OO "Artistic and aesthetic development."

on drawing, average preschool age

Topic: “Who lives in which house...”

Software tasks:

- Form an idea of ​​where insects, birds, animals liveinduce in children compassion for animals, birds, insects.

To develop children’s ability to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (booth, beehive, birdhouse, kennel). Strengthen the ability to draw using colored pencils, adjust the pressure on the pencil, paint without going beyond the outline of the object.

Continue to develop the ability to carefully use pencils when working, observing safety rules. Monitor children's posture.

Foster a caring attitude towards living beings and nature. Continue to develop creativity and initiative in children.

Integration: NGO “Physical Development”, NGO “Speech Development”, NGO “Cognitive Development”, NGO “Social and Communicative Development”.Preliminary work.

  • Watching dogs and birds on a walk.
  • Looking at paintings, postcards, photographs depicting these birds, animals, insects.
  • Reading fiction: V. Zotov “Forest Mosaic”, A. Vvedensky “Bird”.
  • Invite parents and their children to observe birds and animals and their characteristics during walks.
  • Didactic game “Loto”, “Who Lives Where”. Goal: to cultivate observation, the ability to notice similarities and differences in birds, insects, animals, to cultivate intelligence, speed of reaction.

Material. Pencils (for each child); ½ album sheet. Illustrations (booth, beehive, birdhouse.) Cards for the game (dog, bee, bird.)

Individual work:To develop the skills of Varvara K., Nastya G. to overcome shyness in communicating with adults. Mark B. and Roma I. accuracy and safety when working with pencils.
Activating the dictionary:Kennel, booth, beehive, birdhouse.

Methodical techniques:Showing an adult, reminding, verbal, individual approach, techniques for attracting and focusing attention.

GCD move

The teacher brings out the envelope.

Educator. Children today we received a letter, Grandfather of the Centenary wrote it, do you remember it?

Children: Yes!

Educator. He writes that many animals, birds, and insects do not have enough houses and asks us to help them. Shall we help?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Please tell me, why are we going to help them?

Children: Because it’s difficult for them without houses, we must help and protect them.

Educator: Right! And who exactly we need to help needs to guess, Grandfather of the Centenary sent riddles, listen carefully.

  • He barks, bites, and won't let him into the house.(Dog.)

The teacher places a picture of a dog on an easel)

  • Fun in the wild

She's flying

Above the flowers in the field

Sing songs;

And on a flexible branch,

In the forest twilight,

Children are waiting for the songbird

In the native nest.(Bird)

  • Drinks fragrant flower juice,

Gives us both wax and honey.

She's nice to everyone,

And her name is (Bee).

The teacher places a picture of a bird on an easel)

Educator: Let's remember what the dog house is called?

Children: Booth.

Educator: Right. A dog house is also called a “kennel.”

Let's repeat it all together...

Children: "kennel"

(The teacher places an image of the booth on the easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the booth and roof?

Children: square, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace the outline of the booth and roof with our finger.

(Circle in illustration)

Educator: What is the name of the bird house?

Children: Birdhouse.

Educator: Correct.

(The teacher places an image of a birdhouse on the easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the birdhouse and roof?

Children: rectangular, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace the outline of the birdhouse and the roof with our finger.

(Circle in illustration)

Educator: Let's remember what the bee house is called?

Children: Beehive.

Educator: Correct.

(The teacher places an image of a beehive on an easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the hive, the roof?

Children: rectangular, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace the outline of the hive and the roof with our finger.

(Circle in illustration)

What can we do to help homeless dogs, birds, and bees?

Children: draw houses.

Educator: Correct!

(Children sit at the tables, the teacher asks individually who will draw which houses, offers to draw each house in the air. Lays out samples. Shows the drawing technique, reminds that you need to draw with your right hand, pays attention to posture, the position of the legs under the tables.)

Children's work. (The teacher prompts and reminds children who find it difficult).

Educator: Everyone did it well, drew the houses, well done,Let's take a rest. We'll paint it later.

GAME “Find your home”(children with cards of dogs, bees, birds run, depicting a dog, bird, bee, under a tambourine. As the tambourine falls silent, the children each run to their own house with an illustration of the house on the easel.) The game is repeated 2 times.

Educator: Take a seat, now you can paint it with any colors you like. Try to paint without going beyond the edges of the house.

(Children place all work on a separate table)

Educator: Look, children, how many houses we have drawn, we will put all your works in an envelope and send it, Grandfather Centenary will receive it; many birds, bees, animals will live in their houses. Well done!


NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development".

in drawing, middle preschool age

Topic: “Who lives in which house...”

Software tasks:

- To form an idea of ​​where insects, birds, and animals live, to evoke in children compassion for animals, birds, and insects.

To develop children’s ability to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (booth, beehive, birdhouse, kennel). Strengthen the ability to draw using colored pencils, adjust the pressure on the pencil, paint without going beyond the outline of the object.

Continue to develop the ability to carefully use pencils when working, observing safety rules. Monitor children's posture.

Foster a caring attitude towards living beings and nature. Continue to develop creativity and initiative in children.

Integration: NGO “Physical Development”, NGO “Speech Development”, NGO “Cognitive Development”, NGO “Social and Communicative Development”. Preliminary work.

    Watching dogs and birds on a walk.

    Looking at paintings, postcards, photographs depicting these birds, animals, insects.

    Reading fiction: V. Zotov “Forest Mosaic”, A. Vvedensky “Bird”.

    Invite parents and their children to observe birds and animals and their characteristics during walks.

    Didactic game “Loto”, “Who Lives Where”. Goal: to cultivate observation, the ability to notice similarities and differences in birds, insects, animals, to cultivate intelligence, speed of reaction.

Material. Pencils (for each child); ½ album sheet. Illustrations (booth, beehive, birdhouse.) Cards for the game (dog, bee, bird.)

Individual work: To develop the skills of Varvara K., Nastya G. to overcome shyness in communicating with adults. Mark B. and Roma I. accuracy and safety when working with pencils.
Activating the dictionary: Kennel, booth, beehive, birdhouse.

Methodical techniques: Showing an adult, reminding, verbal, individual approach, techniques for attracting and focusing attention.

GCD move

The teacher brings out the envelope.

Educator. Children today we received a letter, Grandfather of the Centenary wrote it, do you remember it?

Children: Yes!

Educator. He writes that many animals, birds, and insects do not have enough houses and asks us to help them. Shall we help?

Educator: Please tell me, why are we going to help them?

Children: Because it’s difficult for them without houses, we must help and protect them.

Educator: Right! And who exactly we need to help needs to guess, Grandfather of the Centenary sent riddles, listen carefully.

    He barks, bites, and won't let him into the house.(Dog.)

The teacher places a picture of a dog on an easel)

    Fun in the wild

She's flying

Above the flowers in the field

Sing songs;

And on a flexible branch,

In the forest twilight,

Children are waiting for the songbird

In the native nest.(Bird)

    Drinks fragrant flower juice,

Gives us both wax and honey.

She's nice to everyone,

And her name is -(Bee).

The teacher places a picture of a bird on an easel)

Educator: Let's remember what the dog house is called?

Children: Booth.

Educator: Right. A dog house is also called a “kennel.”

Let's repeat it all together...


(The teacher places an image of the booth on the easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the booth and roof?

Children: square, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace the outline of the booth and roof with our finger.

(Circle in illustration)

Educator: What is the name of the bird house?

Children: Birdhouse.

Educator: Right.

(The teacher places an image of a birdhouse on the easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the birdhouse and roof?

Children: rectangular, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace the outline of the birdhouse and the roof with our finger.

(Circle in illustration)

Educator: Let's remember what the bee house is called?

Children: Hive.

Educator: Right.

(The teacher places an image of a beehive on an easel)

Educator: Tell me, what shape is the hive, the roof?

Children: rectangular, triangular.

Educator: Let's trace the outline of the hive and the roof with our finger.

(Circle in illustration)

What can we do to help homeless dogs, birds, and bees?

Children: draw houses.

Educator: Right!

(Children sit at the tables, the teacher asks individually who will draw which houses, offers to draw each house in the air. Lays out samples. Shows the drawing technique, reminds that you need to draw with your right hand, pays attention to posture, the position of the legs under the tables.)

Children's work. (The teacher prompts and reminds children who find it difficult).

Educator: Everyone did it, drew the houses, well done, Let's have a rest. We'll paint it later.

GAME “Find your home”(children with cards of dogs, bees, birds run, depicting a dog, bird, bee, under a tambourine. As the tambourine falls silent, the children each run to their own house with an illustration of the house on the easel.) The game is repeated 2 times.

Educator: Take a seat, now you can paint it with any colors you like. Try to paint without going beyond the edges of the house.

(Children place all work on a separate table)

Educator: Look, children, how many houses we have drawn, we will put all your works in an envelope and send it, Grandfather Centenary will receive it; many birds, bees, animals will live in their houses. Well done!

Classes on visual arts V middle group kindergarten. Class notes Komarova Tamara Semenovna


Lesson 32. Drawing “Who lives in which house” (“Who has which house”)

Program content. Develop children's ideas about where insects, birds, dogs and other living creatures live. Learn to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (birdhouse, beehive, kennel, booth). Tell children about how a person takes care of animals.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Talk with the children about which living beings live in which house. Ask what other houses there are. If the children do not name the home of any animal, complete their answers.

Show the children the illustrations, ask them to trace the shape of the houses one by one, and then show them with their hands in the air how to draw them. During the lesson, help children with advice, repeated showing (individually) illustrations; ask questions about the sequence of images of houses. Children who can quickly complete the work are asked to draw next to the house the animal that lives in it.

Consider all the drawings created by the children, invite the children to talk about their drawings, and praise them for their efforts.

Materials. 1/2 landscape paper, colored pencils (for each child).

Conversations about nature, the life of insects, birds, animals; observations on walks, reading books, looking at illustrations.

Lesson 33. Application “Cut out and paste whatever building you want”

Program content. To develop in children the ability to create a variety of images of buildings in applications. Develop imagination, creativity, sense of composition and color. Continue to practice cutting strips in a straight line, squares diagonally, etc. Learn to think through the selection of parts according to shape and color. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing. Develop imagination.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Invite the children to look at the strips of paper lying on their tables and ask about their color. To say that from these strips you can cut and paste a beautiful building - whoever wants what. Remind the children how they created buildings from parts of different shapes, show them the parts lying on the teacher’s table (cube, brick, triangular prism). Ask how to cut the strip to get the parts of the desired shape; If the children miss something, remind them. Ask them to think about what colors look beautiful in combination and choose them for the applique.

Materials. Designer parts (wooden and plastic, different shapes: cubes, bricks, triangular prisms). Strips of paper of different colors measuring 3x8 cm, square sheets of paper 16x16 cm, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin, oilcloth (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. During games and activities with building material clarify with children the shape of structural parts and their location; pay attention to the beauty of the buildings being created.

Lesson 34. Modeling “Girl in winter clothes”

Program content. To evoke in children a desire to convey the image of a girl in a sculpted image. Learn to identify parts of the human figure in clothing (head, fur coat widening downward, arms), convey them in compliance with proportions.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Examine the girl doll with the children, ask what parts the figurine is made of (head, coat, arms). Note the size of the parts and their position in relation to each other.

Discuss with the children how to divide the clay into parts in order to correctly sculpt the girl.

Materials. Doll. Clay (plasticine), modeling board, stack (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Looking at dolls in winter clothes, illustrations.

Lesson 35. Painting “Snow Maiden”

Program content. Teach children to portray the Snow Maiden in a fur coat (the fur coat is widened downward, arms from the shoulders). Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints, apply one paint to another after drying, when decorating a fur coat, rinse the brush cleanly and dry it by blotting it on a cloth or napkin.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider the Snow Maiden with your children. Suggest using hand movements to show the coat, widened downwards. Say that you need to start drawing from the girl’s head. It should be placed at the top of the sheet, but not at the very edge, so that the drawing turns out beautiful. Each child can draw the Snow Maiden's fur coat in the color he likes.

During the work, remind the rules of drawing with a brush and paints, monitor their implementation, direct the children’s attention to conveying the details of decorating a fur coat, hat, discussing them individually with each child.

Examine all the finished drawings with the children, enjoy their beauty and diversity.

Materials. Snow Maiden toy. Rectangular sheets of paper of different soft tones, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Telling fairy tales, looking at illustrations, artistic postcards with the image of the Snow Maiden.

Lesson 36. Modeling “Duck with ducklings”

(Collective composition)

Program content. Continue to introduce children to Dymkovo products (duck with ducklings, rooster, turkey and others). Learn to highlight the decoration elements of toys, notice the beauty of the form. Create a desire to sculpt toys. Learn to sculpt figures on a stand, convey differences in the size of objects and individual parts, and divide clay in appropriate proportions.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider the Dymkovo duck with your children. Say that the big duck has little ducklings. Note that the ducklings have an oval body, a round head, and a flat beak.

Examine all the sculpted figures. Emphasize their imagery.

Materials. Dymkovo toys. Clay, modeling board (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Enriching children's ideas about folk toys. Looking at toys in class and in free time. Children playing with toys in the play corner.

Lesson 37. Drawing “New Year greeting cards”

Program content. Teach children to independently determine the content of the drawing and depict what is intended. Reinforce painting techniques (use paints correctly, rinse the brush well and dry it). Foster initiative and independence. To develop aesthetic feelings, imagination, the desire to please loved ones, a positive emotional response to a self-created image.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children several postcards one by one and ask what is depicted on them. Invite the children to think and say what they will draw. If the child finishes the drawing quickly, give him the opportunity to draw more. Encourage independence in determining the content of the drawing.

At the end of the lesson, review all the drawings with the children, marking the most interesting and expressive works. Ask the children who they would like to give them to; emphasize that everyone is pleased to receive a greeting card.

Materials. Postcards about winter, Christmas trees, and New Year's holidays that are accessible in content. Landscape leaves, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Preparing for New Year's holiday, learning poems, songs, round dances. Reading books, conversations and conversations with children about the upcoming holiday.

Lesson 38. Application “Beads for the Christmas tree”

Program content. To consolidate children's knowledge about round and oval shapes. Learn to cut corners of rectangles and squares to obtain oval and round beads; alternate beads of different shapes; stick carefully, evenly, in the middle of the sheet.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider several different beads with your children and offer to make beautiful beads to decorate the Christmas tree. Show cutting techniques. To say that when gluing it is necessary to alternate beads of different shapes. Invite one child at the board to show how he will cut out the beads. Show the children how to glue beads onto a string. Give them the opportunity to practice cutting.

Help children in need glue beads onto a string. To do this, one cut out circle (oval), not smeared with glue, is placed under the thread. Another circle (oval) is smeared with glue and placed on the thread so that it coincides with the circle (oval) located under the thread, and is gently pressed with a cloth. Continue, alternating beads according to shape.

Admire the resulting bright multi-colored beads with your children.

Materials. Beads, paper rectangles and squares of different colors, thread (not very thin, about No. 10) for gluing cut out beads, glue, glue brush, napkin, scissors (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Preparing for the New Year's holiday, singing songs, learning poems.

Lesson 39. Drawing “Our decorated Christmas tree”

Program content. Teach children to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing. To develop the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches lengthening downward. Learn to use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another only after drying. Lead to emotional evaluation of work. Induce a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remember with children christmas tree in kindergarten, talk about how it was decorated. Clarify the techniques for depicting a Christmas tree by calling 2-3 children to show to the board. Emphasize the variety of Christmas tree decorations, recall the techniques of painting with paints and the need to paint, applying color to color only when what was previously drawn has dried.

At the end of the work, display all the drawings on the board and invite the children to choose the most elegant Christmas trees. Everyone can rejoice together at the decorated Christmas trees painted by the children.

Materials. Sheets of white (or any soft tone) paper, gouache of different colors, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Preparing for the holiday. Singing New Year's songs, decorating the Christmas tree in a group, participating in a festive matinee.

Lesson 40. Modeling according to the plan “Mold what you want”

Program content. Continue to develop independence and creativity, the ability to create images according to your own plans. Reinforce a variety of sculpting techniques.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Remind the children that they have learned to sculpt different objects and can sculpt whatever they want: mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, a doll, birds, animals. Invite them to think and create something interesting, but first determine the shape of the intended object, the location and shape of the parts. Approach each child while working, ask what he is sculpting, how he operates. In case of difficulties, help with guiding questions and advice.

At the end of the work, place all the molded products on a stand and examine them with the children.

Materials. Clay (plasticine). Modeling board, stack (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Various games with toys.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Speech Development in a Kindergarten Group of Different Ages. Junior mixed age group. Lesson Plans author

December – January – February During the winter months, you should continue to travel with your children around the kindergarten area. During these walks you can visit a Christmas tree, a birch tree, greet them, ask if they are frozen, etc. If the trees and bushes are covered with snow, there is

From the book Lessons on speech development in the second younger group kindergarten. Lesson Plans author Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna

December – January – February Program literature recommended for reading to children in the winter months is rich in works that can evoke a peaceful mood in children. These works can be read to children before bedtime, although this recommendation

From the book Lessons on visual activities in the middle group of kindergarten. Class notes author Komarova Tamara Semenovna

December Lesson 32. Drawing “Who lives in which house” (“Who has which house”) Program content. Develop children's ideas about where insects, birds, dogs and other living creatures live. Learn to create images of objects consisting of rectangular,

From the book Classes on speech development in the first junior group of kindergarten. Lesson Plans author Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna

December – January – February During the winter months, you should continue to travel with your children around the kindergarten area. During these walks, you can visit a Christmas tree, a birch tree, greet them, ask if they are frozen, etc. If the trees and bushes are covered with snow, there is

From the book Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson Plans author Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna

December – January – February Children can be introduced to Russian folk songs, recommended for reading in the winter months, as follows. For example, the song “The bunny is sitting, sitting...” can be included in an outdoor game. The bunny is sitting, sitting, the gray bunny is sitting. Under the bush

Program content:

1. Continue teaching children to hold the brush not too tightly, squeezing it, paint the object in one direction, and perform all stages of the work sequentially. Use gouache carefully.

2. Strengthen children’s ability to mix gouache paints to obtain a new shade (gray).

3. Encourage children to figuratively reflect a hedgehog, a mouse, a bunny in a drawing, combining color, shape, lines and unconventional drawing techniques: with a finger, a stick, a sponge.

4. To cultivate in children an aesthetic attitude towards the natural world around them.

Teaching methods and techniques:

Verbal: questions, artistic expression;

Games: didactic game “Who lives in the house?”, round dance game, surprise moment (bringing in toys: telephone, Piglet);

Phonogram of the song: “The gray bunny is sitting.”

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations depicting a mouse, a hedgehog, a bunny.

Reading poems and nursery rhymes about these animals.

Games – dramatizations, round dance games.


Three houses, material: didactic game “Who lives in the house?”, toy Piglet, telephone.

Paper format: landscape sheet with a landscape, brush of the same size, sticks, sponges, napkins, jars of water, gouache (white, black).

Progress of the lesson:

There's a knock on the door. Misha the bear cub comes in and says hello.

What is this in your paws?

The little bear invites the children to guess (shows first a circle, then a semicircle). Children call.

And now this half of the circle and I will play the game “Who lives in the house?

We have three houses in our group, animals live in these houses, and we have to guess what kind of animals they are. The little bear will tell us a little, he will ask riddles about these animals.

Small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth. (Mouse)

Under the pines, under the fir trees, lies a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)

White in winter, gray in summer. (Hare)

(Children take out flat figures from the envelope and lay out animals. When laying out the flat shapes of animals, consider their body parts and color).

Guys, the little bear suggests that you draw friends for these animals, otherwise they are so bored in their houses.

Do you agree to draw animals?

(I show album sheets with a drawing of the landscape, we clarify which of the animals can live in what environment.

Please note: a hedgehog, a hare, a gray mouse.

How can we get gray paint?

I remind the children to paint the body in a certain direction - from left to right, to draw a bunny - using the poking method - along the contour, then inside the contour we specify the stages of work on drawing the animal - eyes, nose - with a finger, the hedgehog's needles - with a stick).

Think about who you would like to draw?

Independent activity

(I'll spend individual work with children)

The little bear offers to go visit:

mouse to mouse,

bunnies to bunny,

hedgehogs to hedgehogs.

How did you get the gray paint?

How did you paint from left to right?

What did you use to draw the eyes, nose, and needles?

How many of you know a poem about a hedgehog?

What are you, such a prickly hedgehog?

This is me just in case.

Do you know who my neighbors are?

Foxes, wolves and bears.

And we’ll tell you straight about the mouse.

The mouse washed its nose with soap,

I washed my ears, I washed my tail,

I washed it so much that it turned white,

And she ate the soap out of happiness.

But we will play a game with the bunny "Bunny - bunny".

(Children in a circle, in the center there is a child - a bunny)

Zainka - bunny,

Come play with us! 2 times

I'll go in circles

And I’ll find a friend!

Come on, Vanya, come out.

And ride with me.

We liked the little bear, let's leave him for a while and play with him.

Oksana Shmakova
Abstract of OOD on Fine Arts on the topic: “Who lives in which house?”

Summary of organizing and conducting OOD on visual arts on the topic:

"Who lives in which house..."

Program content: Develop children's understanding of where insects, birds, dogs and other living creatures live.

To develop the ability to create images of objects consisting of rectangular, square, triangular parts (birdhouse, beehive, kennel).

Integration educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Forms of organization: group, individual.

Forms of implementation of pupils’ activities:

verbal (reading, conversation, riddles);

visual (demonstration);

game (cognitive, developmental);

productive activity;

physical education, finger gymnastics.

Goals and objectives:

Learn the ability to arrange objects in space on a sheet of paper;

To develop children’s ability to create images of objects consisting of rectangular and triangular parts (kennel, booth);

Strengthen the ability to draw with colored pencils, paint without going beyond the outline of the object;

Activate children's vocabulary (words: beehive, kennel, birdhouse);

Answer questions emotionally;

Foster a caring attitude towards living beings and nature.

Materials, tools, equipment:

From the teacher:- images of a beehive, nest, birdhouse, kennel;

Figurines of a bee, dog, bird, starling, snail with magnets;

A-4 sheet, marker;

Puppy toy;

Recording of the children's song “Big Secret for a Small Company” performed by the Nikitins and a music center;

2-3 hoops;

Pupils: – colored pencils, sheet.

Preliminary work

Watching dogs and birds on a walk.

Looking at illustrations of animals;

Reading fiction about animals.

Progress of educational activities:

Introductory part - children sit on the carpet, the teacher begins a conversation about the weather.

Educator - Guys, look out the window, what is the weather like today? (cold, rainy, cloudy sky, leaves have fallen). What do we wear when going out? (jackets, hats, boots). Why are we dressed lightly now, why aren’t we cold? (because we are in kindergarten). Right. We are under a roof, in a garden. We can say that kindergarten is our home

Educator - Do you think animals and birds have homes? (Yes). What are they, the same or different? (different). I suggest you take a trip on a magic carpet and see different houses of different animals. Please close your eyes and imagine that we are flying on a magic carpet to visit... Can you imagine? Then open your eyes, stand up and repeat after me:

“Hands to the sides - we send the plane into flight. Right wing forward, left wing forward. One, two, three, four, our plane has flown!”

(Following the teacher, the children repeat the movements)

Educator - Children, please go to your seats.

The board contains images of a beehive, a nest, a birdhouse, and a booth.

Main part

Educator - Please look at the board? What do you see? (houses). And we will find out who lives in them by solving the riddles.

She flew over the flower, collecting pollen for the house. She was striped, and her name was... BEE

Educator: Let's remember what the bee house is called? (Hive).

Educator: Correct. Help the bee find its home.

The teacher invites the child to choose a house for the guessed animal, gives him a figurine and a magnet. The child attaches the figurine in the house or next to it. So after every riddle

It’s fun for her to fly in freedom, to sing songs over the flowers in the field; And on a flexible branch, in the forest twilight, the children are waiting for the songbird in their native nest. BIRD

Educator: What is this, where does the bird live? (in the nest). That's right, listen to the next riddle.

This little resident flew from distant countries. He sat down on a branch near the birdhouse and sang: “Winter is over!” Who is this fellow? What's his name? STARLING

Educator: What is the name of the bird house? (birdhouse).

Educator: What is the difference between a nest and a birdhouse? (birds make nests from twigs, and birdhouses are made by people from boards)

Educator - People build birdhouses so that these birds can sing their beautiful songs.

Barks loudly, guards the house. Big bully. Who is this? DOG

Educator - Let's remember what the dog house is called? (booth)

Educator - Correct. A dog house is also called a kennel.

Let's all repeat (kennel) together.

Educator - And the last riddle. "Complicated"!

Who is this, really: he barely walks,

He carries the house twisted on his back. SNAIL

Educator - Where is the snail’s house? (she carries it on her back). Well done! You know everything. I suggest you relax and “visit” another house. Please stand near your seats and repeat after me!

Physical education minute

The deer has a big house, (Hands above head - depict the roof of the house)

He sits and looks out the window. (We support the cheeks below with both hands)

A bunny runs across the field (Jumping in place)

There's a knock on his door: (Stamping feet, hands on belt)

“Knock, knock, open the door, (Imitation of knocking on the door with each hand in turn)

There's an evil hunter in the forest." (Hands on the belt, turn right and left)

“Bunny, bunny, run in! (Calling - hand movements) Give me your paw.”

Children take their seats

Educator - Please, guys, look at the houses and tell me if they are the same shape or different? (different) Which house is the odd one out here and why? (the nest because it is semicircular, and the rest of the houses are rectangular and triangular). Correct (removes the nest).

Educator - Tell me, what shape are the walls of these houses? Roofs? (rectangular, triangular). Let's repeat what the houses are called (beehive, birdhouse, booth).

Educator - Please listen to the poem.

Each house has its own owner:

Birds make nests and live in them.

Bunnies - under a bush, in a small hole,

Foxes and mice run into holes.

Teddy bear is in a huge den,

The squirrels' house is a hollow,

Various herbs live by the road,

The house of all fish is rocked by waves.

The dragonfly's home is made of openwork leaves,

A spider's mesh house

Here is my house, it is big and beautiful,

Educator - Guys, do you think everyone has their own home? (No). Unfortunately, not everyone has a place to live. Have you seen dogs and cats running around the streets? Do you think they are doing well? (no) Yes, they are sad and cold, especially in this weather.

Educator - Look who I found near our door (brings in a toy puppy). His name is Druzhok. He's kind of sad. He probably has nowhere to live. How do you think we can help him? (draw him a house).

Educator - Let’s each of you draw a house for Buddy, and he will choose one of them and live in it. First, let's prepare our fingers for drawing.

Finger gymnastics

Drawing geometric shapes in the air using one hand, both hands.

Productive activity (drawing).

Demonstration and explanation by the teacher

Educator - First we will work with a simple pencil. We put four points and connect them. The result is a rectangle (square). At the top in the middle we put another point, connect it with the upper points - we get a triangular roof. All that remains is to draw the entrance for the puppy. It can be round or semicircular.

The teacher draws a booth on a landscape sheet with a marker, the children watch

Educator - Please, you can start working. The puppy kennel can be painted in any colors you like. Try to shade the parts of the house in one direction and not go beyond the outline drawn with a simple pencil.

The children begin to work, the teacher monitors their posture so that the children hold the pencil correctly and freely, without tension; gives hints and helps children who are experiencing difficulties.

You can play a recording of the song “Big Secret for a Small Company.”

Educator - Children, I invite you to play.

Didactic game “Whose house is this?”

Goal: - consolidate the ability to navigate in space,

Develop attention, the ability to move according to a signal,

Correlate logical pairs “dog – kennel”, “bee – hive”, “bird – birdhouse (nest)”.

Progress of the game: 2-3 hoops are laid out on the floor, children stand in random order.

Assignment: “When the tambourine rings, you move freely around the hoops. When the tambourine stops, I say “beehive,” “birdhouse,” or “kennel.” You jump into any hoop and make the sound of the occupant of that house - a buzzing, chirping or barking dog.” We play several times.


Teacher - Well done! How well you remember everything. Now let's go back to our places and show Buddy how beautiful your booths are.

Children sit down and show each other drawings.

Now the puppy has a home, and not even one. My friend liked all the houses. Therefore, he will live in everyone in turn. And it’s time for us to say goodbye to our guest. Goodbye, Buddy.

Guys, did you like how we worked today? - This concludes our lesson. Thanks everyone!


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