Despite the wide variety of automobile stores and the availability of spare parts, many domestic consumers are attracted by favorable prices for used parts that have been dismantled from used cars.

There are quite enough reasons to buy them, firstly, the quality (especially if the spare parts are original, produced by an official manufacturer), and secondly, they are very cheap, and thirdly, there is a wide variety of auto parts for any brand. As a rule, the main source of such spare parts is considered to be various automobile disassemblies and services, but here all high-quality spare parts have long been sorted and disassembled by their own employees, and low-quality or deformed ones are prepared for sale.

Therefore, opening a dedicated store for quality refurbished and used parts is considered very profitable business, moreover, if we take into account that in the domestic commercial market There are quite a few such organizations, then the only competitors will be ordinary dismantling shops and service stations.

Rent technical room for business.

To work with car parts you will need a fairly spacious room since, in addition to disassembly and assembly, you may need to long-term storage. A former agricultural or any commercial warehouse, a small industrial workshop or a large car garage is best suited for this business.

The premises must have all necessary communications connected, namely electricity and water. The inside of the building should be equipped work area to carry out the work process and store products ready for sale.

The cost of space varies depending on the location of the building. For example, in the Moscow region, the price of 1 square meter in an industrial zone is about 5,200 rubles per year. This business requires an area of ​​300 square meters. meters, respectively, the waste will be 300 x 5,200 = 1,560,000 rubles per year excluding payments for utilities. A building or premises should be rented taking into account its territorial location to the center of the district or region.

Purchase of equipment and tools.

Any activity with a car or its individual parts requires special equipment, tools and auxiliary systems. The units will require one automotive hydraulic lift, a drilling machine, a milling machine and a press. Since the work will mainly be carried out with used car parts, difficulties may often arise in processing them, so for this you should purchase several sets of small tools. In general, the most important units for business can be identified:

Hydraulic lift - 120,000 rubles;
- hydraulic press- 40,000 rub.;
- drilling machine - 37,000 rubles;
- milling machine - 55,000 rubles;
- set tools - 10,000 rubles;
- special pullers - 5,000 rubles;

The total cost of all devices is about: 120,000 + 40,000 + 37,000 + 55,000 + 10,000 + 5,000 = 267,000 rubles. The price of each unit may vary depending on the dealer or store markup. Additionally, homemade stands, stands, etc. may be required, the cost of which is not taken into account.

Operating personnel and procurement of parts.

To organize this business, you will need outside help, in particular, you need working personnel who will do the work and support the company’s activities. The selection of workers should be treated with great attention, since the rating and growth of the company depends on professionalism and skill. It is best to hire experienced specialists who have previously worked in similar enterprises. The initial staff will consist of 5 people.

Workers for the company:

Fitter fitter - 35,000 rubles;
- milling machine operator, turner - 42,000 rubles;
- auto mechanic assembler - 40,000 rubles;
- loader - 25,000 rubles;
- sales agent - 46,000 rubles;

The salary is indicated for a period of work of 1 month, respectively, the total amount for 1 month. = 35,000 + 42,000 + 40,000 + 25,000 + 46,000 = 188,000 rubles, for 12 months = 188,000 * 12 = 2,256,000 rubles.

The main raw materials for the business will be used parts, which can be purchased abroad or at border points (involved in the transportation and dismantling of vehicles). However, it is most profitable to purchase a whole car and then disassemble it. The cost of one car can depend on many factors: cleared through customs - not cleared through customs, condition, availability of serviceable components, etc. The more prestigious the brand and the better the technical condition, the more expensive the car and its spare parts and the less it is necessary to restore them.

The business itself in the field of restoring automobile spare parts is in demand, because many consumers are chasing price and quality policies. At favorable conditions trade (comparatively low prices and good quality) the business will require virtually no investment in advertising. However, for greater effect, you will need to organize the right advertising campaign.

First of all, you should create your own website on which you can demonstrate current trading positions and attract clients with discounts and favorable prices. The cost of these services will be about 100,000 rubles without other consumables.

It is also necessary to provide advertising support through the press; for this you need to submit your own ad, which can later be printed in newspapers or fashionable popular magazines. Posting and handing out small business cards also promotes business well. The cost of posting and printing in the press depends on the popularity of the publishing house and the commission of the press center.

Sales of restored parts and business return.

The main direction for selling used parts will be selling them in a special store that specializes in selling similar spare parts. In general, there are quite a lot of options for selling spare parts; for example, you can sell them through an online store, service station companies, and directly to the consumer himself.

Enough to demonstrate to customers high quality the work performed and the reliability of the restored components, which will subsequently be used by consumers.

Payback periods depend on the demand for parts.

For example, a set of spare parts for suspension for foreign brands costs about 50,000 rubles on average, provided that about 5 - 7 such sets are sold per month of sales, the profit will be at least 50,000 x 7 = 350,000 rubles for 1 month. Accordingly, for one year of work 350,000 x 12 - 4,200,000 rubles.

Main expenses: 1,560,000 + 267,000 + 2,256,000 + 100,000 = 4,183,000 rubles per year. Net profit for the first period of work will be approximately 4,200,000 - 4,183,000 = 17,000 rubles, which is quite good for initial development.

Payback for a business with these indicators is possible in 9 - 12 months.
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Having analyzed the proposals for Russian market among companies offering similar equipment for tire retreading and which are inherently trading companies, we decided to independently visit the equipment manufacturers to verify the quality of the manufactured equipment and the level technical support. Therefore, based on own experience in choosing a supplier, taking into account numerous nuances and personal practical experience in the retreading of truck tires, the RK-Raifen company is ready to provide services for the selection of tire retreading equipment using the cold method for specific

Customer requirements:

Considering the actual required performance

Possibility of retreading Super Single tires (385/65 R22.5)

Operating principle: envelopes (envelopes) or disks (rims)

And other factors.

The minimum or basic composition of the line includes the following pieces of equipment:

Autoclave (vulcanization chamber) - with a capacity from 4 to 24 tires, tire diameter up to 22.5" or KGSh, work on European system"envelope+envelope"

Roughing machine with the ability to process Super Single tires (385/65 R22.5).

Tape Applying Machine

Tire repair rack

Machine for dressing outer envelopes

Inner Envelope Machine

Container for preparing glue


Collector for collecting crumbs


Optionally, the line can be equipped with a table for belt preparation - with a cutter and press rollers, a bead expander with pneumatic and electric drive and lighting, a stand for final testing of tire strength and other equipment according to individual projects of the Customer. In addition, with such equipment, with minor modifications, it is possible to retread solid and pneumatic tires for forklifts.

For decades, most foreign countries there are successful enterprises specializing in tire retreading, in which... The most famous tire manufacturers open subsidiaries that deal with this industry. Such repaired wheels get a second life; they are sold at a low cost, which especially attracts thrifty car owners. Tire retreading is done in several ways, which boil down to “building up” a new coating. It is worth understanding the need to purchase such tires, their wear and durability.

Refurbished tires are much cheaper than new ones

Methods for reanimating old tires

In recent years, the government has been trying to optimize waste automotive production, secondary raw materials are processed as much as possible in order to further save money and protect the environment. The second “life” of used wheels after rehabilitation saves no less than fifty percent of the total costs.
Rubber restoration is carried out in two main ways:

  • increasing the recesses and further creating a pattern;
  • hot or cold restoration - building up a new tread.

In the first case, the used tire is carefully cleaned and multiple indentations are created in the first pattern; naturally, this leads to a reduction in the rubber layer. This method is not always safe, because the behavior of such a wheel is unpredictable.

In the second case, there are two options for further action:

  • hot build-up created by vulcanization, applying another;
  • cold build-up, which consists of gluing a rubber ring onto the tread.

Repaired wheels work almost identically; hot tire retreading gives a lower probability of defects, but with the “cold” method, tires can be rebuilt more than once.

The cold method is the most cost-effective process

Not all tires can be retreaded; the condition of their carcass must be taken into account. Therefore, first of all, tires are diagnosed and damage received during operation is examined. The inner and lateral sides of the tire, its beads and crowns must be as intact as possible, which will ensure further possibility of operation.

The second stage of the work carried out is the removal of the worn tread. The rubber is inserted into a special device, where it is inflated with air and the top rubber layer is removed from it. The next stage is roughening, which allows you to weed out worn out wheels. Tires subject to repair eliminate minor defects, in particular, remove cuts and punctures.

Restoring the tire tread requires certain skills; the new build-up layer is covered with liquid rubber, which allows you to efficiently and reliably remove old damage and ensure a dense tire tread. The primer is applied using a manual extruder, after which a protector is applied, which has a specific pattern. The thickness of the rubber layer is cut to the circumference of the tire when the tire is full of air.

In a special machine, the tire is folded into an envelope and put on the tube and rim. An ideally restored tire is sent for vulcanization in an automated autoclave, where the tread band is securely fixed, creating a single structure with the frame. The rim and tube used in the process are later dismantled.

Cold restoration is subsequently verified by additional diagnostics. After passing the pressure test, the tire is equipped with warranty card. In some service stations you can get a guarantee for one hundred thousand kilometers.

Is the hot method the most reliable?

The methods of “reanimating” tires have several points in common:

  • initial diagnosis of recyclable tires;
  • roughing - removing parts of worn tread;
  • basic repair of a cleaned wheel (removal of pieces of glass, metal particles).

However, although the two methods have so many similar operations, the recovery process is different. Cold retreading allows you to renew your tires large size(R14–R24). This category includes large equipment and Jeep class cars.

The hot method is carried out as follows: a simple unvulcanized rubber layer is applied to the used tire. Subsequent drawing occurs during further vulcanization. The new design is applied to the molds, which operate under pressure in the process at a temperature of 140 °C. IN lately This method is practically not used, but it is optimal for passenger tires with wheel sizes R13–R16, as well as minibuses.

Undeniable advantages and foreseen disadvantages of technology

When choosing between new tires and retreaded ones, you should be aware of all the risks that previously used tires are exposed to. The methods for restoring tires are different; such an operation requires a lot of funds, because “rehabilitation” requires specialized equipment, trained specialists and high-quality material, preferably domestically produced.

It's no secret that most car owners always focus their choice on products imported from abroad. The worn tread will be repaired Russian materials, due to which the quality of such a unit becomes controversial. It is too expensive to use foreign rubber plates.

Retreading of passenger tires is allowed with minor wear. This is only possible when the tires functioned under normal conditions, the tires did not experience heavy loads, the cord was not damaged, and there were no deformations. However, in practice this is simply impossible, which is why only a few wheels with good external characteristics. Despite the fact that sometimes a tire can remain operational for up to five years, it must constantly be inspected for aging and cracks, otherwise this can lead to disastrous consequences - a wheel with a crack will burst at any moment.

There is another significant drawback - it is not always possible to balance such a wheel.

So, if this technology has so many disadvantages, why use it? Let's figure it out, in fact, not everything is as bad as it might seem initially. accumulated in a short period of time will drive perfectly on retreaded tires. Qualified craftsmen working for good equipment, will quickly and efficiently repair such tires.

Restoring winter tires will help the owner save a considerable amount of money; specialists will be able to:

  • repair the cord using new applied threads;
  • remove microcracks by thermal sealing;
  • the most worn areas will be built up using rolling or ultrasonic examinations;
  • the new layer will be glued onto the tire so that the tire looks like new.

However, you shouldn’t ride on reanimated wheels all your life; you know that if you skimp, you’ll have to pay twice. Retreaded tires require more careful handling: it is undesirable to break the speed limit or drive aggressively. But this will not provide complete security; buying used wheels is a lottery that can provide the owner with unforeseen expenses. It is best to purchase such tires for taxi fleets or other commercial vehicles. Despite the fact that tire retreading is, first of all, a program to protect our environment, the car owner himself must decide the feasibility of such a purchase.

Every self-respecting businessman who owns a trucking company probably knows that purchasing new tires for vehicles such as trucks or tractor-trailers is quite expensive. In this article we will try to look in more detail at how tires can be restored and how you can open your own small business in this area.

Where to start first

Cold retreading of tires can be profitable. And all because this direction in business is gaining popularity. But for this business you will have to purchase special equipment. In addition, you should find out the prices for such services. Of course, all stages of this type of activity are important, but still it is the success at the start that will determine your success in the future. Since retreading car tires is primarily a business that will work perfectly even in a difficult economic situation in the country, it will still remain quite promising and tempting.

First of all, you need to start creating a business plan. It must include the following sections:

  • Conducting competitor rank analysis.
  • Calculation of basic expenses.
  • Location of this service.
  • Receipt necessary documentation.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Rent of the selected premises (with the opportunity to purchase it in the future).

You should pay attention to the fact that a professional should be involved in drawing up a business plan, since this is what will help you avoid various mistakes and gross miscalculations. But if you have little experience in this matter, then you can safely start drawing up a plan yourself.

Because cold tire retreading will help restore the rubber so that after the procedure, its total mileage will be 90% of a similar new tire. It should also be noted that the cost of surfacing will be only 70% of the original cost of new tires.

Tire retreading equipment

As we understand it, the list the necessary equipment quite small for tire retreading. But still, these units cannot be called very cheap in price.

  • First, you will need to purchase special equipment for inflating the envelope. It is designed to fix the tire tread during vulcanization. After this, the envelope will be removed.
  • Secondly, you will need a special machine. Indeed, you cannot do without a machine. It allows the application of tread tape.
  • You will also need to buy equipment for mounting and dismantling the rim and ring. An autoclave is also important. This unit is designed for vulcanization. It can be used to regulate temperature, humidity and pressure.
  • But this is not a complete list of necessary equipment. If you want to organize a successful enterprise, then the most important thing in this matter will be the acquisition of special containers that are necessary for storing liquid rubber.

    In addition to all of the above, you will need to purchase tire clamps. They will help you do your job more comfortably.

    In the future, it will also be possible to buy an ultrasonic gun. It will help turn your work into better quality. With its help, you can easily detect various types of damage.

    Everything we have listed is necessary and necessary equipment for restoring tires. It will help your business become more successful and profitable.

    Calculation of basic expenses

    Cold tire retreading income sphere. And you should include the item “Expenses” in your business plan. Let's try to figure out how much money you will initially spend and how much money you can earn in the future? But on this question It’s impossible to answer clearly. We recommend opening this enterprise in big city, with a total population of more than 50,000 people. Although this is not prerequisite, but it will still be better to have trucks. Let's say the most best accommodation this enterprise will be about large factories, workshops or mines.

    Now let’s talk about how much the equipment we need for high-quality and effective tire restoration will cost. All the equipment that we listed above, provided that it is new, will cost you approximately 45,000-48,000 thousand dollars. The amount is not small. But you don’t have to buy everything at once. First, you can purchase used machines. But you should also remember that in addition to this, you will need to obtain the necessary documentation. This procedure is also not free. The average price is 600-1000 dollars. The cost directly depends on the speed of receiving documents. To speed up this procedure, you can seek help from lawyers. You will also need cash to pay the rent of the premises where this work will be carried out.

    How much can you earn

    As we wrote earlier, cold tire retreading is a profitable activity at any time and directly depends on the current economic situation in the country. But your income can be either quite large or, conversely, small. If you spend on this business in the region of 50,000 thousand dollars, then, most likely, this amount will be able to pay off in about 5-6 months. In the worst case scenario – in 7-9 months. This will depend mainly on how you can establish yourself. Based on this, you should not take large number orders. It's best to do less work, but with better quality. This is what will allow you to get a regular clientele. Since restoring tires using this method has many advantages, and besides, the price is necessary equipment is not so large, then you can earn approximately 20-25% of net income from one retreaded tire. For example, if its price is 2000 thousand rubles, then you can earn 400 rubles. The remaining money will be used to pay for the work and necessary materials.

    Tire restoration: technology

    Our main goal is to carry out a complete repair of the tire tread and its side parts.

    • Secondly, using a special stand, the tire is checked for the possible presence of areas that cannot be repaired. They then undergo special processing using pneumatic equipment.
    • First, you will need to test the rubber using ultrasonic equipment. This will help you identify hidden damage locations.
    • The next stage of work is roughening. The main goal is to give the tire the correct shape. This can be done by dismantling the old frame.
    • The tire will then be put into a vulcanizer.
    • The last stage of work is final.

    From our description, you are probably convinced that the operating technique is quite simple. It should also be noted that the main advantage, in contrast to the hot method of tire retreading, is the ability to repair not only truck tires, but also passenger tires.

    We collect the necessary documents

    Basically, the total amount of required documentation will be limited to one license and recycling papers. In addition, you will need to start organizing your own business. It may well be a CJSC, OJSC or LLC. It is best to open an LLC, since you will need much less necessary documentation, and the registration procedure will take little time.

    In any case, you must always remember that the right decision would be to turn to professionals in this field. Or you will have to spend a lot of your time to get the required license. The best thing is to have a quality certificate, which confirms that your employees, as well as you, are specialists in this field. Of course, you will also need permits for the manufacture of these products. All these papers can be obtained from the relevant organizations at your place of residence. The main thing is to carry out official employment of your employees, take care of registration work records, and assign due vacations.

    Some useful information

    Since a tire can easily be retreaded several times, and its mileage will be around 55,000-75,000 km, this will be beneficial mainly to owners of large cars. It is worth noting that the vulcanization temperature during the cold tire restoration method will be 110-115 degrees Celsius. This will help maximize the service life of your tires. In addition, it will increase adhesion to the asphalt surface. If we try to compare this method with the hot one, then in the latter version the temperature will exceed 150 degrees. This will have a very detrimental effect on the tire frame. There is one more distinctive feature. Repeating the tire restoration procedure will not reduce the mileage. Based on this, your client will be able to drive the same distance on these tires, i.e. somewhere - 50,000 km. If the employees of your enterprise do their work more efficiently, then after the restoration process is completed, the tire will be impossible to distinguish from a new one. Your client, in turn, will see this and will probably be very pleased with this result.

    It makes sense to do this business in a city where there is freight transport and with a population of 50,000 or more people.

    Tire retreading can be carried out by: tire processing and recycling plants; tire services; motor transport enterprises; and just ordinary people who want to invest money in their own profitable business.

    To be guaranteed to make money, you need to know what there is great demand for, but not much supply. And “sew” demand with supply. What is in demand in a crisis? For a product of medium or low price, without which the consumer cannot do without. What does a person pay attention to when he wants to save money? For product good quality, but already used, and therefore not super expensive.

    Even in a crisis, people do not stop using vehicles. But the car needs to be constantly worn, and with the state of our domestic road surfaces, constantly changing the shoes of a car is a very expensive pleasure.

    Restoring old car tires using “cold” technology is a simple and profitable business.

    First, let's compare two technologies - hot and cold recovery and find out their advantages and disadvantages.

    The hot method of restoring a tire requires: 1. The presence of a vulcanizer 2. The presence of molds. It's expensive. But raw rubber is a cheap material to repair.

    With the cold method of restoring tires, everything is exactly the opposite. Such expensive mechanisms are not required (the need for investments that may not be possible immediately disappears) small business), but consumables(a protector in the form of a ring or tape that fits onto a tire) costs much more than raw rubber.

    However, in general, starting a “cold” method is much more profitable for the money.

    There is one more nuance. The hot method is used only when you receive a stream of tires of the same size. Most often, passenger car tires are retreaded using the hot method.

    The cold method allows you to work with tires of various sizes - and service heavy vehicles - which is more profitable for business. Why is it more profitable? Because heavy transport does not roll on the roads out of pleasure or prestige - its owners also make money and, in a crisis, think about how to save money and stay afloat.

    Installing equipment using the “hot method” requires significant investment. While you don’t have that kind of money, you can safely start making money using the cheaper and faster payback “cold method”. Over time, you will be able to open a “hot” service, since often these two types of work are combined in one tire service.

    Cold tire retreading technology

    First. Tire retreading is hers major renovation, in which the tread is completely restored and the side part is repaired. Modern tire manufacturers, when making their products, take into account the possibility of multiple retreads. Tires retreaded using modern methods are no different in quality from new ones and have the same mileage. After cold retreading, the tire can be retreaded many more times. After one hot retread, the tire must be disposed of.

    Next. First of all, the tire is checked using an ultrasonic scanner to find out whether the rubber has peeled off from the belt? Sherographic machines using laser technology do the same job more skillfully and accurately, and in a modern way. But these machines have one significant drawback - they are unaffordable for Russian small businesses.

    The next stage is tire inspection at a special stand equipped with backlight lamps. On it you spread the sidewalls of the tire and rotate the tire itself. Its “frame,” that is, the old tire, must be carefully checked to identify areas that are unsuitable for restoration. If such areas are found, they are marked and processed manually with a pneumatic tool.
    Next. After the inspection, the most important process begins - roughening. To do this, the tire is installed on a roughening machine. It removes the remains of the old “frame” and gives the tire the correct shape. After this, you can begin vulcanization.
    Process economics

    A few numbers. The cost of restoring a tire is 15%-25% of the cost of a new tire. And the market recommends selling a retreaded tire at a price of 60% - 70% of the price of a new one. According to retailers, the equipment pays for itself within the first few months. So far, there are only 17 similar enterprises operating in Russia. This means that our country’s market is still not saturated even by 1/10 of its possible volume. And this despite the fact that in the West, cold tire retreading is the most popular business.

    Let's see how you can make money on a standard truck. More precisely, on an order from one enterprise, which has ten such trucks in its fleet. One truck has 22 wheels and, accordingly, once a year it needs 22 new tires. Your tire remanufacturing company will earn from 2,500 to 5,000 rubles from each tire. Total: 550 -1,100,000 rub.

    Today cold method is the most popular for a number of reasons:

    1. As we have already said, it is more economically profitable to retread truck tires.

    2. Compared with hot reduction equipment, cold reduction equipment is cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

    3. When organizing a cold tire retreading workshop, a minimum of production space is required.

    4. Equipment for cold welding of the tread is universal. You will not need expensive molds for each standard size and a special tread pattern, as with the “hot” method. It is enough to have several types of tread tapes.

    *The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

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