On September 10, 2017, elections of deputies to the Council of Deputies of the Solntsevo Municipal District will take place. In these elections, the residents of Solntsevo need to get elected proactive citizens, which bring and will bring great benefit to the two districts. It is high time to put an end to the practice where United Russia, which has occupied municipal councils in Moscow, votes according to the orders of the government, meekly approves any decisions of officials and does not care at all about the real needs of the people. The people should decide, not officials! As a rule, directors and teachers of schools, chief doctors of clinics and hospitals are nominated. These are the most busy people, who are not interested in the problems of the districts, due to the specifics of their work, but are nominated for deputies to improve their status. Such people will definitely not deal with our problems.

Here is an example of the promises of deputies in the last elections, in fact, you voted for them

Have they done much of what they promised for you, for Solntsevo?

It seems that many have forgotten that power is not clerks from the council, not officials from the mayor’s office, not oligarchs from the government, but the people. The people are tired of the deafness of officials! People need a government that will hear them.

How long can it continue that today’s Council of Deputies of the Solntsevo Municipal District consists mainly of teachers and doctors? Solntsevo is stuck in the mud. The State Budgetary Institution “Zhilishchnik Solntsevo District” does not have the required amount of equipment for removing snow in winter. The cleaning of the city area is disgusting. Broken curbstones along the Solntsevo roads, no one is replacing them. There are no road markings on the roads. Stop complexes filthy, dirty. State Budgetary Institution “Zhilishchnik Solntsevo District” organized an unauthorized landfill and a household camp near an artificial skating rink (the intersection of roads along Aviatorov Street and Yuliana Semenov Street), a broken road from the street. Volynskaya to the designed passage 6595. It’s the 21st century, and in Solntsevo we don’t have outdoor lighting from the street. Aviatorov before moving to Proizvodstvennaya St., from the intersection of the roads of St. Aviatorov to the intersection with the road along the street. Yuliana Semenova. Many children's and sports grounds in the courtyards of our houses require replacement gaming complexes and floor coverings. And our “woe” deputies, consisting mainly of teachers and doctors, give a good assessment of the work of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilishchnik Solntsevo District”. Without delving into the problems of the districts, they vote to approve the budget of the Solntsevo municipal district for 2017 and the planning period of 2018 and 2019.

Have you, residents of the Solntsevo municipal district, ever seen your deputies in the eyes? No. Have they reported to you on their work done? No.

We have nothing against teachers and doctors, but their calling is to teach children and treat sick patients.

Let's fill the gap. Here they are the current deputies of Solntsevo


Aleshnikov Mikhail Natanovich, born in 1963. Place of residence: Moscow, Solntsevo district. Head of the section of SK Wisla LLC. Nominated by the electoral association Moscow city branch of the political party "Communist Party" Russian Federation", party member. Born in Magadan on February 12, 1963.

Pidde Olga Vasilievna, born in 1950. Place of residence: Moscow, Fili-Davydkovo district. Chief physician of the city clinic No. 212 of the Moscow Department of Health. Deputy of the Municipal Assembly of the intracity municipality Solntsevo in Moscow from 2008 to 2012. Self-nomination.
Therapist and healthcare organizer highest category. Since 2000, he has been the chief freelance therapist of the Health Department of the UAB. Takes part in the implementation of the Healthcare Modernization program. Married, has an adult daughter.

Popovich Viktor Konstantinovich, born in 1951. Place of residence: Moscow, Yasenevo district. Chief physician of city hospital No. 17 of the Moscow Department of Health. Deputy of the Municipal Assembly of the Solntsevo intra-city municipal formation in Moscow from 2008 to 2012. Self-nomination.
Doctor medical sciences. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. The National Academy of Public Recognition of Merits and Achievements of Citizens awarded the Order. Hippocrates with the title “Best medical worker Russia". Awarded certificate of honor Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia. Labor veteran.

Vyaznikov Oleg Nikolaevich, born in 1978. Place of residence: Moscow, Solntsevo district. General manager LLC "Kors-Korsha" Self-nomination.
Born and raised in the Solntsevo area. Graduated from the Russian Social University. Married, has two sons.

Verkhovich Valery Stepanovich, born in 1964. Place of residence: Moscow, Solntsevo district. Self-nomination, member of the All-Russian Party "United Russia".
Born in Odintsovo, Moscow region. Graduated from Moscow State Industrial University. He began his career in 1982 at the NPO Vzlyot. In 1982-1984. served in the Soviet army. In 1987 he was hired at SPTU-136. In 2000, he headed Avtogran LLC. Deputy of the Municipal Assembly of the Solntsevo intracity municipal formation in Moscow from 2008 to 2012.

Maslennikova Irina Petrovna, born in 1961. Place of residence: Moscow, Solntsevo district. Director of the Solntsevo Children's Creativity Center. Deputy of the Municipal Assembly of the Solntsevo intra-city municipal formation in Moscow from 2008 to 2012. Self-nomination.
Higher professional education. He has been working in Solntsevo for more than 20 years. Married, has two daughters. Winner of the Moscow Grant competition. In 2005, he was awarded the title “Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation.” She was awarded a diploma from the “Woman Director of the Year” competition held by the Moscow Government.

Epishina Galina Nikolaevna, born in 1948. Place of residence: Moscow, Solntsevo district. Head of GBOU kindergarten No. 1880. Deputy of the Municipal Assembly of the Solntsevo intracity municipal formation in Moscow from 2008 to 2012. Self-nomination.
Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. Having started working as a teacher kindergarten No. 211 in Solntsevo, became the head of this kindergarten, and then took over the new building kindergarten No. 1880. She was awarded the “Excellence” badge public education" Has the highest qualification category for the position of “manager”. Married, has an adult daughter.

Zadorozhnaya Elena Anatolyevna, born in 1969. Place of residence: Moscow, Novo-Peredelkino district. Director of GOU Secondary School No. 1347. Self-nomination.
She graduated with honors from the Pedagogical College and Moscow State Pedagogical University. Labor activities take place in educational institutions in the Solntsevo district. She was awarded the “Excellence in Public Education” badge, a number of medals, a diploma from the Moscow Government in the framework of the sixth Moscow competition “Woman Director of the Year”, diplomas from the Moscow Department of Education, the Prefecture of the Closed Administrative District, and the Solntsevo District Administration. Married. Two children.

Vlasov Dmitry Yurievich, born in 1970. Place of residence: Moscow, Troparevo-Nikulino district. Head of the Western water treatment station of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal". Deputy of the Municipal Assembly of the Solntsevo intracity municipal formation in Moscow from 2008 to 2012. Self-nomination. Member of the All-Russian political party "United Russia".
Married, has two daughters. Labor activity started as an electrician. Without interrupting his work, he graduated from the All-Union Institute of Civil Engineering. He has awards and the title “Honored Worker of the Housing and Communal Services of Russia.”

Denisov Evgeniy Grigorievich, born in 1983. Place of residence: Moscow, Solntsevo district. Teacher of State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1007. Self-nomination.
Higher pedagogical education. Coaching and teaching experience for more than 11 years. Teacher physical culture highest qualification category. Candidate for master of sports in football. Trainer at the Rainbow Center. Director of the Nadezhda sports club. Winner of district and city competitions various types sports. Awarded a certificate from the Mayor of Moscow among best trainers and specialists in the field of physical education and sports working with children.

Mustafina Svetlana Nikolaevna, born in 1964. Place of residence: Moscow, Solntsevo district. Head of Department No. 4 of the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund No. 2 for Moscow and the Moscow Region. Self-nomination.
Born in Moscow. Higher education, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow Aviation Institute. In 1983-1986. – technologist at the Research Institute of Precision Instruments. In 1986-1995 – patent engineer at JSC Stankolit. In 1996-2001 – chief specialist for the purpose of management pensions social protection population of the Prospekt Vernadskogo district. Since 2001 in various positions in Pension Fund RF.

Sanitsky Denis Igorevich, born in 1990. Place of residence: Moscow, Solntsevo district. Student of the Russian Academy of Justice. Nominated by the electoral association Regional branch of the political party “Russian United Democratic Party “Yabloko” in the city of Moscow.”
Awarded with certificates from the Office of the Department of Family and Family youth policy Moscow in ZAO for active work in youth public organizations on the territory of the district and prefecture of the Closed Administrative District of Moscow for active participation in the implementation of state youth policy.

Letter from a former police officer arrested for bribery

The release of “necessary” people from responsibility and the system of taming unwanted ones have been put on stream in the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor’s Office and the FSB Directorate of the Oryol Region, states Pavel Klenyshev, an ex-employee of the UEBiPK, who is accused of a corruption crime, in a letter from the pre-trial detention center. He states that the money was planted on him by security officers, and the command was given by supervisory authorities acting in the interests of the raider. At the same time, there are indeed serious inconsistencies in the circumstances of the policeman’s arrest, and the entrepreneur suspected of taking over someone else’s business escaped responsibility.

Two high-ranking police officers are on trial in Oryol - the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Oryol region, Colonel Fedora Kozin and ex-chief of the regional department of UEBiPK major Pavel Klenysheva. Them on a particularly large scale and abuse of power.

According to investigators, in October 2018, Kozin reached an agreement with the owner of BK Group LLC Peter Bakulov about the transfer of a bribe in the amount 4 million rubles. For this amount, his subordinates were not required to initiate a criminal case against the Moscow entrepreneur for the raider takeover of someone else’s business. The investigation was supervised by Kozin’s subordinate Pavel Klenyshev, with whom the colonel allegedly entered into a conspiracy. At the time of the meeting with the mediator, Klenyshev was. A bundle of money was found in his bag.

Both defendants refuse to admit their guilt and claim that the case materials were falsified by the investigation. Pavel Klenyshev outlined his own version of events and arguments in favor of his innocence in a letter from the pre-trial detention center, which was sent to the PASMI section. The authenticity of the letter was confirmed by the defendant's father Alexander Klenyshev. Here is the text of the former operative's appeal in full:

The interest of prosecutors and the vengeful security officer

"Hello! I want to tell you my story. I hope it will interest you and will be published. I worked as the head of the district department of economic security and anti-corruption Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs around the city of Orel. In the summer of 2018, my department received a statement from a certain Katikova R.I.., the founder of the organization Tinate LLC and Titrade LLC about the raider takeover of his organization by the Moscow organization BK-Group LLC, the director and founder of which is a certain P.A. Bakulov. In September 2018, R.I. Katikov. filed a new statement in which he indicated that BK-Group LLC ordered, using a forged power of attorney for the money of Tinate LLC, products for the Sokolsky pulp mill in the amount of 3.5 million rubles. And in the fall of 2018, R.I. Katikov filed a statement about the fraudulent theft of a Nissan Extrail car by forging a purchase and sale agreement between Tinate LLC and BK-Group LLC, in which the signature of the director of Tinate LLC was forged.

During the verification activities on these statements, it was established that the damage to R.I. Katikov. from the raider takeover of his organizations amounted to about 100 million rubles. Bakulov P.A., realizing the deplorable situation, finds a way out in the prosecutor's office of the Oryol region, where they promised to spare him from inspections by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and preserve the business taken away from Katikov. The Anti-Corruption Department of the Prosecutor's Office, represented by Prosecutor Korneev, attracted Department M of the FSB of Russia for the Oryol Region under the leadership of A.A. Bashkunov to provide assistance.

By the way, Bashkunov A.A. has a well-established hostile attitude towards me due to the fact that my department and I personally carried out verification activities and supported criminal cases initiated on the fact of theft of funds from shareholders of house No. 46 on Burova Street in the city of Orel and on the fact of non-payment wages Promzhilstroy LLC, the director and founder of which was A.I. Bashkunov, who, as you understand, is the father of A.A. Bashkunov. Because of my “persistence” with the FSB officer’s father, the prosecutor’s office of the Zheleznodorozhny district of the city of Orel decided to send all the materials to the Northern district of the city of Orel, where they were successfully recognized as “hanging” and suspended for failure to identify the person who headed Promzhilstroy LLC.

They are aware of:
head of the FSB in the Oryol region Valery Kochkarev
- Prosecutor of the Oryol region Ivan Poluektov
- Head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Oryol region Anatoly Shchurov
- Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Oryol region Yuri Savenkov

It would seem that the issue in this part has been resolved, but Bashkunov still has a bad taste in his mouth, and here is such luck: the prosecutor’s office itself offers to eliminate me and provide all possible assistance in this. Bakulov P.A., under the strict guidance of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Oryol Region, finds a person who helps catch me taking a bribe for helping Bakulov P.A. This person is refused by the Deputy Chief Physician for State Administration and Emergency Situations of the Emergency Hospital named after. Semashko Devyatin A.V. who is behind 5 million rubles agrees to resolve the issue with me based on the materials regarding P.A. Bakulov.

Bribe discount and unreliable intermediary

Bakulov P.A. at the request of the FSB, he repeatedly tried to discuss with me the issue of ending the prosecution against him for a monetary reward and received from A.V. Devyatin. refusal to meet with me. Subsequently, Bakulov P.A. reduces the price of a bribe from Devyatin A.V. from 5 to 4 million rubles and even offers to transfer these funds in installments. During this conversation, Bakulov P.A. under the control of FSB officers, transfers to A.V. Devyatin. part of the funds in the amount 200 thousand rubles in the hope that Devyatin will bring the money to me or to the Deputy Chief of Police for Operations of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Oryol Region, F.A. Kozin, with whom, according to A.V. Devyatin, he also resolved the issue of P.A. Bakulov.

But, to the chagrin of the FSB officers, Devyatin proposed dividing the money received from P.A. Bakulov. money with your accomplice Kuzmichev K.N.. Subsequently Devyatin A.V. spends all the money on his personal needs - pays off loans, pays off debts, buys inventory, etc.

There is no limit to the disappointment of the FSB officers and they are making an attempt to detain A.V. Devyatin. upon receipt of the remainder of the funds from P.A. Bakulov. To receive money from P.A. Bakulov. Devyatin A.V. arrives with his wife. After being detained under threat of placement, Devyatin A.V. with his wife in a pre-trial detention center, he agrees, under the control of FSB officers, to transfer the funds to me.

They should be aware of:
- Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov
- Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov
- Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin
- head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev
- Chairman of the Oryol Regional Court Elena Suvorova

But the problem is how to do this if there was no talk with me about receiving money from Bakulov for any actions! But you can tailor this conversation with me to what I’m talking about with A.V. Devyatin. talked earlier. As a result, during the meeting, Devyatin fails to convey anything to me. What should the FSB do? Let down the prosecutor's office? No! They detain me and put money in my bag, allegedly received from A.V. Devyatin.

Bribe without money and deal on the phone

Is it true, this promotion For some reason, the FSB officers did not agree among themselves, and sent an FSB officer Mitina D.I. prepare materials for transfer to Investigative Committee. Since Mitin D.I. didn’t know that a decision had been made to throw money into my bag, he writes a report about the discovery of signs of a crime. And he draws up a memorandum certificate based on the results of operational search activities, in which he indicates that before my arrest I was with A.V. Devyatin. I didn't take any money.

Another problem immediately arises - how to formalize the transfer of funds if there was no transfer itself? The idea comes to persuade A.V. Devyatin to testify that the transfer of money took place so secretly and covertly that it could not be recorded by the special audio and video recording equipment with which A.V. Devyatin was charged. Of course, Devyatin A.V. could not agree to such conditions without any preference for himself. And a decision is made to illegally release A.V. Devyatin. and Kuzmicheva K.N. from criminal prosecution. In relation to me and Kozin F.A. a criminal case is initiated under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale by a group of persons.

Moreover, if you look at the chronology of events, the initiation of a criminal case looks, at least, strange.

08.11.2018 at 21:05- I'm being detained. IN 22 h. 00 min.- the FSB registers a report on the discovery of signs of a crime, in which they indicate that I did not receive any money. IN 22 h. 05 min.- the FSB duty officer for the Oryol region calls the Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation for the Oryol Region and reports that P.A. Klenyshev has been detained. upon receiving a bribe. IN 22 h. 10 min.- in the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Oryol region, a report is registered on the notification to the FSB duty officer about the receipt of a bribe. IN 02 h. 15 min.- a criminal case is being initiated regarding the receipt by me and Kozin F.A. from Bakulov P.A. through intermediaries Devyatin A.V. and Kuzmicheva K.N. bribes. IN 23 h. 05 min.- investigative actions are just beginning, during which the funds that the FSB officers planted on me after my arrest are being confiscated. They end in 5 am 09.11.2018.

Honestly, in my experience, this is the first time that a criminal case has been initiated even before funds are seized and without studying the materials of operational investigative activities - over a telephone call.

Change of testimony and letters to nowhere

Me and Kozin F.A. They are locked up in a pre-trial detention center, hoping to obtain a confession, depriving them of freedom and the opportunity to communicate with relatives, including children. But they don’t get any results from it. Investigators propose to reclassify the crime from Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking a bribe) at Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud) and again receive a refusal.

After this, the forgery of documents under the accusation begins. Devyatin A.V. changes the testimony four times and changes it immediately after I point out in my complaints and statements that the materials of the operational investigation do not correspond to the testimony of A.V. Devyatin. Latest edition his testimony also does not correspond to the materials of the operational investigation and the testimony of his accomplice K.N. Kuzmichev. and businessman P.A. Bakulov

The investigation has not carried out a single investigative action and has not ordered a single examination, which I am requesting, and the results of which can confirm my version of events, including the very fact of the transfer of money (whether it took place).

During the investigation, I wrote dozens of complaints and statements demanding that A.V. Devyatin and K.N. Kuzmichev be prosecuted. for fraud, or according to investigators, for mediation in bribery. Employees of Department M of the FSB for exceeding authority, provoking a bribe, falsifying materials of a criminal case, operational investigation. In relation to the investigator of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee Murashchenkova V.A.- for concealing crimes committed by Devyatin A.V., Kuzmichev K.N. to FSB officers and FSB officers.

Of all the statements I wrote, after 10 months, the Investigative Directorate of Russia for the Oryol Region deigned to make only a procedural decision in relation to Devyatin A.V., Kuzmichev K.N. about violation of all deadlines provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in relation to employees of the FSB and investigator V.A. Murashchenkov. a procedural decision on my applications has not been made to this day. The fact that the case is against Devyatin A.V., Kuzmichev K.N. was indeed closed by agreement between the Investigative Directorate and the prosecutor's office and the regional FSB Directorate, confirmed by the fact that the prosecutor of the case, V.N. Korneev. at the court hearing to consider my appeal to extend my period of detention to 8 months, stated that Devyatin A.V. will be released from criminal prosecution if he continues to give testimony “convenient” for the investigation, including changing it when he is told about it.

Raider investor and untouchable agent

According to the statements of R.I. Katikov about the crimes committed against him by P.A. Bakulov, the investigative department for the Zheleznodorozhny district of Orel of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Oryol region opened a criminal case on the fact, as in the case of A.I. Bashkunov. Subsequently, the criminal cases were suspended due to failure to identify the person who headed the BK-Group. But Bakulov P.A. became an investor in the Oryol region and opened new jobs in the region, although these jobs were opened by R.I. Katikov before him, and Bakulov simply took them away from him.

Moreover, I note that this is not an isolated case of such actions by the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor’s office and the FSB of the region. In 2017, I stopped the activities of a group engaged in production and sales alcoholic products from methyl alcohol and cigarettes without excise stamps, with excise stamps of the Republic of Belarus. The organizer of this group was a certain Nikitin Igor Gennadievich, who had several in the city of Orel retail outlets engaged in the sale of the above products. There are three such points in the Zheleznodorozhny district. During the operational search activities, nine persons were identified who, together with Nikitin, were engaged in the above activities. Collected materials were transferred to the Investigative Committee of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Orel to initiate a criminal case. In March 2017, a criminal case was opened against Nikitin and his accomplices under Part 2 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and later - under Part 6 of Art. 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

As it turned out later, Nikitin was an agent of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Oryol region, in connection with this, an employee of the FSB Directorate, presumably Sikaev, comes to the prosecutor of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Orel Necheporuku V.N.. and asks to send the prosecutor’s material against me to the Investigative Committee of the Zheleznodorozhny District of Orel on the fact that allegedly in 2006, at the request of the prosecutor’s office, I asked Nikitin to help make statements on the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to minors.

At my request, Nikitin I.G., who allegedly had no previous connection with alcohol and cigarettes, asked his friend Zarubina (Panova) to sell alcohol and cigarettes to minors, and the police would hold her accountable for this. Prosecutor V.N. Necheporuk agrees and sends the material to the Investigative Committee for the Zheleznodorozhny District. A criminal case is being initiated against me under Part 1 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, criminal cases against me, Igor Nikitin and his accomplices are transferred to the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Oryol Region to the department for investigating particularly important cases - the department that is now investigating the case against me. To make it clear, Zarubina is one of the defendants in the criminal case initiated against Nikitin. And a criminal case was opened against me at the request of Nikitin and Zarubina.

Subsequently, the criminal case against Nikitin was reclassified as a crime of minor gravity and all defendants were removed from it and investigated for 3 years. As you can understand, the period for prosecution for crimes of this category of severity has long expired. And no one is going to send him to court anymore. Neither the court nor the FSB will allow them to do this. Exemption from criminal liability of “necessary” people in the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor’s office, and the FSB Directorate of the Oryol Region has been established, as well as a system for taming “inconvenient” people.

Documentary evidence and pressure in the pre-trial detention center

All of the above facts and circumstances can be documented.

The fact of planting money on me and provocation and bribery against me and Kozin is confirmed:
a) a report and a certificate-memorandum from the Federal Security Service dated November 8, 2018, which states that before my arrest no one gave me money.
b) the absence of audio and video evidence of the conspiracy and intent of me and Kozin to receive money.
c) the release of Devyatin A.V., Kuzmichev K.N. from criminal liability and not initiating criminal cases against them until I started writing to the prosecutor’s office about this fact.
d) protocol court session dated May 19, 2019 of the Oryol City Court, in which prosecutor V.N. Korneev indicates that Devyatin will be released from criminal liability on illegal grounds

The fact of the release of P.A. Bakulov from criminal liability for theft of property of organizations Katikova R.I. confirmed:
a) termination of criminal cases regarding the theft of property by R.I. Katikov.
b) non-recognition of R.I. Katikov. victims in these criminal cases and other materials.

I would like to note that all these crimes by law enforcement and supervisory authorities region are committed against a combat veteran and a father of two children, one of whom is a disabled child, who, due to the fact that I am in a pre-trial detention center, is not receiving surgical treatment, since my wife has no one to leave the second child with.

Please also note that for six months I was not given the opportunity to make any calls or meetings with family members, including children, on flimsy pretexts: that I (or they to me) might reveal the secret of the investigation.

Also against me, also for the purpose of exerting pressure, on far-fetched grounds, due to pressure from the prosecutor’s office on the Investigative Committee, another criminal case was opened against me under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for allegedly committing concealment of some crime. The initiator of the criminal case was the prosecutor of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Orel V.N. Necheporuk. He tried to convince me to make a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case against P.N. Bakulov. Arguing this is that the latter will not be brought to criminal liability anyway, since the regional prosecutor’s office is interested in this material.

So they tried to put psychological pressure on me to obtain false confessions convenient for the investigation. I am ready to confirm all the facts with documents, give interviews and tell in detail everything stated. I ask you to write an article and make the facts public. Sincerely, P.A. Klenyshev."

If you have information about corruption violations by law enforcement officers in the Oryol region and other regions, write to the PASMI section

Increased media attention today was focused on the Preobrazhensky Court of Moscow, where the decision was announced in the case of the director of one of the capital’s schools. The prosecution asked that Yevgeny Shterengarts be sentenced to custody in the courtroom and actual imprisonment for an erroneously paid fine of 28 thousand rubles.

The penalty was imposed for violations committed by the previous director. Money for payment was allocated from the school budget, but two years later it turned out that new director had to come out of his own pocket. The judge eventually sentenced him to a new fine equal to seven times the previous one, but the defense insists on a full acquittal. A criminal conviction can cost a director his job.

The prosecutor demanded that Yevgeny Shterengarts be sent to a colony general regime for three years, but the judge decided otherwise. There will be no conclusion, a fine of 200 thousand rubles. The school director admitted that this sentence was a blow for him. He was found guilty of embezzlement budget funds using official position. In fact, having a criminal record, he will no longer be able to work at school.

“This doesn’t make it any easier for me. Because besides this profession, which I know and can do well, there is no other profession. Therefore, this will actually be a ban on the profession,” says Evgeniy Shterengarts.

The same fine was issued in 2013. When Evgeny Shterengarts barely headed school 1282. Even under the previous director, parents wrote a complaint to the prosecutor’s office about bad major renovation. And the inspectors came to check the new manager and issued acts of violations in his name. Shterenharz paid 28 thousand rubles from the school budget. As investigators and prosecutors later announced, he had to take the money from his own pocket. Shteregnarz himself assures that the law does not clearly state from what funds the fine must be paid. And before that, I consulted with the school lawyer.

True, these facts were not paid attention to for two years. OBEP investigators came to check only in March 2015. Shterenharz then immediately compensated for all the damage, but a criminal case was still opened. He was suspended from office during the investigation. Today, when the director came to school to tell the latest news from the courtroom, one of the teachers lost their nerve. The team is on the side of the leader.

“We were in shock and are still in shock. What else can we add? It seems to me that since the fine has already been paid, and paid twice, then this fine is not a reason, apparently, but a reason for dismissing the director. This is how I explain it to myself,” - says the teacher primary school GBU Secondary School No. 1282 Veronica Sokolkina.

“We are very upset, to be honest, because our working process has only just been established and launched. Let’s just say that we have all just gotten into working mode over these two years, set ourselves up for new way and for more productive work, naturally,” notes Ekaterina Petukhova, a teacher of Russian language and literature at State Budgetary Institution Secondary School No. 1282.

Lawyers are wondering why these facts did not come to light sooner. After all, the school is checked regularly. And the capital’s department of education was supposed to control all financial activities educational institution, including payment of fines.

“The Education Department is directly related to the plan of financial and economic activities and to all payments that the school makes. It checks, returns and gives the go-ahead for payment. But in this case this was not done; moreover, the audit confirmed that there were no There were no violations in the activities of the school for the entire year,” said Sofiko Mekvabishvili, a lawyer at State Budgetary Institution Secondary School No. 1282.

The capital's Department of Education refused to comment on the situation, as did the prosecutor's office of the Preobrazhensky district of Moscow. Meanwhile, Evgeniy Shterengarts’ lawyers found out that exactly the same cases happened in the Moscow region and Karelia. And the damage there was much greater. But in both cases, the school directors were acquitted.

“We, of course, do not have a judicial precedent in Russia, unlike the Anglo-Saxon system of law, but nevertheless, no one has canceled the unity of judicial practice. Because there is such an understanding as the correct interpretation of the law,” explains lawyer Evgenia Shterengartsa Evgeny Korchago.

Evgeniy Shterengarts' lawyers now have 10 days to appeal the verdict. The teacher himself says that this is a lesson for life.

The school is about to expand. There will be several new buildings, many times more students. The budget will increase accordingly. Who will lead the updated educational institution, is still unclear.

Yesterday, the judge of the Moscow City Court, Marina Selina, dismissed the complaint against the arrest of the head of the Belgorod district administration, Anatoly Popkov. At the end of October, the Basmanny Court of Moscow granted the investigation's request and sent an official suspected of receiving a bribe to the capital's pre-trial detention center No. 5 (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Mr. Popkov, on the eve of his arrest, was detained by FSB operatives in Belgorod region, and then delivered to Moscow. His case is being handled by the central office of the Investigative Committee, where developer Pavel Tapashidi turned. He experienced administrative difficulties with the implementation of his projects in the Belgorod region. During the consideration of the complaint, Anatoly Popkov stated that he agreed to cooperate with the investigation, but did not intend to “denigrate or slander anyone.” The official’s lawyers told Kommersant-Chernozemye that the journalists were speaking “against an innocent man,” and also compared Mr. Popkov to Christ, whom people left defenseless on Calvary.

Even before the start of the hearing, Anatoly Popkov’s lawyers refused to give comments to Kommersant-Chernozemye and indicate the position of the defense. The ex-head of the Belgorod district was represented in court by Belgorod lawyer Mikhail Bazhinov and two Moscow lawyers - Svetlana Baturina and Vakhtang Fedorov. Before the consideration of the complaint began in the corridor of the Moscow City Court, Mr. Bazhinov told Kommersant-Chernozemye that he objects to the publicity of the trial, which, in his opinion, could harm his client: “His guilt has not been proven, and just as people did not defend Christ on Calvary, so will you are acting against an innocent person.”

Ms. Baturina noted that “journalists could come to the meeting only by order of the investigation.” However, representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the investigation also refused to answer questions from Kommersant-Chernozemye.

At the beginning of the hearing, Svetlana Baturina asked the judge to close the process, since “media representatives are superfluous here.” Marina Selina was surprised by this petition, because “everyone can attend open meetings.” She asked Anatoly Popkov via video link whether he objected to the presence of the Kommersant-Chernozemye journalist at the meeting. “No, I don’t mind,” answered Mr. Popkov. He participated in the meeting via video link from pre-trial detention center No. 5 (Vodnik), the monitor showed an image of a man in a tracksuit behind bars. Mr. Popkov answered the judge’s questions confidently. True, he was tormented by a cough during the hearing, but when the judge asked him to interrupt the hearing, the official replied that he was fine and was ready to continue.

Mr. Popkov's defenders brought to court his numerous awards, certifying that he is an honorary citizen of the Krasnogvardeisky district of the Belgorod region, a recipient of the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, awarded by Governor Evgeny Savchenko, and also received several letters of thanks from representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church. The lawyers asked the judge to change the measure of restraint to house arrest. They presented documents confirming the availability of housing in Moscow, which friends of his family are ready to provide to Mr. Popkov during the investigation. “Our client will be isolated in a Moscow apartment, his movements will be controlled, and his social circle will be limited,” explained Mr. Bazhinov.

In his opinion, Anatoly Popkov should not be in a pre-trial detention center also because he has health problems, including heart problems. “Pay attention to his cough, maybe the person already has tuberculosis. After all, he grew up in greenhouse conditions, in the village,” added Mikhail Bazhinov. “We need to follow a humane path,” supported Mrs. Baturina. “Popkov is an absolutely socialized person, has no previous convictions, and he is supported by Belgorod society,” the defense insisted. “What happened to Anatoly Tikhonovich will be sorted out by the investigation and the court, but he should be under house arrest,” said Vakhtang Fedorov.

Mikhail Bazhinov also noted that earlier the investigation and the court violated Anatoly Popkov’s right to defense after his arrest. The lawyer said that in the protocol the time of Anatoly Popkov’s detention is indicated as October 18, 22.25, although “they were actually detained in his office at 15.20.” “My client was not explained his rights, and I was not allowed to see him at the Investigative Committee for about a day, and the Basmanny Court did not take this into account when deciding on the preventive measure,” argued Mr. Bazhinov. According to the lawyers, they still do not have the case materials, the testimony of witnesses, they do not have complete information on which the accusation is based.

Anatoly Popkov himself called his detention a “monstrous mistake.”

I am most interested in an objective investigation and want my good name to be cleared. I hope that the investigation and the court will sort it out and put an end to it.

I am ready to cooperate with the investigation within the framework of a constructive dialogue, but I will not say what they want to hear from me, but which did not happen. I will not slander or denigrate anyone. I worked on Belgorod soil for 25 years, my loved ones are buried here, my family is here. To escape is to confirm your guilt,” the official said. “I have nowhere to run. I have no real estate abroad, no accounts, no funds to escape,” he added.

The investigator and the prosecutor did not agree with changing the preventive measure to house arrest, citing the fact that Mr. Popkov had a foreign passport. As a result, the judge rejected the defense’s complaint and left Anatoly Popkov in pretrial detention until at least December 19.

The detained director of a capital school, suspected of receiving 20 million rubles. the students' parents will be charged, and then investigators will petition the court to place him under arrest. Yulia Ivanova, senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the city of Moscow, reported this to Gazeta.Ru.

“He will be charged. He has been detained, tomorrow in court, most likely, a preventive measure will be chosen for him.”, Ivanova explained.

The day before, the Investigative Committee announced that a criminal case had been opened against the 59-year-old school director under Part 3 of Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official powers). Officially, the Investigative Committee does not report the school number and the name of the director. But two sources familiar with the situation told Gazeta.Ru that we are talking about school No. 1498 and its head Mikhail Gerchikov.

According to investigators, the director of a Moscow school located on Michurinsky Prospekt offered students’ parents to enter into agreements for additional classes English. However, the classes were actually paid for from the city budget. Over two years, more than 760 parents entered into these agreements, paying a total of more than 20 million rubles. In cash the director made the decisions at his own discretion, the Investigative Committee said in a statement.

/ Tuesday, April 14, 2015 /

topics: Crime

The director of one of the Moscow schools is suspected of imposing English classes on parents for money, while in reality the children were taught by school teachers as part of the schedule at budget expense, reported “ Interfax" official representative of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, Yulia Ivanova.

"Investigative bodies of the Main Investigation Department of the RF IC in Moscow have opened a criminal case against the 59-year-old director of the state budgetary educational institution. He is suspected of committing a crime under Part 3 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official powers).", - said Ivanova.

According to investigators, the director of the school, located on Michurinsky Prospekt, annually involved the parents of students in concluding agreements with the school under his control. commercial organization. The agreements provided for additional English classes.

From 2012 to 2014 academic years, additional classes took place with the participation of the same teaching staff school at the time stipulated curriculum, and were actually provided with funds allocated from the city budget. “More than 760 parents entered into these agreements; the total amount for the classes exceeded 20 million rubles. The director used the funds at his own discretion.”, - noted Ivanova.

According to her, the offense was discovered thanks to an inspection by the Moscow Department of Education.

Investigators are establishing the circumstances of the incident, a search was carried out at the director’s place of residence, as well as at the school, the director was detained, said a representative of the Investigative Committee.

A criminal case has been opened in Moscow against the director of one of the capital's schools. He is suspected under Part 3 of Art. . . . . .

As reported “ Rosbalt" in the press service of the Main Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow, the director of a Moscow school on Michurinsky Prospekt annually involved parents of students in concluding agreements between them and a commercial organization controlled by him. . . . . .

Currently, a set of investigative actions and operational-search measures are being carried out aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. In addition, a search was carried out at the director's place of residence, as well as at the school. The school director has been detained.