home Development  Chitaika magazine Chitaika magazine began publishing in January 2006 and is considered the youngest magazine. However, he has already won his readership. Because it can safely be called an addition to

textbooks in literature as home reading. The main characters of the magazine are Reader and Owl. Together with them today, from room to room, we get to know

the best books

, magazines, get into funny situations, take part in exciting games. The magazine's motto: “A book is your best defense.” Among the authors are famous writers Sergei Mikhalkov, Yunna Moritz, Ivan Pankeev, Dmitry Yemets, Valentin Postnikov, Sergei Georgiev, Sofya Prokofieva, Irina Tolmakova, Victor Lunin.

"Teaching Poems" is a collection of fun tests about animals, plants, household items, rainbow colors and shapes. They will teach us to qualify objects, distinguish shapes and colors, determine the time of day and colors. “Izba – Reading Room” - in this section you will get acquainted with the authors of your favorite books, you will be able to test yourself, i.e. Do you read carefully and can travel and solve crossword puzzles together with the characters? “Funny Stories” - a page of funny children's writers. This magazine is not only for you, but also for your parents. In the “Soon to School” section, fathers and mothers teach children to add and subtract, and assemble words from cubes. In the funny section preparatory lessons in rhetoric, logic, mathematics, reading.

“One is a word, two is a word” is a poetic master class. It is hosted by children's poet Lyudmila Ulanova. She tells the children how to make poems, and then sorts out the mail and tells everyone what interesting things the children wrote themselves. Poems are verses, but you need to learn, so the Chitaika magazine offers various tips. In the section “What is good” there are difficult situations, the way out of which will be suggested by the heroes of poems and fairy tales. In the “Let's Play” section there are games from the most ancient to the modern.

Let each new page become a real discovery for you! Reader has a lot of books, all of them are his friends. He is at our home today, so we are his family. Cap, red crest, Our Reader is everyone’s friend. He will call us to the magazine and guide us through the pages. There are poems, crosswords, songs! Everyone with “Reader” is interested! It’s very comfortable at home with him, he can always help us, lift our spirits. We will be waiting for “Reader”!

“Analysis of the monthly magazine for younger children school age- “Reader”

"Chitaika" is a monthly magazine for children of primary school age.

Published since 2006. The founder and publisher of the magazine is the Russian School Library Association.

Chief Editor Tatyana Zhukova.

The magazine is published in printed form and distributed as a subscription publication through Rospechat -20246 and Russian Post -10457

The magazine has an electronic version with online access at information portal school libraries in Russia

The magazine is printed on glossy A4 paper. title page in the upper part we can see the name, number and image of the main characters of the magazine, the central place is occupied by a hand-drawn illustration with an epigraph dedicated to the anniversary of the writer and the heroes of his works, which will be discussed in this issue; and also below we see the subscription indexes and the age for which the magazine is designed. On the back of the magazine are photos of its readers with letters of gratitude.

The inside of the magazine is very interesting and colorful. The illustrations are presented in the form of hand-drawn pictures and photographs of respondents. The main artist is Roman Kobzarev.
Journal task- through young readers, to attract their parents to the good old traditions of family reading, to create a lively creative channel of communication between children and parents on the pages of the magazine.
The heroes of the magazine - the inquisitive boy Reader and his friend - the wise Owlet - cheerfully and convincingly prove that “Reading is the best teaching” and “The book is your spiritual protection.”
In each issue of the magazine: poems, fairy tales and stories by the best modern children's writers, crossword puzzles and games based on famous literary works, poetry master class, amazing stories about the origin of names and surnames, extraordinary adventures of Reader and Slovarina.
Each issue of the magazine is equipped special application with professional tips from leading experts in psychology and pedagogy children's reading– about how to talk with children about spiritual and moral education through classical works.

The surprisingly wise advice of I. N. Timofeeva is taken from her books: “What to read to my children”, the encyclopedia “What and how to read to your child from one to ten”, the encyclopedia “Children. Time. The book is a guide for leaders in children's reading." Poems, Timofeeva believes, serve as the strongest means of pedagogical influence on the thoughts and feelings of a child. “If you, by reading the poems of Russian children’s poets,” she writes, “are able to instill good feelings in a child, then you will subsequently free yourself from the need to read many, many instructions: the child himself will know what to do in this or that case.”

Fairy tales of Russian writers teach tolerance, wisdom, and help to internalize moral meaning. (Pogorelsky “Black Hen”, Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”, Gorky “Sparrow”...)

    On the first pages of the magazine fairy-tale heroes, the boy Chitaika and the owl, in the form of a conversation, very accessible and interestingly talk about the anniversaries of such writers as:

140 years since the birth of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin;

In the conversation it turns out that the writer A.I. Kuprin writes stories for children and adults.

We are talking about the story “The White Poodle” - this is an example of true friendship between a boy and a dog. Artaud talks about his owner Seryozha and grandfather Martyn - traveling artists who performed at the dacha of a rich lady. And her son, a mischievous, capricious boy, wanted to take the dog.

A.I. Kuprin grew up without a father. From the age of 7 he studied at an orphan school, and then entered a military gymnasium. Subsequently left military service and devoted himself to literature. At the age of 39, the writer received a high award for his work - the Pushkin Prize!

In the village of Norovchat, Penza region, where Kuprin was born, his house-museum was opened and the first monument to the writer in Russia was erected.

At the end of the magazine, the boy Reader advises reading A. Kuprin’s books “White Poodle”, “Elephant”.

175th anniversary of the birth of Mark Twain;

145th anniversary of the birth of Rudyard Kipling;

100th anniversary of the birth of Liya Borisovna Geraskina.

The magazine immediately introduces children to the works of these authors or their excerpts, which it advises the whole family to read.

    The magazine features colorful puzzles, puzzles, riddles, games on a given topic “White Poodle”, Crosswords, drawing for making a toy “Poodle Artaud”

    Each issue of the magazine contains fascinating stories about school life.

Lyudmila Ulanova wrote an amazing story, “About School and Hedgehogs,” about unconventional thinking and children’s imagination.

A funny story in a Russian language lesson in the story “Hand and Leg” by Marina Druzhinina.

    The magazine has rubric “Visiting Slovarena”

The boy Reader comes to the word laboratory to the girl Slovarena, a candidate of linguistic sciences. While drinking tea with a sandwich, Chitaika and Slovarena remembered “The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich” by Alan Aleksandrovich Milne. The reader asked to tell us about the history of the oil.

Oil - “Source of health”, “Juice of life”. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates used the oil to rub his hair and skin. The oil contains 82% fat, proteins, milk sugar, mineral salts, and vitamins. It’s not for nothing that they say that milk is on the cow’s tongue. And you can churn the butter yourself, look at the first butter churn. The reader asks a search question: “Who was the first in Russia to start producing butter?” - this is the hereditary nobleman Nikolai Vasilyevich Vereshchagin. He is the brother of the famous artist Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin. In 1872, Nikolai Vereshchagin organized the first butter-making cooperatives in the Vologda province, and 100 years later the butter began to be called “Vologda.”

1. Guys, what did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother?

2. Who translated Milne’s ballad about the royal sandwich into Russian?

3. What do these proverbs and sayings mean?

    Butter oil.

    Like clockwork.

    You can't spoil porridge with oil.

    Fire cannot be extinguished with oil.

    Do not cook, but all the oil is on top

    The editors of the magazine announce participation in All-Russian competition on the culture of handling the book “Knizhkina Hospital”,

Third Moscow Literary Festival “A Book Gathers Friends.”

6. One of the regular columns of the magazine "In the city of Imenograd on the Familia River", where they talk about the origin of obsolete names and geographical names through finding a common root and similarity with in modern words, the meaning of which is known to everyone. For example, the name Pankrat consists of 2 parts. "Pan" means "all" and in combination with other roots is used to mean "encompassing everything, relating to everything." The Pantheon is a temple dedicated to all gods; a pandemic is an epidemic that covers the entire nation. "Kratos" means "power" in ancient Greek. The same root is in the words “aristocracy” - the power of the best, “democracy” - the power of the people. Accordingly, we can conclude that Pankrat means “omnipotent, omnipotent.”

7. IN this magazine there is no less important section "Poetry master class", in which Reader and her friends Stishka (cat) and Stisharik (dog) teach children the laws of versification. For example, so that there are no anachronisms in a poem - rearrangement historical facts, that is, so that the ancient Egyptians did not fire cannons, and elephants did not roam around Europe. They talk in detail with examples about the features of writing epic verse, etc.

8. You can learn about the origin of plants such as viburnum, juniper, etc., what they look like, their fruits, benefits and meaning in the section “The Mystery of Plants”.

9. You can also find in the magazine Owl's advice get acquainted with a newly published book or read a book in which readers can find answers to frequently asked questions. For example, to the question: “Who gives gifts to Finnish, Italian, Japanese children, etc.?”, you can find the answer in the book “Father Frost, Joulupukki, Befana and others” edited by the Meshcheryakov publishing house.

10. Each issue contains comic, funny poems on a given topic, which will undoubtedly lift the spirits of every reader, and poems, dedicated to holidays of this month. In December it is New Year, in June - Russia Day, Children's Day, etc.

The magazine "Chitaika" is interesting, colorful, informative, useful for reading by children of primary and secondary school age, as well as their parents. If you want to develop reading independence in your child, if your child is inquisitive, then this magazine is for you.

"The School Librarian's Professional Library." Episode 1“To help the teacher librarian”

The Russian School Library Association continues to publish the “Professional Library of the School Librarian” as a supplement to the magazine “ School library" Series 1 publishes books by famous scientists and professionals, allowing you to keep abreast of everything new in librarianship, constantly improve your qualifications, form your professional consciousness, find new forms and methods of work, constantly replenish your professional library with high-quality literature. Theoretical material is harmoniously combined with practical developments: tests, scenarios.

Library of the magazine "Chitaika"

In the second half of 2011, the publishing house RSBA published a new literary series, “Library of the magazine “Reader”. The books in this series will publish the best works of contemporary children's authors for primary schoolchildren. The first issues of the series will be dedicated to the work of children's writer and poet Tatyana Bokova and the competition "100 Russian fairy tales about books and reading" held in 2009 - a collection of Russian folk tales, in the plot of which the main characters read (a book, a letter, a letter, etc.), will be illustrated by the works of young contestants. Books with color illustrations will take their rightful place in the school, children's and home libraries.

Selected subscription publications

Separate subscription publications The Russian School Library Association organically complements series 1 and 2 of the “Professional Library of the School Librarian.” The following publications are presented here: “The School Librarian’s Handbook”, the bio-bibliographic directory “Children’s Writers of Russia”, “Gallery of Portraits of Russian Writers”, collections of scripts and a collection dedicated to the “Young Russia Reads” Movement, books on the basics of a reading culture and information and bibliographic literacy , By library funds for children. The publications are addressed not only to school librarians, but also to specialists in children's and youth libraries, as well as students of cultural universities studying in the direction of “Library and Information Activities”.

Name: Reader

Topic: Literary and artistic
Audience: 6-10 years
Contents: Poems, fairy tales, educational articles, games
Journal website: http://www.rusla.ru/rsba/association/izdanija/journali/print.php
Subscription: 20246, 10457
Published since 2006
Circulation: 4300 copies
Frequency: 1 time per month
Format: A 4
Volume (pages): 42

Journal information:

The goal of the Chitaika magazine is to tell about the best children's books and writers, teach you to read texts thoughtfully, understand the structure of poetic speech, figurative expressions, and develop logical thinking and imagination.

The main characters of the magazine are Reader and Owl. Together with them today, from issue to issue, we will get acquainted with the best books, magazines, find ourselves in funny situations, and take part in exciting games.

The magazine's motto: “A book is your best defense.”

In each issue, the central theme is one favorite children's book - for its connoisseurs, Igor Sukhanov and Valeria Korystyleva create a crossword puzzle and a walking game. Only the one who carefully read the book can reach the finish line first.

The magazine has many different sections, among which every reader can find his or her favorite one.

The “Page with a Little Bit” contains funny stories in poetry and prose, and funny animal rhymes.

“Fun Labyrinths” will introduce you to the history of the Ice Age, the Ancient World, and the Middle Ages. Through the labyrinths, children will be able to reach treacherous pirates, find treasure hidden on a desert island, help defend the fortress from the enemy, and solve the riddles of the pyramids.

In the “Reader's First Aid Kit” you will find a cure for fear, arrogance, boasting, not reading anything, greed and other childhood troubles that not all adults have suffered from and sometimes also suffer from. A “first aid kit” can become your mental protection in difficult situations.

“One is a word, two is a word” is a poetic master class. It is hosted by children's poet Lyudmila Ulanova. She tells the children how to make poems, and then sorts out the mail and tells everyone what interesting things the children wrote themselves.

Poems are verses, but you need to learn, so the Chitaika magazine offers various tips.

“Teaching Poems” is a collection of fun tests about animals, plants, household items, rainbow colors and shapes. They will teach us to qualify objects, distinguish shapes and colors, determine the time of day and colors.

“Izba – Reading Room” - in this section you will get acquainted with the authors of your favorite books, you will be able to test yourself, i.e. Do you read carefully and can travel and solve crossword puzzles together with the characters?

“Funny Stories” - a page of funny children's writers.

This magazine is not only for you, but also for your parents. In the “Soon to School” section, fathers and mothers teach children to add and subtract, and assemble words from cubes. The section includes fun preparatory lessons on rhetoric, logic, mathematics, and reading.

Let each new page become a real discovery for you!

Reader has a lot of books,
They are all his friends.
He's at our house today,
So we are his family.

Cap, red crest,
Our Reader is everyone’s friend.
He will call us to the magazine,
He will guide you through the pages.

There are poems, crosswords, songs!
Everyone with “Reader” is interested!

It’s very comfortable at home with him,
He can always help us,
Cheer up.
We will be waiting for “Reader”!

Library of the magazine "Chitaika"
In the second half of 2011, the publishing house RSBA published a new literary series, “Library of the magazine “Reader”. The books in this series will publish the best works of contemporary children's authors for primary schoolchildren. The first issues of the series will be dedicated to the work of children's writer and poet Tatyana Bokova and the competition "100 Russian Fairy Tales about Books and Reading" held in 2009 - a collection of Russian folk tales in the plot of which the main characters read (a book, a letter, a letter, etc.), will be illustrated with the works of young contestants. Books with color illustrations will take their rightful place in the school, children's and home libraries.

Dear Colleagues!

The 4th issue of the magazine "Chitaika" has been released. In this issue you will meet the Swedish writer and artist Sven Nordqvist, who turns 70 this year (the “Writer’s Anniversary” section). The cheerful and touching heroes of his books - old man Petson and kitten Findus - were loved by children all over the world.

But the cat Barsik, or, as he proudly calls himself “Cat-sapien,” whose diary was “translated from a cat’s” by the writer Tamara KRYUKOVA, Chitaika readers have already fallen in love with. After all, the magazine has been publishing the pages of his diary since last year under the heading “A Fairy Tale with a Continuation.”

This time Barsik will talk about how he cleverly played the Oboltus. It’s true, but the Blockhead played a prank on him too. Just stupid.

“What will you take from him? It’s said that he’s a fool and his jokes are stupid.”

“Every artist is a bit of a magician. He can make a white sheet of paper multi-colored, or he can make amazing flowers and fancy colored patterns appear on a black sheet. Such a drawing is similar to an engraving, only it does not need to be printed.”

Fine arts teacher Olga LAGRANGE will not only tell you how to make such an engraving, but will also show you in the “Creativity Lessons” section.

And the constant presenter of the column “In the city of Imenograd on the Familia River,” geography teacher Afinogen Fotievich Besfamilny (with the help of the writer Lyudmila ULANOVA) will tell about such invented names as Valterperzhenka, Yurvkosur and Yurgag. What do they mean, and what did the first cosmonauts have to do with them?

On the fourth page you will meet new friends “Readers”, participants of the literary and gaming club “KIT” (Book. Game. Creativity) from the city of Apsheronsk, Krasnodar region. Read more about how these guys talk in the “Our Friends” section.

Attached to the number "Tips for Adults"(published as part of the project “Reading Mother – Reading Country”) we continue publishing the book by I.I. Tikhomirova "School of Reading". The book is a collected and systematized unique reading experience of Russian classic writers, which becomes relevant in our time, when the culture of reading has to be revived almost anew. We hope that this experience will be useful to librarians, teachers, and parents.

The manual is specifically intended for family reading. At the end of each passage, questions are given for reflection that help you better assimilate and comprehend what you read.

Being a Reader is useful!

It's fashionable to be a Reader!

Join the Readers Friends Club to become a CREATIVE READER.

CHITAYKA ​​is a monthly magazine for children of primary school age.

Magazine "Reader" is the path to the fascinating world of books for your children. The heroes of the magazine - the inquisitive boy Reader and his friend - the wise Owlet - travel from issue to issue through the fairy-tale world of the book. They cheerfully and convincingly prove that “Reading is the best teaching” and “A book is your spiritual protection.”