yearwere constantly on guard dutytwo ships- “Chabanenko” and “Kharlamov”. After that watch, the ship came to the pier." Another reason for the failure of the BOD was that "in Due to economic problems in the fleet, cycles are not always observed maintenance ships that... are laid down during construction. But every two and a half years the ship must be inspected at the dock, and undergo repairs every five years. Moreover, the repairs are of an appropriate level. "Kharlamov" is 17 years old (as of 02.2007 - A.Sh.), but it has not had any repairs." "The ship did not go to seasince July 2001 " .

"Admiral Kharlamov", Severomorsk,10.06.2014 (photo Kai-8 from, click 4650 pixels)

A few more quotes (with minor stylistic edits) from an interview with the current (at that time) and former commanders of the ship, Captain 2nd Rank A. Speransky and Captain 1st Rank V. Kondratov dated 02/14/2007:

“The period of waiting for repairs dragged on so long that in the light of the reform and reduction of our Armed Forces, the command had the idea to include the Admiral Kharlamov, which had not yet served established deadlines service, to the list of ships subject to decommissioning. Having learned about this, I (V.K.) phoned the son of Admiral Kharlamov... He taught at the Academy of the General Staff, with the rank of rear admiral... Nikolai Nikolaevich met with his former graduates, who occupy quite high, key positions in military department. A letter was prepared and sent to the Moscow government with a proposal... about the possible patronage of the Moscow mayor's office over "Admiral Kharlamov"...

For two years now (since we have had bosses), for example, we have not felt the need for paint and varnish materials. I’ll tell you a secret, everyone in the navy needs paint. In the navy, paint is received on a great holiday in July (on Navy Day - A.Sh.). Thanks to the bosses, we have funding and we can buy normal, high-quality paint from wholesale suppliers and maintain proper warship appearance...

Our work has now reached new stage... an agreement was concluded with a ship repair company that has the right to work on Navy ships to repair household premises. First of all, we repair the premises that support the crew’s livelihoods. For example, our galley is now equipped with a new technological equipment... Air conditioning is installed in the premises..." .

WITH 2004 year the ship is locatedin reserve due to technical condition (in the technical reserve of the 2nd category), formally - in anticipation of a planned medium overhaul with the replacement of the main engines (it was expected that it would begin in 2014 at the Northern Shipyard).. As you can see in the photo at the beginning of the publication, taken 9 months ago (on Russia Day),. the ship is well-maintained, has a flag, a jack and, presumably, is partially (minus the power plant) technically serviceable. In fact, "Kharlamov" has long beenAnd. O. stationary training ship , which trains specialists for the more successful 1155s and other ships of the Northern Fleet (for example, in the second half of 2014, the current commander of the machine-boiler group of the BCh-5 destroyer "Admiral Ushakov" underwent an internship there).

There is still hope that BOD no. 678 will return to service. At the same time, it is hardly worth taking into account the message from two years ago about the planned deep modernization of all ships of Project 1155, starting with the Kharlamov, by the Navy Commander-in-Chief - the idea of ​​​​replacing almost all the weapons with the A-192, Caliber and " Redoubt". But the completion in 2016 of the mid-term repair of the Admiral Chabanenko BOD in the 35th Shipyard may well play a fateful role in the biography of the 678th, since it is possible that it will become the next ship to be commissioned in the Murmansk branch of the Zvezdochki "will give a second life.

BOD "Admiral Kharlamov", Severomorsk,10.07.2014 (photo Kai-8 from In the photo, taken a month after the previous two (unfortunately, in a much worse resolution), you can see one interesting piece of news - the state emblem of the Russian Federation on the stern instead of the coat of arms of the Soviet Union painted over with ball paint.


The Main Headquarters of the Russian Navy has decided to modernize the large anti-submarine ships (BOD) of Project 1155 “Fregat” (according to NATO classification - Udaloy). Today these are the main ships of the far sea zone in the Russian fleet. They are the ones who are sent to the Horn of Africa to fight Somali pirates.

The modernization of the BOD will include equipping it with modern A-192 cannons, Caliber cruise missiles and the latest air defense and missile defense system with S-400 Redut missiles. Thanks to this, the ships will actually become destroyers and will be able to destroy not only submarines but also surface ships, airplanes, missiles and ground objects. That is, they will become universal warships“, explained a representative of the Main Command of the Navy to the Izvestia newspaper.

According to him, modernization of 30-year-old Project 1155 BODs could cost 2 billion rubles per ship. At the same time, the cost of building a new destroyer for the far sea zone exceeds 30 billion rubles.

Retired Admiral Vladimir Zakharov explained that the modernization of the BOD 1155 will allow for short term get a ship that meets all the urgent requirements of the fleet. Zakharov explained that a new destroyer for the far sea zone, which can replace the Frigates, will appear no earlier than 2020. New ships of such displacement as the BPK 1155 are not even in the project. And of the modern ships in service with the Russian Navy, only the . But they are half the size, less autonomous and less well armed.

In the 1970s, due to the large onboard equipment, it was decided to divide the functions of a universal ship between two specialized ones - the attack destroyer was project 956 “Modern”, and the anti-submarine destroyer was the BOD 1155 “Frigate” with a powerful sonar station in the bow. Today, Project 956 Sovremenny attack destroyers are practically not in operation due to problems with the boilers - only three ships are in operation. They are also being prepared for modernization. Together with the updated BODs, they will form the basis of the ocean grouping of the Russian Navy.

The US Navy today has more than 40 universal destroyers capable of sinking submarines, surface ships and hitting ground targets with Tomahawk cruise missiles.

The terms of reference for the Project 1155 BOD modernization project will be developed by the end of the year. He was assigned to prepare the 1st and 2nd Central Research Institutes of the Navy. After this, a competition will be announced among design bureaus for best project modernization, and then a plant is selected. The main contenders for this order are Severnaya Verf in St. Petersburg and the Yantar plant in Kaliningrad.

In addition to the weapons on the BOD, the chassis will be updated, and the center of gravity will also be changed, due to which, at high speed, the ship begins to lift up its nose and hit the bottom with the water (this phenomenon is called “bottom slamming”). The Northern Design Bureau, which developed the Project 1155 BOD and will most likely receive the order, said that in order to introduce modern weapons systems, the ship’s control system, that is, almost all the electronics, will have to be changed.

During modernization, they may encounter a number of serious technical problems- Will the dimensions of the new weapon systems be suitable for a strictly BOD hull? If you have to break the housing, this can significantly increase the cost of the project. “Caliber” can take the place of “Rasstrub”, but “Mosquito” can no longer take the place, say design bureau specialists.

Currently, Project 1155 BODs are armed with AK-100 artillery mounts of 100 mm caliber, semi-automatic 21-KM cannons of 45 mm caliber, anti-aircraft artillery mounts of 30 mm caliber, anti-aircraft guns missile systems"Dagger", anti-submarine missile systems "Rastrub-B", rocket-bomber launchers, as well as two four-tube torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber. The air groups of Project 1155 ships include two Ka-27PL helicopters.

The first modernized BOD will appear no earlier than 2016: The development of the main project will take about 1.5 years - every detail will have to be agreed upon with the developers and manufacturers of weapons systems, equipment and other ship systems. After this, the technical modernization project will be finalized for another 2 to 4 years - step by step instructions for the plant.

Over 11 years, from 1980 to 1991, 13 Project 1155 BODs were built (one of them was an improved Project 1155.1). The ships are named after Russian and Soviet admirals. Now there are 8 such ships left in service - four in the Pacific Fleet and the same number in the Northern Fleet. Since 2008, five of them have been involved in the fight against pirates in Somalia - “Marshal Shaposhnikov”, “Admiral Panteleev”, “Admiral Levchenko”, “Admiral Vinogradov” and “Admiral Chabanenko”. The Admiral Kharlamov BOD has been in reserve since 2006. Perhaps it will be the lead ship in the modernization of the entire project.

The Soviet Navy in the mid-80s had a powerful group of middle-class warships capable of performing various combat missions anywhere in the world's oceans. Large anti-submarine ships and patrol ships, coming off the stocks of Soviet shipyards, had a fairly large displacement, powerful and well-developed weapons. Despite the fact that in the classification of the USSR Navy such ships were classified as BODs and SKRs, in the West they were immediately classified as frigates, universal combat ships. A special place in this list is occupied by the Project 1155 Udaloy type BOD, which was part of the USSR Navy and continues to remain part of the domestic fleet today.

Launched in the late 1980s, the Udaloy-class ship Admiral Vinogradov and the frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov are part of the TOV detachment of warships. Today, almost 30 years later, ships of this type have not lost their combat significance.

Reclassified as frigates, eight Udaloy-class ships remain in the Northern and Pacific fleets. The Project 1155 type ship “Admiral Panteleev” is the last 12 ship in the series. The upcoming modernization of the ships will significantly extend their service life, turning them into full-fledged combat units of the modern Russian Navy. The development of the first Soviet frigate was the Project 1155.1 ship “Admiral Chabanenko”, which was launched after the collapse of the Union and entered service with the Russian Navy in 1992.

After the launch of the first ship, subsequent construction of the remaining 3 ships in the series was stopped. The Admiral Chabanenko BPC has already been classified as a destroyer in the NATO classification.

The history of the birth of the BOD project 1155

The Soviet Union, starting from the mid-60s, actively began to commission two classes of combat vessels at once, Large Anti-Submarine Ships and Patrol Ships. The ships built at Soviet shipyards were universal vessels and, in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics, had no analogues in foreign fleets. However, time does not stand still and the operational and tactical situation at sea required the creation of a new, more advanced ship. Subsequent development of the BOD and SKR class in navy became project 1155.

Having received terms of reference from the Supreme Naval Leadership of the country, the designers of the Northern Design Bureau did not reinvent the wheel when developing design documentation. A “Solomon decision” was made to use all the best from previous projects, the Burevestnik-type patrol boats and the Project 1134A Berkut-type BOD. Both types of ships have proven their effectiveness in practice, possessing good seaworthiness and broad combat capabilities.

The impetus for the creation of a new project was the commissioning American Navy new submarines, capable of operating covertly on sea lanes and near the bases and locations of the USSR Navy. The new ship was supposed to have better vision and increased navigation autonomy. In addition, the question of equipping a warship with effective protection against anti-ship missiles. The fighting near the Falkland Islands in the summer of 1982 between Great Britain and Argentina clearly demonstrated the inadequacy of defense of warship formations against air strikes.

Note: An excellent example of the weakness of warships in the face of the threat of a missile strike was the sinking of the British destroyer Sheffield during hostilities near the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Quite modern ship Her Majesty's Navy destroyer Sheffield was burned by an Exoset missile fired from an Argentine bomber.

In addition to new electronic equipment and an air defense system, the new ship was supposed to have a longer cruising range. Operational challenges facing Soviet fleet, required fighting the submarines and ships of a potential enemy at a considerable distance from the fleet bases.

The result of the long and fruitful work of Leningrad designers was the appearance of the Project 1155 BOD with the code “Udaloy”. In the NATO classification, the new Soviet ship, even at the development stage, received the index “Udaloy” and was classified as a frigate. The ships of the improved project 1155.1 "Admiral Chabanenko" received the index "Udaloy II".

What was the new ship of Project 1155 type "Frigate"

When creating a new ship, the designers were instructed to ensure that the ships went into production at production facilities Soviet shipyards without delays or procrastination. In this regard, many components and assemblies of the new BOD were similar in their parameters to the parts and assemblies of the previous project 1134A. The ship's displacement was also within acceptable parameters - 4200 tons.

The only thing that had to be changed was to significantly increase the original dimensions of the ship. To install a new hydroacoustic station, a longer housing was required. In all other respects, the new Project 1155 BOD strongly resembled large anti-submarine ships of the Berkut type. Combat equipment was reinforced with anti-submarine helicopter and systems anti-submarine weapons. The highlight of the project was the updated radar and sonar system. It was decided to create a vessel of greater displacement, without looking back at production capabilities shipyard of the Yantar plant.

On the ships of the project, the air defense system has been significantly strengthened, which, instead of the traditional anti-aircraft missile system The Osa was equipped with advanced Kinzhal air defense systems. The number of 30-mm anti-aircraft guns was increased to four. Starting from the 8th production vessel of the large anti-submarine ship of Project 1155 “Severomorsk”, formerly “Simferopol”, all subsequent production vessels were required to use new materials in the design. This made it possible to significantly extend the life of the vessels.

Note: At the last stage of project development, a number of radical decisions were made. Project 1155 frigates were to be based on two helicopters. The ship was additionally equipped with another radar tracking complex. It was necessary to significantly increase other performance characteristics combat ships. The project took its final form in 1976. It was already a ship with a displacement of 7,000 tons. The propulsion system had a power of 62,000 hp, with the possibility of increasing to 80 thousand hp. Accordingly, the ship should have increased maximum speed speed, up to 29 knots. The main difference of the new type of propulsion system is the ability to quickly switch to a defined operating mode.

The result was a combat vessel, similar in basic performance characteristics to the Berkut-type BOD, only at a completely different qualitative level. The appearance of the ship has also changed significantly. New radar significantly reduced the area of ​​superstructures. At the stern of the frigate, a significant space was allocated to the helicopter hangar. The larger displacement made it possible to install two artillery systems, AK-100 and AK-630, on the Udalaya.

The place of laying and construction of the lead vessel of the Udaloy frigate project was the Kaliningrad shipyard "Yantar". The ship took almost three years to build. In 1980, the lead ship was launched and since January 1981 was included in the Northern Fleet. Almost simultaneously with the lead ship at the shipyards of the Shipyard named after. Zhdanov, the first production ship of the Large Anti-Submarine Ship of Project 1155 “Vice Admiral Kulakov” was laid down. Unlike the prototype, the first-born of the series took much longer to build. Already during the operation of the lead ship, the designers made adjustments and changes to project documentation. Construction was carried out at an intensive pace until the launch of the last production ship of this project, Admiral Panteleev. It was followed by the laying and launching of almost another vessel, the frigate Admiral Chabanenko.

It was decided to use for the construction not only the capacity of the Kaliningrad Shipyard "Yantar", but also to connect the shipyards of the shipyard named after. Zhdanov in Leningrad. Four units of this project were built at the Leningrad shipyard. After the launch of the 12th serial ship of Project 1155, Admiral Panteleev, the final point in the history of ships of this class was the appearance in the Russian fleet of an improved version of frigates of the Udaloy class, a ship of Project 1155.1. The ship was equipped with a more powerful anti-ship complex “Moskit” and the latest anti-submarine complex “Waterfall” at that time. The Large Anti-Submarine Ship of Project 1155.1 “Admiral Chabanenko” turned out to be the only ship of the improved version launched. The unfinished construction of frigates of the Udaloy II type became the swan song in the epic with the construction of frigate-class ships for the domestic fleet. Already the last production ship of Project 1155, Admiral Panteleev, was practically a ship of a different class, more similar in combat characteristics to destroyers.

Combat service of Project 1155 ships in the Russian Navy

Today, the first Soviet frigates form the basis of the combat formations of the Northern and Pacific fleets. The Northern Fleet also operates the very first production ship of Project 1155, the modernized frigate Vice Admiral Kulakov.

In the modern Russian fleet, ships of this project have taken on the functions of destroyers. Due to the absence of destroyers in the fleet, in the mid-90s it was decided to subject the best-preserved ships to a radical modernization. The result of the improvements made was the appearance of practically new ships, more similar in combat potential to destroyers. The combat missions performed by the updated ships also changed accordingly. Due to the fact that the fleet contains quite large number ships of this type, a decision was made to carry out scheduled repairs and modernization of frigates. So while the frigate “Marshal Shaposhnikov” was under repair, its fellow ship of Project 1155 “Admiral Panteleev” participated in combat exercises in the Pacific Ocean and served for a long time as part of the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. A distinctive feature of the combat service of ships of this class is their intensive operation. Of the entire fleet of the Northern and Pacific Fleet, it is these combat vessels that carry out the largest amount of work. In the new millennium, ships of the Northern Fleet actively participated in the fight against piracy. Big anti-submarine ship Project 1155 "Severomorsk" has been patrolling ships off the coast of East Africa for a long time. Its sister frigate Admiral Kharlamov has repeatedly participated in military campaigns, clearly demonstrating the military presence of the Russian Navy in the oceans.

Intense combat service fell to the lot of another ship of this project, the frigate Admiral Vinogradov. For a long time, the ship carried out patrol service in the Gulf of Aden, protecting merchant ships and caravans from sea pirates. Then the combat unit was more than once included in the formation of Pacific Fleet ships sent to make friendly visits to foreign ports in the countries of the Pacific region. Alternately, changing with the ship of the same project "Admiral Panteleev" and other combat ships of the Pacific Fleet, the ship made a number of long voyages, visiting foreign ports in the Indian Ocean.

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