How to write a business plan for oyster mushrooms? What costs should you expect? Should we hope for good profits? What is the technology for growing these mushrooms?

Agricultural activity has dozens of areas that allow you to start a business without much investment. Although an artificial climate for cultivating oyster mushrooms, when creating a favorable microclimate, is the most profitable idea.

Even in a small area, a farmer can grow oyster mushrooms and get several stable harvests per year. And his goods will be sold much more profitably than essential products - potatoes, onions and carrots.

In addition, this type of business is easy for beginners and does not require the purchase of expensive equipment. Just a couple of hours of work mushroom farm, and your products will be ready for sale in time.

And most importantly, the duration of the entire technological process takes two months, and during this time you can choose a convenient cultivation method for a businessman in his production.

Why this mushroom growing business?

Oyster mushrooms are a highly productive agricultural crop, and from an area of ​​1 sq. meter, it is possible to collect up to 120 kg of live weight of products every year. And these indicator criteria are 5-6 times higher than the yield of potatoes or carrots.

According to farmers, the mushroom business has characteristic advantages:

  1. The farm does not require expensive equipment.
  2. It is possible to organize production in a small room.
  3. Oyster mushrooms are effectively grown in household conditions.
  4. The change of seasons indoors does not affect the technology of mushroom cultivation.
  5. One person can start a business.
  6. At the initial stage and with small harvests, business registration is optional.

Important: a beginner entrepreneur of this type of activity can count on a subsidy state standard. These actions make it possible most of costs (about 85%) to cover the purchase of equipment and seed.

If you successfully draw up a business plan for growing oyster mushrooms, you should register your activities as:

  • Peasant farm - peasant (farm) enterprise;
  • IP - (individual entrepreneurship).

After collecting the necessary documents, the farmer must register at the department agriculture region of residence.

Business expenses

For successful creation own business project, you need to consider rational planning in this activity. This will be useful for orientation in quick payback products or attracting investors.

In aspects of business existence, a special place is occupied by the development of a business plan. It takes into account all expenses, unplanned problems and ways to solve them.

Specific requirements must state the whole essence of the matter; in a word, the feasibility of the business must be clearly reflected in numbers and amounts. Focus on what investments you will need to open a business and what business expenses you need to expect.

Important: include additional points for increasing income in your business plan, taking into account the moment when you sell planting material to summer residents before sale finished products to the store.

The way the product is sold is your real profit. And it is important to write down the expected income. It is advisable to compare the project development plan with inflation.


What to invest in:

  • purchasing materials for growing oyster mushrooms;
  • installation of mushroom blocks;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of substrate;
  • purchasing timber and manufacturing shelving;
  • purchase of plastic bags;
  • business registration.
  • payment of utilities;
  • transportation costs;
  • wages for hired workers.


When creating a mushroom business, special meaning the entrepreneur must create a consistent microclimate in the room to create ideal conditions: ventilation, heating and air conditioning.

For normal functioning premises for 100 blocks you need:

  1. Fan for industrial purposes - 1 pc.
  2. Air humidifier – 1 pc.
  3. Air conditioner for the growing and incubation chamber - 2 pcs.
  4. Fluorescent lamp - 2 pcs.
  5. Insect repellent lamp – 1 pc.
  6. Refrigerator compartment for mushrooms - 1 pc.
  7. Rack for 6 blocks - 17 pcs.
  8. Scales large and small - 2 pcs.
  9. Water pump - 1 pc.
  10. Thermometer - 1 pc.
  11. Barrels (capacity 200 l.). — 2 pcs.
  12. Tables in the landing chambers - 2 pcs.
  13. Various tools.

Growing technology

The full technological cycle has many factors:

  • quality of planting material (substrate);
  • types of mushrooms;
  • conditions in the incubator;
  • microclimate in the fruiting compartment;
  • quality of mycelium.

For beginners who have no idea about the full step-by-step technology When growing, it is best not to rush into sowing en masse. If an entrepreneur likes this idea, he needs to work with several batches and experiment with the result.

Farmers who are constantly engaged in the mushroom business and have a complete understanding of the technological cycle harvest 3 kg or more of products with a mushroom block of 10 kg.

Production of raw materials (substrate)

The nutrient substrate is usually made from agricultural waste. The raw materials will be hay, straw of processed grain crops, corn leaves, and husks.

It can be supplemented with forest waste (tree bark, sawdust, shavings). The best option in terms of ratio pricing policy and quality is a bedding of husks and straw.

To eradicate mold spores and various bacteria, the raw materials must be kept in a humid environment at a temperature of 80°C.

  1. Xerothermic. The steaming chamber is filled with dry substrate and kept in it for about 3-4 hours. This process is then followed by cooling.
  2. Pasteurization. Soak the substrate in water, do not dry it and then treat it with steam.
  3. Hydrothermal. The soaked raw materials are kept in water for several hours in a row.

According to farmers' reviews: at the entry level, the last option is considered the most affordable and practical. This is due to the use of a minimal amount of equipment, including the steam generator.

Hydrothermal treatment has the following process:

  1. The raw materials are soaked in slightly heated water for 6 hours to kill mold and bacteria. Then after the procedure, it is transferred to fabric bags.
  2. At the second stage, you will need a barrel with a screw-on lid. Fabric bags with workpieces are placed in it, filled with water, the barrel is heated to 82°C and kept warm for 8 hours.
  3. After processing, the raw materials are laid out on the material for drying. After complete cooling, the substrate is suitable for sowing. The landing itself has several stages.

Planting process

To get a good harvest, you need to know the intricacies of choosing mycelium and different strains. To understand how they differ, you can order planting material from different suppliers and thereby compare the results. In this case, you can evaluate the growth rate and quality of the mushrooms.

Seeding includes the following steps:

  1. Mycelia are kept at a temperature of 23°C.
  2. The work is performed with rubber gloves, having previously disinfected them. This action is also performed with work tables and containers.
  3. Pour the mycelium into a container, kneading it and separating it from the seeds.
  4. Selected for work required quantity planting material.
  5. The mycelium is combined with the substrate and then placed in a dense layer in bags.
  6. The fabric bag is pulled tight.
  7. The packaging number is marked on the bags.

The mycelium consumption rate is based on the weight and size of the bags. The thickness of the substrate layer does not exceed 7 cm. It must be compacted tightly by hand and sprinkled with mycelium.

Incubation process

Blocks are placed in the prepared incubator, maintaining an interval of 15 cm. The normal distance contributes to ideal cooling. The process itself can cause an increase in temperature in the aging area. The bags do not need to be hung from the ceiling; in a calm state, the mycelium begins to germinate.

Growing planting material Oxygen is required, so small holes with a diameter of 5 mm must be made on each block on both sides.

To germinate raw materials in bags on one side (the other may fit tightly against the wall), it is worth making many small holes in a chaotic manner. This can be done with an awl or other sharp object.

The temperature inside the blocks should not change, and this can be monitored using a thermometer inserted into one of the holes in the bags. Comfortable temperature conditions cannot exceed 25°C. If the unit heats up more than normal, it needs to be cooled in a timely manner. This process will prevent the mycelium from dying.

Important: pay attention to the temperature indicator in the bags 6-7 days after sowing.

After 20 days, a mycelium forms in the bags. Then it grows and seeps into the holes. During this period, the formation of primordia (fruiting bodies) occurs.

Fruiting procedure

After identifying white areas in the holes, the material must be taken to the fruiting zone. The temperature in the chamber should be set at 22°C. After a day, it is recommended to reduce it to 15°C, keeping the humidity at 80%. Within a week, the marketable appearance is completely formed.

It is important for an entrepreneur to know that mushrooms during the fruiting period have a wave-like increase in yield. Moreover, the most active occurs in the first stage, and the second adheres to the ratio of 20%. After the first stage of fruiting, the mycelium rests for 10-12 days. Then you need to give it complete rest, reducing the temperature to 20°C and the humidity to 80%.

After these days, the incubation process begins to repeat with the formation of the primordium and the growth of fruiting bodies.

Typically, growing oyster mushrooms at home as a business guarantees a stable harvest during two stages of fruiting. For the third run, the productivity may not justify the cost.

After the second fruiting, the substrate can be sold as fertilizer or disposed of. Disinfect the chambers and prepare them for a new cycle of planting material.

Revenues and profitability

With a calculated approach to climatic conditions, growing mushrooms will bring the farmer a good harvest. In two stages you can get 3-4 kg of product from each grow bag. Therefore, one block makes it possible to easily collect 300-350 kg of clean goods at a price of 120-130 rubles per kg.

By calculating your income, you can come to an approximate amount of 45,000-46,000 rubles.

As you can see, the profitability is 80%, while the payback period is 10 months.

Sales of oyster mushrooms

For constant profit, the grown products must be sold. Regular consumers can become:

  1. Shops and procurement offices. To confirm the quality of your products, you need to provide certificates.
  2. Bases wholesale. In places of sale, the purchase of agricultural products is always practiced by wholesale suppliers.
  3. Enterprises for processing raw materials. Entrepreneurs specializing in this field use the product in preparing various mushroom dishes.
  4. Places catering. The menus of such establishments are not complete without mushrooms, and such products are always popular.


Mushroom farming requires careful attention and a well-thought-out oyster mushroom business plan. Do not forget that a change in any temperature indicators will entail the loss of some part of the goods.

A mushroom idea on a home farm can become the only source of income only if the businessman follows all stages and cultivation cycles.

To create a large-scale enterprise, you can expand your business and add an assortment of mushrooms. And then the path to large retail chains is open to the farmer, where the result of his labor will find worthy use.

Dishes made from mushrooms (or with their participation) have long become favorites among housewives. Salads, main dishes, soups, pastries, snacks - tasty and nutritious mushrooms take pride of place on holiday and everyday tables. This means that the demand for them is quite high, and a mushroom growing business can be quite profitable. You just need to study the technology in detail, think through possible options sales markets, calculate expenses with income - and you can start mastering a new business.

And to make sure that this type of activity suits you, you can start with small volumes: grow the first batch on your own summer cottage and test how well you understand the theory and apply it in practice. And if your mushrooms were a great success, you can start opening a business.

What to choose: champignons or oyster mushrooms?

Champignons and oyster mushrooms are easy to grow and popular with buyers. It must be said that the technologies for their cultivation are similar, but there are some differences.

Most mushroom growers believe that champignons are more difficult to grow, since this type of mushroom is more “capricious”: it requires a special nutrient medium, and the mycelium from which the mushrooms are grown must be of high quality. Costs in this case will be higher, and compliance process will have to be done with utmost care.

Oyster mushrooms are much more democratic in this regard, so it is better for a beginner to start with them. And the business of growing champignons can be mastered later.

Where is the best place to grow mushrooms?

Finding a place for your personal mushroom plantation is not so difficult: they can grow almost anywhere. Great for this basement, barn, cottage or village house, as well as abandoned agricultural or industrial buildings.

In order for a room to be ideal for the comfortable existence of mushrooms in it, the air temperature there should be from 12 to 25 degrees. The humidity required is quite high - at least 85%. Therefore, most often mushrooms are grown in basements.

Communications will need to be connected to the premises: electricity and water will be required (it must flow uninterruptedly and drain freely). You also cannot do without heating and ventilation.

You don’t have to worry about additional air humidification: if the room is not too large, the required humidity can be achieved by regularly irrigating the bags with the substrate. But if the production is large and its area is large enough, a humidification and air conditioning system will be required.

No special repairs will be required in the “mushroom” room: the best floor for it will be concrete, and the walls can simply be whitewashed.

The minimum area on which production can be located is 15 square meters. m. We can assume that one meter contains 3–5 blocks with a nutrient substrate where mushrooms grow.

Setting the stage

Mushrooms are grown in a special substrate - straw (rye, wheat, barley), sawdust (any kind except pine will do), bran, sunflower husk, chaff. You can purchase a ready-made substrate (there are farms that specifically produce it). But it’s quite easy to make it yourself.

If you are planning a business growing oyster mushrooms, there should be no difficulties with the soil: it will be enough to pour straw, sawdust, husks or other raw materials hot water and wait for several hours - the mushroom soil will be ready. All that remains is to mix it with the seed and put it in large plastic bags.

With champignons, everything is somewhat more complicated: they require compost to grow. You can also buy it, but you can also prepare it yourself: it will cost much less.

It is better to take wheat straw as a raw material. It needs to be dried, crushed, and then saturated with water (in a ratio of 2–2.5:1). Then add to the wet straw chicken droppings or regular manure and leave for two weeks, it is important that air access is provided. To ripen compost, you can use special ventilated containers.

In properly prepared compost, champignons grow well - the harvest will be excellent.

Mushroom seedlings: how to choose

Mycelium - seed material for mushrooms - is usually purchased by beginning farmers from large mushroom farms. When purchasing, you need to make sure that the quality of the mycelium is at the proper level. The seed must be even white(no stains), necessary condition– pleasant mushroom smell. Feel free to ask the seller for a license and quality certificate.

Over time, you will also be able to master growing mycelium, including for sale: this is a profitable business, although labor-intensive.

Process technology

When the premises have been found and equipped, the soil has been prepared and you already have high-quality seed, it’s time to start sowing. The compost and mycelium need to be mixed and placed in layers in special containers (you can take large plastic bags - this is the lowest-cost option). We fill the bags to the top, and make holes at the bottom so that excess moisture does not accumulate.

First of all, the mycelium must germinate. Optimal conditions for this are 20–24 degrees Celsius and 60–70% humidity. The room should be dark and well ventilated.

After three days, slits are made in the bags - mushrooms will appear in them. After another two weeks, the bags will be overgrown with mycelium. This completes the first stage: now you will need less heat and more moisture: 12–18 degrees and 85%. The room must be illuminated at least 12 hours a day.

Mushrooms bear fruit three times - 5-7 days each with a break of approximately two weeks. The richest harvest is the first, the second and third are smaller. When the last harvest is harvested, the “mushroom bag” is thrown away and a new one takes its place.

Income and expenses

It is difficult to classify this business as high-cost, however, like any other, it requires clear planning and accurate calculations, so you will definitely need a business plan for growing mushrooms. How much it will cost to start a business depends on many factors: the scale of production, the grade of mushrooms, compost prices, the cost of heating and ventilation, etc. Let's calculate how much one production cycle might cost.

  • Thirty tons of compost (provided self-made): straw, droppings, etc. Total – 20–25 thousand rubles.
  • Mycelium – 13–15 thousand rubles.
  • Expenses for public utilities– 50 thousand rubles.
  • The workers' salary is 65 thousand rubles.
  • The total will be about 150–160 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the income. One ton of compost produces about 200 kg of mushrooms. The price of a kilogram of champignons is about 100-120 rubles. Thus, revenue should be about 650 thousand rubles. After deducting expenses, it turns out to be 500 thousand rubles.

But here we are talking about pure production cycle with already prepared and equipped premises. To start a business growing mushrooms from scratch, you need to take care of production areas. For this you will need:

  • “warm room” - for germinating mycelium. Here you need a heating system, irrigation system and good ventilation;
  • a cool room (with lighting, heating, ventilation) for growing mushrooms;
  • motor transport.

If you plan to make your own compost, you will need another small room with a grinder and pasteurization device.

To whom and how to sell products

After the harvest is harvested, it’s too early to go straight to the sellers. We still need to collect all the documents necessary to sell a batch of mushrooms. These include:

  • declaration of conformity to state standards;
  • phytosanitary certificate;
  • conclusion on radiological examination.

As for sales markets, there may be several options:

  • Selling mushrooms on your own on the market is profitable if production volumes are small, since you can get a wholesale price rather than a retail one. However for large manufacturers this method of selling goods is not suitable;
  • make deliveries to cafes, restaurants, shops; here you can set a good price and the volumes will be considerable. However, you will have to deal with delivery and enter into numerous contracts.
  • sell mushrooms to wholesalers. The price in this case will, of course, be lower, but the process of selling the goods itself will be simplified as much as possible.

We register a business

A business for growing mushrooms must be registered legally (the private plot option is not suitable here - the requirements for producers of champignons and oyster mushrooms are quite strict). It will be mandatory.

The code for this type of activity is A.01.12.31.

The good news is that you can choose one of the most favorable tax regimes - .

Looking for an idea for own business Many people come to grow oyster mushrooms at home. In this piece, we'll take a closer look at the costs, profitability, and feedback of this activity. Is it worth the effort or necessary? serious investment and a large enterprise?

Advantages and Disadvantages

This business is in many ways an ideal option for beginners getting acquainted with entrepreneurship. It requires a minimum starting capital and allows you to start working with small volumes, increasing them over time. Moreover, at the very beginning it is possible to grow mushrooms exclusively for personal use, and as soon as the technology is debugged, enter the market.

The following advantages should also be noted:

  1. You can grow mushrooms in rural areas, and in the city.
  2. High demand for the crop.
  3. Ample opportunities for business development and expansion.
  4. No need for employees, at least in the first stages.
  5. No need for wide list business contacts.
  6. Relatively stable income.

Among the disadvantages are problems with selling really large batches of mushrooms (although the problem will not start soon, it all depends on the growth rate). You will also need at least minimal knowledge of the subject (this can be accumulated in the process).

It should be noted that such an important factor as seasonality. In summer and autumn, sales often decline, but starting from mid-winter, when the population runs out of its own supplies, demand increases.

Reasons for choosing oyster mushroom

Leaving aside nutritional value, taste and healthiness, it is worth noting that compared to the more popular chanterelles, honey mushrooms, champignons and others, oyster mushrooms are quite easy to grow, and the growth rate is high. If in natural conditions The mushroom harvest can be obtained in 2-2.5 months, but in artificial mushrooms this period is halved.

Crops bear fruit in several waves, the weight of one bunch can reach 200 grams, and record holders grow up to several kilograms, or even more.

A separate advantage is that the mushroom can grow on almost any substrate: stumps, straw, sawdust, even sunflower husks. In some countries, oyster mushrooms are even grown on paper waste. Modern technologies allow us to further expand this list.

Selecting a sales market

Among the most obvious options:

  • Independent sale in markets. In this case, you will have to worry about finding a free trading place, make and correctly place advertising, attract attention potential buyers. In this case, sales proceed at a retail pace. The advantage is the ability to set your own prices, keeping an eye on your competitors, if any.
  • Implementation via grocery stores and supermarkets. Everyone has enough big city there will be a retail chain or a separate point that will be interested wholesale purchase mushrooms Unfortunately, most often they offer very low prices. Over time, it will be possible to move to more favorable conditions cooperation, and the accumulated base of regular customers will remain with you, even if you break off cooperation with the outlet.
  • Sales to restaurants. Mushrooms are traditionally used in great demand in restaurants. The reason is simple - such establishments cook only from the freshest products. Cooperation will make it possible to quickly and profitably sell large quantities of mushrooms. The rest can be sold using the first or second method.

Needless to say, no matter what option is ultimately decided upon, the mushrooms grown must be of the highest quality.

Enterprise registration

Before starting work, you should register your business. To do this, you need to select the OKVED code 01.12.31.

This type of business involves three options legal form: Individual entrepreneur, LLC or peasant farm, that is, a peasant farm. All three have their pros and cons. This form is personal subsidiary farming in this case will not work.


Makes it possible to grow mushrooms and sell the harvest.

To register, you will need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles, submit an application to switch to the simplified tax system or unified tax system, and also prepare an application in form No. P21001, which will need to be certified by a notary.

You should worry about photocopies of all significant pages of your passport in advance.


Gives the right to attract investment through loans for agriculture and through government programs.

To register, you need to pay a state fee of 4,000 rubles, submit application No. P11001, prepare the charter of the LLC and a decision on its opening, have copies of the passports of all founders certified by a notary, and write an application for switching to the chosen form of taxation.

The authorized capital of the enterprise must be at least 10,000 rubles.


Documentation own farm plays an important role in this matter. The mushroom business in Russia does not provide for obtaining a special certificate.

However, in order to become a successful seller of your products you will need results laboratory research. You can get it from a food laboratory. Its employees often additionally ask to prepare a safety protocol. It will require an analysis for the presence of radioactive substances and heavy metals.

Documentation of growing oyster mushrooms in industrial scale(even in your own basement) is an expensive and slow task. Moreover: the resulting protocol will need to be updated every 3 months.

Selecting a room

The choice of premises for creating a mushroom plantation should be made as responsibly as possible. It is preferable to choose places that are fairly humid, but not too hot. If we are talking about the very beginning of a business, then a basement or cellar at home may be suitable. As the business develops, old cowsheds, vegetable stores and similar buildings can be purchased and refurbished. As a last resort, you can buy a special greenhouse.

Premises requirements:

  1. Residual moisture.
  2. High-quality ventilation, but without drafts (if no other option is suitable, you can make several holes in the lower part of the wall and extend the hood).
  3. Possibility of temperature adjustment (especially important in winter).
  4. Mandatory disinfection before starting planting work.

A few words about the size of the room. The truck holds about 20 tons of compost for growing. In order to completely distribute it and put it into full use, an area of ​​200-odd square meters will be required. The internal space is divided into sections in which multi-level (depending on the ceiling height) shelving is installed.

Each farm must have at least two passages. The first will be used to transport the harvested crop, it can be made narrower, the second should be much wider - soil will be loaded along it.

Additional premises include a boiler room, a couple of refrigerators for storing collected mushrooms, a packaging area and various rooms technical plan: cabins, toilets and others. As a result, the total area of ​​the farm grows to almost 1-1.5 thousand square meters. Of course, at first you can get by with more modest premises.

If you plan to grow oyster mushrooms all year round and entirely on your own, you will have to provide several additional premises:

  • An inoculation room, where mushroom blocks will be formed from the finished substrate in bags, into which the mycelium is then seeded.
  • Incubation room for mycelium germination.
  • Cultivation room for forcing the fruiting body (the largest room, blocks are strung on rods, laid out on multi-tiered racks or suspended).

The first thing that is required is a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system, which will be used to maintain optimal temperature regime and humidity.

Water heating boilers are used for additional heating in winter. Ideally, it is recommended to purchase several full-fledged climate control units that will help regulate atmospheric parameters for mushrooms at different stages of ripening.

Refrigeration chambers are used to store finished products. It is very important that they preserve mushrooms only for a period of three days. In addition, for proper air circulation, they must be filled no more than halfway.

For premises you will need large number shelving. Also, depending on the specific variety, bags or boxes will be required for production.


The overwhelming majority of responsibilities rest with the owner. It is he, at least at the start, who deals with delivery and sales issues. Very often, at the beginning of work, when several relatives are involved in the business, one is responsible for some of the supplies, while the rest deal with the immediate issues of cultivation, fertilization, planting, etc.

As the farm grows and mushroom production expands, managing everything will become increasingly difficult. At some point, inviting new employees to your small business will become an urgent need. However, there are no special requirements for employees in this matter - they will only be required to be conscientious and lack bad habits and having a medical record.

Considering that none educational institution Since the country does not have a department of mushroom science, it will be simply impossible to find a qualified specialist. Of course, there is always a chance that an experienced person will come across. In this case, it is highly recommended to install it wages depending on production.

It is difficult to say what total number of employees will be required for breeding. One assistant will be enough to grow oyster mushrooms at home. If we are talking about a hundredweight harvest every day, then you will need to attract at least a couple of employees.

At the same time, they will deal only with the mushrooms themselves, while additional forces will be required for marketing products, preparing raw materials for production and for the position of accountant. Of course, one person can combine several roles if desired.

Approximate calculation

An approximate analysis of the expenses and income of a large enterprise can be seen in the table.

Start-up costs Sum
1 Rent or purchase of land or building 1,000,000 rubles
2 Purchase of equipment 500,000 rubles
3 Business registration, advertising costs 100,000 rubles
Monthly expenses
1 Employee salaries 150,000 rubles
2 Advertising 5,000 rubles
3 Maintenance costs 15,000 rubles
1 Profit from processing at a wholesale price of 1 kg of mushrooms of 14 rubles 1,400,000 rubles

Two important points should be noted here:

  1. These calculations assume working with a large farm, which has about 100 tons of compost for cultivation; if the scale is reduced, the costs will be lower.
  2. The data is based on one processing cycle, but there can be up to four in a year.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that the net profit for one two-month cultivation cycle will be up to 780 thousand rubles. As a result, according to experts, the full payback period for an oyster mushroom farm will be about two years.

Those interested can download another one.

Competition and risks

Separately, it is worth noting the issue of competition. Currently, its level on the market can be assessed as quite low, which, coupled with low requirements for starting a business, makes it especially profitable for beginners. Imported products have recently left the domestic market, but the price level has remained the same, and the demand for mushrooms is consistently high.

Competition should be feared mostly from larger producers engaged in industrial breeding. However, there are not many of them on the market today, so there is no need to fear serious opposition to expansion. The risks in this area are also not too great, given the undemanding nature of investments.


The main advantage is high profitability. The advantage is that there is no need for significant investments at the initial stage. The income is quite good - it reaches 650 rubles from each processed square meter in 1.5 months.

Another undeniable advantage is ease of use. Oyster mushrooms require much less care than other mushrooms, including.

Experienced businessmen, however, do not deny the presence of a number of difficulties, but they all relate to the initial stages of establishing the process and sales. Once these issues are settled, everything becomes much simpler and all that remains is to collect and sell the crops.

Video: technology for growing oyster mushrooms.

The question of how to sell mushrooms certainly worries all farmers who grow this product. In fact, it is not that difficult to establish a smooth implementation, but beginners may have problems at first. To prevent this from happening, be sure to register necessary documents to sell mushrooms and use the tips offered on this page.

Selling mushrooms is also a fascinating process. In order for mushroom production to be successful, you must be able to sell mushrooms. They can be sold anywhere: on the market, in stores, large enterprises city, hand over to public catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.).

To organize the sale of mushrooms grown in household, use the following recommendations.

  • It is necessary to organize production by a conveyor belt, i.e. you must always have mushrooms, without interruptions.
  • Find a convenient form of packaging. It has been noticed that mushrooms sell out well if they are packaged on plates of 1, 0.5 and 0.3 kg and covered with “breathable” film. In this form, mushrooms for sale remain fresh longer and retain their presentation. If this is not possible, then they can be transported in plastic boxes.
  • It is necessary to organize advertising of products in trade organizations, press. You can also print flyers with advertisements. It’s easy to put recipes for cooking mushroom dishes on them and distribute the leaves along with the mushrooms.
  • It is more convenient to find regular customers and carry out direct sales without the participation of intermediaries. At the same time, inform about the advantages of the mushrooms you grow, their beneficial properties and environmental safety.
  • To sell mushrooms, it is better to find wholesale buyers, which would take all your products at once. These can be shops, cafes, restaurants, canteens, kitchens that bake pies and pizza.
  • Available to organize the most simple recycling mushrooms on site, for example drying them. In this case, you must, of course, know how to properly dry mushrooms. For example, the cap of oyster mushrooms is dried separately from the stem.
  • You always need to agree on the timing of delivery of mushrooms in bulk. Moreover, you should not lower the price below the one at which you sell mushrooms at retail.
  • When setting the cost of mushrooms, it is advisable to set the price slightly below the market price.
  • The buyer should be offered a wide range of mushroom packages. These can be plates with prepackaged mushrooms, small plastic trays of 1–2 kg each, or boxes weighing up to 5 kg.
  • Mushroom growers need to sell spent blocks to obtain mushrooms of the 3rd and 4th waves of fruiting and organic fertilizers to improve soil structure.

Documents required for selling mushrooms

To sell mushrooms, you must have the appropriate documents. Oyster mushrooms and champignons in Russia do not require mandatory certification.

But you need to have a laboratory report. It can also be obtained on the market in his laboratory. You will also need a product test report. This service is paid and is only valid for 3 months.

Then you will have to carry out this procedure again and pay for it.