Along with the market economy, prestigious and not so prestigious professions began to appear in Russia. The market began to dictate the demand for various specialties.

This is where the corresponding salary for this or that work came from, since demand creates supply. And in order not to make a mistake with a profession or to retrain for a higher-paid and more prestigious one, you need to monitor changes in the labor market. So, what are the most in-demand professions in 2012? Let's start our rating with the less popular ones.

Tourism specialist

The tourism business in Russia is rapidly gaining momentum. They predict a great future for him, and that is why new specialties in “hotel service and tourism” are being opened in universities. You can earn from 10 to 25 thousand rubles in this area.

Tourism manager is a sought-after profession

In addition, the demand for maids and receptionists in hotels will never decrease. In a prestigious hotel, by the way, professions with such a rather unattractive name may hide quite good money earned as tips.

Banking specialist

Banking specialists are not left behind either. Nowadays it is rare that a person does not use the services of banks. Almost everyone takes out loans or opens deposits to save and increase their own money. Therefore, financial analysts, credit experts and other financial specialties are paid quite decently.

A beginner can count on an income of 10-25 thousand rubles per month. It is worth noting that finance specialists are often required not only by banks, but also by large companies. So any applicant will have plenty to choose from.


The profession of a cook will never lose popularity. Everyone wants to eat regularly. Therefore, people who know how to handle pans and pots will always be valuable. But the rating refers to those people who manage the food preparation process.

They can receive from 35 thousand rubles. But their assistants, that is, ordinary cooks, can naturally count on more modest earnings.


Specialists with higher technical education have recently been in great demand in the labor market.

Engineer - a sought-after profession of the future

The development of new and optimization of existing solutions is estimated at an average of 40-60 thousand rubles.


The profession of a doctor today, as always, is relevant. Doctors receive a rather modest salary for their work alone. However, specialists should not get lost in large cities. As a rule, there are a huge number of private clinics there.

A doctor can choose a fairly decent place of work for himself. The most lucrative medical specialty is dentistry. The dentist's salary is 15-25 thousand rubles per month. However, in prestigious centers with a good reputation, a dentist can receive 65 thousand rubles per month. Pharmacists are also constantly in demand on the labor market. But their work is valued much less. The rate, as a rule, is 15-22 thousand rubles per month.


The rather vague word “manager” actually hides many vacancies. For example, an account manager, advertising, sales or personnel manager. All listed specialists require at least secondary specialized education. For the knowledge acquired and skills presented, the applicant can receive from 25 thousand rubles.

The exact amount of earnings depends, naturally, on responsibilities and work experience. Nowadays, recruiting and personnel specialists are most in demand. And some companies are looking for specialists to conduct training and personnel management. If you like this profession, you can take further education courses. However, people who have received higher education in this profession are more valued. A diploma will enhance the applicant in the eyes of the employer and increase prestige. It is worth noting that a purchasing manager is also among the top ten most in-demand professions in Russia. Such a person receives from 35 to 55 thousand rubles per month. This profession is unlikely to lose its relevance in the near future.


Oddly enough, but such a profession as a driver is also included in the list of the most in demand. Every self-respecting and successful leader wants to have a personal driver. This is a plus for a businessman’s reputation.

Driver is a sought-after profession that will never lose demand

In addition, today you cannot meet a single deputy at any level who does not have his own driver. A professional with impressive driving experience in a good, thriving company can count on a salary of 60 thousand rubles.


Quite popular professions in Russia in 2012 are lawyers and accountants. True, here the requests of applicants and the expectations of employers very often do not coincide. If a company plans to pay professionals in the field of accounting and law only 8-12 thousand rubles, then applicants for the position expect to receive at least 12-20 thousand rubles. However, when applying for a job, novice specialists can qualify for a salary of 7-15 thousand rubles. Further, the salary, based on their work experience, can range from 35 to 100 thousand rubles.

By the way, this also includes the auditor. That is, a person who audits accounting books, reports and documents, and also advises on the topic of setting up accounting. In other words, in Russia such a specialist can be called an accountant of the highest qualifications. Such an employee, as a rule, receives an average of 35 to 55 thousand rubles per month. It is worth noting that this specialty has regularly been among the top five most in-demand professions for several years in a row.

The most in demand profession

In first place in the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia are people who specialize in IT technologies and are aces in programming. And no wonder. Computers and high technologies have already firmly entered our lives and conquered the business sphere, so every self-respecting company has a full-time programmer.

And everyone who knows how to program has the opportunity to get a prestigious job with good earnings. By the way, 1C programmers are valued more than others. And their salaries range from 500 to 2500 dollars. The managers of large enterprises also have web programmers on their accounts.

Programmer is the most popular profession in Russia

After all, most companies that are focused on development want to have their own resource on the Internet. And here it’s not enough to write a website, you need to support it. It is precisely because of the desire to automate their business that directors are looking for talented and executive programmers. Over time, their popularity will only grow.

One way or another, 2012 is not the best time to change jobs, experts say. The situation on the labor market is quite difficult right now. Therefore, before writing a letter of resignation, it is better to think again. And if the question is about finding or mastering a new profession, then it is better to calculate the best option and study the most in-demand professions in Russia.

But there are people for whom the amount of salary is not the most important thing in life. They want to do what they love or benefit other people. We invite you to read an article about the rarest professions in the world, for which people also receive a lot of money and are very much in demand due to their rarity.
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Despite the fact that the unemployment rate in Russia has decreased slightly over the past few years, large-scale optimization in the government and production spheres creates the preconditions for an increase in the indicator. Therefore, the question: which professions will be most in demand in 2018 is now relevant. School graduates who choose their specialty study the ratings especially scrupulously.

Statistics from the Ministry of Labor

Those for whom official employment, payment of all compensation and provision of benefits provided by law are important, should pay attention to the statistics of state employment centers. Depending on the region, the first places may change, but in general the list of specialties with the largest number of unfilled vacancies is quite uniform and will not undergo significant changes in 2018.

What Russia lacks most in 2018 is:

  • builders;
  • drivers;
  • doctors of various specialties;
  • teachers;
  • engineers
  • qualified locksmiths and mechanics.

Most often, employers are looking for unskilled workers: security guards, elevator operators, cleaners, watchmen. That is, if they wish, even people who do not have a specialty can earn money.

But still, the most in-demand professions in 2018 require graduation from an institute, or at least a technical school. You can safely obtain a doctor’s or teacher’s diploma, since these areas will allow you to receive a stable (albeit small) income for many years.

Advice! If it is not possible to graduate from college, then you can get a secondary specialized education. There are not enough nurses and construction workers with a certain specialization (roofers, reinforcement workers, concrete workers) on the labor market.

It should be taken into account that trends in the labor market are constantly changing. The popularity of certain specialties can suddenly increase and just as quickly, within 3-5 years, lose their relevance. Before making a decision, we advise you to analyze not only the labor market, but also the general trends in economic development.

What specialists will be in demand according to the largest job aggregators?

Due to the fact that state-owned enterprises generally do not use private sites to find employees, and private employers are less likely to post vacancies for low-skilled workers, the unofficial list of in-demand occupations for 2018 is slightly different.

The leading categories in terms of the number of unfilled vacancies are:

  1. Sales (sales managers, distributors and sales representatives required);
  2. IT technologies (enterprises especially urgently need programmers);
  3. Accounting and accounting (they are looking for simple accountants and financial analysts).

Recruiters note the high demand for engineers and technologists. Moreover, technical specialists are required in literally all areas: from agriculture to pharmaceuticals. Builders were also included in the rating. But if they are looking for construction workers through employment centers, then requests for management personnel predominate on the sites. Employers are looking for managers with a construction background.

As for blue-collar professions, on the websites you can find current vacancies with wages ten times higher than those offered by state employment centers. The fact is that employers place high demands on applicants. To earn 60-70 thousand rubles (as opposed to 15-20 thousand offered by state enterprises), an ordinary worker must find an approach to clients, independently communicate with suppliers and contractors, and be able to read drawings. And this is not counting practical skills in working with specialized tools and equipment.

What professions are recognized as the highest paying in 2018?

No matter how in demand the specialty of builders is, everyone knows that the biggest money can be earned in other areas. The highest paid professions are concentrated in the IT industry. When reading the list, you need to take into account that the proposed fixed salaries are indicated, otherwise sales managers would be in the lead (at a small rate, employers promise stunning percentages on each transaction).

IT specialist

Dozens of new devices developed within the country will enter the Russian market in 2018. Due to the rejection of foreign experience, employers are already actively looking for their own, “full-time” programmers. Key skills: JavaScript, CSS, JMS, and XML will allow you to earn 80-100 thousand rubles monthly. But the ability to develop multi-threaded and high-load applications, independently analyze and correct errors (your own and others), and coordinate a team of specialists will bring up to 300,000 rubles per month.


Despite the fact that the market is already oversaturated with representatives of legal specialties, the level of offered salaries does not decrease from year to year. The legal profession offers hundreds of career options, from ordinary legal counsel to representation in international courts. The final salary level depends on the geographic location of the employer, the experience of the applicant, and even the presence of connections. Chief lawyers and heads of departments dealing with legal issues earn the most. The formula is simple: the larger the corporation, the higher the salary. In Moscow, the average monthly salary of a senior executive can reach 300,000 rubles.


Previously, the work of a cook was classified as a work activity and was poorly paid. But along with the development of the leisure and entertainment industry, I had to admit that a cook is a promising profession. In order to take the position of a chef in a prestigious restaurant and earn 200-250 thousand rubles, in addition to preparing haute cuisine, you need to be able to:

  • establish and support the normal functioning of the team;
  • calculate the cost of food:
  • develop technological maps;
  • control the quality of dishes;
  • work with customer complaints.

In addition to high pay, a pleasant bonus of this profession is the opportunity to eat right at work, as well as constantly improve your skills at the expense of the employer.

Aircraft commander

The demand for this profession is not too high. There are far more flight school graduates than there are available vacancies. To become an aircraft commander and earn about 250,000 rubles, you will have to graduate from a university, spend about 10 years flying 3000-4000 hours and obtain all the necessary permits, certificates and certificates. The advantage of the profession is the opportunity to see literally the whole world. And if you wish, you can try to find a job outside of Russia, with a minimum salary of 400-450 thousand rubles.


The highest paid engineering professionals work in the oil and gas industry. Despite the rapid decline in oil prices, demand for people with design skills is predicted to increase in 2018. Heads of design departments earn the most (about 200,000 rubles). At the start of their careers, graduates of technical universities are offered 40-50 thousand rubles. However, most orders can be completed at home.

It must be remembered that highly paid professions in Russia are not always the most in demand. When entering a university, it is better to be guided by your own preferences and interests.

Every year new universities appear in Russia, new professions are discovered that instantly gain popularity. The world is changing, and this directly affects the institute of personnel. What is the list of in-demand professions for 2016?

List of in-demand professions for 2016-2020: technical

Yes, the world is changing, but technical specialties still remain popular. There are not so many electricians or plumbers in the country, but there is always work for them. Where should you go to study if the applicant is not afraid to work with his hands and wants to be involved?

An employee who maintains and repairs electrical equipment. There are 6 categories of such specialists. 1 and 2 are new to the industry and get the simplest jobs. The 4th and 5th categories belong to production managers or engineers. Here we are talking about a completely different level of salaries. However, an electrician of the 6th category, who is considered a real guru in his field, receives the most.

  1. Welder.

Another sought-after master. There are also 6 categories here, on which the employee’s qualification level depends. A welder works in factories and any large industries. Plus, you can engage in private activities, because the services of a professional welder are always at a premium.

  1. Installer.

The scope of work in such a profession is truly huge, and everything depends on the profile. Installers are working on installing plastic windows, laying telephone wires, and working with electricians. The master receives a lot, but only if he has sufficient qualifications.

  1. Turner.

Such a master works primarily in a factory and is engaged in processing rotating metal workpieces. Here everything is the same as in the professions described above: 6 categories, and you can study to become such a specialist at a technical school or college.

  1. Combiners.

There has been a catastrophic shortage of personnel in agriculture for 5-6 years now. That is why people who know how to operate agricultural machinery are worth their weight in gold in this industry. They are paid excellently, and they are trained to become such masters in technical schools and agricultural institutes.

Studying the in-demand professions of 2016-2020, you can see a lot of technical specialties on the list. This is due to the fact that modern schoolchildren do not dream of becoming installers or turners. Professions such as lawyer or manager are in demand among applicants, but the market has long been overcrowded with workers of this profile. That is why analysts believe that the future belongs to technical specialties.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have a very wide choice of professions to which they can devote their lives. To begin with, you can pay attention to technical specialties. If they are not satisfactory, then applicants should take a closer look at the following popular professions:

  • IT specialists, among whom programmers, database administrators, and WEB designers are popular. The modern world is increasingly dependent on computer programs, which is why a master of this profile will always find a well-paid job;
  • financier is another in-demand profession that involves direct work with money. They work in banks, private companies, and large enterprises. They also engage in financial analytics, calculating what will happen to the economic situation of a country, city or individual company in a year or 5 years;
  • Conflict specialist is one of the youngest and most amazingly in demand professions in the modern world. Conflict experts work in private organizations, government agencies and tax services, and their immediate responsibilities include resolving emerging conflicts. Currently, 23 universities across the country are training such specialists;
  • Drivers are also always a profession in demand. The labor market especially needs specialists with category C and D licenses. Drivers are trained in technical schools, and there is always the possibility of independently obtaining a license after completing special courses;
  • engineers, especially with a combination of technical and economic education. There is already a shortage of personnel in the field of engineering. Wages in the industry are high, and specialists who understand modern technologies and production methods will be in demand in 10 and 20 years;
  • professionals in the field of nanotechnology. According to analysts, nanotechnology will soon cover the fields of mechanical engineering, space technology and even the food industry, which means people who understand this path will be worth their weight in gold;
  • Logistician is another profession in demand in the next 5 years. Russia is considered the largest country in the world, and trade is developing at an incredible pace, which means the influx of logisticians into the industry is completely justified;
  • biotechnologists who can work in the field of molecular medicine and pharmaceutical production are worth their weight in gold in the modern world. Having received such a profession, you can build a career in any country in the world.

Studying the most in-demand professions of 2016, you can see quite expected specialties on the list. The fact is that such ratings are formed on the basis of social, technical and economic changes in the world. That is why IT specialists and conflict experts are now needed everywhere, since the world is increasingly dependent on modern technologies, and the level of tension in society invariably gives rise to conflicts.

For women

Representatives of the fair sex rarely go to technical schools to obtain a technical specialty. They are usually interested in humanitarian professions. What in-demand specialties should ladies pay special attention to?

  1. Translator.

Nowadays, specialists who speak several languages ​​are in high esteem, especially if they include Chinese or Japanese. Russia continues to strengthen ties with eastern countries, which is why experienced linguists and translators who know Chinese are always needed. You can study to become a linguist at institutes and universities throughout the country.

  1. Accountant.

Despite the fact that there are too many managers and economists on the market, the specialty of an accountant is still considered extremely in demand. Such an employee calculates the company’s expenses, is responsible for tax deductions, and maintains documentation. Accountants are trained mainly in higher educational institutions, but you can also find this specialty in technical schools.

The teaching profession is always considered to be in demand, since new educational institutions are opened regularly, and there are few teachers in Russia who are passionate about their work. The government is doing everything to create comfortable working conditions for teachers, as a result of which teachers’ salaries have increased. You can study to become a teacher at pedagogical universities.

  1. Marketer.

Workers in the field of advertising, and even those with a good education, are always in price. Analysts predict that by 2020 a marketer will become one of the most in-demand professions in Russia. Such specialists are trained in higher educational institutions throughout the country.

  1. HR specialist.

Specialties with an office type of work are popular among girls, and therefore they are interested in such a profession. HR specialists are in demand all over the world and are required by all companies, because they are responsible for hiring employees. You can get a similar profession in higher educational institutions.

  1. Doctors.

From time immemorial, doctors are in demand, especially if they have specialized education. Now a doctor with a sufficient level of qualification earns a lot of money, especially working in a private clinic. Surgeons, oncologists, and dentists are in greatest demand.

  1. Environmentalists.

The environmental situation in the world is worsening every day, and therefore professionals with such education are valued both in Russia and around the world. Developing new methods for combating harmful emissions, preventing the melting of glaciers - there is work for environmentalists.

  1. Chemists.

In the next 40-50 years, the world's oil reserves may run out, and therefore alternative power sources are already being developed. A good chemist can not only work in school, but also earn a lot of money doing research that is useful for the whole world.

There are many popular specialties, which proves the vastness of the list of in-demand professions. Nowadays people prefer to work from the comfort of their home, doing copywriting, blogging and maintaining groups on social networks. However, this does not negate the fact that the education received opens many doors and new prospects for its owner.

When entering an educational institution for any specialty, most of us pay attention to the demand for the chosen profession in the next few years. How could it be otherwise, after all, after college you want to get a promising job with decent pay, because that’s the whole point of studying.

In the last 10 - 15 years, it was not fashionable to go to school and send your children to such blue-collar professions as mechanics, turners, welders, and assemblers. The faculties of law, economics and design were popular, and therefore the labor market has become quite oversaturated, and lawyers and economists are no longer in the same demand as they were in the early 2000s. But the demand for employees and blue-collar jobs has, on the contrary, increased. In this article we will look at the most popular professions in Russia 2016-2020, not only for girls, but also for men.

The most in-demand professions for the next 10 years in Russia

A profession is a type of work activity associated with the use of certain knowledge and skills acquired in the process of special training.

As we noted above, there is currently a shortage of blue-collar specialists.

For men in 2016, the following job specialties are in demand:

  • Electrician - workers who service and repair electrical equipment. There are only 6 categories, each of which corresponds to one or another duty that he can perform according to the job description. The 4th - 5th ranks are mainly held by engineers and squad leaders. Accordingly, rank 6 is the highest and most highly paid.
  • Welder - also have VI ranks. The main demand is for specialists of 3 - 6 categories.
  • Installers is the general name for workers involved in connecting and connecting the main building components. The main demand is for (installers of PVC windows, technical pipelines, electronic equipment)
  • Plumbers are specialists who install or repair sanitary facilities.
  • A turner is a machine operator who specializes in processing rotating metal workpieces. They also have 6 digits.

In agriculture, required:

  1. Combiners
  2. Agronomists
  3. Machine operators

Now it is difficult to name professions that will be in demand in 10 years, but we can assume that blue-collar or (technical) professions will always be in demand!

Also, faculties for training IT specialists are gaining more and more popularity and will continue to do so. I think many people understand that in the context of the active development and implementation of computer technologies, “IT specialists” will be in great demand, and given the decent salaries, it is worth considering this profession. By choosing this direction, you can become:

  • Programmer
  • Web designer
  • Database Administrator
  • Software developer
  • Business analysts
  • Computer security specialists, etc.

In an economic crisis, most companies will be interested in experienced marketers who can competently and quickly sell any product.

  • Teachers
  • Financiers
  • Accountants
  • Conflictologists are gaining more and more popularity.
  • Drivers

Perhaps these professions will be the most in demand in Russia in the next 10 years.

The most popular professions in Russia 2016-2020 for girls

We would like to invite girls to consider such professions as:

  1. Accountant
  2. HR Specialist
  3. Linguist
  4. Translator - knowledge of several languages, including oriental ones, is not unimportant
  5. Doctors
  6. Teachers
  7. IT specialist
  8. Journalist
  9. Marketer

In our next article, you will find out, and we have also compiled a list of the highest paid professions in Russia.

Work in the beauty industry:

  • Manicure and pedicure specialists
  • Makeup artists
  • Cosmetologist
  • Hairdresser

Having mastered these specialties, which are quite in demand in Russia, and becoming a master of your craft, you will be able to gain your own huge client base, which will only be replenished thanks to positive reviews, and an increase in the base, in turn, will lead to an increase in your earnings.

Do not forget that the market is developing very rapidly, and what is in demand today may be completely unpopular in 5 or 10 years, and vice versa.

Future applicants will find this article useful, don’t miss it!

Working on the Internet at home

At the moment, top bloggers on Youtube earn huge amounts of money. Gamers, streamers, package unpackers 🙂 gather an audience of millions. If you like to shoot videos and come up with something new, or know how to cook, then start filming the cooking process, tell us something interesting, and you will definitely have your own subscribers who will be waiting for your new videos. Don’t listen to anyone that time has passed and now it’s difficult to get promoted, yes, to some extent this is true, but it’s worth it! The main thing is that you like it, and then the result will not take long to arrive! Top YouTubers earn several hundred thousand a month!

Can “blogging” be classified as a profession? They don't teach this, do they? or teach... What is a blogger? In my understanding, a blogger is a kind of journalist, but absolutely anyone can become one! But to become successful, you need to work and work very hard! I want to say that making money on the Internet is not easy; to earn money you need to make an effort, self-development and education, because no one will do anything for you.

We hope you found our article useful, and now you know which professions are the most in demand in Russia in 2016 - 2020 for girls and men.

For everyone today who is just going to receive either higher or secondary vocational education, the question of the demand for the chosen specialty is very relevant. After all, over the past 20 years, priorities have changed significantly and economists and lawyers who were popular in the 1990s are actively retraining and looking for new jobs.

We offer our Top 10 professions of the future– these are a dozen specialties, knowledge of which will definitely allow you to find a stable and well-paid job.

10. Electronics Specialists

Gadgets, computers, robots are increasingly filling our lives. But their creation requires qualified personnel, whose task is to work on highly complex and precise equipment. A clear advantage for a holder of an electrical engineering specialty is knowledge of the English language.

9. Marketing and sales

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find consumers for a wide variety of products, which means that the demand from employers for sales professionals is growing. The most in demand are specialists who combine education in economics, law and marketing.

8. Chemists

Energy, pharmaceutical, metallurgical and medical companies demonstrate high demand for specialists in the field of chemistry. Despite the complexity of the subject, it is chemistry that opens up broad prospects for the future professional.

7. Primary school teachers

The policy aimed at increasing the birth rate is bearing fruit - the number of first-graders is increasing every year. But there is a catastrophic shortage of teachers. Therefore, it is the primary school teacher who becomes one of the most sought-after specialists.

6. Environmentalists

The safety requirements for industrial equipment, transport, and energy units are becoming more stringent. Consequently, there is a growing demand for environmentalists, who are becoming more commonplace on the staff of any large enterprise.

5. Logisticians

Transport flows, information resources, distribution of inventories - any of these areas requires the presence of a logistician. For a logistics specialist, analytical skills, systems thinking, and speed of reaction are very important.

4. Engineers

Aerobatics is a combination of technical engineering education with economic or legal education. Because Russian industry is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel in middle management. Also, the engineer’s capitalization will significantly increase knowledge of English, German, and Chinese.

3. Registered nurses

Junior medical personnel are in great demand both in public medical centers and in private clinics. Today, the current workforce is rapidly approaching retirement age, and there is a severe shortage of young qualified nurses in the market.

2. Nanotechnologies

People in this profession are engaged in the creation of nano-robots, minimalist microcircuits, and engineering at the atomic level. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find an educational institution that teaches nanotechnology at a decent level.

1. Software and hardware developers

The most in-demand profession of the future allows you to realize yourself in many areas - creating and maintaining websites, working with server systems, and developing mobile applications. At the same time, highly qualified professionals are becoming truly in demand, because There are more than enough mid-level programmers on the market.