The seizure of golden Kuban lands and the Rostov fires - the affairs of businessman Andrei Korovayko?

In the Rostov region in full swing There is a trial going on against ex-judge Svetlana Martynova, who, according to investigators, having received 52 million rubles from the head of the Pokrovsky concern Andrei Korovayko, did not fulfill her promises. Correspondent news agency "" reports. This is what happens, in Russia you can give bribes officials, and then also sue them?

“Where is the point? What's the news here?! – the reader will ask. “Many judges, as we know, are corrupt, and businessmen, especially gay ones, are active or passive bribe-payers.” Let's talk...

Millions for the "mantle"

In the not-so-distant 2011, when the notorious Tsapkov family disappeared from the village of Kushchevskaya, almost 20 thousand hectares of fertile land remained in the possession of the Artex-Agro company, which belonged to the head of this clan, Nadezhda Tsapok. Based on the information given at the trial by Andrei Korovayko, Judge Martynova “accidentally” met him in a restaurant and offered to take these lands to a dummy legal entity for 52 million rubles, and then transfer the shares of this company to his Pokrovsky concern. Korovayko began to bring money to the judge on his word of honor, and the initial stages of their cunning business plan worked. Svetlana Martynova, through the courts, was able to return part of the Tsapkov lands to the shareholders, and they sold the lease rights to them to the newly established Mayak CJSC, whose shareholders were the judge’s relatives.

In a year and a half, according to Korovayko, the judge received more than 40 million rubles, but she did not keep her promise to transfer the lands to the Pokrovsky concern. And the bribe-giver Andrei Viktorovich ran to the police. And law enforcement officers, instead of detaining all participants in this illegal scheme, opened a criminal case against Martynova alone. It’s not surprising, because according to information in the media, Korovayko’s patrons and partners are none other than the former plenipotentiary representative in the Southern Federal District Kazantsev.

On the Spanish coast

According to the report, farmer Nina Karpenko from the Cossack village of Privolnaya told how the Pokrovskys recently harvested the crops grown on her lands. She could not resist the burly guards who accompanied the arrogant combine operators and tractor drivers. This chaos has been going on for several years now.

Participant in the picket against the seizure of land by the Pokrovsky concern

In addition to the rich harvest on the fertile Kuban lands, the Pokrovsky concern is also interested in construction in Rostov-on-Don. True, not always big city there are free areas for this. Sometimes residential buildings may stand on the “necessary” lands. However, this may not stop anyone. On August 21 last year, a major fire occurred in the city center, destroying 120 buildings. 650 people were injured, one died. The investigation determined that the cause was arson. By the way, this version was first voiced by residents of the affected area. They blamed it all on the developer, who was trying to “evict” people from their homes.

Law enforcement officers brought to light previously received appeals from residents who complained about threats, and it turned out that the pressure was exerted by employees of a private security company"Atlant". The founder of this private security company turned out to be Viktor Korovayko, the father of one of the largest developers in Rostov, owner of the Pokrovsky concern Andrey Korovayko. It is his company that is leading luxury development around the burned area. According to the investigation, “Pokrovsky” could well have ordered the arson, especially since Andrei Korovayko immediately “escaped” from Russia to Spain.

It became known that the company NEBUG-2 SL was registered in Malaga under the name of Andrey Korovayko. She runs a chain of mini-hotels in the resort town of Sitges, which are aimed at welcoming and serving same-sex couples. Some of Andrei Viktorovich’s partners claim that his sudden departure is not at all related to the fire, but is of a business nature. Or in general it was caused only by Korovayko’s fiery love... perhaps love is not quite “classical” in the general sense. There are persistent rumors that Andrei Viktorovich was legally married and had a luxurious wedding in one of the hotels in Barcelona with a Spanish gentleman. The Moscow Post wrote about this. They would have their advice and love, but representatives of law enforcement agencies express reasonable fears that Korovayko’s burning interest in the European LGBT movement may be of a business nature. The fact is that it is more difficult to request deportation to a person with “non-standard views” than an ordinary citizen. Since a citizen can always claim that we are being persecuted precisely because of his passions. Korovayko can easily play the card of being a humiliated and insulted victim, so to speak, of cruel Russian homophobes.


In the meantime, the main suspect in the arson of houses in the center of Rostov, the chairman of the board of directors of the Pokrovsky concern Andrei Korovayko, was put on the wanted list after failing to appear for questioning at regional administration Ministry of Internal Affairs. He conducts dialogue with representatives of the investigation exclusively through a lawyer. By the way, with his help, Korovayko also files a divorce from his wife, a deputy of the regional legislative assembly from the United Russia party, Irina Rukavishnikova. I wonder how they will divide the vast property acquired by back-breaking labor?

Our information

Concern "Pokrovsky" is a diversified holding. The main assets are concentrated in the agricultural business (agricultural holdings "Kanevskoy", "Eysky", "Labinsky"), real estate and the production of electrical equipment (GK "Valan"). The concern was founded in 2000 and Viktor Kazantsev is considered its real owner. The general director and beneficiary is his distant relative Andrey Korovayko. Land bank – 210 thousand hectares. There are 30,000 pigs on three pig farms. Dairy herd - 13 thousand cows. Sugar production at three factories is 230 thousand tons per year.

The brave general and his homosexual partner are taking southern Russian business by storm.

The Krasnodar concern Pokrovsky, one of the largest landowners, acquired a sugar factory from Razgulay, as well as 3.2 thousand hectares of arable land and is now studying other assets of the agricultural holding put up for auction. Some of the Razgulay farms were already acquired in the spring by the Rusagro group and the Agrocomplex named after. N. Tkacheva.

The sugar plant's capacity is about 4 thousand tons of beets per day. The general director of the Institute of Agricultural Market Studies, Dmitry Rylko, estimates the cost of the land at 320 million rubles. "or even higher." The cost of such a farm is standard set assets (equipment and infrastructure) can reach 400-600 million rubles, suggests BEFL project manager Inessa Valueva. A market source estimates the value of Kurganinsky Sugar Refinery CJSC at 300-400 million rubles. “Pokrovsky” bought assets at market value, Mr. Pak clarifies.

The Pokrovsky concern was founded in 2003 and belongs to Andrey Karavaiko. In 2016, he entered the BEFL ranking of the largest Russian landowners, taking 18th place with 200 thousand hectares.

“Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want”

Andrey Karavaiko is a well-known entrepreneur in the region. With their own “original” ways of doing business.

Rostov businessman Andrey Kholopov founder and sole shareholder trading network“Two Steps Away” was forced to give it away along with debts to the Rostov concern “Pokrovsky”.

The general director of the Pokrovsky concern, Andrei Karavaiko, said then that 100% of the Two Steps network would indeed become the property of the concern.

I wonder what operational management The network was taken over by the Kanevskoy agricultural holding, which is part of Pokrovsky. Several retailers said that Kanevskaya is controlled by the former presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District, Army General Viktor Kazantsev. As independent observers claimed, the network was simply “squeezed out” with the help of administrative resources!

Plenipotentiary representative, general, “businessman”?

The Kanevskoy agricultural holding is developing a network of more than 100 stores in Krasnodar region and Rostov region (brands “Stanitsa” and “Pokrovsky”). He also owns more than 80,000 hectares of agricultural land, 28,000 heads of large cattle, 60,000 pigs. Average daily milk production reaches 150 tons (2nd place in Russia). Revenue for 2009 exceeded 5 billion rubles, net profit - 700 million rubles.

“Mr. Karavaiko is one of the general’s confidants and has always worked on Kazantsev’s personal orders,” a source close to the general said at the time.

On the eve of his resignation, Kazantsev bankrupted enterprises

The last weeks of Kazantsev's embassy turned into two scandals. The first was associated with an attempted bankruptcy of the Rostov defense enterprise Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Electroapparat"

According to NG sources, in the event of the plant’s bankruptcy, its owner was to become Bars LLC, whose director Irina Rukavishnikova is the wife of the federal inspector of the embassy’s office, Andrei Karavaiko.

Mr. Karavaiko is one of the general’s confidants and has always worked on Kazantsev’s personal orders. In whose interests the bankruptcy procedure for the largest defense enterprise was launched, of course, it is difficult to say today.

The media suggested that the South Russian Investment Promotion Fund (SIF), created in the spring of 2003 with the blessing of Viktor Kazantsev and his deputy for economics Viktor Krokhmal, was also involved in the games around “Electroapparat”!

As a result of the redistribution of the shares of Elektroapparat with the participation of the son of the ex-head of Gazprom Rem Vyakhirev, the shares of the valuable asset were consolidated by Karavaiko!

Criminal into power?

The second scandal in the embassy was associated with the appointment of Leonid Baklitsky, the former vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory, to the post of head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Southern Federal District.

Baklitsky, as sources in the southern embassy claimed, was “led” to Kazantsev by certain “ business people" The general appointed him to this key post in his apparatus with surprising ease.

But Leonid Baklitsky had serious problems with law enforcement agencies; he was under investigation for several months on charges of accepting a bribe and abuse of official position. Almost immediately after Baklitsky’s appearance in Kazantsev’s office, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation resumed the investigation of criminal cases in which the district’s chief analyst was named as a suspect.

When appointing Baklitsky to the post of head of the Information and Analytical Department, Viktor Kazantsev violated special government instructions on allowing persons to work with classified documents. According to this instruction, Leonid Baklitsky did not have the right to occupy his new position, because he was accused of committing a number of serious crimes.

As a result of the redistribution of shares in Elektroapparat with the participation of the son of the ex-head of Gazprom, Rem Vyakhirev, the shares of the valuable asset were consolidated by Karavaiko.

Rostov developer received control over the defense plant

Andrei Karavaiko has long shown interest in Elektroapparat, which in 2004 was still a federal state unitary enterprise. After the arrest of the former arbitration manager of the enterprise, Marat Zainalabidov, who was accused of illegally selling off the plant’s property, and subsequently the dismissal of the general director of the plant, Rostov entrepreneur Alexander Oleinikov, representatives of a new creditor appeared at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, which bought up more than 50% of the voting accounts payable - Rostov LLC BARS, headed by Irina Rukavishnikova, the wife of Mr. Karavaiko!

Is the truth in the wine?

The story that happened in 2002 with the Samtrest winery became famous - then the director and owner of the plant, B. Babunidze, was beaten right in his office, from whom they wanted to take this enterprise away. Babunidze publicly named the federal inspector for the Southern Federal District A. Karavaiko as one of the main organizers of the “raid.” In addition, Babunidze is sure (and spoke to journalists about this) that Tamara Kazantseva is also involved in the scam.

The same A. Karavaiko, who was responsible for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in V. Kazantsev’s office, according to the press (in particular, Novaya Gazeta), participated in the seizure of other enterprises, for example, the Sevkavtara association and the color printing factory named after Ilyich in the center of Rostov.

It is still unclear how General Kazantsev, while in government service, managed the business of his district. Only another thing is clear: all operational issues were resolved by his ally and companion Andrei Karavaiko.

Now both have become sugar kings. But having “digged” the past of both, interested structures can easily throw them off the “throne”.

Polina Efimova I have known Korovayko since 1997. This is a man without conscience. He worked as an ordinary lawyer at the Rostov upholstered furniture factory (Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 33). He deliberately bankrupted the company together with the director. Ordinary people were left with nothing.

Original taken from xoxol_1 in Businessman Andrei Korovayko, suspected of setting fire to houses in Rostov, fled to Spain

After the developer was put on the wanted list, his wife, vice-speaker of the local Legislative Assembly, abandoned him

The main suspect in the arson of houses in the center of Rostov-on-Don, chairman of the board of directors of the Pokrovsky concern Andrei Korovayko, was put on the wanted list after failing to appear for questioning at the Don Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He is now in Spain and is communicating with investigators through his lawyer. Through him, Korovayko files a divorce from his wife, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly from United Russia, Irina Rukavishnikova.

As a result of a fire on August 21, 2017 in the central part of Rostov-on-Don, 650 people were injured and one died. The fire destroyed 120 buildings. The investigation established that the cause of the tragedy was arson.

This version was first voiced by residents of the affected area. They blamed it all on the developer, who was trying to “evict” people from their homes.

During the investigation, earlier complaints from citizens who complained about threats were raised, and it was established that the pressure was exerted by employees of the private security company Atlant.

The founder of this private security company turned out to be Viktor Korovayko, the father of one of the largest developers in Rostov, owner of the Pokrovsky concern Andrey Korovayko. His company is currently engaged in luxury development around the burned area.

According to law enforcement officers, the security company acted in the interests of the concern.

The investigation suggested that “Pokrovsky” could well have ordered the arson, and after Andrei Korovayko fled the country, this version received additional confirmation.

In addition to problems with the law, the man also had problems in his personal life. His wife, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region, Irina Rukavishnikova (United Russia faction), abandoned him.

For some time now, Andrei Viktorovich has not been my husband,” Irina Valeryevna told Rostov journalists. - I don’t know where he is now.

The deputy refused to comment on Spanish media reports about the luxurious wedding of Andrei Korovayko and a certain Jordi Jimenez that allegedly took place in May of this year in one of the gay hotels in Barcelona.

Perhaps this event was the reason for the divorce. By the way, information about the spouse’s property disappeared from Irina Rukavishnikova’s official income declaration posted on the Legislative Assembly’s website.

Korovayko’s business partners believe that his sudden departure to Spain may be of a business nature and not be related to his reluctance to cooperate with the investigation.

It is known that the company NEBUG-2 SL is registered in Malaga under the name of Andrey Korovayko.

She runs a chain of mini-hotels in the resort town of Sitges, which are aimed at welcoming and serving same-sex couples.

Representatives of law enforcement agencies express concern that Korovayko’s interest in the European LGBT movement may not be of a sexual nature. They do not rule out that the businessman plans to play a victim of human rights violations in Russia and explain his persecution by homophobia.

Instructed to check media reports about the allegedly illegal actions of the judge of the Arbitration Court of the Rostov Region, Larisa Chebanova. The department officially announced this today.

"Alexander Bastrykin instructed the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Rostov region to conduct a procedural check into the fact of possible illegal actions of a judge of the arbitration court of the Rostov region. Today, information about possible illegal activities Judge of the Arbitration Court of the Rostov Region Larisa Chebanova,” explained ICR official representative Svetlana Petrenko.

According to unofficial information, Larisa Chebanova is the wife of Arkady Chebanova, who, together with another Rostov businessman Andrei Korovayko, are considered the owners of the Pokrovsky concern.

In 2016, Pokrovsky entered the BEFL ranking of the largest Russian landowners, taking 18th place with 200 thousand hectares, Kommersant writes. The concern's agricultural business includes 25 agricultural enterprises; in Rostov-on-Don, Pokrovsky is known for its development projects.

In the summer of 2017, the concern found itself at the center of a number of scandals.

Judge of the Krasnodar Territory Elena Khakhaleva, who also became involved in a high-profile scandal, is also associated with the Pokrovsky concern: the media got information about her daughter’s luxurious wedding, to which a number of Russian stars were invited. Later, Khakhaleva’s ex-husband stated that he paid for his daughter’s expensive wedding on his own, and some Russian stars admitted that they were invited to the celebration as guests and sang for free. There was information in the media that Khakhaleva is connected with the founders of Pokrovsky and the concern received part of its lands in the Kuban as a result of litigation.

RIA Novosti writes, citing a number of media outlets, that in the Rostov region the Pokrovsky concern also actively used its right to judicial protection and won more than 70 victories in the Arbitration Court alone. Journalists associate these successes with the activities of Arkady Chebanov’s wife, judge Larisa Chebanova.

Another co-owner of Pokrovsky, Andrei Korovayko, was also subjected to a massive information attack this summer: a number of resources disseminated information about a gay wedding of a Rostov businessman allegedly taking place in Spain. Previously, Korovayko was married to the current vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region.

According to Petrenko, Bastrykin instructed the acting the head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Rostov region, organize an inspection based on media information and take measures to establish all the circumstances of the voiced arguments.

The seizure of golden Kuban lands and the Rostov fires - the affairs of businessman Andrei Korovayko?

In the Rostov region, a trial is in full swing against ex-judge Svetlana Martynova, who, according to investigators, having received 52 million rubles from the head of the Pokrovsky concern Andrei Korovayko, did not fulfill her promises. Correspondent news agency "" reports. What happens, in Russia you can give bribes to officials, and then also sue them?

“Where is the point? What's the news here?! – the reader will ask. “Many judges, as we know, are corrupt, and businessmen, especially gay ones, are active or passive bribe-payers.” Let's talk...

Millions for the "mantle"

In the not-so-distant 2011, when the notorious Tsapkov family disappeared from the village of Kushchevskaya, almost 20 thousand hectares of fertile land remained in the possession of the Artex-Agro company, which belonged to the head of this clan, Nadezhda Tsapok. Based on the information given at the trial by Andrei Korovayko, Judge Martynova “accidentally” met him in a restaurant and offered to take these lands to a dummy legal entity for 52 million rubles, and then transfer the shares of this company to his Pokrovsky concern. Korovayko began to bring money to the judge on his word of honor, and the initial stages of their cunning business plan worked. Svetlana Martynova, through the courts, was able to return part of the Tsapkov lands to the shareholders, and they sold the lease rights to them to the newly established Mayak CJSC, whose shareholders were the judge’s relatives.

In a year and a half, according to Korovayko, the judge received more than 40 million rubles, but she did not keep her promise to transfer the lands to the Pokrovsky concern. And the bribe-giver Andrei Viktorovich ran to the police. And law enforcement officers, instead of detaining all participants in this illegal scheme, opened a criminal case against Martynova alone. It’s not surprising, because according to information in the media, Korovayko’s patrons and partners are none other than the former plenipotentiary representative in the Southern Federal District Kazantsev.

On the Spanish coast

According to APN, farmer Nina Karpenko from the Cossack village of Privolnaya told how the Pokrovskys recently harvested crops grown on her lands. She could not resist the burly guards who accompanied the arrogant combine operators and tractor drivers. This chaos has been going on for several years now.

Participant in the picket against the seizure of land by the Pokrovsky concern

In addition to the rich harvest on the fertile Kuban lands, the Pokrovsky concern is also interested in construction in Rostov-on-Don. True, there are not always free plots for this in a big city. Sometimes residential buildings may stand on the “necessary” lands. However, this may not stop anyone. On August 21 last year, a major fire occurred in the city center, destroying 120 buildings. 650 people were injured, one died. The investigation determined that the cause was arson. By the way, this version was first voiced by residents of the affected area. They blamed it all on the developer, who was trying to “evict” people from their homes.

Law enforcement officers brought to light previously received appeals from residents who complained about threats, and it turned out that the pressure was exerted by employees of the private security company Atlant. The founder of this private security company turned out to be Viktor Korovayko, the father of one of the largest developers in Rostov, owner of the Pokrovsky concern Andrey Korovayko. It is his company that is leading luxury development around the burned area. According to the investigation, “Pokrovsky” could well have ordered the arson, especially since Andrei Korovayko immediately “escaped” from Russia to Spain.

It became known that the company NEBUG-2 SL was registered in Malaga under the name of Andrey Korovayko. She runs a chain of mini-hotels in the resort town of Sitges, which are aimed at welcoming and serving same-sex couples. Some of Andrei Viktorovich’s partners claim that his sudden departure is not at all related to the fire, but is of a business nature. Or in general it was caused only by Korovayko’s fiery love... perhaps love is not quite “classical” in the general sense. There are persistent rumors that Andrei Viktorovich was legally married and had a luxurious wedding in one of the hotels in Barcelona with a Spanish gentleman. The Moscow Post wrote about this. They would have their advice and love, but representatives of law enforcement agencies express reasonable fears that Korovayko’s burning interest in the European LGBT movement may be of a business nature. The fact is that it is more difficult to request deportation to a person with “non-standard views” than an ordinary citizen. Since a citizen can always claim that we are being persecuted precisely because of his passions. Korovayko can easily play the card of being a humiliated and insulted victim, so to speak, of cruel Russian homophobes.


In the meantime, the main suspect in the arson of houses in the center of Rostov, the chairman of the board of directors of the Pokrovsky concern, Andrei Korovayko, was put on the wanted list after failing to appear for questioning at the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He conducts dialogue with representatives of the investigation exclusively through a lawyer. By the way, with his help, Korovayko also files a divorce from his wife, a deputy of the regional legislative assembly from the United Russia party, Irina Rukavishnikova. I wonder how they will divide the vast property acquired by back-breaking labor?