Anarchy works Gelderloos Peter

Who wants to work without salary?

Who wants to work without salary?

There is an opinion that if we destroy capitalism and hired labor, then no one will work anymore. Indeed, work as it currently exists for most people will disappear. But socially useful work is attractive not only because of the salary. Quite the opposite: if you pay for work, then it gives you less pleasure. The alienation of labor that is part of capitalism destroys the natural incentives to work (for example, the pleasure of free action and the satisfaction of a job well done). When work puts us in a subordinate position - subordinate to the boss, who oversees us, and the rich people who own our workplace - and we have no right to participate in decision-making, but must only mindlessly obey orders, then the whole process becomes painful, disgusting and mind-numbing. Additionally, we lose our natural incentives to work when we are not doing something positive for our communities. Even among the few modern workers who produce what they can see, almost all produce something that brings profit to their employers, but is completely meaningless to them personally. The Fordist assembly line structuring of labor turns people into machines. Instead of developing skills that a worker can be proud of, it turns out that it is more profitable to give everyone one repetitive task and put him or her on an assembly line. It's no wonder so many workers engage in sabotage, steal from their jobs, or even grab a machine gun and make themselves a shooting game in real life.

The idea that without wages people will stop working is unfounded. If we take into account the entire long history of mankind, it turns out that wages are a fairly new invention. However, societies that existed without money and wages did not starve to death simply because no one paid the workers. After the destruction of wage labor, only that work will disappear that none of those doing it considers useful. We will be able to save all the time and resources wasted on the useless garbage in which our society is drowning. Just think how much resources and labor goes into advertising, mailings, disposable packaging, cheap toys, disposable goods - all those things that are not interesting to produce and which are intended only to soon fall apart and ensure the purchase of the next version.

Primitive societies with less division of labor did not suffer from lack of wages because basic economic activity - the production of food, shelter, clothing and tools - was easily combined with the needs of society. In this case, the work is important social activities and the obvious duty of any able-bodied member of society. And since everything is very flexible, the work can be adapted to the characteristics of each individual, and nothing prevents the transformation of work into play. Renovating your house, hunting, walking through the forest in search of plants and animals, sewing, cooking for a holiday - isn’t this what middle-class people do in their free hours, in order to forget about their disgusting work at least for a while?

Anti-capitalist communities with a higher degree of economic specialization have also developed quite a number of methods for creating incentives for work and distributing its results. The Israeli kibbutzim already mentioned above are just one example of the use of incentives to work in the absence of wages. One of the books describing life and work in kibbutzim identifies four main motivations for working in cooperatives: labor collectives, where there is no individual competition and the desire for profit: 1) group productivity affects the standard of living of the entire community, so there is a group desire to work well; 2) community members work where they want and receive satisfaction from their work; 3) people are proud if their work unit performs better than others; 4) labor is prestigious because it is a cultural value. As mentioned above, the subsequent decline of the kibbutz experiment was largely due to the fact that kibbutzim were socialist enterprises operating within a capitalist economy, and therefore subject to the logic of competition rather than mutual aid. In a world without capitalism, such a commune would not encounter such problems. In any case, reluctance to work due to lack of salary was not the only problem of the kibbutzim.

Many anarchists believe that the germs of capitalism are contained in the mentality of production itself. The ability of a particular type of economy to survive (let alone develop) within the capitalist system says nothing about its emancipatory potential. But anarchists propose and advocate many different forms of economic organization, some of which can be practiced only to a limited extent, since modern world they are completely illegal. Some European cities have so many squatted houses and social centers that they are effectively a shadow society. For example, in Barcelona in 2008 there were more than 40 social centers in occupied buildings and at least two hundred squatted houses. Those who live in these squats use consensus decision making to general meetings, most of these groups position themselves as anarchist or anti-authoritarian. Work and market exchange are largely excluded from the lives of these people, united in hundreds of networks. Many do not have paid work or work sporadically because they do not need money to rent housing. For example, the author of this book lived in such conditions for two years and most of this time I spent less than one euro per day. Moreover, most of the activities that take place within this autonomist movement are completely unpaid. But salaries are not needed: these people work for themselves. They are taking over empty buildings that speculators have left to crumble. They do this as a protest against gentrification and as an anti-capitalist direct action that provides housing for them. Gradually learning everything they need, they renovate houses, remove garbage, fix roofs, install windows, install sewers, showers, lights, kitchens and generally everything they need. They often steal electricity, water and the Internet, and most of the food is food thrown out of supermarkets or borrowed from them. Squatted gardens are also used.

In the complete absence of managers, they do all the work, but at their own pace and according to their own logic. This is the logic of mutual assistance. In addition to improving their homes, they also devote their energy to working for the benefit of their neighbors and the entire community. In addition to housing, they provide teams large number other services. In some social centers There are bicycle repair shops where people can even build their own bike from old parts. Others include carpentry workshops, self-defense and yoga classes, natural medicine workshops, libraries, gardens, community cafeterias, theater and art groups, training sections foreign languages, alternative means mass media, concert venues, film clubs, computer laboratories where people can use the Internet, learn information security or start your own website. In such centers, solidarity actions are held against inevitable repression. Almost all of these services are provided absolutely free. There is no exchange - the group organizes a service for everyone, and as a result it becomes better than everyone else social network.

Showing an initiative unprecedented in our passive society, squatters regularly organize communal canteens, repair shops or weekly film clubs. They talk to friends and friends of friends until they have enough people and resources to make their idea a reality. They then spread the news about it by word of mouth or put up posters in the hope that as soon as possible more people will come and take part in their activities. From the point of view of the capitalist mentality, they greedily call people in to rob them, but squatters never stop operating just because it is not profitable. It's obvious that they created new uniform welfare. When they share with others what they produce themselves, they become richer.

The whole area becomes richer, because squatters organize new projects much faster than local authorities authorities. In one of Barcelona's neighborhood magazines, residents praise the local squat for responding to a demand that the authorities ignored for many years - to create a library in the area. A completely mainstream magazine notes that “squatters do the work that the municipality forgets about.” In the same area, squatters helped a local tenant who was being pressured by his landlord. The squatters worked tirelessly with the elderly people's association who had similar problems: scams and illegal evictions by property owners. As a result, the eviction was suspended.

In conditions that are similar to a complete refusal to work, the social and the economic converge to the point of indistinguishability. Labor and services do not need monetary value. It is a social activity performed individually or collectively simply as part of daily life, without the need for management or calculation. As a result, in cities like Barcelona, ​​people can spend most of their time and meet most of their needs (from housing to entertainment) in a squatting social network, with no work and almost no money. Of course, not everything can be stolen (yet), and squatters still have to sell their labor to pay for medical care or legal fees. But the excessive nature of something that cannot be produced, found or stolen, the horror of having to sell valuable moments of one's life to work for some corporation - all this, for many, only increases the level of conflict within the capitalist system.

The potential flaw in any movement powerful enough to create an alternative to capitalism is that its participants may become complacently withdrawn into their own autonomous little world and lose the will to fight for the complete abolition of capitalism. Squattering itself can become little more than a ritual, and even in Barcelona the movement as a whole is not as creative in resistance and attack as it is in the practical aspects of renovating houses and surviving without money. However, the self-sustaining nature of the squatters' network, the immediate presence of freedom, initiative, pleasure, independence and community in their lives, clearly calls capitalism into question, revealing its essence as a walking corpse, which only the police protect from extinction and replacement by much more advanced forms of life.

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Income from 50 thousand rubles is interesting. A flexible schedule is tempting. Company-sponsored training is even better! Is salary a percentage of the deal? Add to cart! Let's find out whether it is actually possible to work and earn decent money without a fixed salary?

There are many vacancies, few requirements, almost no applicants

Working for “bare” interest has never been very popular among job seekers. Nevertheless, many companies prefer to calculate salaries using the formula “How much you work, how much you earn,” when the employee is offered not a fixed salary, but a percentage of sales or the volume of work performed.

According to Maria Silina, head of the department “Recruitment for the FMCG market”, a scheme in which wages paid in the form of bonuses, primarily typical for the field of consulting and sales.

“The bonus scheme is usually used where it is easy to calculate the bonus payment, where it is clearly visible and understandable what kind of money an employee brings to the company, and taking this indicator into account, his bonus is formed,” the expert comments.

Irina Kulikova, director of the Adecco Group Russia branch in St. Petersburg, believes that most often direct sales agents, insurance agents, sales managers in FMCG companies, sales managers of financial products in retail and cellular networks, as well as agents selling Internet services.

The eternal dispute between salary and interest

Disagreements between employer and applicant have existed at all times. But it is the remuneration scheme that often becomes the cause of the most heated debates and discussions.

Employees perceive salary as the employer’s obligation to provide the employee with at least minimum income. Every person strives for stability and wants to be sure that, regardless of the season, market downturn or sales volume, he can “pay his bills.”

At the same time, employers mean by salary the employee’s obligation to repay the investments made in him. Companies do not want to risk money and keep ineffective employees on staff. Who needs salespeople who sell their time in the office for a salary? “A manager who cannot provide himself with his sales living wage, is a bad manager,” employers are sure.

And although the debate continues, there has long been a stereotype in the labor market that an employee who knows his worth will never come to work for “bare” interest. Meanwhile, working without salary has its advantages...

Heavy salary burden

In order to get a job at good interest rates, but without salary or for a very modest fix, there is no need to indulge in a lengthy search. Job portals, newspapers, and online forums are full of similar offers.

But even with all the ease of employment and tempting conditions, there are almost no people willing to work for a “pure” percentage. Not everyone knows that piecework wages have a number of undeniable advantages compared to a fixed salary.

Almost your own business. Work without a fix can be considered own business, which many people dream about. You no longer need to obey anyone or report to anyone - you draw up a work plan yourself and control its implementation yourself. No reprimands or demands from management. In fact, you are your own entrepreneur, but you don’t have to think about how to pay rent or how to submit tax reports in time.

Free schedule. Very often, work without a fix implies a free schedule, the very opportunity to belong to yourself and manage time at your own discretion. Is it convenient to start the working day at 11:00 and end at 17:00? Please!

Unlimited income. With a fixed salary, you always receive the same amount, regardless of your performance. When working for interest, income is usually limited only by your skills and ability to work.

“With this remuneration scheme, wages directly depend on the employee’s performance. If he is effective, then he is given the opportunity to receive much more than the fixed rate. At the same time, as a rule, the bonus system does not limit the size of the bonus that an employee can receive,” comments Maria Silina.

A small salary in hand is better than large percentages in words

“How will I live if there are no sales in a certain month?” - this is the question that most worries everyone who wants to go free. After all, despite all the advantages of piecework payment, not everyone can afford it. Here is just a small list of reasons that cast doubt on working without a fix.

- Absence permanent income, which would cover mandatory expenses for housing, food, and clothing.

“The bonus payment system is not very convenient for those employees who have a loan or other personal circumstances that require a guaranteed stable income, since in one month you can earn a lot, and in the next you can be left with nothing,” notes Marina Silina.

- Lack of cash savings that would allow you to exist “painlessly” during the not very fruitful initial stage. Typically, this period lasts from six months to a year.

— Fraud in interest payments. Unfortunately, there are often cases when only numbers are announced at an interview, and if the plan is significantly exceeded, the owner begins to be greedy and arbitrarily cut interest.

“A bonus salary is not a fixed salary, and there is always some possibility that the employer may not pay it (even if the employee completes the work). Therefore, the fears that a job seeker has regarding a new employer offering such working conditions are completely justified,” comments Marina Silina.

Who benefits from interest?

What to do if you were offered piecework wages? First, decide what is more important to you: a stable salary or a higher, but inconsistent income. After all, working without a “fix” is most beneficial either for beginners who want to gain experience, or for those who have been working in the industry for a long time and know what they can count on, are familiar with the product and competition, have client base and can roughly predict your income.

"For professional specialists and working personnel - those who work in a 100% employment mode - such a system is less interesting,” says Natalya Belashova, head of the recruitment department permanent staff and personnel consulting AVANTA Personnel, a branch of Adecco Group Russia in St. Petersburg. “Since the workload of such specialists is fixed and their work schedule is predetermined, they value the stability of a fixed salary, which is guaranteed and not tied to performance.”

Of course, as many people as there are, so many opinions, and the attitude towards the saying about the tit and the crane has always been and will remain twofold. Some people find it easier to work and know that at the end of the month a guaranteed (albeit not incredibly large) amount will be credited to their card. And some are ready to give up stability for the sake of tempting prospects and mountains of gold, even at the risk of sometimes ending up broke. Is there any point in trying? It's up to you to decide.

Since the beginning of the year, 127 thousand Russians have lost their jobs. According to the Ministry of Labor, another 219 thousand people are under threat of dismissal. Many of those who have retained their jobs are not receiving salaries - in February alone, the debt increased by 14% (see infographic). the income of everyone else is eaten up by rising prices. Yes, according to Head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, real salaries January 2015 is 8% lower than a year earlier. This did not happen even during the crisis of 2008-2009.

For the first time in a long time, delays in payments affected state employees. AiF found out whether this could develop into a mass phenomenon and whether we are going back to the 1990s?

Far from the People

The largest debts have accumulated to those employed in manufacturing - they account for 40% of all debt. Significant delays in construction (RUB 663 million), transport and agriculture(approximately 240 million rubles each). For a long time, state employees were paid regularly; if there was any debt, it was very small. But in February, a sharp increase was suddenly recorded in both education and healthcare - by 46%. Already forgotten reports about a teachers' strike appeared in the media. Teachers from the Trans-Baikal Territory came to see her. Disruptions in salary payments began in the region last year. Teachers were supposed to receive an advance payment by February 14, but it was not issued by mid-March. “In some families, both spouses work at school,” says Farit Bigzaev, member of the Public Chamber of the Trans-Baikal Territory, professor.- Why do they need to buy food, pay rent, if wages are the only source of income?! Why didn’t the government find an opportunity to find funds?”

Why? Yes, because power is by mouth Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory Konstantin Ilkovsky publicly stated that the problem of non-payment “is not so serious that teachers do not go to work.” The head of the administration, whose income for 2013 amounted to 100 million rubles, who has 4 apartments and 2 houses, certainly cannot understand the troubles of teachers who were left without their 29 thousand rubles. By the way, doctors in the Trans-Baikal Territory are not in the best position: their salaries are also being delayed.

Minus the allowance

“Teachers’ salaries are not only delayed,” explains Vsevolod Lukhovitsky, member of the council of the interregional trade union "Teacher".- The tactics of gradually reducing teachers’ salaries have been chosen. First of all, incentive bonuses, additional payments for class management, and extracurricular work are “cut off.” It’s easier to take them away - you can blame them on the “bad work” of the teacher.

“In November last year, our incentive bonuses were removed,” says Elena N., teacher at one of the Syktyvkar kindergartens(she asked not to mention her last name - all state employees, according to her, depend on their superiors and are afraid of being left without work). - And in February, everyone had 5% taken off their salaries. I received something like 20 thousand rubles. The management did not explain such actions; everyone refers to the crisis.”

IN Arkhangelsk region The salaries of health workers are decreasing. Doctors at the Novodvinsk Central City Hospital told AiF that previously, working at 2 rates, they received 48 thousand rubles. per month, since January the salary is 6-7 thousand less.

Friday starts on Wednesday

In the commercial sector and manufacturing, earnings are falling due to the fact that workers are sent on forced leave or transferred to short-time work. working week. At the beginning of March, 268 thousand people were in this mode. The auto industry and mechanical engineering were the first to respond to the crisis.

2,800 people were transferred to a shortened week at GAZ in Nizhny Novgorod, up to 600 people are planned to be cut at the Volkswagen plant in Kaluga, the rest will work four days a week. Recently, employees of the Ford plant in Vsevolozhsk went on an indefinite strike. They require payment for downtime caused by the employer in full, and not at the rate of 2/3 of average earnings.

Employees at some factories were also transferred to a three-day working week Sverdlovsk region. “From February 1, our wages were cut by a third, we work three days a week,” he says indignantly. Vitaly Sorokin, employee of the leading enterprise Sysert Uralhydromash.- Our Friday now starts on Wednesday... and the workers started drinking out of hopelessness... At the same time, we still haven’t been paid for December last year. And many people took out loans in good times; it is not clear how to repay their debts now. There is no other well-paid job in Sysert; the plant has always been our only breadwinner.”

“Assess wage delays, wage cuts, as well as the scale of hidden unemployment in Russian market quite difficult, because 40-50 million hired workers receive part or all of their salary “in an envelope,” believes Boris Kravchenko, President of the Russian Confederation of Labor.- There are now widespread attempts by employers to reconsider their indexation obligations (increase by inflation. - Ed.) wages, which were provided for by collective agreements. That is, this mechanism stops working. Hidden unemployment is growing. Its most common variant today: when people work full time, but receive wages at the level of the pre-crisis minimum wage consumer basket, - prices rose by 40-50%, but their salaries were not increased. The worst situation, of course, is in the shadow sector of the economy - construction, small business, the service sector, and trade. In the real sector and in transport, where the majority operates primary organizations our trade union, the number of wage delays of more than two months is increasing.”

Expert opinion

Yuri Starodumov, lawyer at the Center for Social and Labor Rights.

If your salary was cut:

1. According to Art. 74 Labor Code RF (Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the employer has the right to reduce the fixed part of the salary only if there are “organizational or technological changes in working conditions.” The introduction of new machines and, in connection with this, a reduction in worker labor good reasons applies, but the organization’s financial problems due to the crisis do not (the courts in such a situation are on the side of the employees).

2. The employer must notify the employer of a reduction in the fixed part of the salary 2 months in advance. If this does not happen, you need to contact the labor inspectorate.

3. If a person refuses to work with lower salary, he must be paid an allowance equal to 2 weeks' earnings.

4. Unfortunately, the cancellation of the bonus cannot be contested - this payment depends on the will of the employer. It’s even more difficult with a gray salary. In court, its existence cannot be proven at all.

5. In case of salary reduction, you must contact the district court at the employer’s legal address within 3 months.

If your salary is delayed:

1. If wages are not paid for more than 15 days, you can write to the employer a notice to stop working due to the delay. From this moment on, a person can sit at home, and the employer must pay him his average earnings (Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

  • Do you follow fluctuations in oil prices?

      Always, because the life of Russia directly depends on these prices

      I haven’t done this before, but due to recent events I have.

      No, as they fell, they will grow

      2. You must write to the labor inspectorate, the prosecutor's office and the court about the delay in wages.

      3. If wages are delayed for more than 2 months, a person has the right to write a statement to the Investigative Committee. According to Art. 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the employer faces criminal liability for complete non-payment of wages for more than 2 months and for partial non-payment for more than 3 months. There were sentences under this article.

      4. According to Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if wages are delayed, the employee has the right to compensation. For example, for a delay in wages of 27 thousand rubles. for 3 months you are entitled to about 1 thousand rubles.

      AiF will continue to monitor the situation on the labor market. We ask readers to report facts of mass layoffs, delays and salary cuts to the editorial office or at email letters@site.

If the director of a company works without a salary, inspectors can block the company’s account, demand that the director’s salary be accrued retroactively, withhold personal income tax, assess contributions, and pay fines and penalties.

Inspectors, without understanding, block accounts of companies that have not submitted 6-NDFL. This even affected those where the director of the company works without salary.

How to explain why you didn’t submit 6-NDFL

Even if you send an explanation that income was not accrued or paid, the account may not be unfrozen. Sometimes inspectors wait until the company has paid its employees. That is, it will pay a salary no less than the regional minimum wage, transfer contributions, personal income tax and penalties. Of course this is illegal. Inspectors have the right only to invite the director for a conversation (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 25, 2017 No. ED-4-15/14490).

  • Important article:

Let's say the director of the company is the only employee. You can not accrue or pay salaries in one case - you can arrange a vacation for the director at your own expense. What to write to the tax office to unblock the account, see the example below.

This option can only be used if the company does not operate at all. She has no income and nothing to pay her salary from. If there was activity, it is safer to pay at least the minimum amounts.

There is a risk that tax authorities will report labor inspection. From there they will ask how the director of the company works without salary and signs documents, answers requests and does other work while on vacation. It is safer to apply for part-time work and pay your salary from the minimum wage in proportion to the time worked. Otherwise, for violating the Labor Code, the company faces a fine of up to 50,000 rubles, and the director - up to 20,000 rubles. (Part 6 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). For repeated violations, the manager may be disqualified.