Are you rich enough to buy cheap things?

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“I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things,” that’s what Baron Rothschild used to say in his time. And strangely enough, there is much more truth in this aphorism than it might seem at first glance. And there are plenty of examples of this.

Cheap Chinese sneakers that disfigure your gait, leading to injury to your leg. Exploding batteries in phones from an unknown manufacturer. Sausage of dubious origin, causing severe poisoning of the entire body. Diet pills that damage the liver... I think there is no need to continue, there are a great many examples that can be given. Of course, you can get all the above “adventures” for a lot of money, there are plenty of fakes. But this is not about that, but about whether it’s worth saving on your nerves and financial means. It’s not for nothing that they say, the miser pays twice.

Just the other day I visited a center selling household appliances. The reason is banal, but very important: I had to ask the price for a gift for my beloved mother, who had her birthday the other day. Having looked at what I needed and noted in my mind the required amount, I take my walk through the depths of the store and wander into the department selling washing machines. And there is a scandal, emotions and other manifestations of the nervous state of the body. A certain madam, of a pleasant but disheveled appearance, expresses an abundance of fair complaints to the representative of the store administration. As it turned out from the verbal battle of the discussion participants, Madame was imprudent in trusting the persistent recommendations of the sales consultant, who advised her to buy a washing machine not from Miele, but from a product from a friendly Asian country. They say, why should you pay three times more when this unit washes just as well. This is understandable; it is profitable for the consultant to sell what is stagnant in the home institution. And people will buy good equipment even without prompting.

So, madam took her word for it and purchased what was recommended. But just the other day, something she bought broke and the entire contents of the machine spilled onto the floor. The technician who arrived promptly rendered a verdict that the case was not covered by warranty, since someone had already unscrewed the unit and repaired something there. Hence all the ensuing (pardon the pun) troubles. An independent examination confirmed his conclusion and issued the corresponding document. Madame, being in righteous anger, immediately arrived at the place of sale together with a representative of the Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights, demanding a refund cash and compensation for damage caused. Naturally, the store representative made wide eyes, in every possible way denying any trouble. I didn’t stay there for long; I didn’t have much free time.

Actually, the situation is familiar to many. When buying equipment in Russian stores and trusting “knowledgeable sellers”, you risk finding yourself in a similar position. And all because these same sellers often themselves do not know what they are selling. But they know by heart what they NEED to sell today. Of course, because their salary directly depends on what they sell. Whether it works for you or breaks in a month or two is your problem. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance through the Internet, fortunately there are a great many sites with reviews, maximum information about the device that you are planning to purchase. And listen less to sales consultants, they have completely different criteria.

In the case described above, the woman initially came to buy, and for a reason, out of a desire to spend extra money. The German company Miele produces household appliances premium class, that is, the highest level of quality and reliability. And judging by the statistics, these are not nice words.

This company is also a pioneer in many fields and introduces the most advanced technologies into its products. For example, all washing machines from this company are equipped only with fully electronic controls.

And for that matter, only Miele (the only one in the world!) has “honeycomb drum” technology, which allows you to carefully wash items intended exclusively for hand washing. I bet the sales consultant has no idea about this technology.

Frankly speaking, I feel a little sorry for this woman who, in her naivety, bought not what she wanted, but what was imposed on her as a way to save money. Although, if you think about it this way, you can get by with “Malyutka”. It costs pennies and seems to even wash it. The only question is how it washes and how much time you need to spend wiping the floor after the washing process.

In general, you need to save wisely. You can buy something cheap, but waste your time, nerves and money on subsequent repairs, or you can spend a significant amount on something that will work for a very long time and without failure.

We are not rich enough to buy cheap things. We have all heard this phrase more than once. I once understood it somewhat simplistically - that many seemingly cheap purchases end up having a very significant impact on our budget.

But a more expanded understanding of it developed in me as I came more deeply into contact with myself and my sense of self-worth, as I learned to love myself anew every day...

The fact is that cheap things are not able to fill our lives with joyful emotions; they only bring chaos and disappointment. And the point here is not at all about price; cheap things are the surrogates with which we replace what we really want.

Surely many of you have once held Glamor magazine in your hands. So, in each of its issues there is a section “I want and I can.” This often happens in our lives - we want one thing, but at the last moment we do not allow ourselves to have it, replacing it with something cheaper, but in the end we only experience disappointment.

In many ways, these are echoes of childhood - not all of us had it well off. But you have already grown up and are not obliged to choose for yourself universal, strong and practical things that your younger brother can then wear...

The pleasure of cheap things - bought just to buy something or on occasion at a sale, because “it was already 70% off”, because there was no time, but I had to buy it urgently, because I was persuaded - pleasure from such things, as a rule, can only be felt at the moment of making a purchase. And then you come home and are left alone with an unloved item, which, at best, settles like ballast in the depths of your closet, and at worst, you are forced to wear it every day and be disappointed.

After all, it is empty, it does not carry the energy of love, the magic of a wish come true, the taste of expanding your usual comfort zone, affordable luxury and elegance.

Surely this has happened to you more than once - you want one thing, but in the end you retreat from your desire, making a “rational” choice, why what you end up acquiring is much better than what you wanted. You convince yourself. And everything seems to be correct, but for some reason there is no feeling of happiness.

And the point here is not at all about the cost - such a “cheap” thing can in fact be very expensive. It's just not what you really need.

And vice versa - you can buy the item of your dreams at a huge discount and then wear it for a long time with pleasure and joy - this often happens to me lately. It feels like this thing was created according to my special order and is waiting for me. and at its very affordable price, it has all the parameters I need - color, size, style, composition... Pack it - we take it!!!

Such purchases are at completely different poles and ultimately lead us to completely different lifestyles, because cheap things increase our state of scarcity, while expensive and high-quality acquisitions of our dreams activate our internal flow of Abundance. Naturally, if we sincerely allow ourselves to have them.

How do you feel when you put on the dress (jeans, handbag, shoes) of your dreams? The mood immediately rises, the back straightens, the gait becomes more elegant and feminine, the eyes become shining and bewitching. You feel like a Queen!

Surely you have such a happy and beloved thing that you cannot part with for years. Because this is 100% YOUR item, purchased in in a great mood, or maybe associated with some memory, a day when you were especially happy... And it becomes the anchor of this state, bringing a piece of it into your life every time you put it on.

Fortunately, in recent years I have developed large number similar acquisitions. Many of them were bought for me as gifts by my loved ones during our travels. And even though the cost of many of them seemed a little high to me at the time of purchase, if you count how many times I later put them on with great pleasure, then these investments have paid off many times over!

It is for these reasons that I have recently become very attentive to the purchase of underwear, nightgowns, dressing gowns and clothes for the house - this is what concerns me every day, what I sleep in, regain my strength, and I must certainly like these things , be made from natural materials of excellent quality and lift my spirits!

My friends laugh at me that my nightgown and robe cost more than a coat, but around the house I can wear a better quality and more elegant dress than on the street. But I put on these things with great love and joy every day, they are the first thing my body feels every morning and what creates the mood for the whole day. A coat is a thing that leaves its hanger in the closet only from time to time.

So what is more important then? External effect or self-love embodied in such deeply personal things?

Lately, I’ve generally stopped choosing things “from my mind.” I just imagine what I want - in one way or another - and then I trust my intuition and go shopping. And this is the most for me best option- you can’t fool the body. and if I feel even the slightest discomfort in the fitting room, then it’s not my thing! After all, you always recognize “your” thing by the state of correctness, inner warmth, inspiration, and sometimes even flight that it gives. Trust your body, immerse yourself in the sensations - it will never deceive!

Imagine this picture. You open your closet - and every thing there is your favorite! Each one is carefully folded, hung, neatly smoothed - because you want to take care of your favorite things! Some of them carry the exotic spirit of distant travels, others are sewn especially for you by a caring hand, and this dress is still saturated with the aroma of luxury that filled the boutique from which you, so happy and joyful, brought it... There cannot be too many of such things - after all, love is not a cheap thing! And each such pearl of your collection needs attention and care! You are putting on not just a piece of clothing, but a special state - a mysterious stranger, a luxurious elegant lady, a successful business woman, a romantic girl, a fairy-tale princess, a happy wife and mother...

Good things are like good friends - they only get better with age and never let you down!

A happy woman who is in deep contact with herself consciously chooses only what she can easily wear on a journey along the Stream of Happiness and Abundance! After all, she values ​​her life too much to waste it on unnecessary, unloved, things that do not bring joy and pleasure!

This is the state I strive for, time after time choosing the best for myself. exactly what I want and what I can love and want long after the purchase is made!

What do you choose for yourself?

Answer from Yan[guru]
“I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things” - this is what Baron Rothschild used to say during his time. And strangely enough, there is much more truth in this aphorism than it might seem at first glance. And there are plenty of examples of this.
Cheap Chinese sneakers that disfigure your gait, leading to injury to your leg. Exploding batteries in phones from an unknown manufacturer. Sausage of dubious origin, causing severe poisoning of the entire body. Diet pills that damage the liver... I think there is no need to continue further; there are a great many examples that can be given. Of course, you can get all the above “adventures” for a lot of money, there are plenty of fakes. But this is not about that, but about whether it’s worth saving on your nerves and financial resources. It’s not for nothing that they say, the miser pays twice.
Just the other day I visited a center selling household appliances. The reason is banal, but very important: I had to ask the price for a gift for my beloved mother, who had her birthday the other day. Having looked at what I needed and noted in my mind the required amount, I take my walk through the depths of the store and wander into the department selling washing machines. And there is a scandal, emotions and other manifestations of the nervous state of the body. A certain madam, of a pleasant but disheveled appearance, expresses an abundance of fair complaints to the representative of the store administration. As it turned out from the verbal battle of the discussion participants, Madame was imprudent in trusting the persistent recommendations of the sales consultant, who advised her to buy a washing machine not from Miele, but from a product from a friendly Asian country. They say, why should you pay three times more when this unit washes just as well. This is understandable; it is profitable for the consultant to sell what is stagnant in the home institution. And people will buy good equipment even without prompting.
So, madam took her word for it and purchased what was recommended. But just the other day, something she bought broke and the entire contents of the machine spilled onto the floor. The technician who arrived promptly rendered a verdict that the case was not covered by warranty, since someone had already unscrewed the unit and repaired something there. Hence all the ensuing (pardon the pun) troubles. An independent examination confirmed his conclusion and issued the corresponding document. Madame, being in righteous anger, immediately arrived at the place of sale together with a representative of the Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights, demanding a refund and compensation for the damage caused. Naturally, the store representative made wide eyes, in every possible way denying any trouble. I didn’t stay there for long; I didn’t have much free time.
Actually, the situation is familiar to many. When buying equipment in Russian stores and trusting “knowledgeable sellers”, you risk finding yourself in a similar position. And all because these same sellers often themselves do not know what they are selling. But they know by heart what they NEED to sell today. Of course, because their salary directly depends on what they sell. Whether it works for you or breaks in a month or two is your problem. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance through the Internet, fortunately there are a great many sites with reviews, maximum information about the device that you are planning to purchase. And listen less to sales consultants, they have completely different criteria.
In the case described above, the woman initially came to buy a Miele washing machine, and not just because she wanted to spend extra money. The German company Miele produces premium household appliances, that is, the highest level of quality and reliability. And judging by the statistics, these are not nice words.
Frankly speaking, I feel a little sorry for this woman who, in her naivety, bought not what she wanted, but what was imposed on her as a way to save money. Although, if you think about it this way, you can get by with “Malyutka”. It costs pennies and seems to even wash it. The only question is how it washes and how long it takes to sag

Reply from John[newbie]

We all love quality things, but for some reason we continue to buy questionable junk at sales, which then wanders from shelf to shelf for years. How can you finally stop buying everything and switch to really necessary and high-quality things? Today is a great day to reflect on this question, as November 8th is World Quality Day.

World Quality Day - history of the holiday

Since 1989, World Quality Day has been celebrated around the world on the second Thursday of November. This day was marked on the calendar in order to draw attention to the problems of the quality of products and services provided, because this is a very important concept for the global economy.

What is meant by quality, and how to distinguish worthy thing from “disposable”? The dictionary gives the following dry and universal definition of quality criteria - these are the criteria for “functioning efficiency”. That is, saying in simple language, is how long and effectively a thing serves us.

Of course, it would be logical to buy only quality goods, and this applies to everything from groceries to children's toys. But why then are “Everything for 50 rubles” stores so popular, and why, when we see an attractive price, our hand reaches for our wallet, although we understand that for a hundred rubles a thing simply cannot be of high quality?

“We are not rich enough to buy cheap things.”

In various sources, this phrase is attributed to Bernard Shaw, Baron Rothschild, and the French fashion designer Madeleine Vionnet. In any case, whoever said this catchphrase for the first time, possessed extraordinary thinking. After all, at first glance it seems that the connection is linear: cheap things are for modest people, expensive things are for rich people. What is the catch here is usually understood by all experienced consumers.

However financial reasons- not the only thing that influences the purchase decision. Poor quality products not only cost us more in the long run, but also bring with them other problems.

  • Cheap things harm the environment. In our country, which is still just embarking on the path of waste recycling, what cannot be repaired is sent to a landfill in 90% of cases. And this problem is becoming a disaster. Each person must take personal responsibility for every item he decides to get rid of.
  • Cheap and low-quality things bring less pleasure. As an example, I would like to cite ordinary plastic chairs, familiar to everyone who has been to inexpensive street cafes in almost all cities of our country. These chairs sag under the weight of a person, they creak, and they are uncomfortable. They are quite inexpensive. But there is a gap between them and more expensive chairs.
  • A quality item is reliable, unlike a cheap fake. Many women know the situation when a heel breaks. After this, you avoid cheap shoes for a long time. Many men, having switched to more expensive cars, cannot return to cars in the previous price category. The fact is that a quality item, even if it fails, will “warn” you long before this event. And, most likely, more than once, thus eliminating reputational risks.
  • Psychologists are sure: in our subconscious there is a direct relationship between the price of a thing and our attitude towards it. What we got “on the cheap” does not deserve to be treated with care and trust. For example, cheap cosmetics and perfumes will not even have a placebo effect. We don't put much hope or expectation into such things. And vice versa, expensive things increase self-esteem, we take care of them and enjoy them.

How to buy quality and spend less

  1. Awareness is the first assistant in this matter. For example, 20 synthetic wardrobe items are equal in cost to 4 quality items. They will bring more pleasure, and the closet will no longer look like Narnia.
  2. Budget planning. This implies a conscious approach to spending and saving money for quality and more expensive things.
  3. Careful shopping. Always pay attention to the composition of products and products, the warranty period or expiration date, read reviews of the products that you plan to purchase.

Everyone buys what they can afford. The concepts of “expensive” and “cheap” are very subjective. Buying the highest quality of what is available to you is the path to savings, not waste. Try to start today, on International Quality Day!

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The ability to give up an unnecessary purchase or pleasure for a useful investment or goal is the basis of most successful savings strategies. However, as it says folk wisdom, the stingy pays twice: there are things that you cannot spare money on buying, because our successful life, health and budget in the future.

We are in website We have compiled a list of important purchases that you cannot refuse to make even if you adhere to the strictest savings regime. Often these are such simple things that you may not even pay attention to them.

1. Shoes

“I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things,” said Baron Rothschild. One pair of more expensive shoes is better than two cheap pairs that make your feet freeze or tear a week or two after purchase.

In uncomfortable and tight shoes, the foot is constantly exposed to stress, is compressed, which leads to fatigue, poor circulation, joint problems, vein diseases, and poor posture. And the cost of treatment will be higher than the price of a pair of good shoes. In addition, in addition to the health aspect, high-quality expensive shoes make the right first impression about their owner and help them feel more confident.

2. Underwear

The closer the item is to the body, the more expensive it should be. Therefore, you should not skimp on underwear. Let your nightgown be made of high-quality breathable materials, as this directly affects the quality of your sleep. Lingerie should also not be cheap: low-quality fabrics and lace can irritate the skin, cause redness and itching.

Incorrectly sewn underwear can cause not only discomfort, but also harm to health. A low-quality bra interferes with breathing, compresses veins and lymphatic drainage pathways, and impairs blood circulation. Stagnation of blood and lymph leads to serious problems: from a small amount of milk after the birth of a child to breast diseases.

3. Jeans

An important investment in your basic wardrobe is purchasing the right jeans. Denim pants are a comfortable everyday item that should be durable. High-quality jeans fit perfectly, do not have unnecessary details, do not lose their shape after several washes, do not tear a couple of months after purchase and are made of fabric that does not cause allergies.

So, to save more in the future, it's worth buying one pair of expensive, well-cut classic blue jeans that will look great for several years.

4. Dentistry

Although the prices for dental treatment may seem unreasonably high, it cannot be neglected for reasons of savings, because health is more valuable than money. Healthy and beautiful teeth are one of the most important components of not only good health, but also self-confidence, so you should visit the dentist at least 2 times a year.

It should be remembered that the high cost of services indicates the qualifications of specialists, high-quality equipment and anesthesia. There is always a risk of going to a specialist’s office with low prices, but with little experience and bad reviews. That's why best way save on the dentist - prevention and proper regular oral care.

5. Chocolate

Dark chocolate is very healthy, but only if it is of high quality. A few pieces of expensive chocolate will bring more pleasure and benefit than a whole bar of cheap chocolate with unhealthy trans fats. This also applies to the taste of homemade chocolate desserts - use good cocoa and quality chocolate for the best results.

6. Technique

Purchasing equipment requires reasonable savings. You don’t have to buy the latest models of smartphones or TVs, but you shouldn’t choose the cheapest options either. Inexpensive equipment does not guarantee quality. It’s always worth paying attention to the company’s reputation. Forget about cheap kettles or old refrigerators, sometimes they can be truly dangerous.

The equipment must work well and last a long time. It’s better to invest once and buy a really high-quality product.