2018 has been declared the Year of the Volunteer in Russia. The corresponding decree was signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

The head of state announced this decision on December 6, 2017 at the closing ceremony of the annual All-Russian Volunteer of Russia Award. The President emphasized the special importance of the volunteer movement: “ This will be your year, the year of all citizens of the country, whose will, energy, generosity is the main strength of Russia».

2018 will mark the beginning of systematic work for the development of the volunteer movement in the future and will allow us to concentrate on solving the main problems of volunteering: increasing the prestige of the work of volunteers, expanding the scope of their participation in charitable activities, and developing a unified information space.

About the work of the volunteer team at our school

Work plan of the volunteer detachment "Danko" for 2017 -2018.



Rights and responsibilities of a volunteer

There is a certain set of rules by which volunteer activities are carried out. In addition, a voluntary assistant has his own rights and responsibilities.

Most often, volunteer activities are based on the following principles:

  • A volunteer must have a sincere desire to help everyone who needs his help (disabled people, orphans, seriously ill children, the elderly, etc.).
  • A volunteer assistant must support the goals of the foundation and be in solidarity with them, since volunteer activities should be aimed at solving common problems and tasks, and not opposing them.
  • Volunteer activities are based on voluntariness, so a volunteer assistant must act of his own free will and not under coercion.
  • Volunteer work is not paid, so the volunteer assistant must be willing to work for free. Only volunteer expenses related to his activities are subject to compensation.
  • The volunteer must strive to fulfill his obligations in accordance with the agreement.
  • Volunteer activities are carried out only within the framework of current legislation and the Charter of the charitable organization.

Not only an adult citizen, but also a teenager who has reached the age of fourteen can become a volunteer, with the written consent of the parents or persons in their stead.

Any person who understands and accepts the goals, methods and principles of a charitable organization can acquire volunteer status.

Upon provision of all the necessary documents and a written application, the person is given the opportunity to provide assistance within the framework of the volunteer movement at a specific charitable organization.

The main goal of volunteer helpers is to assist the charitable organization in providing assistance to the population.

A volunteer should strive to acquire various additional skills and knowledge to provide better assistance to people in need. To do this, he must attend various seminars and trainings.

Volunteer helpers must expand their ranks, seek out and establish friendly contacts with like-minded people.

Communicate, make useful contacts in order to provide greater assistance to the charitable organization in implementing its plans and achieving its goals.

A volunteer has the rightchoose for himself the type of activity that is more interesting to him, what he strives for.

A charitable organization is obliged to provide its volunteer assistant with all the necessary information that he may need in the course of performing any task, as well as material resources.

A volunteer has the right to express his opinion regarding the activities of the volunteer movement within the organization, to suggest or make comments during any action.

If a volunteer has valid reasons, he may refuse to perform the duties assigned to him.

At any time, a volunteer assistant can withdraw his status as a charity fund volunteer. At the same time, termination of volunteer activities can occur either on the initiative of the volunteer helper himself or by the decision of a charitable organization.

A volunteer assistant who is part of a volunteer team at a charitable organization is obliged to treat other members of the team, as well as the employees and organizers of the charitable organization, with respect.

The volunteer’s responsibilities also include conscientious fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him.

The interests of a volunteer assistant must coincide with the interests of the non-profit organization and other volunteers.

The volunteer is obliged to comply with all norms of current legislation.

A volunteer assistant must report on his activities and provide all necessary reporting documentation on time.

A charitable organization under which a volunteer team has been created is obligedtrain your assistants in all the necessary skills.

Show respect to the members of the volunteer team, and in return demand the same respectful attitude towards yourself.

Require the volunteer to take care of the property of the charitable foundation.

A non-profit organization has the right to refuse the services of a volunteer if there are compelling reasons for doing so, or if the volunteer assistant has grossly violated the rules of activity.

A charitable organization must create appropriate conditions for its helpers to carry out their activities.

Employees of the organization are obliged to familiarize the volunteer with his rights and responsibilities.

A volunteer has the right to demand from the Charitable Foundation complete information about his activities.



Activity plan of the volunteer charity detachment "Danko"

for the 2017 – 2018 academic year


Type of activity


Socially useful activities

Labor landing (providing targeted assistance “A veteran lives nearby”

Labor landing “Greening of school premises”

Campaign for the Day of the Elderly “Congratulate a veteran of teaching work”

Operation “Live, Book!”

Improvement of monuments and obelisks

Campaign “Memory Watch”

Improvement of the school grounds

During the year

September -





September - April

Sports and recreational activities

Participation in sports competitions

Release of booklets “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”

“Respect the traffic rules” game for younger students

Hiking around your native land

Health Day

During the year






Cultural and mass activities

Participation in all holiday concerts in the village recreation center

Participation in school-wide events (Teacher's Day, New Year, March 8, Fair, Victory Day holiday for veterans and home front workers, etc.)

Campaign “Serving the Fatherland”

During the year

During the year


Social support

Operation Care

(providing patronage assistance to the elderly and veterans).

Campaign “Family Helps Family”

Campaign to collect books for the school library

Operation “We do good with our own hands”

Campaign “Home without loneliness” (congratulations at home)

During the year


November - December




Campaign “The House I Live In” (planting and caring for indoor flowers for school premises)

“Clean Village” campaign, work to improve the native village

Earth Day (participation in community cleanups on school grounds)

Participation in district and regional events

During the year



During the year

When people talk about volunteers, the imagination most often pictures young people, students. Indeed, there are many active young people among the volunteers. And more programs are being developed for young people, this is natural. But there are also those who are well older. Let's remember what happened in Russia in 2018; the oldest woman in the volunteer movement at the championship was 86 years old!

There are many programs where there are no age restrictions. In our country, a program for those over 50 years old has been developed - “silver volunteering”.

Agree that participation in the movement can be considered a good opportunity for a person to remain active and energetic. Yet the average age of volunteers in Russia is twenty-four.

Names of volunteer movements in Russia:

There are a lot of areas of activity: helping children, the elderly, disabled people at home and in appropriate places, caring for animals, participating in environmental projects, working on harvesting in household plots, surveying and data collection, distributing flyers, holding thematic events, etc.

When choosing a direction, you need to realistically assess your competence in a particular issue and be sure to do something that is truly interesting to you.

You can get a job providing assistance at global events: championships, Olympics, film festivals, etc. Participation in such programs is in itself honorable and prestigious and provides an opportunity to see large-scale events from the inside. And, of course, the memory of participating in such events remains for life.

One of the principles of volunteering is the energy and love for life that you share with others. Let me turn once again to the World Cup that took place this summer in Russia: I, like you, saw a lot of volunteers on the streets of the cities hosting the championship. They all just radiated joy. I admit that this was the setup, but it’s difficult to fake a smile.

Nowadays there is an Association of Volunteer Centers in Russia; it appeared immediately after the 2014 Sochi Olympics and united volunteers who were trained in Sochi.

It is believed that this is where the culture of volunteering was formed. Today, boys and girls take part in a wide variety of activities. There are different volunteer movements, the list of directions and programs is extensive, it is different in different regions of our country.

Volunteering has a number of directions:

  • Social - assistance to children, pensioners, veterans and socially vulnerable citizens. This is a very common and historically established type of voluntary assistance to people.
  • Sports - participation in sports competitions at various levels. Volunteers here are often required to know a foreign language, and sometimes “proficiency in the subject”: deep knowledge of the rules of competitions and the features of a particular sports discipline, although this is taught in preparation for work.
  • Cultural - work at cultural events, of which there are more and more every year in our country, and not only in big cities like Moscow and. The work takes place at museums, festivals, libraries, and exhibitions.
  • Environmental - we are talking about preserving wildlife and helping to solve the environmental problems of the metropolis.
  • Event-based - participation in large projects: forums, festivals, City Days, etc.
  • Corporate volunteering is a developing area: companies attract employees based on their work profile and during non-working hours. For the company and employees - work is free of charge. It also happens that an employee works according to his profile, helping certain organizations, and the company pays the employee a salary for this established limit of hours.
  • Public safety volunteers - helping people caught in floods, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters. A volunteer in this project can be employed directly on site or at the humanitarian aid sorting site. In this movement, a significant role is given to the physical and moral training of volunteers.
  • Media volunteering is when actors, journalists, athletes and other famous, but not very many people talk about who volunteers are, what they do and how to join the movement.
There is an interesting psychological observation: a person who has experienced the feeling of being needed, in demand and useful will want to feel this state again. I had to talk to volunteers returning from the Sochi Olympics. These were happy people with some kind of inner comfort, they shared their impressions and made plans for the next events. And how many new impressions, acquaintances and events happen in the lives of volunteers!

A very simple example of volunteering is a cleanup day. When in the spring we go out on our day off and clean, remove, our yard or playground from the dirt and debris that has accumulated over the winter.

As a rule, after such cleanup days you don’t feel overwhelmed, and you almost have more strength and energy. Or is it not so for you? And, in general, share your impressions or experience on the issue of volunteerism.

Among the advantages of participating in the volunteer movement for young people are:

  • Gaining skills and experience in different areas of life. The opportunity to try yourself in an unusual role, evaluate your strengths, and learn a new profession are important components of a volunteer’s work.
  • Receiving recommendations, certificates, letters of gratitude. Indeed, I know of such a case: when a student I knew from out of town helped the elderly and participated in the social profile of the volunteer movement. This also helped the young man to obtain his first job in a serious company after receiving his diploma.
  • Making friends and communicating with like-minded people is always good and useful.
  • Experience communicating with foreigners, improving the language. They say that a popular volunteer activity for Russian citizens is teaching Russian to foreigners. Such programs work the other way around. For example, foreigners also worked as volunteers at the 2018 FIFA World Cup. For them, in turn, it was a great chance to get to know our country.
  • Communication in a team and the formation of personal qualities - you will agree, these are important components for life. Volunteers, for example, participate in archaeological or any other projects: they live in modest conditions and communicate for some time within a certain group. A great way to learn how to build and defend a position in society.

Prospects for the development of the volunteer movement in Russia:

It is believed that the number of volunteers in our country is still less than in Western countries. In many respects, this is due to the fact that such activities as charity are quite common for many families in developed countries, and children from an early age participate in this, helping the poor and homeless at Christmas, feeding abandoned animals, providing all possible assistance to the elderly and disabled .

In our country, less than ten percent of respondents answered positively to the question - would you like to engage in any volunteer activities. Another feature of the volunteer movement in Russia is that not everyone who is involved in volunteering is registered. Therefore, the real number of these people may be higher. And yet the movement is growing, infrastructure is being created, new technologies are being developed to help volunteers, and the number of joint projects between government agencies and volunteer projects is increasing. Competitions are regularly held for initiative projects that will be able to solve one or another social problem.

Development is also facilitated by the Internet; people gather in online groups to jointly provide assistance and work in some direction. Entire groups are being created that are ready to help victims of natural disasters or people in difficult situations, or people with disabilities.

Often the volunteer youth movement operates at universities. They also appear in schools. In a few years, most of all Russian universities will have associations of volunteers on their base.

Of course, there are problems with the volunteer movement in modern Russia. But the main thing is that the country is using more and more different tools to talk about the volunteer movement and the events in which volunteers participate. This increases the interest and motivation of young people. The maximum task is to make volunteering a norm of life, to form in people the habit of helping each other.

While I was writing, news appeared that the official website offered free online courses on volunteering. They are conducted by specialists in various fields. Trainings have also begun to prepare volunteers for the Universiade, which will take place in Krasnoyarsk in March 2019.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during the solemn ceremony for presenting the all-Russian award “Volunteer of Russia - 2017,” declared 2018 in Russia the Year of the Volunteer and Volunteer.

“I propose to declare 2018 the Year of the Volunteer. This will be recognition of your services to people, to our simplest citizens, to whom you provide help and support, and an assessment of your colossal contribution to the development of our country. This will be your year, the year of all citizens of the country, whose will, energy, generosity is the main strength of Russia,” Putin said.

He recalled that volunteers work in hospitals and social institutions, help find missing people, provide all possible assistance to victims of natural disasters, preserve nature and culture, establish the identities of dead soldiers, and help in holding major international events.

“There are many good people in Russia”

According to the president, caring for one's neighbor, mercy, readiness to come to the aid of the whole world, to serve the fatherland - all these qualities are in the soul, character and culture of the Russian people.

“You know, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov once said very good, wonderful words: “There are so many good people in Russia!” So he also addressed you,” Putin said.

He said that in 1941 his father volunteered to go to the front, having the opportunity to work in the rear.

“The great history of Russia is the heroic impulse of volunteers who defended the fatherland. Now we were just remembering the Great Patriotic War... I remember that my father Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, having in his hands in 1941 the so-called armor, which allowed him to work in the rear, volunteered to go to the front,” the head of state said at presentation of the “Volunteer of Russia - 2017” award.

He noted that there are more and more examples of civic participation and solidarity in Russia every year.

“I am convinced that it is from thousands, millions of sincere, sincere actions that trust, respect, and mutual support in society as a whole are formed. And this means that you and I can handle any of the most difficult tasks,” Putin believes.

“The first steps are indicated”

The Union of Volunteers of Russia believes that declaring 2018 the Year of the Volunteer is a significant decision that will affect the development of the volunteer movement in Russia.

“There are many problems, they need to be solved together with government agencies and by uniting civil society. This is great and pleasant for us. For a very long time we struggled with the issue of whether to adopt a law on volunteerism or not. There were no legislation clarifying who a volunteer was. The first steps are indicated - we have our own. I think that the Year of Volunteering will influence the development of the movement in Russia,” said Sergei Bondarenko, co-chairman of the coordinating council of the Union of Volunteers of Russia, in a conversation with RT.

According to him, over the past three years the composition of volunteers has been updated by almost 30%.

“We have several areas of activity: work with orphans, large families, people with disabilities, emergency response, work in the field of human rights protection. There are enough people everywhere, but the only problem is burnout syndrome. We are transferring volunteers from one direction so that there is enough internal fuse,” the specialist said.

The decision to hold the Year of the Volunteer in 2018 was also supported by the Association of Volunteer Centers.

“The news is amazing! We all tried and worked hard to ensure that the state’s attention to volunteers was the same as it is now. Civil activists and volunteers become partners of the state. We are all definitely happy. It is important that we use this year profitably and think about how we, Russians, can create an atmosphere of trust and a socially comfortable environment with our own hands, projects and initiatives,” said Artyom Metelev, co-chairman of the Association of Volunteer Centers, member of the Public Chamber of Russia, in a conversation with RT.

He noted the need to create conditions for volunteers to work, since, according to him, there is a certain mistrust of authorities towards volunteers, “who are sometimes perceived as people with a lot of free time.”

“Now, according to a survey, 18% of Russians participate in volunteer activities. Our goal is to make volunteering the norm and an integral part of everyone’s life. The media also needs to promote this topic. It is worth working on building partnerships between businesses and NGOs with volunteer organizations in order to develop the intellectual resource of business structures with the help of volunteer organizations,” Metelev said.

"Volunteer of the Year"

President Putin presented the “Russian Volunteer” award in the “Volunteer of the Year” category to the head of the public international project “Save Baikal” Maxim Tokarev.

  • Vladimir Putin presents the prize to Maxim Tokarev
  • RIA Novosti
  • Ramil Sitdikov

The “Save Baikal” project has been carrying out conservation and environmental activities on the shore of the lake for the sixth year. During the project, more than 40 events and campaigns were held, during which it was possible to collect and remove more than 700 tons of garbage. Hundreds of volunteers from all over Russia, as well as from other countries, take part in the project’s activities.

Tokarev, after presenting the award, noted that declaring 2018 the Year of the Volunteer “means a lot to millions of people” across the country, adding that volunteers have very big plans for the future.

Putin on presidential elections

“Tell me, Vladimir Vladimirovich, next year, we hope, you will be with us?” — Tokarev addressed Putin during the ceremony.

“I am always with you. “I told you, this is a family thing,” the Russian leader answered the volunteer.

After which the host of the ceremony, Dmitry Guberniev, clarified that the question concerned Putin’s participation in the presidential elections in 2018. In response, the Russian leader emphasized that the decision to nominate a candidate for the post of president is very responsible, because the motive for making it can only be “the desire to improve the lives of people in the country, to make the country more powerful, protected, and looking to the future.”

“And these goals can be achieved only under one condition - if people trust and support,” Putin is confident. Then the Russian president addressed the participants and spectators of the ceremony: “In this regard, I have a question for you: if I make such a decision, will you and people close to you in spirit support this decision?”

The audience responded with a resounding “yes.” After which the president promised to announce a decision in the near future.

“I understand that this decision must be made soon, and it will be made soon. And in accepting it, I will, of course, keep in mind both our conversation today and your reaction,” said Vladimir Putin.

Later, during a meeting with employees of the GAZ plant in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir Putin in the election of head of state.

“I will nominate my candidacy for the post of President of the Russian Federation,” RIA Novosti quotes Putin.

Volunteering as an idea of ​​serving society is as old a concept as “society”. In all centuries there have been people who realized themselves by communicating and helping their community. We’ll look at what volunteers do these days in this article.

What is volunteering?

Volunteering is an activity that is aimed at providing free services to a person or group of people who are not relatives of the volunteer, without relying on monetary compensation. This formulation most accurately defines the meaning of volunteer activity.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no legal definition of the concept of “volunteer”. And very often this word is used in a variety of situations. For example, volunteers are people who participate in government projects and receive monetary compensation for this. Many argue that it is not volunteer work, but has the form of ordinary hired labor. According to the above formulation, volunteers can be called workers who work at well-known enterprises without pay in order to gain experience. However, such people are not considered volunteers.

Volunteering in Russia

In the Russian Federation it originated in the late 80s of the last century. Historians argue that the volunteer movement has always existed, it just did not have an official name.

In Russia, volunteering is controlled by higher authorities and regulated by legislative acts. Thus, in 1995, the State Duma adopted a law on volunteer activities, which is called “On Public Associations.” It defines the rights and opportunities of voluntary groups. In the same year, the Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” was adopted, which also regulates the activities of volunteers.

At the moment, the Russian government provides state support to volunteers. Thus, tax and other benefits are provided for voluntary organizations.

Nowadays volunteering is very popular and even fashionable. Voluntary organizations existing in Russia are mainly focused on young people who are not busy with family responsibilities and permanent work. Most often, volunteer groups are organized at universities. Thus, Russian volunteers have the opportunity to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Problems of volunteering in Russia

Recently, volunteer activities in the Russian Federation have been gaining new momentum. But, despite the positive trends, there are problems that hinder the development of volunteering. Thus, the current economic situation of the country makes it difficult to use unpaid labor. Even in Soviet times, volunteering had a voluntary-compulsory form. Participation in public works was mandatory for everyone. This approach violated the principle of voluntariness. For this reason, most Russians have a negative attitude towards such types of activities and are in no hurry to sign up as Russian volunteers.

Today it is based on young, proactive people, in whose minds thoughts of supporting and helping those in need appear.

Areas of volunteer activity

Volunteers play an important role in the life of society. In the modern world there are many problems that cannot be solved without the help of volunteers. Thus, volunteer activity can manifest itself in such main areas as:

  • AIDS prevention;
  • nature protection and preservation of the cleanliness of the environment;
  • prevention and control of smoking, alcohol and drug addiction;
  • providing assistance to the elderly, disabled people, orphans, the poor, migrants, refugees, homeless people and other people who need material and moral support;
  • improvement of streets, houses, green areas;
  • helping animals, maintaining nature reserves and zoos;
  • conducting educational conversations with young people in order to prevent free sexual relations and teenage prostitution;
  • online volunteering, exemplified by Wikipedia;
  • assistance in organizing charity concerts and various festivals;
  • providing assistance to law enforcement agencies, doctors, rescuers; for example, conducting a population survey or searching for a person lost in an unfamiliar area;
  • technical support.

Principles of volunteering

Any volunteer activity is based on ideology. Various promotions, programs and all kinds of events are often accompanied by surroundings. Typically, volunteers wear clothes and hats with the symbols of the volunteer organization. You can also recognize a volunteer by their badges. Such an ideology and adherence to principles makes the participants of the organization feel their importance. Thus, volunteers must adhere to the following principles:

  1. Always respect the rights, dignity, national and cultural characteristics of other people.
  2. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Volunteers do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  3. Always show kindness. You must not use words or expressions that may offend or harm another person.
  4. Volunteering is a legitimate way to participate in society.
  5. A volunteer always has the right to choose.

Types of volunteering

There is a classification according to which the following types of volunteer activities are distinguished:

  1. In the areas of sports, virtual, environmental, construction, agricultural, concert, cultural, educational, office volunteering.
  2. At the location of the participant of the voluntary organization: city, non-resident and international volunteers.
  3. By type of services provided and work performed: escort, transportation, communication with the blind and deaf-mute, care for bedridden patients, meeting at the train station or at the airport, serving spectators, telephone duty.
  4. By event name: festival, Olympic and Paralympic volunteers.
  5. By the number of people involved: individual, joint or group volunteering.
  6. According to the volunteer’s affiliation with the organization: school, church, corporate, university, organizing committee volunteers.
  7. Depending on the type of financing: self-sufficiency and subsidized.

Forms of volunteering

The following forms of volunteer activity are distinguished:

  1. Individual volunteering.
  2. Volunteering as part of a group of volunteers.
  3. Volunteering through a volunteer organization.

Why do people become volunteers?

People become volunteers for different reasons. The main ones:

  1. A noble idea - it reflects the principles and importance of the activity.
  2. Psychological need - many people want to do something useful for society. While participating in volunteer programs, they gain self-esteem and job satisfaction.
  3. The need for communication - for this reason, very often people look for work in voluntary organizations.
  4. Search for new opportunities and interests - volunteering is often associated with non-standard approaches and new areas of activity.
  5. Opportunity to earn money - a lot of people volunteer for financial gain. Although volunteering is considered free of charge, the volunteer still receives something, be it moral pleasure or material reward, if this is provided by the organization.
  6. Self-realization is an opportunity to improve your career. By volunteering, you can make new connections and gain respect in the community. Also, during volunteering you can develop new
  7. A desire to share their own experience - people who have experienced a financial crisis, alcoholism, drug addiction can predict and help prevent situations that happened to them.
  8. Access to resources - as a rule, volunteers have the opportunity to travel a lot, use the Internet, books, etc.


2018 in the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin has been declared the Year of the Volunteer. The decree on holding the Year of the Volunteer in Russia came into force on December 6, 2017.

Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva emphasized that the volunteer movement has great potential.

— The volunteer movement today needs to formulate a socially significant order for mass training of volunteer leaders who will be able to attract creative and thoughtful people to volunteer. To do this, it is necessary to continue to cultivate an appropriate attitude towards volunteer activities, open educational centers for training volunteers, and develop and apply a competent information policy,” the Minister believes.


The Year of the Volunteer for Samara residents is not a one-time event, but an ongoing activity. We have always been distinguished by empathy, sympathy, willingness to join in the common cause, to come to the aid of those who need it. Today, volunteerism is actively developing in Samara, various forms and methods of working with volunteers are being implemented. And a special role in the development of volunteering belongs to young people. The present and future of our city largely depends on the good energy and determination of young Samara residents.