Is it possible to emerge victorious from a difficult “negotiation duel”?

We are sure: it is not only possible, but also necessary. Practical recommendations You will find how to do this in the article.

The complexity of negotiations is perceived individually for each partner. Problems with communications can vary, from simple shyness, which, with a high position and responsibility, is masked by aggression, to open hostility and rejection of the interlocutor for ideological or political reasons. It is necessary to carefully study the reasons for reduced communication and, having drawn conclusions, draw up an action plan. At the same time, we must try to ensure that the opponent’s pride is not infringed. And reserve a number of “strokes” for him. In addition, posture, eye shine, breathing, smell - in happy man everything marks a successful hunter. Just entering the meeting room like this will take you halfway to success.

What are the priorities for a good assistant to familiarize the manager with letters and requirements?

Our expert helps you understand this difficult issue.

Most important qualities for a secretary this means high efficiency and responsibility. A person in this position should not be afraid of any questions, always be confident and calm, and have high resistance to stress. In any emergency situation, he must show that he can cope with all problems; The boss should not observe such a picture that his secretary is rushing about in chaos.

Verochka from “Office Romance” is an anti-hero. The secretary should be interested primarily in the peculiarities of the company's work, functional connections within the organization, and not in the personal relationships of work colleagues.

How to deal with stress?

If you are a self-sufficient and integral person, then stress management will not be useful to you, but advice on dealing with stress will not be superfluous to anyone.

If you figure it out, dealing with stress is very simple. Read books, find a good psychologist, coach, spend more time on yourself. In general, in my opinion, there is one very powerful remedy for all stress. And you've already tried it. This is love. Love for yourself, for your neighbors, for your pet, for what you do, love for the life you live. When we are stressed, there are no positive emotions on the horizon. There are many negative ones, and the main one is fear. This is a basic, strongest emotion, it contains so much energy that needs to be found a way out. In most cases, this results in hysterics, tears, aggression, and conflicts. But fear and self-confidence, mixed in one glass, will give you courage and courage. And when you experience such an emotion, what happens to your body? He's getting stronger.

How to change your personal brand?

The article gives practical advice for those who have asked this question.

It's time to think about changing your personal brand if you have a feeling that you are not perceived the way you would like. When your internal image of yourself as an assistant manager does not match how you are treated and what tasks are assigned to you.

But you can’t change yourself 100%, so identify the points that others approve of you and don’t touch them - this is your reserve.

If they envy you, be proud. You can't influence this, can you? So relax and just do your job. People who work hard and achieve everything with their quality work will not be envied - they are usually respected.

Is freedom allowed in business?

The main thing is to maintain a balance between freedom and responsibility.

The manager, of course, must rely on himself, but he must also involve employees, take into account their knowledge, use them in in a good way words. And when he relies only on himself... Well, if he is a genius, then everything will work out. But it is very rare for a leader to be an expert in everything equally.

Management is a discipline, leadership is a profession. How more professional leader, the less operational-level complexity it has. And any freedom in business is allowed only as long as it does not harm the business.

How to improve your mind and body at the same time?

Is this real? And why is it even necessary?

Human - unified system, can someone clearly distinguish where the mind ends and the body begins? We provide training that develops flexibility and mobility of all joints and ligaments. And mental flexibility is not only the ability to quickly switch attention and be able to look at a situation from different sides, but also a state of “relaxation” in which you make decisions not under the influence of emotions and external factors, but using all your available experience and knowledge.

Unfortunately, many modern fitness trends primarily develop individual physical qualities and separate groups muscles, often one to the detriment of others. Smart body is, first of all, the harmonious development of a person.

(electronic magazine No. 9, 2011, Belarus)

To help the secretary, office manager, administrator, office worker

Our publication is primarily intended for secretaries, office managers, administrators, assistant managers, and office workers. But we are sure that any office worker will find something interesting in it.

In each issue of the magazine, we talk about the nuances of record keeping, organizing document flow, as well as creating, registering, searching and storing documents, and monitoring their execution. We try to cover any changes regarding business paperwork requirements.

On our pages, competent authors introduce readers to the intricacies of organizing and maintaining an archive, the use of computer and office equipment, as well as automated systems documentation support management (ASDOU). In the magazine you will find consultations with psychologists, recommendations on office design, style and business etiquette.

Surely you will appreciate the applied nature of the materials on holding meetings, presentations, business negotiations and corporate events, optimizing office work, increasing personal efficiency and time management.

In the “Secretary Plus” section we try to cover some issues related to the activities of personnel workers, legal advisers, accountants. All this can be useful to the “right hand” of the manager, because often the secretary has to combine responsibilities.

In addition, in the magazine you will find information on:

Maintaining business correspondence

Drawing up a list of cases

Submission of documents to the archive

Organizing meetings for clients and partners in the office

Warning conflict situations

Increasing personal effectiveness

And many, many other topics.

A.E. Rybakov, director of BelNIIDAD;

A.N. Sukach, head of the document management department of BelNIIDAD;

N.A. Kapmole - senior researcher at the document management department of BelNIIDAD;

N.N. Novik, researcher at the document management department of BelNIIDAD.

G.A. Kudryakova, chief specialist general department of the State Institution “Main Economic Directorate” of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus;

T.V. Rahuboh, lawyer;

I'M IN. Monich, practicing psychologist.

The frequency of publication is once a month. Magazine volume - 84 pages.

In the room:

5 News review



Organization of work with written appeals from citizens

In this material, we invite you to familiarize yourself with some aspects of organizing paperwork based on citizens’ appeals, work with which is strictly regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11 Natalya NOVIK

We compose and prepare an attestation specification

An employee profile is an official document that contains an assessment of business and personal qualities. But since today unified form characteristics are not provided; when designing it, you should be guided by the basic norms and requirements of some regulatory legal acts.

19 Denis LAEVSKY

Registration of details that give legal force to documents

The details are intended to be secured in a legally significant form and communicated to the addressees of documents, other official and individuals instructions on the performance of management actions, confirmation of a fact of legal significance, certification of the origin of a document. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Secretary school

24 Galina PESHKOVA

Lesson eight

Characteristics of administrative documentation

The duties of the secretary often include not only printing the administrative document, but also preparing its draft. Today we will look at several questions that will help you quickly and clearly carry out your manager’s instructions.


32 Vlada SOBOLEV

One day in the office...

36 Marina GLADKAYA

Little tricks for an ideal relationship with your boss

Steps to your career


Job advertisements: reading between the lines

How to avoid falling for the bait of enterprising employers


“Clothing” by which one is greeted. Bad advice

How to ruin a resume

47 Tatiana SAMATYA

Interview as an exam

How to make a first impression


Secretarial profession: runway or career dead end

How to achieve success in the professional field

53 Vlada SOBOLEV

Career on pause

How to change yourself to get satisfaction from work

Conversation with a psychologist

56 Marina GLADKAYA

How to join the team and become “one of the people” in a new workplace

60 Jadwiga MONICH

Note to managers

We write and speak correctly


Numbers in documents

From the secretary's notebook

63 Alexandra MANTSEVICH

I’ll say a word about my own place (working place)…


66 Denis KOVALEV

First date


How long does cosmetics last?

70 Anastasia MIGNO

Colors of life


74 Ekaterina SAZONOVA

Searching and storing information on a PC

76 Oksana VANCHUK

Electronic readers and “paper” technology E Ink: reading is a pleasure

78 Ksenia BELOVA

Choosing a webcam


80 Alexander GARBUZ

Fill out the back side of the certificate of incapacity for work

84 Tatiana RAKHUBO

You asked...








Secretary school

Lesson eight





Steps to your career



Bad advice





Conversation with a psychologist




We write and speak correctly


From the secretary's notebook













Reader's question - expert's answer


Magazine "Secretary Affairs" as a source

professional information

To be a professional in your field of activity, you need to constantly improve your knowledge and skills. Today there are many sources of obtaining necessary information and their transmission channels. However, periodicals and, in particular, magazines as a means of mass communication still occupy a leading position. This is due to a number of its specific properties, thanks to which the materials published in the journal become especially significant for specialists. Among them are the relevance and novelty of the topic, the originality of the knowledge enshrined in the publication, the completeness of the information provided, and most importantly - the efficiency of dissemination of professional information, which allows a specialist to be aware of not only the latest scientific achievements, but also experience practical activities. The magazine “Secretary Affairs” became such a periodical publication for the majority of the country’s specialists involved in information and documentation support for the sphere of management. 1 Its appearance was caused by the urgent need of the time. In the 90s, in connection with the development of market relations in the economy, a large number of commercial structures appeared, the managers of which needed highly qualified secretarial assistants. The secretarial corps refers to the group of specialists that provides information and organizational services to the management of any organization or structural unit. The areas of activity of the secretary are multifaceted, and the requirements for the knowledge and skills of different categories of secretaries are determined by qualification characteristics. One of the areas of the secretary’s work is information and documentation services related to the preparation of draft documents on the instructions of the manager, collecting information and processing materials for his reports and speeches, printing and processing documents. In addition, the secretary does everything technological processes working with documents from their receipt to transfer to archival storage. The most important responsibility of the secretary is non-documentary service, that is, assisting the manager in organizing the working day and using his time most effectively. Thus, the range of responsibilities of secretaries is quite wide and requires high professionalism. In order to efficiently carry out the tasks set by management, the secretary must have the appropriate education and constantly improve his knowledge, skills and abilities. It is this mission that the Secretarial Business magazine has been fulfilling since its publication. It gives its subscribers, including secretaries with higher and secondary specialized education, the opportunity to navigate all the achievements of their chosen profession. The content index prepared for the 10th anniversary of the journal allows us to summarize the first results, summarize the available material and formulate promising directions development of this publication. A multidimensional analysis of the array of published articles will help determine the role and place of the journal as a source of professional information. The journal's publications will be examined according to several parameters: quantitative data, authorship, thematic and content focus of the articles, their species diversity. Over the decade, 68 issues of the magazine were published, of which 26 were quarterly and 42 monthly issues. The total number of diverse publications by 382 authors amounted to 1190 titles during this period. From the very beginning, the magazine began to be published by the teaching staff of the Russian State humanitarian university. The key role was taken by the Department of Document Management of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, headed by Professor Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Kuznetsova. This department had many years of experience in training personnel in the field of office work, including secretaries with higher education. Each issue published articles by teachers and graduate students of different faculties of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Statistical analysis publications indicate that in total volume published materials are dominated by articles by authors of this particular educational institution. The leaders of publications were T.V. Kuznetsova (60 articles), E.M. Emysheva (60), S.L. Kuznetsov (51), O.V. Mosyagina (45), G.Yu. Maksimovich (32), V.I. Berestova (28), L.P. Afanasyeva (26), G.A. Serova (25), G.A. Osichkina (23), E.M. Burova (21), E.V. Alekseeva (20), M.N. Kostomarov (20) and others. Over a dozen articles were written by such authors as M.I. Dodonova (18), E.A. Efimenko (18), N.V. Shatina (17), L.V. Sankina (15), A.I. Aleksentsev (14), L.A. Sysoeva (13), T.A. Bykova (12), T.I. Vladykina (12), I.A. Kossov (11), Yu.M. Kukarina (11), L.M. Vyalova (10). Intellectual support for the journal was provided by scientists from VNIIDAD and State University management - O.I. Ryskov (19), O.I. Mitchenko (10), A.N. Sokova (5), A.V. Pshenko (16), E.A. Stepanov (14), V.F. Yankovaya (11), etc. At the end of the 90s of the last century and at the beginning of the new century, many higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in the country began training and graduating document specialists and secretarial assistants. In this regard, the journal's authorship has increased significantly. Teachers, graduate students and graduates of universities, academies and institutes began to publish their works. Among the representatives of regional universities, L.R. was the most active. Fionova, V.G. Pashchenko, O.I. Semyankova and I.V. Usmanova (Penza), A.I. Isachenkova and N.N. Podoplelova (Perm), T.N. Kolokoltsev and S.P. Kushneruk (Volgograd). The geography of the members of the journal’s writing team is represented not only by different universities and organizations in Moscow, but also by other cities Russian Federation: G.G. Aralbaeva, S.M. Druzhinina (Orenburg), A.V. Ermolaeva (Saratov), ​​M.S. Slepneva and Yu.N. Smirnov (Samara), E.V. Karpycheva, O.G. Leontyeva, E.A. Pigarkina (Tver), G.Sh. Mavlyutov (Tyumen) and many others. A study of the authors based on publication data indicates that among them there are not only university teachers with academic degrees and titles. The editorial board of the journal actively attracted leading scientists from academic and research institutes, representatives of authorities state power and management, managers and leading specialists of corporations, companies, firms and many other organizations. This made it possible to successfully disclose in the magazine theoretical aspects management as a special field of activity and experience of their practical implementation. The publishing house and editorial board of the magazine, having determined the thematic focus of their periodical, expanded the boundaries of the concept of “secretary”. This word meant official responsible for organizing the work of a specific team or organizational structure. Versatility this concept is also due to the fact that there are honorary positions of scientific secretaries of universities and departments of the Academy of Sciences, general secretaries of parties, the United Nations, etc. The multifaceted nature of secretarial activities was taken into account when forming the general content of the journal. The subject matter of the magazine and the formation of its headings were determined primarily by the requirements placed on the secretary as a specialist. Starting from the fourth issue for 1999, the magazine’s table of contents includes such headings as “Profession – Secretary”, “Organization of the Secretary’s Work”, “Working with Documents”, “Computer Technologies”, “Information Security”, “Etiquette”, “Psychology of Communication” ", "Training", "Archival work", "Government agencies", "From history". Since the end of 2001, the column “Our guest is the magazine “Personnel Management”,” Labor law" Since the magazine has become a monthly publication since 2003, the number of published articles has increased, and in connection with this, new sections have appeared. If earlier the annual volume of published articles varied from 80 to 92, then since 2003 it began to amount to 210-220 titles. The increase in the periodicity of the magazine affected not only the quantity, but also the subject matter of the publication and its relevance. New and original headings are appearing: “Regulatory framework”, “New in legislation”, “History of the profession”, “Secretary destinies”, “Documentation”, “The work of the secretary”, “Internet for the secretary” and others. The materials presented in the listed sections help secretaries comprehend all facets of their profession, form professional thinking and consciousness in order to correspond to the status of a modern specialist in this field. Articles published in the headings “History of the Profession” and “Secretary Fates” made it possible to reveal the main stages in the development of this profession, to present the appearance of people and the directions of their work in different historical eras and in different positions. The publications of T.I. have always been of great interest. Poretskaya, who provided readers of the magazine with invaluable information about people who, by the will of fate, became secretaries of Russian emperors, statesmen, scientists, writers and other celebrities. This is truly a research work that made it possible to collect factual material bit by bit, summarize it and recreate portraits of outstanding secretaries. Articles by T.I. Poretskaya largely contributed to the formation of the image of the secretarial profession and were a kind of bridge thrown from the past to the present. The organizers of the magazine sought to not only show the specifics of the secretary's profession, but also to reveal all areas of his work in different areas of activity. Guided by the secretary’s qualification characteristics, which outline the requirements for his knowledge, skills and abilities, the editorial board introduces special headings “Regulatory acts” and “New in legislation”. Articles by editor-in-chief T.V. Kuznetsova, published in these sections, allowed secretaries and all subscribers of the magazine to receive operational information about the legislative system related to documentation support management activities, as well as learn about all changes in its normative and methodological regulation. Working with documents takes up the bulk of a secretary's working time, so the magazine paid a lot of attention to issues of documentation and working with documents. For this purpose, similar headings were introduced (“Documentation”, “Drawing up documents”, “Working with documents”). The authors of the articles introduced the magazine users to theoretical foundations functioning of the management document, i.e. with its functions, properties, methods and means of documentation, details and rules for their design. The documentation systems available in organizations were examined in detail, not only the unified operational reporting system, but also specific groups of documents. A number of authors specializing in documentary linguistics (E.N. Basovskaya, E.V. Belokurova, G.V. Leonova, O.I. Semyankova, V.F. Yankovaya, etc.) helped to understand linguistic subtleties and nuances writing texts different documents. Thanks to such information, secretaries were able to navigate the type structure of documentation and learn more about the features of working with it. Over the years, the magazine has published materials on the organization and technology of working with documents in both traditional and automated modes. The issues of reception and initial processing of documents, registration, control, and procedures for preparing them for submission to archival storage were discussed in detail. Many articles are devoted to the organization of routine storage of documents in institutions, methods of preparing a list of files and forming files. All these topics were important in improving professional activity secretaries. It should be noted that the authors of individual articles (L.M. Vyalova, A.Yu. Konkova, A.L. Raichtsaum, T.V. Vinogradova) provided materials of a comparative nature, allowing us to get an idea of ​​the domestic traditions of organizing office work in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods . This is how a picture emerged of the state of documentation support for the activities of institutions in different periods. national history. Archival activities are closely related to office work. Already from the first issues of the magazine, leading specialists of the department of archival science and archeography E.V. Alekseeva, L.P. Afanasyeva, E.M. Burova, G.A. Osichkin introduced readers to the archival aspects of office work. They managed to reveal all aspects of this area of ​​activity, including the formation of the archival fund, its use, as well as the informatization of the archival industry. Modern activities secretary is unthinkable without the use of computer technology. In the last decade, renewal has been occurring at a rapid pace computer equipment, the possibilities of using automated technologies in the office work of organizations are constantly expanding. The magazine has been paying attention to this topical topic since its first issues. The bibliographic entries placed in section 6 of the index “Computer technologies in preschool educational institutions” clearly indicate how dynamically the focus of the articles has changed. Secretaries were introduced not only to the capabilities of PC software and the use of computers in their work, but also trained to solve problems of selection and implementation corporate systems automation of work with documents. Specialists such as S.L. generously shared their professional knowledge and skills. Kuznetsov, G.Yu. Maksimovich, V.I. Berestova, G.A. Serova, L.A. Sysoeva and many others. They helped everyone in an accessible and clear way readership magazine to master the capabilities of the computer when drawing up and processing documents, to show the advantages electronic document management and modern information technology storage, search and transmission of information, including Internet technologies. The section “Information Protection” was of particular interest. Competent in these matters is the head of the Department of Information Security Methodology of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Professor A.A. Aleksentsev and Associate Professor of the State University of Management E.A. Stepanov in their publications revealed the whole range of issues related to the types of secrets and confidential information, the specifics of working with restricted access documents. The authors outlined the theoretical, practical and methodological aspects of ensuring security information resources various organizational structures, directions and methods of working with personnel possessing confidential information, capabilities and features of various technological systems and methods of processing and storing confidential documents. Organizational activities Secretaryship involves not only conducting telephone conversations, but also receiving visitors, assisting the manager in organizing meetings, negotiations, business trips, meetings with foreign partners, etc. This area of ​​work should be based on knowledge of the basic psychology of communicating with people and business etiquette. The editorial board of the magazine introduces these two sections, and they make the publication even more attractive and versatile. The authors of the “Psychology of Communication” column are E.N. Kiryanova, N.A. Litvintseva, N.F. Lukyanova, M.I. Stankin and others reveal the psychological types of people, the causes of conflicts, patterns of behavior and rules of communication in conflict situations. Secretaries are offered tests for psychological insight, resistance to stress, ways to relieve stress, and are given advice on communicating with people of different temperaments. Publications by psychologists and other specialists contain valuable information and make it possible to increase the role of the secretary in maintaining normal conditions for the work of the manager. The section “ Business etiquette" If in the first years of publication of the magazine this section published articles revealing the principles of etiquette, the relationship between the manager and the secretary, and the features of telephone etiquette, then later, along with domestic traditions of business etiquette, a lot of materials on communication with foreign partners are published. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation A.S. Loginova, teachers of the Department of Document Science of the Russian State University for the Humanities E.M. Emysheva and O.V. Mosyagina, associate professor of Moscow State University R.N. Moseev and other authors in their publications reveal the traditions and features of the Russian business communication, national character and business culture communication between representatives of foreign countries. A review of thematic headings shows that on the pages of the magazine, almost all content blocks that make up the competence of a modern secretary were considered with varying degrees of completeness. The materials in this index provide a fairly complete picture in this regard. Articles were published for secretaries on issues of information and technical support for management, and archival aspects in office work. They were introduced to the areas of activity government agencies power and management, experience working with documents in specific organizations. The great merit of the editorial board was the publication of materials in the “Foreign Experience” section. Only in the magazine “Secretary Affairs” could specialists in the field of preschool education be familiar with articles that covered issues legal regulation processes of documentation and organization of work with documents in different foreign countries. Thanks to the dissertation research of young scientists Yu.M. Kukarina, L.N. Varlamova, L.M. Morozovskaya, O.I. Ryskova appeared on the pages of the magazine interesting works, dedicated to electronic document and electronic document flow, areas of activity of national organizations to create a document management system in Europe and Asia, the USA, Canada and Australia. Articles by VNIIDAD specialists O.I. Ryskova and O.Yu. Mitchenko allowed readers to familiarize themselves with the ISO 9000 series standards in the field of information and documentation, with the requirements international organization to the composition of documentation and documentation of quality management system processes. The organizers of the magazine “Secretary Affairs” made permanent the participation of other magazines in the work of their periodical. This is how sections appeared in which materials from guests of the magazines “Labor Law”, “Personnel Management”, “Housing Law”, “Criminal Law” were published. The variety of magazine genres, such as articles, interviews, comments from specialists, allows, along with others, the use of a dialogue form of communication. Leading scientists and practitioners in the field of jurisprudence appear on the pages of the magazine, who shape the legal culture of secretaries, helping them to better master the norms of legislation on issues that most often arise in their professional activities. Statistical analysis showed that the magazine published 44 interviews with figures different levels– from governors and political party leaders to heads of the largest domestic and foreign companies and executive secretaries small firms. Guests of the magazine "Secretary Affairs" and "Human Resource Management" reflected on the problems of politics and economics, focusing on issues of management, business, human resource management, vocational education modern specialists. Opinions of authoritative people different areas activities allow secretaries to expand their knowledge and understanding on a whole range of issues of the country’s socio-economic development. The scope of this article does not allow us to fully consider all the materials published in the journal during this period. The team of authors of the first professional periodical purposefully carried out their activities to form the personality of a new type of secretary. The information array of the magazine can be compared to a guide to the profession, which no specialist in the field of documentation management can do without. The magazine acted as a kind of teaching aid for different categories of secretaries, teachers of educational institutions and students. Articles in the “Training” section helped to improve their skills. Everyone used these materials either for the purpose of self-education, or to develop lecture courses and methodological support for practical classes. The magazine successfully combined different types articles. Among them are publications with elements of theoretical and historical knowledge, methodological and industrial-practical nature. The pages of the magazine reflected work experience, consultations, and practical advice from specialists. The magazine informed about scientific and practical conferences, organized secretarial competitions, and introduced subscribers to the latest literature and digests of specialized journals. The section “Reference Information” reported on news in the cultural life of the country, interesting facts and events. The “Editor's Column” contained information about new phenomena in the development of the magazine and drew the attention of subscribers to individual articles. All publications were aimed at the comprehensive development of the secretary’s personality as the main consumer of professional information. At the same time, some of the materials were also addressed to the management staff, which contributed to the establishment of mutual understanding among managers and secretaries, their more successful collaboration. Summing up the results of the ten-year publication of the journal, it is worth noting a number of trends that can be traced when analyzing the bibliographic array of the content index. One of them is the inclusion of specialists from related fields of knowledge and practical activity in the author’s composition. Historians, lawyers, economists, philologists, linguists, psychologists, library specialists, medical workers, as well as a large group of university teachers with academic degrees and titles in the field of humanities and technical sciences. Integrative principles in the subject matter of the magazine and the content of articles allowed it to acquire its own appearance and uniqueness. Another trend manifested itself in the fact that teachers from educational institutions and practitioners from many regions of Russia became involved in shaping the topics of the journal. Their publications enriched the content of the journal and made it possible to make regional experience in working with documents and training secretaries available to the general public. It should also be noted that thanks to the content index and systematization of the journal’s publications, it was possible to record the appropriate level of development of scientific thought in the field of management documentation and practical activities in the field of documentation support for management of the late 20th – early 21st centuries. Defining future prospects its development, the organizers of “Secretary Affairs” need to take into account the fact that the magazine has been published for several years in the conditions of the parallel existence of other, no less interesting periodicals: “Secretary-assistant”, “Directory of the secretary and office manager”, “Office work and document flow in the enterprise”. The competitive situation should stimulate the activities of the editorial board in searching for new forms of reflecting professional knowledge. From our point of view, both domestic and foreign experience in all areas of interest to secretaries should be more widely disclosed. Under the conditions of administrative reform, the functions of federal, regional and local authorities power and management, therefore there is a need for a new understanding and characterization of the directions of their activities. The emergence of new national GOSTs in the field of standardization and information technology obliges practitioners to understand their system. At the same time, it is necessary to update the content of materials in traditional sections of the magazine. Time moves inexorably forward, not only new technologies appear, but the very sphere of management and its information support. Secretarial Affairs magazine must continue to fulfill its mission and be an indispensable source of professional information for its subscribers. It has the potential for this. A.I. Isachenkova

Index to Journal Contents

1. Regulatory framework

documentation support for management

1.1. General work

    Albrecht, B.V. Regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological issues of organizing work with documents on personnel. – 2004. – No. 1. – P. 9 – 11. Kossov, I.A. Legal regulation of accounting, storage and use of forms and seals with the image of the state emblem of the Russian Federation. – 2001. – No. 2. – P. 22 – 24. Kossov, I.A. Legal aspects of documenting the activities of the commission on labor disputes. – 2000. – No. 2. – P. 6 – 9. Krylova, I.A. Legal and normative-methodological regulation of issues of organizing the current storage of documents in commercial structures. – 2003. – No. 5. – P. 16 – 19. Kuznetsova, T.V. Changes in the legislative, regulatory and methodological framework for office work. – 2003. – No. 5. – P. 7 – 13. Kuznetsova, T.V. Changes in 2003 in the legislative, regulatory and methodological framework for documentation support of management. – 2004. – No. 2. – P. 4 – 6. Ryskov, O.I. Regulatory, legal and methodological support for electronic document management: comparison of domestic and foreign experience. – 2005. – No. 2. – P. 54 – 58. Ryskov, O.I. Review of the regulatory framework for the use of electronic documents in the Russian Federation. – 2005. – No. 11. – P. 5 – 13.

See also: 525, 531, 545 – 552, 561, 565

To help the secretary, office manager, administrator, office worker

Our publication is primarily intended for secretaries, office managers, administrators, assistant managers, and office workers. But we are sure that any office worker will find something interesting in it.

In each issue of the magazine, we talk about the nuances of record keeping, organizing document flow, as well as creating, registering, searching and storing documents, and monitoring their execution. We try to cover any changes regarding business paperwork requirements.

On our pages, competent authors introduce readers to the intricacies of organizing and maintaining an archive, the use of computer and office equipment, as well as automated document management systems (ADMS). In the magazine you will find consultations with psychologists, recommendations on office design, style and business etiquette.

Surely you will appreciate the applied nature of the materials on holding meetings, presentations, business negotiations and corporate events, optimizing office work, increasing personal efficiency and time management.

In the section "Secretary Plus" We try to cover some issues related to the activities of personnel workers, legal advisers, and accountants. All this can be useful to the “right hand” of the manager, because often the secretary has to combine responsibilities.

In addition, in the magazine you will find information on:

Conducting business correspondence
- compiling a list of cases
- delivery of documents to the archive
- organizing meetings of clients and partners in the office
- preventing conflict situations
- increasing personal effectiveness
- and many, many other topics.

A.E. Rybakov, director of BelNIIDAD;
A.N. Sukach, head of the document management department of BelNIIDAD;
N.A. Kapmole - senior researcher at the document management department of BelNIIDAD;
N.N. Novik, researcher at the document management department of BelNIIDAD.

G.A. Kudryakova, chief specialist of the general department of the Main Economic Directorate of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus;
T.V. Rahuboh, lawyer;
I'M IN. Monich, practicing psychologist.

The frequency of publication is once a month.

Magazine volume - 80 pages.

© Secretarial Business 2002 - 2019

    The publication of the Secretarial Business magazine was conceived five years ago and in 1996, subscriptions to the magazine were announced for the first time. During the first half of 1996, subscribers received the book “Secretary-Referent”, written by a team of authors, and from the second half of the year the magazine itself began to be published quarterly.
    Five years is still a small anniversary, but it gives rise to the first analysis and first results.
    Why did the magazine appear?
    Its appearance is connected with the need of the time. More recently, the unpopular and low-paid profession of a secretary has today become one of the most prestigious in our country. It is in constant demand in the labor market, and high wages brought into the secretaries people with higher education from a variety of fields: teachers, translators, engineers, etc.
    A sharp change in attitude towards the secretary profession occurred in connection with fundamental changes in the economy. The head of any organization, company, enterprise has to constantly make decisions, the timeliness and correctness of which determines the existence and well-being of the company in conditions of fierce competition. And any leader, more than ever, needs an assistant - a secretary-referent who takes on his organizational and information service, frees him from wasting time and knows how to maintain the high authority of the leader.
    The secretary connects the manager with the outside world and employees of the company, organizes the reception of visitors, telephone conversations, meetings, receives, processes, reports information and documents on time, draws them up, stores and submits them upon request. A highly qualified secretary-assistant is also entrusted with the preparation of documents. IN small organization(company) the secretary is responsible for all organizational and clerical services. A secretary is needed in any company and organization. In large organizations, there should be a secretary in every division, department, department.
    Today, secretarial assistants are trained by higher and secondary educational institutions. A large number of secretarial training courses have also appeared with various durations of study on the basis of higher or secondary education.
    One of mandatory conditions successful work in the 21st century – high professionalism. To be a professional in any field of activity, you must constantly improve your knowledge and skills. However, the literature on secretarial problems very quickly becomes outdated, and even truly serious ones good books very little comes out. The periodically published magazine makes it possible to constantly keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of your chosen profession.
    Today, the Secretarial Business magazine is essentially the only highly professional magazine for secretaries of any level.
    Who prepares the magazine?
    The magazine is mainly prepared by Muscovites. Authors from other regions, despite constant invitations from the editors, very rarely get involved, and if this happens, their materials are immediately published. For example, two articles by teacher and philologist of Lyceum No. 15 of the city of Perm A.G. Menshikova about the culture of speech, including during telephone conversations by A.G. Menshikova, are very interesting. Speech culture in the work of a secretary-assistant. How to achieve it? // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 4 and Menshikova A.G. Managing your interlocutor on the phone. Is it that simple? // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4..
    The main team of authors consists of teachers from two Moscow universities: the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) and the State University of Management (SUM).
    This is explained by the fact that it was at the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute 40 years ago (September 1960) that the training of specialists with higher education in documentation support for management was first started. In 1987, Ekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk) State University and Moscow University of Management joined the Historical and Archival Institute in terms of training such specialists. S. Ordzhonikidze (now the State University of Management). And only in the second half of the 1990s. Faculty of office management are opening in other cities throughout the country. By the end of 2000, about 40 universities were already training specialists in document management support. Thus, today we have the greatest experience in teaching disciplines that allow us to form lore secretaries, accumulated at the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities and the State University of Management. That is why most of the articles were written by teachers and graduate students of these universities. The magazine is constantly prepared by several departments of the Russian State University for the Humanities: Documentation Science; Archival studies and archaeography; Stories government agencies And public organizations; Organizational development; Information and computing systems; Department of the Faculty of Information Security. The journal is attended by teachers and graduate students of the Department of Documentation and Documentation Support of Management of the State University of Management. In addition, the authors of the articles in the magazine are specialists from the country’s only research institute for document management and archival affairs – VNIIDAD of the Russian Archive. Therefore, we can confidently say that the best scientific forces of the country are involved in the preparation and publication of this journal.
    How is the content of the journal and the topics of articles formed?
    Since the magazine is called “Secretary Affairs” and, as its name suggests, is dedicated to the work of a secretary, its content, topics of columns and articles are based on the requirements for a secretary from the qualification characteristics drawn up and approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia. They list the job responsibilities of secretaries, what they should know and be able to do. (This job characteristics a special article was devoted to T.V. Kuznetsov. New qualification characteristics Secretaries // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3.).
    But it must immediately be pointed out that the magazine interprets the concept of secretary much more broadly than is done in the official job descriptions.
    The concept of “secretary” is quite complex and has many gradations - from secretary-assistant manager, secretary-assistant, scientific secretary, secretary of the board, secretary of the institution, secretary of a structural unit to technical secretary. Hence the wide variety of their activities, complex of responsibilities and rights, different requirements for education, professional skills - from a specialist with higher education and scientific degree to yesterday's school graduate who completed secretarial courses. The content of the work and the ratio of creative and technical operations are also different for them.
    Today, secretaries-assistants and secretaries with higher or secondary education are most often required. special education who know a foreign language, work on a computer, and have a certain amount of work experience.
    The magazine is primarily aimed at secretaries who want to work professionally. Therefore, it has been published many times and will probably be published more than once about the high place of the secretary in the management structure, the requirements for him, about job descriptions - the main organizational and legal document that defines his rights, position in the organization, and the nature of T.V. Kuznetsova’s work. The place and importance of the secretary in the management structure // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Sankina L.V. Specialty – secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; The place of the secretary-assistant in the management structure and his responsibilities through the eyes of first-year students (Department of Document Management of the Russian State University for the Humanities) // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4; Kuznetsova T.V. Training of highly qualified secretaries and assistants // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Sankina L.V. Job responsibilities Secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 3; Sankina L.V. Job description for the assistant secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Sankina L.V. Job description of the secretary of a structural unit // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Sankina L.V. Job description of the manager's secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Shatina N.V. How to get a job as a secretary-assistant // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 3; Shatina N.V. Functions of a secretary-assistant manager // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Vyalova L.M. How to become a professional secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Bykova T.A. Company secretary (some aspects of foreign experience) // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 3. Biryukova S.A., Vyalova L.M. Modern requirements to the profession of secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Kuznetsova T.V. How to compose job description Secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1, etc..
    Conventionally, the work of any secretary can be divided intotwo parts:
    working with documents (information and documentation services);
    organizational work (commonly referred to as paperless maintenance in the literature). This type of activity usually includes organizing meetings, receiving visitors, telephone conversations, business trips, etc.
    Working with documents takes most of working time of the secretary, which is why so much attention in the magazine is paid to issues of documentation, that is, drawing up and processing documents and working with them. Articles on these issues can be found in any issue of the journal. They are dedicated as general requirements to the preparation of documents Kuznetsova T.V., Banasyukevich V.D. New GOST R 6.30-97 Requirements for document preparation // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Kuznetsova T.V. Changes to GOST R 6.30-97 Requirements for document preparation // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Chukovenkov A.Yu., Yankovaya V.F. International standards for documentation. Correspondence with foreign partners // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4., drawing up specific types of documents (orders, letters, certificates, acts, contracts, etc.) Bykova T.A. Legal requirements for internal documents of a company: drafting and execution of provisions // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Bykova T.A. On some approaches to drafting texts of commercial contracts // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Sankina L.V. Information and reference documents. Features of compilation and design // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2-3; Iritikova V.S. Rules for drawing up and processing a protocol // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 3; Iritikova V.S. Order on core activities // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 4; Iritikova V.S. Order on personnel // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; Iritikova V.S. Reports and explanatory notes // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Iritikova V.S. Rules for drawing up and execution of an act // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Iritikova V.S. Registration of telephone messages // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Shatina N.V. Business letter. Preparation and dispatch // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Yankovaya V.F. How to compose text business letter// Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Kossov I.A. Legal requirements for the preparation of documents: commercial agreement // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2; Kossov I.A. Legal requirements for paperwork: charter economic society// Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3; Kossov I.A. Acquiring legal force by a document // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Kossov I.A. Employment contract: order of conclusion // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Kossov I.A. Requirements for filing claims and statements of claim // Secretarial file, 1998, No. 4, etc., as well as individual details of Sankina L.V. Endorsement and approval // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; Demushkin A.S. All about seals and stamps // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4; Ilyushenko M.P. Resolution on a document as a type management decision. // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3..
    Several articles described the procedure for preparing and processing documents abroad Chukovenkov A.Yu., Yankovaya V.F. Practice of business correspondence in English-speaking countries // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Konkova A.Yu. Drawing up and processing of business correspondence in France // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 3..
    Particular attention was paid to the peculiarities of the style of official documents and their editing Basovskaya E.N. Language difficulties associated with the preparation of documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1-2; Basovskaya E.N. Some orthographic aspects of the linguistic design of documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Basovskaya E.N. Editing official documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Basovskaya E.N. How to learn this? // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Basovskaya E.N. Compound words // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Leonova G.V. Difficult spelling issues: N or NN // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Leonova G.V. Numerals in official documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Yankovaya V.F. Insidious words - paronyms // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4..
    For five years, the magazine covered almost all stages of working with a document, from reception and initial processing, registration, control, to submission to the archive. At the same time, each stage and type of work with documents was considered using both traditional and computer technologies Vyalova L.M. Organization of the movement of documents // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Kuznetsov S.L. Reception and transmission of documents in automated systems // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Kuznetsova T.V. Registration is a key point in organizing the secretary’s work with documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Kuznetsov S.L. Automated systems for registration and control of execution // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 4; Artamonova I.L. From implementation experience automated system registration // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Kuznetsova T.V. Maintaining control over deadlines is the most important task of the secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Stepanov E.A. Monitoring the execution of documents and instructions // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Kuznetsov S.L. Automated execution control is an important condition for successful office work // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1..
    The magazine also paid attention to the topical issues of organizing the current storage of documents for the secretary: the nomenclature of files and the formation of files Emysheva E.M. Methodology for compiling a nomenclature of cases // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 3; Shatina N.V. Drawing up a list of cases // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Aleksentsev A.I. Drawing up nomenclatures of confidential files // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2. Mosyagina O.M., Emysheva E.M. Modern requirements for the formation and execution of cases // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 4; Stepanov E.A. Formation of confidential documents in files and work with them // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Aleksantsev A.I. Formation and registration of confidential files // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; .
    The Department of Archival Science and Archeography systematically publishes articles on issues of archival storage of documents Alekseeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M., Osichkina G.A. “Archivistika” - not only for archivists // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Alekseeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M., Osichkina G.A. Archival aspects in office work: archival acquisition // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 4; Alekseeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M., Osichkina G.A. Archival aspects in office work: examination of the value of documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1; Alekseeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M., Osichkina G.A. Archival aspects in office work: creation of an inventory // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2; Alekseeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M., Osichkina G.A. Archival aspects in office work: reference apparatus for the inventory // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3; Alekseeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M., Osichkina G.A. Archival aspects in office work: description of documents and files // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Alekseeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M., Osichkina G.A. Archival aspects in office work: organization of documents and files of the archival fund of the Russian Federation. // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Alekseeva E.V., Afanasyeva L.P., Burova E.M., Osichkina G.A. Archival aspects in office work: organization of documents and files within the archive // ​​Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4..
    A special section of the journal contains articles devoted to information protection and working with restricted access documents (secret and confidential). Basically, this section is led by the head of the Department of Information Security Methodology of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Professor A.I. Aleksentsev and Assoc. GUU Stepanov E.A. Aleksentsev A.I. The essence and features of confidential office work // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1; Aleksentsev A.I. Determination of the composition of confidential documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2; Aleksentsev A.I. Preparation and publication of confidential documents on paper // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3; Aleksentsev A.I. Accounting for confidential documents made on paper // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Aleksentsev A.I. Organization of confidential document flow // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Aleksentsev A.I. Drawing up nomenclatures of confidential files // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Aleksentsev A.I. Formation and registration of confidential files // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Aleksentsev A.I. Storage regime for confidential documents // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4; Vyalova L.M. Protection of state secrets // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Stepanov E.A. Protection of information in the work of a secretary-assistant // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1-4; Stepanov E.A. Formation of confidential documents in files and work with them // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Stepanov E.A. Protection of information when working with visitors // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Stepanov E.A. Protection of confidential information during meetings and negotiations // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Stepanov E.A. Accounting for confidential documents // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4. Shatina N.V. Strictly confidential: to the secretary about trade secrets // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Shatina N.V. How to work with documents that make up trade secret// Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Kostomarov M.N. Cryptographic protection of document information // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4.
    A modern office is unthinkable without computer technology. Numerous articles under the heading “ computer technology» Artamonova I.L. From the experience of implementing an automated registration system // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Artamonova I.L. From the experience of the General Department of the Russian State University for the Humanities on storing and retrieving documents in databases of the Lotus Notes program // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Artamonova I.L. Creation, approval and approval of orders in the Lotus Notes program General department Russian State University for the Humanities // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Efimova O.A. Modern technologies for working with documents: automation of office work // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Efimova O.A. Modern systems office automation. An attempt at analysis and classification // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4; Kuznetsov S.L. Application modern technologies in working with documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 3; Kuznetsov S.L. Automated systems for registration and control of execution // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 4; Kuznetsov S.L. Automated execution control is an important condition for successful office work // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; Kuznetsov S.L. Storing documents in electronic form// Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Kuznetsov S.L. Automated office management system – necessary condition successful work of the company // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Kuznetsov S.L. DOCS Open // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Kuznetsov S.L. Ensuring the safety of electronic documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Kuznetsov S.L. Software tools ensuring the safety of electronic documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Kuznetsov S.L. Using computers to work with personnel documentation// Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Kuznetsov S.L. Recommendations for purchasing a computer // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2; Kuznetsov S.L. New programs for the modern office // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3; Kuznetsov S.L. Organization of work with electronic documents in a small office // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Kuznetsov S.L. Problems of office automation at annual conferences // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Kuznetsov S.L. Computer capabilities in the preparation and execution of documents // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Kuznetsov S.L. Reception and transmission of documents in automated systems // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Kuznetsov S.L. Problems in choosing software for complex automation office work // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4; Maksimovich G.Yu. Experience in using the automated ODB-Text system to improve documentation support for management // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Maksimovich G.Yu., Andreev A.M. New opportunities for office automation // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. Computer data transmission networks - a modern means of communication // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. Teleconference - a new information technology for information exchange // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. Overcoming the difficulties of working with texts on foreign languages based on modern information technologies // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. Electronic translators // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. Hypertext – new form working with textual material // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. Hypertext systems - tools for creating and processing hypertexts // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 4; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. Electronic store // Secretarial business, 1999, No. 1; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. From text on paper to electronic copy just one step // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. Create computer presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint 97 // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3; Maksimovich G.Yu., Berestova V.I. How to create a documentary information system// Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Maksimovich G.Yu., Sankina L.V. Application of database technology in the work of a secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; Sokolov A.V., Kotyakhov A.Yu. On the development of electronic offices // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 4; Sysoeva L.A. Does a secretary-referent need the Internet? // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Shatina N.V. To the company secretary about e-mailLotus cc-mail for Windows // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Shatina N.V. The role of the secretary in the creation of an electronic office // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1..
    The magazine pays no less attention to issues of business etiquette. One of the regular authors of this column is Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation A.S. Loginova. Loginova A.S. Rational wardrobe for the assistant secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; Loginova A.S. Words and situations: some issues of etiquette in the work of a secretary-assistant // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Loginova A.S. Issues of etiquette in the work of a secretary-assistant: acquaintance and presentation // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Loginova A.S. Office etiquette. Behavior of the manager and secretary in the process of transmitting orders for execution // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Loginova A.S. Office etiquette. Reward and punishment // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Loginova A.S. Basic principles of etiquette // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Loginova A.S. “A woman at work: problems, problems, problems...” // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 4; Loginova A.S. Business etiquette. At an official, gala dinner // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1; Loginova A.S. Business etiquette. Protocol issues of receiving a foreign delegation // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2; Loginova A.S. How to make gifts // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Loginova A.S. Woman and man: in a restaurant // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Loginova A.S. Woman and man in the theater // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Loginova A.S. Telephone conversation. Some issues of business etiquette // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4., whose articles enjoy constant success. The problems of etiquette are also covered by teachers of the Department of Documentation Science of the Russian State University for the Humanities E.M.Emysheva and O.V.Mosyagina E.M. Emysheva, O.V. Mosyagina. Origins of business etiquette // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1; Emysheva E.M., Mosyagina O.V. Some features of negotiating with representatives different countries// Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Emysheva E.M., Mosyagina O.V. Good tone in correspondence // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Emysheva E.M., Mosyagina O.V. Reception of visitors. Business etiquette // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Emysheva E.M., Mosyagina O.V. Business etiquette. Woman in the office // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4; Mosyagina O.V., Emysheva E.M. Culture business relations// Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2..
    Senior bibliographer scientific library RSUH Astapovich A.O. Since the founding of the magazine, he has constantly maintained the column “Bibliography, abstracts, annotations”, in all issues of the magazine introducing readers to the latest literature that a secretary may need in his work.
    The head of the Department of History of State Institutions and Public Organizations of the Russian State University for the Humanities, prof., devotes his articles to the modern organization of the state apparatus of the Russian Federation. T.G.Arkhipova Arkhipova T.G. What should a company secretary know about the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; Arkhipova T.G. Where can I find the legal act? // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Arkhipova T.G. What should a secretary-referent know about the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Arkhipova T.G. What should a secretary-referent know about the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Arkhipova T.G. What should the secretary-assistant know about the Ministry of Labor and social development RF // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Arkhipova T.G. What should a secretary-referent know about the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Arkhipova T.G. What should the secretary-referent know about the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Arkhipova T.G. What should a secretary-referent know about the tax service of the Russian Federation? // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 4; Arkhipova T.G. About the Federal Archive Service of Russia // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2-3; Arkhipova T.G. To the assistant secretary - about the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Arkhipova T.G. To the Secretary-Referent about the Ministry of emergency situations Russian Federation // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 1; Arkhipova T.G. To the secretary-referent about the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2..
    During the working day, the secretary has to communicate with a large circle of people: managers, employees, visitors and petitioners. Therefore, the magazine on its pages strives to cover the problems of communication psychology Vasyutinskaya O.V. Psychological competence of a secretary: conflict resolution // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Lukyanova N.F., Talan M.V. How to achieve the greatest effectiveness in conversation // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Lukyanova N.F., Talan M.V. How to conduct meetings and business discussions correctly // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Lukyanova N.F., Talan M.V. Negotiations // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4; Rozanova V.A. Psychological characteristics of the activities of secretaries and their selection by managers // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Shatina N.V. Secretary and visitors of the company // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2. This section is attended by professional psychologists, teachers of the Department of State municipal government Institute for Advanced Training of Civil Servants of the Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation: candidate of psychological sciences, head. Department N.F. Lukyanov and senior lecturer. Department M.V. Talan.
    Since a large number of technical means are used in the work of a secretary, almost every issue of the magazine contains articles talking about office equipment and its use in O.L. Burtsev’s office. Radiotelephones in modern office// Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Gureeva N.Yu. Destroying documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 4; Gureeva N.Yu. Efficiency of using technical means // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1; Gureeva N.Yu., Sedova O.L. Copying equipment: history and modernity // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Gureeva N.Yu., Sedova O.L. Fax machines // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2; Gureeva N.Yu., Sedova O.L. Modern dictaphone technology // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Gureeva N.Yu., Sedova O.L. Office equipment and the health of the secretary // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Reichtsaum A.L. Office equipment for storing and transporting documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1; Reichtsaum A.L. Office equipment for documentation processes // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 2; Reichtsaum A.L. Technical support activities of office personnel // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 3; Sedova O.L., Burtseva O.L. Reproduction of documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1; Sedova O.L., Gureeva N.Yu. Typewriting technology: history and modernity // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Sedova O.L., Gureeva N.Yu. Document processing tools // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 4; Sedova O.L., Gureeva N.Yu. Office telephones // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3. .
    The magazine raised issues of organizing the working day, rationing work Kuznetsova T.V. Time standards for working with documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; , workplace equipment, working conditions of the secretary-assistant Dodonov M.I. How to organize the working day of a secretary-assistant // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 4; Dodonova M.I. Organization and working conditions of a secretary-assistant // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Shatina N.V. Organization of office reception work // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; Emysheva E.M., Mosyagina O.V. At work, like at home... // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; .
    Increased demands on the secretary and the need to constantly improve their qualifications have caused the emergence of large quantity educational institutions of various levels - from universities to short-term courses. Hence the great interest in the journal of teachers working in these educational institutions. The “Training” section is designed for them, which not only tells what secretaries need to read in various disciplines, but mainly focuses on the teaching methods of N.I. Arkhipov, O.L. Sedova. The role of the discipline "Personnel Management" in the training of specialists in the field of document management and teaching methods // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 4; Arkhipova T.G. The need for information about the modern organization of the state apparatus for the secretary-assistant // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 3; Basovskaya E.N. Concept of the course “Documentary linguistics” for secretarial assistants // Secretarial Affairs, 1996, No. 4; Basovskaya E.N. Training assignments (the art of business writing) // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Dodonova M.I. Concept of the lecture course “Secretary Affairs” // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3; Dodonova M.I., Efimenko E.A. Sources and literature - the basis for studying the history and organization of office work in Russia (XVI - early XX centuries) // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, No. 2; Dodonova M.I. Learning to draw up documents based on management situations // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Efimenko E.A. Methodology for conducting practical classes in office work // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2; Efimenko E.A. Practical exercises on the preparation of official documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1; Efimenko E.A. Regulatory and methodological support for practical classes // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 2; Efimenko E.A. Collections of cases and documents for practical training (on the history of the organization of office work in the 16th and early 20th centuries) // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 3; Efimenko E.A. Visual aids for practical training in the preparation and execution of documents // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1; Efimenko E.A. Visual aids for practical classes on organizing work with documents (XVI - early XX centuries) // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 3; Efimenko E.A. Methodological support for practical training on the topic “Document, its functions, methods of documentation” // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 4; Efimenko E.A., Sankina L.V. Practical lessons on organizing office work services // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 3. .
    Judging by the letters from readers, this section is of great benefit to teachers.
    It is difficult to name absolutely all the topics covered by the magazine over the past five years. For example, Associate Professor of the Department of Documentation Science of the Russian State University for the Humanities Bykova T.A. wrote a number of articles specifically for the magazine on the peculiarities of working with documents in joint stock companies ah Bykova T.A. Documentation of preparation and implementation general meeting shareholders // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 1; Bykova T.A. Documentation of the organization and activities of management bodies in joint-stock companies // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 2-3; Bykova T.A. Legal framework for documenting the organization and activities of joint-stock companies // Secretarial Affairs, 1997, No. 4; Bykova T.A. Some features of documenting the creation of joint-stock companies // Secretarial Affairs, 1998, No. 1-2; Bykova T.A. Features of documenting the creation of a representative office foreign company in the Russian Federation // Secretarial Affairs, 1999, No. 1-2; Bykova T.A. Registration of a representative office of a foreign company in the Russian Federation: features of the composition and content of documents // Secretarial Affairs, 2000, № 1; , the magazine talked about preparing and holding meetings, equipment and office landscaping, telephone conversations and business trips. Several articles touched on the history of secretarial work, etc.
    The growing circulation of the magazine, the demand for issues of previous years, the constant demand for the magazine in libraries and letters from readers allow us to believe that the magazine has turned out to be necessary, useful and the editorial board hopes for close cooperation with readers in the new 21st century.