

Dishes are made from a variety of materials - glass, ceramics, wood, earthenware, porcelain and even plastic. The most popular products are those made from porcelain, earthenware and ceramics. Many people are interested in the question of how to distinguish these materials from each other, and this is not difficult to do.
  1. China
  2. Faience and porcelain - differences between materials:

Porcelain is a ceramic material that is impermeable to air and water, but at the same time has a slight thickness. What is ceramics? The answer is simple - it is a material that is produced by sintering clay with some mineral additives. As for the porcelain itself, its main components are considered to be kaolin (clay), feldspar, etc. The porcelain item has a perfect white color. It is impossible to see pores on the surface of porcelain, since there are none. This ensures the strength of porcelain, making it an ideal raw material for the production of tableware.

Earthenware is a material that resembles porcelain in its properties, however, an earthenware product, unlike a porcelain product, will have small pores. What is the difference between porcelain and earthenware? The latter absorbs a certain amount of moisture (about 12%), while this property is not typical for porcelain. Earthenware consists of 85% clay, which explains the material’s ability to absorb water. It is for this reason that all earthenware products are covered with glaze.

  1. Hard: produced by double annealing at temperatures ranging from 1350 to 1450 degrees, resulting in a super-strong material for making cookware. Conventionally, hard porcelain is divided into the following types: household, electrical, chemical and artistic. As for the groups of hard porcelain, they can be divided into European (clay predominates in its composition) and Oriental (it is fired at a more gentle temperature, and the porcelain itself contains less kaolin).
  2. Soft: this porcelain is obtained by firing at temperatures up to 1350 degrees. Its color and characteristics are in many ways reminiscent of hard porcelain, but the soft material is more susceptible to temperature changes. All soft porcelain is divided into European, French and English.

As for faience, it comes in:

  • alumina;
  • fireclay;
  • limestone;
  • feldspathic.

It is no secret that porcelain is more expensive than earthenware, which is what unscrupulous sellers of products made from these materials take advantage of. In order not to fall for the tricks of deceivers, you should find out how these types of raw materials for the production of tableware may differ.

Faience swan


Porcelain or earthenware - how to distinguish them:

  1. You should take the product (it could be a mug, plate, figurine, etc.) and pay attention to its rim. If the edge, not covered with glaze, has White color, then there is a high probability that the product in question is made of porcelain.
  2. The test item should then be held up to the light. If it is translucent, this indicates that porcelain was used to make it. As for faience, it does not have such a characteristic. If you are checking a voluminous product, you should pay attention to its bottom. The absence of glaze on it will indicate that the product is made of porcelain.
  3. You should take the product and lightly hit it with a metal object. Porcelain will produce a clear and ringing sound. As for earthenware, the sound emanating when you hit it will be muffled.
  4. Over time, earthenware may lose its attractiveness - cracks form on products made from such material. This phenomenon is not typical for porcelain.
  5. You can estimate the weight of the product. If it is small, but quite heavy, then this will indicate that the product is made of earthenware.
  6. Products made from real porcelain are not painted, as it distorts the natural white color of the material. Almost all earthenware dishes are colored and variegated.

Dishes and decorative items made of porcelain, unlike earthenware, have a high cost. To avoid mistakes when purchasing porcelain products, preference should be given to products offered under well-known brands.

Since ancient times, humanity has used earthenware to make plates and cups. And in modern world ceramic dishes are considered almost irreplaceable. Although the style of products and their production technology are constantly changing, the material itself remains unchanged. What is faience and what features does it have? Let’s try to figure it out in this article.

What is faience

Earthenware is a material from which dishes, interior items, etc. are made. It is characterized by fragility, density and fine porosity. The name of this material comes from the Italian city of Faenza, which was famous for the production of ceramic products.

Earthenware is mainly used for the production of dishes, souvenirs and various ceramic gifts. Figurines of this type differ from porcelain ones in the brightness and richness of their colors and look very fabulous. When it comes to tableware, earthenware dishes are most often made in a simple shape and look ordinary. It is ideal for everyday meals with a simple table setting.

Varieties of earthenware

Depending on the composition and amount of impurities, several types of earthenware are distinguished:

  1. Limestone faience - in addition to quartz and white clay, the composition includes chalk and dolomite. Thanks to these additives, products are manufactured much easier and faster.
  2. Soft faience - various fluxes are added to the traditional composition - substances that, during thermal treatment, form fusible compounds.
  3. Feldspathic earthenware - it contains a certain amount of (rock-forming minerals).
  4. Solid earthenware is the most durable material. Such products are distinguished by high mechanical characteristics. Hard earthenware is fired at a very high temperature.

History of faience

Humanity knew what faience was as far back as 4 thousand years BC. e. The composition of the first ceramics was slightly different from that produced today. In Mesopotamia and Egypt, earthenware products were made from quartz pebbles with admixtures of soda, limestone, copper and iron ore.

Much later, faience appeared in the Old World. At first it was produced under the name majolica in some Italian cities. Then earthenware High Quality produced in France, in the city of Saint-Porcher.

In Rus', faience became famous in the 18th century. Entire factories producing ceramic products operated in Moscow. spread among the population at a rapid pace and enjoyed incredible popularity. Products from different factories differed from each other. Thus, the masters of the Grebenshchikov manufactory painted dishes on raw enamel. The faience of the Kuznetsov Partnership was distinguished by multi-colored glaze coatings, three-dimensional reliefs or printed designs. The Gzhel factory produced products predominantly blue, as well as with gold painting.

Konakovo faience

Great development in the production of earthenware was made by M. S. Kuznetsov, who bought a porcelain factory in the city of Konakovo in 1870. He produced mainly earthenware with hand-painted or printed designs. About 20 years later, Kuznetsov began producing dishes from semi-faience, porcelain and ceramics. From the mid-20s. In the 20th century, the plant began to attract the best artists and masters of painting to create beautiful designs on dishes and create animalistic sculptures. Their works were in demand, which, in turn, contributed to the expansion of production.

Over time, artists managed to create a certain style for their products: earthenware objects, organic in shape, played with cheerful bright painting and flowing glaze. Konakovo faience was exported to many countries. Some products have been safely preserved to this day.

Semikarakorsk ceramics

Semikarakor faience is a striking artistic phenomenon of the Don land. The Rostov region has been producing ceramics since ancient times. Many archaeological finds indicate the existence of handicraft pottery workshops in Semikarakorsk since pre-Christian times.

The artistic style of Semikarakor faience is distinguished by original painting, natural scenes, and historical motifs. The masters in their drawings were able to convey all the beauty and power of their region, the Don traditions, and the spirit of the Cossacks.

Thanks to the high level of artistic skill, Semikarakor faience is considered works of art all over the world.

Types of earthenware products

Nowadays, earthenware is used almost everywhere. This is due not only to its low cost, but also to the ease of manufacturing such products. The most common dishes made from earthenware are: salad bowls, plates for appetizers and main courses, deep bowls, herring bowls, bread stands and confectionery, gravy boats, broth vases and tureens, cups for hot drinks, milk jugs, mugs, salt shakers and sugar bowls. Often these days in stores you can see a large assortment of architectural elements made of faience, facing tiles, and toilets. Such interior items indicate not only good taste the owner, but also about his financial well-being.

How to make earthenware

To create earthenware, two components are necessarily used: quartz and refractory. The process of making a ceramic product begins with processing the latter. So, the clay mass is fired several times at a temperature of 1050 ºС, during which it should change color. Then, at a temperature of 950 ºC, colored or transparent glaze is applied. At the final stage, re-firing is done. As a result of this effect, the earthenware mass remains porous and suitable for decorating with designs. If earthenware is fired at low temperatures, it will better retain the intense underglaze colors.

Thus, the material goes through many stages of processing until it turns out to be ready-made earthenware. A photo of the plate making process illustrates the subtlety of this process.

Earthenware sanitary ware

IN Lately All more popular uses faience plumbing. Its production uses a different technology than the production of dishes or figurines. To create high strength of the material, the products are coated with a special glaze. With proper and careful use, earthenware plumbing fixtures can last quite a long time, and they will look the same as they did when purchased.

How to distinguish earthenware from porcelain

Many people do not know the difference between porcelain and earthenware, and are often confused, although there is a certain difference between them. Earthenware products are characterized by a low degree of whiteness, greater wall thickness and lower strength. Finished items are distinguished by smooth shapes. Earthenware, compared to porcelain, is unable to retain heat for a long time. In addition, such products do not withstand high temperatures. If dishes are washed in hot water, they may crack. Therefore, in many cases it is more practical to use porcelain cutlery.

To understand well the difference between porcelain and earthenware, you can compare products made from these materials. The first and important difference is the sonority of the subject. Lightly tap the edge of the plate. The porcelain product will emit a long and distinct hum. At the same time, the earthenware will ring with a dull sound.

You can also identify earthenware by external signs. Dishes made from this ceramic do not transmit light at all. This is explained by the fact that the products are fired at a relatively low temperature. A significant difference is the smooth bottom surface of the cookware. Sometimes you can notice small depressions that were formed during firing. In comparison, the bottom of porcelain is always rough.

Owners of earthenware should treat them more carefully and monitor their condition. When cracks appear, it is undesirable to use such products, since pathogenic bacteria penetrate the pores of the earthenware and can provoke the development of various diseases.

How to care for faience

Like any dishes, earthenware requires some care. Considering all the properties of this material, it is very important to adhere to the operating rules in order to extend the service life of earthenware.

The most important rule is that you can wash earthenware products only in warm water and rinse them in cold water. If hot water is used, small cracks form on the dishes and the structure of the material is disrupted.

It is better not to use detergents, especially powders. To lighten darkened earthenware, you can use a solution of baking soda or salt with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. You should be especially careful when caring for gold-plated items. The fact is that the drawings with which faience products are decorated are covered with glaze. Therefore, after repeated washing, they remain in their original form. As for the gilding, it is applied over the glaze and gradually wears off due to regular use. Therefore, the decorated areas should not be rubbed too hard; it is better to use a soft cloth or sponge. You can remove stains from earthenware using a cloth soaked in a small amount of ammonia.

Despite the advantages of porcelain, people still continue to buy earthenware. This encourages ceramic manufacturers to produce new products for a wide variety of purposes.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Many people have a cup or figurine made of bone china at home, but few know what it is or where to buy it. This type of material is distinguished by thin-walledness, translucency and sophistication. It was designed by English ceramicist Josiah Spode. Dishes made from this material are often labeled Bone chine or Fine bone china. According to its characteristics, it occupies an average value between soft and hard material.

What is bone china

This type of porcelain means a special variety hard material with the addition of burnt bone. It is very durable, but at the same time white and transparent. High strength properties are achieved by melting the main ingredients during the firing process. It was created in an attempt to recreate the formula for making famous Chinese porcelain. At the end of the 18th century, bone ash began to be added to the material, and as technology developed, a basic formula was developed.

The dishes made from this material do not have the eggshell effect, which is achieved due to the fact that the voids between the particles of white clay are filled with bone ash. Thus, bone china is one of the most popular materials, which, thanks to its whiteness and transparency, has won a leading position in sales on the world market. Sets made from it can have a pleasant creamy tint.


Before ordering Chinese bone china, pay attention to the composition. The basic formula for making this type of material includes 25% each of kaolin (a special white clay) and feldspar with an admixture of quartz, and 50% burnt animal bones. The first firing is carried out at a temperature of 1200-1300 °C, and the second - 1050-1100 °C. The composition of bone ash includes about 85% calcium phosphate.

Bones that are used as part of the porcelain mass must undergo special treatment, as a result of which they begin to burn out - this is necessary to remove the glue from them and heat them to a temperature of 1000 °C. In this case, organic substances burn, and the structure of the bones changes to the required state. From the resulting mass, using gypsum molds, objects are obtained, onto the surface of which, after firing, various designs are applied.

If necessary, the product is covered with a layer of glaze and sent back to the oven. Flowers and artistic patterns and lines are applied to the product using decal - a thin film. Painting is also used. In general, the thickness of the finished plates, cups and other kitchen utensils is less than that of a conventional porcelain base. Modern technologies provide for the replacement of biological calcium phosphate with mineral one. The quality of the dishes does not change.


If you need bone china, it is better to buy it in a specialized online store. Some deliver by mail. Branded items have a number of advantages, due to which they gain popularity among consumers. The material has a softer color and a special whiteness, which similar materials do not have. Quality is achieved by adding ground and processed bones to the composition. Many people prefer this type of porcelain for its:

  • smoothness;
  • airiness;
  • translucency;
  • sophistication.

What is the difference between bone china and ordinary china?

This type of porcelain differs from its analogues in that a unique component is added to the composition - ground and processed animal bones. Due to the ingredient finished products it becomes softer and its walls become thinner. In the light, the material begins to shine through a little, which gives the sets an airiness and originality, an aristocratic look. Despite all its elegance, thin porcelain has good mechanical strength, making it durable.

How to store

On sale in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can find a wide range of bone-type porcelain products - tea sets, table sets, decorative vases with different decors, figurines, figurines and more. All of them have an attractive and original appearance, different shades and can last for many years due to the unique properties of the mixture. Before ordering products, please read these care tips:

  • do not place items one on top of another - plates, cups, saucers, but if such a need arises, be sure to arrange each of them with napkins;
  • arrange kitchen utensils so that they do not touch each other - there should be a distance between them;
  • do not wash items made of thin-walled porcelain with hard washcloths, hot water;
  • It is better not to use chemicals for washing detergents, otherwise they may spoil the design or cause the colors of the cutlery to fade;
  • products do not tolerate sudden temperature changes, so before brewing a cup of tea or coffee, preheat them - first with warm water, then a little hotter, etc.;
  • When cleaning kitchen furniture, move objects made of bone material using paper napkins to prevent chipping;
  • wipe the porcelain with a dry cloth, removing dust from cups, saucers, etc. as carefully as possible;
  • Do not store sets near open flames - they may become deformed as a result of heating.

Major producers of bone china

The leaders among all manufacturers of products made from such porcelain are the British, who were the first to master the technique of making material with the addition of bone ash. Japanese manufacturers also have excellent skills and considerable experience in the field of creating thin-walled porcelain: they changed the established proportion of the bone component in the composition of the porcelain mass. The Japanese have developed a special formula, thanks to which the familiar technology has noticeably improved. Well-known manufacturers:

  • Imperial Porcelain Factory (IPZ). It was founded in 1744 by Empress Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great. At that time, the plant became the first porcelain enterprise in Russia and the third in all of Europe. In the first years, small things were produced there - mostly snuff boxes for the Empress. Over time, a large forge was built and the plant began to produce larger items. The manufactory was reorganized with the accession of Catherine II. The end of the 18th century was the heyday of Russian porcelain, and IFZ became one of the leading factories in Europe. As for porcelain with bone ash in its composition, a suitable mass was first developed in Soviet times - in 1968. The first batch of this type was produced by IFZ. Now the enterprise is the only one in Russia that produces bone porcelain mass and objects made from it.
  • Royal Doulton. A company from England that has been specializing in the production of bone material for a long time and has the status of one of its largest manufacturers and suppliers. Together with the British factory Wedgwood, it is part of the alliance. Founded in 1815, the headquarters is located in Stoke-on-Trent (UK). Royal Doulton produces porcelain items of various shapes, sizes and purposes. The collections of this company are extremely popular in many countries.
  • Wedgwood. Another well-known company producing bone china products. It has been supplying it to the English royal court for over 200 years. The founding of the Wedgwood brand dates back to 1759, when Yeshua Wedgwood rented a manufactory in Burslem. In addition to classic tableware, the company produces avant-garde lines, which include products of non-traditional shapes and objects of art.
  • Spode. UK bone china brand with 200 years of experience. The company offers mugs, plates, sets made according to to the highest standards quality. The manufactory has existed since 1770. Josiah Spode (the founder) at one time perfected the bone china formula and became the first to supply tableware for the English royal court of the 18th century. In 2009, Spode merged with Portmeirion Grou – well-known company for the production of luxury porcelain.
  • Narumi. A Japanese company that was founded in 1911. Its products combine modernity and tradition, West and East, unique beauty and versatility. Since 1965, Narumi began to engage in mass production of porcelain. Narumi brand bone china products are mostly handcrafted. The brand has become a leader in the field of luxury porcelain Bone China.


Buying an elegant porcelain product with underglaze painting requires a competent and serious approach, especially if you are going to choose an expensive souvenir self made. In addition, it is important to distinguish a fake. A real quality creation has a pure translucent white color and shine with good strength properties. Some companies try to combine innovative solutions with traditional recipes and design. Criterias of choice:

  • Material color. It should have a warm, light tint and not be too white.
  • Transparency. If the product is of high quality, then its walls will transmit light well. Holding the item in your hands, you will clearly see the outline of your fingers through it.
  • Study the drawing, applied to a porcelain object. It is often applied manually, so you can see characteristic strokes and brush marks.
  • Please note the manufacturer. It is advisable that the back of the porcelain creation bear the markings of one of the well-known brands. If the manufacturer is unfamiliar to you, then postpone the purchase, first study all the information about it.
  • It is important to make sure the object is smooth, absence of holes, inclusions, bubbles, scratches, chips on the surface and along the edges.

Where can I buy

You can purchase products made from bone china with a cool white tint at retail outlets that specialize in selling luxury tableware. Search large stores, which often hold promotions, reducing the cost of goods. Visit outlets yourself: you will have a chance to take a good look at the items and verify their authenticity. You can order the following product from a trusted seller online. It will be good if you can agree on what you will produce basic payment after you check the product.


The cost of bone china varies greatly depending on the manufacturer and type of product. Sets with cups and saucers that are so thin that they can transmit light are in great demand. From the table you can find out the current prices for some types of bone china sets:

Set name

What is included

Price in rubles

Royal Bone China Gold embroidery for 6 persons

6 cups, 6 saucers

Japonica Grace JDYSQH-5 for 6 persons

6 cups, 6 saucers

Royal Aurel Frost for 6 persons

6 cups, 6 saucers, teapot

Hankook Chinaware Silver Ribbon for 2 persons

2 cups, 2 saucers

Lenardi series Golden Symphony for 6 persons

6 cups, 6 saucers

Royal Aurel Grace for 6 persons

6 cups, 6 saucers

Lenardi series Silver Symphony for 6 persons

6 cups, 6 saucers

Lenardi series Meissen bouquet for 6 persons

6 cups, 6 saucers

Japonica Paradise JDFES-9 for 2 persons

2 cups, 2 saucers

Japonica Grace JDYSQH-4 for 6 persons

6 cups, 6 saucers, 1 teapot, 1 milk jug, 1 sugar bowl


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Bone china - what is it: properties of dishes

Porcelain is the same type of ceramics that is simultaneously distinguished by its snow-whiteness and elegance, as well as durability. This material has several varieties with their own characteristics - hard, soft, bone and biscuit. We will talk about the latter in more detail.

Biscuit porcelain in the narrow and broad sense

This type of porcelain, like no other, can convey the silkiness, velvety and warmth of human skin. Its structure has nothing to do with dessert - the word "biscuit" is derived from "bis", which means "two", "double". This is due to the peculiarities of its firing.

In the narrow sense, a sponge cake is an unglazed, fired one (which is more typical for modern technologies) or twice the material. How to distinguish bisque porcelain? It is distinguished by its snow-white, rough, matte surface, which can even be confused with high-quality varieties of marble. There is nothing to say about the technique of painting bisque porcelain - the noble material is beautiful even without applying paint or glaze.

In a broader sense, a biscuit can be called any ceramic product that has gone through only primary (otherwise known as biscuit) firing, the characteristic temperature of which is 800-1000°C. The result is a durable, heavy, but porous material. Further, repeated and even repeated firing can be carried out, as well as treatment with slip or glaze. But, as we have already mentioned, bisque porcelain figurines most often remain unglazed.

History of the biscuit

France should be called the birthplace of this noble porcelain. The work of the artist Boucher brought fame to the material, which also allowed the formation of a special style of French plastic art. In the second half of the 18th century, ceramics from workshops in the city of Sèvres, working with both glazed and bisque porcelain, also began to attract attention. These glorious works were distinguished by a floral motif - wreaths, bouquets, garlands, baskets. The works could deservedly be considered wonderful examples of art.

In the era of classicism, products made from bisque porcelain became an integral part of the interior of noble houses - furniture decor, tableware, sculptures and sculptural compositions.

Application of biscuit

Due to its porous structure, sponge cake is not used in the manufacture of dishes - the material absorbs water. However, it is very good at the following:

  • Tinted porcelain of this type is used to make the faces and bodies of bisque dolls, as well as decorative masks.
  • This is a popular material for sculpting sculptures, figurines, jewelry, decorative elements - everything that does not need the protection of a biscuit surface.

Other types of porcelain

Let's briefly get acquainted with other types of porcelain:

  • Bone. The formula for this type of soft porcelain was discovered in England by D. Spode in the 18th century. Its unusual feature is that 60% of the material consists of the ash of burnt cow bones; hip bones are most valued here. They do not give a yellowish tint, like horse ones, and make melting easier. Its main advantage is its extraordinary subtlety, reaching the point of transparency.
  • Soft. Other names: artificial, artistic, frit. It became known back in the 16th century - this is the so-called Medici porcelain. The standard formula was later invented in France in 1673. Its composition is dominated by frit - quartz, glassy substances, feldspar. Alabaster, flint, sea salt, and saltpeter give translucency and a pleasant creamy color. Soft porcelain retains heat longer, but at the same time it is characterized by porosity, low strength, and even fragility.
  • Solid. Also known as "real". We owe its discovery to the German manufactory Meissen. This porcelain is distinguished by its great strength, density, resistance to high temperatures and chemical attack. The glaze looks very good on hard porcelain - it is thin and shiny. Since this coating consists of the same substances, but in a different content, than the material itself, it is uniform and tightly adheres to it. Why does the glaze from hard porcelain not flake off at all? Moreover, it will be difficult to even get her away from this material. Biscuit, by the way, is a variety of this group, only unglazed.

Biscuit looks the most natural, the warmest of all types of porcelain. That is why it is so perfect for sculptural compositions, porcelain masks and dolls.


We decided to find out what the secret is. We have collected for you all the most interesting things about porcelain: when it appeared, what it is made from, what technologies there are.

There are many in the Vazaro catalog porcelain tableware: sets and individual items, cups and serving dishes. Porcelain has a long history, and even today, when there are thousands of other materials around, it does not lose its position.

What is porcelain and how does it differ from ceramics?

Porcelain is a type of ceramic that is impervious to gas and water, but is translucent if the walls are thin enough. It is made from a mixture of clay, kaolin, schwartz and feldspar. The mixture turns out white and very plastic.

Finished goods fired at a temperature of 1000 degrees - the exact figure depends on the type of porcelain. Then they are coated with vitreous enamel glaze and fired again. If you hit a porcelain cup with a wooden stick, you will get a characteristic high-pitched sound, almost like crystal.

Another type of ceramics that is close to porcelain in composition is earthenware. To distinguish them, look at the bottom: if there is no glaze on it, this is definitely porcelain.

When and where did porcelain appear?

The Chinese were the first to make porcelain in 620. For more than 1000 years, the manufacturing method was kept secret, until in 1708 the German inventors Tschirnhaus and Böttger received the first formula for European porcelain.

In the same year, the first porcelain factory was opened in Dresden. True, at first they made bisque porcelain - that is, without glaze. In 1710, the first samples of porcelain were presented to the king, and German porcelain began to conquer the world.

A full description of the technology of Chinese porcelain appeared in 1735, in a letter from the Frenchman Francois Xavier d'Entrecole. A little later, in France, in Limoges, factories opened that supplied the best porcelain to the court of the French king. Thus began the history of the famous Limoges porcelain.

In England in the 18th century, the technology of bone china was discovered - with the addition of ash from the bones of cows. This porcelain was called Bone China, and now it is produced even in China.

Porcelain making techniques were brought to Russia in the late 40s of the 18th century. The first manufactory was the Imperial Porcelain Factory, which was later renamed Leningradsky.

What kind of porcelain is there?

Depending on the manufacturing technique, porcelain can be soft or hard.

Hard porcelain consists of 47-66% kaolin and 25% each of feldspar and quartz. It is fired at temperatures from 1400 to 1460°C. As a result, there is less liquid phase in it, and during firing it deforms less.

The most durable type of hard porcelain is bone porcelain. Up to 50% bone meal is added to its composition, so it has thinner and more translucent walls, although it is more difficult to break than regular one.

Soft porcelain contains no more than 25-40% kaolin, 45% quartz, and 30% feldspar. It is fired at a temperature of 1300-1350°C. Soft porcelain is not as durable as hard porcelain, but it is more flexible, so it is often used for decorative items: vases, figurines, boxes.

The porcelain that was made in Ancient China was soft, while the European porcelain was hard.

Porcelain is also painted in two ways.

Underglaze painting is when paint is first applied and then covered with a transparent glaze. This way they last longer and can withstand repeated washing.

In overglaze painting, paints are applied to the glaze. This makes them brighter, but washes off faster. This method is suitable for decorative items.

In mass production, the design is applied with a decal. First, it is printed with ceramic paints on gummed paper coated with varnish, and then it is glued onto dishes and fired. In this case, the film burns out, and the pattern is fused into the surface. Premium porcelain is produced in limited editions and hand painted.

If the porcelain is painted with gold, silver or platinum, it must be washed especially carefully: by hand, with warm water, without powders or hard sponges.

Why is it so appreciated? porcelain dishes?

Like all ceramics, porcelain tolerates high temperatures well and retains heat. In a cup with thin walls, tea or coffee cools down, but not completely - just to the required temperature. In this case, you can pour hot soup into a porcelain tureen, and its handles will not heat up.

Porcelain lasts a long time, no matter how fragile it may seem. It does not darken over the years and does not absorb moisture and dirt. Modern porcelain is so durable that it can even be washed in the dishwasher.

Porcelain dishes do not spoil the taste of the contents, do not absorb odors and do not oxidize. You can store food in it for a long time - for example, butter or sugar - and they will not lose their taste.

Snow-white glossy porcelain looks solid and is suitable for everyday and festive serving. Any painting fits perfectly on a white background: bright or pastel, paint or gilding.