A stream gurgled in a ravine

Birds have flown in from the south

The sun is warming in the morning

She came to visit us....


LEADING: We sing a song in the spring

We'll invite you to visit the children

(song "Drip-drip...")

1. "Drip-drip-drip water

It's spring, spring,

The sun has warmed up,

The birds have arrived.

2. Chick-chick-chick-chirp

The sparrows are singing.

They fly merrily.

The grains are collected..."

(includes "Spring")


I hear, I hear you guys.

I’m hurrying to the clearing to see you.

A bouquet of beautiful, tender flowers for you

I'm bringing snowdrops!

Hello guys!


You are spring-red

What did you come to visit with?


With spring juice

With the sky high

With melt water

With a fun game

(game "Collect snowdrops")

SPRING: I brought you flowers - snowdrops, there are so many of them in the clearing. I want to see who can put them in the basket faster.

SPRING: Well done, guys! All the snowdrops were collected. Yes, so cleverly and quickly!

LEADING: Spring, you sit down, relax, and the guys and I will sing you a song.

(dance "Sun")

1.This is how the sun rises -

Higher, higher, higher!

By night the sun will go down -

Below, below, below.

Chorus: Okay, okay

The sun laughs

And under the sun for everyone

It's fun to sing!

SPRING: Hey guys, well done!

LEADING: You, Spring is red,

Who did you come to visit with?


With spring messengers,

Happy starlings!

The starlings sing songs,

They are pecking at worms in the field.

(song "Starlings")

Spring, spring, spring has come

Starlings are flying home!

Spring, spring, spring has come

And the garden blooms!


Spring has a lot of worries

Warm the dense forest with the sun

And in the forest, in his den

The bear is waking up!

(the bear leaves the den and falls asleep again)

LEADING: The bear fell asleep again! Shall we try to wake him up?

(game "Oh, you lazy teddy bear")

"Oh, you lazy Mishka,

You slept long and deeply

To wake up the bear,

We will clap our hands.

We won't let Mishka sleep

Let's knock our feet.

Nothing works out

Our bear doesn't wake up

So let's stomp

And clap your hands loudly."

BEAR: You woke me up, thank you! How elegant and beautiful you are. Are you having a holiday?


BEAR: Which one?

LEADING: A cheerful, bright, wonderful mother's day has arrived.

Starlings chirp songs, droplets ring in the morning.

LEADING: Our guys know poems about mom and will tell them now.

(children read poetry)

BEAR: Wonderful poems, I will also go and congratulate my mother on the holiday!


Well, it's time for me.

Everyone greeted me kindly

They greeted us with song and dance.

I will give everyone a gift,

I won't whitewash anyone.

(distribute treats, say goodbye, leave).

The theme of spring awakening always runs very brightly through the musical and artistic material used by teachers in kindergarten. We can see this in the example of the creative work of the musical director of MBDOU No. 9 “Cossack” of the city of Rostov-on-Don, Svetlana Yurievna Zheleznyak.


VED: The sky turned bright blue

The sun warmed the earth

The buds are blooming

leaves appear

The grass turns green in the spring rays

Birds began to sing in the flowering gardens.

All nature comes to life

Woke up from sleep

Came to visit us...


VED: We breathe the first greenery,

We get up at dawn

Let's sing a bright spring song

(song: “Spring has come”)

VED: Well done, kids, you sang the song well.

Flowers bloom in the meadows,

Unprecedented beauty.

I'll collect them now

I'll give it to you guys.

Hands out flowers.

VED: We shook flowers

And they danced with the flowers.

The sun is shining

Everyone is happy these days

Fun guys la-la-la

2. We will dance

Let's dance

A whole year holiday

Let's remember la-la-la

Children sit down, the leader collects flowers

VED: Well done, they danced together,

Now we need to rest

Parsley appears with a net and a ball

PETRUSHKA: Take me to the holiday

Ball, ball, my friend

Quickly adjust my ball

Wind, mischievous wind

VED: Let's blow so that the ball flies faster

"make it a breeze"

PARSLEY: Ball, ball, mine, flies

Can't stop

Kids, kids, help

Ball and catch me

(children try to catch Petrushka, catch up and catch him)

PETRUSHKA: Thank you, friends.

Why did you catch me?

Sit down quietly

And listen to me.

I, Petrushka, am a prankster friend

I came to you for a holiday

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday

And so he asked for a ball,

For him to bring me

For the sake of the holiday.

Thank you, ball (hugs)

You look like the sun

How good are you!

(puts the ball to the side)

PETRUSHKA: Oh, how beautiful and elegant you are. What is yours today?



PETRUSHKA: And I’m smart too!

(singing) Here's my ringing heel

Here I am Parsley.

Bright, bright cap

On top of my head

ED: Well done, Petrushka

Danced well

Stay with us for the holiday

PETRUSHKA: No, I can’t, I don’t have time

I took my net with me

To catch a moth

I'll catch some moths

I'll give you guys

Where is my net, where is my net?

Here's my little friend

I'll catch some moths

And I’ll come running to the holiday

(runs away)

ED: On the green, on the meadow

A lot of moths

I'll take them quietly

I'll put it on your heads

(puts hats on the children’s heads)

VED: Let Parsley think,

That we are moths, not children

Moths, get up quickly

Fly into the clearing

Let's have fun flying

Move in and dance

(Dance of the Moths)

VED: The moths danced well.

Kids, someone is coming here,

Let's hide

(children cover themselves with their hands)

Parsley runs in to the music.

PARSLEY: On the green, on the lawn

No moths are visible.

I'll look for them now

(searches) and not here, and not here

That's how insulting I am

I didn't find any moths

I'll sit down and rest.

And then I’ll go look for them again. (sits down and falls asleep)

VED: Let's go, wake up Parsley

CHILDREN (suitable): Don't sleep, don't sleep

Better catch moths.

Parsley wakes up, looks for a net, tries to catch the moths, they fly away (play 2-3 times)

Parsley is upset.

PARSLEY: I didn’t catch any moths

How can I go to the kids for the holiday?

VED: Parsley, don’t be upset, because these are not moths, but our children

PETRUSHKA: Really, kids? (takes off his caps)

ED: Parsley, kind, dear

You had fun with us

And we will make you happy

Spring poems


PETRUSHKA: Well read the poems,

But we haven't danced yet

ED: Get into pairs

We won't be bored today

Let's have fun today

Dance our polka

(Pair dance)

PETRUSHKA: Well done, they danced together

Now I need to treat you

Where, where is my net

Where is my cute little friend?

(finds a treat there)

PETRUSHKA: Here, a net, and in my net there are candies,

Help yourself to them, kids!

Well, it's time for me to go home

Where are you, where are you, my little ball!

(Takes the ball) It's time for me to go home, goodbye, kids!

"Dance of the Moths"

1. Bloomed in our garden

Bright flowers

Let's go for a walk

Our moths

2. Sit quietly on a flower

Drink fragrant, sweet juice

Sweet juice, delicious juice

Drink fragrant, sweet juice

3. Let's fly, fly

Moths in the garden

Spun around again

Sat on the flowers

4. The breeze swayed slightly

Bright flowers

We rested and again

It's fun to fly

5. Let's fly, fly

Moths in the garden

Everyone sat quietly on the grass

Our moths

Presenter, Petrushka - adults

Moths (caps) - children

Ball, net, flowers, candy

Musical material:

Song: “Spring has come”

Dance with flowers. music Filippenko

Game: “Catching Parsley”

Parsley's Song

Dance of the Moths

Game "Moths and Parsley"

Steam dance “The sun looks out the window” b.n.m. "Bulba"

FRENKLE IS VISITING THE GUYS. Scenario for the spring holiday in the younger group

Developed by: Averina Elena Sergeevna, music director of the MKDOU BGO Kindergarten No. 20 of a combined type, Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region. This scenario will be useful to music directors and preschool teachers.
Target: in the form of a holiday, consolidate knowledge about spring signs.
1. Summarize children’s knowledge about the signs of spring.
2. Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in music classes
3. Create a festive mood.
Progress of the matinee.
Children enter the hall to cheerful music and stand in a semicircle.
Presenter- All the snowstorms have flown away, the cold has fled,
The sun is shining stronger - no snow, no ice!
Today, on the day of spring, spring itself sends greetings to you:
She brings the sound of streams and birdsong for the holiday!
Child- “Spring, spring, spring is coming!” - that’s how the birds all sing!
And spring flowers are already blooming in the meadow!
Child- Golden flowers bloomed in the thawed patch.
The buds are plump, swollen, and the bumblebees are singing in flight.
Child- The nightingale heard them and clicked among the branches.
The new grass whispers the words to this song.
Child- The sparrow carried her above the maples and birches,
He took it straight to the skies and is learning it himself!
Child- We help the sparrow, we sing a song together
About spring - the beauty that everyone likes!
(Children sit down)
Leading- Spring has good companions to wake nature from sleep.
Spring sends rays of sunshine ahead of itself.
(Rays come out with yellow ribbons in their hands.)
The first ray- Do you hear? Spring is coming, in a hurry, in a hurry.
Through the blizzards and white snow her path lies to us.
Second ray- She sends her greetings to animals, birds, kids.
Third ray- And to warn everyone? She sent us ahead.

Presenter- What kind of bird is this? It’s not big,
She sat down on a birch tree and sang a song?!

Presenter- Who sings the song there? Who's coming to our party?
I think that Spring is coming, awakening from sleep.
Freckles runs into the hall to the sound of cheerful music.

Freckle- Hi all! Here I am. didn't you recognize me?
I am a spring freckle, I am a hemp freckle.
All the guys know me and love me for my beauty.
In the spring I appear in front of the kids.
Presenter- It’s good that you came, we are pleased.
But, Freckles, where is spring?
Freckle- Got lost somewhere.
There is still snow in the forest, the sun is shining a little.
Who knows where she is? Where has Spring gone?

Magpie - I am Soroka, I am Soroka, I fly far.
I, Soroka - white-sided, know all the news.
Rumor spread through the forest that Spring was sleeping in the hut.
Freckle- I’ll go into the dense forest, where Spring lives, and I’ll find it!
Presenter- Look, Freckles: there, in the wilderness, there is a hut.
Spring lives in it - it’s red, it’s time for us to knock. (knocking)
Spring sleeps and does not hear us. What should I do to get out?
The beauty - Spring - has come to us and woke up from her sleep?
Freckle- And I know what to do here, how to awaken Spring.
You guys don’t yawn, start dancing together.

Spring- I'm waking up, waking up! I'm rising, I'm rising!
Presenter- Spring woke up in the house, she washed her face and smiled
And he comes to visit us through the fields and forests.
Music sounds with birds singing. Spring and the Sun leave the house and walk around the hall

Spring- Hello, guys. Here I am, Spring,
She walked along the ground with warm steps.
I brought the sun - hot, radiant.
And it walks across the clear sky.

Sun-Are you happy to see me, children?
Children- Yes!
Sun- Stand in a circle then.
Let him whirl and sing our spring round dance!
Round dance “I WILL SHOW THE SUN”

Spring- We'll have a fun walk, we'll play with the sun!
Presenter- Come on, kids, come out and gather some rays for the sun.
GAME “COLLECT RAYS OF THE SUN” (2 children each)

Presenter“We played very happily and didn’t get tired at all.”
We read poetry for the beautiful Spring.
Spring- The sun is shining brightly, and the streams are flowing.
Flowers grew in a forest clearing.
Presenter- Look, the sun has begun to warm up.
And the girls went for a walk on the lawn.

Spring“I’m glad you called me, I’m glad you were looking for me.”
I ask you guys, sing a song about me.
Spring- You greeted me kindly, You greeted me with a friendly song.
Thank you for the entertainment, I brought you a treat.
Treats children.
Presenter– And it’s time for us to say goodbye, we wish everyone peace and goodness!

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. In the hall, near the decorated wall, there is a Birch Tree, next to her is a Snow Woman. The roles are played by parents.


The snow lies like the sea,

All the roads are covered with snow,

I'll freeze - woe, woe! —

The sun would rise clear!

Snow woman.

The birch tree's cry is not serious,

Make some noise, frosty storm!


Hands, shoulders get cold,

A blizzard swirls in the field,

The distance is white.

Snow woman.

Are you afraid of the severe cold?

Well, I'm afraid of heat.

The Sun appears, Birch Tree stretches her twig-like hands towards him. The snow woman squints and turns away.


Whose call do I hear to

I melted with a ray

These white snowdrifts?

Isn't this your white lump?

Snow woman.

What to do? I don't know.

The expensive fur coat is melting.

I'm suffocating, I'm speechless.

She became weak, old...

Sun. It's time for you to leave.

A Cloud appears, circles to the music and covers the Sun.


I'm in the silver snow

I can hide the sun.

I will sow the whole earth with snow,

Let the cold wind blow.

“Exercise with Ribbons” by T. Lomova is performed.


I am a warm spring ray

I'm not afraid of snow clouds.

Spring day will come soon,

No matter how powerful you are, snowstorm.

The ringing song is heard,

Spring is coming to us!

The song “Winter has passed” by N. Metlov plays.


True, beautiful songs

Distant sounds can be heard.

Cloud. What should we do? I'm terribly afraid!

We can't escape Spring!

Sun. Guys, help me warm the earth more, melt the snow, open the buds of the birch tree. Here are some bright sunbeams for you, let's have fun dancing with them.

Dance “Sun Rays” (music of the teacher’s choice).

Snow woman. Oh, it's hot! No urine at all!

Cloud. Do you want to leave me?

Sun. It's hot, it's time for you to go!

Snow woman. Oh, I'll melt! I'm running away!

He runs away and loses his carrot nose.

Cloud (runs after her).

Hey old lady, wait a minute!

Grab your carrot nose!


The ringing earrings shine,

There are no snowstorms anymore.

There is a thin birch tree

And sends greetings to the sun!

Leading. Children, all the guests have gathered at our holiday, but there is still no Spring. Apparently, a cloud led her astray. Let's sing a song, Spring will hear our voices and find its way.

The song “The Sun Smiles” by Tilicheeva plays. Spring enters - the teacher plays the role - spinning in a waltz.


I open my buds

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

My name is...

Children. Spring!


Spring has come

And looks with blue eyes,

Laughs with a ringing laughter to the young

And now it’s flowing

Over forests and over meadows

Emerald smoke...


Let's take a look into the spring forest,

There, in the thicket, miracles await us.

Cheerful hubbub, chirping, singing...

Dance “Bird House” by D. Kabalevsky - a dramatization of the song. Reading poems about birds.

Game "Occupy the House".

There are hoops laid out on the floor, each with 2 child birds. When the music ends, you need to occupy the hoop house. Each time 1-2 hoops are removed. Whichever “bird” doesn’t get a house flies further (returns to its chair) to look for a house.

Spring. Birds and animals rejoice in the warmth and sun. Everyone welcomes spring in their own way. Nature is blooming. The first flowers appear. Listen to the riddle.

He appeared before everyone else

When there was still snow in the forest,

Bluish, delicate.

And it was named...

Children. Snowdrop!

Spring. Right. What other flowers do you know? (Children's answers.) Look at my bouquet. Dance with flowers.


Flowers live well

The sun is laughing at them from the sky,

Let's have fun with them

It's fun to dance around.

Dance “Waltz of the Flowers”, music by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Game "Collect a flower".


Spring has come, freckles,

Cheerful guest,

Watery, windy,

Herbal, sunny...


Rain on the window -

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Grass at the threshold -

Zhuh! Zhuh! Zhuh!

A stream in the ditches -

Zhur! Zhur! Zhur!..


The days have become fine,

Here we are, you know, we’ve made it

Until spring, until freckles,

Until the cheerful guest!


Spring has come, freckles,

Cheerful guest

Congratulate all the children

Happy birth of spring.


Be strong and healthy,

Cheerful and cheerful

Grow big up to the sky,

Never be sad about anything.


And I congratulate you too,

I'll play with you.

It was not in vain that you stood in the circle,

Let's play together "Shine Clear!"

Game "Burn, Burn Clear!"


I, field birch,

I congratulate all the guys.

And as a keepsake for all of you

I'll hand out handkerchiefs.

The round dance “There was a birch tree in the field” is performed, b. n. m.


I will not forget you, children,

You have a lot of fun.

I offer this as a farewell

Everyone should start dancing together.

The dance “Russian Dance” is performed according to the Spring show.


It's time for me to hit the road

There are a lot of worries.

I'm giving you a treat

And I say goodbye to you.

Spring treats guests with pastries and sweets. Leaves.


We will remember for a long time

This holiday day.

And for spring treats

The group prepared

Tea for you!

At the request of the teacher, you can include reading poems about spring.

ATTRIBUTES: ribbons, orange mugs, bird hats, hoops (15 pieces), flowers for the game “Collect a flower,” a handkerchief for the game, handkerchiefs as a gift for birthday people, balloons, treats.

1) Birch - white dress embroidered with black stripes;

2) Cloud - a black cape embroidered with snowflakes;

3) Snow woman - costume, bucket, nose - carrot;

4) Sunny - yellow cape, beret;

5) Ray - child - yellow overalls, ray hat;

6) Spring - blue dress, blue cape, a bouquet of flowers in her hair.

Scenario of the Spring matinee in the 1st junior group "An unusual flower has grown"

The scenario is intended for children of the 1st junior group. It will be of interest to teachers of kindergartens and nursery groups.
Target: consolidating children’s knowledge on the topic “Spring”, creating a joyful mood in children.
1. Develop communication skills and curiosity.
1. Cultivate an interest in music.
1. Form basic ideas about spring.
2. Stimulate children’s activity in singing, musical and rhythmic movements.
Children go in search of an unusual flower, and along the way they meet fairy-tale characters who will help them find the flower.
Children enter to the music and stand in a circle

The stream gurgled in the ravine,
Birds have flown from the south,
The sun is warming in the morning - she came to visit us... (Spring)
There are flowers and songs and rays of sunshine all around.
Our children are celebrating a cheerful spring day.
We will sing a song in the spring, we will invite you to visit the children!
“Come, Spring!” - round dance
Guys, look, a letter has arrived. What is written in it?
(Reads the letter)
“Everyone who welcomes spring here
I invite you with a bow
Play, have fun,
Laugh and frolic."
- Do you want to go to the forest to visit Spring?... Then everyone get on the locomotive!
(They board the locomotive and “ride” to the music into the forest. Then they stand in a circle.)

- So we arrived in the forest. Look how beautiful it is here... (short conversation about the signs of spring). Let's call the Red Spring!
Come spring! – hands up
We are all waiting for you! – hands to chest.
Sunshine, shine! – “flashlights”
Let the streams flow! – “wave” with hands
Let the birds fly! They are shouting about spring! – flap their “wings”
Music is playing, children are dancing. During the dance, spring enters and dances with the children.

(Children sit on chairs)
Spring. Hello guys. Here I am - Spring. She walked along the ground with warm steps.

I brought the sun, hot, radiant. And it walks across the sky, across the clear sky.
Are you guys happy to see me? Are you happy or not? I want an answer.
Are you happy to see me, children? (Yes)
Do you know poems about spring?
(Children read poetry)
1. The lovely forest has changed. There were many miracles in it.
Why does the sun shine brightly and cleanly from heaven?

2. Why does the green leaf tend to go up here and there?
Why do birds sing loud songs on the branches?

3. Why are the animals in the forest now unable to sleep?
Because spring has come to visit us guys again.

4. Let the icicles melt faster and the sun shine stronger.
The kids are very happy that spring has come again.

5. It’s raining in my native city, the nights have become shorter.
Buds began to bloom on the trees under the window.

6. The gentle sun is shining through our window,
Gave golden rays to the children!

7. The spring sun stretched out its rays
And the children happily stopped by for the holiday!

8. Through the window I saw the sun shining in the garden.
How much light and warmth. Spring has come to us.

“An extraordinary flower has grown”
(Music sounds. A butterfly flies).
Spring. A butterfly flew to us and sat on a bush.
What kind of news are you bringing us? Are you singing a song loudly?
I’ll tell you guys about a flower in my forest.
The sun stretched a ray of light onto the spring lawn
And a green flower pulled at her bangs.

(The butterfly flew away)

Spring. I'll go to the spring forest, I'll find a magical color. (Goes behind the screen).
Leading. Spring walks through the forest and meets animals along the way.
(A Hare appears behind the screen with a handkerchief.)
Hare. Hello kids: girls and boys!
A bunny is dancing on a green lawn with a handkerchief.
He takes a handkerchief into his paws, dances and sings merrily.
Guys, do you want to dance with me?
Leading. Of course we do. (Hands out handkerchiefs to the children)
Dance with handkerchiefs.

(Mishka appears, the Hare runs away).
Bear. R-R-R! Woke me up, little bunny!
Spring. Hello, couch potato Mishka!
A flower of unprecedented beauty blossomed by the river.
Whoever finds the flower will be happy for a whole year.
Help me, Mishutka, tell me how to find a flower!
Bear. Spring is red, your path is long, the path leads to a forest.
Follow the path into the forest, walk along it boldly!
And you, cheerful little ones, will be taught a new game by Mishka.

Game "Teddy Bear"(play 2 times)
We were walking in a dense forest and met a bear.
He sleeps under the tree, stretched out and snores.
We stomp our feet - stomp, stomp.
We clap our hands - clap-clap.
“Mishka, Mishka, don’t sleep! You’d better catch up with us!”
Spring. I walked through the forest for a long time, but I couldn’t find the flower.
I got lost in the forest. I’ll shout: “Ay!”
(The children also shout: “Aw!”)
(A hedgehog appears).
Hedgehog. I'll come to your aid now. Misha, come with me, together we will find a flower.

(They go with Spring. An unusual flower appears on the screen. Spring is approaching it.)
Spring. Oh-oh-oh! What a flower! It's magical, pink.
I’ll inhale its aroma and bend back the petals.
And in the flower there are delicious sweets for the children.
(Spring gives a treat to the teacher, says goodbye and leaves).
Leading. We will take the treats for the children to the kindergarten. Let's go to kindergarten!
(Everyone “rides” on the locomotive to the music).
Leading. Here we are. And now it’s time for us to go to the group and enjoy delicious sweets.