a structural division of a company that does not earn a profit and is located at budget financing at the profit center. Boning - attribute expenses to the costing center.

Dictionary of the Great Russian language business communication. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what COST-CENTER is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CENTER in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    IMPACT - the point on the blade of the blade that first comes into contact with the target when ...
  • CENTER in the Slang Dictionary of Sevastopol:
    1. Central City Hill area 2. Residential area on the waterfront in ...
  • CENTER in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • CENTER in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    SALES - a sales division of a company that is not allowed to reduce the price of a product to increase sales, but is required to achieve...
  • CENTER in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • CENTER in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • CENTER in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    PROFIT GETTING - a division of a company that has a clear product-oriented activity, which is able to independently make a profit, regardless of the success of its work...
  • CENTER in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • CENTER in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    UN HUMAN RIGHTS is the main unit of the UN Secretariat for the implementation of human rights programs. Responsible for the executive management...
  • CENTER in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    COST - production division company for which consumption standards are established...
    in mechanical engineering - a steel cone used to install a product during processing on a machine, in control and measuring ...
    In mechanics, the concept of a center is either connected with the concept of symmetry (see Axis) around it, or with the concept of place...
  • CENTER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    - In mechanics, the concept of a center is either connected with the concept of symmetry around it, or with the concept of the place of application...
  • COST in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Jean-Victor Coste) - French. natural scientist (1807-1873) - prof. Collège de France. He earned honorable fame for his work on artificial fish breeding. ...
    [Latin centrum, from the Greek point (compass), center] 1) in geometry, the center of a circle (sphere) is a point equidistant from all points of the circle...
  • CENTER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. 1. A point in a geometric figure, body, possessing some. only its inherent property and usually obtained by the intersection of some lines, ...
  • CENTER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. A point in a geometric figure, body, possessing some. only its inherent property and usually obtained by the intersection of lines, ...
    STORAGE OF MODERN DOCUMENTATION (TsKhSD) Committee for Archives under the Government of Russia. Federation. Created in 1991 in Moscow on the basis of archives...
  • CENTER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HEaviness, invariably associated with TV. body is a point through which passes the resultant of the forces of gravity acting on the particles of this body at any ...
  • CENTER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    COSMONAUT TRAINING, basic. in 1960 (since 1968 named after Yu.A. Gagarin); located in Star City Mosk. ...
  • CENTER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MASS (center of inertia) of the body (system material points), point, position of the cut characterizes the distribution of masses in the body or mechanical. system. When moving...
  • CENTER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PRESSURE in hydroaeromechanics, the point of application of the resultant forces acting on a body moving or at rest in a fluid or ...
  • CENTER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Latin centrum - center of a circle), middle. Locality(eg, region Ts.). Place of concentration of k.-l. activities, governing bodies, organizations and...
  • COST in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (Jean-Victor Coste) ? French natural scientist (1807?1873) ? prof. Coll è ge de France. He has earned honorable fame for his work on artificial...
  • CENTER in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. 1) (of which, only units) Middle, middle part of smth. City center. Be in the center of the site. She [veranda] ...
  • CENTER in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    center, hearth, focal point. Center of gravity. Wed. . See the point...
  • CENTER in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    center, …
  • CENTER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    center, …
  • CENTER in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    the dominant, leading institution of any industry Cardiology c. Oncological c. Television c. Cosmonaut training center. Flight control center. city ​​center with...
  • CENTER in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. , lat. center, ostie, autumn, osten. Center of a circle, ball. Circles of the same or common center, drawn from one point. | ...
  • CENTER in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    in mathematics -..1) the center of symmetry of a geometric figure is such a point O that the figure, together with point A, always contains and ...
  • CENTER in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    center, m. (Greek kentron, lit. tip). 1. point of concentration of something. relationships in the figure (mat., mech.). The center of a circle or ball (point...
  • PYRAMID OF THE TEMPORAL BONE in Medical terms:
    the inner part of the temporal bone, having the shape of a triangular pyramid, directed with the apex (apex of the P. v. k.) forward and medially; inside P. v. ...
  • CAPE COST in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Cape Coast) city in Ghana, port on the Gulf of Guinea, administrative center of the Central region. 102 thousand inhabitants (1982). Fishing. Food enterprises. ...
  • GOLD COAST in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    seaside resort in Australia; cm. …
    (Cape Coast), a city in Ghana, the administrative center of the Central Region. 71.6 thousand inhabitants (1970). Port on the Gulf of Guinea. Export of cocoa beans. ...
  • CAPE COST in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Cape Coast), city in Ghana, port on the Gulf of Guinea, adm. c. Central region 102 t.zh. (1982). Fish. Food pr-tiya. ...
  • GHANA in the Directory of Countries of the World:
    REPUBLIC OF GHANA State in West Africa. In the north and north-west it borders with Burki na Faso, in the east - with Togo, in the west ...
  • ACCRA in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    (Accra) I 1st Anglo-Ashanti War. The site of the battle of 1824 between the 10,000-strong Ashanti army and the British (1,000 people) under the command of General. sir...
  • MEUKOW in the Dictionary of Alcoholic Beverages:
    (Cognac House of Meukow) The creators of this brand are the Auguste-Christophe brothers Auguste-Christophe and Gustave Meukow, immigrants from Silesia and later ...
  • SOUTHPORT in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Southport) (formerly Gold Coast Gold Coast), a seaside climatic resort in Australia, on the Pacific coast, south of Brisbane. Australia's largest...
  • SOCIOLOGY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (French sociologie, from Latin socictas - society and Greek logos - word, doctrine; literally - the doctrine of society), the science of ...
  • PRECIOUS LITERATURE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • AREA (LAND) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from Old Slav. oblada - possession), area, land, region; part of any territory (country, state, continent, landmass, etc.), allocated...
  • RESERVE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    a section of territory (water area) in which its entire natural complex is preserved in its natural state. Z. areas are usually declared that are typical for a given ...
  • DUMENILLE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Dumesnil) (real name and surname - Marie Françoise Marchand; Marchand) (2.1.1713, Paris, - 20.2.1802, ibid.), French actress. Stage activities...

Price (Price) is the assigned amount for the purchase of products, goods or services. Price is the flywheel of the market mechanism. Low prices stimulate consumption and reduce production. High prices reduce the number of purchases and stimulate production.

Conversion price Conversion Value - the market value of a convertible security divided by the number of shares for which it can be exchanged.

Initial offering price, offer price (IPO Price, Offering Price) - the price of the first placement of shares, which is determined by the underwriter before the shares begin to be quoted on the stock exchange. Once shares are first quoted, their price is determined by actual supply and demand, and may be higher or lower than the initial offering price. See underwriter.

Purchase price (Cost to Buy) - direct and indirect costs required to purchase products, goods or services.

Fixed income security (Fixed-Cost Security) - security, providing its holder with a flow of income in the form of interest or dividends of a constant value throughout the entire period of its validity.

Revenue Center (Revenue Center) - a division of the company; center of financial responsibility, responsible for generating income and having the necessary resources and powers to increase income within its division.

Cost center (Cost Centre) - a division of the company; a center of financial responsibility, responsible for the efficient use of costs and having the necessary resources and powers to influence the reduction of costs within its division. See Center for Financial Responsibility.

Investment Center (Investment Center) - a company or a division of a company; center of financial responsibility, responsible for the effective use of investments and profit generation, and having the necessary resources and powers that influence the profitability and return on investment, increasing income and reducing expenses within its division. See Financial Responsibility Center, Profit Center.

Profit center (Profit Center) - a company or a division of a company; a center of financial responsibility, responsible for making a profit, and having the necessary resources and powers to increase income and reduce expenses within its division. See Center for Financial Responsibility.

Center for Financial Responsibility (Financial Center) - a company, or a division of a company, allocated in the financial structure as an independent unit, responsible for the implementation key indicators and having the necessary powers and resources to do so. Financial responsibility centers are divided into income centers, cost centers, profit centers and investment centers.

Cycle cash flows (Cash Flow Cycle) - the period of time during which money is converted into inventories, inventories are converted into receivables, and then receivables are converted back into cash.

Working capital cycle (Working Capital Cycle) - transformation of working capital over a period into cash inflows and outflows.

Cyclical fluctuations (Cyclical Variations) - the impact on changes in operating conditions caused by the cyclical nature of business on the company’s cash flows.

  • About the business school. Courses and seminars on finance for economists and managers


When does a company need management consulting? - Interview with Alla Uvarova, Director of the Alpha School of Business, for the Managers Community


A seminar “Cost Management” was held. Cost calculation" for employees economic management State scientific center Russian Federation FSUE "NAMI".


Alpha Business School held a corporate seminar “Accounts Receivable Management” for employees of the distribution company “Lit Trading”.


About how the demand for corporate distance learning and about trends in business education, Alla Uvarova, director of the Alpha Business School, told the Community of Managers of the portal.


The seminar “Planning and Budgeting: best practices at fuel and energy complex enterprises" for representatives of financial and economic services of the Gazprom corporation.


A seminar on financial analysis for economists of the Ryazan design bureau "Globus".


Alpha Business School held a seminar “Finance for non-financiers” for directors of branches of Roszheldorproekt JSC.

a structural division of a company that does not earn a profit and is financed from the budget by the profit center. Dice – attribute expenses to the cost center.

  • - KOCT Adolf, French. sociologist. Founder of the demographic school in bourgeois sociology. K. put forward a theory about the definition. roles of demographics factor in society. development...

    Demographic encyclopedic dictionary

  • - a geometric point, the position of which characterizes the distribution of masses in a body or mechanical system...

    Physical Anthropology. Illustrated explanatory dictionary

  • - a prefix indicating a connection with the ribs. For example: costectomy, rib resection...

    Medical terms

  • - Syncretic sect. Belongs to the New Age movement. The central place in the sect is occupied by the UFO cult. The most revered leaders of the sect are the so-called contactees...

    Religious terms

  • - Adolf is French. bourgeois sociologist-positivist; President of the Paris Statistical Office about-va. K.'s views were formed under the influence of Comte, Spencer, C. Bernard...

    Philosophical Encyclopedia

  • - a city in Ghana, a port on the Gulf of Guinea, the administrative center of the Central region. 102 thousand inhabitants. Fishing. Food enterprises. University...
  • - Sov. organic chemist. R. in Krasnodar. Graduated from Moscow University. Worked there too. In 1941-1945 he was in the Soviet Union. Armies...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - an organization authorized by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia to provide practical assistance to enterprises, organizations and individuals in terms of ensuring safety during operation, installation and repair...

    Construction dictionary

  • - Standard method of accounting for finished products...

    Dictionary of business terms

  • - a method of cost accounting, according to which only direct costs must be taken into account as part of the cost price. The essence of D.-k. lies in the fact that all costs are divided into two groups: variable and fixed...

    Great Accounting Dictionary

  • - "..."optical center" - the point of intersection of the reference axis with the outer surface of the diffuser of the light device;..." Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 10...

    Official terminology

  • - French naturalist - prof. Collège de France...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a city in Ghana, the administrative center of the Central Region. 71.6 thousand inhabitants. Port on the Gulf of Guinea. Export of cocoa beans. Food enterprises. Fishing. University College...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - seaside resort in Australia; see Southport...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - organic chemist, professor at Moscow State University. He developed methods for electrophilic substitution in the indole series. Discovered the rearrangement of nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds into aromatic amines...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - A spicy, medicinal root obtained from the East Indies and Brazil...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

"cost center" in books

2. Cape Coast - Kumasi

From the book Come back and take it author Stesin Alexander Mikhailovich

2. Cape Coast - Kumasi Three weeks before my trip to Ghana, the resident team at St. Vincent mobilized, unanimously deciding that I needed to be prepared for the upcoming trip. The main preparation consisted in the fact that my comrades vied with each other

Center and right center

From the book Time of Putin author Medvedev Roy Alexandrovich

Center and right center Created primarily by Yuri Luzhkov and his political allies, the Fatherland party initially declared itself a party of the social democratic type, that is, a party of the left center. In 1999, in opposition to it, the Unity party was created,


From the book Life will fade away, but I will remain: Collected Works author Glinka Gleb Alexandrovich

KOST Kost ate unevenly, sometimes full, sometimes not enough, His wife treated him unfaithfully. She loved him with a changeable love. She was twenty-eight, He was spitting blood. They parted in the autumn On the banks of Gudal He gave her twenty-eight, She


From the book Who bought it and when Russian Empire author Kustov Maxim Vladimirovich

Center The earliest and most severe consequences of the two revolutions of 1917 were reflected in major cities, primarily due to their dependence on the work of urban communications, transport and food supplies from villages. In 1917, some semblance of the former life was still preserved,

Sank coast

From the book Financial management– it’s simple [Basic course for managers and beginners] author Gerasimenko Alexey

Sank cost As a special case of the logic of incremental cash flows, it must be said that funds already spent on the project by the time the decision is made (by the time the project is evaluated) should not be taken into account in calculating the NPV project. These are the so-called sunk costs - “recessed

79. Standard-cost system

From the book Accounting: Cheat Sheet author Team of authors

79. “Standard-cost” system The “standard-cost” system is a system of cost accounting and cost calculation using standard (standard) costs, the main goals of which are cost management and control, setting real prices,


From the book Three Rings of Power. Constructor happy fate author Lyudmila-Stefania

Center The center of your environment contains the energy of careful storage, balance and stability. Here you will find a feeling of support from the Universe, this is the summary result of your decisions. Around us The Earth is associated with the Center - practicality, gradual progress,

3.14.3. Demographic determinism (L. Gumplowicz, A. Cost, E. Durkheim, D.I. Mendeleev, A.A. Bogdanov, R. Carneiro, O. Douglas, J. Matras, J. Simon, L. Chevalier, N.I. Moiseev and etc.)

From the book Philosophy of History author Semenov Yuri Ivanovich

3.14.3. Demographic determinism (L. Gumplowicz, A. Cost, E. Durkheim, D.I. Mendeleev, A.A. Bogdanov, R. Carneiro, O. Douglas, J. Matras, J. Simon, L. Chevalier, N.I. Moiseev and etc.) Popular in the 19th and 20th centuries. Demographic determinism also continued to exist. To the demographic factor


From the book Russian Holocaust. Origins and stages of the demographic catastrophe in Russia author Matosov Mikhail Vasilievich

3.5. THE BRAIN TENTER OF THE “SYNDICATE” IS THE “SI CENTER”. PROJECT "ANTI-RUSSIA" It is clear that the preparation of operations on a global scale requires a balanced formulation of tasks, analysis possible ways her decisions informed choice optimal option placement financial resources for them


From the book Da-tse-shu [The Art of Suppressing Combat] author Senchukov Yuri Yurievich

CENTER OF GRAVITY AND CENTER OF POWER Configurations of circles, figures of eight, knots and loops that make up the fighting technique can be very different. When starting to study these movements, we cannot ignore the very important concept of the “center of force.” THE CENTER OF FORCE is an actively moving point,

Chapter 9. How much it cost? Is it possible to do it cheaper? Shopping secrets

From the book Vacation without intermediaries author Romanovskaya Diana

Chapter 9. How much it cost? Is it possible to do it cheaper? Shopping secrets It's no secret that the same thing can be bought both very expensive and very cheap. It depends on the time and place. At the beginning of the season - one price, at the end, during sales - another. You can buy branded

Cape Coast

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KE) by the author TSB

Cape Coast Cape Coast, a city in Ghana, is the administrative center of the Central Region. 71.6 thousand inhabitants (1970). Port on the Gulf of Guinea. Export of cocoa beans. Food enterprises. Fishing. University College. K.-K. founded in 1652.

8/revenue center or profit center

From the book Ideas worth a million, if you're lucky - two author Bocharsky Konstantin

8/income center or profit center Alexey Demin, director of TPK Tekhprom LLC, Novosibirsk The idea of ​​working under franchising should be abandoned once and for all. So the company only helps entrepreneurs organize someone else’s business, and they can at any time


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 983 (40 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper

Center of power No. 5 Center of power No. 5 Strategic game: Islamic factor Shamil Sultanov 09/12/2012

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 980 (37 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper