Every year more and more new opportunities for business development arise. Thanks to modern developments and unique equipment, you can not only save time, but also launch a profitable company. One of these areas is vending. What is vending? How to start your own vending machine business?

What is vending and vending machines?

In a modern city, all residents have paid at least once mobile phone through special terminals that are located almost everywhere, we bought coffee or sweets from vending machines. The buyer puts down coins and automatically receives the goods, and the entrepreneur who installed the equipment makes a profit. This is what is called vending.

Vending is a special device that can sell goods and perform certain tasks without the participation of a seller or other employees.

The main goal of such machines is to simplify human life as much as possible. This is especially true for those who are used to doing everything quickly and do not have time to stand in lines or look for cafes and shops. Vending devices help save time.

The first machines appeared in the 19th century in the USA, after which manufacturers began to popularize them in Europe. Today in our country the vending business is very poorly developed. GenerallyThere are about 2 thousand people per machine. For comparison, in Japan this number does not exceed 20 people.

In our country, vending machines mainly sell coffee or terminals, although in most countries you can purchase almost any item through them. Japan and China have full-fledged self-service stores with many devices installed. They buy food, hygiene products, electronics and many other products there.

Despite the fact that vending is poorly developed in the CIS countries, most such companies essentially have a monopoly on a certain area of ​​the market. For example, a company that installs coffee machines in a specific area of ​​the city can create such conditions that they simply have no competition. After all, in addition to the equipment itself, it is also necessary to select right place for installing or assembling the device, maintaining it and much more.

For those who want to engage in vending, it is best to choose an area in which there is no competition in your region.

It may seem that it is impossible to find a niche in vending to make a profitable company, but this is not so. There are many types of machines that will bring income to your company. The main thing is to research the market and user needs.

What types of vending machines are there?

There are many areas in which specialized vending machines are being developed. Moreover, many experts believe that in the near future, vending devices will completely replace the traditional sales system. Online stores and vending outlets will remain on the market.

New products are constantly being released to meet user needs. For example, one of the latest devices that are already being installed on the streets are machines that provide online consultations. All you have to do is approach him, connect with a consultant (this is a real person) using video, audio or automatic buttons, select the question you are interested in and get an answer. Most often this is installed in large cities and concerns tourists who need help.

All vending machines can be divided into several types:

    1. Foodstuffs.The most popular and in demand type of vending machines. Here you can buy a variety of food products - chocolates, sweets, even freshly prepared sandwiches. Some machines can heat food, prepare lunch, and pack it.
    1. Piece goods. The second most popular are vending machines that sell small items. Most often, they are aimed at fast-growing items or disposable goods that may suddenly come in handy. For example, umbrellas, headphones, stationery, ties, personal hygiene products, napkins, plasters and much more. The cost of products in vending machines is usually much cheaper than in regular stores (costs for employees, rent of premises, utility bills), which is why they are in such demand.
    1. Services. Appearance vending machines that provide services differ from similar products. These could be, for example, self-service massage chairs, which are often installed in shopping centers. In our country, this area has no competitors, so entrepreneurs can make good money from this if they occupy their niche.
  1. Gaming devices.Such vending services have become in great demand over the past two years. These are devices that are installed in entertainment establishments (karaoke, music boxes, dance playgrounds), and vending machines with toys, which are now available in all crossings. But with such equipment it is necessary to follow the laws, because there is a very thin line between casino analogues, so it may be that they are prohibited for installation in certain places.

Each of the vending machines has its own amount of profit and its own costs. Vending machines that sell food need to be serviced much more often because it can spoil.

The most profitable equipment is with piece goods. It requires a minimum starting amount to launch, and the goods themselves will not deteriorate in a few weeks.

Working with service machines is more difficult. Many people do not trust such equipment, or do not understand how it works, so big profits It's not worth the wait.

How to start your own business with vending machines?

Launch own company, which will provide customers with vending machines - this is not at all difficult. This task is much simpler than, for example, opening your own store or cafe. The machine itself takes up little space, and the business owner does not need to have huge start-up capital.

Founding such a company can be done in several steps.

Finding your niche.

This is the first step to start a company. And this is not as simple as it might seem, and the task itself is very important, because your profit and the success of the company will depend on it.

Choose an area in which you understand something and which interests you, because you will need to constantly develop and improve. In the region where the entrepreneur is going to work, there are already some types of vending, so research this issue so as not to occupy a niche where there is already high competition.

Look for something new and original. What people need.

Research the territory, market and needs potential buyers, then choose your own niche.

For example, carefully walk along the street where you want to place the vending machine. What do you see there? Are there many cafes and small shops selling coffee and tea, but there are no vending machines themselves? So a coffee machine would be very appropriate. Most often, such devices are installed near the metro, in a shopping center or other crowded places.

If there are several stores on the territory with office supplies and other necessary small items, then it will be beneficial to install a machine with piece goods.

Development of a vending project.

High quality and detailed - This is a mandatory element that needs to be thought through before opening your own company. It must include all the details of the new company, calculations, expenses, payback, income, equipment maintenance.

Be sure to take into account the cost of the vending machine itself, based on which you can see how much money is needed to start a business. Remember to pay the maintenance staff and couriers who will load the goods into the equipment. ( Small companies, in which there are only a few machines, often have one or two employees, or the businessman himself first handles the loading.)

Legal issues.

Be sure to register your company according to the law. In most cases, if you install machines in different places, you must register yourself as a private entrepreneur.

Collect all documents, settle issues with the tax office and choose better system taxation. Only after this do you start purchasing equipment.

Purchase of machines and goods.

There is not always a company in your city that produces such equipment, and you need to buy it from the manufacturer. Find a high-quality and reliable company that manufactures exactly the vending machines that you need.

In addition, if you are planning to open a large company with a lot of equipment, then you need to remember that it is best to order several devices in bulk. In this case, you may be given a big discount.

Installation of equipment.

Even at the business planning stage, you must select the places where you will install the machines. Make sure it's legal and sign contracts with whoever owns the area, the mall's landlord.

Compare rental prices throughout the city, choose the most suitable location, and then set up a vending service with specialists.

In fact, most vending machines in 2019 only require an outlet. The device is installed in a free place, connected to the power supply and started.

Hiring staff for maintenance.

It is necessary to distinguish between several types of employees that your company will need. The main part of the staff are couriers, who must load and replenish the quantity of goods in the vending machine. It's not difficult, but you still need to have experience or at least undergo training from the manufacturer. A minority of employees are those who will be involved in repairs.

Most novice entrepreneurs try to do the maintenance themselves, but this is only possible if there is one or two machines. In another case, one person simply will not be able to do this.

Find a professional who has experience working with similar vending machines. He will be able to quickly repair damage and malfunctions.

The vending business in our country is very poorly developed, so if a novice entrepreneur finds his niche and chooses an installation location, he can become successful businessman and make your company profitable.

52. Dirty water vending machine

By putting a dollar into a Dirty Water machine and choosing one of the flavors (“malaria,” “cholera,” “typhoid,” etc.), a person can receive a bottle of contaminated water. Did you believe it? Of course, this is not true. In this unusual way, UNICEF decided to draw the attention of New Yorkers to the problem of lack of clean water for children in disadvantaged countries in Africa. The slogan under which the donation machine operated was “Only $1 is required to provide a child with clean drinking water within 40 days."

51. Gun vending machine

This machine gun would probably be among the most original examples vending, if it also worked for real. The joke is that you can throw money into the machine, but the machine will not give out a weapon. Thus, the South African Gun Control Alliance decided to urge citizens to reduce the number of firearms on their hands. The machines were installed in shopping centers and college campuses, and all the money from citizens went as donations to the union fund.

50. Pornomat

In Japan you can easily find vending machines with porn magazines. In general, as you will see further, by scrolling to the end of the material, this is only the lesser of the evils that the Japanese are capable of in relation to intimate vending. Trade in porn magazines is unlikely to take place in Russia. In any case, when one of the entrepreneurs tried to sell porn films through a machine in Voronezh, law enforcement agencies They reacted immediately.

49. Vending machine that makes burritos

The Burritobox machine, created for lovers of Mexican cuisine, can cook burritos. It appeared in California, in Beverly Hills, where it was prepared from the eggs of “free” laying hens, which were never imprisoned in poultry farms. Cooking time is only 60 seconds.

48. Vending trade in baguettes

A street machine capable of selling hot bread was invented by the French baker Jean-Louis Ashe from the city of Moselle. Up to 120 semi-finished products can be simultaneously stored in the refrigerator of the device, which are baked in an average of 10 seconds each. The Frenchman even received the French Presidential Grand Prix for his invention.

47. Meowcomat

Polish vending machine Miaukomat advertises cat food. But to get a free sample, a person needs to meow loudly and plaintively into the speaker, after which the device will give him cat food. Similar machines were displayed in several shopping centers and attracted increased attention from visitors with children.

46. ​​Vending machine for bras and underwear

Appeared in Japan back in 2013 at the Une NaNa Cool brand store in the Shibuya shopping district of Tokyo. The operating principle of the machine is quite simple. To purchase a bra, shoppers simply need to enter their size on an electronic display and pay a fee.

45. Grafomat: Vending machine with cans of paint

The Graffomat vending machine sells cans of paint for creating graffiti. Several years ago, such machines began to appear in Europe and America. Very convenient if you are painting the walls at 3 am and suddenly you run out of all the paint. The idea is quite controversial - many consider such devices to encourage hooliganism. Although, if they were installed near gray and boring industrial areas and abandoned neighborhoods, and not in the city center next to historical buildings, it is unlikely that anyone would have much objection.

44. Vending machine with emergency contraception

Students can purchase emergency contraception from a vending machine at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. In addition to condoms, the car also contains morning-after pills and pregnancy tests. In general, a condom machine today is a fairly common thing and has long received its name - a condom. You can already find condominiums in major cities of Russia.

43. Vending machine for fish for animal feeding

The world's first vending machine for selling fish for feeding animals was installed in 2010 at the Japanese Tobe Zoo. In this way, the administration decided to deal with those visitors who ignore requests not to feed animals fast food and various harmful products.

42. Vending machines for bottled soap

Several vending machines designed to sell soap, mouthwash and liquid powder by the glass have been installed in supermarkets in Spain. Local manufacturer reduced its costs for water consumption, plastic and cardboard production several times, and customers were able to dose their purchases and save significantly.

41. A machine that allows you to win a drink for a virtual trick

This Pepsi machine was installed as advertising company for the FIFA World Cup and allowed you to win a bottle of soda for performing virtual tricks. For example, you need to hold a virtual ball on your foot for 30 seconds while going through various tests. The performance of tricks is monitored by special motion sensors.

40. Toilet paper vending machine

39. Vending machine for baking pancakes

This domestic unit called “Blindozer” is capable of preparing pancakes in the presence of the buyer. Moreover, pancakes are prepared with fillings, which can be loaded into the machine up to 30 various types. The customer's order is completed in just 2.5 minutes. The machine is also unique in that it can monitor the expiration date and independently turn off the supply of missing products.

38. Machine with a man inside

This machine is more of a marketing ploy than a business idea. So, in order to gain brand loyalty, I once put people in my vending machines in London Nestle company. Vending machines that talk to people are called Human Vending Machines. When buying chocolate bars, a “live” machine talks to the client, hands over the purchase personally and gives a hint on which candies are best to choose. In addition, such a machine is extremely polite and will never allow itself not to give change.

37. Christmas machine

Another example from the same series. A walking Muji Christmas Machine that appears every Christmas on the main street of Barcelona. Inside the device is a salesman portraying Santa and offering city residents to buy holiday souvenirs.

36. Vending trade in scooters

Chinese inventor Wang Yixing has come up with a way to fit dozens of scooters into a vending machine. Instead of creating a new bulky unit, adapting it to dispense scooters, she decided to put her hand to the scooters themselves. Wang Yixing made them foldable. As a result, from the machine the buyer receives a flask with a length of 50 cm and a diameter of 6.5 cm. When rolled up, the scooter easily fits into a regular backpack, and if necessary, it can be easily “unfolded” and used for its intended purpose.

35. Vending aquarium

An automated aquarium from the Sea of ​​Desires company allows you to feed fish for 100 rubles. There is no need to do this yourself - the aquarium will do everything itself. All you have to do is put the bill into the bill acceptor. Oh yes, you also need to make a wish. The machine is magical! Well, as an advance payment, the device will immediately give you a souvenir magnet with the symbols of the World Wildlife Fund.

34. Martini vending machine

How many vending machines have you seen selling martinis? In this machine, developed by the Russian company EmWi, this alcoholic drink is loaded directly into bottles, and poured directly from them into a glass from a tap. The device is equipped with a flow cooler and two channels for pouring different types alcohol.

33. Vending machine for fish broth

When the first such machines from Nitanda appeared in Japan, queues formed from those wishing to make a purchase, and sales from one machine reached up to 200 bottles per day. The fact is that Katsuo Dashi fish broth is a traditional ingredient in most Japanese dishes. Soups, sauces and main courses are prepared from it. The most expensive broths that can be bought from such machines are flying fish broths. The cheapest ones are made from kelp.

32. Seed bomb vending machine

In the United States, there are vending machines selling seed bombs - plant seeds formed into balls with compost and clay. Seed bombs are a very popular item among “green” and amateur gardeners. They are usually introduced into areas devoid of vegetation or to restore lost forest cover. Gardeners love seed bombs because they don't require making holes or seedlings. In addition, this is a convenient way to annoy a neighbor by planting weeds in his garden without entering private territory.

31. Vending machine

This machine was invented in 2012 by Brooklyn-based designer Lina Fencito. Unlike most machines, Swap-O-Matic does not allow you to purchase new thing, but get rid of the unnecessary thing or get the necessary thing for free. Simply put, it is a machine for exchanging things. To use the machine, you need to create your own account and receive points, which you can either earn by leaving things in the machine or spend by receiving them from it.

30. Vending machine selling canned bread

What? Yes, yes, not muffins or even pastries, namely canned bread! The machine, as you might guess, comes from Japan. If desired, the buyer can choose bread filled with pieces of chocolate, coffee or fruit.

29. Poster printing machine at airports

Once upon a time, the Dutch Thibault Bruna and Olvier Jansen noticed that people use homemade posters and banners to meet people at airports, often even using sheets. Then they decided to create a special machine for the rapid production of posters. Today, such machines are installed at airports in the Netherlands, Belgium, England and Canada. To create a poster, you need to select or upload a background, set the size, print the text, decorate it and pay an amount of 10 to 20 euros depending on the size of the poster.

28. A machine that prints literature on a cash register tape

In French Grenoble in several public places They decided to install machines that would allow them to print short stories on a cash register tape. The length of this cash receipt ranges from 8 to 60 centimeters. The author of the “literary vending” project was the French publishing house Short Edition, which specializes in short literature in the “three-minute reading” format.

27. Vending machine for chicken eggs

If in Russia about vending machines chicken eggs They started talking quite recently, but in Japan and the USA they have long since surprised no one. Similar devices appeared there back in the 40s of the 20th century! As you might guess, they are usually in the form of cells so that customers can remove the eggs from them themselves.

26. Jinsomat

The German brand Closed decided that buying jeans should be as easy and simple as buying chips or chocolates. After this, “ginsomats” appeared in Italy, working on the same principle as conventional vending machines. The first such machine opened at Florence airport and was intended for travelers who did not have time to run into a clothing store before leaving. The main disadvantage of the idea is that you need to know exactly your size, because the machine works without returns.

25. Art machine

Art-o-mats are a series of old cigarette vending machines that have been adapted to sell small pieces of art and souvenirs. In the early 2000s, several dozen of these machines were placed in museums in the United States. All souvenirs measured just 3 by 5 inches and were handmade by about 300 artists involved in the project. It could be anything, from photographs to sculptures. 50% of the proceeds went to the author, the rest went to the budget of the company servicing the machines.

24. Automatic restaurant

In Amsterdam, there are vending machines that offer customers a full range of dishes, comparable to the assortment of an entire restaurant. The menu mainly features ready-made fast food that only needs to be heated. The automatic fast food chain is called FEBO, the concept of which is based on the so-called “wall of cells”, united by a single payment system. Such machines have been operating in Holland for more than 70 (!) years.

23. Instant key making machine

In the USA, automatic machines have been producing duplicate keys for a long time. All you need to do is insert the original key to be scanned, select the key design and wait for the shape to be cut. The cheapest thing would be to make a regular duplicate. If you order a “printed” key, painted, for example, in the colors of your favorite team or national flag, production will cost more.

22. Vending machine for selling black caviar and delicacies

This is one of the famous machines that was installed in the prestigious Beverly Hills area of ​​Los Angeles. These machines sell dozens of varieties of black caviar, as well as other delicacies such as snails and truffles. All this is suggested to be eaten with mother-of-pearl spoons. The prices in the machine correspond to the pretentiousness of the machine. For example, in 2013, a buyer had to pay $500 for an ounce of beluga caviar.

21. Breathalyzer machine dispensing condoms

A machine called “Johny be good” was installed as a PR campaign by one of the English dating sites. By blowing into the breathalyzer tube, the client can receive a free condom. However, for this, the degree of his intoxication must satisfy the conditions for healthy sex. There are 10 such degrees in total, starting with the “Sober” category and ending with the “End Game” category.

20. A machine selling booklets on Judaism

In 2009, vending machines selling religious booklets appeared in Jerusalem. For a small fee, anyone could receive a piece of Jewish wisdom, such as passages from the Torah and other religious texts. Inside you can also find books and video tutorials on religious topics.

19. Vending machine for church candles

In some European countries, candle vending machines are common. They are installed in no less than churches and cemeteries. In particular, similar units are available in churches in Barcelona and in the cemetery of the Finnish city of Tampere. The idea has a pretty reasonable start. Since church shops are open only during certain hours, it is not possible to buy candles in the evening or at night. On the other hand, the desire of entrepreneurs to increase profits in such places may seem to many to be quite blasphemous.

18. Vending machine for feeding stray animals

This machine gun from Turkey can hardly be called a “soulless machine.” With its help you can do good deeds. Namely, to feed homeless animals. Moreover, in order to start the feed dispensing mechanism, you need to put the used food into the machine. plastic bottle. The company that developed the machine managed to make both a charity event and a profitable business at the same time, because the cost of the collected containers exceeds the cost of the feed.

17. A machine selling syringes to drug addicts

This machine gun, originally from Berlin, was invented as a method to combat the spread of HIV infection and hepatitis. He sells sterile syringes for drug addicts. If you think that this machine is unique, you are very mistaken. In Europe, no one is surprised by vending machines that sell sterile needles and syringes. For example, in France there were 250 such machines back in 2003.

16. A machine that sells crack pipes to drug addicts

And this machine also cannot be blamed for the lack of humanity towards drug addicts. For just a few cents, it allows addicts to purchase a clean crack pipe. It was installed at the Drug Addiction Resource Center in Vancouver and caused a lot of controversy among the Canadian medical community regarding the fact of its existence.

15. Vending toilet

The development of the Russian company “CLEAN TOUCH LTD” allows us to solve such an intimate problem as the cleanliness of contact with the toilet seat. Many people are absolutely afraid or disdain to sit on toilet seats in public places. All sorts of tricks are used, from storing newspapers as bedding to adopting “eagle poses.” Instead of this torment, the company proposes to equip toilets with a system for automatically wrapping the lid with disposable film, as well as a wall sensor that will avoid unnecessary touches. The second part of the device is a payment receiver, which is mounted on the wall.

14. Vending machine for toy breasts

Not all Asian women can boast of large breasts. What can I say, even a “D” is the ultimate dream for many of them. So it’s not surprising that you can find such unusual machines in Asia. It is not known for certain whether these breasts are used as a safe alternative to implants, or whether they are a kind of anti-stress toy for men experiencing a shortage of large sizes.

13. Bicycle rental machine

This may seem surprising to Russians, but the first machine that allows you to rent a bicycle without human intervention opened in Holland back in 2006. The author of the development called Bikedispenser was a company of the same name from Amsterdam. “Bike dispensers” allow you to rent a bike in 15 seconds and are installed near metro stations, entertainment centers, in parks and parking lots. After ordering, the bike automatically “floats” out of the hole in the device.

12. Stress relief machine

Passive Aggressive Anger Release Machine (“Passive Aggressive Anger Release Machine”) is the name of the device developed by the designers of Yarisa and Kublitz. This is the only device in our rating that allows you not to receive or exchange something, but to destroy it. For example, if your boss annoys you, you can put money into the bill acceptor and destroy a vase or porcelain figurine with pleasure on your face.

11. Vending machine for sleep

The development of the Russian company Arch Group has the self-explanatory name SleepBox. These are machines that, for a fee, allow you to... climb inside and relax! The size of the “Slipbox” is only 3.75 meters. Inside there is a bed, a laptop table, a mirror, a TV and several laptop chargers. Such personal spaces are ideal for placement in airports, train stations and hostels. Both single and double slot machines are available for sale. Usage time is 15 minutes or more.

10. A machine that “trades” celebrities

No, with this machine you will not be able to buy Leps or Lady Gaga. Firstly, because the Icon Vending Machine is Japanese and the stars “in it” are exclusively Japanese, and secondly, it does not sell stars. He is only selling a short meeting with them. This vending machine is located in one of the Tokyo cafes called Noodol Cafe, and the user only gets the opportunity to be served by the selected star. You can talk to her, but no more than three minutes. Celebrities include Japanese fashion models, participants in reality shows and youth pop groups.

9. Vending machine for trading live worms

Selling live bait through a vending machine is common practice for entrepreneurs from the USA and Europe. Fishermen love this kind of vending. It is interesting that there are experiments in opening machines with bait in Russia, for example, in the Kaliningrad region, where they were one of the first to think of trading in worms. The main thing is not to confuse maggots or bloodworms with human food.

8. Vending machine for live rhinoceros beetles

In Japan, the sale of rhinoceros beetles through vending machines is well established. Along with hamsters, cats and other animals, these creatures are favorite pets of local residents. Moreover, in Japan they love to organize rhinoceros beetle fights. Males are prized most for their large antlers, so they cost about three times more than females.

7. Vending machine for live crabs

While machines with live worms and rhinoceros beetles can still be imagined, a machine selling live crabs cannot even be dreamed of. But no, it exists. In China, live crabs are cooled and thrust directly into the spiral mechanism of a soulless machine. The creatures are in a sleepy state and “come to life” under the influence of heat. The Japanese (not without them!) have their own alternative to such a device - arthropods are allowed to be caught using a mechanical arm.

6. Champagne vending machine with gold and Swarovski crystals

Luxurious champagne vending machine from one of the largest producers This drink, a Moet & Chandon brand, was installed several years ago in London on the eve of Christmas. The machine, trimmed with gold and 350 Swarovski crystals, was equipped with a gold-plated elevator to deliver champagne to the window. The drink was given to the buyer along with a glass and a sterling silver straw.

5. Marijuana vending machine

In the US, where more and more states are legalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes, you can find machines like this that sell weed. California was one of the first to have such devices, and other states followed suit. Of course, you can’t just take marijuana out of a machine. The developers have provided identification using fingerprints, and purchase is possible only with a prescription from a doctor. In addition, when a hack is attempted, a police squad immediately arrives at each such machine.

4. Car vending machine

In Nashville, America, the Carvana company decided to completely transfer this process to the Internet to develop car sales. Customers are offered to pick up new cars through a 5-story vending machine! The building is fully robotic and operates on the principle of a conventional coffee machine. Having dropped a special coin into the receiving slot, the buyer starts the dispensing process using mechanized manipulators.

3. Automatic machine for trading luxury cars and renting yachts and mansions

Miami Beach has one of the craziest and most pompous machines, with which you can buy everything from a trip on a yacht to renting a luxurious mansion, from buying a Bently car to a BMW motorcycle. The maximum limit per purchase is limited to one million dollars. Of course, instead of all these cool things, the machine gives out vouchers, which can then be exchanged for purchases.

2. Goldomat: a machine that sells gold bars

The first “gold machines” were installed in Frankfurt, Abu Dhabi, Madrid and Bergamo and allowed everyone to purchase gold bars weighing 1.5 and 10 grams. The gold rate is automatically adjusted every ten minutes. Naturally, the “gold machine” is extremely reliably protected from hacking. The name of this miracle is Gold to Go (“Gold to Go”), which sounds somewhat derogatory in relation to “Coffee to Go” style machines and everyone who buys this coffee.

The vending business in Russia has been developing rapidly over the past 5 years. This is due to the fact that such equipment has many positive qualities for every entrepreneur. They can be reduced to the following list:

  1. complete autonomy;
  2. there is no need to hire a salesperson and, in addition to wages, make contributions to various government funds and institutions;
  3. small rent, since the equipment requires a maximum of 2 sq. meters for placement;
  4. possibility of placement in various administrative buildings and streets;
  5. minimal maintenance;
  6. affordable price and wide selection;
  7. quick payback.


This vending machine will allow you to earn a valuable prize or soft toy with your own mind!
Excellent design in a wooden case and interesting puzzles will not leave anyone indifferent.

Slot machine

New vending technologies have made it possible to make machines for entertainment. Gaming devices are in great demand among the growing audience. Therefore, models such as a slot machine with an Xbox video console - a Vend console - will be in great demand.

The counter can be located in shopping areas or airport terminals. This model will be an excellent solution for those who want to have fun while away their time. The equipment has a large screen with a diagonal of 32 inches.

Additionally, there is the ability for two users to play at once. This will add interest and increase the competitive spirit. Fully automated system designed for playtime. After paying the specified amount, the user is offered a choice large number games in various genres.

Flowing drinking water machine

Vending machines with a separate tank for drinking water are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Today, the market offers improved models such as the Aquatic WA-400Y drinking water vending machine with a connection to the water supply system.

This design is different in that it does not require replenishing the water supply. The entire system is connected to the water supply channel and, using a large number of filters and membranes, gradually purifies the water from fine objects, substances and impurities.

Such machines can be installed at any point where constantly clean drinking water is required. The advantage is that the series contains models that can be easily placed on the wall.

Flower machine

Tsvetomat models FSTOR, Performance, BuketoVV have new vending technologies such as constant maintenance of the required microclimate inside the case. To preserve a bouquet of fresh flowers, all requirements must be met.

Such equipment is fully automated and after payment the bouquet moves it to the point of delivery through a special tray. The window is completely transparent on all sides, so that anyone can see the bouquet they like from each side.

Hanging machine for selling mini chocolate bars

Mini-choco mounted machine, buys everything every month more popularity. This technological innovation has conquered the vending equipment market with its autonomous properties and compactness.

The machine does not require connection to the electrical network. The equipment operates entirely on batteries. It is noteworthy that such a device was created to be placed not just next to the machine for dispensing hot drinks, but to be located directly on it.

The design is designed in such a way that it can be placed on other machines as an additional module.

Automatic car wash

In self-service car washes, new vending technologies include many modes for cleaning the car body. Such equipment can work around the clock.

Compressors connected to the electrical network and water supply ensure proper water pressure. Special modes can supply not only liquids, but also soap solutions, and also dry car interiors and carpets.

You can purchase or rent all the presented models of modern vending equipment and many others at a profit from our company. The catalog contains both factory-made and used devices. All products are covered by a warranty. If necessary, we also carry out renovation work and maintenance of installed vending systems.

Good day, dear readers of the business magazine “RichPro.ru”! This article will discuss about vending , what kind of vending machines are there?, how to open a vending business with minimal investment and where is the best place for a novice entrepreneur to start.

From this article you will learn:

  • What type of business is called vending;
  • What types of vending machines exist and where can you buy vending equipment;
  • How to start a vending business with a minimum investment;
  • What are the features of this business and where to start your business.

Also in the publication you will find step-by-step instructions for opening own business based on vending, answers to frequently asked questions on the topic of the article.

The information presented will be useful for anyone looking for an interesting way to make money. Don't forget that any business cannot tolerate delay . Therefore, you should start reading the article right now.

Read about what vending is, what vending machines exist, how to start a vending business and where it is better to buy vending machines.

So, what does the concept of vending include?

Vending (vending from English vend - sell (through vending machines)) - sale of various goods and services through special (vending) machines.

Such machines were invented quite a long time ago, but it is now that the method of making money using vending machines has become the most relevant. This is explained very simply– tempo modern life is constantly growing, technology is steadily developing.

Today, leisurely tea parties in offices in the middle of the day have become a rarity. Most employees, in order to save working time, sacrifice a full lunch, preferring quick snacks .

In such a situation snack vending machines, drinks and coffee are becoming quite in demand. That is why there are more and more vending machines - they are installed in educational And medical institutions , in stores, sports complexes, at train stations and in other crowded places.

Anyone can get into vending, all you need is cash to purchase a vending machine. Also important choose a device that will be in demand in a particular place.

The following machines are in greatest demand:

  • vending machines for selling soft drinks;
  • tea and coffee machines;
  • apparatus for trading small piece goods;
  • vending machines through which you can purchase snacks ( For example, chips, chocolate, etc.);
  • payment terminals;
  • musical instruments;
  • slot machines.

Profit in vending is not limited by anything, provided that the type of device is chosen correctly, as well as the passable installation location.

By the way, V Russia This type of entrepreneurship is quite rare. So, in Japan one device accounts for approximately 25 people, and in our country - on 2 000 Human.

However, you shouldn’t think that vending will be a way to get rich instantly. As in any business, there is competition and taxes.

Naturally, vending has a number of features - both positive and negative.

1.1. Advantages (+) of vending

Among the advantages of such a business are the following:

  1. High level of liquidity – if necessary, it is not difficult to implement an automatic machine together with a business.
  2. The devices are easy to operate, their maintenance is usually not a problem.
  3. Vending allows you to save huge amounts on hiring workers – one specialist is enough to service a large number of machines.
  4. A large number of free niches.
  5. Simplicity of design – there is no need to obtain licenses and certificates.
  6. Relatively cheap rent, since the device occupies a small area.
  7. Machines can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, unlike people.
  8. There is a possibility combine this business with catering .

Despite the many advantages of vending, it also has a number of disadvantages.

1.2. Disadvantages (−) of the vending business

The disadvantages include:

  1. Starting a business by purchasing only one device is not profitable. In this case, the payback period will be very long. Experts do not recommend believing claims that the machine can start making a profit within a few months. In fact, the minimum payback is achieved in a year.
  2. Owners of vending machines often encounter acts of vandalism. Most often, machines located in on the street.
  3. Requires considerable effort from the owner. Some people believe that vending is a passive business. However, this is not so - such a statement is fundamentally incorrect. In any case, a businessman will have to perform a number of actions - purchase, install and configure equipment, and register a business. Subsequently, the devices will have to be serviced.

Main types of vending machines (devices): automatic food products, non-food products, provision of services, gaming (entertainment) devices

2. What types of vending machines are there - TOP 4 most popular types 📑

Vending machines are varied. In such a situation, choosing a slot machine that will bring maximum profit can be difficult.

Type 1. Food vending machine

The devices through which products are blown are the most popular. The human need for food is constantly manifested, so food products are invariably in high demand.

When organizing a business selling products through vending machines, important choose the right place to install it. Stable income usually bring devices installed in shopping and entertainment centers, educational institutions , offices, metro, gyms, at train stations.

A budding businessman must remember that before buying a vending machine for selling products, you should decide on the location of its installation.

There are a large number of grocery vending machines. However, among them we can highlight the most popular ones.

The most popular grocery vending machines include:

  • coffee machines most often used to start vending;
  • devices for selling snacks, that is, chocolate, sandwiches and other small products;
  • soda water vending machines appeared in Soviet times, in recent years they have become popular again;
  • popcorn machines are in demand in shopping and entertainment centers, as well as cinemas;
  • pizza vending machines – machines that prepare pizza from products chosen by the buyer, they appeared recently, but are very promising;
  • ice cream machines may soon replace the usual kiosks.

There are several disadvantages of food vending machines:

  1. high level of competition;
  2. the need for constant demand analysis;
  3. device maintenance costs;
  4. It is important to supplement the range of goods sold and ensure that there are no delays.

Type 2. Devices for selling non-food products

There are much fewer vending machines selling piece non-food products than those selling food. That's why competition in this business is significantly lower↓. However, you will have to put in a lot more effort to get enough profit.

Important choose the right product, target audience, and place to install the machine.

Among non-food vending machines, the most popular are:

  • toy vending machines popular where there is a high traffic volume of children's audiences;
  • machines selling tickets;
  • machines selling contact lenses, as well as all kinds of means for caring for them;
  • vending machines through which hygiene products are sold.

In addition, you can find unique machines selling unusual goods. Among them are electronic and traditional cigarettes, books, spare parts.

Type 3. Vending machines for the provision of services

Vending machines for providing services have a significant advantage – they do not need to be constantly loaded. Therefore, the maintenance of such machines is significantly easier.

The most popular are the following devices for selling services:

  1. payment terminals allow you to pay for all kinds of services - loans, rent, cellular communication and so on;
  2. reference machines usually installed in tourist centers, as well as large cities, many of them are connected to the Internet;
  3. photography booths allow you to take photos and print them in a few minutes;
  4. ready-made photo printing machines allow you to download and print photos from various media, as well as from social networks.

Type 4. Gaming and entertainment machines

A separate type of vending are entertainment machines. It could be musical instruments, lotto terminals, and also toy pulling games. Traditional ones are becoming popular again slot machines.

Entertaining vending usually brings maximum profit if the devices are installed in places with the greatest concentration of young people. It is this category of the population that is the target audience of such machines.

For ease of understanding, we will summarize all types of vending machines in a table, and also briefly describe what goods are sold through them.

Table of different types of vending machines and the products they offer:

Step-by-step instructions on how to start a vending business - 5 simple steps

3. How to start a vending business in 5 steps - a step-by-step guide for beginning entrepreneurs 📝

When the money is found, it’s time to start directly starting the business. To minimize the number of errors and also speed up the process, it is useful to use step by step instructions, developed by specialists.

Step 1. Developing an idea

First of all, you should choose what type of vending the businessman wants to do. Based on this information, it is determined target audience , for which the installed equipment will be designed.

Most of the machines are intended for young people whose age didn't reach40 years old. They are busy at work during the day and spend their evenings in entertainment establishments. Many startups have already been launched based on vending equipment (we wrote in one of the previous materials).

Do not forget that most of the success in vending depends on successful machine installation locations . First of all, it is worth assessing the possibility of renting in the most accessible places.

The most attractive places to install vending machines are:

  • shopping and entertainment complexes;
  • railway and bus stations;
  • educational institutions;
  • sports facilities.

Worth considering! Beginning businessmen who cannot choose any type of device can be advised to start with coffee and tea machines . At the same time, install one unit of such equipment inappropriate. Therefore, it is worth purchasing immediately 2 -3 machine.

By the way, you can increase your profit if you put it next to the coffee shop. apparatus for selling various snacks and snacks .

For business to be maximum successful, serious work will have to be done before installing the machine. It should include the following steps:

  1. analysis of demand for goods planned for sale through the device;
  2. assessment of the presence of competitors;
  3. studying the infrastructure in the area of ​​the planned installation of the machine;
  4. price analysis.

It would also be useful to find out what kind of profit you can get from similar devices.

When deciding to organize a business selling drinks through a machine, it is important to take into account factor seasonality . So, in winter, the sale of hot drinks through a vending machine increases approximately on 40% .

If such a device is installed in an educational institution, the profit will be will fallalmost to 0 . Therefore, during the hot period you will have to look for another way use the equipment. A suitable option is to move it to the venue of public events.

Step 2. Development of a business plan

The most important stage in organizing any business is drawing up a clear plan. At the same time, you should know what expenses will have to bear it.

The table below shows a similar calculation using the example of a vending coffee machine.

Table of costs when organizing a business using a coffee vending machine:

Thus , when opening a business, you will have to spend from80 000 to200 000 rubles only for the purchase of a vending machine. These one-time costs are largely determined by the type of device selected.

It is important to keep in mind that more expensive equipment allows you to simultaneously sell more types of goods. Naturally, this way you can increase your income.

In addition to one-time expenses, vending also involves monthly . For business on coffee machines, their size will be about 60,000 rubles every 30 days. It is important to understand that the above calculations are approximate.

In addition to the type of vending that an entrepreneur chooses, costs are influenced by:

  • region of operation;
  • location of the machine;
  • solvency of the target audience.

Let's continue the example with the coffee machine. When installing equipment in rural areas the cost of production should be lower than in cities. In educational institutions, the price of a cup of coffee should be lower than in an elite sports complex.

When purchasing several machines, you should agree in advance to rent them within one area of ​​the city. In this case the cost transport costs required for equipment maintenance will be lower. Important When purchasing a vending machine, check availability service center in the city of installation.

You should buy devices whose operation is intuitive. An overly complex interface may scare off those who have never purchased anything through such machines before. This means that the number of clients can significantly decrease↓.

Here is a useful and detailed article on where you can also download samples with calculations.

Step 3. Legal registration of the vending business

The procedure for registering a vending business is usually not difficult. This is especially true for those who have previously undergone a similar procedure.

In legal as well as accounting terms, organizing and running a business is easier to carry out as individual entrepreneur (IP). We wrote about it in a separate article.

It is also possible if you plan to hire a large number of hired personnel.

It is important to determine the tax regime in advance. For vending in calculations you can use: imputed income, and . We also described this in a separate publication.

Step 4. Purchase and installation of equipment

When purchasing vending machines, it is important to carefully study the suppliers' offers.

When purchasing vending machines, you should consider a number of nuances

When choosing a vending machine supplier, you should consider:

  • equipment cost;
  • level of maintenance;
  • availability of service centers in the locality.

It would be a good idea to study reviews from device owners and talk to businessmen in your city.

Profit largely depends on the competent choice of a vending machine.

Important to know! Some large companies in order to attract clients bear the costs installation of equipment, as well as supply of necessary raw materials and consumables.

An entrepreneur must keep in mind that any machine requires connection to the power grid. In addition, in some cases it will be necessary to negotiate the possibility of connecting equipment with running water.

Step 5. Finding a specialist who will service the machines

Once the equipment is installed, configured and tested, you should find a specialist who will service it.

Some beginners, wanting to save money, try to carry out such work on their own. Often such a decision entails malfunctions machine guns, breakdowns And other troubles. That's why better Hire a specialist who is well versed in such work to perform the service.

You should also consider that subsequently, when expanding the network of vending machines, the businessman will not have time to service them all on his own. An entrepreneur must deal with updating the assortment, maintaining accounting, and advertising. It is better to delegate the work of servicing the devices to a specialist..

Thus, if an entrepreneur starting a vending business follows the above instructions, he will have problems organizing his business will not arise .

Well-known companies where you can buy vending equipment: coffee machine, snack machine and others

4. Where to buy a coffee machine and other vending equipment - review of the TOP 7 companies selling vending machines 📊

Valid on the market huge amount suppliers offering vending machines. In such a situation, it can be difficult to figure out which of them is better to cooperate with.

In order not to waste a huge amount of time on analysis And comparison proposals different companies, it is worth using the ratings compiled by specialists.

Below is TOP 7 companies selling vending equipment.

1. Express Vending

The presented company is engaged in the purchase, sale and installation of various equipment for vending.

For a businessman who decides to make money from vending machines, it is enough to conclude agreement with Express Vending and pay for the company’s services.

The specialists of the organization in question offer the following services:

  • selection of the type of vending equipment, as well as the range of products offered;
  • agreeing on the installation location of the device;
  • installation, connection, startup, testing of equipment;
  • regular maintenance of machines.

In addition, Express Vending can purchase equipment and even a vending network if a businessman decides to “switch” to another business.

2. Siba Vending

Siba Vending operates on the Russian and Ukrainian markets since 1999. Today this company supplies vending equipment, as well as consumables for it.

Siba Vending specialists help entrepreneurs in organizing a business and teach them how to use equipment.

By collaborating with the company in question, a businessman receives the following benefits:

  1. high quality of service;
  2. a wide range of vending machines (snack, coffee machines and others);
  3. attractive payment terms;
  4. repair and maintenance of both purchased and leased equipment;
  5. ready-made developments and schemes for business, including franchising (We recommend reading the article - in simple words");
  6. quality ingredients at reasonable prices.

3. SuperVendBoutique

SuperVendBoutique is one of largest companies engaged in the sale of vending equipment.

The organization sells machines from leading foreign manufacturers throughout Russia.

In addition to directly selling equipment, SuperVendBoutique is engaged in:

  • sale of raw materials and consumables;
  • sale of spare parts for equipment;
  • service and repair of machines.

The specialists of the company in question help in choosing vending equipment suitable for the purposes of a particular business.

Here you can purchase both used and brand new machines. At the same time, SuperVendBoutique has an individual approach to each client.

4. ART-Vending

ART-Vending operates on the market more 10 years. In the time since the founding of the company, it has managed to grow into a large network.

Here you can purchase everything for your vending business:

  • new machines from popular manufacturers;
  • used devices, the performance of which has been tested by the best specialists;
  • raw materials and related products for doing business;
  • spare parts for machine guns.

ART-Vending is perfect for those entrepreneurs who decide to start selling through machines, but do not know how to service them.

The company offers the following additional services:

  1. delivery, as well as connection of purchased devices;
  2. complete with additional devices;
  3. repair;
  4. installation, as well as service;
  5. redemption, as well as acceptance of used machines for consignment sale.

5. SuperVending

SuperVending is the first store in our country of equipment and consumables for vending with a huge exhibition hall of more 400 000 .

Here you will be offered:

  • a wide range of machines of various modifications and brands;
  • raw materials and consumables;
  • additional equipment;
  • services;
  • places for installing machines.

At SuperVending you can buy a coffee machine, snack machine, freshly squeezed juice, lenses, photography and printing services. buy a coffee machine for business

6. Babylon-Vending

The presented group of companies operates on the Russian market since 2007 and is the exclusive representative of Spanish equipment produced JOFEMAR S.A. .

Babylon-Vending organizes delivery of ordered machines. In the company's store you can always purchase spare parts, as well as raw materials and consumables.

Among the advantages of Babylon-Vending are the following:

  1. unique prices for equipment manufactured by Jofemar;
  2. fast delivery of devices;
  3. warranty on all equipment;
  4. high quality service;
  5. high speed technical support;
  6. the opportunity to purchase spare parts, as well as raw materials and ingredients from the warehouse.

7. Aristocrat Vending

Company more 10 years is engaged in the production of ingredients necessary for organizing sales through specialized machines. Aristocrat Vending has representative offices in many Russian cities ( Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk and others).

There is a huge range of necessary raw materials and consumables for organizing a business.

The company is constantly expanding its already rich list of products. Aristocrat Vending maintains the perfect combination high quality and reasonable prices.

Having carefully studied the offers of the presented companies, any novice businessman will be able to buy high-quality vending equipment for your business. It is important to contact each of them to compare offers and choose the best one.

3 ways to open your own vending business with minimal costs

5. How to open a vending machine business with minimal investment - 3 proven methods 📋

Vending-based business is becoming increasingly popular. This, combined with insufficient market saturation, leads to the fact that many entrepreneurs want to purchase specialized vending machines.

However Due to the high cost of vending equipment, not all businessmen have sufficient funds to purchase it.

Experts have developed 3 simple ways , which will help minimize the costs of organizing a vending business.

Method 1. Purchasing used equipment (used)

Not every novice businessman can afford to purchase new equipment for vending, so purchasing used devices is a very relevant topic.

You can make a purchase in 2 ways:

  • Option 1. Purchase from one of the vending companies. Such machines can cost almost 2 times cheaper. At the same time, companies test the machines and make their pre-sale preparation.
  • Option 2. Buy equipment from private person. In this case, the price may be even lower, but the businessman will not be given any guarantees.

Method 2. Purchase of equipment under the terms of a partnership agreement

Some vending companies offer businessmen to purchase equipment on a partnership basis.

Important to know! A partnership agreement assumes that the supplier provides the entrepreneur with vending machines, in return for which he receives a certain percentage of the profit.

Subsequently, after fulfilling a number of agreed conditions, it is possible to re-register the equipment as ownership.

Method 3. Renting vending equipment

Having a minimum of funds, you can take equipment for vending for rent . Another available option is leasing or financial lease (machines are leased with subsequent purchase). We wrote about this in another publication - we advise you to read it.

Both cases allow you to start a business practically without investments. It is enough to have funds to open a business and make the first rent payment.

But it's worth keeping in mind that the period during which payback will be achieved is longer when renting out equipment.

6. Main features of the vending business: documents, OKVED codes 📚

An important feature of any business is view code economic activity . It must be indicated when submitting documents for registration. Codes are determined by All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED).

This is where the difficulty arises– specialized codes for vending Not is provided. You have to choose from those values ​​that are as close as possible to what type of vending will be carried out.

Table of OKVED codes, by type of activity as close as possible to the main types of vending business:

A businessman should know that to conduct vending activities the following documents will be required:

  • technical passport of the equipment used;
  • warranty certificates from the machine manufacturer;
  • certificates of conformity for ingredients used in vending.

5 tips for installing coffee (vending) machines for beginning entrepreneurs

7. Where to start for a beginning vending businessman - 5 tips from an expert 💎

Businessmen who want to start a vending business must take into account not only its features. It's important to understand that opening and developing your own business requires full dedication, you will have to spend a huge amount of time and put in a lot of effort.

Professionals give some tips that will help novice businessmen organize vending without any problems.

Tip 1. You should choose the appropriate direction of vending

A businessman must choose a direction of activity that is as clear to him as possible.

If an entrepreneur does not understand anything about the product he has decided to sell, it will be difficult for him to build his business.

Tip 2. You should start by installing several machines at once

If you start a vending business with 1 or 2 automatic machines, you will have to wait a long time for payback for a long time.

That is why several devices should be installed at once. In this case, the scale of activity can be expanded quite quickly.

Tip 3. Don’t think that vending is passive income

Some people believe that by installing a vending machine, they will start shoveling money.

In fact, this business requires a lot of effort from the entrepreneur. You will have to understand the basics of servicing the machines, conduct a thorough analysis of the market situation, etc.

Tip 4. It is important to create a detailed business plan

You shouldn’t rush out and buy a machine gun immediately after you get the idea. Any entrepreneurial activity requires careful preparation, which must begin with calculations.

Important analyze the proposed profits , and also demand for products planned for sale. After this, the approximate payback period .

Based on the data obtained, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to assess how ready he is for such a business.

Tip 5. You should not choose a product for vending whose market is oversaturated

Today coffee machines a huge number has been installed. The only chance to make a profit in this area is to install the device in a new office or shopping center earlier competitors.

When analyzing demand, it is worth thinking about which product is not enough on the market, which product can attract the maximum number of buyers.

Vending provides excellent opportunities for businessmen.

Today Russian market not fully saturated with vending machines selling various goods. Therefore everyone an entrepreneur has a chance to find his own niche and win the trust of clients.

8. Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) 🔔

Business based on vending in Russia is gaining momentum, its popularity is steadily growing.

Therefore, entrepreneurs increasingly have various questions about organizing such a business. We traditionally tried to answer the most popular of them.

Question 1. Where is the best place to install vending machines?

Beginning businessmen often wonder: where is the best place to install a vending machine?. This question is especially of concern to those who correctly understand that TO When purchasing equipment, you should find a place where it will work.

It's important to understand that the location for installing vending machines must be selected in accordance with the products being sold.

The table below shows the most successful locations for placing vending machines depending on the product being sold.

Table best places installation of vending equipment for the sale of various goods:

Product for sale through a vending machine The most good place for equipment installation
Coffee Train and bus stations


Car washes



Chewing gum
Schools Higher education institutions
sparkling water Refreshments Shopping and entertainment centers

Higher education institutions


Fitness centers

Press Printed products Metro Auto and railway stations
Hot meals Higher education institutions

Technical schools


Question 2. How to choose a vending machine so that it is successful?

Every businessman wants his activities to bring maximum profit. At the same time, I want the income to be constant. However, for anyone popular business competition is typical.

Expert advice for successfully running a business using vending machines:

  1. It is important to find a public place to install the equipment. Even the most fashionable device will not bring the desired profit if it is placed in a room with insufficient traffic.
  2. The vending machine must have an attractive appearance. Most buyers are unlikely to want to use a device if it is dirty or looks shabby. Most likely, such a machine will not inspire confidence in them. At the same time, the bright design will surely attract attention.
  3. Innovation – important element vending activities. The advantage of the machine can be some unique function. If new device will attract attention and seem convenient to buyers, part of the competitors' profits will go to its owners.
  4. The equipment should be as simple as possible to use. Purchasing goods through a vending machine should be clear to customers - literally by pressing a few buttons. More complex shopping patterns may turn off customers, especially older people.
  5. It is necessary to choose a place to install the machine taking into account the target audience. The category of goods sold must correspond to the population group that most frequently visits the area near the device.
  6. It is important to choose a unique trading direction. The most popular vending machines attract a large number of entrepreneurs. Dealing with competition can be quite difficult. It is much easier to find a unique, not yet common type of machine.

Following these tips will help you achieve success in your vending business.

Question 3. When will the vending machine pay for itself? What is the real return on investment for vending machines?

Vending usually does not require investing huge amounts of money to start a business.

Most machines pay for themselves in about 12 months.

However, the time to profitability has a significant impact equipment installation location . Successful leasing in shopping malls, movie theaters, gyms and other walk-through establishments can significantlyreduce payback period.

9. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

Business based on vending is becoming increasingly popular today. Meanwhile, in Russia it is not yet sufficiently developed.

Therefore, every entrepreneur there is a chance to earn There is a significant profit on sales through vending machines. However, this will require considerable effort and adherence to certain algorithms.

Questions for readers!

What type of vending machines would you choose for your business? What prospects do you see in this area of ​​business?

The RichPro.ru magazine team hopes that our article helped you understand how best to build a vending business. We wish you success in any endeavor and great profits.

If you still have questions on the topic, ask them in the comments below. We will be grateful if you rate the material and share your ideas on the topic!

Vending machines for trade have been known for quite a long time. Every year the number of their species is constantly growing. At the same time, the old ones are improved, and new, more convenient options are added to them. Below are the most common types vending machines.

Coffee machines

Coffee vending machines are the most profitable and therefore popular. They allow you to quickly recoup your investment. Their main purpose is to prepare drinks from coffee beans with the addition of soluble ingredients.

Depending on the modification, the machine can load from 200 to 700 cups. At the same time, there are options for coffee machines both for outdoor and indoor installation. As practice shows, the most profitable are models that have a bill and coin acceptor at the same time.

Types of coffee machines

Standard maintenance of a coffee vending machine involves loading cups and ingredients for preparing drinks. At the same time, it is also necessary to wipe the trays, the machine itself and take out the garbage.

Snack vending machines

Selling snacks is another one of the most profitable areas of the vending business. Equipment of this type is intended for the sale of chips, seeds, crackers, and chocolates. Devices of this type are quite simple; they do not require the installation of additional equipment, for example, cooling modules.

To install devices of this type, it is best to choose crowded places with high traffic rates: train stations, hospitals, shopping centers and the like. When installing equipment outdoors, be sure to ensure there is a vandal-proof lock.

Types of snack machines

It is best to choose the most popular assortment for snack machines. They will also have to be serviced regularly. In this case, you should always check the serviceability of the bill acceptor and other components.

Grocery machines

Food products are always in demand. The advantages of this group include a large number of places for installation. There are the following types of vending machines for selling products:

  • hot dog machines;
  • selling popcorn;
  • selling ice cream.

The above list is far from complete; there are also many other types of food vending machines.

The disadvantages of this type of vending include the short shelf life of the products and the need for frequent maintenance.

Popular models of grocery vending machines

Vending machines for providing services

Vending machines can not only sell, but also provide services. The advantages of machines of this type include the absence of the need for frequent maintenance. The disadvantages are less demand. There are the following types of vending machines of this type.

Photo booths are most often found in subway passages. The process of photographing and printing takes no more than a few minutes. Depending on the model, they may have a photo correction function. Recently, their new variety of instamats also appeared. Their main purpose is direct printing of photos from Instagram.


This type of machines is installed mainly in government institutions. What distinguishes them from ordinary copiers is the presence of a bill acceptor. They have experienced the peak of their popularity. With the development of the Internet and technology, conventional paper media are increasingly being replaced by electronic ones.

Payment terminals

The second name for these machines is multi-cash machines. Payment terminals are the most common and popular type. They allow you to pay for mobile services, a loan, or transfer money to a card. Depending on their location, they are divided into outdoor and indoor. The former are almost as reliable as ATMs; they immediately report an attempted hack via SMS. Vending machines of this type are almost completely autonomous. Their functioning is monitored remotely via the Internet.

Types of vending machine services

Vending machines for small piece goods

Through machines of this type, small piece goods are sold: chewing gum, toys, jumping balls or shoe covers. A special feature of this type of machine is that it does not require electricity to operate. Therefore, you can place them in any convenient place, the main thing is to agree on a lease. Mechanical machines are very profitable to install almost anywhere. The demand for them will be where the children are.

Popular models of small goods vending machines

Modern vending machines can sell almost any product. Most entrepreneurs have long appreciated their main advantage - the absence of the need to use permanent hired workers. That is why automated trading is predicted to become widespread in the near future.

Call or write to us and we will help you make your choice.