In accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated November 9, 2001 N 1309 “On improvement public administration in the area fire safety"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 46, Art. 4348), Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 N 785 "On differentiation in levels of remuneration of workers budgetary sphere based on the Unified tariff schedule"(Collected acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1992, N 16, art. 1253), dated January 3, 1993 N 2 "On expanding the rights of individual central bodies of the federal executive power in the field of remuneration of civilian personnel" (Collected acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 2, Art. 107), dated June 2, 2003 N 314 “On increasing the level of remuneration of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, emergency situations and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 23, Art. 2233), by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2002 No. 1376-r (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 40, Art. 3960 ) I order:

1. Put into effect:

Tariff coefficients and tariff rates (salaries), determined on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule, for employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (Appendix No. 1 to this order).

2. Approve:

Indicators and procedure for assigning units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia* to groups for remuneration of managers (Appendix No. 2 to this order);

The procedure and conditions for the payment of bonuses, compensation additional payments and other payments to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (Appendix No. 3 to this order);

The procedure and conditions for the payment of incentive bonuses, additional payments and bonuses, as well as the provision of financial assistance to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, supported by funds federal budget(Appendix No. 4 to this order);

Regulations on the procedure for assigning qualification classes to firefighters of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (Appendix No. 5 to this order);

List of professions of highly qualified workers of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, employed in important and responsible work, for which, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 N 785, monthly rates and salaries can be established based on the 9th and 10th wage categories of the Unified tariff schedule (ETC) (Appendix No. 6 to this order).

3. Pay employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia a monthly percentage bonus for length of service in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 28, 2003 N 453**.

4. The Head of the Organizational and Mobilization Department, together with the Department of Fire Extinguishing and Special Fire Protection, prepare proposals for bringing standard standards in accordance with the established procedure staffing tables units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in accordance with this order.

5. To the Head of the Department of Fire Extinguishing Organization and Special Fire Protection, in agreement with the Organizational and Mobilization Department:

5.1. develop uniform criteria for assessing the category of fire complexity;

5.2. develop a list of insulating agents personal protection, when working in which when extinguishing fires high category complexity, payment is made four times for each hour of work.

6. To the heads of units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

6.1. conduct an extraordinary certification of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, for whose positions changes in official salaries (tariff rates) are provided (section II of Appendix No. 1 to this order);

6.2. establish permanently or for a certain period of time monthly rates and salaries based on the 9th and 10th wage categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule (ETC) for individual highly qualified workers employed in important and responsible jobs, the professions of which are named in Appendix No. 6 to this order, respectively;

6.3. organize work to improve the qualifications of firefighters of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and ensure that tests are carried out to assign them qualification classes;

6.4. make increased wages to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia engaged in heavy work, work with harmful, dangerous and other special working conditions in accordance with current legislation;

6.5. include in staffing schedules and work books names of positions (professions) of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order;

6.6. create in the divisions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia commissions to establish the length of service that gives the right to pay a monthly percentage bonus for length of service, organize the work of these commissions to recalculate the length of service in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for calculating the length of service of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, giving the right to payment of a monthly percentage bonus for length of service (Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 28, 2003 No. 453).

6.7. apply to the wages of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia the regional coefficients provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the manner and amounts established for budgetary organizations subject of the Russian Federation, body local government, on the territory of which units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are located.

7. Establish that measures to increase wages for employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, supported by funds from the federal budget, are carried out at the expense of and within the established limits of budget obligations.

8. When forming a wage fund, provide for incentive payments, as well as for the provision of material assistance to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, funds (per year) in the amount of 6 monthly increased tariff rates (salaries), taking into account bonuses and additional payments paid in in accordance with the wage conditions established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2003 N 314.

9. Pay to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the time they work in the same or higher position the corresponding difference in wages in cases where the official salaries (tariff rates) introduced in accordance with this order, taking into account increases, allowances, additional payments and benefits are lower than current salaries (rates), taking into account increases, allowances, additional payments and benefits.

10. This order shall be brought to the attention of the Deputy Ministers, the chief military expert, the chief state inspector of the Russian Federation for fire supervision, directors of departments and heads of departments of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, heads of regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief, heads of main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, commanders of formations and military units of civil defense forces, heads of organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the prescribed manner.

Minister S. Shoigu

* The units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in this order and its annexes mean detachments, fire departments, individual posts, regional specialized detachments for extinguishing large fires, specialized units for extinguishing large fires, fire extinguishing services, force control centers (FCC) , training centers, training points, fire testing laboratories, fire-fighting ships and boats, fire-fighting propaganda and public relations centers, production and technical centers, bases for ensuring the mobilization readiness of special forces.

** Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 18, 2003, registration No. 4986.

Appendix No. 1

Tariff coefficients and tariff rates (salaries), determined on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule, for employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (see below)

Appendix No. 2

Indicators and procedure for assigning units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to groups for remuneration of managers
(see below)

Appendix No. 3

The procedure and conditions for the payment of bonuses, compensation additional payments and other payments to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The heads of units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are given the right within the limits of the approved wage fund, when concluding collective agreements between the administration and labor collective, provide the following obligations:

1. Establish additional payments to tariff rates (salaries):

1.1. for car drivers who have irregular working hours, in the amount of up to 50 percent of the tariff rate (salary).

Irregular working hours for car drivers are provided for in the department’s collective agreement and are agreed upon when concluding an employment contract;

1.2. to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia during the actual performance of work to extinguish fires in particularly difficult and especially dangerous conditions (fires of the 3rd and higher categories of complexity):

in conditions that do not require the use of insulating personal protective equipment - based on the double hourly tariff rate (salary) for each hour of work;

in conditions requiring the use of insulating personal protective equipment - based on four times the tariff rate (salary) for each hour of work.

The procedure for classifying fire-fighting work in especially difficult and especially dangerous conditions (fires of the 3rd and higher categories of complexity) and the list of insulating personal protective equipment, when working in which an additional payment of four times the amount is required, is determined by the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Federations;

1.3. workers, specialists and technical performers, depending on working conditions, directly involved in work with heavy and harmful, especially heavy and especially harmful conditions labor, additional payments are established to tariff rates (salaries):

in jobs with difficult and harmful working conditions - in the amount of 12 percent;

in jobs with particularly difficult and particularly harmful working conditions - in the amount of 24 percent.

The specified additional payments to workers, specialists and technical performers are established provided that they are not less than 50 percent of the working time for billing period are engaged in work with difficult and harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions.

For managers, specialists and technical performers who do not perform the work provided for in the list, when they are directly employed in structural divisions where more than half of the workers receive additional payments to tariff rates (salaries) for work with harmful or especially harmful working conditions, additional payments are established for working conditions in in the amount of 12 and 24 percent of the official salary, respectively.

Workers, managers, specialists and technical performers who, on the basis of special decisions of government bodies for working with difficult and harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions, are given additional payments in the same or greater amounts, additional payments in the amounts provided for in this paragraph are not paid ;

1.4. workers who are not exempt from their main work, for leading a team of up to 10 people inclusive - 15 percent and over 10 people - 25 percent per month. Additional payments for the management of a unit with more than 5 people are set at 10 percent. In cases where the team is headed by a specialist (foreman or site manager), no additional payment is established for leading the team;

1.5. workers not exempt from their main job, for managing independent units of up to 10 people (workshops, printing houses, etc.) - up to 25 percent;

1.6. employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for work at night (for each hour of work at night from 22 to 6 o'clock) - 35 percent of the hourly rate (salary).

2. Establish bonuses to tariff rates (salaries):

2.1. employees of units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia receive a monthly bonus for length of service in the amount of 5 to 40 percent in the manner prescribed by the Regulations on the procedure for calculating the length of service of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which gives the right to pay a percentage bonus for length of service, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 28, 2003 N 453 (Appendix No. 1);

2.2. employees of fire brigades, fire departments, guards, individual fire posts, fire ships and boats, fire extinguishing services, production and technical centers and control centers of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, taking part in the prevention and extinguishing of fires, as well as ensuring the implementation of these works, a monthly bonus of up to 50 percent of the tariff rate (salary) for special working conditions (ensuring a high level of operational and technical readiness).

The specific amounts of these allowances are established in the lists approved in the prescribed manner for the heads of detachments, fire departments (as detachments), services and centers ( legal entities) by the head of a higher-level organization in subordination, and for other employees - by the heads of these organizations.

If operational and technical readiness or other performance indicators deteriorate, the size of the allowances is reduced or they are canceled completely. The reduction or cancellation of these allowances is made by order of the head of the detachment, fire department (as a detachment), service, center;

2.3. monthly bonus for drivers of cars and buses for class, having:

2nd grade - 10 percent;

1st class - 25 percent of the established tariff rate (salary) per month.

3. Employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia receive wages when combining professions (positions) and performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee, outside the normal working hours (overtime), on weekends and non-working days holidays is carried out in accordance with Articles 151-153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, respectively.

Appendix No. 4

The procedure and conditions for the payment of incentive bonuses, additional payments and bonuses, as well as the provision of material assistance to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, maintained at the expense of the federal budget

1. In order to strengthen the material interest of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the timely and high-quality performance of official duties, responsibility for the assigned area of ​​​​work, as well as in order to increase the social protection of workers, collective agreements may provide for the following forms of material incentives for labor and the provision of material help:

bonuses for main performance results (monthly, quarterly);

establishment of bonuses of an incentive nature (for high achievements in work; for performing particularly important (urgent) work for the period of their implementation, for a special mode of work);

provision of material assistance (when going on vacation, natural disasters, fire, in the event of the death of close relatives, large families and low-income families, for partial reimbursement of expenses for sanatorium-resort treatment, the cost of travel on intracity transport).

2. The procedure and conditions for bonuses (categories of employees subject to bonuses, frequency of payment of bonuses, bonus indicators, conditions under which employees are not nominated for bonuses, and the amount of bonuses) are established by a collective agreement or regulations on bonuses, approved by the heads of departments of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in agreement with the elected trade union body, based on the specific conditions and tasks facing them:

2.1. heads of divisions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia are awarded bonuses depending on the performance of these divisions as a whole in relation to the bonus conditions in force in this division, taking into account compliance with the deadlines for the payment of wages, including bonuses, to all employees of this division.

2.2. The specific amount of the bonus for the head of a unit of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is established:

in the units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of central subordination - the head of the Directorate for the Organization of Fire Extinguishing and Special Fire Protection;

in structural units that are part of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments - by the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3. To establish incentive bonuses, specific indicators (criteria) are developed for assessing the achieved performance and quality of work, for the implementation of which, by decision of the head of the unit of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, agreed with the elected trade union body, incentive payments are established:

3.1. the amount of incentive bonuses for the head of a unit of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is determined in the manner prescribed by clause 2.2. of this section.

3.2. Specific indicators for assessing workers’ work can be established: good quality work;

strict adherence to technological discipline;

servicing critical areas and performing particularly important work;

mastering related (several) professions and combining functions not specified in the employment contract;

application of advanced techniques and methods of work and transfer of experience to young workers;

other indicators arising from specific working conditions.

3.3. as specific indicators of the performance of managers, specialists and technical performers To establish bonuses for high achievements in work, for performing particularly important (urgent) work and for a special work schedule, collective agreements may provide for:

active participation in carrying out work to extinguish fires, rescue people and material assets, etc.;

successful completion of the most complex and important work (tasks);

high quality of work performed;

systematically completing work ahead of schedule with reasonable initiative.

4. Payment of financial assistance is made, as a rule, when the employee is granted the next vacation. In some cases, due to illness and the need for long-term treatment, natural disaster and others good reasons the specified assistance may be paid at other times.

4.1. For employees hired during a calendar year (who have not worked a full calendar year), payment of financial assistance, as a rule, is made in proportion to the number of full months worked in a given calendar year based on the salary amounts provided for in the collective agreement for the provision of financial assistance. When granting the next vacation next year (after the expiration of 11 months), financial assistance is paid for the remaining months of the working year. The amount of financial assistance is determined based on the amounts (salaries) provided on the day of payment.

4.2. the provision of material assistance in the form of cash payments is formalized by a written application from the employee indicating the need for this assistance.

4.3. the basis for the payment of bonuses, allowances and financial assistance is an order from the head of the unit of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia indicating the specific amount of these payments to each employee.

5. Bonuses, incentive allowances and financial assistance paid to an individual employee are not limited to the maximum amount, however, the total amount of these payments during the year to all employees should not exceed a six-month wage fund.

6. In cases where the wages of employees of a unit of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (taking into account increases and increases in salaries and rates, additional payments, allowances, benefits, compensation, incentive payments, etc.) will be lower than the wages of similar employees of government organizations , in organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, when paying employees, benefits and compensations provided for by the relevant resolutions (decisions) of the authorities may be applied state power subjects of the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 5

Regulations on the procedure for assigning qualification classes to firefighters of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
(see below)

Appendix No. 6

professions of highly qualified workers of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, employed in important and responsible work, for whom, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 N 785, monthly rates and salaries can be established based on 9 and 10 wage categories of the Unified Tariff grids (ETS)


Car driver

Test driver



Instrumentation and automation mechanic

Car repair mechanic

Fuel equipment mechanic



Electric and gas welder


Electrician of linear telephone and radio installations

Communication electrician

Electric welder performing manual welding

Notes: 1. For the professions provided for in this List (except for car drivers and firefighters), monthly rates and salaries based on the 9th and 10th wage categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule (ETC) can be established (and not assigned) to highly qualified workers employed in important and responsible jobs , who are actually assigned the maximum rank for this position.

2. Remuneration based on 9 and 10 tariff categories can be produced:

drivers of cars with 1st or 2nd class;

fire truck drivers;

car drivers when working on operational vehicles;

firefighters who have 2nd and 1st classes and have mastered the duties of a rescuer;

painters engaged in painting fire engines and operational service vehicles.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2008 N 583 “On the introduction of new wage systems for federal employees budgetary institutions and federal government agencies, as well as civilian personnel of military units, institutions and divisions of federal executive authorities, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service, whose remuneration is currently carried out on the basis of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of federal employees government agencies" <*>I order:

<*>Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 33, art. 3852, N 40, art. 4544.

1. Establish new wage systems for employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces, whose remuneration is currently carried out on the basis of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of federal government institutions, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2008 N 583.

2. Approve:

2.1. The amounts of salaries (tariff rates) of employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces, as well as the procedure for determining and approving official salaries of the heads of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and military units of the civil defense forces, their deputies and chief accountants (Appendix No. 1) .

2.2. Conditions, amounts and procedure for making compensation payments to employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces (Appendix No. 2).

2.3. Conditions, amounts and procedure for making incentive payments to employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces (Appendix No. 3).

2.4. The procedure for forming the wage fund for employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces (Appendix No. 4).

3. New remuneration systems are being introduced within the limits of budgetary obligations established for budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces for remuneration.

4. To the heads of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, commanders of formations and military units of civil defense forces, heads of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of central subordination:

4.1. Organize work to introduce new remuneration systems for employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces with the involvement of trade union bodies (if any).

4.2. Transfer employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces to new remuneration systems, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia on concluding an employment contract and its approximate form.

5. Allow the heads of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the commanders of formations and military units of the civil defense forces:

V constituent documents who are expected to receive funds from income-generating activities, independently determine the amount and procedure for allocating these funds to make incentive payments in accordance with the general permit (permission) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, as well as estimates of income and expenses approved in the prescribed manner;

direct savings from the wage fund to make incentive payments.

6. Recognize as invalid the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated August 28, 2008 N 508 “On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2008 N 583” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 10, 2008, registration N 12446).

Compensatory payments, amounts and conditions for their implementation to employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces (hereinafter referred to as employees) are established by collective agreements and local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law.

The following types of compensation payments are established for employees:

those employed in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions;

for work in areas with special climatic conditions;

for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions), overtime, at night and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal);

for working with information constituting state secrets, their classification and declassification, as well as for working with codes.

The amount of compensation payments cannot be lower than the amount established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Payments of a compensatory nature are established annually in addition to salaries (official salaries, tariff rates) (hereinafter - salary) in the form of allowances, additional payments, unless otherwise established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

1. Payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions

1.1. Compensatory payments established for the actual time of work:

1.1.1. For carrying out emergency rescue operations in particularly difficult and particularly dangerous conditions to the visiting staff of the EMERCOM of Russia:

1.1.2. For extinguishing fires of the 3rd and higher category of complexity to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia:

without the use of insulating agents - based on the double hourly tariff rate for each hour of work;

with the use of insulating agents - at the rate of four times the hourly tariff rate for each hour of work.

1.1.3. For performing work of lowering and ascent on board a helicopter using special lowering and lifting devices, employees of search and rescue services, the Central Airmobile Rescue Squad, and aircraft crew members - up to 5 percent of the rescuer's salary.

1.1.4. For completion official duties which are associated with the systematic performance of parachute jumps and non-parachute landings, in accordance with the conditions and dimensions in accordance with the appendix to this paragraph.

1.1.5. Allowance for firefighters, divers and car drivers when performing particularly important and particularly responsible work (work to extinguish fires using special units, mechanisms and isolating apparatus; driving a fire truck equipped with a retractable ladder, an articulated lift; inspection, localization and elimination of potentially dangerous objects and etc.) - up to 20 percent of salary.

1.1.6. For the transportation of explosive substances and liquefied gas, crew members of ships and aircraft - up to 25 percent of the salary.

1.1.7. During work outside open sea raids; sea ​​(raid) diving vessels (boats) and other watercraft during the performance of work in hazardous conditions; dredging vessels during dredging operations in areas where harmful gases are released and in hazardous conditions; sewage road (river) vessels and oil and waste collectors directly involved in the collection of feces from ships, collection of oil, petroleum products and garbage and pumping (transferring) them to onshore receiving points, as well as in dismantling, repairing and assembling fecal pumps and systems to crew members raid diving vessels (boats) - up to 12 percent of the salary.

1.1.8. For the destruction of waste radioactive and highly toxic substances and their burial - up to 15 percent of the salary.

1.1.9. For the examination, localization and elimination of underwater potentially dangerous objects (submerged bombs, shells, mines and other ammunition) in dangerous and especially dangerous conditions (extreme and medium degrees of metal corrosion of ammunition casings) - based on a four-time tariff rate for each hour of work.

1.2. Compensatory payments established on an ongoing basis.

1.2.1. For work in radiation-affected areas, employees of the Bryansk Directorate for Chernobyl Affairs and the Directorate for Radiation Rehabilitation of the Ural Region receive 25 percent of their salary.

1.2.2. For work in difficult, harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions - 12 percent of the salary.

The procedure for assessing working conditions at workplaces during the certification of workplaces and applying lists of work with heavy and harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions, according to which allowances and additional payments for working conditions can be established, as well as the size of these allowances and additional payments depending on the actual state of working conditions are determined in the prescribed manner on the basis of relevant regulatory legal acts and approved by order of the head (chief) of a budgetary institution, organization and commander of the military unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Specific amounts of additional payments are determined based on the results of certification of workplaces and assessment of working conditions in accordance with the lists of jobs with difficult and harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions and are approved by order of the manager.

1.2.3. Employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions may be entitled to other compensation payments provided for by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

1.2.4. Medical workers, in accordance with the lists of departments and positions, work in which entitles them to increased wages due to hazardous and difficult working conditions, are given additional wages - 15 percent of the salary.

2. Payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions

Coefficients are established for the wages of employees of institutions located in the Far North, equivalent areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones (regional, for work in high mountain areas, for work in desert and waterless areas) and percentage bonuses to wages are paid in the manner and amounts that are established federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for citizens working and living in the specified areas and localities.

Increased regional coefficients may be applied to the wages of employees of institutions within the limits of the coefficients established for the corresponding territories.

The size of regional coefficients for the wages of employees of institutions, established by legislative and other regulations of the former USSR and valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, are applied within the limits and in a manner that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation (appendix to this paragraph).

In this case, expenses for these purposes are made within the limits of the wage fund approved by the relevant manager of federal budget funds.

3. Payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions)), overtime work, at night and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal

3.1. Compensatory payments established for the actual time of work:

3.1.1. For night work, additional payment is made in the following amounts:

employees for direct participation in emergency response, medical personnel those engaged in the provision of emergency, emergency and emergency medical care, field personnel of duty units and field personnel of resuscitation teams - at the rate of 50 percent of the hourly tariff rate for each hour of work at night;

employees of healthcare institutions, including drivers of ambulance vehicles, medical personnel - at the rate of 40 percent of the hourly rate for each hour of work at night;

for other employees - at the rate of 35 percent of the hourly tariff rate for each hour of work at night.

3.1.2. For the time of driving and servicing unmanned non-self-propelled vessels, boatswains, sailors of 1st and 2nd classes - up to 25 percent of the salary.

3.1.3. For the actual time of transportation or storage of oil products of the first category, ship crew members receive up to 15 percent of their salary.

3.1.4. For conducting training in isolating equipment for visiting staff of institutions using isolating equipment - at the rate of double hourly tariff rate for each hour of training.

3.1.5. Divers of 1st and 2nd classes receive an additional monthly payment of 5 percent of the established salary for staying under water for at least 1,500 hours.

During your stay under water at depths of more than 20 meters, the specified payment is made:

for 1200 hours of being under water, of which at least 100 hours at depths of over 20 meters;

for 1000 hours of being under water, of which at least 100 hours at depths of over 60 meters.

3.1.6. Divers of classes 3, 2 and 1 and other employees who go under water to perform official duties, with a total duration of stay under water, including under high pressure, from the beginning of diving practice for at least 500 hours, are paid a lump sum payment equal to 5 times the minimum wage labor.

For each subsequent 500 hours of stay under water, the lump sum payment increases by 5 minimum sizes wages, while the maximum lump sum payment made for each subsequent 500 hours cannot exceed 25 times the minimum wage. Hours spent under water during training and retraining are not taken into account for the payment of a lump sum payment.

3.1.7. Non-staff divers of sea (raid) support vessels for the time they are under water for the purpose of performing diving work (for diving depths up to 20 meters) receive an additional salary in addition to the salary established for their main position hourly pay, as for regular divers.

For training and qualifying runs, hourly payment is made at half the rate.

The organization of diving descents and the work of non-staff divers must comply with the Rules of the Navy Diving Service, and their work is recorded in the diving log in the manner established for regular divers.

3.2. Compensatory payments established on an ongoing basis.

3.2.1. For irregular working hours, car drivers receive up to 25 percent of their salary.

3.2.2. For performing the duties of a crew member of a sea (raid) vessel - up to 50 percent of the salary.

3.2.3. For workers who are not released from their main work, for leading a team (unit) or other unit:

with up to 10 people - 15 percent of the salary;

with 10 people or more - 25 percent of the salary.

3.2.4. For drivers:

on vehicles with trailers - up to 20 percent of the salary;

for those working in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 10 percent of the salary;

serving medical institutions - 20 percent of the salary;

for three-shift and special work hours, on operational and personal vehicles serving the central office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - up to 30 percent of the salary;

when working on vehicles equipped with ROSA and KAVKAZ communication equipment - up to 25 percent of the salary.

3.3. Employees are made other compensation payments provided for by the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4. Allowances for working with information constituting state secrets, their classification and declassification, as well as for working with codes

Employees admitted to state secrets on a permanent basis<*>, a monthly percentage increase is paid to the salary for work with information constituting a state secret.

<*>dated September 18, 2006 No. 573 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 39, Art. 4083; 2008, No. 24, Art. 2727).

For employees structural divisions for the protection of state secrets, a monthly percentage increase is paid to the salary for length of service in the specified structural units.

5. The procedure, conditions and amounts of compensation payments are determined by the head of the institution with the participation trade union body or another representative body of employees at the expense and within the limits of budgetary obligations allocated for wages in the corresponding year.

6. The procedure, conditions and amounts of compensation payments to heads of institutions are determined by the collective agreement in relation to the terms of remuneration in force for the institution as a whole.

to sub-clause 1.1.4 of clause 1
Conditions, sizes and order
making compensation payments
character of budget employees
institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civil
personnel of military units
civil defense

Incentive payments to employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces (hereinafter referred to as employees) are established by collective agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards.

Types of incentive payments include:

payments for intensity and high performance results;

payments for the quality of work performed;

payments for continuous work experience, length of service;

bonus payments based on performance results.

The main indicators for assessing employee labor efficiency include the following indicators:

successful, conscientious and high-quality performance of professional and job responsibilities;

professionalism and efficiency in performing labor functions;

application of modern forms and methods of labor organization in work.

Specific indicators for employee incentives are established by collective agreements, labor agreements, and local regulations.

Incentive payments are established in addition to salaries (official salaries, tariff rates) (hereinafter - salary) in the form of allowances, additional payments, unless otherwise established by legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

1. Payments for intensity and high performance results:

1.1. Incentive payments established for the actual time of work completion:

bonus for direct participation in the elimination of emergency situations (during the performance of these works) - up to 50 percent of the salary.

1.2. Incentive payments established on an ongoing basis:

1.2.1. An allowance for special working conditions (ensuring a high level of operational and technical readiness, a special work schedule, complexity, tension and special working conditions) for employees of institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and military units of the civil defense forces - up to 50 percent of the salary;

1.2.2. Supplement for special character and working conditions for flight and flight inspection personnel - up to 50 percent of the salary;

1.2.3. Allowance for training and servicing foreign military personnel - up to 15 percent of salary;

1.2.4. The bonus for supporting the activities of the Russian National Emergency Humanitarian Response Corps for employees of the Central Airmobile Rescue Squad is up to 50 percent of the salary;

1.2.5. Employees (except for foreign language translators) who speak foreign languages and those who use them every day practical work, by decision of the manager, a bonus for knowledge of one language can be established in the amount of 10 percent, for knowledge of two or more languages ​​- 15 percent of the salary;

1.2.6. Allowance for work in rural areas employees of medical, pedagogical and cultural institutions (divisions) - 25 percent of the salary;

1.2.7. Bonus for employees directly involved in keeping records of weapons, ammunition, military equipment, property and cash according to the lists approved by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations - from 20 to 30 percent of the salary;

1.2.8. An allowance for the qualification class for employees of flight personnel, dispatch personnel directly involved in air traffic control, engineering and technical personnel employed in operational and periodic forms maintenance aircraft:

2nd class - 20 percent of salary;

1st class - 40 percent of salary;

On-board conductors:

2nd class - 10 percent of salary;

1.2.9. Supplement for assigned qualification category drivers of 2nd class cars - 10 percent, 1st class - 25 percent of the salary.

The qualification categories "second class car driver", "first class car driver" can be assigned to drivers of cars who have undergone training or retraining according to unified programs and have a driver's license with a mark giving the right to drive certain categories of vehicles ("B", "C" ", "D", "E")<*>.

<*>Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 1999 N 1396 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 52, Art. 6396; 2000, N 38, Art. 3805; 2001, N 48, Art. 4526).

2. Payments for the quality of work performed:

2.1. Incentive payments established on an ongoing basis:

2.1.1. The bonus for servicing aircraft equipment is up to 40 percent of the salary.

2.1.2. The bonus for mastering new aviation equipment for flight and engineering personnel is up to 50 percent of the salary.

2.1.3. The bonus for work on ships enrolled in the company during inland navigation for crew members of sea (raid) vessels is up to 30 percent, for foreign and long-distance navigation - up to 50 percent of the salary.

2.1.4. Allowance for qualification class for divers:

3rd grade - 10 percent of salary;

2nd grade - 15 percent of salary;

1st class - 25 percent of salary.

2.1.5. For employees educational institutions(except for educational institutions of higher education and corresponding additional vocational education), having honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation and the union republics that were part of the USSR, corresponding to the profile of the work performed, or an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences in the profile of the work performed, an increase of 15 percent of the salary is established.

2.1.6. Employees of educational institutions (except for educational institutions of higher and corresponding additional professional education) who have an academic degree of Doctor of Science in the profile of the work performed are given a bonus of 15 percent of the salary.

2.1.7. Persons, including those admitted in accordance with the established procedure to medical activities holding medical and pharmacist positions, including managers with an academic degree:

candidate of medical (pharmaceutical, biological, chemical) sciences, an increase of 25 percent of the salary is established;

Doctor of Medical (Pharmaceutical, Biological, Chemical) Sciences receives an increase of 50 percent of the salary.

2.1.8. Employees who have honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation and the union republics that were part of the USSR, corresponding to the profile of the work performed, are given a salary bonus in the following amounts:

"Honored" - 15 percent;

"People's" - 25 percent.

The bonus is paid only at the place of main work.

If an employee has two honorary titles, the increase is made on one of the grounds.

2.1.9. Scientific and pedagogical workers of educational institutions of higher professional education are provided with bonuses for the position of associate professor and the position of professor in the amounts determined by the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

2.1.10. Employees of educational institutions of higher professional education, corresponding additional professional education and scientific institutions occupying staff positions, academic degrees for which qualification requirements, bonuses are established for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences in the amounts determined by the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Allowances are established by order of the head of the budgetary institution and the commander of the military unit.

3. Payments for continuous work experience, length of service

A monthly percentage bonus for length of service (hereinafter referred to as the percentage bonus) is paid to the salaries (rates) of employees in the following amounts for length of service:

over 1 year - 5 percent

over 3 years - 10 percent

over 10 years - 20 percent

over 15 years - 30 percent.

The assignment of a percentage increase is made on the basis of an order from the manager upon the proposal of a commission created in the institution to establish work experience.

4. Bonus payments based on work results:

4.1. The bonus is paid based on the results of work for a certain period (month, quarter, other period of the current year).

The procedure and conditions for bonuses (frequency of payment of bonuses, bonus indicators, conditions under which employees may be reduced in bonuses or employees may be deprived of bonuses completely) are established by the regulations on bonuses approved by managers, in agreement with trade union bodies, based on the specific tasks facing in front of institutions.

The specific amounts of employee bonuses are determined in accordance with the personal contribution of each employee to the implementation of the tasks facing the institutions, within the limits of the funds provided for these purposes by the wage fund, and maximum dimensions are not limited.

4.2. Employees are paid a one-time monetary remuneration (bonus) for conscientious performance official (labor) responsibilities at the end of the calendar year (hereinafter referred to as the annual bonus) in the amount of 2 salaries.

The annual bonus is paid in order to ensure the material interest of employees in the timely and high-quality performance of their official (labor) duties, increasing responsibility for the assigned area of ​​​​work.

All employees employed according to the approved staffing schedules (states) of institutions, including those hired on a part-time basis, have the right to receive an annual bonus.

The annual bonus is paid to the employee in the amount of two salaries (official salaries) actually established for his position (profession) as of December 1 of the calendar year for which the annual bonus is paid.

For employees who have worked for less than a full calendar year, the annual bonus is paid in proportion to the time worked in the year. In this case, the amount of the annual bonus is calculated by dividing the full amount of the annual bonus for the year by the number of calendar days in this year and multiplying by the number of calendar days of the work period in the same year.

Employees hired on a part-time basis, as well as those working part-time working hours, the amount of the annual bonus is set based on salaries calculated in proportion to the working time worked for which the bonus is paid.

The annual bonus is paid during the first quarter of the year following the expired calendar year.

By decision of the chief credit manager, payment of the annual premium may be made in December of the calendar year for which it is paid.

The annual bonus is paid to employees based on the order of the manager.

Heads of institutions have the right to deprive employees of an annual bonus for improper performance of official (labor) duties in cases provided for by collective agreements.

Deprivation of an annual bonus is formalized by order of the manager with a mandatory indication of the reason.

The annual bonus is not paid to employees:

concluded employment contract for up to two months;

performing work on an hourly basis;

on parental leave.

5. Employees may receive other incentive payments established by legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

6. The procedure, conditions and amounts of incentive payments are determined by the head of the institution, taking into account the opinion of the trade union body or other representative body of employees at the expense and within the limits of budgetary obligations allocated for wages in the corresponding year.

7. The procedure, conditions and amounts of incentive payments to heads of institutions are determined by the collective agreement in relation to the terms of remuneration in force for the institution as a whole.

The specific amount of the bonus for special working conditions (ensuring a high level of operational and technical readiness, special work mode) and bonuses to the head of the institution, provided for in paragraphs 1.2.1 and 4.1, is established:

institutions of central subordination - by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, issued on the recommendation of the director of the department, head of the department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, supervising the relevant institution;

institutions that are part of the regional centers for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster mitigation and the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by order of the head of the regional center for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster mitigation and the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the recommendation of the head of the relevant service.

Appendix No. 4
to the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
dated 09.22.09 N 545

1. The wage fund for employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces (hereinafter referred to as employees) is formed based on staffing level workers.

2. The annual wage fund for employees of the institution is formed based on the amount of funds allocated for payments:

2.1. Salaries (official salaries, tariff rates), including official salaries of heads of institutions - in the amount of 12 salaries.

2.2. Compensatory payments, with the exception of payments related to work in areas with special climatic conditions, from the salary fund in the amount of:

Institutions by type of activityAmount of compensation payments
emergency rescue facilitiesup to 15%
institutions of the State Fire Serviceup to 10%
emergency rescue service institutions for special purpose underwater workup to 24%
establishment of the State Inspectorate for Small Vesselsup to 7%
research institutionsup to 10%
educational institutionsup to 6%
military unitsup to 11%
aviation institutionsup to 20%
medical institutionsup to 14%
motor transport institutionsup to 35%
Bryansk Directorate for Chernobyl Issues and Directorate for Radiation Rehabilitation of the Ural Regionup to 25%
other institutionsup to 10%

3. The wage fund for employees of the institution is formed taking into account the size of the regional coefficient, the coefficient for work in desert, waterless areas, the coefficient for work in high mountainous areas, the percentage increase in wages for work in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in the southern regions Eastern Siberia and the Far East, defined by the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4. Heads of institutions, if necessary, have the right to redistribute funds between payments provided for in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of this Procedure, taking into account the unconditional provision of compensation payments established in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

5. Chief manager budget funds may establish an increasing coefficient to the wage fund.

6. The wage fund for employees of an institution is subject to recalculation and adjustment in the following cases:

salary increases (indexation);

changes in staff (staffing schedules, lists);

significant changes terms of remuneration.

When replacing the positions of military personnel (employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia) with civilian personnel, payment of employees is made at the expense and within the limits of the approved wage fund for employees of the institution.

"Power ministries and departments: accounting and taxation", 2011, N 6

In Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated September 22, 2009 N 545 “On new system remuneration for employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of civil defense forces" (hereinafter - Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia N 545), regulating the establishment of remuneration systems for employees of institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia N 680<1>Numerous additions and changes have been made. For example, the salaries of certain categories of workers, tariff rates for groups of workers' professions, and additional payments for work in conditions deviating from normal have changed. Let's look at some of the innovations.

<1>Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 23, 2010 N 680 “On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated September 22, 2009 N 545.” Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03/03/2011 N 19987.

Let us recall that Order No. 545 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia approved four Appendices:

  • Appendix 1 "Salaries (tariff rates) of employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces, as well as the procedure for determining and approving official salaries of the heads of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and military units of the civil defense forces, their deputies and chief accountants";
  • Appendix 2 "Conditions, amounts and procedure for making compensation payments to employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces";
  • Appendix 3 "Conditions, amounts and procedure for making incentive payments to employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces";
  • Appendix 4 "The procedure for the formation of the wage fund for employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces."

Various additions and changes have been made to almost all of them.

Changes made to Appendix 1

Changes in salaries depending on the group of the institution. Before changes are made to paragraphs. "a" clause 5 of Appendix 1 official salaries of employees (carrying out activities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety and safety of people on water bodies), such as the head of the fire department of the State Fire Service , force control center, production and technical center of the federal fire service, fire testing laboratory of the federal fire service, training center The federal fire service was established as follows in size depending on the classification of institutions into certain groups:

As a result of the changes made, from the above categories and positions, the position of chief of the fire department of the State Fire Service was allocated as a separate line and the positions of commander of a paramilitary mine rescue platoon, a mine rescue paramilitary point were introduced into this position, with the following salaries being established:

The remaining categories and positions of the previously existing position, such as the head of the force control center, the production and technical center of the federal fire service, the fire testing laboratory of the federal fire service, the training center of the federal fire service, as well as the position of the head of the technical service detachment added to this position, were previously retained established salaries.

The salary increase occurred for the position “Operational duty officer for the State Fire Service detachment.”

A note has been added to the table in Appendix 1, which lists the categories and positions of employees and lists the approved salary amounts depending on the institution’s classification into the corresponding group. According to it, individual heads of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of central subordination can be set higher salaries regardless of the group of the institution. The specific amount of the official salary is determined by the Minister of Emergency Situations.

It should be taken into account that in this case, the official salaries of the head (chief) of a branch of an institution, deputy heads (chief) of an institution, a branch of an institution, chief specialists of an institution, assistants to the head (chief) of an institution are established depending on the group of the institution of central subordination, without taking into account the increased official the salary of the corresponding manager, that is, based on the salary that would be set by him according to the salaries indicated in the table of Appendix 1.

We would like to remind you that the assignment of institutions to certain wage groups depends on the number of employees on staff, divided by institutions included in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, their divisions, on the presence of units of supervised courts, the number of visitors and the number of exhibits in the main fund, the average annual number of readers and average annual number of book issues, etc.

For example:

  • detachments of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, crisis management centers, training and rescue centers, based on the number of employees on staff, can be classified into the following groups:
  • Centers of the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, depending on the number of conventional units of supervised vessels, can be classified into the following groups:
  • museums and other museum-type institutions:

In paragraphs "a" clause 6 of Appendix 1 regarding the establishment of official salaries of medical and pharmaceutical workers have also been amended. Thus, the position "Manager" pharmacy establishment" replaced by the position "Home nurse"At the same time, specific salary amounts are not approved for them; they must be approved within the established limits.

Changes made to salaries regardless of the institution group. Let's take a look at the changes made to the table of paragraphs. "b" clause 5 of Appendix 1, in which official salaries are approved for certain categories and positions. For example, salaries increased:

  • to the chief of the guard of the fire department of the State Fire Service - from 7,500 rubles. up to 8000 rub.;
  • to the commander of a fire department (separate post) of the State Fire Service, a militarized mine rescue unit - from 6840 rubles. up to 7440 rub.;
  • firefighters of the State Fire Service of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd class and firefighters without assigning a class for this category of workers - from 6860, 6240, 5680, 5120 to 7460, 6840, 6280, 5720 rubles. respectively.

In addition, the table has been supplemented with the position “Respirator operator of a paramilitary mine rescue unit” of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd class and “Respiratory operator” without assigning a class, for which official salaries are established in the amount of 7460, 6840, 6280, 5720 rubles. respectively.

In paragraphs "b" clause 6 of Appendix 1 regarding the establishment of official salaries for medical pharmaceutical workers An additional position has been added to the table with the following salaries established:

Table item 7 "Official salaries of workers in the field scientific research and development" of Appendix 1 is supplemented with the position "Head (chief) of a research center" with an approved salary of 12,860 rubles.

Changes have also been made to paragraphs. "b" clause 8 of Appendix 1. If previously the position "Teacher and junior teacher" had official salaries in the amount of 6230 and 5160 rubles. Accordingly, this position is now replaced by the following content:

In paragraphs "b" clause 14 of Appendix 1 has also been amended. The table of this sub-item contains new position“Manager: HR, sales, advertising” with a salary of 7,500 rubles.

Before the publication of Order No. 680 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the table of this item included such positions as “Site foreman, including senior foreman and site foreman” and “HR specialist”, but salaries were not approved for them. After the changes were made, this gap was eliminated. For a senior site foreman, a salary of 6,840 rubles was approved, for a site foreman - 6,230 rubles, and for a HR specialist - 5,670 rubles.

Significant changes have occurred in the establishment of tariff rates for workers engaged in professional activity by workers' professions. If earlier the salary amounts were approved depending on the category of the worker’s work in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (there were eight categories), now it determined the size of tariff rates depending on the groups (there are now nine groups) to which workers' professions. The salary levels for eight categories are similar to the tariff rates for eight groups, and for the ninth group a limit has been approved from 6850 to 8100 rubles.

You can navigate the assignment of specific worker professions to a specific group by using the List of worker professions by assignment to groups based on tariff rates.

The note to the table indicates that a specific group of tariff rates for worker professions is established by the head of the institution in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory, depending on the category or complexity of the work performed, as well as taking into account the intensity of standardized tasks and service standards.

Changes made to Appendix 2

Let us recall that compensation payments, the amounts and conditions for their implementation to employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces are established by collective agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.

The following types of compensation payments are established for employees:

  • those employed in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions;
  • for work in areas with special climatic conditions;
  • for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions), overtime, at night and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal);
  • for working with information constituting state secrets, their classification and declassification, as well as for working with codes.

In this case, the condition must be observed that the amount of compensation payments is not lower than the amount established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Payments of a compensatory nature are established annually in addition to salaries (official salaries, tariff rates) in the form of allowances, additional payments, unless otherwise established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia N 680 made the following changes in relation to compensation payments.

So, in paragraphs. 1.1.1 clause 1 of Appendix 2, a new paragraph has been introduced, according to which, for carrying out emergency rescue work in particularly difficult and particularly dangerous conditions, the visiting staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is paid at the rate of four times the rate (salary) for each hour of work. The list of emergency rescue operations related to particularly difficult and particularly dangerous conditions, as well as isolating means, is given in the Appendix to the specified subclause.

Changes have also been made to paragraphs. 1.2.2 clause 1 of Appendix 2. Prior to this, compensation payments, established on an ongoing basis, were made both for work in difficult, harmful, and especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions in the amount of 12% of the salary. The amount of compensation payments for work in difficult and harmful working conditions in accordance with the changes made by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia N 680 remained the same (12% of the salary), and for work in especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions the amount of payment doubled and is 24 % of salary.

When classifying work as work with heavy, harmful, especially difficult and especially harmful working conditions, you should use the information given in paragraphs. 1.2.2 clause 1 List.

There have been changes regarding the establishment of the amount of compensation supplements medical workers(clause 1.2.4 clause 1 of Appendix 2). Thus, for work associated with hazardous to health and especially difficult working conditions, the bonus is set at 15 - 60% of the salary, depending on the medical institutions (divisions) and positions they work in. The specific amount of such compensation payments can be established thanks to the newly introduced List to this subclause medical institutions(divisions) and positions in which work gives the right to compensation payment in connection with hazardous and especially difficult working conditions.

Previously, the bonus for work associated with hazardous and difficult working conditions was set at 15% of the salary.

The changes also affected payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of varying qualifications, combining professions (positions)), overtime work, night work and work in other conditions deviating from normal. Compensatory bonuses paid on an ongoing basis to employees of medical institutions (divisions) located in Moscow can be set at up to 30% of the salary.

Changes made to Appendix 3

Let us recall that incentive payments to employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces are established by collective agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms. These include:

  • payments for intensity and high performance results;
  • payments for the quality of work performed;
  • payments for continuous work experience, length of service;
  • bonus payments based on performance results.

Specific indicators for employee incentives are established by collective agreements, labor agreements, and local regulations.

Incentive payments are established in addition to salaries (official salaries, tariff rates) in the form of allowances, additional payments, unless otherwise established by legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

This Appendix has also been amended. They relate to the determination of length of continuous work; now it should be calculated in accordance with the List of periods of work for calculating length of service, giving the employee the right to receive a percentage bonus for length of service, given in the Appendix to clause 3.

Changes made to Appendix 4

Before changes were made to this Appendix, the wage fund for employees of budgetary institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and civilian personnel of military units of the civil defense forces was formed based on the number of employees. Now the payment fund is also formed based on the number of employees, but within the limits of budget obligations.

According to the changes, the annual wage fund for employees of an institution is formed based on the amount of money allocated for the payment of salaries (official salaries, tariff rates), including official salaries of heads of institutions, compensation payments, with the exception of those related to work in areas with special climatic conditions, incentive payments, as well as from the volume of one-time incentive payments made on the basis of a decision of the main manager of budget funds, in the amount of additional limits of budget obligations allocated for these purposes by the manager (main manager) of budget funds.

Introduced in paragraphs. 2.2 clause 2 paragraphs determine that:

  • the wage fund in terms of compensation payments may be increased by the manager (chief manager) of budget funds based on the decision of the chief manager of budget funds and within the limits of additional limits of budget obligations allocated for these purposes;
  • the wage fund in terms of compensation payments is established based on the average amount of these payments for the two previous years, without taking into account its increase made by decision of the main manager.

100% of the salary fund is now allocated for incentive payments instead of the previously established 90%.

According to the amendments made in clause 6, the wage fund for employees of an institution is subject to recalculation and adjustment not only as a result of an increase (indexation) of salaries, changes in staffing levels (staffing schedules, lists), significant changes in wage conditions, but also in the following cases:

  • adoption by the main manager of budget funds of a decision to allocate additional limits of budget obligations for one-time incentive payments;
  • making a decision by the main manager of budget funds to allocate additional limits of budget obligations for compensation payments;
  • establishment by the main manager of budget funds of an increasing coefficient to the wage fund.

When replacing the positions of military personnel (employees of the State Fire Service) with civilian personnel, payment of employees is made at the expense and within the limits of the approved wage fund for employees of the institution.

The introduced clause 7 determines that financial assistance can be provided to employees of the institution from the wage fund. The conditions for the payment of financial assistance and its specific amounts are established by the local regulations of the institution.

The decision to provide financial assistance to an employee and its specific amount is made by the head of the institution based on a written application from the employee.


Journal expert

"Power ministries and departments:

accounting and taxation"

An employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is one of the noblest professions in the Russian Federation. There are very few careerists here. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations go to this work not because of the big money, but out of vocation. But these people constantly risk their lives and save others, so those who decide to throw in their lot with this profession should know what the salary of Emergency Situations Ministry employees is and what benefits they are entitled to.

Salaries for firefighters and rescuers were increased in 2017

Average salary employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2020 is 40,000 rubles. But this is a rather arbitrary value, because wages directly depend on what functions the specialist performs and how great the risk to his life and health is.

It must be said that the concepts of “employee” and “worker” in this structure have different meaning. An employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia is a person who has a certain rank in this service and is part of the rank-and-file specialists or heads of the department.

Earnings of civilian workers

Along with them, the structure also employs civilians who are classified as civilian employees. Because their job is considered normal civil service, they have no privileges or benefits. Their salary is less than that of people directly on staff (as a rule, it is 10,000–12,000 rubles), and they also do not have the right to most bonuses.

For example, a dispatcher can receive this amount. The management team of the department is also formed exclusively from among the employees who are on staff.

How to get a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The requirements for those who want to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations are strict. Often a person who works in this department has several specialties. Getting into difficult situation, he can simultaneously be a firefighter, a driver, and also provide medical care.

Other requirements include: age of majority, good condition health, stable psyche. Higher education This is not always required; it depends on the position for which the applicant is applying. As a rule, among firefighters and ordinary specialists of rescue teams, mostly people with secondary education work. But military service and an impeccable reputation play an important role.

People are hired to work in the department, as a rule, on a competitive basis. The specifics of the work are such that, in addition to the diploma, certificates of previously received awards, certificates from sports competitions, and testimonials from previous places of work will play an important role.

The personal qualities of the applicant play a huge role: composure, composure, ability to react quickly and act clearly in stressful situations.

What do employee salaries consist of?

Wages Each employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations consists of three elements, which include:

  1. Job salary.
  2. Additional payment for rank.
  3. Various allowances.

The working salary depends on several factors, for example, on the region where the Russian specialist works.

Dependence of salary on rank

Everything is clear with the rank: as in other services, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations the salary of a junior sergeant will be less than the salary of a lieutenant. The specialists of this department do not qualify as military personnel, because they do not undergo military service. But despite the fact that they cannot be called officers, they wear shoulder straps and receive ranks on a par with military officers.

Salaries for a special rank are established by government decree. They are always fixed and do not depend on the region. For example, a colonel receives a salary for rank in the amount of 13,000 rubles, a lieutenant colonel - 12,000 rubles. A lieutenant is due 10,000 rubles, a sergeant - 6,500 rubles, and a private - 5,000 rubles.

Additional allowances

There are many additional allowances that can significantly affect your salary:

In addition, additional payments are made if work takes place in conditions that are especially dangerous to health and life.

The largest premium is assigned in the latter case. If an employee constantly risks life and health, the amount of such additional payment is 100%. As a rule, such payments are due to employees of combat units. In other cases, the amount of additional payments will be somewhat more modest.

For example, the bonus for length of service with 25 years of service will be 40%. A bonus for conscientious work, which is paid no more than 3 times a year - from 50 to 100%.

Financial assistance

Another important component of the monetary remuneration of EMERCOM specialists is financial assistance. Its size cannot be less than one month’s salary per year. Most employees write an application for financial assistance addressed to their boss when leaving for work. another vacation, but in principle you can get it at any time of the year. Moreover, if an employee submits a motivated report, the amount of financial assistance can be increased to 5 salaries.

Among the department's specialists there are employees who have academic degrees and titles. The state also rewards for this. Candidates of Sciences receive an additional 3,000 rubles, doctors - 5,000 rubles. Those who have the academic title of associate professor or senior researcher have the right to count on 10% of their monthly salary. For professors, this amount increases to 20%.

Salaries of EMERCOM specialists in 2020 by region

The salaries of all Emergency Situations Ministry employees vary quite a lot depending on the region. As can be seen from the table, which can be compiled based on a study of salaries by region, the highest level of income is in Moscow and the Moscow region. Average salaries there reach 60,000 rubles. It’s also open there large number vacancies, there is always a need for these specialists. In addition, Moscow offers them increased regional bonuses of up to 20%.

In second place are St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Intermediate level earnings here are 48,000 rubles. In third place is Tatarstan: 45,000 rubles.

Enough high incomes among rescuers and firefighters in Siberia and Far East. Khabarovsk Territory and Novosibirsk offer employees of this department 40,000 rubles each. In the Vladimir region, the salary of Emergencies Ministry specialists is 30,000 rubles, in Krasnodar region- 38,000 rubles.

Table: salaries of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Job title

Salary of an employee working in a department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in a city with a population of over 2.5 million citizens

Salary of an employee working in a department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in a city with a population of less than 2.5 million citizens

First Deputy Chief 31 000 28 000
Deputy Head of Main Department 28 000 25 000
Assistant to the head of the main department 25 000 23 000
Chief accountant 21 500 20 000
Deputy Chief Accountant 19 000 18 500
Head of department 20 000 18 500
Team Leader 18 500 18 500
Chief Inspector 19 000 18 000
Chief Inspector 18 500 17 500
Senior Engineer 18 500 17 500
Senior Legal Consultant 18 500 17 500
Senior investigator 18 500 17 500
Inspector 18 000 17 000
Head of department 20 000 20 000
Chief specialist 18 000 18 000
Fire Chief 19 000 18 500
Inspector 15 000 15 000
Squad leader 10 000 10 000
Senior fireman 9 500 9 000
Firefighter 9 000 9 000