In order to assess the personal, professional, business and other qualities of a future candidate for a responsible position, an employer can conduct a so-called interview - a “live conversation” procedure between the company’s HR manager and a potential employee.

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How it goes

The interview takes place in a format determined at the discretion of the employer.

In the vast majority of cases, the interview is carried out in a dialogue mode between the candidate and the company's HR manager. Other persons may also be present - the direct director of the company, the boss structural unit, in which it is planned to accept the employee, and other persons.

The interview structure may consist of several parts (stages), for example:

  1. Theoretical part.

On at this stage The HR manager and other persons involved in the process ask the applicant for a vacant position various questions, usually directly related to the future job.

The theoretical stage can also be carried out in the form of a written test - within a certain time, the candidate will be asked to answer 10-20 questions, choosing 1 correct option from several proposed ones.

  1. Practical part.

In this part of the interview, testers can ask the subject to solve any practical problem– starting from the banal “sell a pen” and ending with impromptu negotiations with potential counterparties.

  1. Psychological part.

After the candidate has successfully completed theory and practice, that is, demonstrated his professional quality, the most crucial stage will come.

The form of conducting this stage can be different - for example, banal questions (“What are your strengths and weaknesses”, “How much of a conflict person are you”, etc.). Or they can put a candidate in any unusual situation and see how he finds a way out of it.


As a rule, in most cases, employers “do not reinvent the wheel” and ask the same questions over and over again.

A comment

Open and closed Open ones imply giving a detailed answer (for example, “Tell me briefly about yourself”), and closed ones imply only “Yes” or “No”
Suggestive An example of such a question is when an employer talks about the company’s extensive activities in other cities, and at the same time asks how the subject feels about long business trips.
Behavioral With their help, it becomes clear how the employee acted in a particular situation.
Projective Giving an answer to them involves using the experience of other people through the prism of your own opinion (example - “Describe a good employee”)
Biographical Questions that reveal some facts about the personal life, family, habits, and passions of the future candidate
For logic or intelligence The answer to such questions is not always obvious - with the help of such questions, the ability to think outside the box and quickly find a solution is tested.


3 main questions and answers to them:

Question No. 1. “Can you tell us about yourself?”

You should begin a consistent narrative (briefly) about your life - starting with school years and ending with the present tense. Of course, you shouldn’t get too carried away and tell private moments from childhood or youth.

Question No. 2. “Why do you want to work for us?”

The employer is most likely tired of hearing the phrase “Your company is the best, the salary is the highest, and the staff is the friendliest” again.

Therefore, it is necessary to specifically express the goals of employment specifically for this position, identify possible changes that await the company with the arrival of a new employee and practical ideas that, after the conclusion employment contract can be implemented immediately.

Question No. 3. “Have you had any conflicts at previous places of work?”

Most employers need a stress-resistant employee with adequate self-esteem, capable of competently finding a way out of any situation. conflict situation. Therefore, it cannot be said that at the previous job there were serious conflicts, the bosses “didn’t give way,” and colleagues every now and then “cast disapproving glances.”

It is better to limit yourself to a general answer - “Conflicts happen in any team, and I have always tried to find a compromise solution, taking into account both my own and others’ opinions.”

Examples of non-standard questions

Non-standard questions in a job interview are questions of a tricky nature, to which it is practically impossible to give an unambiguous answer. This should also include various questions on logic and associations.

IN.: What would you do if sharp drop demand for your product if you were the head of the company?

ABOUT.: I would explore new markets for this product, analyze the factors that led to the drop in demand, and give the task of changing the nature of production in connection with changed conditions.

IN.: Your previous position was higher than the one you are currently applying for. Maybe you should go for a more qualified and paid job?

ABOUT.: Sometimes you need to take a step back in order to achieve success. The previous position is radically different from the current one, so I will only be glad to start all over again, showing myself at my best.

IN.: Imagine that you have been working for us for a long time, but have not received a promotion. What is your reaction to this?

ABOUT.: The main thing is to constantly learn new things and grow as a specialist in your position. After all, all companies have their own policies for promoting their employees, and I am sure that yours will suit me completely.

What not to ask an applicant

Some issues are taboo for employers.

In particular, on the basis of Art. 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to refuse employment depending on religious affiliation, pregnancy status, racial, ideological or national affiliation, as well as on the basis of financial, family or social status.

Accordingly, in order not to make an unfavorable impression on the future employee, the employer should refuse questions related to religion, nationality, sexual preferences and orientation.

Also, you should not ask questions that could put the candidate in a deliberately “uncomfortable” position.


Depending on the position, the employer may ask specific questions specific only to this profession.


In addition to standard questions, the potential accountant will be asked those that are directly related to professional activities, for example:

  • who can conduct simplified accounting;
  • deadlines for submitting electronic reports;
  • what programs are designed for accounting and how to use them;
  • laws governing accounting;
  • basics of tax legislation, etc.

Sales Manager

A sales manager is a person who manages a group of salespeople and also deals with direct sales.

Accordingly, it is important for him to have both the ability to sell, find contact with people, and organizational skills.

Therefore, the range of questions will be quite wide:

  • about previous work experience, including in management positions;
  • non-standard, for logic, intelligence;
  • psychological, etc.


When hiring a lawyer, they may be tested on the law or asked to resolve some case from judicial practice.


A citizen who knows what GDP and parity are purchasing power, is still far from an economist. Therefore, the questions will be private (examples):

IN.: What is the difference between profitability and profit?

ABOUT.: Profit is an absolute value, and profitability is expressed as a percentage.

IN.: What ratios belong to the group of financial stability ratios?

ABOUT.: Autonomy, ratio of borrowed and equity funds, maneuverability, security own funds, the ratio of mobile and immobilized means.


A salesperson is an employee for whom the most important are certain psychological personality traits, for example:

  • stress resistance;
  • the ability to easily find common language with people;
  • lack of aggressive personality traits, etc.

Accordingly, the questions will be more on psychology, on identifying the candidate’s ability to work in a team to achieve the “common good,” that is, fulfilling the sales plan.

So, when applying for a job, an interview is possible. Questions can be standard, logic, tricky, about personal life, about previous work. It is important for the candidate to prepare answers in advance to increase the likelihood of success.

Almost every large and medium-sized enterprise needs economists, and large companies and corporations can include entire economic departments with many employees. The great economists David Ricardo, Adam Smith, Malthus Thomas founded economic theory not so long ago, and this young science continues to develop thanks to young and experienced economists.

Testing also happens in offices, and it can be combined with an interview, and then the test for an economist interview begins before or after the interview itself. Several interviews are conducted, these are interviews with representatives of the HR department, employees and heads of departments in which vacancies are open.

What an economist should know during an interview: what questions are asked when selecting for a position, what to ask

The first option is to take a full five-liter jar and pour some into a three-liter jar - 2 liters will remain. Then pour all the water out of the three-liter jar and pour the remaining 2 liters of water in the large jar into it. Then fill the five-liter jar again and pour some into the three-liter jar. Since the small jar is already partly full, only one liter will fit in it, while the large jar will have 4 liters left. Problem solved.4

As for experience, it is better for you to hire a specialist who has previously worked at an enterprise of the same level as yours. If you are not ready to hire young specialists for training. But the latter must be done either independently or with the help of the existing analytical department.

I will listen carefully to all reviews about my previous work - negative ones will alert me. I will definitely ask the applicant about the reason for dismissal. I am impressed by people who quit not because of their inability to establish contact with colleagues or superiors and not because they were conflict-prone, but who showed a desire to grow, gain new skills, knowledge, broaden their horizons, and strive to establish themselves.

Thus, an economist is someone who worked at a large enterprise, because on small businesses It is expensive and unreasonable to maintain an economist. If they exist, they usually perform the functions of an accountant. And this is just a person who performs the operation of copying papers from payment orders and prepares small reports. Therefore, if you hire a specialist for large enterprise with work experience, it is advisable to hire an employee from a similar level.

Interview Questions

But for police applicants, everything is not so simple, since a police officer must have not only strong principles and good physical fitness. But also have stress resistance, quick reaction in difficult situation, sociability, analytical mind and many other qualities, since not only the implementation of legal norms, but also the honor of the uniform, as well as proper assistance to victims, sometimes with weapons in hand, will depend on his actions.

Naturally, many applicants prepare for the above questions and mostly give positive answers, the purpose of which is to demonstrate a sufficient degree of interest in future cooperation. That is why many employers are developing an additional list of questions that will help clarify the data received, as well as assess the personal characteristics of the future employee.

What questions are asked at an interview and how to answer them

At interviews, women are often asked if they are going to have children in the near future, and if they already have small children, they are interested in who will look after them during illness. It is better to answer that you are not planning a pregnancy in the near future, and your grandmother, nanny and other relatives will look after the children.

My mother recently interviewed for a position at a jewelry company. In the questionnaire, you were asked to write down your shortcomings and advantages, 5 names in each column. She even wrote more than five advantages, but among the disadvantages she indicated that she has a hard time getting up in the morning and likes to sleep longer, and that she does not know how to work on a computer. Although knowledge of the 1c program was required to work in the desired position, my mother was hired anyway, and now she was trained on the job.

What questions are asked at an interview?

Most often they are interested in whether the candidate for the position has ambitions, since without them the person will be unenthusiastic about the job. Employers always need valuable personnel. If you don’t know what questions to ask an employer during an interview, you still need to show your complicity. Because a candidate who answers with standard phrases and does not show complicity is unlikely to attract attention.

A manager is a person who brings money to the entire company, but despite the abundance of such workers, truly valuable personnel A little. During the interview, you should ask yourself questions about what kind of work schedule is expected and whether there are any delays in payments.

20 questions that are asked at an interview

This is the best question for a candidate to, without false modesty, name his main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must demonstrate his ability to persuade, emphasizing his advantages. It is bad if the candidate answers this question with weak arguments and cites his formal biographical characteristics.

When a candidate answers a question, pay attention to the following: - formally sets out biographical data or immediately lays out “trump cards”, emphasizing his desire and ability to take this position; - states only the main thing, that is, talks about his qualifications, experience, responsibility, interest, hard work and integrity, or cites irrelevant facts; - speaks briefly, accurately, clearly, or mumbles for a long time and expresses his thoughts poorly; - behaves or speaks calmly, confidently or unsure of himself.

Selection of an economist

Thanks for the info. I am not unique in my demands, which is nice. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is the basics of economic knowledge that is taught at the university. The level of an economist requires an understanding of the meaning of filling out forms, because The data distribution procedure itself cannot be formalized. Otherwise, a computer would be more efficient than an accountant. The work of an economist is not routine work.

The level of training of economists in universities leaves much to be desired, and not every company offers practical knowledge. Even experience as an economist does not guarantee that a person has the necessary knowledge and is not just performing given actions. And an economist is a thinking profession 😀 as mentioned above.

Marketing specialist interview and economist interview

The recruiter also needs to be extremely careful and not allow the so-called “professional applicant” to attend the interview - a person with an outstanding resume and who knows how to pass interviews, but in fact does not have the required professional skills.

At an interview with an analyst, as well as at an interview with a marketer, it is necessary to find out how high the level professional knowledge applicant. This can also be done using professional issues. However, in preparation for an interview with a potential firm analyst, it is necessary to speak with the company's expert on this issue and find out exactly what duties the analyst will perform. This is due to the fact that analytics is a broad field of activity and it is quite difficult for a recruiter to navigate it without outside consultation.

11 interview questions you need to know the answer to

11 basic interview questions and smart answers to them can be found here. How to answer complex and non-standard questions to please the employer? What questions the recruiter will ask depends on what position the employee is being hired for, however, as a rule, there are standard set Questions that are asked to all applicants will be discussed below.

When answering this question and other questions from the interviewer, remain calm and speak in a confident tone. Tell us what will be important for the employer to hear: place of study and specialty, work experience, knowledge and skills, interest in this particular work and personal qualities - resistance to stress, learning ability, hard work. This point is discussed in more detail in this article, which provides an approximate story of the applicant about himself, as well as recommendations on how best to answer.

05 Aug 2018 2984

Economists are in demand in companies where it is necessary to control costs, correctly calculate funds, where constant analysis is required economic activity enterprises. Features of the profession, duties and limits of liability require a special set of economists personal qualities, professional skills and knowledge, the presence of which contributes to career success, and the absence, accordingly, is harmful.

What personal qualities does an economist need?

Competence in the profession, of course, is more important than the psychological traits of the employee, however, the employer also pays attention to them. A person may know his profession well or even far exceed the required minimum, however, if he does not possess a number of necessary personal qualities, and, therefore, does not work for pleasure, his productivity is unlikely to be impressive. Worse yet, it can negatively affect the rest of the team.

Let's try to create a generalized portrait of an economist, formulating it into a list of characteristic personal qualities. So, a typical economist:

  • diligent, neat and attentive. The profession requires intense and painstaking work, most often related to paperwork and calculations;
  • has an analytical mind and scrupulous mathematical and logical thinking, knows how and loves to work with numbers;
  • knows how to quickly concentrate in any situation;
  • emotionally stable, because activities are often associated with stress, urgent preparation of reports, analysis of large volumes of information in short time;
  • principled, honest and responsible. Otherwise, a professional economist, constantly seduced by his proximity to financial flows, can quickly turn into a good swindler.

What should an economist know?

If the listed personal qualities can be called necessary for any economist, then in terms of knowledge and skills, what is common to all economists is, in fact, a higher economic education, then the set of knowledge and skills depends on the corresponding directions. For financial management you need one thing, for analytics - another, for statistics - a third, for an accountant - a fourth, etc.

Nevertheless, let's try to outline the general minimum knowledge for a typical economist. So he should know:

  • procedure for developing financial annual plans and various business plans;
  • clearly know and follow the order and time of all financial statements;
  • procedure for developing materials, financial and labor costs;
  • market methods of farming, all technologies used in production;
  • all methods economic analysis and statistical accounting;
  • the economist must determine economic efficiency new technologies introduced into production;
  • all rules for the preparation of materials when drawing up contracts;
  • all methods and methods of performing computational work;
  • accumulated foreign and domestic experience in rational organization economy in market conditions;
  • labor legislation standards.

What should an economist be able to do?

  • An economist must own foreign languages, and knowledge in English often is if not prerequisite, then significantly affecting the level of wages.
  • An economist must have excellent computer skills and everything necessary for work software(most often these are 1C products). Due to the fact that all calculations in modern realities have long been carried out using a computer, and not wooden abacus, computer science is one of the main and compulsory disciplines in economic universities.
  • An economist must understand all the intricacies of planned economic work.
  • An economist must understand the management of all accounting documentation.
  • An economist must understand all complex legal acts, regulations and orders.
  • An economist must be able to defend the interests of his company.

Before entering an economics major, you need to decide what exactly attracts you in economics and business, choose a direction that matches your personal interests and qualities. The admissions committees of economic universities will help you make your choice. In addition, large economic universities, such as, for example, the Financial University, often hold open days for applicants, where applicants can get all the information they are interested in and make the right decision. Contacts of the admissions committee and announcements of events for applicants can be found in the relevant sections on the websites of educational institutions.

First of all, it is necessary that education be received in a respected and self-respecting educational institution. And not at a recently opened faculty of a university that initially had nothing to do with economics. Very often, such faculties are opened by institutes or local universities to receive money. And, more often than not, such universities produce low-quality accountants, and not economists, who were initially assigned to this specialty by their parents. If you doubt the authenticity of the applicant's diploma, then this will not cause you big problems. Since 2014, there has been a Federal Register of Diplomas in Higher Education, in which, through electronic request to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, you will be able to obtain the necessary information about the document provided. As for experience, it is better for you to hire a specialist who has previously worked at an enterprise of the same level as yours.

Interview for the position...

Of course, such answers reduce the chance of getting a position.

  • Which animal do you associate yourself with? One applicant for the position of assistant, answering this question, compared herself to a duck. And she motivated the answer by the fact that a duck with an imperturbable appearance is capable of persistently floundering under water in order to achieve its goal.

    It should be noted that such a valuable quality did not go unnoticed, and the girl received the desired position, where she proved herself well.

  • What questions do you have for me? There must be questions! Passivity during an interview will most likely not work in your favor.

Preparing for an interview: 10 tricky questions

Interview with an analyst At an interview with an analyst, just like at an interview with a marketer, it is necessary to find out how high the level of professional knowledge of the applicant is. This can also be done through professional questions.


However, in preparation for an interview with a potential firm analyst, it is necessary to speak with the company's subject matter expert and find out exactly what duties the analyst will perform. This is due to the fact that analytics is a broad field of activity and it is quite difficult for a recruiter to navigate it without outside consultation.

Interview for the position of economist

Example 2 Several children stayed at school for an after-school period. One of them drew very well and quickly, and as a result the teacher gave him a task: to draw all those students who cannot draw themselves.

The boy thought and could not understand whether he should draw himself: If he can draw himself, then he should not do this; But if he does not do this, then he should draw himself. What should the boy do? Answer: Ask a clarifying question to the teacher. This problem creates a situation in which there is no solution, because there is no additional conditions, through which a meaningful answer could be found.
And with its help, you can see whether an economist can determine how much data will be enough for him to solve a given problem.

Interview Questions

It’s difficult to answer this question: the company has exhausted real opportunities for your professional and job growth, and you don’t want to stop there, etc. [CV Kyiv, CV Bila Tserkva, CV Vinnitsa] How do you imagine your position after a few ( 3-5) years? Answer something like this: I would/would like to work in the same company, but in a higher position. What salary are you expecting? If the interviewer asked this question at the beginning of the interview, it’s better to try to avoid answering.

Say, for example, that you don't feel the need to discuss salary in the first place. If the employer insists, then name the amount that suits you and corresponds to the capabilities and standards of the company. What else would you like to know? You should not say that you have no questions, even if everything is clear and understandable to you.

Test for economist when applying for a job

Examples of thinking tasks: Example 1 Draw 4 liters of water if there are only two cans at your disposal: one for 3 liters and the other for 5 liters. Answer: The first option is to take a full five-liter jar and pour some into a three-liter jar - 2 liters will remain. Then pour all the water out of the three-liter jar and pour the remaining 2 liters of water in the large jar into it. Then fill the five-liter jar again and pour some into the three-liter jar.

Since the small jar is already partly full, only one liter will fit in it, while the large jar will have 4 liters left. Problem solved.4 The second option is to take a full three-liter jar and pour it all into a five-liter jar.


Then pour out all the water from the large jar and pour in a liter of water remaining in the small jar. Then fill the three-liter jar again and pour the water into the five-liter jar.

You will get 4 liters. The problem is solved.

Marketing specialist interview and economist interview

    Why did you decide to change jobs?

  • How would you describe yourself?
  • Why are you interested in working for our company?
  • Where do you see your career in a year?

Interview for the position of economist Without additional economic education, it is quite difficult to interview a candidate for the position of economist. Therefore, when preparing for this event, it is necessary to clarify the employer’s requirements regarding:

  1. The applicant’s education (for example, higher economics and additional legal courses);
  2. Tenure and work experience (for example, from five years in large organizations);
  3. Last place of work (what were the reasons for dismissal and what were the responsibilities).

If you have any doubts about the list of questions to ask at an interview, check with experts).

Questions for an economist at an interview

Factors such as:

  • appearance- it’s best if you wear clothes that are close to the classic office style;
  • behavior - calm and restrained, with competent speech without unnecessary talkativeness;
  • level of knowledge is good if the person answered most of the questions related to his specialty, and also does not belong to those who can quickly leave your company under the influence of circumstances.

For example, you should be more careful if in front of you is a very young man who has not served in the army and has not received a white ticket, or a young girl who has recently gotten married and is planning to have children. The information presented in this article is only a basic and minimal guide to action when hiring an economist. It is best to entrust this work to competent HR specialists who have enough experience and knowledge.
If a person has a job title of “deputy department head” with 5 years of experience and applies for a manager position, this is completely normal. If a specialist applies for a vacancy as a head of a department from the position of a leading economist, i.e. Having passed a couple of steps, then, as a rule, enterprises do not meet him halfway.

Quite recently, a girl who could not get the position of head of a bureau in her previous job came to replace us as a leading economist from exactly the same position. She even agreed to an equivalent salary, but with the prospect of getting the desired position in six months.

If she passes probation, we will be able to set her the salary accepted at the enterprise, and three months later, having seen her zeal for work and having no complaints about her, I will work for her promotion.
You need a company and a route so as not to be late; - Make a list of expected questions and prepare answer options; - Consider a convincing motivation explaining your desire to work in this particular organization; - Prepare copies of all necessary documents, certificates of education, professional resume. - Prepare a list of names and telephone numbers of people recommending you, of course, having previously agreed with them; - Prepare a list of questions that you will ask if you are given such an opportunity; - Prepare brief and specific examples showing your attitude towards the job and evidence that you have the qualities necessary for this vacancy; - Make sure that you have enough time for the interview and that you are not nervous if it drags on; - Prepare specifically for the discussion of the issue of remuneration.

  • Who is our company's competitor?

To determine the level of professionalism of a marketing applicant during an interview, you should ask the following questions:

  • When is benchmarking used? (in a situation where it is necessary to study the technology of production and marketing of a product at the best enterprises in its sector)
  • What is considered the main object of study for a marketer? (needs of people - consumers of goods and services, as well as ways to influence needs and requirements)
  • How to correctly decipher the abbreviation FMCG? (Fast Moving Consumer Goods, or fast-moving consumer goods)
  • What doesn't a marketer do in a commercial company? ( multi-level marketing or network marketing)

Additional questions to determine the level of professionalism of a marketer during an interview can be found here.

Have a good education and great experience Many workers can work in one field or another, but high qualifications are not always accompanied by the ability to get along with a team or the ability to solve assigned tasks in difficult situations. It is for this purpose that almost every applicant for a vacant position undergoes an interview, the purpose of which is comprehensive assessment both professionalism and psychological attitude.

Why is an interview necessary?

In accordance with current legislation, each applicant for a vacant position is required to provide only information that proves his identity, as well as qualifications and nothing more. That is, conducting an interview is not a legally established norm, but, nevertheless, only through communication with the job applicant, the future employer can determine whether he is suitable for the vacant position or whether difficulties may arise, which of course it is desirable to avoid.

Let’s say it is very important at the initial stage to determine what size the applicant expects, because the size of the remuneration depends on the desire to work fruitfully, or to just be present and sluggishly perform one’s duties. Or what priorities the future employee is guided by, is he ready for career growth and corresponding efforts, or is this job for him only a temporary solution to financial problems.

It should be noted that the interview is conducted not only by the applicant himself, but also by the company, since in the process of communication the applicant vacant position also has the right to ask questions. Let's say about company policy, about overtime work, about the rules of behavior in a team and about many other nuances that will be present in the workplace, and in fact, on which the applicant’s answer will depend.

Construction principle

The successful activity of each company directly depends on the professionalism and personal qualities of its employees, which is why when selecting applicants is being developed own structure preliminary survey, the main explicit principles of which are maximum reliability of data and objectivity in selection, and the hidden principles of psychological selection, which is not always objective.

The fact is that you can first assess the professionalism of a future employee based on the documents presented, for example, a diploma, or, but you can understand how well the applicant will “fit” into the team and work effectively only through personal communication, which is conditionally possible divided into three stages:

  • "First impression";
  • "Test of professionalism";
  • "Psychological probing."

As a rule, the first impression is formed within the first minutes of communication, during which the appearance, timbre of voice and psychological mood of the parties are assessed. After preliminary acquaintance, the purpose of which is to establish contact, smooth transition for discussion professional activity, during which the parties check the reliability of previously received data and evaluate the conditions for future cooperation.

And at the last stage, both the applicant and the employer, after analyzing the data received, ask clarifying questions, the purpose of which is to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as hidden motivation. After all, in essence, the future employer wants to make a profit at the expense of the employee with the least losses, and the applicant just wants to earn a decent income.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Basic questions asked during an interview

Each employer aims to make a profit in any area of ​​the company’s activities, including when attracting employees who are promising, which is why the questions are based on the principle of the attractiveness of the company itself and the employee’s ability to devote themselves.

Usually, the following questions are asked first:

  1. Why are you interested in our offer and what do you know about our company?
  2. Why do you want to work with us?
  3. What heights would you like to achieve and what are you willing to risk or sacrifice?

The purpose of these questions is to identify the degree of interest of the employee in cooperation with this particular company, as well as the possibility of attracting overtime work, performing additional responsibilities in order to obtain maximum returns for the benefit of the company.

Then follow questions about the employee himself:

  1. What experience do you have in this field?
  2. Why did you quit your previous job?
  3. What was your salary at your previous job?
  4. How much do you value your work to date?
  5. What will the company gain as a result of cooperation with you?

At this stage of the interview, the applicant’s expectations from future cooperation are assessed, as well as his work experience in the previous place and the possibility of problems arising based on the applicant’s previous experience and, of course, the company’s profit in the future.

What can an employer ask directly?

Naturally, many applicants prepare for the above questions and mostly give positive answers, the purpose of which is to demonstrate a sufficient degree of interest in future cooperation. That is why many employers are developing an additional list of questions that will help clarify the data received, as well as assess the personal characteristics of the future employee.

As a rule, for professional clarification of the nuances cooperation follows the following questions:

  1. Tell us a little about yourself.
  2. Assess your strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Tell us about your career plans in the next 5 years, both professionally and personally.
  4. How do you cope with stressful situations?
  5. What's your dream job? If possible in more detail.

The purpose of these questions is to identify the applicant’s top priorities, his psychological background, as well as the opportunity to identify weaknesses, which can then be exploited in the event of a favorable outcome. Of course, more questions may arise, and they will not necessarily be clearly divided into topics, since the future employer will test both consistency of thinking and ability to be cunning, and speed of reaction or the ability to solve complex problems in an extreme situation.

In particular, generally meaningless questions or small tasks, or perhaps situations, may be asked with the sole purpose of identifying the employee’s ability to respond correctly. Let’s say, during an interview for a sales assistant position, they might ask how much an elephant costs? This does not mean that the applicant must immediately give the correct answer, but he must be able to show that he can cope with any buyer and his requirements, for example, using humor or changing the topic in a painless way.

Possible answers to these questions

Not all applicants are ready for additional questions from the employer, since it is not always clear what they ultimately want to hear from them. Let's say you can tell about yourself much, but not all, which is why many get lost. The purpose of this question is to clarify the applicant’s priorities. For example, you can say, I'm married, I have two children, and then I have an accountant degree and 10 years of total experience.

Thus, from the answer we can conclude that the priority is family, not career growth.
Or in the matter of the weak and strengths You can’t say that everything is perfect and at the same time, you don’t want to make a bad impression by listing your shortcomings. Therefore, it should be noted that the wife knows best about the shortcomings, and professionally there is a desire for self-improvement, which a former employer can confirm. In any case, a diplomatic response, as well as a small amount of humor, will only be beneficial.

To the question about future plans It is best to answer boldly, mentioning the desire for career growth and advanced training, as well as self-realization in this particular industry and company. Naturally about personal plans It’s best to mention it in passing, since the desire to have a second child or buy an apartment is unlikely to please the employer and will not be appreciated.

To the question about stressful situations It is best to choose a diplomatic answer, because frankness about relieving stress with alcohol or cigarettes is unlikely to be acceptable. Therefore, you should either laugh it off or choose a standard answer, such as a walk in the park or knitting another sweater.

And here's the answer O better work is worth thinking about, since in most cases the idea of ​​free earnings and minimal employment is unlikely to correspond to the expectations of future management, which is why it is worth mentioning interesting work, communication with interesting clients, career growth and of course high pay labor.

When passing an interview, there is no need to be disingenuous, because everyone understands that, in essence, the applicant is a seller who sells his services, and the future employer is a buyer who strives to receive a quality product in exchange for his money.

That is why questions need to be answered clearly, but without fanaticism, do not withstand long pauses, as this will be regarded as an attempt at deceit, and of course behave confidently, because a weak and insecure person is unlikely to be a good worker.

List of questions to ask the employer

Of course, the applicant also has the right to ask questions, but again with great caution, since the result of further employment will also depend on the order of questions and, of course, on their meaning.

Under no circumstances should you start interview with questions about size wages, since the employee is expected primarily to perform duties, and not to receive remuneration for work.

That's why questions should be set in the following order:

During the interview under no circumstances should you be insistent and demand details, since such an attitude will only make you wary, you need to remember that everything will become clear in the coming working days, and that everyone has the right at any time, especially at the initial stage and during.

How to ask an employer the right questions during an interview, watch the following video:

Questions from a psychologist

Unlike the personnel officer, who mainly conducts interviews, the psychologist constructs his questions in a completely different way and, of course, is interested in the personality of the applicant, and not in his professional skills.

Let’s say a psychologist may not ask questions, but offer several situations or tests, the purpose of which is to identify the psychological state of the applicant. Construction of color schemes or logical chains, it is possible to solve the simplest problems, the purpose of which is to manifest analytical thinking, psychological state, and possibly reaction speed or stress resistance.

The psychologist will pay attention and on the applicant's behavior, for example, on the degree of nervousness, gestures, timbre of voice, composure and willingness to cooperate. That is, active gesticulation or nail biting, as well as possibly nervous laughter, are unlikely to do any good. That is why you should behave as calmly as possible, but seriously, since frivolity can also have detrimental consequences for the applicant.

Nuances when interviewing for various positions

As a rule, an interview is conducted not only to determine professionalism and personality traits character, but also to identify the qualities and skills that an applicant for a particular profession, the features of which are the main ones, must have.


As a rule, applicants for the position of accountant are tested by both psychologists and personnel worker and of course Chief Accountant, since a specialist in this industry must be able to not only work with numbers and special programs. But also have an analytical mind, possess punctuality, accuracy and, of course, responsibility, because we are talking about financial situation company and access to information that is often a trade secret.


When selecting a lawyer for a vacancy, a special approach is also used, since it is the lawyer who will subsequently be the face of the company when making decisions controversial issues, both in court and in negotiations with business partners. Naturally an applicant in addition to knowledge legislative framework must have communication skills, the ability to win people over, as well as confidence and a presentable appearance.


The peculiarities of conducting an interview for an economist are not only the collection of personal data or professional achievements, which is relevant for many other professions, namely skill testing. For example, enterprises or labor costs in a certain industry, knowledge of the economic market and the latest news in the economic sphere, as well as much more, because it is impossible to evaluate an applicant based on two lines in a resume, but knowledge of the course valuable papers or the top 10 most profitable companies will be assessed immediately.

Sales Representative

The interview of a sales representative, whose responsibilities include communicating with clients and attracting new ones, also has its own nuances. This requires communication skills, perseverance, and determination. Must know Sales Representative and sales markets, methods of increasing profits through sales. And of course, a specialist in this profession must have creative thinking and an attitude only towards positive results.

In the police

But for police applicants, everything is not so simple, since a police officer must have not only strong principles and good physical fitness. But also have stress resistance, quick reaction in a difficult situation, sociability, analytical mind and many other qualities, since not only compliance with legal norms, but also the honor of the uniform, as well as proper assistance to victims, sometimes even with a weapon in hand, will depend on his actions.

In the bank

When conducting interviews for bank employees, the selection is carried out, perhaps, in the most stringent manner, since we are talking about access not only to client base data, and accordingly their financial capabilities and cash. The applicant may be subjected to testing and a thorough check, as well as a lie detector test, since only in this way can moral stability and readiness to fulfill his duties in accordance with the law be revealed.

Conducting an interview, of course, is not mandatory for employment, but since only through personal communication is it possible to identify all the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant, this type testing is used almost everywhere and not only in our country, but also abroad. After all, only in the process of communication is it possible not only to win over a person, but also to understand how ready he is for fruitful cooperation.

For questions during the interview, watch the following video: