A person's life largely depends on his profession. Any work activity should evoke respect in society. Be it the profession of a janitor, doctor, astronaut, etc. First of all, a person must realize that work is the most important thing in life. Thanks to labor activity human society does not stand still, it moves forward

E. Hemingway once said: “Every person is born for some kind of work. Everyone who walks the earth has his own responsibilities.”

Already from the student bench, career guidance for schoolchildren begins: meetings with advanced industries, excursions to factories and factories, children's work practice - all this should help children in choosing a future profession.

The duty of teachers and parents is to help the student decide. Someone is passionate about natural subjects, someone likes humanities, it is important to see these inclinations in a child and develop them. If a person chooses a profession according to his desires and abilities, then society usually receives a highly qualified specialist who will continue to develop. Such a person receives satisfaction and pleasure from work; they say about such people: they go to work as if they were on a holiday. Such people are in demand.

Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when choosing a profession. Labor can be physical and mental, but in our time many machines replace physical labor and you need to be able to operate these machines.

Professions can be obtained at colleges and universities. The state gives great opportunities to master a particular profession. It is important to make the right decision. To do this, you need to know what professions are in demand today. We must remember that labor is the source of wealth.


Choosing a profession, a job that provides professional growth, material wealth, and public recognition is one of the most important concerns and problems of every person. But it is often solved at the level of intuition, or even under the influence of mood, superficial impressions, parental whim, through trial and error.

The negative consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession are often not taken into account and not calculated. Let us cite the opinion of a famous publicist: “Having taken a job that is not according to your abilities, taking a place that is not yours, it is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to be an honest person in general.” That's right. A mediocre worker, as a rule, is self-confident, prone to lies, laziness, envy, flattery, and sometimes extortion. Thus, he tries to fill the emptiness of his soul and pocket.

The French thinker Saint-Simon wrote that the cause of almost all troubles in society is “failed vocations, violence against inclinations, imposed professions and the resulting displeasures and evil passions.”

The above is true not only in relation to “high” intellectual professions, but also to the simplest, ordinary ones. A mediocre politician, military leader, manager, lawyer, doctor is a real disaster. But there is a lot of trouble and damage from an incompetent plumber, teleworker, turner and baker, whose hands and head are clearly not suitable for the work being performed. Hackwork and marriage not only economically, but also morally impoverish society.

Meanwhile, according to generalized data, 20–30% of workers in various fields activities are out of place, as evidenced by failure to meet production standards, job descriptions, excessive fatigue, fraught with serious illnesses. And 70–80% of workers and specialists are not satisfied with their chosen profession for these and other reasons. The more complex and responsible the work, the more such cases there are.

The problem of choosing a profession has objective origins and grounds. What are they? There are persistent differences between people, as well as between professions. Thus, in terms of the speed of reaction, awareness of information and decision-making, the spread of indicators in a large group of people reaches 3–4 times; Significant - about 1120 - variations in temperament and character were also identified. A certain combination of certain human characteristics explicitly or implicitly gravitates towards specific groups of professions.

Professions, however, are “on their own minds” - everyone, and there are tens of thousands of them, has their own requirements for a person, his own temper, his own calculation. We choose and we are chosen.

By connecting the right person with a profession or position that matches his individual characteristics, we get a big win in increasing productivity and quality of work, reducing injuries, occupational diseases, increasing well-being, income, satisfaction with work and life. The hack-work is receding, there are fewer whiners and swindlers.

These are the effects and potential of choosing the right profession.


Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in your life.

Don't leave the choice of your future profession to chance.

Use information from professionals.

You must choose a profession carefully, taking into account your abilities,

internal beliefs (only the indifferent go wherever they have to),

real possibilities, weighing all the pros and cons.


Explore yourself deeper:

understand your interests (what interests you as a hobby and what can become a profession), inclinations, characteristics of your character and physical capabilities.

Think about your strengths and weaknesses, your main and secondary qualities.

Explore careers that match your interests and abilities. Read more books, articles, magazines.

Designate a pre-selected profession or group of related professions.

Talk with representatives of your chosen professions, try to visit the workplace of these specialists, get acquainted with the nature and working conditions. Think about how, where and when you can try your hand at this practically and - act!

Get acquainted with educational institutions where you can get your chosen profession.

Compare your personal qualities and capabilities with the nature of the profession you have chosen.

Once you have made a decision, do not give up in the face of difficulties. Be persistent in achieving your goals.



THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS . A person who clearly understands:

What he wants (aware of his goals, life plans, ideals, aspirations, value orientations);

What he is (knowing his personal and physical characteristics);

What he can do (knowing his inclinations, abilities, talents);

What the job and the workforce will require of him.

PRINCIPLE OF CONFORMITY . The chosen profession must meet (correspond to) the interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health of the person and at the same time the needs of society for personnel.

PRINCIPLE OF ACTIVITY . You have to actively look for a profession yourself. The following are expected to play a big role in this: practical testing of strength in clubs, sections, and electives; reading literature, excursions, meetings with specialists, visiting educational institutions at “Open Days”, independent contact with a psychologist or vocational consultant.

DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLE . Reflects the idea of ​​the need to develop in oneself such qualities that are needed for any profession. These are mental processes (thinking, memory, attention) and the following character traits: hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, organization, diligence, independence, initiative, the ability to endure failures, endurance, perseverance.



Choosing a profession for the company;

Transferring the attitude towards a person to the profession itself;

Identification of an educational subject with a profession;

Direct focus on highly qualified professions;

Inability to determine the path to obtaining a profession.


Ignorance or underestimation of one’s physical characteristics;

Ignorance or underestimation of one's own psychological characteristics;

Inability to correlate one’s abilities with the requirements of the profession;


Passion only for the external side of the profession;

Prejudice regarding the prestige of the profession;

Ignorance of the requirements of the profession for a person;

Outdated ideas about the nature and working conditions of a particular profession.


What skills and abilities do you get the most satisfaction from?

What are your main interests and favorite pastimes?

What are your favorite academic subjects?

What would you like to do every day for 8 hours, year after year?

What is your dream job?

Where do you imagine your occupation will be in 10 years?

What would be your ideal job? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job, who do you work with, how do you spend your time?

What are your criteria for choosing a profession? (required and desirable)

What are your strengths and skills that most make you feel qualified for the job that seems ideal to you?

What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to close to land your ideal job?

If your ideal job is currently unattainable, what kind of work could you do to move you in your chosen direction?

Who can I consult to get information useful for career planning?

Finally, write down your immediate and long-term career goals and take action.


WANT- aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

CAN- personal capabilities (health status, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

NECESSARY- society’s needs for personnel, and awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals.


1. The main goal (what will I do, what will I be, what will I achieve, the ideal of life and activity).

2. A chain of immediate and more distant specific goals (what and where to study, prospects for improving skills).

3. Ways and means of achieving immediate goals (conversations with people, testing strength, self-education, admission to an educational institution, preparatory courses).

4. External conditions for achieving goals (difficulties, possible obstacles, possible opposition from certain people).

5. Internal conditions(your capabilities: state of health, ability for theoretical or practical training, perseverance, patience, personal qualities necessary to work in this specialty).

6. Backup options for goals and ways to achieve them in case of insurmountable obstacles to the implementation of the main option.

Characteristics of the professional plan:

certainty , clarity of plan (if a person indicates a single profession and the corresponding type of educational institution);

completeness of the plan (when all are taken into account necessary factors choice of profession: focus of interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health, level of education, etc.);

sustainability of the plan (in time, as confidence in the correctness of the choice and immunity to interference in the pursuit of its implementation);

realistic plan (as a basis for real social and psychological possibilities for realizing choice);

logical validity and internal consistency (as the correlation of a person’s inclinations and abilities with the requirements of the profession);

moral justification plan (if the motives of the profession relate to the content of the activity);

consistency plan with the needs of the labor market.


When drawing up a personal professional plan, you must:

Determine what type of activity you are interested in; analyze to what extent the inclinations to work in the spheres of “man-nature”, “man-technology”, “man-person”, “man-sign system”, “man-artistic image” are expressed; draw up a formula for the profession of interest;

Find out which professions are needed in the labor market, in the city, area where you live;

Compare the data obtained and draw a conclusion in which area professional activity you could work;

Familiarize yourself with the professions of interest by talking with their representatives, using profession charts and special literature; consult with parents; consult a doctor;

Correlate your individual characteristics with the requirements of your chosen profession;

To know content of the profession of interest, working conditions, prospects for professional growth;

Acquainted with possible ways mastering a profession; visit educational institutions at “Open Days”;

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of obtaining general educational and professional training.


The following degrees are distinguished: professional suitability:

1. Unsuitability. It can be temporary or practically insurmountable. It is talked about in cases where there are deviations in health that are incompatible with work. In this case, the situation is not necessarily that a person cannot work, but that working in a given profession can worsen a person’s condition. Contraindications are not only medical, but also psychological: certain strong personal qualities will be an obstacle to mastering a certain profession.

2. Suitability.It is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications, but there are no obvious indications. In other words, neither for nor against. “You can choose this profession. It is possible that you will become good worker" Approximately these words can characterize this degree of professional suitability.

3. Compliance.There are no contraindications and there are some personal qualities that meet the requirements of the profession. For example, there is a expressed interest in certain objects of labor (technology, nature, people, art) or successful experience in this field. At the same time, compliance with other professions is not excluded. “You can choose this profession. And it’s very likely that you will be a good worker.”

4. Vocation.This is the highest level of professional fitness. It is characterized by the fact that in all elements of its structure there are clear signs of a person’s compliance with the requirements of the chosen type of work. We are talking about the characteristics by which a person stands out among his peers who are in equal conditions of learning and development. “In this and precisely in this field of work people will need you most.”

To discover your calling, it is important to boldly “try on” yourself for a variety of professions; you need to practically try your hand at different types labor.


Perhaps your chosen profession can be obtained at several educational institutions. In this case, the problem of choosing an educational institution arises. The right choice can be made by learning everything about these educational institutions.

When collecting information about an educational institution, you should get answers to the following questions:

What level of education does the educational institution provide (vocational, specialized secondary, higher)?

In what specialties and specializations is it carried out? professional training?

What qualification is awarded upon graduation?

What forms of training are provided (day, evening, correspondence)? Paid or free training? Payment amount?

What are the requirements for applicants (age, health, gender, level of education)?

What is the procedure for admission to the educational institution (deadlines for submitting documents, deadlines for passing exams, benefits for applicants)?

How long is the training?

Does the educational institution provide assistance in finding employment for graduates?

Are there any preparatory courses? When do they start working and what is the pay?

When are “Open Days” held at the educational institution?

The address of the educational institution and its full name?

(to help those choosing a profession)

The importance of choosing the right profession

Choosing a profession, a job that provides professional growth, material wealth, and public recognition is one of the most important concerns and problems of every person. But it is often solved at the level of intuition, or even under the influence of mood, superficial impressions, parental whim, through trial and error.

The negative consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession are often not taken into account and not calculated. Let us cite the opinion of a famous publicist: “Having taken a job that is not according to your abilities, taking a place that is not yours, it is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to be an honest person in general.” That's right. A mediocre worker, as a rule, is self-confident, prone to lies, laziness, envy, flattery, and sometimes even extortion. Thus, he tries to fill the emptiness of the soul and become at least somewhat significant and significant.

The French thinker Saint-Simon wrote that the cause of almost all troubles in society is “failed vocations, violence against inclinations, imposed professions and the resulting displeasures and evil passions.” The above is true not only in relation to “high” intellectual professions, but also to ordinary professions. A mediocre politician, military leader, manager, lawyer, doctor is a real disaster. But there is a lot of trouble and damage from an incompetent plumber, teleworker, turner and baker, whose hands and head are clearly not suitable for the work being performed. Hackwork and marriage not only economically, but also morally impoverish society.

Meanwhile, according to generalized data, 20–30% of workers in various fields of activity are “out of place,” as evidenced by failure to comply with production standards, job descriptions, and excessive fatigue, which is fraught with serious illnesses. And 70–80% of workers and specialists are not satisfied with their chosen profession for these and other reasons. The more complex and responsible the work, the more such cases there are.

The problem of choosing a profession has objective origins and grounds. What are they? There are persistent differences between people, as well as between professions. The speed of reaction, awareness of information and decision-making in a large group of people varies significantly; About 1120 variations of temperament and character were also identified. A certain combination of certain human characteristics explicitly or implicitly gravitates towards specific groups of professions.

Each profession (and there are tens of thousands of them) has its own requirements for a person, its own character, its own calculations. As they say, we choose and we are chosen.

By connecting the right person with a profession or position that matches his individual characteristics, you can get a big win in increasing productivity and quality of work, reducing injuries, occupational diseases, increasing well-being, income, satisfaction with work and life. These are the effects and potential of choosing the right profession.


Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in your life.

Don't leave the choice of your future profession to chance.

Use information from professionals.

You must choose a profession thoughtfully, taking into account your abilities, inner beliefs, real opportunities, weighing all the pros and cons.

To this end:

  • study yourself more deeply: understand your interests (what is interesting only as a hobby, and what can become a profession), inclinations, character traits and physical capabilities;
  • think about your strengths and weaknesses, main and secondary qualities;
  • Explore careers that match your interests and abilities;
  • read specialized books and magazines;
  • outline a pre-selected profession or group of related professions;
  • talk with representatives of your chosen professions, try to visit the workplace of these specialists, familiarize yourself with the nature and working conditions;
  • think about how, where and when you can try your hand at your chosen profession;
  • get acquainted with educational institutions where you can get your chosen profession;
  • compare personal qualities and capabilities with the nature of the profession you have chosen;
  • Having made a decision, do not give up in the face of difficulties: be persistent in achieving your goals.

Principles that should guide a person choosing a profession

Principle of Consciousness

A person who clearly understands:

  • what he wants (aware of his goals, life plans, ideals, aspirations, value orientations);
  • that he is (knowing his personal and physical characteristics);
  • what he can (knowing his inclinations, abilities, talents);
  • what the job and the workforce will require of him.

Principle of correspondence

The chosen profession must meet (correspond to) the interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health of the person and at the same time the needs of society for personnel.

Activity principle/b>

You have to actively look for a profession yourself. The following have a major role to play in this:

  • practical test of strength in clubs, sections, and electives;
  • reading literature, visiting excursions and educational institutions during Open Days;
  • meetings with specialists;
  • independent contact with a psychologist or vocational consultant.

Development principle

This principle reflects the idea of ​​the need to develop in oneself the qualities that are needed for any profession. These are mental processes (thinking, memory, attention), and the following character traits: hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, organization, diligence, independence, initiative, the ability to endure failures, endurance, perseverance.

Mistakes and difficulties when choosing a profession

1. Ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession:

  • choosing a profession for the company;
  • transfer of attitude towards a person to the profession itself;
  • identification of an educational subject with a profession;
  • orientation towards highly qualified professions;
  • inability to determine the path to obtaining a profession.

2. Ignorance of oneself:

  • ignorance or underestimation of one’s physical characteristics;
  • ignorance or underestimation of one’s psychological characteristics;
  • inability to correlate one's abilities with the requirements of the profession.

3. Ignorance of the world of professions:

  • passion only for the external side of the profession;
  • prejudice regarding the prestige of the profession;
  • ignorance of the requirements of the profession for a person;
  • outdated ideas about the nature and working conditions of a particular profession.

Questions that are useful to know the answer to when planning your professional career

  • What skills and abilities do you get the most satisfaction from?
  • What are your main interests and favorite pastimes?
  • What are your favorite academic subjects?
  • What would you like to do every day for 8 hours, year after year?
  • What is your dream job?
  • Where do you imagine your occupation will be in 10 years?
  • What would be your ideal job? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job. Who do you work with and how do you spend your time?
  • What are your criteria for choosing a profession (required and desirable)?
  • What strengths and skills do you have that make you feel qualified for the job that seems ideal to you?
  • What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to close to land your ideal job?
  • If your ideal job is not currently achievable, what kind of work could you do to move you in your chosen direction?
  • Who can you consult with to get information useful for career planning?
  • What are your immediate and long-term career goals? Write them down and strive to complete all points.


Want – aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

Can – personal capabilities (state of health, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

Necessary – society’s needs for personnel, and awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals

Student's personal professional plan

Characteristics of the professional plan

  • Certainty, clarity of plan (if a person indicates a single profession and the corresponding type of educational institution).
  • Completeness of the plan (when all the necessary factors for choosing a profession are taken into account: the orientation of interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health, level of education, etc.).
  • Stability of the plan over time (confidence in the correctness of the choice and the desire to implement it).
  • Realism of the plan (reliance on real social and psychological possibilities for implementing choice).
  • Logical validity and internal consistency (correlating a person’s aptitudes and abilities with the requirements of the profession).
  • Moral justification plan (if the motives of the profession relate to the content of the activity).
  • Consistency plan with the needs of the labor market.

Stages of forming a professional plan

When drawing up a personal professional plan, you must:

  • determine what type of activity you are interested in; analyze the extent to which inclinations to work in the spheres of “man-nature”, “man-technology”, “man-person”, “man-sign system”, “man-artistic image” are expressed; draw up a formula for the profession of interest;
  • find out which professions are needed in the labor market of the city or region in which you live;
  • compare the data received and draw a conclusion in which area of ​​professional activity you could work;
  • get acquainted with the professions of interest, talking with their representatives, using profession charts, special literature; consult with parents; consult a doctor;
  • correlate your individual characteristics with the requirements of your chosen profession;
  • find out the content of the profession of interest, working conditions, prospects for professional growth;
  • get acquainted with possible ways to master the profession; visit educational institutions at “Open Days”;
  • analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of obtaining general educational and professional training.

Professional suitability

The following degrees of professional suitability are distinguished.

1. Unsuitability. It can be temporary or practically insurmountable. It is talked about in cases where there are deviations in health that are incompatible with work. However, this does not mean that a person cannot work - work in this profession can worsen a person’s condition. Contraindications are not only medical, but also psychological: certain strong personal qualities will be an obstacle to mastering a certain profession.

2. Suitability. It is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications, but there are no obvious indications. In other words, neither for nor against. “You can choose this profession. It’s possible that you will become a good worker.” Approximately these words can characterize this degree of professional suitability.

3. compliance. There are no contraindications and there are some personal qualities that meet the requirements of the profession. For example, there is a expressed interest in certain objects of labor (technology, nature, people, art) or successful experience in this field. At the same time, compliance with other professions is not excluded. “You can choose this profession. And it’s very likely that you will be a good worker.”

4. Vocation. This is the highest level of professional fitness. It is characterized by the fact that in all elements of its structure there are clear signs of a person’s compliance with the requirements of the chosen type of work. We are talking about the characteristics by which a person stands out among his peers who are in equal conditions of learning and development. “It is in this area of ​​work that people will need you most.”

To discover your calling, it is important to boldly “try on” yourself for a variety of professions; you need to practically try your hand at different types of work.

What you need to know when choosing an educational institution

Perhaps your chosen profession can be obtained at several educational institutions. In this case, the problem of choosing an educational institution arises. The right choice can be made by learning everything about these educational institutions.

When collecting information about an educational institution, you should get answers to the following questions.

  • What level of education does the educational institution provide (vocational, specialized secondary, higher)?
  • In what specialties and specializations is vocational training provided?
  • What qualification is awarded upon graduation?
  • What forms of training are provided (day, evening, correspondence)? Paid or free training? What is the payment amount?
  • What are the requirements for applicants (age, health, gender, level of education)?
  • What is the procedure for admission to the educational institution (deadlines for submitting documents, deadlines for passing exams, benefits for applicants)?
  • How long is the training?
  • Does the educational institution provide assistance in finding employment for graduates?
  • Are there any preparatory courses? When do they start working and what is their cost?
  • When are “Open Days” held at the educational institution?
  • Where is the educational institution located and what is its full name?

The issue of choosing a profession has been relevant for many years. What a person will do in the future will significantly influence financial position, social status, a society with which you will have to intersect and communicate for the rest of your life as a whole. However, before becoming a specialist in a certain industry, you have to go a long way, starting from the very thought of “who to be” and ending with obtaining all the necessary knowledge and experience for work.

Where does choosing a profession begin?

The conversation about the profession begins from childhood. Even young children are asked: “What do you want to become in the future?” Children answer this question in different ways: some say they want to become a doctor, some say they want to become a teacher, boys like pilots, astronauts, and some even answer that they want to become a President. It is worth noting that even the games that children play reflect the interests of children, where they either treat someone, or build something, cook, and so on.

Some people's childhood dreams come true, while others change their minds about this or that type of activity many times. If a child is very passionate about something, he needs to be helped to develop his abilities in this area, prompted and directed in the right direction.

IN modern world Many different professions are emerging. Thanks to computerization, the choice of specializations has increased. It became possible to work not only in the office, but also remotely, for example, at home on a computer via the Internet. To have a clearer understanding of the diversity of professions, you can divide them into certain groups.

Basic classifications of professions

You can distinguish types, groups and departments of professions.

Types of professions are determined by subject of work:

  • sign systems;
  • nature;
  • technique;
  • artistic image;
  • Human.

The distribution of professions into groups is carried out based on working conditions:

  • household microclimate;
  • moral responsibility;
  • unusualness;
  • open air;
  • extremeness.

Depending on the means of labor, the following departments of professions are distinguished:

  • automatic;
  • mechanical;
  • manual;
  • theoretical;
  • functional.

The problem of choosing a profession

The future profession is the main link for the implementation of normal human life. Therefore, it is very important to choose a profession where you can show yourself on the good side and be needed by society. The problem of choice is that this moment exists great amount professions, among which you need to choose only one.


Factors in choosing a profession are usually distinguished as external and internal. Let's take a closer look at both.

External factors imply the place of the profession in the labor market, wages, opinions and attitudes of others towards this species activities. The prestige of the profession plays a special role. However, this may cause certain difficulties in future employment due to large quantity specialists from the same industry.

Internal factors imply the abilities of the person himself, who is faced with the choice of who to become.

External factors influencing the choice of profession

Demand, which also applies to external factors, characterized by instability. Professions that are in demand today may not be in demand after a certain period of time.

Although there is a special attitude towards wages, one should take into account the fact that the profession itself cannot guarantee high earnings. Here you also need to consider the possibility of career growth. Since, being representatives of the same profession, someone can be in a high position and have good income, and someone, on the contrary, holds a low position and receives a small salary.

It is necessary to evaluate the real opportunity to obtain a profession. Financial situation plays an important role here, since upon admission it is difficult to get into budget form training.

Internal factors influencing the choice of profession

The kind of specialist he will become depends on his character and personal qualities. Don't set the bar higher than your capabilities. You should not plunge headlong into medicine if chemistry and biology were complex and incomprehensible subjects. A good programmer cannot be made from someone who is not familiar with mathematics and computer science. A teacher without creativity, patience and love for children will doom himself to mental illness.

You should do something where you can really apply everything necessary knowledge. Work should be enjoyable and interesting for the employee himself, not only from its material side, but also from its content.

The role of school in choosing a profession

The problem of choosing a profession should be considered at school itself. Here, like nowhere else, the abilities of students are demonstrated, their knowledge is assessed, and the level of communication skills in communication with peers and teachers is monitored.

The class teacher should devote more than one class hour to this topic. Choosing a profession is very difficult for a child, because for now his steps are controlled by parents and teachers. Here, however, it is worth making a decision on your own, because his future life depends on it.

Determining your future profession takes a lot of time. For this purpose, schools conduct special classes for career guidance; they are asked to fill out questionnaires aimed at studying the abilities and preferences of students. Students write an essay on the topic “My future profession.” All this is done in order to help each student in this difficult choice, directing him to the right actions.

“My future profession” is an essay in which the desires and views on this or that activity of a particular child should be described. This is the first step to start a conversation with your child about what he can become, realistically assessing all his qualities, mental abilities and interests. Before this task, the teacher needs to give clear instructions on how to write an essay on the topic “My future profession.” It is important to convey the significance of the topic and explain why it is given for writing.

“My future profession” is an essay for which it is not enough to just give a mark.

The role of parents in choosing a child’s future profession

Parents are people who know their child from the cradle, who saw how he developed, what he liked from childhood. Throughout the entire time, they were present nearby and solved some problems together. They are the best able to characterize their daughter or son and say in which area their child could succeed.

Of course, parents should often talk with their children about their future. The future profession plays a very important role in a person’s life, so it is impossible to leave a child alone with the choice of what to become. Parents should analyze the situation in the world together with their children and decide in advance. This is necessary so that the school can pay due attention to those subjects that will be required for admission in the future. If your financial situation allows, resort to the help of tutors, purchase everything necessary books for studying.

Today, there are a huge number of specialized courses that help children fill knowledge gaps in certain school subjects. Here, things that may not be explained in school are studied more thoroughly. Courses in English- an excellent option for those who need the language in the future. All this, of course, is not free, but if finances allow, it will be a very wise investment.

Most in-demand professions

The future profession must meet the requirements modern society, therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to study the demand for certain specialists. The in-demand professions of the future, or rather some of them, are presented below.

Since production is developing more and more every year, society will need engineers, especially in the chemical and oil industries.

Since it is almost impossible to imagine a modern person without computers, IT specialists will always be in demand.

IN Lately due attention is paid to the environment environment, so workers in this area will always be needed.

Professionals in the field of beauty, health and entertainment are people without whom one cannot imagine the world.

Construction is constantly evolving. It needs both labor force(in other words, in builders) and in architects.

Where to go to study?

After graduating from school, students will experience a new level. This stage can be either admission to colleges, schools, or higher educational institutions. You can enter the first institutions after 9th grade, which means you can go to work earlier and earn money. If you want to get a higher education after college or college, you can work and study part-time at the same time. This path is usually chosen by those who want to quickly become financially independent from their parents, or those who simply need money.

Admission to a higher education institution requires careful preparation, which should begin at least six months before admission. To study on a free form of education, you must successfully pass the entrance exams. Unfortunately, not everyone gets the chance to study for free, while having very good knowledge. When entering a higher education institution, you need to be prepared that you will be offered to study at your own expense. It follows from this that obtaining the coveted diploma will cost a lot of money.

To summarize, it must be said that a person, when deciding on a future profession, must be one hundred percent sure that this is exactly what he needs, exactly what will give him positive emotions. Spontaneity is out of place in this matter.

Every person is a social being. Therefore, in order to receive at least some kind of pension in old age, you have to work. And choose a profession so that it brings not only money, but also pleasure. The choice must be approached with all seriousness of the matter.

Children, associating themselves with adults, “try on” their professions. Girls are often teachers, doctors, and salespeople. Nowadays almost everyone wants to be a model. Modern boys no longer want to be astronauts and captains. Now there are other priorities. Everyone wants to be a programmer

lawyers, financiers, bankers. Quite a worthy profession. Recently, the number of young people and even girls who want to connect their lives with law enforcement agencies has increased.

In Soviet times, it was prestigious for entire families to work at one enterprise. This is how labor dynasties arose. Feature films were made about them. It was honorable and prestigious to work at one enterprise for the entire working life. Those people who changed jobs frequently were called “flyers.” Although Americans believe that such people are “stuck” in their development.

How to choose your profession? You can contact psychologists. Using scientific tests, they will determine a list of professions for a particular person. You can read horoscopes. There they also write a list of professions for each astrological sign. There is some rational grain in this.

You can contact your parents, other close relatives or teachers. They watch the children and note what they like best. But it also happens in life that parents, fearing for their child or not believing in his strength, suggest that he choose the same profession as theirs. And the child, in order not to offend them, agrees with their choice. And he himself dreams of another profession.

You shouldn’t put pressure on a child or cut off the wings of his dream. Let him choose where and with whom he will work. Let him try, even make mistakes. But let it be his choice. So that later you don’t go to work like it’s hard labor, and don’t count the minutes until the end of the working day. Work should bring pleasure so that you want to go to it like a holiday. People develop somatic diseases from unloved work.

Option 2

Everyone has to choose a profession at some point in their life. Everyone thinks about what they should become in the future, what to do. Recently, this question has not become less relevant, despite the development of mankind, it is still difficult to find high paying job, which will appeal to everyone. And vice versa - sometimes there is good job, but you just can’t take it up because it’s so popular that it will soon become unnecessary.

Usually this question appears in teenagers from 14 to 16 years old, when they don’t know where to go in high school. Parents often come to the rescue - they will tell you where to go and who you are currently studying for. Sometimes they may also give advice regardless of their child's wishes, in which case the person should disobey his parents by giving several arguments.

This decision is very important, because the entire future career depends on this moment of her choice. You should not underestimate your profession or assume that you can change it at any time. A person's work will accompany him for most of his life and is a very important part of his happiness.

Also, material profit is very important, because it will be difficult to even go on vacation when there is not enough money, and vacation is a very important part of work. This much-desired vacation will help restore productivity and pleasure at work.

What should you look at when choosing a profession? Important aspects will be the following: wage, vacation schedule, your calling. Working just for money will be quite easy at first, but after a month you may come to the decision that such work is not worth the time spent on it. It would be much better to work for pleasure, then you won’t have to spend a lot of money on vacation.

You should also pay attention to the relevance of the profession. Some types of work are low paid because there are many specialists in that field and there are high demand for employment, but work as such is less than expected.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the choice of profession, as mentioned above, is a very important part of every person’s life. You should not disdain the time spent deciding what your calling is, where you should apply your skills. After all, knowledge acquired at work is much more applicable to life than theory read in textbooks. A person must decide his own destiny, and not follow the lead of others.

Essay on the topic Choosing a profession

How pleasant it is to remember your childhood years: walks in the park with your parents, trips to the sea, childhood friends and much more. Unfortunately, childhood flies by in an instant and now, you are already a schoolboy, who has years of study ahead and the most important choice in life - the choice of profession, here parents, friends, school psychologists with various programs for self-determination, profession ratings come to the rescue, but the most important thing is your own vision of yourself in a particular profession.

The desire to become a specialist in any field is a guarantee not only successful career, but also the psychological comfort of the person himself, the way in the morning you go to your favorite job, and not to hard labor. But there are millions of such examples: I went to study for the company, my parents insisted, or I was just small competition, whatever it is, we always have dissatisfied, incompetent employees, and it’s good if it’s just a manager, and not a doctor on whom a person’s life depends.

In my opinion, the most important guideline in this difficult task is your own feelings. If you like mathematics and computers, then why go to dentistry, and if you don’t like noisy companies and the child is not very sociable, then is it worth imposing on him work related to dentistry? everyday communication?

Modern realities are such that now the choice of one’s professional activity must be correlated with the labor market. Analysis of the ranking of professions is needed in order to adjust the area of ​​development in a particular area, and in the future to decide on the choice of institute. Everyone knows that lawyers and economists are not such a popular profession now as they were 10 years ago; engineers and workers are needed Agriculture, doctors, teachers, so the decision on choosing a profession must be made based on data from the labor exchange. If you want to develop in the field of education, then you should look at what specialists are in demand and pay attention to this profession in order to easily find a job in the future.

The choice of profession is multifaceted and complex issue, you can’t answer in one minute what you want to become, like in childhood. A combination of many factors must determine future profession, namely: the desire to develop in a given profession, the presence of educational institutions that can provide the knowledge and skills necessary for the chosen profession, an understanding of the essence of the profession and the relationship between one’s personal and professional qualities, family support is equally important. In any case, no matter what profession a student chooses, the most important thing is that he likes what he does.

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