There is no need to do what has already been done. Save your time! It's simple. You don't need to change the configuration for processing to work! No special skills or knowledge are required to install and configure processing! Complete with processing there are instructions! Fast External processing will be available to you within 1 business day after payment. Safe If the processing is not suitable for you, the money will be returned 100% of the time. This warranty does not apply to situations described in the report's specifications. Click the “Add to cart” button to order the processing “Changing the withdrawal of DS from the cash register cash register in 1C:UT 11” for your organization.

Retail 2 change of document “removal of cash register from cash register cash register”

Checking the balance of the DS using the report “Cash flow in the KKM cash desks with decoding by the registrar” And if this balance does not correspond to the balance in the KKM cash register, then you need to edit the “Cash in the KKM cash desk” register using the “Adjustment of registers” document. Automating these processes allows this processing. As a rule, withdrawals from the cash register are made for the amount of all cash, so the amount of cash in the cash register according to the cash register registers at the end of the shift should be = 0.

For such cases, this treatment is especially effective. It allows you to: 1) By clicking on the “Fill in the table” button, get a list of seizures and sales reports. The list is sorted by date, so you can easily track where problems with the formation of notches began and see on the basis of which Sales Reports you need to generate a Notch.

Creating and editing excavation documents. 1s:retail 2

After selecting “Report on retail sales» the “Create Receipt” button creates a Receipt based on it based on the amount of sales (cash) from the selected document. If you fill in the “for amount” field, a recess will be created for the amount you specified. If the “Edit existing” checkbox is checked, then if this Sales Report has a related notch, a new Notch will not be created, but the old one will be edited.


If the checkbox is not checked, then nothing is created. 3) Remove the notch. 4) On the tab " Additional features» The “Create recesses in a batch” button will help you avoid a lot of self made, if you need to make a lot of recesses. Notches will be created for the selected period. If it is “Edit existing”, then if there is a notch associated with the Sales Report. it will be edited. If the checkbox is not checked, then the seizure based on such reports will not be made.

5) Edit the balance of money in the cash register of the cash register.

Changing the withdrawal of DS from the KKM cash register in 1s:ut 11

Date of seizure documents DS – current date – between the beginning of the day 08/02/2017 00:00:00 and the end of the day 08/02/2017 23:59:59 Control buttons: “Mark” button – marks for loading only those documents that have not yet been downloaded ; Button “Uncheck” – removes marks from the rows of the tabular part of the processing; “Add” button – adds a grandchild document to the seizure, but it is important to note that the dates match the date of the document being added, otherwise it will not be added. If you specify the date between several days, then documents for these days will be uploaded automatically; “Select all” and “Delete” button – no comments; “Get documents” button – downloads necessary documents according to the settings you choose; Button “Create document “PKO from Cash register” – creates documents marked with checkmarks for uploading and marks those loaded in the “Created document” field.

Withdrawal of funds from the cash register of KKM 1s:retail

The balance in the “Cash in KKM” register is shown in the Adjustment Amount field when selecting a KKM cash register. Also, the “Type of movement” field is automatically selected. (That is, if the amount is minus, “Incoming” is selected, otherwise “Expense”) Thus, the settings are automatically adjusted to reset the cash register. All that remains is to click the “Create register adjustment” button.

Developed and tested: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 ( Retail, edition 2.0 ( -( UPDATE: The balance in the “Cash in KKM” register in the Adjustment Amount field is now shown without taking into account the amount of the last shift’s checks so that the sales of the current shift do not affect the calculation of the amount by which the register needs to be edited, which means we can edit without closing the shift.

Developments for 1c

External processing to automate the creation of the PKO document “Prikhodny cash order” from the document “Withdrawal of funds” from the Cash Register. This processing was created specifically for 1C: Retail 2.2 (tested on version as external processing). By default, Safe Mode is disabled in processing; if you need it, you can switch it in the object module.


Processing with open source code, done for myself. When opening processing, the current organization and cash register are automatically substituted in accordance with the workplace. If necessary, then when opening you can also easily add receipt of documents and by adding a couple of lines of code you can automate the process of creating documents when closing a cash register shift.

Quick Guide: When opened, as described above, the organization and KassaKKM are filled in automatically in accordance with the settings of your database.

They talked about the design in the 1C: Trade Management program, edition 11.3, of retail sales through an automated point of sale with a connected fiscal registrar.

Today you will learn how for ATT to register the transfer of retail proceeds to the cash desk of an enterprise.

Unlike sales through NTT (manual point of sale), when selling through ATT, the transfer of revenue occurs in two stages:

  1. Removing money from a cash register drawer;
  2. Registration of a cash receipt order for the receipt of money at the organization's cash desk.

Let's take a closer look.

Withdrawal of money from cash register

Suppose sales were made at our automated point of sale, then the cash register shift was closed, the proceeds are in the drawer of the cash register.

To register the withdrawal of money from the cash register in 1C, let’s go to the cash register receipt journal.

Sales / Retail sales / Cash register receipts

The status of the cash register shift and the amount in the cash register cash register are displayed at the bottom of the journal:

Click the “Money Withdrawal” button. In the window that opens, enter the amount to be withdrawn, then click OK.

The program recorded the withdrawal of funds from the cash register cash register. If you now update information about the shift status, the amount of money in the cash register will decrease.

Statement of funds. Cash on the way

The withdrawal from the cash register has been formalized, but the money has not yet been transferred to the cash desk of the enterprise. In the program this amount is taken into account as “ cash on the way."

Let’s open the “Statement of Cash” report.

Treasury / Treasury reports / Statement of cash

Let's create this report for our organization.

We remind you that by default reports are generated in currency management accounting, in our example – in US dollars. “Cash in transit” is displayed in a separate subgroup.

Receipt cash order for receipt of retail revenue

The presence of funds in transit (after withdrawal of retail revenue from the cash register cash register) is the basis for receipt of the cash register of the enterprise. Therefore, in this case, it is better to create a cash receipt order not manually, but automatically, using the “For receipt” page.

Let's open the PKO magazine.

Treasury / Cash / Receipt cash order

In the journal, go to the “For admission” tab. Here is a list of orders for cash receipts at the cash desk.

Advice. To simplify the search for orders, you can set a selection in the “Base of payment” field

We will indicate the basis of payment – ​​“Cash in transit”. The order we needed to receive money from the cash register was displayed. Select it and click “Design”.

A new document “Cash receipt order” has been created with the operation type “Receipt from another cash register”. In it, on the “Basic” tab, the amount and the sending cash register (fiscal registrar) are already filled in. In the “Cashier” field, you must indicate the cash desk of the enterprise to which the money is received.

Important. To ensure that all the necessary data is displayed when printing a cash order, do not forget to fill out the details on the “Print” tab.

Once completed, we will review and close the document.

If you now reformat the “Cash Statement” report, it will display the write-off of money from the “Cash in transit” subsection and its receipt at the enterprise’s cash desk.

Read our article on calculating profits from retail sales.

Question: 1C: Retail 2.1 Withdrawal of money from cash register machines

Cost 1C: Retail
When closing a shift, he swears at the impossibility of withdrawing money from the cash register, but closes the shift.
In another store, such crap was on one of the two checkout counters. I created a new user on Windows and did an RMK for him and the error went away, but there I made a mistake myself. In this store I did everything, it seemed, correctly, but an error appeared.
Yes, the user has all rights.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

Answer:() It’s logical if the KKM resets the balance to zero, where should the notch be made?

Question: Prohibition on removing DS from cash registers

After updating from UT to UT on platform The ban on the removal of DS from the cash register to the RMK has ceased to work. That is, despite the fact that the checkboxes in the sales rules are unchecked, the Deposit and Withdrawal buttons are active and working. Who knows how to help the trouble?


Remove buttons via "Edit form"

Question: Retail 2.2. Full automatic removal of the DS at the end of the shift.

There is retail 2.2. For the selected store, indicated the type of excavation when closing a shift - full excavation, but when closing a shift, no excavation is performed. I looked at the code, everything says that the excavation should be zero.
Maybe there are some other settings for full recess?
Thanks in advance.

Answer: If anyone has a recess created automatically using standard tools, please send me a link to the conf.

Question: Return of goods after the end of a shift (not day after day) in 1c "Retail 2.2"

Good afternoon We use Retail (abbreviated as RZ), edition 2.2 ( and Enterprise Accounting (abbreviated as BP), edition 3.0 (
When making a return not on the same day in RZ through RMK, the return is carried out, a receipt is generated, everything seems to be fine. But when synchronizing in the BP, when trying to conduct a Retail Sales Report, an error appears: “The list of “Non-cash payments” is filled in incorrectly. The amount of non-cash payments exceeds the amount of sales proceeds!” The initial payment and refund were in cash, there was no acquiring. In the Retail Sales Report on the “Products” tab, the following lines are filled in:
quantity - 1 price 500 amount -500 total -500,
the accounting account and the income account are completed.
The “Cashless payments” tab is empty. In the header, the cash register account is indicated as 50.01.
Why does the error occur and how to fix it?
Thank you!

P.S: now I tried the following in the test:
I knocked out a receipt for the sale of any product so that there would be revenue at the checkout (exceeding the return amount), then I returned the goods from previous shifts. Everything is in cash. As a result, the ORP is carried out in the accounting department. But if there were no sales, it is impossible to carry out the ORP in the accounting department! In Retail, a full withdrawal is set up; at the beginning of the shift, money is deposited into the cash register of the cash register. But this doesn't solve the problem...

Answer:() I’m talking about UT, but I also think about retail

Question: Zero Z-report in 1C Retail 8.3

Hello, the zero Z-report is not printed (if there are no punched checks) in 1C Retail 8.3 (
Configuration Retail 8. Optical salon, edition 2.1 (

The boss demands to print anyway.
I looked through all the settings and found nothing.
Is this even possible to do in the current version of 1C? Or does it depend on the connected DF?

You also need to edit the layout of the Z-report, has anyone encountered this?

Thanks in advance for your attention.

Answer: The information has changed. Sorry. It turned out that the Z-Report is not printed because... Check the box to close the cash register shift without it.
And if you don’t check the box, then the cash register shift cannot be closed, because message appears:
"The cash register shift in the system is not closed:
The retail sales report has not been generated.
Notch: 0.00 rub.
Cash balance: 0.00 rub.
There is no way to display a Z-report."

I tried to select the fiscal registrar emulator - I found out that the shift can still be closed and the z-report is printed.

What parameters of a real FR in 1C can block the closure of a shift with zero revenue?

Question: Retail 2.2. No accounting provided alcoholic products in several stores for individual entrepreneurs.

Several times I encountered problems when working with EGAIS. And the reason turned out to be simple - Retail can only work with one shopping facility. So, if you are planning to automate two retail outlets of individual entrepreneurs that will sell alcoholic beverages (not vodka), then DO NOT TAKE Retail!!!

Answer:() I don’t know what 1c supports/doesn’t support. This law was adopted in such a way that the individual entrepreneur runs his business in one heap. And the EGAIS format was approved to the law so that this commodity flow It won’t work for individual entrepreneurs in the context of stores.

Those. The paradigm of our state in this particular situation was this: individual entrepreneurs are small businesses, we will give them the opportunity to buy 1 key and we will not burden each store with a purchase. But to think that a damn small business might not be able to connect its several points later - I wasn’t smart enough or didn’t want to. Therefore, small businesses paid little money to the state for EGAIS, but are forced to pay more to programmers for EGAIS - such is the circulation of money in nature.

Question: 1c: Retail - choice

Goal: automation of the trading network.
Central store + a couple of side stores, 3-5 users in total.
Which version of "Retail" should I choose?
Franchi I offer the base and prof.
Is it possible to somehow implement multi-user work in the database? I don’t want to pay a lot of money for a professional.

Answer: Has everyone who advises you read the original assignment? Central store plus a couple retail outlets. And why do they need UT11? Buy Retail 8 (13,000), required quantity licenses (1 -6300, 5 -21600), I can assume that points in shopping centers where there are no problems with the Internet. The VPN comes up and that’s it. You may need accounting, most likely the basic one will be enough (with a discount of 1,700), if regular accounting for 13,000 is not enough. and everything will be installed in central store, at points if it is not possible to raise VPN, it is quite possible to supply basic retail. Setting up the exchange is not a problem.
IMHO of course.

Question: Automatic collection does not withdraw money UT 11.1

Hello, I have this problem: in the RMK settings, Automatic collection is checked, but when closing a shift, it still doesn’t happen automatically! Confa UT 11.1 latest release standard

The problem of creating Recesses based on the “Retail Sales Report” at the end of a shift is not uncommon.

If the store has a withdrawal type configured, then the working version of the reason for such cases is the discrepancy between the cash balance in the accounting account (see this in the report “Cash flow in cash register cash registers with decoding according to the registrar”) and in the cash register cash register. For the seizure to take place, the amount of money that 1C wants to seize must be no less than the cash in the cash register registers. Discrepancies between these registers may begin due to the rounding of kopecks in the cash register registers.

The solution to the problem is usually the following sequence of actions:

1) Creation of recesses based on Sales Reports left without recesses.

2) Checking the balance of the DS using the report "Cash flow in cash registers of KKM with decoding according to the registrar" And if this balance does not correspond to the balance in the cash register of KKM, then you need to edit the register "Cash in the cash register of KKM" using the document "Adjustment of registers" . This processing allows you to automate these processes.

As a rule, withdrawals from the cash register are made for the total amount of cash, so the amount of cash in the cash register according to the cash register registers at the end of the shift should be = 0. For such cases, this processing is especially effective. It allows:

1) By clicking on the “Fill in the table” button, get a list of seizures and sales reports. The list is sorted by date, so you can easily track where problems with the formation of notches began and see on the basis of which Sales Reports you need to generate a Notch.

2) After selecting the “Retail Sales Report”, the “Create Notch” button creates a Notch based on it for the amount of sales (cash) from the selected document. If you fill in the “for amount” field, then the recess will be created for the amount specified, regardless of the Report amount. If the "Edit existing" checkbox is checked, then if this Sales Report has a related notch, a new Notch will not be created, but the old one will be edited.

3) Delete the selected notch.

4) On the “Additional functions” tab, the “Create recesses in batch” button will help you avoid a lot of manual work if you need to make a lot of recesses. Notches will be created for the selected period. If “Edit existing” is checked, then if there is a notation associated with the Sales Report, it will be edited. If the checkbox is not checked, then the notation based on such reports will not be made.

5) Edit the balance of money in the cash register of the cash register. The balance in the "Cash in KKM" register is shown in the Adjustment Amount field when selecting a KKM cash register. Also, the “Type of movement” field is automatically selected. (That is, if the amount is minus, “Incoming” is selected, otherwise “Expense”) Thus, the settings are automatically adjusted to reset the cash register. And all that remains is to click the “Create register adjustment” button.

Developed and tested:

1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

Retail, edition 2.0 ( -(

UPDATE: The balance in the "Cash in Cash Register" register in the Adjustment Amount field is now shown without taking into account the amount of the last shift's checks, so that the sales of the current shift do not affect the calculation of the amount by which the register needs to be edited, which means we can edit without closing the shift.

UPDATE: Added selection by Cash Register.

UPDATE(1.4): To create Recess documents, the “Create missing” checkbox has been selected. If it is checked, then when creating a Notch, it is taken into account whether there are already Notches based on the Retail Sales Report, and if they are, then a Notch will be created for the amount that is missing. (For example, there is a Report for the amount of 19,300 rubles, based on it there is already notch in the amount of 19,000 rubles. Then, when installing this checkbox, a notch worth 300 rubles will be created.)

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How in 1C Retail 2.2 to transfer funds (hereinafter referred to as DS) from the cash register into which they arrive at retail trade, and credited to the company's operating cash desk? If you are interested in this question, then this article is just for you.

Withdrawal of money in 1C can be carried out as with direct work in RMK without completion cash register shift, and when completing work and closing the current work shift.

In the first case, when you press the Money Withdrawal button, you must manually indicate the amount to be withdrawn from the cash register cash register. A form for entering the amount of money to be withdrawn will appear on the screen. Enter the amount and press Enter.

Please note that withdrawal of money in 1C is only possible if there is a connection to fiscal registrar or other receipt printing device. Otherwise, the system will generate an error.

In the second case, withdrawal is performed by pressing the Close Shift key.

Please leave the topics that interest you in the comments, so that our experts will analyze them in instructional articles and video instructions.

Depending on the system settings, the following options are possible: either the entire amount stored in the cash register cash register will be automatically withdrawn, or you will be prompted to manually specify the withdrawal amount, or no withdrawal will be made at all.

Here we will digress into the system settings. The rules for withdrawing DS are set in the information register Cash discipline recesses when closing a shift. You can open it from the store or organization card by clicking the Go icon.

The following options are configured here:

Carry out a full excavation. Then, when you press the Close Shift key, the entire current balance of funds will be automatically considered withdrawn from the cash register.

Allow partial withdrawals with a maximum remaining amount specified. When closing the cash register, the system will prompt you to indicate the amount of withdrawal of DS; the remaining DS will be stored in the cash register. If the balance amount exceeds the maximum value, then when performing a shift closing operation, the system will issue a warning with the opportunity to correct the previously specified withdrawal amount or make a withdrawal later. The same control is also established during the manual withdrawal of money during the work of a cashier at RMK.

Do not excavate.

If there is no setting for the organization and the store, then when closing a shift, the machine will automatically reflect the complete withdrawal of money from the cash register.

As a result, a cash withdrawal document will be created in the system, which reflects the transfer of money to the store's cash register.

So there is no cash in the cash register anymore, but it has not yet arrived at the operating cash desk. We can check this information using the Cash on hand report (section Finance – Financial reports).

In order for the DS to arrive at the company's operating cash desk, they will need to be accepted there. This can be done in a special workplace Cash receipts orders (Finance section). First, open the second tab, orders for receiving DS are reflected there and, accordingly, seizure documents are included in this list. When you click the Accept payment command, a Receipt Cash Order is generated and the money is credited to the cash register.

On the first tab of this workplace there are already generated documents for the posting of DS.

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