Running a farm or small private enterprise for lately has gained popularity as a source of the main or additional income. The main thing in this activity is to choose the right livestock industry and provide living conditions for the pets. Rabbit farming will bring you profit or provide your family with food. But first you need to draw up a business plan for breeding rabbits, which includes calculations of the initial capital, items of expenses and income, and additional profit. It is also useful to familiarize yourself with the features of caring for animals.

Rabbits can bring good profit

The meat of these animals is characterized as dietary, has a delicate taste, is absorbed by the body and does not cause an allergic reaction. Included in the menu for patients suffering from metabolic disorders.

Income will come from both meat and skin areas in rabbit breeding.


Rabbits are characterized by a number of advantages that will become a source of profit:

  • fertility;
  • short period of pregnancy;
  • productivity: both meat and skin.

Breeding rabbits is beneficial even for a novice businessman:

  • pays for itself quickly;
  • brings profit with little investment of time and effort;
  • does not require large start-up capital;
  • not subject to high taxes;
  • does not require large expenses for keeping animals.

The downside is losses among young animals.

Rabbit farming costs quickly pay for themselves


Choose meat breeds, since the main source of income from rabbit farm- this is meat. Among these varieties are popular:

  • New Zealand red - weight up to 5 kilograms, early maturity;
  • New Zealand white - quickly gain weight, already at three months they weigh up to three and a half kilograms;
  • Californian is a broiler breed, by the age of five months the specimen weighs four and a half kilograms, with an increase of up to 45 g daily.

Breeders purchase representatives of these breeds at special fairs and agricultural exhibitions. Avoid purchasing livestock from poultry markets.

The New Zealand red rabbit is a representative of the meat industry.

Where to start?

Opening a rabbit farm does not require a large down payment. Thus, maintaining a herd of up to 1 thousand heads will require a plot of no more than the standard six acres. Homemade cells and facilities for food intake, water will affect the reduction of costs.

Before starting rabbit farming, choose a method of registering your activity. For a mini-enterprise, a personal type of subsidiary plot is better suited. Another option is to obtain documents of an individual entrepreneur. The decision is related to the methods of selling products.

If you have thought about the sales market (meat sold to friends or exhibited at fairs rural production), then personal will suit you subsidiary farming(LPH).

You will save on taxes. Choosing the activity of an individual entrepreneur (IP) will completely promote the business, but with some disadvantages:

  • increasing costs for organizing business activities;
  • permits are required.

Rabbit cages take up quite a lot of space

To open a rabbit breeding farm, you will need a place where you build it. This can be done on your own or rented garden plot. Calculate losses from company registration. A separate expense item is the arrangement of the entrance and water drainage system. You will also need materials for the construction of shed structures:

  • fine-mesh galvanized mesh;
  • wooden bars;
  • metal sheets and profiles;
  • materials for the roof.

Homemade feeders and drinkers will reduce payments, but refrigeration units and equipment for preparing combined feed are store purchases. If you plan to hire workers for your rabbit farm, then their wages- These are additional costs.

LPH or individual entrepreneur?

When choosing a private household plot, you will need the following documents to start a business:

  • confirmation of rights to a land plot;
  • your health record;
  • health certificate of the vehicle in which the rabbit meat is delivered (if it is your personal vehicle);
  • a certificate from a veterinarian about the condition of the rabbit population;
  • safety assessment of meat products obtained from a veterinary laboratory.

Documents that will be required to register an individual entrepreneur and engage in rabbit breeding:

  • certificates: rabbit farms, phytosanitary control;
  • declaration of conformity state standards quality.

Individual entrepreneur status implies payment of taxes

Private household plots are not subject to taxes; individual entrepreneurs pay a single tax on agriculture.

The activities of private household plots are controlled by rural or city administration bodies, and Rosselkhoznadzor is responsible for individual entrepreneurs. Your code economic activity– A.01.25.2, that is, “breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm,” and a ban is imposed on leather production from animals hunted by hunters.

Construction conditions

  • Find out from your local administration the requirements for the distance between agricultural buildings and residential buildings;
  • choose a flat area on a hill to avoid flooding during rainy periods or when snow melts;
  • choose a quiet place, away from noisy roads;
  • avoid wetlands with high humidity (rabbits get sick from this);
  • lay asphalt on the territory of the rabbit farm and arrange for moisture drainage.

Humidity is contraindicated for rabbits

Fixed expense items

If a kilogram of such food costs on average no more than 9 rubles, then the cost of feeding a rabbit family will be 3,000 rubles. Three shad devices per year consume feed worth approximately 126,000 rubles.

Making feed from grains and grass flour at home with vitamin and mineral supplements will reduce food costs. You can prepare succulent feed and hay with your own hands, but it is not recommended to spend money on this if you have a farm of more than a thousand heads.

Set aside 300 rubles or more per head for veterinary care. For three sheds, each containing 14 queens, you will need more than 12 thousand rubles. Add to this payments for electricity (1500 rubles) and hay (2000).

Rabbits may need a veterinarian

Fixed income items

The sale of meat products is the main income in rabbit farming. Clean slaughter yield per head – 2 kg. Three shad complexes produce annually up to 1000 young animals, a total of 2000 kilograms, 250-300 rubles each.

At these prices, the profit per year from the sale of meat will be 500 thousand rubles. If you subtract expense items from this amount, you are left with 360 thousand rubles (30 thousand monthly).

Separately, calculate the yield of by-products - liver and kidneys (plus two thousand per year). Rabbit farming will pay for itself within six months.

Additional profit

Money also helps rabbit skins, which are best preserved during slaughter in the summer. In studios or factories they are accepted for 30-40 rubles; processed ones cost more (up to 150). Selling a thousand skins annually, the breeder receives up to 150,000 rubles.

It is advisable to use rabbit droppings to produce vermicompost, which is obtained after fermentation of excrement in biogas plants.

Vermicompost from rabbit droppings will bring additional income

Sales markets

Build your own customer base. At the initial stages, it will include relatives, acquaintances, etc. Advertise in newspapers, post notices on the streets. They sell meat products directly from the rabbit farm. If resellers contact you, show them a certificate from a veterinarian.

To cooperate with restaurants, you will need a certificate from a veterinarian, Form No. 2.

In addition to the veterinary department, visit the SES, the local standardization and metrology center to find out about the standards for marketing meat products.

It is unlikely that the network will become a promising market for you large supermarkets. Such suppliers offer too low wholesale prices for meat.

Restaurants willingly buy rabbit meat

Organization of livestock care

For breeding, they buy 45-50 heads of pedigree young animals (expenses up to 13,500 rubles). The most convenient system, which offers the possibility of automating the keeping of animals and saving space, is cage batteries (shed system).

The two batteries are connected via the roof. The body of the shed is made of wooden or metal raw materials, the passage between the batteries and the floor are sheathed with boards or filled with concrete.

With the shad system, the cages themselves and additional utility rooms are located on one hundred square meters, where up to a thousand specimens are grown annually (in square meters):

  • three sets of shads (20*2.4*2.8 meters) – 360;
  • room for mixed feed, grains, with an entrance – 200;
  • storage room for equipment – ​​up to 50;
  • place for slaughter and refrigeration units for meat (with ventilation and compliance with sanitary standards) - up to 50;
  • concreted manure pit up to three meters deep, under a canopy - 30;
  • the rest is passages for a small tractor.

In the shed, 60 cells with parameters of 1.3 * 0.7 * 0.55 meters are placed using the two-tier method. To make cages, use galvanized mesh with small cells (in mm) 18 by 18, 20 by 20, 16 by 48. To install the floor at an angle, install the back wall of the room 20 centimeters lower than the front. This will make cleaning easier. Arrange a double flooring so that the roof of the lower segment serves as a collector for the droppings of the inhabitants of the upper floor (a double floor is also required in the lower tier).

The slaughterhouse is equipped with a blood drain and an oven in which post-slaughter waste is burned. If you install refrigeration units nearby, this will make meat processing easier and save time.

Cage batteries are the most convenient option for keeping rabbits

Feeding and breeding

Separate rooms are allocated for the mother rabbits and the breeding male in the upper segment of the shad (14 cells plus one). The remaining 45 cells are inhabited by young animals, 7-8 specimens per group. Maintain cleanliness, change the flooring on time, remove litter, and disinfect.

Queen rabbits are ready to breed immediately after giving birth, but farmers at home allow them to see the male 3-4 times annually (in spring, summer and autumn).

6-8 rabbits are born, which the female feeds for at least two months. In total, keeping fourteen female rabbits in a shed brings in from 250 to 350 heads annually, and an enterprise with three sheds will produce up to a thousand rabbit carcasses.

Between the eating places and the nests in the cages there are mangers made of a 35 (25) by 35 millimeter mesh filled with hay. Feeders and drinking bowls are installed under them.

Concentrated food (cereals, mixed feed) is stored in a special dry room. Compound feed made by yourself will cost less. It is healthier than store-bought, which contains synthetic vitamins and substances undesirable for animals. IN summer time They are given dried fresh grass, and hay is prepared for the winter. The menu of lactating and gestating females is more varied and nutritious, including succulent varieties of food and supplements of mineral and vitamin elements.

You can buy rabbit feed or prepare it yourself

For self-made for mixed feed, purchase a grain crusher and an extruder for granulation. One of the homemade food recipes contains (in percentage):

  • ground grains of oats and wheat – 30;
  • ground barley and corn grains – 45;
  • wheat bran – 12;
  • cake – 12;
  • chalk – 0.5;
  • salt – 0.5.

An adult rabbit consumes per day (in grams):

  • forbs – up to 1500;
  • bean hay – 1200;
  • branch food – 600;
  • carrots – 600;
  • cabbage for feed – 600;
  • fodder beet – 200;
  • bran – 100.

Additives to the main menu – animal flour (15 g), table salt– 2.5 g, crushed chalk – 2 g. In the morning the herd is fed with succulent and green feed, at lunchtime and in the evening – with mixed feed and grain crops. Pour fresh, clean water, slightly warmed, into the drinking bowls.

The market niche for rabbit meat is currently little occupied, unlike chicken or pork.

Even as a new breeder, if you have a sound business plan, you will make money with little expense. Rabbit farming, which previously received little attention, is gradually becoming a profitable business venture.

Meat is the most favorite food product for humans, and dietary products from rabbit farms are in particular demand.

And although store shelves are full of a variety of meat products, the creation of animal breeding farms seems profitable idea to start own business.

Despite the fact that the number of farms has increased significantly over the past ten years, Russia still has significant potential for the development of many livestock sectors.

Among the most promising directions development of this area, The leading position is occupied by the idea of ​​​​opening a rabbit breeding farm. There are a lot of rabbit meat lovers in our country, but meat from this animal is not so easy to find in the city.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the features of rabbit breeding products:

  • Meat contains a lot of protein and very little cholesterol.
    Thanks to this ratio, it is positioned as dietary. Doctors recommend its use for people with kidney, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Rabbit meat is also good for children and people who are overweight.
  • Fur The animal is highly valued among clothing manufacturers.
    The low price of skins and the quality of fur, not inferior to mink, make this raw material very popular.
  • Also available ornamental breeds that are bred for resale as pets.
    They have an easy-going nature and are not demanding in care.

Preparatory stage of the project

Rabbits reproduce very well. During the year, one female brings offspring 5-6 times, and in each litter there can be 8-15 cubs, so their breeding, with proper organization economy, it can become very cost-effective way business.

A budding entrepreneur will be pleased with the fact that in this field they will encounter little competition and great demand for production products.

To effectively implement a project, it is necessary to take the planning process seriously, conduct a market analysis and draw up step-by-step business plan creating a rabbit breeding farm. When making a plan you must pay attention to the following points:

  • Getting basic knowledge on animal breeding.
    You need to read specialized literature. You can also get practical advice from experienced rabbit breeders by contacting them through forums.
  • Registration farm and obtaining permits.
    Usually, beginning entrepreneurs register as individual entrepreneurs and register a personal subsidiary plot. You do not need a license to breed rabbits, but you must obtain permission from the sanitary authorities.
  • Selection of a site with premises and equipment procurement.
    To organize a mini-farm for 1,000 animals, you need a plot of at least 6 acres in size.
  • Breed selection for breeding.
    The potential and possible directions of development of your project depend on this.

Let's look at some of these points in more detail.

Arrangement of the premises

To organize a business, you will need a plot of land that can be either purchased or rented.

The land for the farm should be located away from residential premises. The ideal option would be to rent summer cottage, located in rural areas.

You cannot build farms in swampy areas and places with high humidity. The area around, if possible, should be asphalted.

When organizing a farm, the following types of premises should be provided on the site:

  • Sheds– areas where cages with animals will be located.
    If you arrange the cells in two tiers, then you can place about 60 cells in one shed.
  • Barn where the feed will be stored.
    To reduce costs, it is recommended to purchase feed and grains in bulk. In this case, you will need a place to store it safely.
  • Inventory room.
  • Slaughterhouse for rabbits with refrigerators for storing meat.
  • Pit, in which excrement will be stored. Manure is a very good fertilizer that can be easily sold to agricultural farms.

The rabbits' main habitat will be cages. Depending on your budget, you can buy materials and build the cages yourself according to the drawings, or purchase ready-made ones. For beginners, it is better to invest in industrial structures, the design of which takes into account many factors.

The cages must have a feeder and water bowl.

The room with the cages must be provided with water supply, electricity, heating and climate control.

Also in the process of drawing up a business plan It is worth considering the purchase of special equipment.

Breed selection

Today there are about 200 breeds of rabbits, which are usually divided into 3 groups:

  • meat-skin,
  • meat
  • and down ones.

Among the whole variety, a maximum of 15 breeds are suitable for breeding at home.

You can see it in the next article.

We will tell you how to achieve profitability in raising crayfish in an aquarium. When can you expect your first profit?

We will talk about the prospects for the development of a dairy farm at. What should be included in a business plan?

It’s better for a novice entrepreneur opt for breeding meat-skin rabbits.

The most famous representatives of this group are:

  • White giant
    Gross – 5-6 kg, net – up to 54% of weight. Average fertility is 8 rabbits per litter.
  • Gray giant
    Gross – 5-5.5 kg, net – up to 58% of total weight. On average, she breeds 7-8 rabbits per litter.
  • Chinchilla
    Gross – 5 kg, net – up to 63% of the total weight. Average fertility is 7 - 8 rabbits per litter.
  • Black-brown
    Gross – 5 kg, net – up to 58% of the total weight. Average fertility is from 8 or more rabbits per litter.

Process organization

Big The Mikhailov method is popular among rabbit breeders. Based on the physiological nature of animals, a scientist from St. Petersburg has developed a special technique for breeding rabbits in cages.

This breeding system, taking into account everything key features reproduction of animals, allows you to bring the average weight of young animals to 4-5 kg ​​within 4 months.

Thus, the offspring of one female provides 30 kg of meat products within one year. Detailed information You can find out about the discovery of Academician Mikhailov by following the link

For the success of an enterprise, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Comfort.
    In order for rabbits to mate well and reproduce frequently, it is necessary to properly arrange their habitat.
  • Nutrition.
    According to the Mikhailov system, it is necessary to provide animals with free access to food. They must eat often and be able to eat up to 80 times during the day.
  • No stress.
    It is necessary to eliminate all irritants and minimize the risk of stress in rabbits.

What expenses should be included? Minimum profitability project.

In the next video we will talk about ways to grow champignon mushrooms at home.

We'll talk about how to organize a pig breeding business here. Example financial plan on the development of subsidiary farming.


Rabbits reach puberty relatively quickly. This takes them a maximum of 4 months. However, experts categorically prohibit allowing young animals to mate during this period. Mating with a male is arranged for a female only after reaching full maturity.

The process should be repeated every 1 week. When fertilization occurs, the female will no longer allow males to approach her, which means it’s time to transplant her into a separate cage, where she will give birth and where she will care for the new offspring.

The young will feed on their mother's milk for 60 days.


In conditions of auxiliary rabbit breeding, They should be fed with special feed. It contains the nutritional components necessary for animals and meets all dietary requirements. In addition to feed in the summer, it is advisable to give animals cleaned green grass from pastures, to winter period You can limit yourself to hay.

For pregnant females, the diet should be varied - this will allow you to get strong and healthy offspring. As a supplement to the main feed, it is necessary to use special vitamin and mineral supplements and include succulent feed.

To optimize costs and ensure food security, you need to stock up on feed for 2-3 months in advance.

The female rabbit, during the year, brings forth offspring in the amount of 24 cubs:

  • The female consumes up to 45 kg of feed per year.
  • The feed consumption rate for a calf will be approximately 12-13 kg.

Total 1 female with offspring accounts for about 0.34 tons of feed per year. Maximum price it costs 9 rubles per 1 kg.

Example of an organization rabbit farm look at the video:

Financial calculations

We provide approximate calculations for creating a subsidiary farm.

Expenses– 493,050 rub. (at the start of the business and the first year of activity)

Investment – ​​164,000 rub.

  • Equipment of premises – 50,000 rub.
  • Registration – 10,000 rub.
  • Purchase of cells – 50,000 rub.
  • Purchase of livestock – 54,000 rubles. (60 animals for a maximum of 900 rub.)

Current costs – 329,050 rub. (per year)

  • Rent of a plot - up to 80,000 rubles.
  • Costs for compound feed - 157,050 rubles.
    (50 females with offspring * 340 kg * 9 r. and 10 males * 45 kg * 9 r.)
  • Costs for hay - 7,000 rubles. (2 tons*3500 rub.)
  • Expenses for a veterinarian - 15,000 rubles.
  • Utility costs – 50,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Income– 863,400 rub.

On average for breeds, by slaughter age rabbits weigh 5.1 kg.

An average of 2.9 kg of meat (58% of the total weight) will be obtained from one animal.

You can also get up to 0.07 kg of fat from one carcass. Animal fat is actively used in medicine and perfumery.

Sales of manure and internal organs We don’t take it into account.

Based on this:

  • Income from the sale of meat = 1200 * 2.9 * 210 rubles. per 1 kg at wholesale price = 730,800 rubles.
  • Fur – 1200 * 100 rub. (average price per skin) = 120,000 rubles.
  • Fat – 1200*.07*150 rub. = 12,600 rub.

Profit before taxes will be 863,400 rubles. – 493,050 rub. = 370,350 rub. per year or 30,862.5 rubles per month.

Have you decided to start a rabbit breeding business, but don't know where to start? Read this article to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this business, how to get maximum profit, write a business plan and become a successful entrepreneur.

When you decide to become a rabbit breeding businessman, you shouldn’t rush. Evaluate all the pros and cons, think about whether you can cope with a rabbit farm. Having finally decided not to rush to buy everything you need, draw up a business plan and turn to the government for help. Nowadays agriculture is, if not in a deplorable, then in a neglected state, so the state provides grants and subsidies for its development. You can find out more about this at the employment service of the territorial subject. Even a little money will not be superfluous.

Is it possible to open? It’s quite possible if you follow our advice.

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Rabbit farming as a business is one of promising species livestock farming To open your own business, you will need to solve a number of organizational issues ( individual entrepreneur or peasant farm, choosing a plot for rent), arrange the plot in accordance with the objectives of rabbit breeding, select and purchase the appropriate breed/breeds of rabbits, establish sales channels, slaughter and waste-free production.

A carefully drawn up business plan will eliminate mistakes and unforeseen expenses that arise during the purchase of equipment and landscaping.

  • Worth reading:

State and characteristic problems of rabbit breeding in Russia

Rabbit breeding is a promising part of animal husbandry in Russian Federation. In accordance with the draft target program “Development and increase in rabbit production in the Russian Federation for 2014-2020,” it is necessary to increase meat production to 50 thousand tons per year, as well as increase the livestock to 750 thousand heads. According to experts, the unmet demand for rabbit meat is over 300 thousand tons per year.

According to information from the State Statistics Committee for 2010, the total consumption of all types of meat per year per capita is 71 kg, with rabbit meat accounting for 6-8%, which corresponds to approximately 2-3 kg per person. However, the current production (10-15 thousand tons) allows us to provide only 70 grams per capita per year.

The main suppliers of rabbit meat are private small farmsteads that are not able to adequately meet the needs Russian market. As a result, the share of imports into the Russian Federation is almost 85%. The main importers of Russia are China, as well as Hungary (27%) and the Czech Republic (3%).

Mechanized rabbit farm: features of production technology

When using modular complexes for raising rabbits, it allows you to place up to 1-2 thousand queen rabbits in each building. Production is year-round continuous due to the maintenance of a given temperature (16-25 degrees) and humidity (60-70%) in modular complexes. Feeding is carried out with granulated feed based on grass meal.

When drawing up a business plan, there are 2 reproduction schemes:

  • 6 week cycle;
  • 7 week cycle.

With a 6-week cycle, slaughter is performed on days 75-77. According to the business plan, the live weight of rabbits is 2.5-2.6 kg, and the carcass weight is up to 1.45 kg. With such a system, the exploitation of queen rabbits does not exceed 1 year.

With a 7-week cycle, rabbits are slaughtered at 89-91 days. By this period, live weight is 2.7-2.8 kg, and carcass weight is up to 1.7 kg. This scheme assumes the operation of queen rabbits for 1 year and 3 months.

The fertility of female rabbits is approximately 80-85%. If we take into account the number of rabbits born (9.5 units), the number of those surviving on the third day (about 8.1), then we get 7.7 heads per female, which is 20% of natural mortality.

Since rabbits quickly get used to a certain feeding regimen, they should choose and stick to a specific regimen. There are 2 types of feeding used on a rabbit farm:

  • combined;
  • granulated.

The business plan takes into account not only the prices of feed and hay, but also their possible fluctuations for the specified billing period.

An example of organizing a mechanized rabbit farm

You can start a rabbit farming business with small financial investments. With an investment of up to 5 million rubles, you can count on 121 mother rabbits. This quantity is typical for small rabbit farms with no automation. At mechanized farm can be used standard business plan, designed for 1000 queen rabbits with an investment of 35 million rubles and a payback of 4-5 years. In this case, a hybrid French breed of rabbits is bred.

What can you expect from such production?

With a population of 1000 rabbits, production finished products per year is about 80 tons. In this case, the cost of production is 170 rubles, and retail price- no less than 320 rub. It should be borne in mind that the production of rabbits is practically waste-free - rabbits can be raised to sell not only meat, but also skins and offal. This is all spelled out in the business plan.

Special equipment on a mechanized farm is cage equipment with automation of feeding, supply drinking water, manure removal and climate control. Only 2 people will be required to service one modular complex for 1000 rabbits. As a result, the business of breeding rabbits is not so complicated and labor-intensive.

  • Read also:

Mini-farms: features of rabbit breeding according to Mikhailov’s method

Rabbit farming as a business does not necessarily have to have industrial scale(from 1000 queen rabbits). Mikhailov’s technique in special mini-farms, feeding without growth-stimulating additives.

On average, one mini-farm can accommodate up to 30 rabbits (on average 12-13 heads). At the same time, the mini-farm itself occupies an area of ​​1.4 square meters. m. As a result, a small rabbit breeding farm, consisting of 16 mini-farms, occupies an area of ​​​​about 1 hundred square meters.

Heating will be required in the cold season - at air temperatures less than +10 degrees (constant heating - at temperatures below +8 degrees). When developing a business plan, heating costs are taken into account, as well as water supply to mini-farms for breeding rabbits.

Selecting and equipping a farm site

The plot for rabbit breeding should be located at a distance from residential buildings. A plot of land can be either purchased or rented.

Initially, it is necessary to calculate the number of cells on the site, determine their location, and also provide for the construction of a room (sheds) in which mini-farms will be located. Naturally, it is necessary to maintain a certain heat and humidity regime in the premises. all year round. And this will require the installation of ventilation and heating systems, as well as climate control systems.

The next thing that needs to be included in the business plan is the maintenance of the cells themselves. When organizing a small-scale rabbit breeding business, 1 person can handle shed maintenance. At the same time, farm automation systems should be considered, including systems for supplying water, feed, and manure removal.

To store food you will need to equip a special room. However, for storing equipment and building materials, it is also worth considering the construction of a small hangar on the site. To slaughter rabbits, you need to set up a slaughterhouse with a meat compartment and a refrigerator.

Rabbit farming as a business is practically waste-free production. Rabbit manure can also bring profit (good fertilizer), so it is necessary to equip a pit on the site for its storage.

Cell selection - main task that will need to be resolved before or immediately after renting/purchasing a plot . If you are drawing up a business plan for a small farm for breeding rabbits, you can make your own cages according to freely available drawings, or purchase ready-made solutions.

Among the most popular mini-farms, Rabbitax should be highlighted. This is a system for rabbit breeding with automation of excrement collection, elimination of fumes and odors, protection from insects, predators, rodents, drafts, and dampness. There is heated water in drinking bowls and nesting boxes. The Rabbitax-4 module for 4 compartments (248 kg) in the standard version of queen cells will cost 21-22 thousand rubles.

Choosing a rabbit breed for breeding

In total, over 200 breeds of rabbits are known, of which no more than 15 are suitable for breeding for the purpose of selling meat and skins. There are 3 types of breeds that can be bred:

  • meat-skin;
  • downy;
  • meat.

You should start a rabbit breeding business with meat-skin breeds.

Large meat-skinned breed. Live weight is 5-6 kg, fertility is about 8 heads in one litter. Slaughter yield up to 54%.

Large breed. The live weight of adults is 5-5.5 kg, and the fertility is 7-8 young rabbits. Slaughter yield - up to 58%.

Chinchilla rabbit

A breed of rabbits of heterogeneous color, the average weight of which is 5 kg. Fertility - 7-8 rabbits. Slaughter yield up to 63%.


Also refers to large meat-hide breeds with an average weight of 5 kg. Fertility is 8 or more rabbits per litter. Slaughter yield is 58% (for 4-month-old young animals - 69.3%).

Californian and White New Zealand

They belong to fur breeds. Mainly used for the production of broiler rabbits. Live weight - 4 kg, in a litter of up to 4 rabbits. Slaughter yield - up to 60%.

Naturally, these are not all breeds suitable for breeding. Profitable business rabbits can also be organized with the raising of other breeds (for example, White Downy, Butterfly, Vienna Blue, etc.).

Financial plan: expenses and income when organizing rabbit breeding

The cost items of the business plan, without taking into account the arrangement of a plot for breeding rabbits, include:

  • plot rental;
  • purchase of cells (mini-farms);
  • purchasing rabbits;
  • feed costs;
  • maintenance costs;
  • employee salaries.

Initial conditions and costs

A business plan for breeding meat rabbits will look like this:

  1. Mini-farm "Rabbitax-4" - 22 thousand rubles, rabbits of the Gray Giant breed (1 individual) - 650-1000 rubles (~825 rubles).
  2. Production conditions: 96 rabbits (4 female rabbits) per year with 3 births.
  3. Feed costs. For 4 rabbits, the weight of the feed is 180 kg, taking into account 96 young rabbits - 1440 kg. Total: 1440 kg x 7.5-9 rubles = 10.8-12.9 thousand rubles. (~11.85 thousand rubles).
  4. Costs for hay. For breeding rabbits - 90 kg, including young animals - 810 kg. Expenses - 810 kg x 3.5 rubles = 2835 rubles.
  5. Water costs. On average, water consumption will be 7.5 thousand liters.
  6. Electricity costs (heating at air temperatures less than +8 degrees) - 0.5 kW/h.
  7. Labor costs. It will take 10 minutes to maintain 1 mini-farm. Morning and evening. Total - 20 min. per day.

Total expenses excluding labor costs, electricity consumption and water consumption according to the business plan average: 11.85 thousand rubles + 2.84 thousand rubles = 14.69 thousand rubles.

Estimated income from rabbit farming

The rabbit breeding business with the specified initial data generates income from the proceeds:

  • Meat. 90 pcs x 2.5 kg = 225 kg. The minimum wholesale price is 210 rubles (average retail price ~360-370 rubles/kg). Total: 47.25 thousand rubles.
  • Liver. 96 pcs x 80 g = 7.7 kg. The average price of rabbit liver is 350-400 rubles/kg. Total - 7.7 x 360 = 2.77 thousand rubles.
  • Fur. On average, a rabbit skin costs 100 rubles/piece. Total = 96 pcs x 100 rubles = 9.6 thousand rubles.
  • Fat. Rabbit fat is used in perfumery and medicine. The cost is about 150 rubles/kg. Total: 96 pcs x 0.07 kg x 150 rubles = 1 thousand rubles.
  • Fertilizers. Rabbit manure is a good fertilizer that can be sold to farms. Income - 2500 kg x 0.4 rubles = 1000 rubles.

Total income for the year will be (thousand rubles): 47,25 + 2,77 + 9,6 + 1 + 1 = 61.62 thousand rubles.

Total costs(thousand rubles): 22 (mini-farm) + 3.3 (4 breeding individuals) + 14.69 (maintenance) = 39.99 thousand rubles.

Net profit(excluding costs for maintaining mini-farms, electricity and water): 61.62-39.99 = 21.63 thousand rubles. This is income from 1 mini-farm “Rabbitax-4”, taking into account the cost of equipment and breeding rabbits.

By increasing the mini-farm for breeding rabbits, the business will generate significantly more income. It all depends on the selected breeds, the number of mini-farms and the reproduction cycle.