Good day, dear visitors of the site dedicated to making money online! Surely you already know that working on the World Wide Web today is no longer something surprising. An increasing number of users earn money every day in this way: some receive payment for likes, reposts and comments, and others make a profit by viewing various banners on the Internet. In this article I will tell you what it is to make money by viewing ads, share interesting tricks and useful tips. You will get acquainted with the list of proven and reliable sites that have a large number of users. Learn a lot of new and useful information and start earning money now!

How to make money by viewing ads?

If you want to earn income online, then one of the areas you should pay attention to is viewing advertising material. Here you don’t need to click on ad blocks, just complete certain simple tasks.

This is usually paid for by advertisers or owners of various Internet resources who need to promote their products. Today, there are two main areas of this type of activity: viewing websites and advertising in the browser. I propose to consider them in more detail.

Browsing sites represents the need to watch various advertising material displayed on the screen of your laptop. This type of work includes three directions:

  • reading letters;
  • passing tests.

Surfing— transition to various sites specified by the advertiser. You will be required to follow different links and stay on a particular resource for several seconds in order for the task to be credited to you and payment to be credited to your account. This type of activity is quite popular, but you can’t count on a lot of income here. Sufficiently active users can earn about 50 rubles per day.

Reading letters- a type of work very similar to the previous one. Your actions here will be as follows: register on the platform, open the letters, read them carefully and answer the question located at the end of the letter. The answer to this question lies in the letter itself, so it is important to read it carefully and thoughtfully. After you give an answer, the system will redirect you to the site, where you will need to spend a few seconds. After this, the reward will be credited to your account. The payment offered here is slightly higher than for surfing.

Taking tests- a less popular, but more profitable option for making money from advertising. Many resources also offer a “Tests” section, where you can see a link to the resource and answer several questions about it. Customers pay more for these activities because they require some investment of your time. You will need to scroll through the proposed resource, read the information on it in order to answer the proposed questions.

Second direction of work— viewing advertisements in the browser. First, you will need to go through the registration procedure in one of the projects (below I will provide a list of reliable services). After this, you will need to install a special extension in the browser you use most often. You will then be able to see pop-ups at the top of your browser or in the bottom corner. For each such message, a payment will be added to your balance, which you can withdraw in any convenient way.

This way you can earn passive income. It will take you about 20 minutes to register in the project, familiarize yourself with its rules and install the extension. After this, your participation will be minimal. The only disadvantage of this option is the very small payment (as in other methods of viewing advertisements for money). In addition, you will see a huge number of different ads every day. You already come across them when visiting different sites, and now there will be even more of them. However, if you previously did not receive money for viewing them, now you can get it.

Today there are a huge number that offer the opportunity to perform simple tasks (including viewing advertising materials) and receive a good monetary reward for this. After reviewing them, you can choose the most acceptable and convenient option for yourself.

List of reliable projects

I bring to your attention proven and most popular resources that allow you to make money by viewing advertising.

is a fairly well-known online platform that allows you to earn money by viewing advertising teasers. To do this, you just need to install a special plugin in your browser. These ads run in the background, so your involvement is minimal.

The funds received can be withdrawn to the following payment services: Yandex Money, Qiwi and Webmoney. Withdrawal requests are processed fairly quickly. This site also has a profitable affiliate program that allows users to significantly increase their income.

is an online resource that will allow you to receive small rewards for what you usually do for free, namely for viewing advertising banners on the network. By installing a special extension in the browser of your computer or laptop, you can view various advertisements that appear on the screen.

This service has been operating since 2015, and during this time it has managed to gain the trust of a wide audience of both customers and performers. One of the features of this resource is making payments without minimum limits and restrictions. To do this, you can use the payment systems Payer, WebMoney, Qiwi.

As you can see, there are many projects offering to earn a stable income from viewing advertisements. Study the terms they offer and choose one or more services to work with.

How much income can you expect?

When starting to engage in such a part-time job, you must understand that there is no big profit here. This type of activity is considered one of the simplest. After all, no effort is required from you here. Therefore, the payment offered is meager.

So, depending on the type of tasks, You will be credited with a different amount of money:

  • when surfing sites, you can count on 3-7 kopecks per visit to one resource;
  • reading letters online can earn you about 6-10 kopecks;
  • passing various tests is estimated to be a little more expensive - here it is quite possible to get 0.25-0.4 rubles for one test (this is due to the fact that here you will be required not only to go to sites, but also to give answers to the simplest questions);
  • advertising in the browser brings the least income, since often you don’t even need to go to customer resources (one ad will bring you 1-5 kopecks).

Even if you engage in such activities for two to three hours every day, you still shouldn’t count on a full-fledged income. The funds received will only be enough for minor expenses and telephone payments. However, in any case, this is additional income that you should not refuse.

For more efficient work and the opportunity to increase your earnings, I recommend taking into account the following features:

  • you can register on several sites at once; thus, after a short period of time, you can earn several times more than if you cooperated with only one service;
  • many online platforms hold various competitions and give away bonuses; don’t miss them, try to participate, and who knows, maybe you’ll be lucky enough to win additional profit;
  • in order to use extensions that offer banner display, you will have to disable various blockers, if any are installed in your browser;
  • try to devote at least a couple of hours a day to such work in order to receive a tangible income, which will be enough to pay for utilities, Internet or telephone services;
  • Don’t give up halfway and don’t stop there!

A huge variety of options for work and reliable projects will allow you to choose the most optimal and profitable methods for yourself. Be sure to study all the working conditions, read the rules of services and start making profits now! This type of employment is available to anyone who has a computer with Internet access and a desire to earn money. I wish you success!

Hello, dear friends! The team of the business magazine is with you and we are glad to see you as a guest.

Today we will talk about the simplest and most accessible way to make a profit on the Internet - making money on views (surfing).

If previously making a profit without leaving home was the lot of only a few lucky people (writers, designers or programmers), now almost anyone can make money without visiting an office or factory.

Of course, in the case of beginning Internet businessmen we are not talking about a large initial income, but for people with creative or commercial inclinations there are no limits to perfection.

So let's get started!

1. What is Internet surfing - general information

Most moneymakers (entrepreneurs on the Internet) begin their careers by surfing the Internet - earning money from clicks and video views. In fact, this is as classic a stage in the career of a novice Internet businessman as, for example, small retail trade for successful entrepreneurs of the last century.

It is immediately necessary to warn readers that surfing the Internet is an entry-level, first step for people who want to do business online without an initial investment.

This method allows students, high school students and all young people who have enough free time, but do not have the means or do not want to risk their money, to start from scratch.

This system helps visitors receive payment for a specific action - for example, for one click or watching a video.

Perhaps this is the easiest option for earning your first dollar/ruble via the Internet and the most affordable. Surfing does not require any special knowledge or skills: tens of thousands of people take part in active advertising systems in Russia alone. For advertisers themselves, this is a very cheap way to get visitors to their sites.

According to statistics, 80% of people who currently receive their main income through the Internet started with surfing or at least tried it for some time.

Surfing is:

  • the opportunity to earn money on the Internet from scratch, without investment;
  • a democratic and affordable way to generate income for students and students;
  • the opportunity to learn skills in working with electronic wallets;
  • a way to learn new information about Internet business.

The level of your income depends solely on your perseverance and patience. For some, this method of business is not suitable at all, due to the monotony of the work performed, while other people, on the contrary, are happy to engage in activities of this kind. There is no need to strain your cognitive apparatus, that is, to think and make decisions: the algorithm of actions that you need to perform has been fully worked out and verified.

And we continue our review of the topic “surfing”.

2. How much can you really earn from viewing advertisements (surfing)

The size of your profit will directly depend on the time you are willing to spend daily on viewing ads, clicking and other manipulations to earn money.

The average income of an Internet surfer is 5-20 dollars a day. You can earn more, but then you need to complete more complex tasks and spend 8-10 hours a day on work.

The advantage of this type of income is that you can earn money here without investments, unlike, for example, investment projects on the Internet.

Particular attention should be paid to the process of attracting referrals* - they will help increase your profits significantly: an additional percentage will be awarded to you from the income of the users you attract.

Earning money by watching ads and videos is similar to earning income by clicking, reading emails, and completing test tasks. In our case, the method of promoting a product or service is a full-fledged video that needs to be scrolled to the end.

You can’t make money in this way from just any viewing of advertising and informational videos: profit comes only from staying on special sites operating in the ATS - an active advertising system. Other names for these services are also common: mailers, Russian boxes, active promotion systems.

We have already written in detail about how to make money from clicks on the Internet.

Initially, the system of active promotion sites did not have such a developed and branched structure as it does now.

Gradually, the system evolved to the possibility of making a profit from ad views.

The first signs were paid advertising letters that came to email addresses. Then sites appeared that began to pay for clicks. These and other resources soon provided visitors with the opportunity to earn money by watching videos.

There are also foreign resources on the network for making money from clicks and watching videos, but in the post-Soviet space this area of ​​ATS has become more widespread. In general, in the vastness of the Runet, methods of making a profit from viewing advertising are more varied and numerous.

In addition to making money on videos, some projects still practice, for example, sending letters by e-mail, so you can earn money simply by looking through mail and without even going to the advertiser’s main resource.

Advantages of making money by viewing advertisements over the Internet

  • earnings without investments, they are simply not required;
  • the method is quite new, not yet hackneyed - competition on sites is relatively low;
  • The algorithm of actions is simple: the principle of operation can be understood by anyone with primary education;
  • starting with earning income from viewing advertisements, after a couple of years or even months you can move on to more complex ways of working online.

Earning money by watching videos and advertising images is a relatively new method of generating income via the Internet. However, already now many easy-going and creative users of the World Wide Web receive regular monetary rewards simply by watching short video files.

If you have decided to improve your financial situation by viewing advertising, it is better for you to register on several active advertising sites (AAP) at once.

The principle of operation on all axleboxes (sites for making money on advertising) is similar, sometimes there are minor differences. You should not limit yourself to just watching videos, looking for special tasks in this particular direction; it is better to use all the earning opportunities that are present on the resource you are using at the moment.

The moneymaker’s profit consists of the following manipulations:

  • surfing websites and watching videos;
  • reading advertising letters;
  • passing tests;
  • performing tasks from the employer;
  • answers to questions.

It is not necessary to register on all sites in this area that exist on the Internet; the optimal number for work is 8-12 resources. On some sites there will be more surfing itself - watching videos and advertisements; on others, your main activity will be reading letters (or completing tasks).

By the way, you can view promotional videos on all projects for which you are registered at once by clicking on one of the links on each of them. By watching about 10 advertising films in a row, you can calculate your actions in such a way that the viewing process becomes continuous. This will save time and increase your profits.

The amount of payment for viewing videos is set individually by the advertiser. Website owners independently choose and decide which type of promotion is more effective and best suits them.

3. How to make money from views on the Internet - 7 popular ways

There are several ways to make a profit by viewing advertisements. Their essence is approximately the same: the user registers on a website that is an intermediary between the advertiser and the recipient of the money, watches the video, follows the links and receives money.

Let's look at the most popular ways to generate income through advertising:

Method 1. Earn money by viewing website advertisements for money

Viewing advertisements is the easiest method of making money online, but also the least profitable. The user is not required to do anything other than view the site for a certain time: on average 15-30 seconds. However, you don’t need to spend all this time looking at the advertising picture.

If you register on several sites and devote 2-3 hours daily to viewing advertisements, you can constantly withdraw a profit of 5-15 dollars. This will be enough for you to pay for the Internet, telephone communications, as well as for movies and ice cream.

Method 2. Earn money by watching videos

The algorithm of actions for a user who wants to make a profit is as follows:

  1. We register on the resource of an intermediary that serves sites that want to promote themselves to the masses;
  2. We analyze existing offers for watching videos;
  3. We select videos to watch: for each such view you are awarded a certain amount (usually a few cents), but gradually this amount adds up to dollars and forms a stable profit.

Usually, after watching a video, you also need to enter a “captcha” (numbers or letters from the picture): by submitting the captcha, you are automatically redirected to the advertiser’s website. This transition is confirmation that you have watched the video in good faith; it is after this action that money “drips” into your account. However, you are not required to carefully watch the commercial and memorize its content. Here it is better to act according to the principle: “looked at it and forgot”, so as not to clog your brain with excess information.

Method 3. Earn money by watching movies and TV series

It would seem that it is impossible to make money from watching films: logically, it is the viewer who should pay for viewing, and not anyone else. However, there are absolutely legal methods of getting money just for watching movies. True, this is a completely new and still little-known way of earning money, and its algorithm is revealed to the user who decides to get involved in this business personally - after establishing a connection with the employer.

Method 4. Earn money by watching short videos on YouTube

The most popular video hosting site, which provides the opportunity to earn money for everyone, is YouTube. Here again the user has a question: why would someone pay me money to watch a video? However, this possibility is quite real: you just need to know the places where you can get paid.

Users who watch videos are paid for various reasons:

  1. Some video owners want to surprise their friends by showing an impressive number of views;
  2. Others have the following interest: after watching the video, the user “clicks” on the advertisement and goes to the advertiser’s website;
  3. The owner wants to promote his video: if you like it, you can show it to your friends, those to your acquaintances, and so on (ideally, a “snowball” effect is expected).

The usual fee for watching a video on YouTube is from 1 to 5 cents. Not much, but more than with simple clicks.

As elsewhere, there are secrets to making more successful earnings. In addition, it is absolutely not necessary to watch the video itself - while the video itself is playing, you can look for other tasks and earn money from them.

For full functionality, you will need to create an account on YouTube. You can make a profit by subscribing to channels, adding videos to favorites or leaving comments on videos. Sometimes they even pay for voting for a video, and not necessarily a positive one: perhaps someone wants to “annoy” their competitor and asks you to give a negative rating.

Many sites pay for video views, but the most reliable resources are: ForumOK, Userator, Seosprint,

Below in the article will be a more complete list of sites for profitable surfing on the Internet.

Method 5. Earning money from autosurfing

This type of surfing, called autosurfing, works with virtually no human intervention. True, in most cases, the result of this type of activity is not real money, but earned impressions: they can be spent either on scrolling your own website in the same system, or sold to someone who does not want to autosurf on their own computer.

Autosurfing does not bring real visitors to the site, but only increases the counter indicators.

Method 6. Earn money by viewing pictures

The essence of this method of earning money is as follows: you register in a special service, then find any category you are interested in, and start clicking on links and viewing pictures. You get money for viewing a picture. The advantage of this method is that there is no fixed amount of time for 1 viewing, and you can simultaneously view several pictures at once. Payments are made to a Webmoney wallet, which is very convenient.

Method 7. Earn money by watching news

Earning money by viewing news posts is practically no different from earning income through clicks. The only difference is that you are not viewing direct advertising, but indirect advertising and promoting a specific site.

4. Sites that pay for viewing ads - TOP 10 best sites

There are many sites, by registering and working on which you can make a constant profit. However, some resources allow you to get more - because they provide more diverse and high-cost tasks.

You should also pay attention to such criteria of the intermediary site as reliability and quick withdrawal of honestly earned income. It’s a shame when money received in a completely legal and official way cannot be obtained due to the dishonesty of the Internet platform on which you work.

We offer users a list of the 10 most famous sites on the Internet that pay for viewing advertisements and other similar manipulations.

1. Seosprint (

This site offers registered users all the ways listed above in the article to make money from advertising. The resource is very popular, it works with many payment systems, including the most famous on the Internet - Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi. Payments to the WebMoney wallet linked to the account are made instantly, even if the minimum amount is withdrawn.

The site is under constant development and is quite promising.

2. Novobux (

A young and promising resource in a state of formation and development. He holds many competitions that allow him to earn additional profits and even gives his clients a registration bonus of 0.5 rubles - as they say, it’s nothing, but it’s nice.

3. Seo-Fast (

Another young, but very promising project, which has already managed to gain a reputation as a reliable and profitable resource among people who are seriously involved in making money online. The site took all the best from its main competitor – Seosprint. All known online financial settlement systems are used. There is no minimum amount for withdrawing earnings.

4. VKTarget (

A project that specializes in promoting social networks. Here you can also earn money by watching videos. A registered user receives a profit for watching a short video - very interesting advertising films come across. A beginner won’t be able to earn a lot, but if you invite a dozen friends through referral links, you can receive a percentage of their income.

5. P2P.BZ (

A relatively new resource from the creators of Seo-Fast. Allows you to earn money by viewing advertisements. Before starting to work on the site (in addition to the registration procedure), the user must install a special extension to work on the resource. After installing it, advertisements from advertisers will appear in the bottom corner of your browser. By clicking on these ads, you will gradually but inexorably increase your score.

6. Wmzona (

The site has been operating for the second decade, which is evidence of its reliability and stability. On this Internet platform you can earn money in all available ways - by viewing advertisements, clicking, reading letters. More recently, an article exchange appeared here.

7. Wmmail (

One of the first sites on the Internet that allows you to earn money by clicking and viewing ads. The service recently celebrated its 10th anniversary of commercial activity. Impeccable attitude towards users, quick withdrawal of funds, many ways to earn money - all these factors make the site a leader among other resources in this area.

8. Vip-promotion (

In design, navigation and interface, the site is similar to Seosprint in everything, with the exception of the payment currency. The service has not been operating for long, but has already proven itself among users from the best side. The advantage of this resource is its excellent support service, constantly ready for dialogue and cooperation with clients, and there is no minimum withdrawal requirement. Payments of earnings are made instantly.

9. Web-IP (

The site operates an exchange of referrals with the possibility of selling and buying them. Income from earnings of referrals of various levels can reach 10% - this is a very good indicator of passive income.

Advantages of the resource:

  • Automatic payments of earned finances;
  • The minimum amount for withdrawal is 5 rubles;
  • The minimum is reached very quickly using several earning methods.

10. Profit Center (

The online platform offers 6 ways to get financially rich, instant payments and no “minimum wage” for withdrawal. There is a two-level referral system.

Referrals can be purchased and sold on a special exchange. There is the possibility of career growth: by completing more and more tasks, the user increases his rating.

With the help of this page you can earn money by viewing advertisers' websites. You don't need any special skills to do this. Click on the banners below and you will go to sites that pay for viewing other sites, reading letters, etc. To start earning money, you will need to register after going to one or another site using the banners provided below, after which you will be provided workplace on the site where you registered. Use all the ways you like to earn money provided by advertiser sites, and the results of earnings according to your strategy will show you what next steps you need to take to improve your strategy. Working on the Internet, browsing sites, gives a normal profit only when you have referrals (people interested in also making money on these sites), that is, in order to make normal money from surfing, you need to invite people interested through forums, advertising, communication and other permitted methods in additional earnings, using your individual link, which is given to you by the site on which you registered. Everything else is up to you. Good luck to you!!!

This is the most profitable and honest resource where you can really make money. The amount of your earnings depends on your activity and may be from 1 ruble to 1000 rubles per day, and per month up to 31,000 rubles. Figures about the amount of your possible earnings are not fairy tales, but reality, but to get good earnings you need to work hard. You must understand that you have to earn money; it doesn’t fall from the sky.

There are 5 earning methods at your service:

1) Browsing websites (surfing);

3) Performing simple and interesting tests;

4) And the most profitable is Completing tasks for a monetary reward;

5) Attract people to the system and receive a percentage of the system’s earnings.

To get started you need:

You can now start making money online. You don't need any special skills for this. You can be anywhere and work whenever you want! All payments in the system are made instantly. You will be able to receive your first money immediately after starting work. SEO sprint is reliable and comfortable. Earn as much as you want! Everything depends only on you.

Paid website viewing. The cost of 1 view is from 1.5 to 12 kopecks!

Pixeloids are an additional part-time job in the Surfing section.
- An innovative task module with a completion insurance system, which also combines paid downloads!
- Pink balls: Sometimes a ball may fall out while browsing the site. You can collect it by also gaining experience! The balls can then be sold!
- Live account: when browsing sites you gain experience (exp) and over time your rank increases. Rank affects the chance of balls falling out!
- Excellent referral system 10%-10%-5%!
- The minimum payout is only 10 kopecks!
- Detailed review of referrals
- Communication and support: You can chat and also contact the administration within your account via internal mail.
- Exchange of live referrals
- Sale of advertising spaces. If you have your own website: put the block code and sell links!

1) Surfing sites
2) Reading letters
3) Passing tests
4) Completing tasks
5) Attract people to the system and receive a percentage of the system’s earnings.
Working on the Internet for beginners is quite diverse and promising; there are many options for how to make money; you just need the desire to work and earn money.

To get started you need:

1) Go to the site by clicking on the banner located above and go through a simple registration;

2) Change your status from Passerby to Worker for free.

You can now start making money online. Use all the features of the site to increase your earnings.

It's easy and quick to make money on "WMRFast.Com". There are various earning methods at your service:

1. Watching advertisements is the easiest way to make money. You just need to look at the advertiser's website. Browsing different advertiser sites
2. Completing tasks is the most profitable way to earn money. You just need to complete the tasks that advertisers pay you.
3. For a webmaster - if you have your own website, you can increase your income by placing our block with contextual advertising. The block design is easy to customize and fits well into any website.
4. By inviting referrals to the project, you receive from 10% to 20% of their earnings, also up to 10% for second-level referrals and up to 8% for third-level referrals.
Here Automatic payments WebMoney, Payeer, Qiwi, Yandex money, Perfect Money.

On SEO-FAST.RU you can easily and quickly earn real money. There are various earning methods at your service:


WMZONA.COM: Work from home, make money on the Internet.

Visiting websites, watching advertisements, reading mail, completing tasks.
- Works with WebMoney
- Instant deposit/withdrawal
- 3 levels of referrals 10%-7%-7%
- Tools for stimulating and motivating your referrals
- Awards, competitions, mailing and correspondence.

This is a very good foreign book that pays up to 0.02 cents per 1 click and plus 100% for each click of your referral (invited person), but in order to receive 100% referrals, you need to do at least 10 clicks and 10 surfing views every day.

Now let’s do some math, you will gradually invite, for example, 100 people, each of whom will bring you 0.10 cents every day = (0.10 x 100 = 10 dollars per day) and per month it will be 300 dollars.

Invite more people and earn more, just don’t forget to click yourself, otherwise your earnings will pass you by.

I wish you good luck in earning good amounts of money.

Almazz-Bux.Info - new project! Here you can earn money in several ways, for example, completing simple tasks, browsing websites for a reward. You can also protect your account as much as possible by IP restrictions or logging in only through Login.Webmoney. Almazz-Bux.Info - works with one payment system, WebMoney. For each referral click you will receive a reward of 0.004 rubles! And many more interesting things await you after registration!

NeoBux is:
- easy income
- earning money from home
- guaranteed announcements daily
- statistics
- update capabilities
Come register and earn money.

foreign axle boxes, like all other axleboxes, it makes payments for performing certain actions. Here you can earn up to $0.02 per RTS ad click and up to $0.008 per referral click. Payment for earned money is made by check, PayPal and Payza. ClixSense guarantees daily announcements, Win ClixGrid prizes and participation in weekly competitions.

ClixSense will pay you for:
- Visiting websites
- Paid surveys
- Micro tasks
- Playing ClixGrid
- Competitions
- Partners
Register and use all the features of the site to increase your earnings.


Bonus when registering a 1st level referral - $0.001

Paid mailings starting from $0.001.
- Paid clicks starting from $0.0005.
- 4 monetary currencies are available for earnings: dollars, rubles, hryvnia and euros!
- RANDOM PAYOUTS for all users.
- COMPETITIONS for referrals, advertisers, active users.
- Surfing sites.
- Letters with news from our site are also paid!
- Referral exchange.
- Account exchange.
- Credit exchange.
- Minimum payout is $0.25.
- Refrigeration system 3-level 5% - 2% - 1% - .
- Refsystem for receiving funds from advertising orders 3 - level 7% - 3% - 1% -

A unique service where you can earn real money without any investments. Seo-Evolution offers you several types of earnings: browsing websites, reading letters, tasks, participating in various competitions. In the process of work, you will improve your status, which will give you even more opportunities.

14.02.2017 | 17:55

Good afternoon, dear friends! If you are still in search of additional income, but you have not succeeded, solving captchas does not inspire you, it seems to you an overly labor-intensive process, think about getting money, without performing any actions. Surprised? But this option is quite possible. The only thing you will need to do to earn money is to watch advertising sites. Making money on the Internet by viewing advertisements is considered one of the first types of part-time work online, which was offered to users who do not have much experience with computers and the Internet. If you want to scroll through your favorite sites, spend time on social networks, watch videos and get paid for it, then my article is for you!

What is the principle of making money by viewing advertising?

Earning money on the Internet by watching commercials is considered one of the simplest types of part-time jobs online. The mechanism of this work is simple and understandable even to beginners in the world of information technology. It is for this reason that such activities are so popular among users who are just starting to look for making money online. All you need to do is sit, watch and get paid.

As a rule, money for viewing promotional materials is offered by active advertising services that act as intermediaries between customers and performers. Advertisers use these platforms to promote their own goods, services, or to make money from contextual advertising. Order fulfillers are required to visit advertising sites and receive money for it. They pay a little for this kind of work - in the area $0.001-0.1 per view. However, given the ease of completing tasks and the absence of the need to perform physical or mental stress, these prices can be considered quite acceptable.

By and large, the majority of Internet users visit advertising sites every day, clicking on banners on social networks and information portals. However, not all of them know that all these actions can be monetized and turned into real income.

The most common types of earnings from viewing advertising and news

Today, the number of sites that pay for viewing advertisements is impossible to count. If you are seriously thinking about making money from promotions, let's figure out what options for implementing this type of earnings exist, and how much they are willing to pay you in each of them.

Among the options for earning additional income online are the following:

  • surfing sites
  • automatic viewing of promotional materials or autosurfing
  • watching short promotional videos
  • extensions in your browser with advertising
  • work with affiliate programs
  • traffic arbitration(I’ll make a reservation right away that this item requires considerable investment, knowledge and certain experience, and therefore not suitable for beginners)

Depending on which path you take, your income will change. Some users manage to receive 200 rubles a day, while others manage to earn 2000. The size of the reward depends only on how much time you are willing to spend on work and what exactly you decide to do.

Free earning options

I propose to consider in more detail each of the options for making money offered on the Internet and start with those that do not require investment. Payment in this case will be charged only for completing the ordered actions, in our case they will be viewing promotional materials.

Surfing sites

Today on the Internet you can find many special job exchanges where webmasters order “site surfing”. Exchange performers need browse websites and get paid for it. To make the principle of operation clearer to you, let's move a little towards terminology.

Surfing sites- this is viewing advertisements on task exchanges, where users can receive 3-30 kopecks for each site view. The duration of viewing one page for money on the Internet is approximately 10-50 seconds.

So, imagine the situation that for one view lasting 15 seconds, they are willing to pay you 10 kopecks. Having carried out simple algebraic calculations, it turns out that we will need to spend as much as 4 hours to earn 100 rubles. The amount is modest, to say the least. This raises a completely logical question: “Why is this type of income so incredibly popular?”

The secret of success is quite simple and banal. It consists in the fact that users who decide to watch advertising on the Internet and thereby earn money can go through registration on several job exchanges at once and surf several sites at once. Thus, registering on just four exchanges will help us reduce the time to receive 100 rubles from 4 hours to 1 hour.

Registration in surfearner

Automatic surfing

Agree, it is very difficult to sit in front of a computer monitor for 8 hours, monitoring advertising offers and clicking on ads every now and then. To make your task easier, you can install a program on your computer to view advertisements and start autosurfing.

Automatic surfing is software that simulates a browser. It browses sites automatically, and you get money for it.

It looks like this: every time you turn on your computer and launch the program, money for viewing advertisements begins to flow into your account, while you continue to go about your business quite calmly.

Watching short videos

This particular earning option is completely tied to the social network YouTube. It was this portal that made it possible to receive money for watching short videos. Demand for such a service arises among novice video bloggers who are willing to pay for the promotion of their channels by buying advertising on various exchanges. You, as a performer, will be required to watch the video and receive money for it. To start this type of earnings, you will need to register on YouTube and select a platform to view advertising.

Installing extensions in browsers with advertising

I think you all know that website owners earn quite a lot decent money on advertising placement. If you install extensions with advertising in your browser, then the sites’ earnings will go into your pocket, and not into the account of their owners. Agree, it sounds a little strange, but the scheme really works.

To start earning money this way, I advise you to install one of the following extensions:

Options with attachments

If you were attentive when you read the article, then you probably noticed that simply watching an advertisement will allow you to get 200-500 rubles per day. To increase this amount to 3-5 thousand rubles per day, you should think about certain investments. I bring to your attention two options that will allow you significantly increase earnings, but will require some costs.

Participation in affiliate programs

Today, almost all sites providing online services have their own affiliate programs. You may well take part in them and it will be nice who you invite to the project. Using this opportunity, you will quickly turn your 100 rubles into 200 without any stress.

All that is required of you is to register on task exchanges and create your own action on them, which will consist of completing a task on another exchange. Thus, one of your orders, which will be completed 20-30 times by one person, will cost you 10 rubles, and the earnings from the completed task on another exchange will already be 20 rubles, which will be paid to you in the form partner reward. I talked about this in my previous articles. If this issue is of interest to you, I strongly recommend that you read my reviews on this topic.

Traffic arbitrage

Perhaps, you simply cannot think of a more profitable form of earning money from advertising than traffic arbitrage. This option is also paid, but the return on investment cannot be overestimated. All you need to do is look for the most profitable advertising platforms and receive a reward for this in the form of a percentage deduction.

Traffic arbitrage– this is nothing more than concluding an affiliate program with a certain game or service for the purchase of advertising on the network.

A simple example: the Alfa Bank affiliate program in the Admitad CPA network, which pays for each person attracted (who ordered a credit card) or affiliate products, some online stores, for example, are ready to deduct part of the profit from the sale of goods to someone who brings them a buyer for this product

Roughly speaking, you become an advertising agent working exclusively for yourself. The amount of your income in this case will depend on how popular the advertisement that you place on the Internet will be. From my experience, I can say that advertising works best on social networks such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram. If you use the capabilities of these sites correctly, you will be able to earn three times more than what you will spend on promotion in literally one month of work.

Where to start?

To everyone who is seriously thinking about making paid viewing of commercial advertising their, if not main, then good additional income, I want to give some advice on where to start:

  1. First of all, you will need register in one of the electronic payment systems and get your own wallet in it. This is where you will receive money from viewing advertisements. The most popular systems with which the majority of services cooperate are WebMoney, YandexMoney, Qiwi. As soon as the money arrives in your wallet account, you can safely start using it. You may want to use them to top up your mobile phone, pay for the Internet, or perhaps withdraw it to a card
  2. After this, you will need to register in those projects that offer you to earn money by viewing promotional materials. By analogy with any other areas of earning money, here you will need carefully study reviews experienced users about certain sites, so as not to “run into” scammers. A little further I will tell you about the best, in my opinion, work sites where you can earn money honestly money
  3. Activate work account and start directly viewing advertisements on websites

Websites for making money

So that you do not make a mistake when choosing a platform for work, and do not become victims of scammers, I offer you my list of services where you will definitely get paid for viewing advertising:

  1. – a specialized platform for viewing advertising banners, teasers, videos on YouYube and advertiser sites for money. Offers its users a unique seven-level affiliate program, which allows you to multiply your earnings from participating in the project
  2. – a service with the simplest principle of interaction: register on the site, install the extension in the browser, get money. Over the entire existence of the project, the resource has paid its users over 10 million rubles
  3. – install the extension and start earning money. You will not need to take any actions to receive income. The resource pays for showing teasers and for opening websites
  4. – offers quite an impressive amount of work related to watching videos, liking and commenting on YouTube videos

Make money with teaser

Making money by browsing websites: instructions using the example of

I am sure that most of you still have questions about the earning option, which involves installing a special extension in the browser. So that the puzzle fits in your heads and the picture becomes complete, I suggest you analyze this option for making money using the example of a popular service.

Purely visually, the principle of interaction with the project looks like this: a banner appears at the top of your browser every now and then, on which advertising is displayed for a few seconds. You have the right to independently decide whether to follow the declared material or not. It is perfectly acceptable to ignore these advertisements without paying any attention to them. But personally, I advise you to still click on banners from time to time, thereby increasing the number of ads coming to your browser.

Sequence of actions

In order to start earning money, you need:

After installation and activation of the extension is completed, pop-up banners will begin to appear in your browser. It is these advertisements that will provide you with earning passive income online. Each banner has its own cost, which depends on the time of display and user rating.

Rating is formed using views. For every 200 banners viewed, you will be awarded 1 rating point. In one day you can view approximately 50-70 banners if you spend 3-4 hours at the computer. In the first days after registration you will receive very few impressions, but gradually their number will increase will increase significantly

We increase the profitability of our activities

To maximize returns services and increase your income from viewing advertising, follow these simple rules:

  • Register on several sites at once to make money from active advertising. You can easily work on 2-3 axles at the same time, alternately opening sites and viewing advertisements on them. This way you can increase your earnings several times
  • Never open multiple advertising sites from one service at a time. This trick will not lead to increased earnings. Your work will not be paid for any of the views.
  • Install for yourself clear work schedule. For example, allocate 2-3 time periods during the day during which you will view advertising

Additional services for earning money without investment

In addition to the services already mentioned, I would like to draw your attention to several more resources that also offer users online earnings without investment:

  • Qcomment is a comment exchange where you can get hold of not only tasks for watching and liking videos, but also make good money on your writing talent. The service receives many orders for writing reviews and comments every day. Thanks to the author ranking system, for 2-3 hours of work here you can freely earn 300-400 rubles
  • Vktarget – the largest social platform with many tasks, among which there are a sufficient number of offers for watching videos from YouTube. In one day you can earn 300-600 rubles here if the site has a sufficient number of videos and tasks
  • VK surfing – a specialized platform that cooperates exclusively with the social network VKontakte. Offers users many tasks for liking, reposting, and so on
  • forumok – a resource where you can find enough work related not only to watching videos. The service offers its users generous three-level affiliate program. In addition to YouTube, here you can, and on many other things

Register in Vktarget


At the end of today’s review, I can only add that anyone who is really looking for them can find ways to generate additional income. Making money by viewing advertisements is simple and does not require anything from you except desire and a small amount of free time that you are willing to spend online. Share your experience of making money from advertising in the comments under this post, tell us about alternative options for working part-time online. Subscribe to blog updates, because a lot of interesting and instructive things await you. See you very soon, friends!

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Today we will take a closer look at several ways that allow you to make money by viewing advertising on the Internet. This method of earning money is available both with and without investments. From this article you will learn which services you need to register with in order to earn money by viewing ads without investment. We will also talk about a foreign bookstore that also pays money for ad views and allows you to earn more for each view when purchasing an account upgrade.

Currently, there are a large number of services on the RuNet that allow anyone to earn money by viewing advertisements. This method of earning money does not require any education or work experience. To start watching advertisements for money, you need to register on special sites. In your personal account, you will have access to a section with advertising links, by clicking on which you will receive money for each ad viewed.

All earned money can be withdrawn to electronic wallets on the Internet. To do this, you need to register one or more electronic wallets such as: WebMoney, Yandex Money, PayPal, and others. On most Russian sites, funds are withdrawn to ruble or dollar WebMoney wallets. For foreign services, you must have a PayPal wallet to register.

Surfing sites

This is one of the most popular and easiest ways to make money on the Internet. More than 1,000,000 users surf sites every day and get paid for it. Links for surfing can be obtained on special sites called boxes or mailers. You will find a list of verified axle boxes on this page. After registration, you need to go to the “Start Earning/Site Surfing” tab.

There, every day you will see available advertising links. Making money is very simple. You must click on the link and confirm your transition to the advertised page. After this, a site with advertising will open in the next tab of your browser. It can contain various banners, text or a video. The cost depends on the duration of viewing. Most often, advertising needs to be viewed from 20 to 60 seconds.

There is no need to count this time. There is a special timer installed on the page that counts down the time every second. You will see how many more seconds you need to spend watching ads to receive a cash reward. Once the counter has finished its work, sometimes it is necessary to complete a small task, something like a captcha. After this, the reward for viewing will be credited to your personal account in your account.

Once you have accumulated an amount that can be withdrawn from the site, you can order it for withdrawal to your e-wallet. Surfing sites is not the highest paying activity on the Internet. For one view you will receive from 3 to 7 kopecks. On one box per day, 20-30 links are available for viewing advertisements. Therefore, per day on one service you can earn from 60 kopecks to 1.5 rubles.

To earn some significant money, you need to view surfing links on several boxes simultaneously. When working on 10 or more sites per day, you can view 100-200 surfing links. In this case, earnings can range from 2 to 6 rubles per day. This little money can be spent on paying for the Internet or cell phone.

Earning money by viewing advertising on a foreign box

Russians can make money on the Internet not only from Russian axle boxes, but also from foreign ones. One of the most popular foreign axle boxes is. You can read more about how to register and earn money on this site. To register, you need one of the wallets: PayPal or Payza. The earnings themselves consist of clicks on special links. All links on the project are highlighted in special colors. There are three types: purple, green and yellow. Immediately upon registration, you are assigned a certain account status. For beginners this is Standard. Each account type has a certain number of paid links available. For a Standard account, 4 yellow links, 19 purple and 1-2 green links are available per day.

For a standard account, the cost of viewing one ad is $0.001. However, it is possible to increase this cost per click by 10 times. This is done by purchasing an account upgrade. In this case, you will receive $0.01 for viewing one ad. Also on this project it is possible to rent referrals from the system. With one click of a rented referral you will earn $0.05. That is, 5 times more than for your own click.

Viewing advertisements without attachments on the website

Another interesting site that allows you to earn money without investment is the portal. After registering on it, you can read various articles with pictures and videos, and view advertisements for money. Paid advertising is located under the article title. It looks like a list of links highlighted in blue.

Each time the user views, 3-6 advertising links are available for clicking. By clicking on the link, the advertised page will open in the next browser tab. For each click you will receive from 2 to 7 kopecks to your balance.

How to make money by watching video ads

After registration, this service pays users for watching advertising videos. The duration of one video is from 15 to 40 seconds. For each video watched to the end, a reward of 1 point is awarded. Points on the website are converted into rubles at the rate of 0.01 rubles.

There is also the opportunity to earn money from referrals attracted to the project of the first and second levels. For each viewing by 1st level referrals you will receive 50 points, and for each video watched by 2nd level referrals you will receive 5 points. All money from the project is withdrawn to the WebMoney wallet.

To view the videos, you need to log in to your personal account and go to the “Video” tab. You will see a list of all available videos for which you will be awarded money for watching. Immediately after watching the video, you will see a message that the reward has been credited.

How to make money by watching ads on YouTube

Another way that allows you to earn money without investment is by watching ads on YouTube. Money for such views is awarded for tasks on axleboxes. On the same sites where surfing tasks are available, there is a special category with tasks on YouTube. To earn money by watching ads on YouTube, go to the tasks tab, YouTube category.

Sort all issued tasks by cost. On average, the cost of 1 task will be from 0.5 to 2 rubles. To receive a reward, you need to take the tasks to work, read the conditions specified by the customer and step by step carry out all the actions specified in the task. All that is required from the user is to go to the channel using a special link or by entering a query in the search bar on YouTube. Watch a few videos and click on the ad.

All links from watched videos, as well as links to the advertiser’s website, must be copied and entered into a special field in the task, and then sent for verification. After the advertiser is convinced that you actually viewed the advertisement on YouTube, he will confirm the completion of this task, and you will receive money to your personal account on the box.

Sites that allow you to make money by viewing ads

  • - an entertainment site that allows you to earn from 2 to 5 kopecks for each viewing of an advertisement on the Internet. There is no minimum withdrawal amount; all money can be withdrawn to a WebMoney wallet. There is a profitable affiliate program, earnings from referrals are 20% of their income on the site.
  • - the most popular Russian bookstore, offers 5 types of earnings: surfing, letters, tests, tasks and referrals. Money is paid in rubles to electronic wallets WebMoney, Perfect Money, Yandex money and Payeer. Earnings from referrals are up to 40% and depend on the status on the project. Over the entire period of operation, the service has already paid out more than 234,000,000 rubles. It currently has over 426,000 active users.