Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman (MSTU named after N.E. Bauman) Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov (Lomonosov Moscow State University) State University of Management (SUM) Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov (REU) Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Information technology (IT)

In the age of global computerization of society, no organization or company can function successfully if it does not have a well-functioning information system based on advanced technologies. The need for specialists who can use technologies for collecting and processing information to make life easier and more convenient, for example, to improve or automate production processes, is growing every day. Now is the right time to choose innovative specialties in the field of information systems and technology as a higher professional education at a university.

The range of professional activities of university graduates in the field of information technology is extensive: from applied mathematics in the field of programming to bringing high-tech software products to specific consumers. The object of professional activity of a specialist in information systems and technologies is their mathematical, information and software, methods and methods of design, debugging, production and operation of software in information systems in all areas of life. The specialist’s task is to create a complex of software and hardware that will allow the hiring company to achieve a competitive advantage in the market.

Specialties and specializations in the field of information technology (IT)

The choice of training programs in this area at Moscow universities is quite large: the table shows the most common areas of training and specialties.

Number according to OKSO classifier

Name of direction/specialty

Duration of study (years)


Region professional activities

"Applied mathematics and computer science"

Bachelor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Mathematical and software for high-tech fields of science, technology and information technology with an emphasis on effective programming; construction of algorithms for solving optimization problems

Master of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

mathematician, systems programmer

"Business Informatics"

Bachelor of Business Informatics

Information management in the field of modern business; implementation, analysis and support of corporate information systems

Master of Business Informatics

"Applied computer science" (by area)

Bachelor of Applied Informatics

Creation, implementation and maintenance of professionally oriented information systems; assessing the effectiveness of software and databases in a specific area; use of advanced information technologies for obtaining and processing information

Master of Applied Informatics

“Applied informatics” (by area: economics, management, management)

computer scientist-economist, manager, manager

"Informatics and Computer Science"

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

A set of means, methods and methods aimed at creating and using computers, systems and networks, automated information processing and management systems; ensuring the functioning of all computer equipment

Master of Engineering and Technology

“Computers, complexes, systems and networks”

“Computer software and automated systems”

"Information systems"

Bachelor of Information Systems

Creation and support of modern information systems in all sectors of production, commerce, science and education; solving a wide range of problems in developing software for information processing and control systems using computer graphics methods, network information and multimedia technologies

Master of Information Systems

"Information systems and technologies"

"Information technologies in design"

"Information technologies in the media industry"

"Information technologies in international business"

* Master's degree after 4 years of bachelor's degree.

One of the most popular specialties in Moscow universities in the field of information technology is “Information systems and technologies”, since students receiving this education at the university become familiar with programming, computer design, and data management, and also gain knowledge in specific area of ​​future professional activity. In addition, this specialty has a number of interesting specializations in Moscow universities:

  • “Computer graphics and modern programming methods in the Internet environment”
  • “Information technologies in property management and international business”
  • "Telecommunication technologies, networks, complexes"
  • "Security of information networks and information protection"
  • "Information networks of electronic commerce"
  • "Corporate information networks"
  • "Banking information networks"
  • "Information systems management"
  • “Information networks in specific areas of the national economy: instrument making, transport”

What are they studying?

Future specialists in information technology and systems receive fundamental mathematical training at the university; knowledge in the field of system analysis, management of dynamic objects, and design of intelligent databases is especially important for successful professional activities. At the same time, students acquire knowledge and skills of modern programming methods in the Internet environment, in the field of global control systems, information security, etc.

Since designed and used IT, as a rule, is focused on a specific field of application, a specialist will need knowledge in this specific area of ​​​​the national economy, for example, in mechanical engineering, railway transport, e-commerce, advertising. Certain types of professional activity of a university graduate in the field of information technology will require knowledge in the field of economics, finance, law, management, marketing, and project management.

All computer programs are written in English, so a future IT specialist must speak technical English at a fairly high level.

You can also become an IT specialist by obtaining one of the specialties listed in the table at a university; It is important that you decide for yourself what you want to become: a specialist in “brains”, “hardware” or “tuning” finished products and models. A profile of activity similar to the specialty described above is provided to university graduates with a specialty in “Applied Informatics”, who are also called upon to use advanced information technologies in specific areas of the national economy. In Moscow universities you can find interesting training programs in the specialty "Applied Informatics" in economics, management, management, tourism, medicine, etc. If you know in advance what area you want to specialize in the future, choose a university with a suitable profile that can provide teaching in the proper volume a complex of related disciplines.

Where do IT specialists work and how much do they earn?

There are several career options for university graduates in the field of information technology: administrative, design and management.

The administrative direction is represented by the positions of system administrator, network administrator, and database administrator. All these administrators are required to ensure the uninterrupted and safe operation of computers and their complexes on the network. Beginning administrators receive 25,000 rubles, each year of work adds 15% to the salary, additional knowledge, for example, a foreign language, adds another 10%. Having professional certificates, especially international ones, increases your salary by another 30%. Thus, a salary of $5,000 is not the limit for an administrator, and additional earnings are possible for completing one-time orders.

The design and engineering direction is represented by the positions of programmer, lead programmer, network application developer, web programmer, etc. The average salary of a programmer is $1,500–2,000, it depends on the programming language, level of knowledge of English (plus 20%), experience work. Often programmers, especially in the Internet environment, engage in outsourcing, that is, they work for themselves; their incomes are usually higher than those of full-time employees.

Leadership jobs for IS professionals include the positions of project manager, project director, and general manager. You can find out about the formation of salaries for positions in this area in the description of the specialty “Organization Management”.

University graduates and IP specialists can find work in all areas of life where computer technology is used:

  • – in academic, scientific, educational institutes;
  • – in computer centers, development bureaus;
  • – in information centers, archives, funds and libraries, state statistics bodies;
  • – in state and government institutions, state and municipal authorities, taxation, law enforcement and social protection authorities, customs;
  • – in management bodies at enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership;

A second higher education in the field of IT technologies offers unlimited prospects for a thinking person. Synergy University has created all the conditions for the implementation of such a solution from any “starting” platform (presence/absence of the first higher education, completed secondary education for a programmer).

The catalog of our programs includes the most popular areas: Second higher education: programming

  • The IT Faculty program is MOiAIS, training professionals to work with business software products starting with 1C. Here programmers with deep mathematical training are “raised” - future software developers, international IT directors.
  • Having mastered the IS&T specification in instrumentation and telecommunications, you will not have time to start looking for a job - it will find you earlier.
  • The general program for training general-purpose programmers is a deep dive into the mechanics of operating systems, C++ programming, the principles of computer graphics, the basics of IT administration and much more.
  • A promising direction is the program of the Faculty of Information Security and Technology “Information Security” - your choice if you want to become indispensable. Effective practice with the participation of university company resources, coding skills, cryptography basics - as a result, you will become an expert in preventing cyber risks - a threat of the 21st century.
  • Applied computer science is a direction for future developers, testers, and application creators.

Forms and duration of training. Entrance tests

A complete and accelerated program for training programmers is available at our university. Dates:

  • full-time full-time education – 4 years, accelerated – 3 years (the entire range of professional activities is available);
  • evening classes – 4 years 6 months;
  • distance learning: full 4 years 6 months, accelerated program takes 3 years 6 months.

Recalculation for students who have access to an accelerated program for obtaining a second higher education in programming is carried out individually and depends on a number of factors (main profession, past achievements, scientific work, choice of specialty). We constantly have promotions and discounts - you can always ask for clarification to gain a competitive advantage in the labor market.

An example of a full-time study plan: /assets/upload/uch_plan/uch_plan_inform_sistem_o_09.03.02.pdf

Employment: relevance of personnel in the market

The IT market employs from 400 to 500 specialists (information for 2016). The current need of the Russian Federation is 1.2 million, according to official estimates, 4 million, according to the data of the speakers of the annual all-Russian forum “Territory of Meanings”.

In 2013, the government of the Russian Federation approved a program for developing the market for IT specialists, according to which by 2018 the number of employed programmers should approach 700 thousand people. And we are not talking about completely satisfying the needs of the industry. De facto, today the programming segment suffers from an acute shortage of personnel.

Programmers, software administrators, application developers, testers are in demand by companies of any profile. Banking organizations and insurers, manufacturing, trading, administrative enterprises - 80% of legal entities in Russia already work with their own software product (website, applications, 1C), which requires professional participation.

There are many areas of employment for IT professionals:

  • head of IT department;
  • startup lead group administrator;
  • software developer;
  • Head of Information Security Department;
  • social network group administrator.

The list goes on. Programming is a specialty that continues to grow with new professions/positions. The number of programmer vacancies in the country (data from the top 10 recruitment agencies) has not fallen below 45 thousand for the third year in a row. This is the only area that is not threatened by unemployment in any crisis.

If you want to acquire a new specialty, basic (from scratch) knowledge and applied skills in IT, economics, finance, management, and are ready for long-term (almost 3 years) training, then a second higher education program is better suited for you (preparing a bachelor’s degree in Business informatics).

Who can study on the program?

The program of second higher education - training bachelors in a shortened time in the field of "Business Informatics" - accepts specialists and managers who have a state diploma of higher education (bachelor, specialist, master) in various specialties and areas.

In this case, the direction of the first higher education, the presence of primary knowledge and practical experience do not matter.

Admission is carried out on the basis of the results of entrance tests, the form and list of which is determined by the university independently, and an interview. .

Why is it worth studying at the Higher School of Economics?

A second higher IT education in a relevant and in-demand specialty significantly increases your chances of finding a decent job, as well as devoting all your time to the type of activity that will be most interesting to you.

A second higher IT education, obtained at the Higher School of Business Informatics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, will allow you to gain the missing knowledge or expand the existing ones, move up the career ladder, get a better-paid job, or change the field of your professional activity. This is especially true in Moscow, where there is a high level of competition for highly paid positions.

By choosing a bachelor's program in Business Informatics at the Graduate School of Business Informatics, YOU GET A NUMBER OF ADVANTAGES:

1. RELEVANCE. GSBI programs are developed based on market requirements, taking into account modern standards and best practices (ISO, IEEE, CMM/CMMI, SPICE, COBIT, ITIL, WABOK), and reviewed by leading partner companies.

2. QUALITY. The quality of education at GSBI is achieved through a combination of the university’s methodological base and the expert experience of partner companies. When developing and implementing programs, HSBI uses the unique in Russia methodological base of the Higher School of Economics in the field of business informatics and the basic departments of leading companies (

3. BUSINESS PRACTICES AND LEADING SPECIALISTS. VSBI programs are taught by people who put into business practice every day what they talk about in the classroom, as well as the most authoritative specialists in the IT market. Our teachers

4. PRACTICAL SKILLS. The main principle of training at HSBI is learning through action, the application of acquired theoretical knowledge in the real practice of students. All educational assignments and program projects are of an applied, practical nature. The subjects of practical assignments and final papers are determined by students themselves based on their goals and interests.

5. DEMAND. Diplomas from the National Research University Higher School of Economics enjoy high prestige among employers. HSE University has been a leader in ratings and surveys of company executives for the past 5 years.

In addition, HSE is one of the few Russian universities whose diplomas are valued in other countries.

6. UNIQUENESS. Almost all GSBI programs have no analogues in the Russian market of additional and business education in terms of focus and content.

GSBI programs differ not only in duration, cost, and diploma issued, but also in content and focus.

In the second higher education program (bachelor's degree in Business Informatics), training in all disciplines is carried out from zero level to specialist level. The program contains long blocks on economics, finance, management, basic and applied disciplines in IT. The list of disciplines is determined by the educational standard. Of all the HSBI programs, the second higher education is the more basic education. This is a full-fledged higher education in the field of IT management. Graduates of this program are ready to work in any field of economics and public administration related to the use of IT.

After completing a bachelor's degree in Business Informatics, you will be able to work as

  • CIO, Director of Information Services;
  • Company Business Development Director (CEO);
  • Information systems architect, IT business architect;
  • IT business consultant;
  • Business Analyst;
  • Financial Analyst;
  • IT Strategy Consultant;
  • Director of Analytical Services;
  • Business Architect;
  • Specialist in modeling and optimization of business processes;
  • IT manager, IT specialist;
  • Project manager, including Internet projects;
  • IT management consultant;
  • Internet project manager;
  • Entrepreneur, company manager.

The program complies with the educational standard in the field of Business Informatics and the professional standard Information Technology Manager (Approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 716n dated 10/13/2014)

The issued document is a state diploma of higher education from the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” in the field of “Business Informatics”, BACHELOR degree

Students who successfully complete this program are accepted into the MBA-IT program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics for a period of study of 1 year!!!

Class schedule

Cost and payment procedure

If you still have doubts about choosing a training program, then you can get acquainted with the curriculum and annotations of the disciplines, find out more detailed information about the features of training, certification, preparation of final work and get answers to other questions.

For more information and to schedule an interview:

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 40000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 90000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in your chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only to what vacancies are offered to you on the labor market.

Demand for the profession

This profession is in high demand, but the level of competition is also high. Several dozen people can apply for one position. Success depends on skills, knowledge, and the ability to interpret them.

Who is the profession suitable for?

Required programmer qualities:

  • Systems thinking.
  • Analytical mind.
  • Good memory.
  • Ability to present information in understandable language.

Working conditions

Programmers spend their working day indoors. The work takes place mainly while sitting. During work, the programmer is often in front of a computer monitor, so the strain on the eyes is high.


Careers, like those of other workers, depend on skills and aspirations. In large companies, a specialist can become the head of the IT department or a leading project manager.

Many programmers start their own software development businesses.

Working for yourself with independent search for orders is very popular - freelancing.

For career growth, it is important to constantly acquire new knowledge and keep up with technology developments. Preference is given to those who understand the most modern programming trends.


Job responsibilities:

  • Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems, he develops programs that make it possible to execute the algorithm and, accordingly, the assigned task using computer technology, and carries out their testing and debugging.
  • Develops technology for solving problems at all stages of information processing.
  • Selects a programming language to describe algorithms and data structures.
  • Determines information to be processed by computer technology, its volume, structure, layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and output, methods of its control.
  • Performs work on preparing programs for debugging and carries out debugging.
  • Launches debugged programs and enters initial data determined by the conditions of the assigned tasks.
  • Conducts adjustments to the developed program based on analysis of the output data.
  • Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.
  • Determines the possibility of using ready-made software products.
  • Provides support for the implementation of programs and software.
  • Develops and implements systems for automatically checking the correctness of programs, standard and standard software, and develops information processing technology.
  • Performs work on unification and typification of computing processes.

Schoolchildren, it seems, have already passed the Unified State Exam and are about to go to apply to universities. Programming and IT technologies are in stable demand, much like legal and economic specialties were 10 years ago.

In this article I will tell you how higher education for IT works and how to choose the right IT specialty.
The article will be useful not only for 2015 applicants, but also for high school students who have already decided to connect their lives with IT.

Do you need to go to university to become a programmer?

There are many points of view on this issue and I am sure it will be raised more than once in the comments. In my humble opinion, higher education is not a prerequisite for becoming an IT specialist, nor is it a guarantee of it. But it can become a solid foundation for professional growth.

You can read books, participate in the OpenSource community, work part-time on oDesk, and in a few years you will be an experienced developer, without a higher education. True, nothing prevents you from doing all this in parallel with your studies at a university, except your own laziness.
You can enroll, take tests and exams, get a diploma and not end up becoming a professional programmer - there are millions of such stories.

A good university provides, first of all, excellent conditions for gaining knowledge, experience, connections and growing as a person. And it’s up to you how you will use them (and whether you will use them at all).
Let’s assume that you have already decided to get a higher education in the IT field, and let’s move on.

Bachelor, specialist and master

Years have passed since the Ministry of Education decided to integrate Russia into the Bologna higher education system and much has changed. Previously, all IT workers could only obtain a specialist diploma. This year the last certified specialists graduated (with the exception of specialties where the training period is more than 5 years).
Now you can become a bachelor, after that a master, and then enter graduate school to obtain the Russian equivalent of a Ph.D.

What has really changed?
In the old curricula for “specialists,” the number of hours was cut for one year, while the most difficult disciplines were either removed or shortened. Many academic topics from the field of algebra, probability theory, and physics will remain uncovered by the teacher for the bachelor's degree. In a number of specialties where programming is an auxiliary competency (for example, information security), various programming technologies have come under the knife - from web development to parallel programming.

Otherwise, neither the theoretical material nor the teaching methods have changed. The volume of material has been reduced. If some university used to give laboratory tests for Pascal, they still do.
At the same time, master's curricula can boast of novelty. You can write about this separately if there is demand.

It must be taken into account that a bachelor’s degree is not a ready-made employee who can come to an employer with a diploma with honors and ask for the average salary in a hospital. A bachelor knows something, knows something about technology, but as a rule, does not know how to work in a team, a large group, or completely independently solve specific practical problems. In developer terminology, this is a Junior, promising to become a Middle Developer in 2-4 years. In many companies, such graduates without experience are offered internship programs with a mentor for 6-12 months.

Applied and Academic Bachelor's Degree

Of course, the fact that the specialty was simply reduced by 20% could not please the Ministry of Education. Few people can be pleased with an “under-specialist” who now knows even less. Therefore, starting from 2015, applied bachelor’s degrees will be introduced everywhere as an alternative to incomplete academic education.

In short, the applied curriculum differs from the academic one in the new curriculum, where all disciplines are focused on producing an employee who is as ready as possible for real work tasks. No internships or other headaches for the employer. For example, from an academic bachelor’s degree a “mathematician-programmer” may come out, and from an applied bachelor’s degree “.Net Developer”, “Relational Database Developer” or “C++ Programmer”. The latter are more interesting to the labor market immediately after graduating from university, while the former, after graduating from a bachelor’s degree, must enter a master’s program and further develop their competencies in order to qualify for higher positions after graduation. Another useful thing is the participation of employers (as a practice base) and IT vendors in the applied bachelor's program.

Despite the fact that the idea, in my opinion, is sound and its implementation was started 5 years ago in 44 pilot universities, I have not yet met either qualitatively new educational materials or graduates ready for independent work. I assume that nothing will change in the next 2-3 years and there will be no significant difference in the preparation of academic and applied bachelor’s degrees. However, if you have already decided to pursue a master’s degree, go to the academic one; if after 4 years of study you plan to go to work and return to the master’s program “someday,” then apply to the applied one.

Teaching at a university

If they study at school, then they study at a university. And the difference here is huge. No one will force you to study. If you want to get a diploma, sit down, figure it out, ask your classmates. A teacher is simply a carrier of knowledge who knows how to explain this knowledge. His goal is to tell, yours is to understand. If you don’t understand something, the teacher still fulfilled his goal. Even if in some cases this is not the case, it is better to think in this paradigm, there will be less disappointment.

The quality of teaching lies precisely in how well the teacher conveys knowledge to you and what practical competence you gain from it. For example, you can convey the principle of OOP in the Delphi programming language, or you can use C# or Java. You will understand OOP in any case if you try, but familiarity with the C# or Java languages ​​will be useful for you in the future, when preparing coursework, when working part-time or in future employment.

Teaching is an inert thing. The more a teacher teaches the same course using the same technologies as an example, the better he is able to convey knowledge to students. But IT technologies change too quickly, so two extremes are possible:

  1. the teacher reads to you something that is morally outdated, but you understand everything perfectly
  2. the teacher talks about the latest technologies, but you are left with large gaps in your understanding of something (if you do not fill them in on your own in books, on StackOverflow or MSDN, then it will remain so).
There are wonderful teachers who update 30% of their educational material every year, but not everyone is ready for such efforts.

In addition to splitting bachelor's degrees into academic and applied ones, education standards are also being updated from the second generation to 3 and 3+. With so many changes in teaching, there is a risk that the next 2-3 sets of students will be less prepared than the next. This means you need to make more personal efforts.

When choosing a university and specialty, it is advisable to know Who and What will tell you. Before making your final choice, check with current students, read VK student groups.

Choosing a specialty

So, you decided to get a higher education and become a programmer. And not just a programmer, but, for example, a Web developer specializing in frontend. It’s great that at 18 you already have a goal in life, but I’m in a hurry to disappoint you. In our state there is such a thing as standards of higher education and they are much more abstract than you would like.

The full list of higher education standards can be found here. Not all of them have generation 3+ standards yet, but they will by the end of the year. I recommend reading these boring documents.

Mathematical support and administration of information systems (MOAIS).

A specialty that provides the best conditions for developing developer competencies.

You will study: programming technologies in various languages ​​(usually in 4 years you will become familiar with at least three programming languages ​​- for example: C++, C#, Lisp, or C++, Java, Python), development and basic administration of relational and object-oriented databases, network technologies , development of “client-server” applications, “client - application server - database server”, parallel programming.

Training gives an understanding of programming in principle; in a couple of months you can learn any programming language and develop in it; understanding how any program works and how to solve most computing problems. After receiving your diploma, you are a strong Junior, but as soon as you understand specific tasks and tools in a specific company, your knowledge base will be enough to qualify for Middle.

After work experience and a good master's degree in this specialty, you will be able not only to create programs and information systems, but will become familiar with the principles of developing high-load systems, team management, development planning, and will be able to apply for Senior and Team Lead.

Fundamental computer science and information technology (FIIT).

The specialty is close to MOAIS, but is focused on computational experiments and research problems.
In other words, you'll be in top shape as a programmer, but you'll be nearly useless for solving practical business problems. But you are a valuable personnel for R&D departments, scientific laboratories and research teams. Studying in this specialty at a good university gives you the opportunity to choose a place of work around the world, working in well-known companies. It is already initially assumed that a bachelor's degree will be only the first step of your education.

A very real story: after receiving a bachelor's degree at Moscow State University, enrolling in a master's program at CalTech. Of course, physics, algebra and calculus should be your passion.

Informatics and computer technology (ICT)

The specialty is focused on training system programmers who work with hardware. You will have skills in programming robots, real-time systems, and working with a blowtorch. With such an education, you won’t want to develop boring accounting systems and web applications, but your future career can begin as a video surveillance engineer in a small private security company, or in a robotics laboratory of a large brand (of course, after completing a master’s program).

In my opinion, that’s all with purely programming specialties. Below is a list of specialties that also teach programming. But if the specialties at the top have a curriculum designed so that they graduate as a Programmer, then the specialties below produce a Specialist in something with programming skills.

Not only a programmer

Software Engineering

A relatively new specialty that essentially trains software product managers. This specialist looks beyond development tasks, manages requirements, functionality, versions, and development teams. In the first years you will study programming technologies and, perhaps, a couple of languages, but later in the curriculum there will be more and more about software development management. You can start your career as a Junior Developer, but instead of further upgrading to Middle, you will become a project manager.

Applied computer science

Produces systems analysts with a broad outlook in IT and business. They also know how to program, but they are really good at writing technical specifications, formalizing business processes, and communicating effectively with developers who hover in high abstractions. You can become a project manager or even a director of your company if you have such ambitions.

Business informatics

It is very close to applied computer science, but the graduate’s managerial competencies are much stronger. You can be a consultant on the use of IT or manage the IT policy of a small holding. After receiving your diploma, you can start working even in support, but the career goal “IT Director” can be achieved in a matter of years.

Information systems and technologies

Focus on information technology administration and the correct selection of software and hardware for the tasks of a corporate local network. There will be programming, but at a procedural level, closer to scripts and configuration files.

Mathematics and Computer Science

A large portion of fundamental knowledge will allow you to work both as a computer science teacher at school and as an analyst in a large company. In a good university, this specialty gravitates towards scientific research and can also be a start in R&D for those who prefer mathematical sciences to physics.

Information security

The first course is often similar to specialties like MOAIS, where there is a lot of programming and in different languages, but then this stops. You don't have to write code, you have to understand how any code can be attacked. Networks and operating systems will be familiar to anyone else, you can call yourself a hacker, but you will have to work in the field of security, with regulatory documents, and not just with firewall and sniffer.

It is important to understand that everything depends on the specific educational institution. This is like the HTML standard and its implementation on the website of a provincial beauty salon. There are universities where students of all specialties attend the same lectures. There are universities where MOAIS studies Visual Basic and Pascal, writes macros in Excel, and studies databases using Access as an example. If there is such a university in your hometown, then it’s time to buy train tickets.

The choice of specialty upon admission is extremely important, since it determines your future career and, perhaps, your whole life. This is essentially the first independent choice in life and the mistake will be measured in years. Therefore, it’s too early to “exhale” after the Unified State Exam; it’s time to find out as much as possible about the nearest university, its students and teachers. Good luck.