The timing and procedure for returning to the store differ both in the methods of purchase and the reasons for refusing the transaction. A fairly common situation: after making a purchase, you come to the realization that you don’t like the item, it doesn’t fit right, or defects have been discovered that were not noticeable in the store. In this case, the buyer can return the product back. The relationship between the seller and the buyer, including the return of clothing to the store, is regulated by the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

What you need to know about the warranty period of clothing

A warranty is a period during which the buyer can return the product to the seller if it is found to be defective. Warranty periods for clothing can be set by both the seller and the manufacturer. Sales rules individual goods It has been determined that the warranty for seasonal items extends from the start of the season. The timing of its onset is determined by regions in accordance with their climatic conditions.

Example. The customer bought a fur coat in September. The seller stated that the warranty is 1 month. In this case, the buyer may object, because the season begins on November 10 (by decree of the regional governor). Therefore, the consumer can file a claim regarding the quality of the goods within 2 months, starting from November 10.

The manufacturer or seller does not always indicate a warranty period. The right, and not the obligation of the seller, is enshrined in Art. 5 of the mentioned law. In this case, you need to be guided by the norms of the Civil Code. In particular, in Art. 477 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if quality defects are found in the product, the buyer can return the item within six months. Reasonable deadlines should be followed here.

Which goods cannot be returned by law?

The law defines a list of goods that cannot be exchanged or returned. This list also includes clothing. You will not be able to return clothes to the store: stockings, socks, tights, underwear and thermal underwear. In other words, knitted or sewing clothes having direct contact with the body. This rule applies only to high-quality clothing. If a product is found to be defective after purchase, the product will be returned as usual according to the law.

Main reasons for returning

The buyer has the right to return quality clothing to the seller within 14 days. The day of purchase is not included in this period. You can return clothes to the store for the following reasons:

  • did not match the style or color;
  • wrong size.

If, after arriving home, the product is found to be defective (buttons are sewn incorrectly, there are no stitches on the clothes, uneven seams, a zipper is not sewn, etc.), then a different rule applies here. The buyer may replace or return the product during the warranty period, provided that the clothing was not used for its intended purpose. The buyer also has the right to exchange the product for a more expensive one. In this case, he will compensate for the difference in price.

How to return an item to the store

Before you go to the store to return an unsuitable item, you should:

  • inspect the product and make sure that there are no signs of wear, dirt or stains, and that the product has not been washed;
  • check the presence of tags or labels, stickers on clothing;
  • Take your passport and payment receipt with you.

If the seller refuses to voluntarily accept or exchange the goods, a statement is drawn up - a claim. Required condition: the document is drawn up on paper, in 2 copies, in writing or printed form. In the header of the document you must indicate:

  • addressee (name of the store, full name of the director or individual entrepreneur);
  • address, telephone number, passport details and surname of the buyer;
  • state the essence of the dispute in a brief, free form (date of purchase, reasons for the return or exchange);
  • at the end of the document it is worth indicating a specific requirement (replacement of clothing or full refund).

After receiving one copy of the claim, the seller must put a visa on the second copy to accept the application for consideration. The seller has 3 days to make a decision on the document. No later than this period, the seller must either exchange the product for a similar one or return the purchase price.

The seller may refuse to do anything. In this case, you need to obtain from the seller a written refusal to fulfill his obligations. The next authority will be Rospotrebnadzor (a complaint is filed) or the court (a statement of claim is filed). When going to court, a statement of claim can be filed both at the buyer’s place of residence and at the location of the store. The buyer is exempt from paying state duty.

If the receipt is missing

If the receipt is lost, it will be more difficult to return the product. But the lack of a sales receipt is not an obstacle to returning clothes to the store. This norm is enshrined in Art. 18-19 of the law. If there is no receipt for the purchase, the following may serve as confirmation:

  • certificate of another person confirming the purchase of the product in this store (mother, friend);
  • a payment receipt, which is issued instead of a check at some retail outlets.

But even if the buyer purchased the clothes alone, and no documents confirming the purchase were issued, the seller cannot refuse to accept the goods back. Otherwise, the buyer’s rules for returning the product to the seller are the same as when returning with a sales receipt.

The store can conduct an examination of the product at its own expense, and if the clothing turns out to be worn or damaged by the consumer, it can legally recover the amount of the examination from the buyer. It takes 7 days to complete. In some cases, the examination may be extended to 20 days. If during the assessment the product is found to be defective, the buyer, depending on the requirement specified in the application, will either return the money for the purchase or make an exchange for another item.

Without tag

What to do if a clothing tag is cut off or lost? The law is clear on this matter. It will not be possible to return clothes to the store without a tag, because the item has not retained its presentation. The seller has every right not to exchange the product and not return money for the purchase.

Product with defects

If the buyer purchased clothes of inadequate quality, i.e. a defect was discovered, he can:

  • exchange it for a similar one;
  • demand a reduction in the amount spent on purchasing the item;
  • return money for low-quality clothes.

Often stores may sell discounted goods that have some disadvantages. In this case, the buyer assumes the risk of purchasing such an item. If the seller indicates the reason for the discount on the product on the packaging or label, the buyer will not be able to make claims about the quality of the product and refuse the purchase on this basis.

Children's clothing

The rules for returning children's clothing are almost the same as for adult clothing. They also have a two-week return period for quality clothing. You can only bring back new, unworn items with mandatory labels, tags and stickers on the clothing. It will not be possible to return children's socks, tights, diapers, or T-shirts to the store. If children's clothing is found to be defective, it can be returned as usual.

Is it possible to refuse online purchases?

Nowadays, more and more purchases are made via the Internet, including clothing. The buyer can cancel the purchase at any time without giving reasons and within 7 days after receiving the order in hand. In this case, the seller reimburses the purchase price, but excluding the cost of shipping the clothes back.

Important! If the seller, when delivering the clothes, did not explain in writing to the buyer the right and rules of return, the consumer may return his purchase within three months.

You can prove the fact of purchasing clothes in this online store in the absence of a receipt for the goods by presenting an electronic payment receipt or other payment document. If there is a need to return clothes to an online store after receiving an order, you should make a complaint in writing and indicate the reason. By law, the seller is given 10 days to return the money for the goods to the buyer.

Online stores are obliged to full form indicate all the characteristics of the product. In addition, the law requires the website to provide complete information about the possibility of returning or exchanging products. If such information is not available, it is worth considering whether you should buy things from a store whose management does not inform customers of their rights in order to avoid misunderstandings.

It wouldn’t be out of place to mention sales in a few words. The return or exchange rules also apply to them. Reducing the purchase price should in no way affect the quality of the item. This must be remembered, since unscrupulous sellers may equate a sale with a markdown.

Buying clothes and shoes is a natural satisfaction of the needs of every person. Children grow up, and they have to buy new clothes taking into account changes in height and weight; adults also change their wardrobe depending on the changing seasons and the arrival of new fashion trends.

Unfortunately, purchases are not always successful; sometimes the quality of the purchased product leaves much to be desired, and you may not like the purchased item.

This article will discuss how to legally return purchased clothing to a store.

Can clothes be returned to the store?

Government Decree No. 55 of 1998 provides a list of goods that cannot be exchanged or returned back to the store shelf. As for wardrobe items, in paragraph 5 of this regulatory act the legislator sets out a ban on the exchange or return of underwear and hosiery made of knitwear, as well as sewing goods.

We are talking only about items of proper quality. If a consumer has purchased low-quality stockings that are defective, the seller must accept them in the store in the prescribed manner.

Is it possible to return clothes bought in a store if you don't like them? As noted above, stockings, socks, and knitted underwear of proper quality cannot be returned just because you don’t like them.

Other items may be returned for this reason:

  • suits,
  • dresses,
  • attributes of outerwear,
  • fur coats

For example, if upon arriving home the buyer realized that the product does not match the size, style or dimensions, or does not match the color. This consumer right is set out in article 25 of Law No. 2300-1 of 1992.

Rules for returning clothes to the store

First of all, shops retail outlets, where wardrobe items are offered for sale, should be equipped with fitting booths in order to reduce the incidence of items being returned. If there is no place for fitting, you can safely demand the equipment of such a place from the store owner.

The strategy and rules of behavior when exchanging goods develop depending on two cases:

  • when you just don’t like the thing;
  • when the product is defective.

In the first case, the item must be returned within two weeks from the date of purchase. The product should not lose its presentation; all attached labels and tags should be preserved if possible. There are many options to get rid of an item: you can exchange it for the same, but different model.

For example, you can refuse and insist on a refund. If the buyer requests a return cash, then the seller must do this within 3 days.

The return of clothing of inadequate quality is regulated by law. In the second case, you can return the item during the entire warranty period. If warranty card not issued, the period must be reasonable, but in any case cannot exceed two years from the date of acquisition.

Warranty for seasonal product, for example, a swimsuit, begins its life with the onset of the season.

The buyer, having purchased a defective product, can:

  • exchange for a similar serviceable one;
  • demand a price reduction;
  • demand that the defect be corrected;
  • insist on a refund.

Sometimes the seller checks the goods in order to find out who is responsible for the defective item. The inspection is carried out no more than seven days, and with additional examination - no more than twenty. If, as a result of the inspection, it turns out that the item was damaged by the buyer, then he must reimburse the costs of the examination.

Is it possible to return clothes without a receipt to the store?

If the consumer has doubts about the purchase made, then he should wait to destroy the cash register or sales receipt. When returning an item of purchase back to the store, the consumer must present his passport to write a statement, as well as a receipt.

Don't despair if your receipt hasn't been saved. You can count on the testimony of your mother or friend, who can confirm the fact of an unsuccessful purchase. The law also states that the absence of a receipt is not grounds for refusing to return the goods. But it is advisable to still keep this proof of purchase of clothing, as it is somewhat more complicated.

Returning clothes under the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

The law prescribes in detail the procedure and options for consumer behavior under different circumstances, and sets appropriate deadlines.

The grounds for claims by the buyer against the seller include:

  • poor quality of the purchased item;
  • inconsistency with dimensions, shape, size;
  • color mismatch;
  • model mismatch.

So, for example, an orange jumper ordered on the Internet, but in practice turned out to be red, must be replaced.

There is a taboo on the delivery of underwear, stockings, socks, sewing and knitwear to a store, provided that their quality is impeccable and they are not defective. If a defect is present, then the consumer can use all prescribed methods to protect their rights.

It is difficult for every person to know the provisions of the law, but it is important and necessary to find one or another norm in it in order to be able to stand up for oneself. This is exactly the kind of advice that suggests itself to the consumer.

How long can I return clothes to the store?

The time frame for returning clothes depends on the reasons for returning them back to the store. If the item is of good quality, but you don’t like it, or it doesn’t fit in size, style, or color, then you need to make a return within two weeks.

If the product is defective or defective, then the entire warranty period applies. In the absence of a guarantee, the time to assert your consumer rights cannot be longer two years. For summer sandals, the guarantee is generally established for one season, while for fur coats the period is equal to a year, or even a year and a half.

Should I return a dress with a faulty lock or not? Change a suit that doesn't match the color? Each consumer decides for himself. It is important to be able to competently and legally correctly protect your interests.

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Main responsibility Every seller is committed to selling quality products. This rule is applied by default. Therefore, in all cases of sale of products of low quality or that do not correspond to the declared functionality, the buyer can return the money or exchange the product for another one. The money can be returned at the buyer's request. In each specific case, the actions of the seller and the consumer...

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Consumer interests in our country are protected at a fairly good level. It was even created especially for this federal law— on the protection of consumer rights ( latest edition 2017 - follow the link). However, sometimes it is quite difficult to prove your rights directly to the seller. If you want to exchange a purchase that did not suit the buyer according to one of the established parameters, you must...

Now, by law, every buyer can give away the purchased product and receive money back for the following reasons: The item does not correspond to the quality that was promised by the seller; The order meets the requirements, but does not suit the buyer for certain reasons (for example, the size or color is not suitable). This applies separately to goods purchased in electronic stores. And here maybe...

Many people are interested in the question of how to return previously purchased clothes without a label to the store and can the seller refuse you this? I suggest you look into this issue finally and clarify all controversial points.

Let me give you an example: you bought some clothes (pants, blouse, jacket), 5-6 days passed and you decided that this type The clothes don't fit you and you decide to return them to the seller. In your case, the product was of proper quality, without defects, you retained its presentation and you have a sales receipt. But when you came to the store and asked the seller to take the clothes back, you were refused, due to the fact that the labels had been cut off from the clothes. But did you bring the labels along with the clothes, and is the seller right in this case in refusing to return the goods to you?

The seller is right in this case, the consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of good quality for a similar one from the seller from whom it this product was purchased if the specified product did not fit in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration (Part 1, Clause 1, Article 25 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights). The consumer also has the right to exchange non-food products of good quality within 14 days, not counting the date of purchase. Know that clothing is classified as non-food products.

An exchange of non-food products of proper quality is carried out if the product has not been used, its presentation is preserved, consumer properties, seals, factory labels, and the buyer also has a cash and sales receipt, or any other document with which you can confirm payment for the specified goods. Know that if you do not have a cash receipt or sales receipt, or any other document confirming the fact of payment and purchase, it does not deprive you of the opportunity to exchange the goods if the buyer refers to testimony, with the help of which the fact of purchase will be confirmed.

Know that a label is a type of trademark, a designation on a product in the form of a sticker, label or coupon attached to it, which will indicate data about the product (its weight, quantity, price, manufacturer, date of manufacture).

Removing this label from the product is considered a violation of the preservation of its presentation. By such actions, the consumer violates the conditions under which a return can be made. Accordingly, the seller’s refusal to accept the goods back is legal.

Therefore, be careful and when you come home with your purchases, do not rush to cut off the tags and tear off the labels, try on the clothes again, make sure that there are no defects on them, make sure that they suit you in color, size, style and other characteristics, and only after that remove all tags and labels. Know your rights. I wish you good luck!

Probably, an unpleasant situation has happened to every person when, upon arriving home, after, it would seem, happy shopping, Various shortcomings were found in the purchased product.

Inadequate quality, defects, inappropriate size, style or color of clothing - overshadow the joy of purchase and terribly spoil the mood.

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To solve such a problem, a person who finds himself in the role of a buyer must know and be able to defend the rights established by law to protect one's own interests. We'll talk about the procedure for returning clothes to a store legally in this article.

Can I return a wardrobe item?

Questions regarding the return of defective or low-quality clothing arise quite rarely.

Everything is clear here - the seller must reimburse the buyer the amount of money, spent on purchasing a defective wardrobe item.

But it happens that the purchase does not fit the person in size or simply no longer pleases them. There is a solution to this problem in legislation. A product that does not suit the buyer according to certain criteria can be exchanged for a similar one or returned to the seller.

Legislative regulations of the issue

The state protects the interests of the consumer and at the legislative level gives him the rights in matters of returning defective, low-quality goods or those that do not meet certain criteria.

Regulatory legal act “On the protection of consumer rights” regulates legal relations between buyer and seller, establishes their legal rights and obligations.

You can exchange or return almost any purchased item.

Conditions and grounds

How to return clothes to the store? Key aspects to return Clothes purchased in the store are:

  • defect detection;
  • inadequate quality;
  • inappropriate style, size or color.

The buyer has the right to exchange or return unsuitable clothing, in a certain time period established by law. Availability of a document confirming the purchase, special significance does not have.

The absence of a receipt does not give the seller the right to refuse to satisfy the buyer’s legitimate demands.

Wardrobe items that:

  • underwear;
  • stockings, tights and socks.

Any other clothes subject to exchange and return.

Rules for returning defective items

An essential reason for returning a purchase is is the presence of defects on clothing.

If a defect is discovered, if the seller did not warn about it initially, the buyer has the right, given by the legislator, to return the purchased item to the store.

You can make a return within 14 days from the moment of sale.

Discounted clothing, if any flaws are found, can also be returned to the store.

According to current legislation, the buyer has the right to demand:

  • reducing the cost of defective clothing;
  • exchange for the same or similar thing in value;
  • return sum of money, spent on purchasing clothes;
  • compensation for damage caused by the sale of defective goods.

If necessary for permission controversial situation The seller is obliged to check the quality of the clothing at his own expense. If the buyer is found to be guilty of damage to the goods, he is obliged reimburse the seller for the cost of the examination.

See how to return low-quality clothing after expiration:

Procedure for exchanging quality goods

The process of returning clothing is practically no different from the process of returning defective clothing.

If the item does not fit in size, style or color, the buyer can return it to the store within 2 weeks.

Conditions for returning and exchanging clothing of good quality:

  • the item has not been used;
  • preserved presentation;
  • presence of factory labels;
  • availability of a document of purchase.

The absence of a receipt does not matter much; the consumer can refer to witness testimony.

When returning clothes to the store, the buyer must present an identification document to the seller. It is possible that to satisfy the requirements, you will have to write the corresponding statement or claim.

The purchaser's requests for the exchange of clothing are satisfied immediately, on the day of application, if available. In the event that a similar or suitable model is not available for sale, the buyer has legal opportunity demand a refund of the money spent on its purchase.

According to current legislation, the seller is obliged to fulfill the request for a refund for the purchase within 3 calendar days from the moment of filing a claim.

What can you find out about the manufacturer from the label on the clothing? Is it possible to return a shirt that I didn’t like after the first try on at home? Why can’t you sell wardrobe items indoors without fitting rooms and mirrors? Experts from Rospotrebnadzor answered questions from website readers and prepared 7 important tips when buying and returning clothes.

Tip #1. Buy clothes with detailed information on the label

Tags on clothes with information about the product and manufacturer are not a formality or a tribute to fashion. A manufacturer who responsibly places information about their products will also care about the quality of the product itself.

Standards for marking clothing, knitwear, hats, underwear and other garments are GOST 10581-91, as well as GOST 3897-87.

The product label must contain information about the size. The dimensions must be specified in a specific order:

  • women's clothing: height - chest girth - hip girth,
  • men's clothing: height – chest circumference – waist circumference,
  • children's clothing, except for items for young children: height – chest circumference – waist circumference,
  • for toddlers: height – chest circumference.

It should also be borne in mind that international and Russian markings differ (in particular, we are talking about fundamentally different size tables).

Tip #2. Clothes that do not fit the style, color or size can be returned within 14 days

According to Article 25 F3 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, almost any non-food products of proper quality. True, there are some exceptions here. Thus, swimsuits, lingerie (underwear), stockings, socks, and knee socks are not subject to exchange or return if they suit you in terms of quality.

In other cases, goods with factory tags are accepted for exchange (it is unlikely that you will be able to return clothes without tags, although they may be cut off). In this case, the product must have an appropriate presentation and must not be worn.

When exchanging goods, it is advisable to have a sales/cash receipt. You can also return a purchase without a receipt, but only if the buyer brings a direct witness of the purchase to the store.

An unsuitable product can be replaced with a similar one (if it is available in the store or warehouse). The buyer may also request a refund, which the seller must return within 3 days after receiving the goods.

Tip #3. Exchange or request a refund for defective clothing

Found any defects or defects? Here are several options to solve the problem:

  • Replacing a low-quality product with a similar quality one
  • Replacing the product with a similar product of a different model or trademark(if the price does not match, recalculation is carried out)
  • A proportionate reduction in the price of a product that has defects
  • Free elimination of the defect by the seller or compensation for the costs of its elimination by the buyer/third party
  • 100% money back

All claims can be made during the warranty period (for 2 years, if the warranty period for the product is not specified or determined).

Having discovered a defective product, the consumer makes a claim in writing, clearly stating the requirements. One copy of the letter is given to the seller, who is obliged to certify the claim with a signature (it is possible to send the claim by registered mail with notice).

There are certain periods during which the seller is obliged to return monetary compensation to the buyer for defective goods:

  • 10 days – if we are talking about a reduction in the price of a product, compensation for self-correction of defects, or a full refund. In addition, the buyer has the right to demand compensation within 10 days for losses caused by the sale of defective goods.
  • 7 days – if the consumer requires a replacement of the product. If additional quality assessment is required, the period established by law will increase to 20 days.
  • No more than 45 days - if the buyer preferred the elimination of defects by the seller or manufacturer to a replacement or refund.

When purchasing clothing, check whether it is covered by a warranty and for how long. Please note: warranty periods for so-called seasonal clothing are usually counted from the start of the season. However, they can vary depending on the region and are often regulated by local authorities.

In some cases, clothing is subject to exchange and return within 2 years (if the warranty period for the use of the product is less than 24 months, and the buyer can prove that the product was defective from the beginning - that is, until the time of its sale).

Tip #5. Pay attention to the appearance of the clothes and the conditions in the store where they are sold.

Any clothing, hats, or knitwear must undergo preliminary inspection. pre-sale preparation(before entering the shelves, the products are unpacked, carefully inspected and sorted by the seller).

In the store/department where clothing is sold, the following conditions must be observed:

  • IN commercial premises All products must be grouped by type and size. At the same time, women's, men's and children's clothing, as well as sewing/fur products/knitwear are also located in different zones trading floor.
  • All goods must have tags or sales tapes with the appropriate markings.
  • Stores must be equipped required quantity fitting booths with full-length mirrors.
  • The quality of products is visually checked by the seller in the presence of buyers. When purchasing any product, the seller is required to issue a properly executed sales receipt.
  • Any wardrobe items are transferred to the buyer in packaged form (packaging is free).

Tip #6. Choose high-quality and safe children's clothing

When buying your first clothes for a newborn, avoid items made from non-natural fabrics. Inspect the items of the children's wardrobe for seams, knots and all kinds of decorative elements - they should be located exclusively on the outside, their contact with the baby's skin is not allowed.

Any products for newborns require pre-washing, and this must be indicated on the label.

The choice of clothing for premature newborns deserves special attention. In this case, the presence of stitched seams, buttons, knots, or any accessories in areas in contact with the skin is not allowed. It is unacceptable to purchase clothes for premature babies that are put on over the head - this can be dangerous for the baby.

You can return children's clothing to the store at general principles described in the tips above.

Once again, please note that Russian and international clothing sizes do not match. So, Russian women's sizes 40-42 correspond to international XS. Women's size 44 corresponds to international S, 46-48 to M. Owners of size 50 should pay attention to items “L”, 52-54 – “XL”. Women's clothing domestic size 56 corresponds to XXL, 58 – XXXL.

More detailed information about the exact correspondence between the sizes of women's and men's clothing in various systems can be obtained from the tables below.

Clothes for women

Russia 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
USA 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
International XS XS S M M L XL XL XXL XXXL
Europe 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Clothes for men

Russia 46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56 56-58
USA 36-38 38-40 40-42 42-44 44-46 46-48
International S M L XL XXL XXXL
Europe 46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56 56-58