About what is not in official press releases...

The President, by decree, dismissed 11 generals and senior officers and made 15 appointments.

Most of all, 5 resignations affected the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then follows the FSIN and Sledkom (2 resignations each). One resignation each - from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Prosecutor's Office.

For the second month in a row, the Presidential Administration has not posted personnel decrees on the portal of official acts.

As they say, this is the position of the new Kremlin personnel officer, assistant to President Seryshev.

The former personnel officer, Evgeny Shkolov, was a supporter of greater openness.

“This is the new style of personnel officer Seryshev - to hide everything, to cover your rear just in case.”

Among the significant resignations of November are the dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee, General Karnaukhov, and the Head of the Internal Security Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, General Cherskov.

Karnaukhov's resignation was linked to the Dagestan case.

The fact is that Karnaukhov headed for a long time Investigative Committee in the North Caucasus Federal District and oversaw the North Caucasus and the Southern Federal District.

It's here today greatest number criminal cases of corruption.

“Karnaukhov had serious, trusted ties with many Caucasian clans. It is no secret that Boris Karnaukhov helped them, shared information, and advised them.”

Karnaukhov had serious contacts with all the security forces, he knew how to build relationships with the FSB, and there were no complaints against him in the investigation.

Karnaukhov oversaw almost all cases related to terrorism in the North Caucasus.

However, after the start of the special operation in Dagestan, it turned out that Deputy Bastrykin had too close relationships with many corrupt officials.

He was offered to quietly resign due to his age. He didn't object.

Now Bastrykin has a serious problem finding a replacement for Karnaukhov. They say that this position will be taken by a person close to Directorate M, although Bastrykin himself opposes this.

General Oleg Cherskov, who was dismissed from the post of head of the FSIN's Internal Affairs Directorate, was considered the creation of the head of the FSIN, Kornienko.

In the conflict between Kornienko and the FSB, the director of the FSIN relied on the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Cherskov came from the legendary GUEBiPK and was recommended for appointment as ex-assistant to the President by Shkolov.

Immediately from the moment of Chersky’s appointment, his conflict with employees of the FSB M Directorate began.

At the end of 2017, a scandal arose, as a result of which Chersky was accused of corrupt spending to pay for his birthday party at the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow restaurant.

Materials were collected about visits by the family of the head of the CSS to resorts, expensive restaurants and beauty salons, concerts of world stars in VIP boxes, and accommodation in five-star hotels.

Later, Chersky’s employees were accused of opposing the collection of materials by FSB officers.

The CSS was blamed for its weak work in identifying facts of regime violations and torture in the colonies.

After the famous Yaroslavl case in IK-1, it was decided to place all the blame on Chersky, as a result of which he was fired.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Yamalo-Nenets District, General Bessonov, has been retired.

In the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations since 2002, he has been heading the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Yamal for 10 years.

Bessonov was awarded the rank of general last year.

According to the source, the reason for Bessonov’s long-term stability was his friendly relations with the managers of Gazprom and Lukoil. The local Ministry of Emergency Situations turned a blind eye to the problems for many reasons, for which they received help from oil and gas workers. The management was in good standing in Moscow.

Now Bessonov is called a candidate for the position of vice-governor of Yamal for interaction with law enforcement agencies.

He will replace Mikhail Kagan, who is leaving as a federal inspector in the Sverdlovsk region.

The head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory, General Vladimir Vinevsky, resigned.

In May of this year, Vinevsky was declared incomplete due to the weak activity of the police in the fight against “black loggers.”

Vinevsky himself belongs to the St. Petersburg clan. From 2001 to 2006, he worked as deputy head of the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Northwestern Federal District. From 2006 to 2011, he headed the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Lipetsk Region.

Vinevsky headed the Internal Affairs Directorate Krasnodar region immediately after the scandalous story of Tsapkov, in which many high-ranking police officers were involved.

Vinevsky’s task was to clean up the administration, but it turned out that the general was unable to cope with this task.

For many years Vinevsky was called the creature of General Murov. It was alleged that the FSO contributed to the appointment of Vinevsky to the wealthy Krasnodar region.

In 2015, Vinevsky was planned to be transferred to Saratov, but he held out.

They say that Vinevsky found contacts with Plenipotentiary Envoy Ustinov.

According to the source, Vinevsky’s fate was decided in the summer; the general was asked to prepare for retirement. People from the general’s inner circle were fired: the chief of police Kuznetsov, the head of the Main Investigation Department Demin.

According to the Presidential Decree, the Deputy Head of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zlobinsky, was dismissed (in 2011-2015 he headed the Department for Work with Security Bodies of the Moscow City Hall; he is considered a confidant of Kolokoltsev).

Zlobinsky’s departure is an alarming signal for Kolokoltsev. Zlobinsky was considered his eyes and ears in HR management, which strained many clans in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the wake of the purge of the Bashkir police, the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkiria, the head of the Main Investigation Department, General Viktor Mikhailov, was dismissed.

His resignation is very symbolic against the backdrop of the rape scandal in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bashkortostan.

Viktor Mikhailov has headed the Main Investigation Department of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2011. Before working in Bashkiria, from 2007 to 2011, he headed a similar department in the Omsk region.

In 2016, Mikhailov was even acting minister of the republic, but never received a promotion. “Mikhailov had a very strained relationship with Minister Deev.”

The head of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Moshkov, resigned.

From 2011 to 2017, he headed the Bureau of Special Technical Events (police cyber unit). Moshkov was the deputy of the legendary Miroshnikov. But there were many complaints against Moshkov himself, ranging from corruption to budget fraud.

Moshkov was replaced by Major General Mikhail Litvinov, who previously worked as deputy head of the 12th FSB center.

Moshkov himself served as head of the institute for a short time more than a year and now, according to rumors, he is serving as a witness in several criminal cases.

The deputy head of the organizational and inspection department of the Investigative Committee, General Charikova, was dismissed.

The head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Tula Region, General Krasnov, was also dismissed.

It is interesting that Krasnov was awarded general's shoulder straps only in the summer of this year, and this was done personally by the director of the service, Kornienko.

Krasnov was dismissed based on the results of the audit. Numerous cases of extortion of money from prisoners, violations of regime rules by criminal authorities, and contacts between the leadership of the FSIN and them were revealed.

In addition, employees of the Tula Federal Penitentiary Service organized drug supplies to the colonies.

Recently, the first deputy head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Tula Region, Vsevolod Snurnitsin, was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

The prosecutor of the Novosibirsk region, Vladimir Falileev, has been relieved of his post.

He found himself involved in connections with local criminals.

In particular, they were talking about friendship with Magomed (Mikhail) Magomedov, nicknamed Magomed.

The criminal community in Transbaikalia was involved in the sale of drugs, car theft, and trade in valuable raw materials.

In October, Falileev was sent on leave.

Lyubov Kuzmenok, the first deputy prosecutor of the Novosibirsk region and, in fact, the eminence grise of the prosecutor's office, was also dismissed.

Former deputy prosecutor of the Novosibirsk region Andrei Turbin was also dismissed from the prosecutor's office.

Falileev’s case was handled by a special team of the Prosecutor General’s Office, headed by Deputy Prosecutor General Yuri Ponomarev.

But the basis for the purge was the results of the work of the M Directorate of the FSB, which discovered facts of corruption in all law enforcement agencies of the region.

The head of the traffic police of the Shtelmakh region has already been fired, the entire prosecutor's office has been dispersed, and purges at the police department are expected.

Among the new appointments.

General Rostislav Rassokhov was appointed head of the Main Directorate for the investigation of particularly important cases.

From 2014 to 2017, Rassokhov was a senior investigator for special important matters under the Chairman of the Investigative Committee.

He handled a number of high-profile cases, among them the case of the governor of the Tula region Dudka, the Togliattiazot case.

Former senior investigator for especially important cases under the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Nikolai Ushchapovsky was appointed 1st deputy head of the Main Directorate for investigation of especially important cases.

Ushchapovsky handled a number of cases related to plane crashes; headed a group of investigators into the explosion of the Nevsky Express on the Malaya Vishera railway section, the case of the murder of journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin, took over the Kashin case from Golkin.

General Sergei Golkin became the full-fledged deputy head of the department for investigating particularly important cases.

Golkin manages almost all cases - from the Serebrennikov case to the Dagestan anti-corruption cases.

Sergei Golkin led the Kashin case.

Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee, Colonel Anatoly Razinkin headed the Control and Investigation Department

The head of the investigation team in the Khodorkovsky case, Valery Alyshev, was appointed deputy head of the State Investigative Committee of the Sledkom - head of the department for investigating crimes against state power and in the economic sphere

The former head of the procedural control department of the Sledkom, General Zolotarev, became deputy head of the GSU of the Sledkom.

Zolotarev headed the Moscow region department of the Investigative Committee, then became the first deputy head of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region.

He was one of those who handled the case of Moscow region prosecutors.

Former head of the Investigative Committee for the Volga Federal District (since 2015 - head of the 3rd Investigation Department) and head of the department for the investigation of crimes against the person and public safety.

Denis Kolesnikov increased his status to deputy head of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee.

Kolesnikov took an active part in the initiation and investigation of criminal cases in Nizhny Novgorod and Mari El.

All appointees are considered Bastrykin’s clientele and are connected with the security forces.

The head of the Investigation Department for the Kurgan Region, Petr Krupenya, will head the Department of the Investigative Committee in the Pskov Region.

Since 1991, Krupenya has held leadership positions in the apparatus of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Pskov Region, in 1996 he was appointed to the post of deputy head of the department - head of the public security police of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Pskov Region.

Until 2009, he headed the Internal Affairs Directorate for Yaroslavl region.

Moved to the Investigative Committee in 2010.

Krupenya became famous for his harsh dismissals of employees at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Yaroslavl Region. His subordinates called him a tyrant.

In fact, Krupenya lost control of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs. And he himself was accused of corruption. Pyotr Krupeni's closest relatives were directly related to the Velikoluksky Sausages company.

General Mishagin headed the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ulyanovsk region.

Mishagin himself was the chief of police until 2013 Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Tula region, headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kalmykia.

According to the source, there are two problems in Kalmykia - corruption and drugs.

Mishagin himself has distinguished himself as a specialist in the fight against crime among young people. This topic is probably very relevant now for the Ulyanovsk region.

The new Minister of Internal Affairs of Kalmykia may become the Deputy Chief of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Orenburg region- Chief of Police Colonel Igor Pogadaev.

Police Colonel Vladislav Tolkunov became the new head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Bryansk Region.

In 2011-2012, he served in the central office of the Main Directorate for Economic Crimes and Combating Crimes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and is familiar with Chuychenko.

Assignment to Bryansk former boss The police of Mordovia does not seem to be accidental. Sugrobov’s comrade-in-arms spent several years in Penza and Mordovia and will now head the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Bryansk Region, where the interests of Medvedev’s Miratorg are represented.

Directorate of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation for Chelyabinsk region is part of the Ural Command of the National Guard troops along with the Kurgan, Tyumen and Sverdlovsk regions.

By presidential decree, he was appointed head of the FSVNG department of the Russian Federation for the Chelyabinsk region Yasinsky Alexander Yurievich. He was born on December 20, 1959 in the city of Armavir, Krasnodar Territory. Has two higher education- technical and legal. Married. In the internal affairs bodies since 1989. Over the years of service, he worked his way up from a criminal investigation officer in his native Armavir to the head of the department for coordination of forces and means of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the North Caucasus Federal District. Since 2009, he served in the Chechen Republic. Alexander Yasinsky in 2003 was awarded the medal “For saving the dead”, and in 2014 - “For excellence in the protection public order", reports Governor's press service .

The head of the new structure was introduced to the head of the region by the Deputy Commander of the Ural District of the Russian National Guard Troops for Combat Service, Major General Victor Byshovets and deputy governor Oleg Klimov.

Let us recall that on April 5, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 157, in order to ensure state and public security, protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, a new structure of executive power was created - the federal service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. According to this document the structure Federal service National Guard troops Russian Federation included: management bodies and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, implementing federal state control(supervision) over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms trafficking and in the field of private security activities, as well as private security, including the Center special purpose private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; special rapid response units territorial bodies Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (SOBR); mobile units special purpose territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (OMON); Special Purpose Center for Rapid Reaction Forces and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and aviation units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

For reference:

The National Guard troops are entrusted with the following tasks: participation in maintaining public order and ensuring public safety; protection of important government facilities and special cargo; participation in ensuring states of emergency, martial law, and the legal regime of counter-terrorism operations; participation in the territorial defense of the Russian Federation; providing assistance to the border authorities of the federal security service in protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation; federal state control (supervision) over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms trafficking and in the field of private security activities, as well as over ensuring the security of fuel and energy complex facilities, over the activities of security units legal entities with special statutory tasks and departmental security units; protection of particularly important and sensitive facilities and others.

Over the years of service, Alexander Yasinsky went from a criminal investigation officer in his native Armavir to the head of the Directorate for Coordination of Forces and Means of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the North Caucasus Federal District. Alexander Yuryevich moved from Chechnya to the Southern Urals last fall. Then, during the formation of the Russian Guard, he was appointed acting head regional administration. As Gubernia found out, he had points of contact with the Chelyabinsk region before: most of the personnel of the regional administration of the Russian Guard served under the leadership of Alexander Yasinsky in the Caucasus.

Traded the sea for family and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

– Alexander Yuryevich, you came to the internal affairs bodies at the age of 30. What were you doing before?

– I graduated from the Higher Marine Engineering School, now it is the Novorossiysk State Maritime Academy, with a degree in marine engineering. I studied with pleasure, a diploma with honors as confirmation. After that I sailed a lot - I was an overseas sailor until I was 28 years old. I thought that I would never leave the sea - this is mine for the rest of my life! But when my wife and I were expecting our first child, a daughter, I realized that I wanted to change priorities: to nurse the child, to see the baby take the first step. He put his family above his love for the sea. On earth I chose to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

– Why did you choose to work in the criminal investigation department?

– It seems to me that this is the most legendary work. There is no such person who, while serving in the police, would not want to work in the criminal investigation department. And the situation in Armavir in those years was very tense: 70–80 murders a year, hundreds of robberies. There was an incredible amount of work. They solved such high-profile cases as the serial murders of KAMAZ drivers - 16 people. Criminal authorities were detained. And they started working in the Caucasus even then, because a lot of weapons were brought from there to Armavir.

– In 2003, when you were still working in the Krasnodar region, you were awarded the medal “For saving the dead”...

– On June 22, 2003 there was a very large flood. The Kuban flooded heavily, houses were literally demolished. In one night, we, eight criminal investigation officers and two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, took more than a hundred people from disaster sites. About ten people were saved almost at the last moment; they were already drowning. One grandfather, 86 years old, climbed into the attic, somehow they loaded him in, literally handing him over. An hour later his house was washed away...

– How did you end up in the North Caucasus?

– In 2006, I was sent on a business trip as part of an operational group in the Shelkovskaya region of the Chechen Republic. He served there for six months, and after that he returned to serve there as deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Achkhoy-Martan region. There are 108 thousand inhabitants there, 18 Russians. Bandit groups were still operating on the territory of the Chechen Republic at that time. In 2011, when there was a reformation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, I was offered to continue serving in the temporary operational group of bodies and units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Khankala. I agreed.

In Colonel Alexander Yasinsky’s office there are portraits of three commanders: on the left is the commander of the Ural District of the Russian National Guard troops Igor Golloev, on the right is the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian National Guard troops Viktor Zolotov, in the center is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces Vladimir Putin.

Gangs appeared like mushrooms

– What struck you most and what you remember most about the North Caucasus?

– I experienced the strongest emotions during a special operation when our employee Batsilov died. Subsequently he became a hero of Russia. He was seriously wounded, we tried to put him in the car, but he didn’t, he continued to fight. Previously, we only read about this, as in the years of the Great Patriotic War remained in their positions, but when you see with your own eyes, the attitude is completely different. I was amazed by the fighters’ readiness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their native country

– For some reason, I immediately remembered junior police lieutenant Magomed Nurbagandov from Dagestan...

-...Who, in response to the militants’ demands to advise his acquaintances to quit law enforcement agencies, replied: “Work, brothers.” These are the heroes of our days...

– You, too, were awarded medals for courage and carrying out special operations involving the risk of life. What kind of operations were these?

“Our group of thousands, which included employees of the FSB, armed forces and internal troops, carried out large-scale activities to destroy criminal groups. At that time, gang groups appeared like mushrooms in the North Caucasus. None of us sat at headquarters; all officers took part in combat operations. We have hundreds of militants killed on the territory of the Chechen Republic, Dagestan, Ingushetia...

Chechnya is now one of the safest territories

– The national question is a complex topic, especially if religion is involved in it. Has your attitude towards Islam changed in any way over the years that you spent in the North Caucasus?

“Before, I didn’t think much about it until one of the Chechens who served with me said: “I am most afraid of non-believers, they are the most terrible.” Islam is the religion of billions of people, but some people present it incorrectly, and that’s when the problems begin. I served with Muslims for more than two years in the Akhchoy-Martan region, we went on combat operations together, hand in hand, and I never felt that they treated me any differently... Look, now Grozny is a wonderful city, The Chechen Republic is thriving, it is one of the safest. And the Chechens themselves are very hardworking.

– What Caucasian traditions do you honor?

– In the Caucasus, children treat their parents with respect and reverence. I had a boss, Khusein Aidamirov. He, a colonel, a riot policeman, tried every day to visit his parents and ask how they were doing. Many Russians find it difficult to understand this culture. The attitude towards women there is a little different. It’s customary for us to let a woman go ahead—to show respect, but in Chechnya it’s different. It was unusual at first, but I quickly got used to it.

- Forgive me, of course, for the question, but were you able to get used to the deaths of your colleagues? Is it even possible to get used to this?

– These are still the most difficult memories... But the main thing is that if earlier, at the time of my service in Chechnya, the number of those killed was in the hundreds, then it was reduced to dozens. I left in 2016, only two people died that year. The life of one person is priceless, and when hundreds of lives are saved, it means that the years of work and life lived were not in vain.

The fighters choose their own uniform and take Snickers

– Over the past 20–30 years, weapons Russian army has it changed much?

- Certainly. Our native Kalashnikov assault rifle is being modernized. Employees have night and infrared vision sights. This is something that didn't exist before. We have light body armor and excellent new radio stations with good communications. They work high in the mountains, we can hear our own. And you know what's important? When I served in Khankala, all sorts of manufacturers of weapons and uniforms came to us and we chose what we liked, having previously selected samples for testing. They say: “This form is good.” How should we determine this? Only through experience, for example, by distributing uniforms to riot police and SOBR soldiers so that they could walk in the mountains for three months. They came to the conclusion that it was necessary, for example, that the pants should be rubberized up to the knees, otherwise, when you instantly get wet in the morning, then you are no longer a fighter. And they listened to us.

– What products were in our guys’ duffel bags? I know that American Snickers were found among Chechen fighters.

– Snickers are nuts, glucose, just what you need in such conditions! Our packed rations are also very good and balanced. It includes everything you need - from personal hygiene products and special filters for collecting water from mountain streams, to complete breakfasts, lunches and dinners. There are different sets, everything is ours, domestic. But I know that our fighters still secretly take Snickers with them.

What does the Russian Guard do?

– Who is included in the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation? Why was it created and what is the fundamental difference from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

– On April 5, 2016, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a Decree on the creation of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Some of the main tasks assigned to the National Guard troops are the fight against terrorism and organized crime, maintaining public order and controlling the circulation of weapons in the country. The Russian Guard carries out its activities in close cooperation with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government, public associations and organizations. The National Guard was created with the idea of ​​​​forming a super-powerful force structure consisting of those who always think first about protecting the interests of the country. This is a power fist. Our task in interacting with the Ministry of Internal Affairs is to provide security support during operations. The Russian Guard in the Chelyabinsk region includes such units as the Federal State Institution “Department of Private Security of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk Region”, the Center for Licensing and Permitting Work, a special mobile detachment (OMON), stationed in Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk and Zlatoust, a special rapid fire squad response (SOBR), special purpose aviation detachment.

– Many people ask the question: why did private security become part of the structure of the Russian Guard?

– Because private security units ensure the security of important government facilities, the fuel and energy complex, and strategic facilities. This year the private security service celebrates its 65th anniversary. By the way, the Chelyabinsk region is very complex, replete with government facilities that are subject to mandatory protection. There are more than 11 thousand of them.

– Perhaps that’s why you were transferred here from the Caucasus? By the way, when mass evacuations were recently taking place in Chelyabinsk due to false reports of mining, did the Russian Guard also take part in the inspections?

- Yes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Russian Guard - everyone comes in this case. Everyone does their own thing. For example, we have something that others don’t have - engineering and technical groups with mine-detecting dogs. By the way, the team of the Russian Guard in the Chelyabinsk region is very strong and well-established. I did not make any fundamental personnel decisions. 80 percent of the personnel were my subordinates in the Caucasus. I know SOBR, OMON here. At that moment they were part of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Chelyabinsk region took great care of its employees who served in the Caucasus. You can count such subjects on your fingers. Previously, we left for six months, now for three. In general, I try to maintain the core, to support the veterans of private security, riot police, and SOBR.

In Chelyabinsk I realized that the forest is not scary

– What impression did you get about Southern Urals during the year that you have lived here?

– I am proud that I am in the Chelyabinsk region. Here people made tanks and worked in the rear. Once I got here, I began to look at the home front workers with completely different eyes, they are such heroes! They found common ground with Governor Boris Dubrovsky. He is a metallurgist, we discussed pipes with him. Previously, they had to be transported from Japan. In 1983-1984, when I was a sailor, large-diameter pipes were transported to build the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod oil pipeline. Now we produce everything ourselves, we don’t depend on anyone. As for the population, modern Chelyabinsk residents are very open people, they have made many friends and acquaintances. They say there are environmental problems, but I haven’t felt them yet. Although breathing, of course, is not like in the mountains. At the same time, I admit, much is unusual in the Chelyabinsk region. In the Caucasus, detachments are constantly moving forward, helicopters fly out from Khankala every morning, but here I feel deep in the rear. I’m gradually getting used to the fact that I can pick it up and go into the forest. Here, forest is not a scary word, which means it’s not in vain that we have done so much in the Caucasus and continue to perform hard service. In Chechnya and Ingushetia, no one just goes into the forest, this is still a controlled zone, but in the Southern Urals, there is nothing to fear except ticks. The long winter is also surprising. I really loved the hockey teams “Traktor” and “Metallurg”. I go to matches, though. most of It takes time to check the activities of the riot police who serve there, visit the multifunctional law enforcement center, and so on. But I myself go to the ice rink, skate, and even put my wife on skates. By the way, it turned out that I have eight relatives from the Urals. My son’s wife, for example, is from Ust-Katav.

– Is your son a military man by any chance?

- For now, a sailor. But he is already interested in serving in the Russian Guard. There is also a daughter, but her specialty is purely peaceful.

Photo: Vyacheslav Shishkoedov

In the Chechen Republic in locality Khankala hosted festive events dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the creation of VOGOiP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The ceremonial meeting was attended by the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the North Caucasian Federal District, Police Colonel General Sergei Chenchik, the acting head of the VOGOiP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, police colonel Alexander Yasinsky, the Minister of Internal Affairs for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Major General of Police Igor Romashkin, the commander of the OGV(s) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. to conduct CTO in the TFR, Lieutenant General Sergei Vlasenko, heads of departments of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia stationed in the North Caucasus Federal District, as well as the leadership and personnel of the group.

In the administrative center of the temporary town of VOGOiP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a ceremony was held to lay flowers at the monument to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation who died in the line of duty.

The ceremonial meeting began with the demonstration of a film prepared by the press center of the VOGOiP of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which showed pages of history and the stages of formation of the group, the results of its service and combat activities.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the North Caucasus Federal District, Police Colonel General Sergei Chenchik, addressed the audience with a congratulatory speech, who thanked the leadership and employees of the group for many years of worthy service in maintaining law and order in the North Caucasus region. Sergei Chenchik also congratulated Police Major General Igor Romashkin on his appointment to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, who since 2012 has successfully and efficiently led the personnel of the VOGOiP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Igor Romashkin also congratulated the group’s personnel on their 15th anniversary and thanked colleagues from VOGOiP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and units of internal affairs bodies and internal troops for many years working together, for the successful completion of service and combat missions and years of interaction, thanks to which serious results have been achieved in the fight against illegal armed groups and accomplices of the underground.

Police Colonel Alexander Yasinsky, acting head of VOGOiP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, delivered a solemn speech. Colonel Yasinsky congratulated the group's employees on the holiday and wished them success in the fight against crime and terrorism.

The commander of the OGV(s), Lieutenant General Sergei Vlasenko, also expressed gratitude to the personnel of the temporary operational group for many years of cooperation in the fight against the armed and radical underground North Caucasus And achievements achieved in restoring constitutional order in the region.

Continuing the ceremonial part, the heads of the units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of the North Caucasus Federal District also addressed those gathered with words of congratulations. A number of employees of the group were awarded state and departmental awards from internal affairs bodies and internal troops, badges, valuable gifts and certificates of honor.

At the end of the event, a festive concert was organized for guests and personnel of the VOGOiP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in which members of the group took part, as well as colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the 46th separate special-purpose brigade of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Grozny Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia.


A temporary operational group of bodies and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was formed on April 22, 2000 by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs.

The first head of VOGOiP was Police Lieutenant General Viktor Medveditkov. Subsequently, the group was led by Police Lieutenant General Nikolai Getman, Lieutenant General internal service Viktor Vorotnikov, Police Lieutenant General Iskander Galimov, Police Colonel Yuri Orlenko, Police Major General Viktor Rakitin, Police Lieutenant General Alexander Sysoev, Police Lieutenant General Oleg Khotin, Internal Service Lieutenant General Mikhail Shepilov, Police Lieutenant General Nikolai Simakov and Police Major General Igor Romashkin.

VOGOiP police officers perform service and combat missions in Dagestan, Ingushetia, North Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria. Today, the group includes employees of internal affairs bodies from all regions of the Russian Federation.

The main goals and objectives of the group are to control the state of the operational situation in the North Caucasus Federal District, identify members of illegal armed groups and their accomplices, remove weapons and drugs from illicit trafficking, and identify vehicles on the federal wanted list. In addition to the network of checkpoints, there are 7 mobile inspection and inspection complexes, which have shown their effectiveness in Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

Press center VOGOiP Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Has two higher educations - technical and legal.


The President of the Russian Federation appointed the head of the Russian Guard department for the Chelyabinsk region

The President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on six appointments in the Russian Guard, including reappointing Colonel Alexander Yasinsky as head of the National Guard Troops Directorate for the Chelyabinsk Region. This is stated in a message on the website of the Russian Guard.

Alexander Yasinsky arrived in Chelyabinsk last fall: it was then that he was appointed head of the regional department of the Russian Guard during its formation.

In Kyshtym, employees of the National Guard decorated an exhibition in honor of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers

In the interdistrict department of private security in the cities of Kyshtym and Karabash, the exhibition “Heirs” was opened for the first time Immortal Regiment" The initiator of holding such exhibitions in private security departments was the head of the Russian Guard Office for the Chelyabinsk Region, police colonel Alexander Yasinsky.

As Natalya Belyaeva, an analyst for the organizational and analytical work of the private security department in Kyshtym, told the KR website, the exhibition presents five photographs, each of which is accompanied by a story about the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of Kyshtym employees of the Russian Guard.

The head of the Chelyabinsk department of the Russian Guard, after a series of emergencies, intends to tighten control over weapons

The head of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation for the Chelyabinsk Region, Alexander Yasinsky, intends to tighten control over the circulation of weapons. He announced this today, December 20, at his first press conference in the Southern Urals. According to Yasinsky, this will make it possible to establish work with those who want to purchase weapons and protect children from accidents.

Colonel Yasinsky spoke about the structure of the new power structure, which was created on April 5 of this year and is still not very clear to ordinary residents.